Zahra mumbled to herself as she started to wake up. She felt groggier than the first time waking up and it took her a moment to realize that she wasn’t in her own bed. Now knowing that her nightmares were an actual reality, she immediately bolted upright and looked around. Technically, she was in her own bed, just not the one back at her apartment. Zahra could feel her spirits dwindle, knowing that she was still locked up and being held hostage by BL. With a sigh, Zahra moved her legs over the bed but stopped herself from getting up. The movement felt… odd. With slightly tired eyes, the young girl looked down to see what the issue was. That was when she felt like her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Unknowing to Zahra, BL was on point when he explained what would happen once they ate. Ten minutes after she fell asleep into her food coma, her body had begun to finish the process of its fast digestion and begin to distribute the outcome throughout her body. From what Zahra could see, her entire body seemed to have swelled up due to her stuffing session. She could feel her clothes now tighter than before and were clinging onto her body. The first thing to notice was her chest. She wasn’t the biggest girl by any means, having the beginning of B-cup breasts, but now they seemed bigger. Zahra could feel the tightness of her bra from the size difference along with her shirt stretched out to accommodate the growth. She had to guess that she went up half a cup size. Her thighs were much the same as they too grew. Normally when she sat down, her thighs would barley touch unless she crossed her legs. Now, as she sat there to analyze herself, they were pressing against each other. Zahra could feel her jeans feel snug against her waist, ass, and thighs but wasn’t to the point of taking from off out of discomfort. Even moving her hands to her face resulted in the discovery that her cheeks felt slightly fuller along with a slight difference in the size of her arms. But the center-point of her weight gain was a sizable-doughy belly that sat slightly in her lap. It pressed against her shirt, pronouncing its sizeable frame. There were even small love-handles that poked out over the waistband of her jeans, making them more pronounced. Zahra was able to grab some of her belly fat and gave it a shake to see if it was real. Feeling the small jiggle was proof enough that it was. “Holy shit.” she blurts out, barely able to take the transformation all in. Grrrrowwwwlll The all too familiar sound arose from her stomach once again, making Zahra close her eyes out of annoyance and fear. It took everything in her not to burst out crying from the tragedy that was forthcoming, wishing that this entire thing was a terrible dream. She wanted to wake up back in her real bed and continue on with her life. But the serum had control of her now and thought otherwise. There was nothing Zahra could do to resist the demands of her hunger and that’s what made her fear for the worst. Zahra begrudgingly got up from the bed and started to make her way out of the bedroom. The movement of walking was a new sensation for her as her body, mainly her belly, slightly jiggled. The brunette tried to ignore it as much as she could given the circumstances and walked through the doorway into the living room space. Immediately, Zahra could smell the food before even looking. Her mouth watered from the smell alone and without realizing it, closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. It was the most intoxicating scent that she’d ever experienced and it only drove her to crave the food more. Opening her eyes, she looked over to her right to where everything was and began to walk over. Getting closer, Zahra saw that all three girls were present and sitting on the two couches. Normally at this point, Zahra’s attention would have been directed onto the plentiful mounds of food that was presented, but her eyes locked on to the women instead. The first nearest to Zahra was Hollie. Like before, she was going absolutely animal with her consumption, barely giving herself any time to chew or savor the taste. She was practically portrayed as a vacuum cleaner, sucking in everything that she ate. And that type of behavior showed with her frame. Her breasts before the weight gain were already hefty, being a sizable C-cups. However, now, they were at least a cup larger and rested slightly on a belly that made Zahra do a double-take. Fat was pushing itself between the buttons of her pajama shirt, already looking like she swallowed a basketball. But from the fat gained from the previous meal made her belly look more pudgy and overall larger. It hung over the waistband of her pajama pants and rested slightly in her lap along with two larger love-handles to match. The biggest asset for her was her hips and ass. Zahra didn’t have to look hard to tell that her pants were struggling to keep everything in. Each time Hollie bent over to grab more food, she could hear the fabric strain slightly from the movement. Even her thighs had thickened to the point and didn’t help with the pant’s struggles. To Hollie’s right was Marie. From everyone else, she seemed to be the smallest when it came to the weight gain. Her belly looked stuffed, having the same spherical shape as what Zahra had the previous day. It was noticeable as it pressed against her pink sundress and from the look of things, it seemed that she had just recently started to indulge herself in the food before her. It amazed Zahra how much will-power she had to resist the serum for this long. Her belly was the only thing so far that had changed, but it wouldn’t be long until something happened Out of all the girls that were in the living room, Zahra was in disbelief as the biggest one was Tamara. It was undeniable that she was in the current stage of just being fat instead of chubby like Zahra and Hollie. Her slightly rounded cheeks were continuously moving as she was eating like her life depended on it, slightly smothered in the multiple different varieties of foods. Her black leggings were extremely thin due to the capacity being reached as it struggled to keep her thicker thighs and rear. It was thin enough for Zahra to be able to see Tamara’s skin and the outline of her ill-fitting panties that were wedged between her larger cheeks. Tamara’s chest used the second smallest, Maria’s being the most flat-chested, but now had tits that made Zahara simply stare. It was baffling how large they were in such a short span of time. Looking between Hollie and Tamara, the goth girl was equal standing in size. Like her leggings, her sweater was straining, tight, and almost see-through. It was more shocking that her bra was still intact despite gaining up a few cup sizes. Similar to Zahra, the main point of Tamara’s weight gain was her stomach. It was large enough to force her black turtle-neck sweater to ride up, exposing her lower belly that sat in her lap. It was well rounded due to her ongoing feast but there were noticeable bloated love-handles that stretched out her shirt more. From the overall evidence of Tamara’s indulgence, it was clear that she most likely caved in during the middle of the night and was continuously eating ever since. Maria was the first to notice Zahra, taking a moment to look at her but still chewed her food. With her mouth slightly full, she says, “Oh, Zahra! You gotta try this. It’s so good!” Zahra sheepishly looks to the coffee table and witnessed the new set of food. It was already half-eaten by the others but she was able to see the rest of it. There were large servings of every sort of breakfast food one would imagine. Oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, hash-browns, orange juice, sausage, the list went on. The plates were piled high with the endless list and Zahra swore that the serving size went up from the last time. Normally, the brunette would try to resist the urge to want to eat, but seeing everyone else made her give up the attempt. She was clinging onto the idea that someone would have been able to find a way out but seeing Tamara, the singular person that was hell-bent on rebelling, being the biggest out of all of them was soul-shattering. Any form of hope for Zahra was now gone. Not resisting anymore, Zahra made her way toward the seat that was nearest the remaining food and began to eat. Just like before, the food was absolutely mindbogglingly amazing. It was impossible for food to taste this good-- too impossible. Zahra knew in the back of her mind that BL was manipulating the food to taste this way. That, or the serum was making her taste-buds different to trick her into thinking that it was better than it actually was. Either way, it was too damn good to pass up. Zahra started off with the sausages, throwing them in her mouth without question and chewing. Unlike Hollie, Zahra wanted to savor the amazing flavor and fully chewed her food before swallowing. But the more she ate, the foggier she began to feel. It wasn’t long before her mind went completely blank and her movements rolled like clockwork. Bite after bite, Zahra ate relentlessly without her even realizing it. Each girl was doing the same, the only sounds that filled the air were the chewing, occasional burps, and eager moans of how good everything was. But after around ten minutes, Zahra was snapped out of her mindless eating as she heard Maria say something. She was unable to catch what she said but looked up to see what was going on. The brunette still shoveled mouthfuls of food into her mouth as she did so, not sparing a moment to stop. Maria had two handfuls of pancakes in her hands, the left looking like it was half-eaten before she stopped. The blonde was holding them up slightly as she was looking down at herself. Zahra gave her a puzzled expression as to what was keeping her attention but started to see what was. Maria began to grow. It was subtle at first, nothing that Zahra could see herself. But for Maria, she could feel her belly gurgle and groan in what was the final processes of her digestion. She watched wide-eyed as her once flat chest started to slowly inflate. It began to fill out her sundress in a matter of seconds and it wasn’t long until she grew to full AA-cup breasts. She tilted her head to the side as she watched her hips grow wider, padding themselves in a large extra layer of fat. They grew out much wider and fuller then what the other girl’s had-- it definitely showed when her sundress had to ride up to accommodate the size. But the most presentable piece was her thighs. They ballooned out twice as fast compared to the rest of her body and began to push against each other for room. Marie had to spread out her legs more and even then it was a bit of a struggle to keep up. The last was her gut. It was the smallest out of everyone else, but it still pushed out against her dress to look as though she had a potbelly. But that began to change as her belly began to rise like dough, becoming more soft and less firm. Love handles began to form and pushed out to her sides slightly. Since the blonde was wearing a dress, the stretching of fabric wasn’t as bad compared to Zahra and the others. But the dress wasn’t made for the size that she was now and clung onto her, showing off every curve that she had. Eventually, the growth came to a slow stop. Maria let out a long burp, causing her to blush slightly afterword. “E-excuse me…” she sheepishly said. She doesn’t wait for anyone to say something about her growth before she started to move the pancakes into her mouth like nothing ever happened. Zahra was stunned. It was the first time that she saw anything like that happen. And from what everyone looked like, the same thing mostly happened to them too. It wasn’t physically possible for them to gain this much weight within a span of a day which only meant that it was the work of the serum and food. What did BL inject them with to cause such a reaction? There was little time for Zahra to think about it as her mind started to wander again. With the distraction of Maria’s transformation now gone, all that was left was the food to keep her company. She let go as easily as she did earlier, watching herself grab another plateful of hash-browns and eggs. They were consumed the moment the plate was closer to her and the cycle of consumption began once again. Much, chew, swallow. Much, chew, swallow. The rhythm of eating stomped further with no sign of stopping. It felt as endless as the sea, the food plentiful and flavorful. It was complete bliss for Zahra, as much as she tried to deny it. She loved it too much to quit and it made her feel like a drug addict. There was just that euphoria that clouded her mind when her taste-buds interacted with the food. But like all good things, eventually it came to and end. Zahra reached out her hand to find herself grabbing onto nothing. She blinked a few times, realizing what just happened. Why didn’t she grab onto something to eat? Looking down, she saw that every plate and cup were polished clean. Her past self would’ve thought impossible that all that food was consumed by just the four of them but it was clear as day. With her mind settling with the serum letting go of her due to the lack of motive to eat, Zahra leaned back to assess the damage. The most noticeable thing was her belly that presented itself. It was a dome spherical shape, completely taut as it was filled to it’s capacity of food as it rested on her lap. She looked overdue with twins and it made Zahra groan a bit every time she breathed in and out. Feeling the pain now, Zahra was unable to puzzle how she was able to bend over to grab food with how big of a belly she had and how painful it was just to breathe. She looked over to see the others. Like her, the rest of them had snapped out of their trances and looking down at themselves in complete horrifying awe. Marie had looked about the same as before, but had regained her potbelly that was now bigger due to the fat padding she gained not too long ago. For Hollie, she was just as big as Zahra when it compared to their bellies. Even though Hollie worked on the food before the brunette, Zahra was able to pick up speed faster then what Hollie was shoveling in. There was an odd sense of pride and disgust filling Zahra’s mind- the fact that she was now equal size to someone who started off bigger then her. It only made her wonder just how frantic her eating was when she dozed off. The one to claim the prize of the biggest was Tamara. With her larger frame, it wasn’t surprising that her appetite matched her size. She had her mouth open agape as she was panting like she ran a marathon, leaning far back into the couch to give her belly room. It was a stomach that made her look like she was overdue with triplets. It rested heavily on her lap, her sweater long since ridden up to rest above her navel. “O-oh… Uuurrp… S-something feels… Ooh...” Tamara struggles to say, letting out a groaning burp that pained her stomach. A soft moan escapes her lips immediately after as she feels a deep sense of warmth build up. Zahra, Hollie, and Marie look over to the goth, hearing her verbal reaction to whatever was happening to her. Gllloorrrppp… Gllleerrpp… Loud sounds begin to emit from Tamara’s stuffed middle. It was the same sound that came from Maria earlier. Paying more attention now, Zahra gives Tamara a concerned expression. It was a clear sign of what was about to happen and she was prepared to see it unfold. Tamara’s belly emitted another gurgling sound, and then a much louder one until it fell silent. There was dead silence as everyone hesitated. But it wasn’t long until their waiting resulted in a reaction. It was noticeable immediately of Tamara’s transformation. It started off with her arms, which remained it’s normal size up until this point. It began to swell out and fill the long sleeves of her sweater until it looked overwhelmingly painful. For Tamara, she could feel the fabric pinch and deeply strain, causing her to groan out in pain. As she looked to watch her arms grow, the goth could see from under her vision her cheeks start to puff up. They became full and round, making her now pumper lips to pucker up slightly. A noticeable double-chin started to form, billowing out until it was large and swollen. Her once perfect jaw-line had dissipated the moment her over-sized double-chin emerged. The fat that was pumping into her arms spread out to her wrist and hands. It wasn’t as bad as her face as her wrists were still visible. However, her fingers weren’t untouched by the serum’s vicious attack. They inflated, becoming portly over-sized sausages that now rubbed against each other. The sound of creaking could be heard filling the room and Tamara instantly knew what it was. She looked down in complete fear as the seams of her pants were giving way. It was barley able to handle her size in the first place and it wasn’t able to handle any more fat. “N-no, don’t— Uurrrupp--” Tamara’s burp was almost a signal for her pants to finally tear itself apart, the fabric practically bursting off of her. Her much larger hips, ass, and thighs, bounce and jiggled to the newly given freedom and filled out the seat of the couch more. Her panties were much the same as they were unable to contain the over-fat of her rear and hips. Her reared-cheeks was now rounder then before, making her rise in her seat a few inches. The young woman's thighs violently pushed against each other, and with their speeding size, didn’t give Tamara enough time properly react to spread them out. Her thick thighs had given themselves the initiative to push themselves away from each other on their own. Tamara’s tits were now beginning to double over. Her once D-cups were pushing forward in front of her and fought to make room in the painful compaction of her sweater and bra. It was almost immediate that her bra straps snapped along with the clips, making her tits spill out more into her turtle-neck. With their freedom, they continued to grow out, D-cups turning into double D’s. Like a grand finale, Tamara’s belly was the last to make it’s debut. It’s once spherical shape was starting to shift to a more blubbery form, becoming larger and fatter with each pulsating gain. Her sweater rode up higher, the helm of it pushing upward until it became a struggling bra for her larger chest. Tamara’s belly was one rounded mass that was accompanied by love handles that looked like the size of her starter lower belly. Her gut protruded forward until it reached half-way in her lap and pushed her thighs apart to make room. The goth’s entire body looked like she was being pumped with constant pudding, her fat never looking saggy and instead looking well-rounded out. There was a bit of sag, mainly due to gravity playing it’s part for someone her size. Unable to handle the lard, Tamara’s sweater finally gives way, splitting apart at every given direction. It fell apart in a bat of an eye, exposing her now naked form for the rest of the girls to see. All her pieces of clothing had slid off her over-fed mass and onto the floor next to her chubby feet. Bwuuuuuur-rrruuuuuaaappp A whelming deep belch erupts from Tamaru’s lips, causing her double-chin to slightly wobble. Like Marie, the verbal bellowing was a sign that the serum’s work was now complete. Tamara sits there, a bit stunned and winded by her weight gain but eventually notices that she was now entirely naked in front of the other girls. With a look of surprise on her face, she moves her chubby arms to try to cover her chest. Luckily, her belly was big enough to cover her privates so she didn’t need to exactly worry about that. For a moment, Zahra noticed that Tamara’s face was blushed in a rosy red. Her light brown eyes looked glossed over, but not in a way that resembled of what the serum did to them when they ate. It was different, as though… “D-don’t look!” She stammers with a snappy tone, her aggravated attitude returning. Marie looks away a bit, trying to be modest with the woman’s request, “Are you… alright?” “What do you-- Uurrrp think?” She burps again, now sounding more upset, “I’m fucking huge!” Zahra couldn’t believe her eyes. If she thought Marie’s transformation was crazy, Tamara’s was just plain out insane. It looked like had gained over a hundred pounds within a few minutes. It only made her fearful of how powerful BL was. If he was upset with someone, she couldn’t imagine what capabilities he had to completely ruin someone’s life. Technically, though, he was doing just that with them being locked up like this. Zahra looks over to Hollie who had been silent this entire time. Her attention wasn’t on Tamara anymore as she was now looking down at her own swollen middle. Both of her hands were on top of it, as though reality finally hitting her like a truck. For her, she was fearing for the worst. She started eating around the same time as when she found Tamara eating that morning, and if what BL said was correct, then her own gain would be starting soon. As if on cue, the TV in front of them turned on and a familiar face emerged from the screen. It was BL in his usual creepy mask. “Good morning ladies! I hope you had a wonderful breakfast,” There was a mixture of mockery and acknowledgement in his voice as he looked to their finished feast, “By the looks of things, it seems you did.” His head had turned to look at Tamara which only made her furious. “You sick fuck! You did this to me!” She screamed. BL leaned his chin against the palm of his hand, “I mean, technically you did this to yourself. Your the one putting the food in your mouth. I’m a bit surprised that you’re bigger then the others, especially after the whole statement yesterday about not giving in.” Tamara, now fuming, makes an attempt to stand. However, she was not used to the overwhelming amount of pounds that now clung to her frame. This caused her to embarrassingly bend over, not getting her ass from the couch, and falling back down. The movement caused her to give out short belches and make her winded. Groaning a bit, Tamara moves her chubby hands to her belly and begins to rub it to calm it down. “O-Once I’m… fit again I’m gonna buuoorpp… kick your ass.” she heaves, now looking tired from the simple action of trying to get up. Chuckling, BL replies, “Oh, I bet you will sweetie. I’ll be looking forward to it.” This time, Zahra was silent. She had nothing to say as everything around her was happening too fast for her to mentally process. Anxiety had taken hold of her as the nightmare unfolding was a true reality. BL, the man that she feared the moment that she learned about him, was now entrapping her to her obese demise. And there was absolutely nothing her, or the others, could do about it. Gllloorrrppp… Gllleerrpp… Zahra felt her heart leap into her throat the moment the sound rung in her hear. She frantically placed her hands on top of her stomach but realized that it wasn’t coming from her. The gurgling was emitting off of Hollie who looked equally as panicked at Zahra was. She darted from each girl, as though pleading for them to somehow help her. But she knew full well that none of them could aid her in the upcoming storm of what was to come. “Oh good, it seems the serum is working well with everyone so far. This will be thrilling to see in real time.” BL states, leaning back a bit in his office chair and crossing his arms. Breathing heavily due to her panic, Hollie never removes her death grip against her belly as she looks up to BL, “W-why are you doing this?” “Because. I needed test subjects and all of you were perfect little guinea pigs to snatch up. Your DNA matched up well with what I wanted. Blame your parents for your genetics, not me.” The answer was short and… unsweet. It was sour in Zahra’s mouth which only made the situation worse. It was like having the worst/best luck like getting your name picked out in a hat. You were lucky to get picked out of millions of names but unlucky for the reason behind the chosen reason. Gllloorrrppp… There was the last sound that came from Hollie’s stomach until it went silent again. She gave one last glance up at BL for some type of saving grace but received none. He didn’t utter a word and there was no knowing what his facial expression showed behind the mask in response to Hollie’s pleas. There was no denying the fact that all the girls were under this thumb and bent to his will. Hollie could already feel the pressure of her clothes start to tighten. Her pajama shirt that was already straining was forced to over-go it’s limits as the pounds of fat started to develop within her. Her once global belly started to soften up, lard oozing between the gaps between the buttons. Hollie’s chest was about the same as it started to become heavier and struggle to fight free to have room. However, her gain was smaller then Tamara’s and her tits didn’t extend to tremendous sizes but it was definitely noticeable in their accession. Her once C-cup breasts now developed into D-cups and it was enough to finally push her pajama shirt over the edge. PING! With the aid of both her fattening gut and tits, the buttons of her shirt was finally giving way. The first button at her navel had popped off and flung across the room. There was a chaining event immediately afterword, the sound continuous. PING, PING, PING! One by one, the buttons of her shirt shot off with no remorse until one single button remained. It rested under her cleavage and above her belly and struggled on for dear life to keep the clothing together. Mentally, Hollie was cheering it on in hopes that it could stay intact, believing that she wasn’t growing bigger then she actually was. Sadly, however, her hopes of that were put to rest as the last one was unable to keep itself from bursting off. The moment the last one flew off and landed on the coffee table, the fat of her tits and belly surged forward. It jiggled and swayed until it slowly rested to a halt. Her heavy breasts now sat on top of her gut that now folded into two parts at her navel, the top piece looking as fat as her entire belly when she first arrived while the other was much more corpulent. Her pajama shirt was now wide open and pushed to the side, exposing herself to both everyone and BL. However, that didn’t stop there. Her love-handles began to rise up due to the development of her hips. The red head's ass and thighs didn’t grow too much as most of her weight was with her boobs, belly, and hips. But that didn’t stop the overall weight gain to breach the pajama pant’s limits. The waistband was digging into her flesh and at this point Hollie just wished that they’d fall apart just like how Tamara’s did. And like answer to her prayer, her pants were unable to keep up. The seams split on the sides of her beefier legs along with her crotch and rear, causing her lard to flood through the openings. However, the pants didn’t explode into pieces like Tamara’s, remaining somewhat intact, excluding the multiple holes and opened seams. Hollie’s cheeks began to fill up, becoming rounder and fuller. Along with this emerged a beginning of a double-chin. It was almost full but didn’t have it’s maximum size unless she looked down. Her arms weren’t much better as they also rounded out double it’s size and caused the sleeves of her shirt to squeeze her fat. The last remaining pounds pumped evenly throughout her body until it came to a slow stop. Then, Hollie could feel something bubble in her core and tried to keep it down. However, this only made it worse for her as it pushed up with vigor. Buuuaarrrppp A hearty belch erupts from Hollie, causing her to pant shortly after. Clapping emerged from the silence afterward and the women look up at the screen to see BL display a splendid set of claps from his gloved hands. “Wonderful, just wonderful! That was a beautiful display.” Hollie didn’t answer as she simply sat there, dazed and red-faced. Like Tamara, there was a look on her face that made Zahra a bit puzzled. She wanted to ask if she was alright but she was too frightened to speak up when BL was around. So instead, she stayed quiet and kept to herself. “Well, as much as I want to stay and see the other two get nice and plump, I have to attend to some errands. And don’t worry about food, it’ll be arriving at lunch time. Don’t want to ruin your appetite.” With another gross chuckle, the mysterious man gives a childish wave to them before the TV turned off again. “Are you two ok?” Zahra manages to finally ask once BL had disappeared from the TV. Both Tamara and Hollie were sitting on the couch, now fifty to a hundred pounds heavier then what they were just moments ago. They were still a bit dazed from their transformation, more-so with Tamara as she expanded to a much larger size then Hollie. The goth’s mouth was agape, her breathing causing her chest to sway slightly with each exhale due to her angered moment against BL. Both of her arms were slumped to their sides, no longer caring that she was out in the open with her bare body. It took her a moment to register what Zahra had said, but once it did, Tamara seemed to gain her negative mojo back. She gives Zahra an eye roll before replying in a sarcastic tone, “Just peachy.” Hollie was in her own head space as her hands were beginning to explore her new body. Her own chubby hands were caressing the new large rolls of belly fat that now sat in her lap and it took a while for it to sink in that it was real. The copper-headed girl eventually moved her hands under her breasts and lifted it up slightly. It was heavy and overly sensitive, causing her to quietly moan to herself before dropping them back down onto her mound. “I’m… alright. I t-think.” Hollie responds after a long period of silence as she was finally piecing her mind together. Maria looked to Tamara and Hollie, her arms cradling her potbelly as though it was something sacred. “That’s g-gonna happen to us soon. L-like, I had it happen to me a bit ago… but I don’t even r-remember most of it.” “That’s because you were in the middle of eating. Whatever that serum is doing to us is making us turn into mindless zombies.” Zahra stated, her own frown presenting itself. “And that’s going to keep happening until…” She didn’t finish her sentence but all the girls knew the rest of it. The outcomes were simple. Either they kept eating like that until they were physically unable to do so anymore or by a miracle, get the antidote from BL. But it seemed from the way their captor acted, the antidote was unlikely. Which only meant the other option was the main thought in their minds. Now, Zahra was absolutely terrified. She imagined herself becoming an overfed, fat mass, unable to properly move anymore to simply eat on her own. What would happen if they all did get to that point? It was just them in their trapped living space and if they were to become eventually immobile, none of them would be able to feed the other. That fact was scary in itself- but it also brought a sense of fear that they’d also be unable to escape once they were that size. Zahra’s thoughts were interrupted by Tamara as she was beginning to move again. She had motioned herself to the edge of the couch and was beginning to get herself on her feet. This time, she was more concentrated on her balance rather than just trying to swing her fists at BL’s reflection on the TV. Taking a deep breath in, Tamara heaves herself upward but immediately stumbles forward as the weight of her belly was more then what she braced herself for. However, she was able to catch herself before hitting the coffee table, her chubby arms flailing around until she was finally balanced. Tamara had to widen her stance a bit once she properly stood due to her thighs being thicker then what they were before, pushing against each other uncomfortably. Her stomach now rested right over her crotch region, her singular, round belly presenting itself in front of her while her heavy breasts sat atop like a shelf. “I’m going to go take a shower. Hearing that rat made me feel gross all over.” Tamara stated, making sure her voice was loud enough at the name-calling toward BL. There was silence from the TV which Zahra was thankful for. The last thing that they needed right now was to piss him off. Zahra slowly got up to her feet, once again having to lean back a bit to keep herself balance due to her pregnant-looking belly being so heavy. She waddles to stand near Tamara and says, “I’m coming with. It’s better that we at least stay in pairs just in case anything happens.” Tamara opens her mouth, as though ready to protest against the idea, but she slowly closes it. For a moment, Tamara thought about the statement and seemed to agree with her. There could be multiple things that could happen when they were alone. None of them didn’t want to think it over too hard but agreed on Zahra’s idea. “Whatever.” Without saying anything else, Tamara began to walk - well, waddle - toward the shower room. “I’m gonna... lie down,” Hollie replied with a slightly dull tone, getting up from the couch. Maria seemed to be the same as she gave a small wave to Tamara and Zahra before following Hollie to the doors of their bedrooms. Zahra followed shortly afterword the goth, having her own waddled pace to keep up with the larger woman. She took a moment to look back at the girls as they disappeared into their bedrooms, feeling a sense of guilt bubble within her. She felt terrible for how they were being treated- being forced to gain so much weight and practically ruining their lives. Zahra wished there was something she could do for them, to at least lift their spirits up. However, there wasn’t anything that she could think of to do so. The only thing that seemed to bring them any enjoyment was the food… Which was the root of the problem. Tamara and Zahra made their way into the shower room. Looking around, it was the same as how it looked when they first found it. Zahra watched as Tamara made her way over to one of the shower heads to the right of the room and began to turn on the water. For Tamara, the feeling of hot water was a sense of relief for her and with her body now more sensitive, it made the sensation that much more alluring. She lets out a large sigh and lets the water brush against her skin. Zahra stayed quiet as she waddled over to the shelf near the door to take off her clothes. Before she did, however, she says, “I’ll keep my back turned to give you some privacy.” She took a moment of pause, seeing if Tamara would respond. However, there was nothing, indicating that she wasn’t exactly interested in wanting to keep up any form of conversation. Letting out her own more depressed sigh, Zahra began to undress. It was a difficult task for her since her clothes now clung onto her body. The jeans were a bit easier to get off but had to shimmy them down with added effort, especially with her belly being in the way for the most part. Luckily, though, she was able to get it off along with her underwear and kicked it off to the side before beginning to work on her shirt. This was a major challenge in comparison as her stomach had stretched out the fabric to the point where taking it off was almost impossible. She tugged and pulled at the helm of the shirt, having it go inch by inch upward until she finally had her belly free. With the pressure of the fabric now gone, it made Zahra softly exhale and was overwhelmingly glad that the restraining shirt was off. From there it was easier, simply pulling it over her head and onto the clothing pile on the floor along with her bra. She didn’t bother to put them on the designated shelf as trying to bend down to grab her clothing was completely out of the question. Zahra simply shrugged it off and walked over to her own shower-head and turned on the water. Almost immediately, the water felt extremely nice against her, the warm water making her tense muscles now relax and soften. It was like a form of therapy for her and it was noticeable just how tensed up she was. Who could blame her, though? This was at least a moment for her to forget the troubles, even if it’d only last for a short while. Then, almost like the universe had heard her thoughts, the unthinkable happened. Gllllooorrrrrppp Zahra froze in place for a moment. The terrorizing sound had come back, this time emitting from her own stomach. She was so caught up in her own showered thoughts that she’d completely forgotten about the timed demise of her digestion. The ten minutes between her finishing up the food and starting the shower was now up and it was officially her turn to experience the gain that Tamara and Hollie went through. Zahra didn’t even register to look behind her shoulder to see if Tamara had heard it. Hell, it was loud enough to bounce off the walls of the bathroom to create an odd echo. It was unmistakable and present, the sound of grumbling and gurgling continuous in small spurts until it came to a slow halt. One last loud, deep rumble was all Zahra needed to hear to know that it was the last one before her ultimate demise. She closed her eyes for a moment, mentally preparing herself for what was going to happen. Already, the brunette began to feel heavier, the fat cells within herself multiplying on top of each other. She didn’t want to look down to see what was unfolding but her curiosity was overtaking her as much as the weight gain was and was helpless to stop herself. But when she looked down, she could sense a deep sense of sorrow build up within her. From her view, the first thing she noticed was her chest. Her once B-cup breasts had begun to swell out in all directions, becoming heavier and more protrude as they almost doubled in size. She had to guess that they quickly reached to C-cups before doubling over to D’s. Zahra believed that they’d stop at that point since she was able to witness the growth of all the other girls. However, she was shocked to see that they kept growing. No longer were they D-cup size, but kept going upward until they sat at voluminous triple D’s. Luckily for Zahra, they didn’t grow bigger but seeing them reach such a size made her head spin. Any move she made caused her tits to sway, causing her to force herself not to moan out from how sensitive they were. When taking her time to become hypnotized of her boob’s much larger size, she had failed to see the growth in her midsection. Her once pregnant-looking belly was now escalating over in size, fat overcoming the round middle and making it into a singular chunk of lard. It pushed itself outward about a foot before widening and pulling downward due to Earth’s gravity. Her love handles were now as large as what her beginner’s stomach looked like, fattened and resting on her now wide hips. Zahra was able to finally tell what was happening when her boobs started to push upward slightly as her belly showcased itself as a shelf for them. She watched in dazed awe as her corpulent stomach slowly grew until it rested over her nethers, blocking it off from others seeing. Her thighs now began to pump up with fat, causing Zahra to waddle into a wider stance for her to properly stand. As she moved, the brunette felt the sizeable difference of her now global rear, feeling it bounce and jiggle each time she shifted herself. The last rounds of increased weight were in her arms, fingers, and face. Zahra could feel those areas become fuller and fatter, gaining in the same momentum as what she saw when watching Tamara. She moved her now ham-like hands to her face, her fingertips grazing over her now overweight double-chin and rounded cheeks. A few more spurts of growing augmentation erupting inside of her before they slowly stopped. Hheeeaarrruuuppp Zahra let her own belch to escape her lips, the strength of it making the brunette slightly light-headed. She expected herself to be finished after, but she felt… odd. Uuuueerrrrrrrppp Before she had time to properly react, another long, hearty belch erupted. The back to back belches made her suddenly winded and had to lean her chubby hands against the wall for support. What the hell was that? Zahra pondered as she tried to get over the light-headed feeling. Looking down, Zahra took a moment to analyze herself. Her mind almost felt blank as she stared, a contemplation that what she was staring at even real or not. As she gazed upon her fattened body, something clicked in her mind that made her eyes wide. She had mentally compared her size to Hollie’s and had discovered that she was bigger than her. In fact, she was actually as big, or even slightly bigger, then Tamara. It was impossible, considering that Tamara was vastly boarder then her and had eaten a lot more. But here Zahra was, standing in a much larger body then what she imagined she’d become. There was no way the amount of food she ate would amount in the multiplication of fat within her. Out of nowhere, a wave of heat began to emit within herself. It was small at first but the miniature kindle burst into a wild flame that made her start to sweat. If it wasn’t for the water that was dripping off of her body, she’d be able to see a few droplets. It made the brunette start to pant, her cheeks growing a deep red. Goosebumps formed across her bulkier, tan frame, her fattened nipples becoming erect. That was then she started to feel an aching feeling within her quim and couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. What is this? Why am I getting aroused all of a sudden? Zahra thought, her mind becoming cloudy from the mysterious euphoria that was washing over her. Was this the feeling the others got when they grew? Zahra’s desirous feeling only seemed to heighten to the point where it became impossible to ignore. Each small movement caused her body to lightly jiggle, adding in the feeling of arousal through her. Her logical mind was fading as it tried to tell Zahra of how terrible and unrealistic this was- she had to remember her situation. She was a victim, trapped and forced into this new body. The rest of her, though, was becoming too much to handle. It screamed for her to give in to her desires the same way she gave into eating the unbelievable food that was freely given to her. It felt like her sane mind completely snapped, all source of it fading into the void of the unknown. Any sense of restriction of herself was now gone and all she could think about was the pleasure of the food and her size. Giving in the same way she did with the food, Zahra wasn’t shy to start moving her hands across her body, feeling every fold and swell of fat that she now had. The labor of it made her mouth agape as she explored herself and never stopped in her adventure. However, Zahra had completely forgotten that Tamara was still in the room until she felt something being pressed at her backside. She didn’t have time to react as she was tugged by the shoulders to spin around. Immediately, the brunette felt her fat gut pressed against the goths. Her attention, despite it being fuzzy due to her arousal, was able to get a proper look at Tamara. Her eyelids were drooped halfway, her gaze almost beaming into Zahra’s. Continuous water dripped off of her naked frame and pooling beneath the floor between them. Zahra was still being washed over by the shower head, her own water washing down her body and disappearing in the drain in the floor. There was a moment of tension and silence before the both of them abruptly began to interlock with each other, their lips exploring the larger canvas of their plumper lips. Zahra’s heart was racing, her mind spinning out of control. She honestly didn’t know what was happening but the former self that kept her afloat was now gone. The only thing that remained was her feral hunger and desires. And it seemed from the way Tamara acted, her own sense of formality and sanity had dissipated. The serum had both physically and mentally changed them, one way or another. They didn’t hold back as they began to kiss, their interaction looking more feral and wild then actually kissing. It wasn’t long until their kissing erupted into their tongues fighting against each other, exploring the new spaces that they’ve found. Both of them were breathing heavily due to both their exertion and size but neither of them seemed to pay it much mind. There were no longer any thoughts in Zahra’s mind, not even ones that indicated if she was enjoying this or not. Like before, Tamara began to act out without warning and pushed Zahra onto the ground. Her body swayed on the floor upon impact, her fat re-adjusting itself to its new position. The goth crawled up halfway onto Zahra’s bloated body, the weight from the larger woman making Zahra groan and whimper slightly. Both of their bellies once again pressed against each other as they were stacked like fluffed pancakes, the water a form of slick syrup that covered their bodies. There was movement against the side of Zahra’s stomach that made her curious and tried to tilt her head down to see but was held short as she felt Tamara’s lips interlocking with hers again. She mentally kept her attention to where the woman’s hand was wandering, feeling her chubby fingers graze against her sensitive skin and adventuring downward. That’s when Zahra realized what she was doing and felt her heart leap into her throat. Tamara’s hand brushed between Zahra’s chubby thighs, wiggling and pushing through until she’d reached her destination. The simple touch of Tamara’s hand against her plumper, now wet lips, makes Zahra openly moan out, the sensitivity skyrocketing to proportions she’d never felt before. The goth technically hadn’t done anything yet to fully stimulate her, but it definitely put it into perspective just how sensitive the bottom woman was. The moan seemed to fuel Tamara’s drive as she began to move her fingers up and down Zahra’s slit, causing a reaction of the brunette to buckle her hips slightly. There were no words spoken between the two as everything that was unfolding was enough words in itself. The only thing that passed their lips was the whimpers and moans coming from the two, mainly Zahra was she was being felt up by Tamara. Those small coo’s turned into lustful cries as she felt Tamara’s first set of fingers slide into her and began to pump them in and out. Zahra had experienced sexual intercourse like this before, but this was outright enrapturing. It was nothing that she’d ever felt before and was quickly becoming addicted to it like the food. She didn’t know if it was the serum making her feel this way or of her own fantasies coming to life. As she pushed her chubby fingers in and out of Zahra, Tamara used her thumb to rub against her clit in circular motions. This sent the brunette overboard, her cries now bouncing off the bathroom walls for a split second before Tamara pressed her lips against hers to muffle out the sound. Zahra ignores the goth’s attempt, continuing to push her hips against Tamara’s hand and crying out like a whore in church. Her legs were now spread open to help Tamara gain better access. The dark-haired woman continued to push her fingers in and out repeatedly, the force of her rhythmic pumping making Zahra’s body bounce up and down against the floor. With the amount of lust drowning her senses, Zahra was unable to properly react or return the sensation, only being able to keep her arms above her head. With one last, roaring cry muffled by Tamara’s endless making-out session, Zahra could feel her body tense up before reaching her climax. Her tubby legs began to shake from the orgasm, the wave of pleasure soaring through her repeatedly. Tamara makes sure to continue to stroke the inside of Zahra walls, making her climax prolonged as much as possible. The feeling of euphoric high started to come down and Zahra could only lay there simply, her mouth fully open to take in as much air as possible. The feeling was the best thing she ever had, the sensitivity of her body making it that much more mind-blowing. It seemed Tamara was experienced with this, having the right way of movement of her fingers to keep Zahra cusping right at the edge until Zahra couldn’t take much more. She didn’t know anything about the goth and it only made her more curious as to who she was now with. Zahra wanted to return the favor for Tamara, seeing as though she just gave her the best feeling of her life. But before she could even begin the struggle to a proper sitting position, a loud growl emits from her stomach. Her eyes widen a bit, the feeling of the familiar hunger beginning to grow in her midsection. There was another growl, one a bit deeper and long then Zahra’s. Tamara was still on top of the brunette and the grumble of her stomach vibrated on top of Zahra’s, as though their stomachs talking to each other. They both look at one another, the silence being broken by the now continuous grumbles of their stomachs. With a small smirk, Zahra says, “You think lunch is here yet?”