Close Encounters of the Fat Kind Prologue: Hi, I'm Natalie. I was never a particularly thin girl. I was bullied for it growing up. My parents put me on a diet a few times, but the effects didn't last. My grandparents would always spoil me with candy and treats. I could never seem to keep the pounds off, especially when I started college and all I had the time or money for was fast food. Lets just say my freshman fifteen was more like freshman thirty. But I still lead a mostly average life, more and more people nowadays are bigger anyways. I worked hard at school, had a part time job, and dated. Everything was normal until I went to bed one night, and awoke in an unfamiliar place... Week 1: I awoke on an unfamiliar white bed, in a very clean and sanitary looking room. I was naked, aside from some stretchy feeling underwear and bra. I felt a faint ache in my left arm. I took a moment to remember where I was or what I was doing that led me here. I only remember going to bed late at night; perhaps this was a dream? It felt real, although I've had dreams that felt very real before. I looked around some more. The room had a desk with a book, an ensuite on the right and a closet on the left, with what looked like a white jumpsuit with two vertical gray stripes. Next to the closet was what looked like some kind of wheelchair with controls on the armrest. It had comfortable looking cushioning. I was caught off guard when a monitor dropped down from the ceiling in front of me. A strange voice spoke to me, and subtitles appeared on screen. "Please don't be alarmed, you are safe. We have provided you with accommodations to keep you well. You have been chosen as a representative of your species aboard our ship. We are visitors from afar who came across your planet and took an interest. For this relationship to work, we want to be transparent from the beginning; we would like to feast upon your kind, similar to how you feast upon your livestock of cows, pigs, and chickens. We have observed how your kind does this and we would like to do it a bit differently. You will be fattened up to a suitable size and then slaughtered for your meat, however you will be treated well in the process. An increasing amount of you are very large already, which will make this easier. We intend to support this culture and make obesity 100% in the next few years with our technology. However, we only intend to fatten the females, as they tend to store more body fat and have higher percentages. The men will be put to work." "We will take your body measurements each day to ensure you are growing fat at a good rate. Your arm may ache a bit at the moment, this is because of the injection we administered to you earlier. This does a few things for you; it will regulate your blood sugar and blood pressure, so as you become obese you will not suffer from diabetes or heart disease. It also cleans out your arteries, which is necessary given the high fat content of your feed. The more feed you can take in the better. Most importantly, the injection contains growth hormones to promote weight gain. We have studied your kind for a while and have done our best to make you feel comfortable. In your room you will find facilities to relieve yourself of any waste, a soft bed for comfortable sleeping, a desk and chair for sitting, and a closet with a few sets of jumpsuits. They are made of a very elastic material, so it will stretch to suit your body as you grow larger. We will clean your jumpsuits for you as needed." "Cooperation is encouraged, as it will give you a comfortable life until your slaughter. Should you rebel or fight back, you will be placed in a confined pen much like your livestock and given a feeding tube. Exercise is not permitted, and will be punished if observed, it is important your body fat percentage be as high as possible. You are otherwise free to socialize among your kind. You are one of the first test subjects, so we will not slaughter you when we normally would. After fattening, you and the others will be released back to earth to spread word of our new relationship, a living example of what will be to come. We will form a new government ruling and transform earth to be an abattoir. We kindly ask your kind don't fight back, as we have technologies far superior and it would only result in unnecessary death of your kind. Much like your livestock, your kind will be protected so that you can continue to feed us for generations. You are of course welcome to interact and visit your kin and parents. Your average lifespan will be shorter, as you should be more than fat enough to eat by the time you are 20 or 30. Once again, cooperating is the best case scenario for all of us, we can promise you a comfortable life." I just sat there in my bed, frozen. What the hell? I didn't know how to process everything they had said. The human race will essentially be cattle? There's no way we'd stand for that. They talked about it all so matter-of-factly too, all while in a kind soft voice. It was then I noticed the earring I had on, it felt different. I reached up to finger it, it was only on my left ear. It felt like a tag, not anything fashionable. I noticed a mirror next to the closet, and walked over to get a better look. It looked like a price tag on my ear, with a serial number. We really were cattle. I felt more embarrassed now about my weight after all that than I was before, I had never felt so objectified in my life. I didn't want to accept all this, but what could I do? Their powerful and unknown technology would be too much for an armed soldier, let alone some chubby college girl. I reluctantly took the jumpsuit off the hanger and put my legs in, one at a time. I pulled the jumpsuit up over my hips and belly. I instinctively sucked my belly in, but found the material stretched to whatever was needed, like they said. The suit was still tight though. I zipped up the zipper at the front and had another look at myself in the mirror. I would never wear this in public, it was way too form fitting and didn't leave much to the imagination. Not like I had any choice. Not sure what else to do, I opened the door and went off to explore. My mind was racing, this was a lot to take in. It's a lot to pluck someone from their life, keep them in a controlled facility, and tell them they’ll end up on some alien’s plate. At least give me a pamphlet first. I’m still not sure this is even reality. As I wandered, the hallways seemed pretty bland, basically just white with some accent stripes. I found a window and was curious to see where I was. I was surprised to see it was outer space, despite being told I was apparently on some alien ship. I didn't see any planets, just stars. I was startled when I heard a voice behind me “Hello”. I turned around quickly. “So you’re up! How are you feeling?” they asked. I froze when I saw the alien before me address me as if I were a classmate. They had a humanoid body type, with a rounded, bald blue head and yellow eyes on either side. They reminded me of something I saw on Star Wars. I finally found my words: “Well, I feel fine I guess, just...a lot to process” I didn't know how to feel about this exchange with my supposed predator. “I know, it's a big change for you and your kind. It’s not easy to learn you aren't at the top of the food chain anymore. But we’ll do our best to make you comfortable! Provided you follow the rules. Just think of it like a ‘cruise’. You like those right? We observed your kind for some time and you would often enjoy roaming a ship, occupying yourself with little tasks or activities, and stuffing yourselves at a buffet. It won't be all that different here”. Well sure, I thought, once in a while. Not everyday. "Y-yeah, I suppose...“ I must have looked defeated. “We understand this can be difficult, so we have a system called ‘Requests and Inquiries’ where you are all welcome to ask questions and make suggestions on how we can better your life here on the ship. We can't guarantee we do everything, but we will at least listen!” This made me feel a little better. “Now” they continued “It is almost your first meal time! How exciting! Please come this way!” I followed them around the corner and down a corridor to a large cafeteria looking room. There were many tables with chairs like you’d expect, but from the ceiling hung down many tubes with some controls at the end. There stood a few egg shaped robots around some of the entrances. There were a series of food dispensers along the back wall, as well as a counter with another alien behind, I guessed that's the ‘lunch lady’ of sorts. There were some other women already seated at some of the tables. "Welcome to the meal room! We tried to design it to be as familiar as possible. You can choose from the dispensers or ask our chef if they have anything else. We have tried to replicate some of your earth foods to make this experience more comforting to you”. It did help everything feel a bit more normal, but knowing what it was all ultimately for overshadowed any comfort. They continued “Feeding times will occur ten times a day, you may eat at your own pace but if you aren't eating enough or refuse to eat, a feeding tube will force feed you. You may select from a variety of flavours and textures to find a nutrient paste that works best for you, changeable at any time. You may also just have the paste without the tube, we recommend it! It is customizable to your preferences and will provide great caloric value. Also, the injection you received removes your sensation of feeling full, so you may eat to fill your stomach 110% to stretch your stomach and allow you to eat more”. After all that, I was surprised to feel I had an appetite, and could use something to eat. I didn't want to give in, but I didn't want to find out what would happen if I rebelled. “Thank you” I said hesitantly and approached the dispensers. I picked up a tray and browsed the dispensers. The first one was the famous nutrient paste, with a screen on the side to customize the properties. It occurred to me how much preparation must be done for all this, this was a huge operation. Flavours varied from vanilla, to chocolate, strawberry, banana, even mint. You could get it cool or warm, and chewy or smooth. I'm sure you understand that the nutrient paste was not the most appetizing to me, I continued and saw a dispenser for cookies, one for pizza, one for doughnuts, and one for hamburgers. Each had a customizable panel on the right. Of course they would only offer fattening foods, half these were desserts! But I love doughnuts so I grabbed one. . .or two and approached the alien behind the counter. “What are you looking for, 3032?”. They said without prompt. I stared at them in confusion. “Oh, your ear tag, that's your number”. I self consciously grabbed the tag in my one hand. “ you have salads? Maybe some fruit, or bread?”. The alien looked at me for a second. “We find that those options aren’t...suited to fit your diet”. I felt dumb for asking for salad, the whole reason was to make us fat. “We have cake though, thats sort of close to bread right? We dont have a dispenser for it yet but we can make it however you like”. I looked down for a second, realizing I had to choose between dessert and fast food. At this rate, I would blow up like a blimp for sure. “That’s ok, I’ll get something from the dispensers”. I turned to walk away when they said “Make sure you eat enough, you’ll be fed more if your calorie intake is too low”. I didn't know how to react, so I returned to the burger dispenser and got a burger. Figuring that wasn enough, I got a second one and some pizza. Feeling like a glutton, I turned to look where to sit. The room was mostly empty, except for one table with a few other girls. I walked over and sat down. “Ah, another new face, I'm both glad and not glad you’re here. My name’s Kathleen”. She extended her hand for a shake, and I did. It was nice to meet another human, and meet someone who didn't immediately remind me that I’m livestock. “My name is Natalie, same here. It’s good to see another human but I'm sorry you're in this predicament too.” Kathleen was already a fair bit bigger than I was, maybe 60 pounds heavier. “How long have you been here?” I asked. She must have noticed me looking down at her belly. “Heh, yeah I know I don't look it but I'm actually new here too. I was already fat before I got here.” She said. I turned to the girl sitting across from her. She looked angry, like she didn't accept any of this. I didn't blame her. Before her sat an empty tray, that obviously had food on it. “Hi, I'm Natalie, nice to meet you.” I extended my hand towards her but she didn't respond. "Don't mind Heather," Kathleen said. "She hates all this, like we do. She just needs time.” Heather was about my size, maybe a bit bigger. Most of her weight seemed to be in her thighs though. “And this here is Kelly!” Kathleen said, gesturing to the girl next to her. I was surprised to see a rather thin girl, very quietly looking downwards. “She’s not taking this well either, understandably.” I sat down across from Kelly. “Of course, it's an unsettling change” I said as I grabbed a burger and started eating. “So you’re just giving in, gonna chow down and plump up? Lay down on a plate and smother yourself in BBQ sauce why don't you!” Heather snapped. I looked at her dirty tray and said "Looks like you partook yourself there." Heather looked away. Embarrassed. “I gotta eat something...“ She said almost to herself. “You wont go making any friends like that Heather!” Kathleen said. “I do find it odd though” I said “If we are meant to be fattened and eaten, why pick someone like Kelly? She's so small, no offense.” Kelly didn't react, she just stared at her empty tray. “Yeah, I was thinking about that too, I'm guessing they either couldn't pick whoever they wanted, or they wanted a variety of builds to see how we all gain.” She slapped her belly with one hand as she took a bite of pizza with the other. “I’ll be the first to go, that's for sure hahaha!” Nobody else laughed. “Kathleen...” I said sadly. “Hey now, just trying to joke around, lighten the mood.” She said. I didn't notice I had finished my burger and had started on the second one. The alien from earlier came over to our table. “Oh I'm sorry 3032, I forgot to give you a map of the facility!” She handed me a folded map. “There are many activities to keep yourself busy around here while you wait for the next meal time.” I felt like I had the remainder of my life explained to me in 2 seconds. All I’ll do is keep myself busy between feeding times? What kind of life is that? “Thanks...“ I said reluctantly again. “Hey, I have a suggestion” I said. “Oh, yes please tell me!” They replied. “Could you call us by our real names, not our numbers? It would make me feel more...human”. The alien looked apologetic “Oh yes of course, we can have that arranged. We can have name tags put on your suits!”. They walked away to exit through a corridor. I was almost done with my pizza now, and was eyeing the doughnuts. It was odd how willing I was to keep eating despite being against this whole thing. “Well, I think I've eaten my fill, I'll See you gals around!” Kathleen said as she stood to leave. I took a moment to examine the map. The cafeteria was the most central, of course. Other amenities branched off from there. They had a movie room, office room, library, and nature area. I was curious what movies they had available. I scarfed down the last of my doughnuts and went to follow Kathleen, when I was stopped at the doorway. “3032, you have not eaten enough, please consume more of the food choices”. It was the egg shaped robot I noticed earlier. Not sure if I should respond, I walked away and returned to the dispensers. I didn't feel full, so I could eat more I guess. I grabbed some more pizza and doughnuts, and returned to the table. When I did, Kelly was gone. She must have eaten her fill too, surprisingly. It was quiet between Heather and I. I just finished my food and walked off to the movies room. I didn't feel full, but my stomach physically felt tight and stretched. I sat at a movie station, next to another girl I haven't met yet. She was about Kathleen's size, and in a different looking chair than where I was going to sit. I recognized it from my room, I had one there too. She was enthralled by the screen, and didn't notice me at all. I sat down and started to browse. I was surprised at the selection. How did they get these? Well they are rather advanced aliens, clearly, so it wasn't too surprising. I watched a movie I had been meaning to see. It was a nice escape for a while from my new reality as livestock to some alien race. Time flew by, and I was approached by a robot who told me to return to the cafeteria to eat more. Already? It didn't feel that long, and I wasn't as hungry anymore. “Oh is it? Yes!” The girl in the motor chair exclaimed. "More cake for me!” Her chair wheeled quickly away towards the cafeteria. I followed on foot. I grabbed some more pizza and burgers and one doughnut and I sat at the familiar table with my new friends, but now the girl in the chair was there too. She had a heaping pile of food, and she was stuffing her face excitedly. “Steph, don't be rude, say hi to our new friend before you dig in!” Kathleen said. Her round face looked up at me. “Ah hello there, I’m Stephanie. We’re pretty lucky huh?” She said as she returned to put a slice of cake in her mouth. “She’s pretty excited about all this, which is...good? I guess” Kathleen explained. “Ah, to be ignorant like her, must be nice..." Heather said as she angrily took a bite of a muffin. “You kidding me Heather? This is great! Free food, all you can eat buffet, desserts everywhere, you’re pampered here!” Stephanie paused to take a bite of more chocolate cake. “They took away the health drawbacks of eating this stuff, so there's no downside remember! We don't even need to walk, they give you these chairs to move for you. This is much better than anything I could get in the world down there...” That was the first time she seemed sad. I felt bad for her; she must have been treated so poorly down there for this to seem like a paradise. “Yes, that's the spirit!” The alien from before returned. “No more stress or worries from your world, just eat and enjoy yourselves!” I had finished another two slices of pizza and started to slow down. My stomach was still feeling tight, packed with food from last time still. We chatted for a while longer, and the girls left after they had finished eating. I hadn't eaten any more, and a robot came over to me. “3032, you have not eaten enough, please consume more of the food choices”. I felt my heart sink. “I'm worried about my stomach, it’s still very full and I'm worried it will rupture.” I explained. The robot's face projected a loading symbol, and an alien came over to us. “We told you not to resist, please partake of the food”. I tried to explain my concerns when they pushed me down into the chair, and pulled down one of the tubes from the ceiling. I didn't notice the straps that were on the armrests before, but the alien put them on me before I could react. “You like chocolate?” They asked. “Yes.” I said quickly and afraid. They pressed a few buttons and brought the tube up to my face. “Follow the rules and you can customize more next time” They said as they inserted the tube in my mouth. A small monitor was mounted above the tube at my eye level. Then I felt straps fasten around the back of my head. I saw the transparent tube fill with brown, chocolaty paste and approached the bottom. The sweet, thick paste filled my mouth quickly, and the monitor lit up saying “SWALLOW.” I did. The nutrient paste was surprisingly tasty, like chocolate icing on a cake. My mouth filled again and the monitor said “SWALLOW” and I did. This happened several more times, I'm surprised how much I swallowed in the end. I felt like I was going to burst, my stomach felt tight and was noticeably bigger. The alien released me and said “You’ll be fed from the tube until your stomach has expanded enough for you to eat on your own, understand?”. I nodded. “You're new here so I will forgive you, but don't forget that you're just food here.” The alien walked off. I felt violated, and went back to my movies to escape reality again. The rest of the day was about the same, exploring amenities, being force fed through a tube, rinse and repeat. It was nice to chat with Kathleen and them at least. I returned to my room after the final feeding time, and unzipped my suit. I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked like I was pregnant, my belly was disproportionately bigger. I lay in bed, which felt good, but before I could close my eyes, the monitor came down again. “I hope you all had a good first day here! Don't forget to drop by the requests and inquiries desk at any time. Also, as some of you saw, you each have a motorized seat to take you around the facility if you choose. As you grow bigger, you will find it easier to take the weight off your feet. Your rooms are also outfitted with a feeding tube, if you want to stay immobilized and not move anymore. We can have robots come to clean you in your room as well if you are otherwise unable. Don't forget to read the guidebook with more information about our new relationship! That's it for our announcements, have a good night!” The monitor folded back up into the ceiling. Trying not to focus on the blunt references of our fattening, I drifted off to sleep. Week 2: So this really wasn't a dream, although I think I knew from the beginning. I hate to admit it, but I have grown used to the routine. The feeding tube wasn't so bad either, it just made it so easy. Don't bother with the cutlery, grabbing each piece, biting it off, chewing...with the tube, you just sit there and swallow, and swallow and...No, that's just how they want me to feel. Keep it together Nat! I’m not just some cow! I was definitely getting bigger though, I noticed my thigh gap had closed. My belly had always been plump, but it seemed to stick out a bit more. My boobs were bigger too, which I didn't mind. Anyways, It was a standard day, chatting with the others and reading a good book or watching a good movie. The gang were gaining too, but Kelly was still rather small. I was surprised she could eat so much and not show it. “Hey Kelly” I said “How do you do it? You eat as much as we do but you haven't gotten much bigger at all”. She spoke, which was a rare occurrence. “Yeah...I’ve always had a hard time gaining weight, high metabolism runs in the family I guess”. The alien I didn't like was passing by and overheard. “Yes, we are working on a way to counteract that in the injections.” They explained. “We wouldn't want to wait long for our meals to grow fat." They said with a smug look as he walked away. An uneasy aura fell on the table. Kathleen broke the silence “Fuck that guy”. I couldn't help but laugh, and she laughed with me. We continued as usual until the day came to an end, where it was measuring time. I didn’t like measuring time, it was where I felt the most objectified and sat face to face with my fate. It was like any other doctor's appointment I had been to before, but instead of the doctor telling me I'm getting too fat, they are happy to see me bigger. They have me strip down, and stand on a scale. Then they measure my waistline and bust size. The measuring tape is always cold too. The whole time the alien is looking at me like a slab of meat. To them I basically am. The way they drooled when they watched you eat, or updated your measurements made me uneasy too. I managed a peek at my file, I had gained 6 pounds just this week. Their methods were working. When I thought it was over, they motioned me over to a new apparatus, like a vat of water. “Please submerge yourself, Natalie” I was surprised when they used my name. I guess the nice alien had come through and made the change after all. Not wanting to cause trouble, I stepped up to the top and lowered myself in, not sure what to expect. The alien went to the panel, drooled a bit, and adjusted my file. “May I ask what this is?” I asked timidly. “This measures your body fat percentage, by water displacement. We do these once a week”. They wiped some drool from their mouth. Based on that I guessed mine had gone up, unsurprisingly. I got dressed and walked out of the examination room. Heather was standing against the wall, as if waiting for me. “Come with me” she said. I did. She took me to some obscure corner of a hallway. “Look what I snagged!” She said, holding a book. “Isn't that the informational guide they give us?” I asked, I hadn't gotten to reading mine yet. “No” She said “This is from the examining room when I was measured, it's for the alien staff!” I felt my heart drop, this had to be against the rules, but I was curious. “Look” she said, opening the book “The human is ready to eat when they reach about 400 pounds, or 180 kilograms. Beyond that takes too much time. This gives us the best time to weigh the value. That's so fucked up!” She flipped through a few more pages. “Keeping the humans fat is also advantageous because it makes them lethargic and harder for them to fight back. This is ridiculous!” I saw a page about the nutrient paste “ very high in trans fat to not only promote weight gain, but abdominal fat specifically. It is also full of sugar to make it more palatable and have more calories” I read from the page. “And here they have instructions to prepare us for eating, and how to prepare our meat once we’re slaughtered!” Heather exclaimed. I heard footsteps from around the corner, and motoned Heather to pout the book away wherever she had been hiding it. It was an alien, who seemed suspicious of us but let us go. The pages from the book stuck in my head. 400 pounds? Sure lots of people are overweight on earth but not many are that heavy, they intend for us all to reach that? Granted, I was already more than halfway there...but I was overweight to begin with. I returned to bed, my stomach feeling less tight than it had initially. I guess it had expanded already. Week 3: I climbed out of bed and went to the mirror. I felt out of shape and was out of breath already after walking a few meters. I had stretch marks on the sides of my belly and my thighs seemed bigger too. This was the biggest I had ever been and I knew I was only going to get bigger. I gave my belly a pat and watched it jiggle for a few seconds. I wasn't just full of food, I had grown fatter. I struggled a bit to get my suit zipped up, but it stretched enough. I considered taking the motor chair, but decided to walk. I made it to the caf for the first feeding of the day to find the gang all gathered at our usual table, examining something. I was free to pick my own food now having proven myself. Once I had my tray full of pizza and doughnuts I joined them and absentmindedly ate. Heather had brought her book for the rest to see. “So that's why we have these suits, they’re supposed to be tight so they can see our body shape.” It made it obvious to me too. We had all gotten bigger, even Kelly. Her belly was sticking out more than usual. Even a metabolism like hers can't withstand eating fattening foods nonstop for a few weeks. We chatted as we ate. Later the alien I like came by as I was finishing my food. “All eaten your fill I hope?” She said cheerily, only drooling a bit. Heather hurriedly put the book away. “Yes” We said non excitedly, except for Steph who was happy to scarf down another brownie. “You know” The alien said “You should visit Alyssa! She doesn't get many visitors”. I looked to Kathleen, the unofficial leader of the group assuming she knew. She was just as confused as I was. “She can't come out here, she’s too big to move around anymore but I'm sure she would love some human interaction!” We all looked at each other. We had to stick together in times like these, so we had to visit her. “I’ll mark it on your map” They said, and circled one of the rooms in the private wards. I hadn't explored there, as I thought it was all empty. “Thanks for letting us know,” Kathleen said, as we stood up. “So, where to Nat?” She said, looking at my map. We made our way down the private dorms to her room. The robot identified us as guests and we went in. I hadn't thought of visiting other’s rooms before. I was shocked to see that Alyssa was indeed too big to move, I had never seen anyone so massive before. She was almost bigger than her bed, her belly covering most of her legs. If she was wearing underwear, I couldn't see it under her many belly folds. She tried to lift an arm to wave but failed. “Oh hey there!” She said, her voice laboured and thick. “I didn't think I would see another human in my life." She stopped to take a few breaths. “We only just heard of you here.“ Kathleen said. I noticed Alyssa’s file was sitting in front of her bed, as they would have to measure her here I suppose. She was over 1500 pounds, with a body fat percentage of 89%. I couldn't hold back my reaction as I gasped. Why hadn't they eaten her yet, or released her? She beat any world record for fattest human on earth, and by the book’s standard she would be more than big enough. “Saw my file eh?” Alyssa said. “Yes I know, at this point I'm more fat than anything else. They told me that I’m a special subject, that-” She stopped to take a few breaths. “That they want to see how far we can go, how fat we can get before our bodies give out. I’ve accepted by now that I’m just a pile of food that likes watching movies.” She took a deep breath. There was an awkward silence. “I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bummer, but that's just me.” She looked at our stomachs. “I see they’ve started on you, try to keep your mobility, it's nice to have”. I looked down self-consciously and noticed I could barely see my toes. “It must suck to be so alone here, we will visit you once in a while.” Kathleen said, clearly feeling for Alyssa. “That’d be nice.” Alyssa said. The feeding tube came down from the ceiling and a robot came to her side. “Ah, feeding time for me. See you around!” She said as the robot fastened it to her head. We walked out feeling more grim than before despite meeting another person. We continued as usual; eating and reading, or watching movies in between. I pushed past my reluctance and got excited about the other flavours. May as well enjoy what I got right? I ended up eating more than I needed to, and I got some drooling stares from the aliens. I retired to my room, where I had my usual routine of showering and brushing my teeth. You could almost forget. But whenever I caught my reflection in the mirror, I was reminded of my fat body. I got all comfy in bed and wondered what might happen tomorrow. Week 5: The days went by, we ate and ate and sat around and ate some more. I checked myself in the mirror again. My belly was even bigger now, hanging well over my underwear. My face was getting rounder too. I had to suck in my gut to see my toes. I was feeling a bit winded as I walked around the facility, so I planned where I would go so I didn't have to move as much. I looked at the motor chair, but Alyssa’s words echoed in my head and I walked out of my room. There was a grim aura at the table today. Heather wasn’t there. “Where’s Heather?” I asked, worrying I knew the answer. “That book she had stolen from the measurer? They found it. They took her to a confined pen for the time being...“ Kathleen said. I noticed she was in the motorized chair now. All the new weight she gained on top of the weight she already had beforehand must have been too much for her now. I wasn't surprised, she was even bigger now. The sides of her belly squished against the armrests a bit. Kelly was starting to show her weight gain more now. She was more rounded, and her suit looked tight for the first time. Most of her weight was in her belly though. But Steph showed the most growth, unsurprisingly. She seemed squished, her belly spilling over her chair, and the table. She was stuffing her face with banana cake, clearly enjoying it. There was a guard who always watched her, drooling all the time. Realizing I hadn't said anything in a while, I asked “How have you all been?” Kathleen spoke first. “Ah you know, the usual. My knees couldn't keep up with the weight so I'm in this now.” She gestured to the motor chair. “I’m doing ok” Kelly said quietly, poking her new belly. “Good as always! Mmf” Steph said with her mouth full. “They have cameras in the rooms,” Kelly said suddenly. Kathleen and I looked at her puzzled. “I was trying to do jumping jacks in my room, because I didn't want to get fat...but they knew." Of course, how else would they make sure nobody is exercising in secret? It's not like they value the privacy of livestock... “So what did they do?” Kathleen asked, sounding protective of Kelly. “They reminded me of the rules and punishments, and said I got off with a warning. I got the tube too...” She trailed off. “Oh I'm sorry Kelly, I know that's not fun” Kathleen said. “Nat got tubed too first week.” The guard we hate came by, overhearing us again. “Ah, Kelly! Nice to see you finally filling out. Keep it up! Maybe I'll get to eat you myself one day...“ He said smugly and walked off. Kelly’s face flushed red and she looked down. The alien I liked stopped the alien we hate and gave him what seemed like a stern talking to. “You can't talk to them like that, remember they need to feel comfortable for this to work!” They said. “So what? What can they do, you’ve seen the human race, they’re worthless. Their only purpose is to serve as a vessel for growing meat!” They replied. They took their conversation out of earshot. “Don't listen to that prick.” I said to Kelly. “HAH yeah, fuck that guy.” Kathleen added. Kelly smiled at us and went back to poking her belly. “Hey lets watch a movie together!" Kathleen suggested. We all agreed and made our way to the movie room. Things continued as usual. I didn't see Heather anywhere, I wondered where she was and how long until we’d see her again. I didn't see any confined pens on the map. We visited Alyssa more too, and we all shared stories of who we were before all this. Most of us were in college, but Kathleen was an insurance agent. Kelly studied biology and Steph was in school to be a real estate agent. I wanted to be an engineer. Alyssa had just started teaching grade 6 before all this. We talked about our dating lives too. We had a nice chat until it was time to return to the caf. I didn't see much of that mean alien anymore. I eventually tried eating the paste more and more, the customizability was refreshing, even if it meant I got fatter quicker. I snuck more glances at my profile as I was measured, the paste made a difference. I had gained nearly 40 pounds now, and my body fat percentage was 48% or so. My waistline well exceeded my hips too. I would be classified as obese on earth. Week 8: I was slower to get out of bed, but I couldn't miss feeding time so I pushed myself up. I went to the mirror to see myself. My belly hung even further over my underwear, and the stretch marks were wider. I was bulging at the sides too. I couldn't see my collar bone anymore, it had disappeared beneath my new fat. My boobs had grown considerably too, which I was excited about. It took me a while to fit the suit over my belly. It still stretched over my large body but was still very tight. My knees were aching by now too, not used to all the new weight I had put on. I couldn't exercise to strengthen them either. Each day it was harder and harder to not use the motorized chair. I made my way to the caf, huffing and puffing as I did. Heather was still gone, and the remaining gang only continued to get fatter. Steph’s arms got too tired of lifting food, so she was using the tube. Kelly was noticeably bigger too, though still smaller than the rest of us. Maybe about as big as I was when we started. Kathleen’s belly was almost to her knees at this point, and it would squish against the table when she sat. There never seemed to be any end to the food. Maybe they really could fatten the entire human race. I don't know how much I ate, I stopped keeping track a while ago. But now as I sat, I felt the weight of my fat belly resting on my thighs, which was new. Not excited to stand and walk around, I browsed the map to see where I should go this time. I had been around to all the amenities a few times by now, I found myself reading a good book in the nature area, It was a nice reminder of home. It was like a park my mom would take me to when I was younger. After a few more feedings, I went back to my room to freshen up. I was working up a sweat now just walking around, I was glad there were no stairs but knew there was no chance of that to begin with. I had come out of the shower and was drying off, about to get back in my suit, when Kathleen entered my room. “EEP!” I shrieked, not yet dressed. “Sorry, haha, guess I should have knocked. I just...wanted some company. Kelly doesn't talk much and Steph is too busy stuffing her face, so...“ Kathleen looked shy. I fit my bra and underwear on and figured that was good enough. I didn't want to bother with the suit yet. I sat on the bed and Kathleen stood up from her chair and moved herself onto the bed next to me. The bed creaked under our combined weight. “W-what are you doing, Kath?” I asked, blushing from how close she was to me. “Don’t you ever get...lonely?” She asked. “I mean yes we have a group to chat with, but...” She looked down. “Someone to be...intimate with?” She looked flustered for the first time. I hadn’t been intimate before, my dates never took me that far. I knew I liked guys, but the idea of a woman sounded appealing too. “I-I guess I do, I mean I don’t know...“ She leaned in and kissed me. We just looked at each other for a moment, and she pulled me in towards her. Her lips were soft and sweet, I didn't want to stop. I kissed her back and my arms naturally fell around her. To be close enough to kiss, we had our bellies pressed together. I fumbled with her suit zipper, and pulled it down. The suit unzipped quickly as if relieved to not be stretched so much over her body. I pulled the suit down further to her waist, and found my hands exploring her round body. I was used to how my body felt, but feeling up hers was different somehow, it was amazing. She started feeling me up too. Every square inch of her was soft and squishy, I found myself squeezing her as we got lost in a passion of lust and excitement. It was exhilarating, I didn't know how much I needed this. I worked my way up to her breasts, and my fingers sank in. She moaned as I squeezed them, they were heavy. Every movement made her jiggle like a waterbed. Her hands found by breasts too. “Damn Nat, your boobs are huge!” She said playfully as she grabbed them. I giggled and brought my hand down to her crotch. Things were moving fast but we were enjoying it. I lifted her belly and stuck my hand down further into her suit. I tried to finger her, but it was like digging for the remote in the couch cushions. My fingers were lost in her many folds of softness. She seemed to enjoy it anyway. I remembered we were being watched. Was this wrong? We had been making out for a few minutes now and they hadn't come to stop us. It's not like this was exercise or anything. We were interrupted by the monitor announcing that it’s feeding time. Flustered and embarrassed, we got dressed and walked to the caf together, Kath in her chair of course. Kelly didn't seem to suspect anything, and Steph was too busy eating to think anything of it. Kathleen and I smiled at each other, occasionally blushing. Looks like I had a new activity to occupy myself between feedings. Week 12: Everything was routine at this point. Pig out on food, read a book, pig out some more, make out with Kath, pig out some more. I gave in and started using the motorized chair. It made it so much easier, and my legs hurt less. My belly was huge by now, giant and round. It protruded out pretty far. A fold had formed around my belly button level. My fingers looked like sausages too. They gave me a cream to help with the stretch marks, which was nice. Kath was much fatter too, barely fitting in her motor chair. She was approaching the 400 pound mark, saying she saw 386 pounds on her file. I knew we weren't to be eaten yet but it still made me worried. I wasn't too far behind, I had recently surpassed 300 and sat around 320. The measurer couldn't stop drooling as they weighed me and took my waist measurement. Kelly was catching up quicker than I thought. This once petite girl had grown fairly hefty and plump. It was odd seeing her face so round now. I was lost in thought when Kath gasped, looking at something behind me. Kelly looked up too, surprised. I turned to see Heather, she had returned. We all felt relieved, she hadn't been killed for breaking the rules. She was much bigger though, all that time in the confined pen unable to move and only be fed made her huge. Her hips were very wide, and her thighs were like tree trunks. She had a big belly, don't get me wrong, but most of her gained weight was in her butt and thighs. “Heather!” I exclaimed and stood to hug her. The others managed to stand too, except Steph. “We’re so happy to see you again!” Kath said. “Yeah, its good to be back” Heather said. She didn't sound as angry or rebellious anymore, I guess she accepted her situation. I wonder what else they may have done to her. We caught up and chatted about this and that. Kath and I hadn't shared our intimacy yet, we were not sure when or how. The aliens introduced an arts and crafts activity room, which we found fun. It was nice to work together and enjoy ourselves on something new, and we were happy to have Heather back. Spirits were higher than they had been in a while. We continued to visit Alyssa, and she was happy to see Heather return as well. At our next measure, we were given a booster injection of growth hormones, to make sure we keep gaining more and more. I tried not to think about it too much and focused on the good things. Getting fat was old news, and we had adjusted to a new lifestyle. They introduced new dispensers to the caf, and Steph has sat herself right underneath one and dispensed the food into her mouth. The aliens looked impressed. We continued eating and hanging out together, growing closer as friends. Week 16: The growth hormones were making a big difference. My belly was spilling out all around my waist, and it hung low. My belly stuck out so far I could barely reach my belly button. I felt like a blimp. I gave my belly a slap and watched myself jiggle for a good 10 seconds. I was really big now, my last measure showed I had gained over 100 pounds of pure fat since coming here, and my percentage was around 61%. I was more fat than anything else at this point. The other girls were huge too of course. Kath would just stay in her room some days, she had passed the 400 pound mark apparently. Kelly was still the smallest, though I wouldn't use the word small to describe her. She had some belly rolls now too, and her arms were plumper too. I hadn't seen Steph in a while. I guessed she was immobile in her room and thought to visit. Heather now needed 2 chairs to sit on, and had an extra wide motor chair. I was needing one of those too, I fit pretty tight into the regular one now. My protruding belly filled my lap and needed more space at the sides. Since we eat way more than any normal person, I had developed a way to eat that required less chewing. I rolled up pizza slices and swallowed them whole, washed down with water. I had to control my gag reflex, but I got the hang of it. We couldn't see nutrition facts, but I guessed we were eating tens of thousands of calories each day. By now the others had suspected something was up between Kath and I, and we confessed. They were supportive, thankfully. Week 24: It was harder and harder to get out of bed. I haven't exercised in months and had a lot of extra weight to carry. I couldn't see all of myself in the mirror, I was too wide for that. I couldn't stand for more than a few seconds before I needed the chair. I had caved and asked for the extra wide. The measurer was delighted as I rolled down the hall in my chair. I managed to stand and got on the scale. I heard a ding, and looked to the measurer. “Oh my, Nat you have surpassed the 400 pound mark! That is quite the...milestone.” They said, wiping drool away from their mouths. I knew what it meant. Under normal circumstances, I'd be eaten now. I’d make for quite the feast I imagine. They brought out the measuring tape, and had to walk around me to get the tape wrapped around my belly. My waistline measured 82 inches around. I was wider than I was tall, which would be morbidly obese by earth standards. It didn't phase me much anymore, I knew this was coming. I stretched my suit back on and sat back in my chair with a thud, and felt my whole body jiggle. The measurer watched my belly bounce as I sat, drooling. I drove the chair out and went to the caf. It was incredible how much I could eat now, our stomachs had stretched so much. I downed a few pizzas, a stack of pancakes, half a dozen burgers, and some doughnuts. I visited Kath a few times a day, sometimes bringing her something other than nutrient paste. She was pushing 460 pounds. I visited Steph sometimes too, she was nearly 600 pounds now, immobilized in her room. Kelly and Heather still came to the caf though, even if it wasn't easy anymore. If you had known Kelly before all this, you wouldn't recognize her now. She was more belly than anything else. She almost looked like a big sphere. She seemed to have adjusted and looked a bit happier somehow which was good. Heather was now twice as wide as Kelly, her body disproportionately large and round. It wasn't as easy for any of us to reach the table, our bellies keeping us away. Alyssa sadly passed away a while ago, she finally gave out. The aliens were very excited, they had been calling her the white whale. I hadn't seen the aliens eat before, but after her passing I saw a bunch of them eating burgers with this pinkish meat in them. I tried not to think of the implications. I rolled myself into bed when the monitor came down to make an announcement. I couldn't lift my head enough to see, so I just listened. “Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling well. I’ve been looking at your files; It looks like you’ve all fattened up quite nicely, and are ready to show your world what is to come! Be proud, ambassadors! Tomorrow is the day!”. The monitor retracted and I lay wondering. Sure we wouldn't be eaten now, but how long until we were? Once we make our impressions and this all begins, we were already fattened to the nth degree. I’m surprised they held back this long, given all the drooling. I drifted off to sleep. Epilogue: One way or another, we boarded a smaller ship and descended down to earth. I'm sure you know the rest, the dramatic reveal as the 5 of us rolled out in our chairs. The gathering of people gasping as they saw what became of us. I felt embarrassed, like I was an exhibit. I must have looked like a blob to them. Everyone got the same speech we did, which didn't go over well. There was a civil war for a few days. Humanity fought back but they were too much. It wasn't too long before everyone had given in, defeated, as the aliens started boarding women onto their ships, away to be fattened up like we were. So this is it, humanity in shackles. It’s not all bad, it is a decent life if you give in and follow the rules. Just pretend it’s a cruise, right? Humanity will still live on, being the gluttonous creatures we have been all along. Now you know my story, this is Natalie, signing off. ======================================================================================================================================= Close Encounters of the Fat Kind 2 Prologue: Humanity had reached a pinnacle, a utopia of near perfection. We can do almost anything we wanted, and barely had to make any effort. All our worries are taken care of, it’s a paradise. Well, almost, there’s just one catch. We had become livestock, our pampered lives designed to plump us up to a great degree. We had been overtaken by advanced aliens who took a liking to our meat, and offered us comfortable lives in exchange. Not so much offered as forced, but nevertheless it had become our new lives that changed the course of human history. Week 0: I always knew something was wrong, we lived a strange life growing up. Always hiding or on the run from something. My adoptive mother looked nothing like me, her skin blue and eyes yellow. She never told me the whole story, she said it wouldn’t do me any good. She did her best to hide me from the world, and hide the world from me. But I caught glimpses, I was the odd one out. I lived in a sheltered community with others like me, pinkish peach skin and hair on our heads unlike our bald blue caretakers. But we were fewer in numbers, and had to be kept secret like our very existence was wrong. Then one day everything changed, we were found. I only remember the loud banging, the sharp shattering, the shouting. Strangers pooled in and some kind of smoke filled the room, then everything went black. Week 1: My consciousness slowly returned, and I began to get my bearings straight. I was laying down on an elevated table, tilted such that I was mostly upright but leaning back a bit. I tried to open my eyes, but found the lights too bright. I’d wait a moment for them to adjust. I heard unfamiliar voices nearby in the midst of a conversation. “...been with them for a long time, how many of them were there?” One voice asked. “They were harbouring twelve humans, all different ages but roughly 18 to 21 years old by now” Another voice replied. I absentmindedly stretched my body, and was met with a dull ache in my shoulder and side of my head. I winced a bit at the pain, and managed to open my eyes. “I can’t believe they managed to-OH she's awake!” The first voice said, noticing my movement. Before me stood two blue skinned bald figures, wearing white lab coats, one of them holding a tablet. We were in a small room, with unfamiliar equipment and tools. “We were just finishing up your file” The one with the tablet said. “We just need your name and some body measurements and we’re all set!” They added, looking at me expectantly. “Oh, uh...I’m Liz. What’s going on exactly?” I asked. They tapped at the tablet and looked back up. “You’ll be filled in on everything soon enough, please stand over here on the scale, Liz.” They asked politely. I pushed myself off the odd table, feeling the ache in my arm when I did. “Why does my arm hurt...” I looked down and realized I was half naked, dressed only in underwear. “AAAHHH AND WHY AM I NOT DRESSED?!” I said embarrassed, trying to cover up. “Clothing would only get in the way of our measurements, and you have been administered a series of injections that will make you...healthy.” They answered. The hesitation made me feel uneasy. “Well, okay.” I said, walking over. I had a lot of questions, but they said I would be informed soon. I was poked and prodded with varying instruments. They measured my waist, hips, thighs, neck, bust, and weight. I couldn’t help but feel they were somehow disappointed. They entered all the info into the tablet and turned back to me. “Thank you Liz, you are my latest patient. I will be your doctor. Each week you should come back here for a checkup to make sure you are nice and healthy.” They said with a smile. The doors opened and another blue skinned figure entered. This one was in a slender uniform, with a badge and arrows on the sleeves. “Ah perfect timing, we just wrapped up. Please escort Liz to her chambers and give her a full introduction.” One of the lab coat figures said. “Okay, follow me Liz!” The uniformed figure said enthusiastically. I followed her down a series of hallways, past numbered doors. “This is the residential wing, where all humans return to sleep or bathe.” They said. We arrived at a particular door, with no number displayed on it. “Please step in front of the door Liz” They asked. I did, and a scanner swept over my face. A green light came on and a number appeared on the door. The guide opened the door and gestured me inside. “This is your room.” They said as they went to a monitor to set something up. It was a small room, but not cramped. A large, low bed stood in the middle of the room. A chair with wheels sat next to it, and a few tables. The adjacent walls had a closet, mirror, and door to an ensuite. All the doorways and spaces seemed needlessly large. “You probably have a lot of questions,” The guide said, “Please, watch this introductory video that should help you understand.” They conlcuded as they pushed a button on the monitor. I sat in one of the chairs as the video came on. “Hello there, I’m the head of this lovely facility you call home.” The face on screen said. They had a female sounding voice, with blue skin, bald head, and yellow eyes like the rest of them. “I’m here to tell you about what we do here at the Greatgirth facility. Honesty and transparency is vital to ensure trust in our relationship, so I want to be transparent. You and your kind live a comfortable, sheltered life here as you fatten up, growing large and heavy. Once you are of an appropriate age and weight, your mass is collected for our consumption. It may sound scary, but it’s a wonderful relationship for both of our species. You live twenty or so years of comfortable indulgence, and we can feast well on the rewards. That being said, we do have some rules you must follow. Do not harm or harass the staff or your fellow humans. No exercise of any kind is permitted, all calories you consume must go towards basic body functions and the growth of body fat. Walking is allowed, but not to be done excessively. We recognize that this will eventually make mobility difficult, so we have conveyor walkways throughout the facility and personal motor chairs to make sure you can still get around to the various amenities." "Speaking of, to ensure you enjoy your life as you grow, we offer a number of amenities and activities to entertain you. We have studied your kind’s culture before our overtaking and can replicate it to your liking. You can watch movies, play games, create art, adopt pets, get massages, and so so much more. You are also all welcome to set up a shop, as we know some of you like to keep busy and have purpose. You are free to do almost anything your heart desires, so long as it follows our rules. You are required to have weekly checkups with your designated doctor, who will make sure you are healthy and gaining weight at a good rate. You are also required to consume a minimum of 8,000 calories each day, but are encouraged to have more. You are free to eat what you want and when, but if you don’t meet the minimum then you will be put on a temporary force feeding plan to ensure weight gain." "This brings us to your ear tag, which is connected to your bloodstream and monitors your calorie consumption. This is also an identification tag useful to staff and for unlocking your personal room. Finally, we want to be upfront about the modifications we’ve made to your bodies. You have been given a series of injections that will assist you as you become obese, preventing health issues as well as promoting weight gain with advanced growth hormones. Women are selected at random to become mothers, unless volunteered. Sexual activity between humans is still encouraged, we recognize that it is an important aspect of a pleasurable life. "The last thing I want to go over is when you can expect your life to end. We guarantee a minimum of twenty years, but you are permitted to live longer if you are not of sufficient weight. The ideal weight you are to reach for harvest is 600 pounds. You may surpass this weight before you become twenty, or you may become twenty before you are heavy enough. You will not be harvested until both conditions are met. A small percentage of the population, however, are put in the saturation program which extends the requirements to 800 pounds and 22 years. That just about does it, thank you for listening! Please don’t hesitate to ask any of our helpful staff if you have any questions. Enjoy your comfortable life, humans!” I sat motionless and stunned, having been bombarded with new information. It was shocking, grim, and left me feeling objectified. We’re all just...meat to these creatures? We’ll be eaten? I hadn’t noticed the ear tag until they mentioned it, I tugged it gently with my hand. This is what my adoptive mother was protecting me from I suppose. “I know it’s a lot to take in, you are used to a very different life. But this is your proper home, and we think you'll be happy here.” The guide said as she pulled out a folded piece of paper. “This is a map of the Greatgirth facility, please familiarize yourself with it. You are excused from the calorie intake today, but starting tomorrow you must follow it. Please flag down any of our staff if you have any questions, enjoy your time here Liz!” The guide said, then promptly left the room. I sat for a few minutes, processing everything. I distracted myself with the map, if this was my new home then I may as well know my way around. The mess hall is giant, with hundreds of tables encircling a central kitchen. Shops and amenities surrounded it, with the medical wing off to the side next to the residential wing where I am now. I thought of my friends from my old home, and thought I might find them around here. That was all the encouragement I needed. I stood and went to leave, but remembered I was still half naked. I opened the closet, and found a gray jumpsuit with orange stripes on it. I wasn't a huge fan, but with no other option I slipped it on and zipped it up. It was a stretchy material, but fit a bit loose and baggy on my slender body. Now that I was covered up, I left my room with map in hand. I found the mess hall easily, it’s massive and loud with the bustling activity of other humans. I had never seen so many people like me, and yet they weren’t quite like me. They were human of course, but they were very big and fat. Everyone was of different heights and sizes, though none being small that I could see. Countless tables filled the room, many people sat amongst them eating a wide variety of foods. I saw the conveyor walkways they had mentioned, circulating and connecting the different areas and running throughout. About half the people were scooting around in their motorized chairs too. Lots of colourful shops and amenities surrounded the mess hall, lining the perimeter just outside. I looked up, the ceilings were very high with monitors hanging down, each displaying a different program. There appeared to be a second floor where the blue figures looked down upon us from glass walkways. I must have zoned out as I stared, and was startled when someone spoke to me. “Well, this is a rare sight!” They said. My eyes darted back down and met the eyes of a woman smiling at me, looking me up and down. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen someone as skinny as you are.” She said with a chuckle. I looked her up and down too, she was about my height but at least twice as wide. Her hair was long and golden blonde. She had big breasts that rested upon her big distended belly, which hung over her tight jeans. She wore a purple shirt with frilly sleeves, it wasn’t able to meet her waistline to cover her stomach. She had thick, plump thighs that tapered to her knees, then curved out again at her meaty calves. “You must be one of those famous newcomers who were being harboured till now. We’ve heard all about it on the news station.” She continued, “My name’s Julia, nice to meet ya!” She introduced herself with an outstretched arm. I grabbed her squishy hand and shook it, making her arm jiggle. “I’m Liz, and yes I just got here.” I replied, forcing a smile. I was happy the people were friendly but this was still a lot to take in. “Come on, why don’t I show you around and tell ya about this place.” Julia said. I nodded and followed. We walked past tables and made it to the central kitchen. It had a series of labeled dispensers, as well as a number of counters with people lined up. “This is the great kitchen! You either get food from the dispensers, or ask the chefs to make you something specific. There’s a lot of folks working in there, both aliens and humans. Yep, you can work as a chef if that’s what you wanna do.” Julia explained. “Aliens?” I asked, I hadn’t heard that term before. “Oh yeah, that's our term for them. The blue skinned folk who wanna eat us.” Julia said. I was distracted by her large body, jiggling with every gesture or movement she made. She must have been here a while, she was carrying a lot of body fat. I had never seen someone so big before. “It’s rude to stare, y’know.” She said plainly. “Oh, sorry, I must have zoned out.” I said shyly. “It’s okay, I know you're new here. Trust me it’ll become the new normal soon. Before you know it you’ll be fat like me too!” She said, patting her belly. “Now how about we get something to eat, you can get basically anything you want.” She continued. She showed me all the options, tons of sweet desserts, all kinds of meat, breads, pastas, pizzas, baked goods, a nearly endless list. Everything was packed with fat and calories, no surprise there. They also had a nutrient paste, which seemed odd to me. It didn’t sound appealing until I learned it was customizable. “The paste can be pretty much whatever you like, any flavour, any consistency or texture. Can even be served warm or cold. It's also the densest item on the menu, it’s designed to have a ton of calories to pack on fat quickly.” Julia said. “That's what they use in the force feeding program if you break the rules or don’t eat enough.” She added. I didn't feel brave enough to talk to a chef, so I grabbed a tray and got food from the dispensers. The food was based on human culture, but I never had this stuff growing up. I got some pasta and cake and a cup of milk, which seemed to be full fat. Julia loaded up her tray with two full pizzas, a bowl of mac and cheese, an assortment of chicken wings, six doughnuts, and two large sugary fruit drinks. “How can you eat that much?” I asked in surprise. “You have to eat a lot here, as your stomach expands it takes more food to fill it.” Julia said looking at my tray. “You’re gonna want to get more food, you’ll need to be eating more than that to meet the minimums. Plus the earlier you can stretch your stomach the better.” she added. I looked back at the dispensers and copied her, getting some mac and cheese and some chicken wings. She nodded and we headed to an empty table. We sat down together and started eating from our trays. The food tasted good and was easy to eat. I looked around as I took bites. Everybody was huge and round, stuffing their faces with all kinds of food. A few people looked back at me, mildly surprised to see someone so slim. I looked back to Julia, who was quickly devouring her tray. One of the pizzas was half gone and she was taking a big gulp of her drink. Her belly had folded over when she sat, and her thighs squished out to the sides. Her arms looked heavy, being rounded out with fat. I caught myself staring again and looked away. I continued munching on my food as I looked around. The monitor nearby was a news channel of sorts, but I couldn’t quite hear what they were saying from here. Posters were on the walls and columns, encouraging us to eat plenty so we can grow big and healthy. Some were of a food pyramid, outlining the important balance of carbs, sugars, and fats. The pyramid was full of desserts, meat, and starches. All weight gain propaganda. I looked at more of the people around the mess hall. Some seemed impossibly big, their skeleton buried deep inside a mountain of fat. I looked down at my body by comparison. I was thin now, but how long until I became massive like them? “So, what was it like out there?” Julia spoke up with her mouth full of mac and cheese. “Well, we were always hiding from something. I didn’t know at the time but we were running from some threat.” I replied. Julia frowned, “Well that doesn't sound fun” She said. “It was a constant fear of the unknown, but we had our fun still” I added. “Not to play devil’s advocate," Julia said as she swallowed. “But isn’t it better here now? Sure you could live longer out there but for what? Constantly running and in fear? That's no life to live if you ask me.” she said as she took another bite. “At least here we’re treated well and can do almost anything we want.” She added. She made a good point, as much as I wanted out of here I wasn't keen to return to life out there. Maybe I was better off here after all. Week 2: It was difficult, but I managed to force down enough food to meet the requirements each day. I already looked bigger, but it was mostly because I was constantly full of food. I was getting a lot of glances, and caught the attention of a bunch of people. They called people like me Unicorns, because being thin was so rare. I had my first checkup, and they updated my measurements. I was already a bit bigger. Julia and I kept talking, and she told me more about the facility. There’s an economy of sorts, you get points for the calories you eat. You use those points to buy from the shops, and shop owners therefore have more points to use. I was tempted by a cute clothing store, so I had started saving up to get something. I wasn’t a fan of the stretchy one piece jumpsuit, but was advised to keep it anyway for when I outgrow my clothes. She also told me about the aliens who harboured humans, how they had a network to ‘rescue’ babies when born. They talked all about it on the news. Apparently the aliens weren’t unanimous on the decision to keep us humans as livestock. A portion of the population found it wrong to eat anything intelligent enough for you to have a conversation with, which made sense. However, the larger majority of the aliens found our fat too delicious to pass up. As a compromise, rules and laws were set up to make it all as humane as possible. There was a lot of back and forth on how long we’d live, but they settled on about 20 years. Long enough for us to enjoy ourselves, not too long of a wait for them to get their meat. Given how many of us there are, there is a constant flow of fattened humans going out the door, each weighing several hundred pounds. We also weren't their only food source, so it worked out. Apparently this facility is for 18 years and older, where fattening is most rapid. We’re overfed our entire lives, but it’s made more gradual until adulthood where it ramps up. I was filling my tray at the dispensers when I noticed a familiar face, which stood out because it was attached to a rather small body. It’s my childhood friend, Kelsey! “Oh my god, Kelsey?!” I called out excitedly. She perked up and looked around, then met my eyes. “Liz! I can’t believe it’s you!” She said, running towards me. We put our trays aside and hugged. “I wasn’t sure if I'd see you again!” She said, smiling up at me. She has shoulder length brown hair, and a cute freckled face. She’s very short, barely five feet tall. I felt bad for her, she had to pack so much food into a tiny little body. Although I guess it won’t be tiny for long. “Me neither! Hey come sit with me, I’ve made a friend you should meet.” I said. We finished filling our trays and returned to where I usually sat with Julia. “Julia, guess what? I found one of my friends from outside! Meet Kelsey!” I exclaimed. She looked surprised and eyed Kelsey up and down. “Well well well, nice to meet you, my name’s Julia.” She said as they shook hands. “Just so you know girlie, at your height, expect to balloon up quick. It's the short ones that show their weight the fastest. Without the height to hide the extra pounds you tend to blow up like a blimp.” Julia casually added as she chomped into a big cookie. Kelsey’s face turned red as she looked down at her tummy. “Julia, don’t scare her!” I snapped. “Sorry hun, just a friendly warning. Didn’t mean anything by it.” She said. An awkward moment passed and Julia spoke up again. “Well I’m glad you two found each other! You could have been sent to a different facility altogether”. Kelsey and I looked at each other. “What do you mean?” We asked. Julia finished chewing and swallowed. “Well this is Greatgirth, there are a number of other cleverly named sites. Lets see there’s Pudgy Palace, Corpulent Castle, Hefty Halls, Weightworth, to name a few.” She said with a chuckle as she took another bite. I knew all of humanity was overtaken, but having that many facilities all as full as this one really put it in perspective. We idly chatted more as we finished our trays of food. I was exploring the various amenities with Kelsey and Julia when an alien staff member approached me. “Excuse me, Liz?” They asked. “Oh yes, that's me.” I replied. “Please report to the medical wing, your doctor wants to speak with you.” They said, then walked off. “That’s odd, I just had my checkup recently” I said. I looked to Julia, the experienced veteran of the group. “Hard to say, it's probably related to you being new here. They may do the same for Kelsey here. Why don’t we meet you back at our table in the mess hall later.” She said. I nodded and headed off to the medical wing, curious what to expect. I entered and was ushered in, and told to sit in a chair. The familiar lab coat alien walked out and sat across from me. “Hello again Liz, I just wanted to call you in here to administer another injection and give you an update.” They said. I unzipped my suit and pulled my arm out of the sleeve. They gave me the shot and I pulled my suit back on. “So, Liz, we have decided to put you in the saturation program. That shot will help you in that regard. From now on, you’ll eat in one of the saturation chambers instead. Ask any of the staff and they will help you out.” They said. I wanted to ask more about it, but they left quickly. Julia would tell me more anyways. I returned to the mess hall and met Julia and Kelsey, who were chatting. “Hey welcome back, so what's the scoop Liz?” Julia asked. “They said they put me in the saturation program? I’m supposed to eat differently or something” I said. Julia looked surprised, Kelsey looked confused. “Really? Well actually that makes sense, you're quite thin so they’d want to plump you up quicker.” She said, almost to herself. “Sorry to hear, Liz. But you’ll get used to it!” She added. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, the saturation chambers aren’t the most pleasant. They stuff your mouth and you’re pumped full of nutrient paste. It ensures that your stomach is jam packed with the stuff, maximizing calorie intake. Like I said, it's not pleasant, that's why you get a life extension, and why it’s only a portion of the human population that does it.” She replied. At least I could customize the paste to my liking, I thought. “Oh and one other thing about it.” Julia said. “Have you ever heard of foie gras? That’s basically what the intent is with you.” I thought for a moment. “No I haven’t, what’s that?” I asked. “Essentially, they densely pack your torso with so much fat that it saturates your organs. You develop a fatty liver, which is a delicacy to them. Humans used to do it with ducks, that's what foie gras is.” Julia said in a serious tone. “They have a shot for it, it makes your body store more visceral fat as well as supplement the functions your body won’t be able to do, being so saturated with fat.” Kelsey looked aghast, I did too. I wasn’t used to my fate as an eventual meal yet, now I’m being super saturated with fat? I tried not to think about it and distracted myself with different conversations. It soon became time to eat once more, and I made my way to the saturation chambers while Kelsey and Julia went to fill their trays. I approached an alien staff member next to what I presumed to be the chamber. “Excuse me, are these the saturation chambers?” I asked. “Yes.” They replied, then scanned my ear tag. “Ah yes, Liz, please get comfortable.” They said, pulling open the transparent door. “Please customize your feed to your liking and then fasten the tube over your mouth. I’ll be out here if you need any assistance.” The chamber looked like a cliché escape pod, a tall oval shaped thing with a seat in the middle and controls to the side. I stepped in and took a seat, the door closing behind me. The seat was very wide, I guess eventually I’d need the extra space. The control monitor said ‘Welcome!’ and asked me to customize my paste. The screen flooded with tons of options. I decided on chocolate strawberry, medium viscosity, and cool temperature. The tube lowered, its end had a mask and a small screen at eye level. I brought the tube over to my face and put it over my mouth, pulling the straps behind my head. A big ‘start’ button flashed on screen, and I pushed it. Pinkish brown paste started coming down the tube, it looked a bit like the ice cream they offered in the mess hall. The nutrient paste started filling my mouth, it had a sweet taste like cake icing. The other monitor in front of my eyes flashed ‘SWALLOW’ and I did. The paste filled my mouth again, and I was prompted to swallow. This repeated several times, and I quickly felt full. But the tube kept filling, and feeding me with more and more nutrient paste. I swallowed mouthful after mouthful, filling up with more thick, dense paste. Eventually it stopped, the monitor instructing me to remove the feeding tube and exit the chamber. I was uncomfortably full, stuffed nearly to the brim with their special feed. I returned to our usual table to join Julia and Kelsey, who had only just started eating. I sat down and burped, rubbing my belly with a groan. Julia rubbed my back supportively. “You’ll get used to it I’m sure. Plus, it’s over quicker at least. Kelsey and I just started.” She said, gesturing to their trays. Julia had a pizza especially made, the crust was stuffed with sausage, and it had a very thick layer of cheese on it. Meat and BBQ sauce populated the top, and that was just one of her servings. Kelsey had a series of burgers, fries, and ice cream, and some sushi rolls on the side. They each had a few drinks too, cocktails and lemonade. “I do love the variety they have here, you gotta admit at least it’s a gourmet trip to fat city. Quite the step up from the scraps we used to eat, eh Liz?” Kelsey said. I nodded, it’s true. We didn't have a whole lot to eat back then, but this...Julia distracted me from my thoughts, curious to hear more about our lives before coming here. Kelsey and I filled her in as they filled themselves in with more food. Week 5: My new lifestyle had me feel much different than before. I felt more sluggish, not running around all the time like I used to. Eating over three times more than I did before. My physique was changing, my muscles had a bit of definition before, but not so much anymore. I became flabby and had a bit of a paunch from being overfed and out of shape. Kelsey looked even more different than I did, what Julia said was true. Her extra weight showed more visibly, her face round and her tummy rounder. She wasn’t huge, but noticeably bigger than before we got here. Julia was always much bigger, but she had noticeable growth too. Her arms and legs plump and rounded, her belly occupying any space between her and the table. She was having more and more trouble walking, so she had started using her motor chair to get around. This was a telltale sign that she was nearing her end, having grown very heavy. But all parts of the facility are accessible by motor chair, and she joined us as we walked through the beautiful lush gardens, played at the arcade, and got massages at the spa. The alien staff seemed eager and pleased to feel up and rub our chubby bodies. We went shopping together too, we got posters for our rooms and some matching bracelets. Kelsey picked out a cute succulent plant for her room. I got some new clothes too, not liking the standard jumpsuit. Julia advised me to buy a size larger than what I am, so I can wear it longer. All the clothing is made of stretchy material too, so it’s more worthwhile to have. I got a light blue blouse and a pretty white skirt down to my knees. It cost me most of my points, but I would get more next time I ate anyways. The three of us were on our way to the mess hall when a poster caught Julia’s eye. “Oh look at that, they're hosting another eating competition! I didn’t think they would for another month or so!” She said excitedly as she wheeled over to the poster. I rolled my eyes, of course they would have those. “Do people actually participate in those?” I asked. “Oh yes, you’d be surprised at the competitive nature people have.” Julia answered. “It’s human nature Liz!” She said proudly. “I’ve won once before, but haven’t the past few times. All my participation is why I’m heavier than average for my age.” She said, giving her belly a pat. “I just can’t seem to beat that fat bitch, Princess they call her.” Julia remarked with a hint of reproach. “Oh, who’s Princess?” Kelsey asked before I could. “Oh she’s basically a gang leader here, don’t mess with her. She’s in the saturation program too, and is massive, probably around hmmmm 1,000 pounds or so. She eagerly fattened up her whole life, wanting to be the heaviest of all. She’s just that competitive, her dedication and supposed ‘charm’ earned her praise and a following. Though, she’s approaching her 22nd birthday soon so she’ll be more than fat enough for harvest by then.” Julia said with a chuckle. She signed herself up and we chatted some more as we made our way to the mess hall. A few days later it was time for the eating competition. A large platform was now present just outside of the regular seating, with a series of tables to seat 10 participants. Kelsey and I sat at a nearby table, Kelsey having filled her tray to eat while she watched. I had already eaten, if you could call it that. I was uncomfortably full again from the feeding tube and enjoyed being lethargic as I digested. The participants made their way up the ramp, including Julia who positioned herself closer to us and waved. We waved back and then turned our attention to the other end of the platform. It’s Princess, her entourage helped her up the ramp and into the center spot of the platform. She was easily the largest person I’d ever seen, a heavy collection of rounded folds barely covered by her bright pink frilly dress. The dress must have cost a fortune, requiring a huge amount of material to cover her. I couldn’t guess how she even got dressed, probably with help from several people. Her wide trapezoid shaped body had stubby legs I could barely see under her gigantic stomach. She wore a smug look on her face, atop a couple of chins formed underneath. She looked like a head attached to a big blob, with stubby arms at each side. She had her own customized motor chair, much wider with extra wheels for support and pink lights. Princess looked at the crowd as people cheered. Julia gave her a cold look, then looked down and fumbled to unbutton her jeans. An alien staff member turned on a microphone and spoke up. “Attention everyone! It’s time for our eating competition! Today our participants will be fed as many sausages as they can eat in ten minutes. Whoever can eat the most will win and have their name engraved on our plaque!” They said, gesturing to a wall nearby. It was covered in dozens of them, all with names of previous champions who had stuffed themselves senseless. A series of staff brought large platters of sausages to each contestant and set it in front of them. They were also each given a large sugary drink if they wanted. “Now that each contestant has their table set, I will begin the countdown. Three, two, one, begin!” We watched as all ten people began frantically shoving sausages into their mouths. They didn’t look to be chewing at all, instead opting to swallow them whole, bun and all. Julia alternated between her left and right arms, picking one up, dunking it in her drink, eating it, and grabbing with the other, dunking it, eating it, and so on. I wouldn't have thought to dunk them in her drink first, she really did have experience with this. The alien staff brought out more sausages as the piles decreased. The show of gluttony drew quite a crowd, of both humans and aliens. After a few minutes, a few contestants slowed down, one even tapped out. Princess was still going strong, she was being fed by one of her followers, a rather plump girl with a pink shirt sporting a big P on it. She was feeding Princess two sausages at a time. Staff members watched each contestant closely, to count their amount eaten and make sure they weren’t cheating. More sausages were brought out so they could continue to stuff their faces. Julia looked uncomfortable, but stayed determined and forced more down her throat. She was sweating a bit and breathed heavily between each sausage. She and Princess were the last two still eating at a fast pace, the others struggling to scarf down another. Soon, a bell rang and the announcer yelled out “Time’s up! Stop eating”. Julia had a sausage half sticking out of her mouth, which she gulped down. The alien staff gathered to compare numbers, and spoke with the announcer. “We have a weiner! Heh, sorry I mean winner. It was a close call, but Julia wins with a total of 82 sausages! Beating our previous champion, Princess, by two. Congratulations Julia!” Everyone clapped and Kelsey and I stood to cheer. Princess looked irritated, and quickly left the platform with the others. Julia was handed a small trophy and she made her way down to join us. “Wow Julia, congrats!” Kelsey said with a smile. “Yeah, you beat Princess!” I added as I leaned down to hug her. “Thanks! Yeah feels good, even if she wins next time at least her streak is broken.” She replied. Julia slunk back in her chair and took a few deep breaths. I watched her huge belly move with each breath. “I feel like I can’t eat anything more for another month, though I know I’ll have to eat more tomo-BUUUUURRRRP!” She didn't bother finishing her sentence, and patted her stomach. “Although, I’ve no doubt made Princess angry with me. Ah well, worth it. Neither of us have much time left anyways.” She said casually. Kelsey and I felt grim, if Julia was indeed ahead of her average weight, then she would be taken away when she turned 20. That evening, Kelsey and I treated Julia to drinks at a bar, spoiling ourselves with cocktails and beer. We made fun of Princess and her goonies, who based on Julia’s stories were less than kind. Apparently Princess has connections and under the table deals with the corrupted aliens. She used this power to torment Julia's old friends, who had crossed her. Julia didn’t talk much about her old friends, it was implied that they were eaten long ago. She didn’t want to make more friends only to lose them, unless she knew she would go first. So when she saw me, all new, lost, and thin, she befriended me. It was a good girl’s night, we opened up to each other, laughed, cried, and probably drank too much. We’d be seeing the sugary drinks on our waistlines later, but we enjoyed it. Week 10: My body changed significantly in the following weeks, constantly being stuffed with nutrient paste. My arms and legs thickened a bit, but most of my growth was in my torso. The serum had me pack fat internally, which was in full effect. I always felt full and bloated, not only from the excessive amount of food but from the fat my body was storing deep inside. It felt like my entire chest cavity and abdomen was brimming with body fat, taking up all the space and squeezing my organs. My ribs were being pushed apart and my belly protruded out a fair amount, desperate for more room to fill. It was mostly firm like a pot belly, but still had some soft give to it. I had lost all muscle definition, I wasn’t working out and new body fat helped hide it. Kelsey seemed to have made the most progress, she had inflated like a balloon as Julia had said. At her height, extra weight had nowhere to go but out, so it did. Her plump torso curved out significantly, a thick roll clung to her waist and bulged over. When she sat, her belly competed with her bust to stick out further. Her shirt was riding up in the back, and sometimes the front. Her ass was almost a shelf, as her body packed on a couple of pounds there. She was an adorable shortstack, with a fair sized bust that seemed to grow as well. Julia had gained a fair amount too, mostly her belly. It oozed out far, a large blob of blubber that took up almost all of her lap. She could easily sit back and eat off of it, and she sometimes did. It pressed into the sides of her motor chair and invaded the space on the armrests. Weeks and weeks of rich fatty foods and no exercise had us all fattened up pretty well, and there was still much more to come. Julia suggested I check out the library and attend a history class or two. “Everyone deserves to know their culture’s past and where they originated from.” She had said. It was very interesting, while also concerning. Developed countries were well off enough to grow fat and have problems with eating too much where other countries starved. Eating fattened humans when they turn 20 isn’t right, but at least everybody is fed and lives well here. With obesity rates climbing back then, I wondered if society would end up something similar to this anyways. I was reading in the library when a girl dressed in bright pink caught my attention. She had a big P on her shirt and was putting posters up on the walls. She’s from the Princess gang, what’s she up to? I waited for her to leave then stood to see the poster. “Princess’ last birthday bash, next week North end of mess hall. Everyone is invited!” it read. So her time had finally come, she would turn 22 and be taken away to be eaten. As I approached our usual table, I was surprised to see Julia wearing her standard issue jumpsuit, she never had before. I sat down next to Kelsey. “Hey Julia, why are you wearing that? I thought you didn’t like those.” I asked. Julia chuckled as she cut a piece of her waffle off. “Princess had her little goons ruin my wardrobe, they cut everything to pieces. I was supposed to be naked today, but I had this hidden aside for just such an occasion.” She answered as she poured a generous amount of syrup on her plate. I was shocked, “How did she do that? Rooms only open to your eartag!” I asked angrily. “Yes, but staff members have full access to clean and do laundry and stuff. You know how Princess has connections...” Julia said, taking another bite. It was scary the power and access she had, good thing she was going away soon. “That reminds me, you guys seen the posters around?” I asked. Julia perked up, speaking with a full mouth. “Ah yes! I have! That bitch’s end is coming, may she rest in the bellies of a thousand aliens!” She said with a grin. “So are we avoiding this thing, or...“ I asked hesitantly, unsure how Julia felt. “Oh heck no, y’all don't have to but I need to see lady lardass sent to the butchers firsthand!” Julia said enthusiastically. “She may have had shady dealings with the aliens, but in the end she still ends up on a platter like the rest of us.” She added. “Speaking of,” I chimed in, “I better go fill up at the saturation chambers.” I said, and made my way over to get stuffed full yet again with the nutrient paste. When I returned to the table overly full from my feeding, there was a bit of commotion going on. There was an unusual amount of aliens on the upper level looking down at us, waving signs and some jumping. “Uuuhh, what’s going on? I asked. “Seems they’re here for you, Liz and Kelsey.” Julia said, gesturing to the TV. “News got out of your capture, and the alien folk seem to have varying opinions. Took them a while to find where you ended up, but here they are. There seems to be a protest going on, some of them want you free and overall for these facilities to end. It won't go anywhere though, it never does. Too many of them like to eat us, so we remain livestock.” Julia sighed as she finished a doughnut. I was surprised she still had more food to eat. “Ah, I see.” I said as I looked up. Dozens of the aliens crowded the glass, trying to flag our attention. Signs read things like “Humans are friends, not food” and “Intelligence shouldn’t be a delicacy”. While other signs read “Keep ‘em fat, keep us fed” and “Their best contribution is their MEAT.” Much like humans, they varied widely in opinion. Also like humans, a good few of them seemed to be overweight themselves. The thought of how many humans they ate to get that big made me feel uneasy. Just then, an alien staff member approached us. “Excuse me, Kelsey?” They asked. “Oh yes that’s me. Is something wrong?” Kelsey asked. “Not at all, I just need you to report to your scheduled doctor please.” They said with a smile, then walked off. Kelsey looked at me, “I hope I'm not going on the saturation program too.” She said weakly. “Nah, it’s a bit late to start you on that. Don’t worry, it’s probably something minor.” Julia reassured. “Yeah, you’re right” Kelsey said, then walked off to the medical wing. A couple days later, it was time for Princess’ birthday party. If Julia was going, we would accompany her. Kelsey hadn’t told us what her summon was about yet, she seemed embarrassed whenever we brought it up so we left it alone. We took a seat at an empty table and looked around. Several pink themed girls were walking about, setting up decorations and other preparations. Lots of pink ribbons decorated the columns and hung from the ceiling, a few bows here and there. The tables had a pink tablecloth too. But most obvious of all was a gigantic cake, made to look like Princess herself. Her body shape must have made it easy to make, more or less a big wide oval. It appeared to be cherry chip cake, with pink frosting of course. People slowly populated the tables and gathered as it got closer to beginning. Kelsey fidgeted in her seat, as if bothered by something. I was about to ask when she spoke up by herself. “I’m gonna be a mom, guys!” She practically burst out. Julia and I smiled. “Oh! That's great!” I said. “Yeaj!” Julia added “So you were selected to be a mother then eh?”. Kelsey nodded “Yup!”. Julia smirked at her. “So then, what method did you choose Kelsey?” She asked. Kelsey’s face turned red and looked away. Julia laughed in response. “Hah good for you girl!” She said. I gave Julia a puzzled look. “Does that mean what I think it means?” I asked. “That’s right, you can opt to be inseminated or simply mate with a partner. I don’t blame ya Kels! Go get some!” She said a bit too loudly. Kelsey buried her face in her hands and sank in her seat. The crowd parted as Princess wheeled herself to the head table. She somehow looked even bigger than I remembered, her body more belly than anything else. She stopped at her seat and a plump pink helper held a microphone to her face. “Residents of Greatgirth, thank you for joining me on my last day here. It’s been my pleasure to-” She stopped to take a breath, “to live and work with you all. To my business partners, don’t fret. Today we crown another Princess, to take up-*huff*-take up my responsibilities.” Princess declared as she gestured to a rather large girl next to her dressed similarly. “She will begin by consuming her predecessor, this cake made in my visage.” She said. “With that out of the way, enjoy the feast!” She said, and raised her arms as high as she could. It looked to take great effort to only reach shoulder height before slapping back down at her sides. Her assistant began feeding her heaps of the many layered lasagna before her, as everyone else dug in too. I had already filled up at my feeding chamber, but ended up eating the pink cake absentmindedly as we chatted, it was very tasty. Princess’ successor ate a considerable amount of the cake, but was sweating and struggling to force more down. She eventually slumped back in her chair and burped, rubbing her stomach as she took deep breaths and breathed heavily. As people finished eating, all the pink dressed goons lined up single file on either side of a nearby painted walkway. Alien staff stood nearby too, waiting. Princess started wheeling her way over, through the tables towards the walkway. Her custom motor chair hummed loudly, no doubt struggling to move her great weight. The pink goons saluted as Princess drove by, waving to the crowd like the queen. She made it about halfway to the door, then there was a loud crunch and she fell a few inches to the floor, the humming of her motor chair stopped. The entire mess hall was silent for a moment, Princess had broken her motor chair. “HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA” Julia burst out, turning more than a few heads. Her face was an expression of joy. Princess stared a glare of pure rage in our direction as she tried to stand, an attempt that only made her jiggle. I could barely see her feet under the mountainous mass of her fat body, she had no chance of standing. Several alien staff rushed over to her, and began to roll her like a boulder towards the butchering room. Her spherical body ended up making that easy. Julia laughed harder, earning more nasty looks from the pink posse. “Happy birthday Princess, and farewell!” Several voices called out. I curiously leaned forward to see past the hanger doors as they opened, I had never seen into the butchering room before. It looked bland, and appeared to be a separation room simply to prevent humans like me from seeing what lies beyond. Princess was rolled through, a giant ball of fatty meat with a bright red face. Week 20 Weeks passed, and the three of us kept getting fatter. It’s hard to say who was growing fastest, but Kelsey showed it the most. Her width grew significantly, a spare tire around her waist that stretched all her shirts. Her belly drooped down in front and ate up space between her legs. Her breasts rested on top, which had grown too. Her face was noticeably rounder too. She was about two months pregnant as well, which only made her look bigger. As for me, my torso was excessively full of fat. As it grew, it was packed densely and constricted my innards. With nowhere else to go, it pushed out and made me quite round. I wasn’t so firm anymore, as a layer of fat softened my body all over. The aliens clearly enjoyed my growing body and taking my measurements. They also started measuring how deep my fat squished in different areas, like my thighs, ribs, and tummy. They gradually measured a deeper squish over time, I was clearly fattening up well. I had to return to the clothing store to buy new, bigger clothes. But neither Kelsey nor I compared to Julia, who now struggled to get out of bed. She was trapped beneath her very heavy belly, which only grew each day. Kelsey and I visited her when she wasn’t up and about, and brought her favourite food. We were doing just that when we entered her room, and found two alien staff with her. They had a measuring tape wrapped around her belly, and were drooling as they updated her file. “Oh hey you two, we’re just finishing up.” Julia said. She zipped her suit back up and slumped down into her motor chair with a thud, it looked a bit too small for her. Her big belly bounced a bit and eventually settled, covering most of her legs and hanging down in front. “Come on ladies, let's go to the spa and relax.” Julia said. Kelsey and I smiled and nodded, and followed behind her. Julia was seated, but still breathed a bit heavily. She must be incredibly out of shape, which was no surprise. The three of us got changed at the bathhouse. We made our way to the big hot tub and stepped down into it. We felt the buoyancy of our body fat lifting us, but we stayed submerged. Our breasts kept afloat though, Kelsey tried to push hers down but gave up after a few attempts. “Listen, ladies, I only have a few days left...” Julia said in a serious tone. Kelsey and I looked at each other, then at Julia. We knew this day was coming soon, we just didn’t know exactly when. Julia was clearly more than heavy enough, and couldn’t have been that young. “Julia, I...I’m so sorry” Kelsey said. “Oh it’s alright, don’t worry about me. I knew it was coming. Besides, life has become difficult for me recently. Not only the weight, but Princess and her posse. They’ve been working behind the scenes to make my life worse. She’s got connections to the kitchen, she can control what's in the food I eat. She weakened my muscles and made me immobile, and ensured I didn't have any clothes. All sorts of inconveniences she arranged.” Julia said. “You think the new Princess did all that to you?” I asked. “Oh absolutely, I have no doubt the old Princess passed on her grievances, especially after my outburst of laughter. Hehe, worth it though!” She replied. We continued chatting and I occasionally got distracted by passersby. People of all sizes, from large to extra extra extra large. One girl had a belly so huge I couldn’t believe she could still walk. A few days later, we met up at our usual table. They filled up their trays as I filled up my belly at the saturation chamber. I came to join them afterwards. I kept eyeing the heavy doors to the butchering room, with guards on either side. “What exactly goes on in...there? I mean how does it...end?” I asked. Julia answered, knowing what I was referring to. “Well nobody knows, really. Nobody comes back out, obviously. The aliens are pretty hush hush about that aspect, most they’ll say is it's painless. They don’t want you to suffer, they just want your meat.” She said, taking a bite of her burger. Once we were done eating, an alien staff member came over and said “Miss Julia, whenever you’re ready.” Gesturing over to the butchering room door. They walked away and Julia looked at us. “Well girls, this is it. I told myself I wouldn't make friends after my last ones, but I'm glad I did. I’ll miss you two, you go on and live a fun rest of your lives, you hear?” She said with a smile. Kelsey and I stood and hugged her. “We’ll miss you too Julia” We both said. We watched as Julia turned her motor chair around and drove over to the big doors. One of the guards scanned her eartag to confirm and opened the doors. Once again I saw into the plain looking room on the other side, with another similar looking set of doors further in. Julia turned to wave at us, and we waved back. Her alien escort took her in and closed the doors, drooling. Week 30 Things were different with Julia no longer around. Kelsey and I chatted and kept each other company, but the group dynamic wasn’t the same. We seemed to pass some kind of threshold and then suddenly fattened up significantly. Kelsey was already several months pregnant, and the fat she packed on only made her bigger. She gave up on finding a big enough shirt and just covered her chest, letting her belly hang out. Her stomach became enormous, and had a consistent round radius. Dark stretch marks appeared too from her rapid growth outwards. Hugging her would be difficult, your arms couldn't wrap halfway around her, especially if you had a big gut of your own. And I certainly did, my torso must have been full of fat because my new fat started growing everywhere else. My arms and legs thickened a lot, curving out to a good width then tapering back to my wrists and ankles. My belly fat pushed my abdominal wall out far, then packed more out in front. I was constantly squished into the table, a feeling I got used to. I hadn't been able to cross my legs in a while, they were too thick and had too much tummy between them to do that anymore. I also started feeling dull aches in my body, something normal for those in the saturation program like I am. It was all so I could become more delicious while still living a mostly comfortable life. Kelsey and I both made our way to the medical wing for our checkups. They called for Kelsey and she slowly waddled her way over. Shortly after, I was called and brought to an examination room. I stripped to my underwear, so I could be measured most accurately. They updated my body measurements, which had all increased. I was weighed as well, I had put on more than I usually did between checkups this time. I thought we were done when they brought me to another room, and laid me on a table. “We’re just going to perform an ultrasound, see how your saturation is going Miss Liz.” One of them said. They rubbed some kind of fluid over my big belly and brought over a rod like instrument. They began moving it over my stomach, which displayed an image on the screen. The other alien doctor took notes in my file. “Good, good, your liver has enlarged considerably, as has your pancreas. They’ve saturated with a good amount of fat, as has your entire abdomen and chest cavity. Ribs have separated, as is expected. You’re a bit ahead of schedule! That’s great!” They said, drool forming at the corner of their mouth. “You may experience some aching from the high levels of saturation, let us know if it gets too severe.” They said with a smile. I just nodded, not eager to make conversation. I got dressed again and headed out to the mess hall. I mixed up my flavour choice in the saturation chamber, and was filled with thick lemon crème paste this time. I returned to our usual table and waited for Kelsey, feeling my thighs and butt ooze out to the side as I sat. I was carrying a lot of extra weight now, and it was getting to my knees and ankles. Even the casual, slow walk from the medical wing to the mess hall was enough to tire me out. I would have to resort to the motor chair soon. Kelsey returned to the table, breathing heavily. She had a stack of pancakes, a stack of waffles, a couple pastries, a few glasses of whole milk, and a generous helping of bacon. She always liked breakfast foods. You get used to a lot of things here, even watching a very overweight woman gorge herself on excessively fattening foods. She doused her waffles and pancakes in syrup and chocolate sauce as I sparked the conversation. “So Kelsey, how’s the baby?” I asked. “Oh she's doing great!” She replied as she popped a big bite of waffle into her mouth. “I should be due in another month or so” she said, chewing a mouthful of the waffle. “Aaaand, I’ve been seeing Randy again and again...“ She added, visibly blushing. “Oh my Kels, gettin’ some action eh?” I teased as I nudged her arm. "Yeeeaaaa, the sex was so great we decided to keep it up, so...we did. You should too Liz! Life is short, you should try it and enjoy yourself!” She said with a smile, then continued eating her pile of food. “Yeah, maybe...” I said passively, looking off into space. Where would I start? I wasn’t interested in motherhood. There was a section of amenities I hadn't checked out yet, I could start there. Kelsey’s words echoed in my head, and I found myself envious and gradually more horny. Masturbation would be difficult at my size, I would need someone’s help. I started exploring a different part of the facility, passing by other stores and activities. I came across one called Pleasure Paradise. The posters around it looked suggestive so I walked in. I heard faint moaning and clapping from the surrounding rooms as soon as I walked in, a rotund woman looked up at me with a smile when I entered. “Ah hello, welcome to Pleasure Paradise, home of sexual sensations. Admission is a mere 2000 points for as long as you wish. Condoms, lube, and some other accessories are available too.” She said. 2000 was fairly cheap, a fraction of what I earned for one stuffing at the saturation chambers. So I agreed and she scanned my eartag, redeeming my points. “All our private rooms are in use, but there is an orgy going on in room 5. The more the merrier they say!” She said casually but enthusiastically. I blushed, I didn't think this far ahead. I didn't think to bring anyone, maybe an orgy would work. I opened the door to room 5 and was met with the smell of sweat and lube, but the air also had an aroma added in that made it smell sweet and sensual. Seven women lay together in the middle of the room, which seemed to be padded with thick pillow cushioning almost like a bed. They were all naked and squirming, fingering and feeling each other as they moaned. I instinctively undressed, and crawled over to join them. I was one of the bigger girls there, but we were all pretty fat. One girl was bigger than me by a pretty wide margin, she was busy smothering a smaller girl with her expansively soft belly. Her rolls cascaded down and enveloped most of the other girl’s body, but her arms were feeling up the bigger girl’s sides, rubbing and squeezing her fat. I got close and felt some hands reach out and caress my leg, then another grabbed my breast. I was pulled in and fondled by various hands. I seemed to catch most of their attention, as they shifted focus onto me, the new girl. The girls’ cute round red faces looked at me with a smirk as I was fondled, poked, squeezed, squished, and jiggled. I had felt up my own belly before in the shower, but to have others do it to me felt...great, invigorating. I was always unsure if I was attracted to men or women, I suppose this answered my question. One girl put her lips to my belly button, and licked it. I blushed even harder and moaned a bit, and she kissed and sucked on my belly some more while another set of hands came from behind and grabbed my breasts. I moaned more as they massaged them gently, then more fiercely. Then soft lips touched my shoulder and gave me a hickey. I groaned more, and felt myself getting wet down there. We were all breathing heavily, sensually. The biggest girl lifted her huge tummy, revealing the girl underneath. She was red all over, and looked to be in true bliss. They both made their way over to me, and the huge girl straddled me, one leg on each side. I felt my arm pulled aside, the girl who was buried in belly fat brought my hand to her crotch. Without needing instruction, I inserted two of my fingers and did what felt natural. Hands caressed me all over, and I caressed back. Everyone was moaning, and touching each other in every area. I felt a hand tease my vagina too, they pushed my folds aside and got inside. I moaned harder when they did, this was new to me. The huge girl dropped her belly onto me, I felt it’s soft heavy mass on my chest. I brought my hand up to squeeze it, and slosh it around. I gave it a slap and watched her whole body jiggle. I felt my other hand get wetter, the other girl had cum. I was getting close too, the intimate closeness and whatever that hand was doing down there all felt so good. I didn't realize how much I needed this. I grabbed the gigantic belly resting on me and gave it a good shake, it made a loud slap as it clapped against my body, and made both of us jiggle. Her red face smiled wide, and she leaned forward into me. She covered me too with her excessively fat stomach, a blissful softness surrounded me. It was hard to breathe, but I didn't want it to stop. I rubbed and massaged every soft chubby fold I could feel, not even sure if it was from the same person. We all continued moaning as we pleasured ourselves for an immeasurable amount of time. Week 45 Time seemed to fly by, as I was stuffed to the brim with the nutrient paste I grew fatter and fatter and fatter. I tried to keep walking, but I was too weak and had to resort to the motor chair as my legs became useless. They slowly disappeared under my expanding mass of belly fat. The saturation chamber gradually became more and more narrow as I became wider and took up more space. My stomach must have been expanding, as my feedings lasted longer. I arrived at the medical wing for another checkup, my doctors were happier to see me each time. They helped me strip and took my measurements. My thighs and torso had a deep squish of a few inches, and my rolls thickened to a couple inches as well. They drooled as they stretched the measuring tape around my waist, the clicking it made lasted a while as it dispensed more and more to wrap around me. I almost didn't believe what the scale read, I was 686 pounds. “Very good Liz! You’re well on your way to your weight goal. Keep it up!” One of them said, wiping away their drool. They did another ultrasound to check on my organs too. “Hmm, I can’t see anything, there’s too much fat in the way. Turn up the intensity, we need to see deeper.” One of the aliens said to the other. They turned a dial and I watched the image on screen change. “Aaah there we are. Wonderful, your liver is four times larger than it was! It’s grown very thick and fatty, it’s saturated beautifully. It definitely won't perform its functions anymore, but the injections you got will help with that. You’re all set Liz, keep filling up and you’ll reach 800 in no time!” They said enthusiastically. I just nodded, as always, and sank back into my motor chair after getting dressed. I gave up on buying new clothes, they were stretchy but I still went through them quickly. I just wore a stretchy top to cover my breasts and an elastic skirt that could hang down to cover my legs without constricting them. I met with Kelsey in the mess hall, at our usual spot. I was heavier than she is, but you wouldn't know from looking at us. She looked bigger than I was, and I was pretty big. Kelsey’s belly surged forward and was pulled down by gravity. It folded over as she grew more and more and more fat. Her hips and thighs expanded her sides and her butt stuck out behind her. Every part of her body was drooping with excess, yet there she sat, gorging herself on more food. Stacks of meat, bowls of pasta, and piles of desserts. Kelsey had of course lost her ability to walk long ago too, and was using a motor chair. We talked about our sex lives, and Kelsey’s daughter. I had returned to the orgy regularly, becoming the biggest girl there. Kelsey continued having flings with Randy, who was really only interested in that. Kelsey visited her daughter Natalie in the kindergarten area of the facility a lot, inviting me a few times. Security was very tight, they didn’t want any more trafficking out of the facility, like we had been long ago. Natalie was adorable, though knowing her future here at the facility made me want to smuggle her out somehow. Alien guards escorted us out, but quickly patted us down and searched us for anything we shouldn't have. They took their time, seeming to enjoy feeling us up. As usual they were drooling, did any of these aliens have any control over that?! Week 60 My time had come, at my latest checkup I weighed in at 817 pounds. I could no longer stand on my own and fit snugly into the saturation chamber. I spent more and more days in my bed, not even wanting to roll into my motor chair. Kelsey visited when she could, although she was struggling with mobility too. She looked cartoonishly fat, and incredibly wide. She brushed against the door frame when she entered. Kelsey looked like a mountain of meat, her rolls of fat grew to their widest at her waist. Her circumference no doubt surpassed her height a few dozen pounds ago. Her breasts grew huge and plump, from being fattened up as well as hormones from motherhood. Somehow they remained somewhat perky, she must have been wearing a special bra. "So, you called me here, Liz?” Kelsey said in a dark tone, knowing what this was about. “Yes, it's my birthday. I'm more than fat enough, so...” I didn't finish my sentence. “Ah, I see” Kelsey responded. There was a silence, filled only with the sound of our laboured breathing. “My best wishes for you and Natalie, I’ll miss you two” I finally said. “You’ll always be with us, Liz” Kelsey said, and leaned over as much as she could to hug me. Our softness squished together as she did. “Besides, I won’t be far behind you bestie.” She said, slapping her gigantic belly and watching it jiggle. Despite it all, we laughed. Kelsey waved goodbye and wheeled away, off to the mess hall to eat some more. I pushed the assistance button and waited for the aliens to collect me. I drove my motor chair through the facility, escorted by alien guards. We followed the painted pathways and made it to the butchering room. They scanned my eartag to confirm I was ready, and opened the doors to let me in. Despite feeling nervous for what was to come, I would finally see what it was like back here. I entered the bland room and stopped before the next entrance. I heard the doors clunk closed behind me, and then the next set opened. The room was massive, and industrial. Dozens of meat grinders fed to a conveyer belt which was then processed by alien staff in aprons. Other strange looking machinery filled the room, and what I presumed to be freezers lined the back wall. All of the machinery and aprons had stains of a dark red, I didn't need to guess from what. A mezzanine with more equipment overlooked the main level, and some kind of track was fastened to the ceiling. “Got another one ready eh?” I heard a voice say. One of the workers with an apron approached me, looking everywhere but my eyes. “Wowee she's a big one, saturation program I assume?” They asked. “That's right, she was one of the harboured humans.” A guard replied. “Oh really? Well look at that, she fattened up pretty well in the end after all.” They replied. My face turned red, unsure what to say. “Well let’s see how much she’s packing, get her ready.” The alien said as they turned to a set of controls. The guards stood back and other workers helped me stand up briefly. They took away my motor chair. And I heard a click and felt my eartag being removed. “Won’t be needing that anymore.” The alien said. “Or this.” They continued as they pulled off my clothes. Too weak to keep standing, I fell to the floor on my butt with a thud, which made me jiggle and bounce. I guess the comfortable part of my life was over, now I was just a big package of meat for them to drool over. I saw a big claw race down the ceiling track, and stop above me. It lowered, and opened up. The three prongs surrounded me, then started closing together. It squeezed me and my fat squished out in various places. It didn’t hurt, but I grunted from mild discomfort. Then I slowly lifted, until my dangling feet no longer touched the ground. Controls clicked and motors hummed as I was carried over to a large flat metal plate, which had a slight dip in the middle. I was lowered onto it and released, slapping from a short drop of 1 or 2 inches. I looked at a display above my head, which displayed a number. It quickly climbed from 0 up to 200, 400, 700, 800, then slowly ticked up to 817. I heard the alien worker whistle suggestively. “That’s gonna be a great yield of meat!” They said, then clicked away at their screen. As I waited, I heard a meat grinder turn on in the distance and start chopping something up. That would be me soon, I thought. The claw came down and picked me up again, and started bringing me somewhere else. “She should provide enough meat for about 2500 quarter pound patties, give or take.” The alien said with a grin, drooling as they looked up at me. Another worker recorded that on a tablet. The claw stopped, and I was lowered again. This time I was placed on a wide, sturdy looking slab surrounded by knives and other tools. I also saw a large poster portraying an obese human woman with labels pointing to different parts of her body. Human pork belly, ribeye steak, rump steak, breast, fatty liver, and so on. My heart raced as I lay on the cold slab, surrounded by drooling aliens. One approached me and placed a mask over my face, and strapped it behind my head. “Breathe deeply ok? You’ll go to sleep and drift off in no time.” They said as they cranked the valve on the connected tank. I took a deep breath, and slowly began to feel tingly. Another alien got out a marker and started drawing dashed lies along my belly, thighs, and chest. I took another breath and felt very tired. Then another breath, and my eyes fell shut. Life had been fairly good, not living in hiding or fear anymore. We made a good friend here and lived in luxury. I was probably better off here than scurrying off in the streets. As I lost consciousness, I thought of Kelsey and Natalie and smiled.