What's a mesamorph? Great question! In 2028, a portal from a parallel universe opened in the heart of Texas. One by one beings from another plane poured in. Calling themselves the Mesas... ...they had only just escaped their crumbling pocket universe. The god of the realm, Toroboros, used the last of his dwindling power to open a gateway. "Oh, my children. I did not see the day that the greatest of my creations would take final refuge amongst my pathetic brother's worst, but alas, there is no time..." A race with culture like any other, these beings eventually, albeit slowly, spread out and integrated themselves into human society. While their genome is very similar to humans, they have some interesting biology. Mesamorph physiology is an adaptation to their home planet. Their metabolism is near 100% efficient. When resources are scarce, Mesas quickly lose muscle mass, re-absorb fat and adjust to the point they require extremely little food and water, feel no hunger, and become more docile When resources are plentiful Mesas rapidly gain mass and muscle to accommodate increased caloric intake and reserve crucial energy for the harsh winter their home planet was known for. In the modern era, the first and second adult generations resulting from the inevitable unions between mesamorphs and humans are growing up and entering schools and the workforce, and having their own families. Prized for their "hybrid vigor", these half and quarter mesamorphs are rare and treasured for a wide variety of reasons. Less imposing than their average 8 ft tall full-blooded Mesa forebearers and not nearly as temperamental, these metahumans, affectionately known as "Mezzies", have almost no issues whatsoever fully embracing whatever culture they are born into, and are welcomed in most societies. India especially treats them as royalty. Interview Day: Stella sees stars *BZZ* One Stella at reception for you, sir. Good afternoon Stella. You're here about the bovine embryogenesis project? That's right. I'd like to work with animals again. We're conducting both a human and animal research trial on a combination hormone and genetic editing procedure that will revolutionize the dairy industry. The job description was vague... just 'research assistant'? Do you have any past experience working with CRISPR editing tools? ....I should go. Perhaps think about joining the human research trial, as a subject instead? What's the going rate for lab rat these days? Five-thousand paid each week. Lodging and meals are provided, and you must consent to 24/7 monitoring. ...What would I even be doing? receiving the equivalent human hormone therapy and gene editing. healthier pregnancies, easier births, stronger bones, hardier immune systems, increased libido...a host of benefits. You had me at five grand a week, but that all sounds good too.  Let's do it! First week Ok dear, I'm clearing you to participate in the trial. That shot will get you started, then take one of these pills once in the morning and once at night. We'll meet again in a month to re-asses. Any questions? No, thank you doctor. *wait... asses?*   So Jake, what exactly is your title here? Handler. You're... my handler? Stall. This here's collection, where you'll be spending alot of time once the therapy kicks in. Essentially your "office" during the day. Now lets head on over to storage. Storage is where it all ends up for testing. The labcoats come in here constantly to take samples and run lipid counts, taste tests, purity, you get the drill. Finally here's the outer yard. If you're ever feeling cooped up, come hang out by the pond and feed the ducks, or sit under that tree in the breeze, or just get a bit of a tan. I don't tan, I freckle. Alright that about wraps it up. Anything else you wanna know? Nah, I can barely keep my eyes open at the moment. Thanks for showing me around. G'night! --------------------------------------------------- *BANG BANG BANG* zzz...hwah.. wha? Stella? What time is it? What's wrong? Did you run here? It's 6am. dinner didn't take and I can't sleep. Is there anything I can eat before breakfast? Uh.. I mean there's a free vending machine down the hall from the mess hall. kthanksbye! Later that morning Mornin' Stellahomygod. Did you empty out the vending machine and bring it to your room? You know, I get why vending machines usually require money. God damn... uhh... Stella le'ts just.. keep this quiet for now huh? Abusing vending machine privileges could get you shitcanned! We'll just pretend this never happened, k? --------------------------------------------- How do you mean? She's put on a lot of weight. And? Mesomorphs are known to develop rapidly at her age. Her appetite distracts her when she's giving samples. She wakes us up at all hours of the night beating on the vending machine for the last bag of chips. I see. That's IF the bag gets stuck. If not and she polishes every last snack off she comes to me at ungodly hours of the morning begging for anything to eat. That is a problem. I'll look into it. In the meantime Jake, you're her handler. Handle it. If she's double dipping and chugging from the 10 gallons in storage, we have a problem. What? I think she sneaks into storage when she gets really desperate and chugs from the 10 gals in the cold room. We don't have any cameras in that area. Just her room and medbay. You can't be serious. I am. It hasn't been processed yet, sir. Drug's half life is fairly long and has to be filtered out before consumption. Ok, here's what I want you to do. Move the vending machine into my office. If she wants a snack, she's gotta come to me. Got it. Lock up storage. Move the vending machine to my office. She wants a snack she can come to me. Then, chain up and lock the storage facility. Only give copies of the key to the lab guys for runnins their tests and keep a copy for yourself when you deliver new product from collection. Can do. -------------------------------- Ok Stella we need to have a talk. Sure what's up? I think you know very well what. Inspector did their sweep today and asked if we were running a research lab or a meat market. What does that mea.. It means you're way, way over the safe weight limits for this trial. It's not my fault the drugs make me so damn hungry. You think I WANT to be stuffing my face 24/7? You guys think I can just make samples from nothing? I understand that but it's just out of hand. You're stealing everyone's lunches. I catch you stuffing your tit into your gob and gorging yourself when you think no one is looking during collection. It's pathetic, and moreover, dangerous. Look, bossman, I don't know what to tell you. This is what the therapy and regime did. Take it up with the doc. And, can you really blame me? Wheatgrass juice and oats, day in and day out? It's a joke. Furthermore, you're in no position to stop me. I've got 150lbs on you and I'm at least a foot taller. Now give me your lunch and a back massage. ------------------------------------------------- Can we talk sir? Sure Jake. We need to talk about the bovine embryogen...Stella. What's the situation? It hasn't really gotten any better. If I'm honest I.. oh boy.. Out with it. After we locked up storage I... think she started sneaking over to the porcine lab across the field. What?! Ha! She gets winded just going to the dining hall and back to her room. She'd never make it. You'd be surprised sir. I think alot of that "I'm so exhausted, let me catch my breath" stuff is her faking so that we don't catch on to her. I think she's gone from giving samples to taking them. You don't mean? That's right. The experimental corn feed from our sister porcine embryogenesis lab. They haven't reported any losses of the test product but... The girl is clever but there's no way sh...wait. What if... what if she's taking the popcorn kernels from the vending machine, hydrating them just enough, then taking the test samples and mixing back in her home-made corn mush at just the right consistency and weight? Oh...oh no. Make sure the forklift gets proper maintenance this month. I'll instruct the porcine lab to go into lockdown until further notice, no one in or out until we conduct an investigation. Right. Shit Stella, you're huge. uff. Welcome back. You really did, didn't you? You snuck into porcine lab, stole samples, and consumed them. Didn't you?! *burp* hehe... clever girl. Storage was locked. Porcine lab inaccessible. Vending machine empty and we cancelled the vendor! We only left you wheat grass juice in the fridge and oatmeal! That's not all you left. Huh? You didn't check the ice cube trays in the freezer. ...you didn't. You froze your own samples? When? Weeks ago in case you tried to starve me like I knew you would. Not only that, but you left the sugar packets next to the coffee maker. I made oatmeal cookies in the microwave. ....were they good? What's it look like? ...are there any left? What's it look like? *sigh*. God damnit. Ok. Can you stand? Yes, asshole. Given the circumstances I think it was a valid question. Can you walk? Yes. ...A little... Alright waddle on out to the hallway. I'll bring a pallet and the lift around. Christ sake Stella what the fuck... **oh my god this is so embarrassing...being hoisted to work by farm equipment like construction materials. maybe I should have listened...** **....actually, I could get used to being carried to and from work. It's really not so bad.** ---------------------------------- She'll stuff her mams in your face, take your food while you can't see then, run off cackling. She uh... forced herself on me. And then, when i was inside her...she arched her back and sucked my balls in as well. She proceeded to squeeze them as hard as she could while staring at me with this half crazy, half mob boss look. Like she's just fucking with me, but if I try to resist she'll fucking hurt me, you know? I stop trying to get out from under her and she lets my balls back out but keeps a solid hold of the shaft and I swear to god. Like the palm the of the fucking Hulk. No lie. And she's slowly milking me, without even moving her hips, mind you, without saying or making a sound, just making direct eye contact. It was fucking creepy. And hot. Creepy and hot. There was nothing I could do. And then, right as I was about to cum...she hopped off, pulled her pants up and walked out. Is this how she establishes dominance? --------------------------------- Hey Jake! Got any plans this evening? Yea I'm gonna watch the game with the b.. No you're not. I'm coming over and we're hanging out. But uhh.. Yep, it'll be great. You got any food? No, not really? Ok we'll just play hide the salami together then. Lemme in. --------------------------------------------- 80 minutes later Hey...Jake... Yeah? Good Job..tonight. I was gonna..ah... make you work an hour an a half but..I'm..uff..about to let you..ah...ff... clock..out... Oh? Yes..you earned iaa..ahhh..ahhhhhhnnn *splurt* alright thanks champ, see you bright and early tomorrow morning.