PATIENT BLUE/TALES OF THE BLUEBERRY BUSH Houston Texas St. Murdoch Medical Center October 13, 2023 11:00 PM CDT >An elderly barn owl in a lab coat and a brown tie, the 60 year old Dr. McGoohan, is speaking with another male doctor during an overnight shift. >The two guys are the only doctors currently working overnights at the hospital. >The middle-aged alligator, 45 year old Dr. Taylor, strikes a convo about the economy and how much he thinks inflation sucks. >Dr. McGoohan is in agreement with him, but starts to feel fatigued. >Feeling his eyelids begin to shut, McGoohan asks Taylor if it's fine if he grabs a cup of black coffee from the break room. >Taylor agrees and allows McGoohan to make a short trek to the hospital break room. >McGoohan walks toward the break room, slowly, trying not to pass out on the floor. >He's close to reaching the door, until he hears the sloshing of liquid from afar. >Dr. McGoohan perks up. >His eyes widen. >The avian's feathers stand up in the air. >He listens for the sound. >It appears to be getting closer. >Closer, closer, and closer. >He doesn't move from his spot till he hears the shrill scream of Taylor. 11:12 PM CDT >"What the fuck is that?!" >McGoohan screeches and flies himself toward the lobby, where he sees the frightened reptile pointing out the clear, glass doors into the almost empty parking lot and out onto the road. >McGoohan asks Taylor what's the matter, and Taylor only answers with frantic stammering. >Then, McGoohan hears the sloshing sound again. >He looks toward the direction Taylor is pointing and sees what appears to be a massive, 12 ft tall oblong spheroid rolling toward the building. >McGoohan squints as the figure passes through the street lights. >The closer the object came, the more features he could make out. >The first thing he notices on the figure is a pair of dark blue circles surrounded by a coat fur. >Within the circles are a pair of big, puffy bumps jutting out from the center of the the azure saucers, each bump measuring 65 cm across. >The bumps are surrounded by compartively smaller bumps of varying sizes, all of which seem to be leaking a pink fluid. >They're nipples. >The biggest pair of nipples he had ever seen, bigger than an elephant's. >McGoohan could then make out what appears to be a belly button below the pair of nipples. >The navel, much like the blimp's udders, protrudes from its form and is glowing an alarming maroon color. >He thinks of the belly of a pregnant female upon noticing it. >Is this a pregnant anthro? He'd never seen someone in such a condition. >Along with the nipples and belly button, are five divots. >Deep holes in the gigantic form that appear to be a host to a head, arms, and legs, all of which are sunken deep within them. >Marking the back of the spheroid is a small tail, a mere pinprick overshadowed by a bubble butt of elephantine proportions. >Finally, as the big blue mass reaches the doors of the hospital, both McGoohan and Taylor stare in awe at a mammoth vagina. >A blurple, engorged 4 ft wide pussy dripping in sweat and a reddish-purple liquid. >The doctors, as though in sync, feel blood run to their dicks and bulges form in their pants. >They pause in-place, staring at the blue indigo dirigible teetering on its crotch before them. >Promptly after the spheroid is left sitting infront of the hospital's doors, another figure emerges from behind it. >The mysterious figure is a 5 ft buff, chiseled 23 year old bulldog in a sweat-soaked white tank top and black gym shorts. >His 7 inch penis, also bulging in a manner akin to the doctors, is poking out of his shorts through the left pant leg. >The bulldog, hysterical and out of breath, runs through the doors, which open automatically open upon sensing motion, and falls onto the floor below the pair of medical professionals. >McGoohan and Taylor stare down at the bulldog. >They look down at the canine, then to each other, and then back down at the canine. >The bulldog, wheezing, jumps back up from the spot he had fallen and grabs McGoohan by the coat. >His hands are coated in the purple-reddish fluids the doctors observed on the puffed-up vagina and now it's staining the old bird's lab coat. >He screams loudly, begging them to fix his girlfriend. >"Fix her! Please! Can you help her?! I don't want to her to explode! Her family's going to fucking kill me!" >McGoohan shakes the crazed dog off, asks for his name and why his female partner became so...big. >The bulldog reveals himself to be Josiah Hall, a senior Journalist student at the University of Houston, and the massive blue oblate spheroid to be Maya Gonzales, a 22 year old chihuahua attending the same school as Josiah and is a junior Biology student. >McGoohan, feeling a sense of urgency, asks Josiah what happened to Maya. >Josiah, unsure if McGoohan and Taylor would believe him, explains to them that Maya had been transformed into a blueberry during a college party. FLASHBACK 10:30 PM CDT >A strange blue fox in a purple baseball cap, hoodie, and sweatpants offered her a strange glass of wine. >Josiah watched them talk and saw Maya gulp down the glass, as though she were under a trance, and totally emptying it of the strange wine. >Her furcoat would soon turn blue in the middle of a talk between their friends. >This would immediately take a horrific turn when her booty cheeks and stomach swell up with a thick, syrupy liquid. >Every inch of her belly, ass, and extremities sloshed violently with the fluid that continued to fill them. >Josiah determined this to be blueberry juice after he had caught her scent, which smelled of fresh blueberries, and helped push her out of the house before she had grown too big. >Maya's clothes would then rip and tear, falling off her body in tatters, and leaving her nude. >Josiah admitted being turned on by this, but ended up having to roll her to a nearby hospital in response to her terrified calls for help. "Josiah, help! Hnnngh..." >Maya clenches her hands into fists and grits her teeth due to her skin becoming increasingly tight and pressures caused by the juice building within her becoming unbearable. >"Pleathe...hrnghph...down'th wet mwe pwowp." >Maya cried, her body still growing, albeit at a slower rate than the initial growth. >Josiah, tapping into his inner strength, rolled his enormous berry of a girlfriend through the streets of Houston. >They had disrupted traffic, destroyed stop lights, and nearly caused multiple accidents along the way. >The sloshing and gurgling of blueberry juices within Maya's body easily overcame the sound pollution, becoming all that citizens could hear as she rolled by. >Maya moaned as tips of her ears brushed against the asphalt below. >She'd constantly shift from groaning for help to screaming for Josiah's dick to penetrate her bloated pussy. >Maya wanted her boyfriend to fuck the juice out of her. >Josiah wanted to do this but they were in a public setting. >There was no he way he was going to fuck a giant blueberry in the middle of Houston night traffic. END FLASH BACK 11:17 PM CDT >After having heard the bulldog's story, McGoohan decides to step out, stethoscope in hand, in front of the giant blueberry canine. >Upon opening the door, he is hit with the strong odor of blueberries. >He stiffens up, but manages to regain his composure before placing the ear pieces of the stethoscope in his ears and the bell on Maya's stomach. >He hears the ambience of churning juices mixed with the gurgling of her stomach. >The poor chihuahua sounds like a boiling cauldron. >McGoohan cringes in disgust thinking about what it'd be like to be in her shoes. >Having listened to the grotesque sounds produced by Maya's juicy insides, McGoohan decides to roll her back and around the parking lot. >Maya yelps, moans and screams while the owl pushes her blueberry mass around the pavement. >McGoohan felt weird pushing against the berry's bare chest and private parts, although it felt stranger due to how sticky her fur is. >Maya's sweating juice from all her pores. >From her belly to her bouncy berry buttocks, every inch of her is covered in a thick but seemingly invisible layer of juice. >Needing to speak to Maya, McGoohan rolls the blueberry to the center of the lot and rests her body on its stomach. >Maya's face stood a little more than a few feet above McGoohan. >The blueberry chihuahua's head is horrifically bloated, not unlike that of a morbidly obese person who weighs over 400 lbs. >Her jowls are 30 cm each, the excess juice weight causing them to sag down. >The female dog's eyes are a deep blue and her eyelids are covered in purple spots, bags rest underneath them as an indication of the stress that comes from holding an incalculable amount of juice. >Maya has grown a triple chin, of which barely sticks out beneath oversized big yellow bottom bimbo lip. >Her tongue and the surrounding flesh in her mouth, the gums of her teeth...are all yellow. >Even the Lacrimal Caruncle, the small round nodule at the inner corner of her eyes, had become yellow. >Yellow. The color of blueberry flesh. >McGoohan stared into Maya's eyes, breathless. >Maya gazed back him, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. >Her eyes point into the air. >Juice escapes Maya's mouth while she attempts to speak. >"Dochstor...pwease." >McGoohan nods, not knowing how to respond. >"Gwet thwis shwit owttah mwe befowe awe expwode...mmmnnn..." >Maya grits her teeth and bites her lip. >"Stowmawch...huwtphs." >Unable to help Maya by himself, let alone not knowing how to such an unprecendented condition, the frightened owl runs back into the building. >Maya screams out for him. >"Dochstor pwease! Gownnaw bwow! Twoo bwig!" >Dr. Taylor, consoling a mortified Josiah, asks McGoohan if Maya will be okay. >McGoohan, now calling emergency services at the front desk, recommends the alligator take the bulldog down to the basement in-case Maya's conditions worsens. >He doesn't want them to get caught in a potential blast. >Taylor takes Josiah to the hospital's basement floor with him. >Josiah weeps as he's escorted away from the lobby. >"She's going to explode...Maya's going to fucking explode!" >McGoohan sighs as he waits for the 911 operator to pick up, constantly switching his gaze from the floor below his feet and the blueberry silenting teetering in the empty lot. >His prayers would immediately be answered when the operator finally answered. >McGoohan would finally explain their current dilemma to a bewildered dispatcher, all in full detail. 11:30 PM CDT >McGoohan's call for emergency services have been taken seriously and a crew would be dispatched to the hospital, although he didn't expect them to have an advanced understanding of the chihuahua's situation. >When the first-responders arrived, he didn't expect them to drive in with a large hydraulic press hoisted to the back of a cargo truck, as well as a mobile crane. >A team of anthros in tactical military gear and purple surgical gowns exited the truck and surrounded Maya. >They blocked off the parking lot from any entering traffic and sealed the hospital's entrances with yellow tarps >McGoohan watched from the highest floor of the hospital, coffee in hand. >He witnessed the crane lift the press of the truck and onto the patch of asphalt closest to the blueberry. >It landed with a thud, shaking the ground, the hospital, and Maya. >McGoohan winced as he heard Maya moan in pain. >Poor girl. >It wouldn't be long until they had rolled the enormous blueberry dog into the press. >Her back rested against the bolster plate, the bottom of the press, and her stomach brushed against the slide plate, the top of the press. >One of the males in military gear, a black bear, climbs a ladder on the press's side and operates the press from a small room on its crown. >Another male in military gear, a hyena, grabs a megaphone and begins counting down the seconds until the press begins its squeezing of Maya. >The blueberry moans, complaining about the juice not stopping. >She moans in pain once again. >Her belly growls angrily while freshly produced juices begin to fill her up even more. >"5!" >Maya closes her eyes, feeling as though her body has reached its limit. >Reddish-purple tears run down her face. >Her divots deepen. >"4!" >Nipples lactating streams of pink blueberry milk in a futile attempt to relieve pressure. >Maya thought it was all over for her. >She was going to explode. >"3!" >She was going to die as some large piece of fruit. >Maya thought about the times she spent with Josiah, the time they first met, and their plans for marriage. >All of that was going to come to an abrupt end. >An abrupt splat. >"1!" >At least it was going to be painless. >Painless and- >"1!" >The press' slide plate punched directly into Maya's gut with the strength of a high speed freight train crashing into a small car. >Juice, mixed with bodily fluids, escaped from all of Maya's holes. >Her vagina, anus, nipples, pores, and her mouth. >The blueberry chihuahua's mouth expelled an insane amount of juice. >Blueberry juice, along with blueberry milk and cum hit the emergency crew and the surrounding area. >The hospitals windows shattered and McGoohan was blown back into a wall. >He survived but ended up going unconscious. >Taylor and Josiah sit next to an empty hospital bed, the former consoling the latter. >Josiah whimpers in the alligator's arms, hearing the loud blast shaking the building's foundation from outside, assuming his fiance had finally exploded. >Taylor shake his hand, gently stroking the bulldog's head. >Maya's body continues to shrink, gradually retaining some semblance of mobility after a small lake's worth of juice escapes from her orifices. >She'd be caught in a state of bliss, but would soon be knocked out by the intensity of the juice torrents escaping from her. Houston, Texas St. Murdoch Medical Center October 16th, 2023 9:00 AM CDT >Maya wakes up in a hospital bed, attached to a beeping heart monitor and an intravenous line conntected to her left arm. >The sun shines into the room, rays of sunlight entering through a shattered window. >There was also a noticeable breeze bought upon a wind blowing through what remained of the shattered glass. >Her eyes shift from the broken window to meet with Josiah's, who's sitting to her right, who's crying. >A river of tears flow from the bulldog's eyes, he's glad she is alive and in one piece. >Maya, though, questioned as to whether it was all a dream. >That's what she wanted to think until she saw her arms. >They were still blue. >In fact, her furcoat remained a deep blue. >Maya freezes, now understanding that none of what happened three days wasn't a dream. >She actually had transformed into a giant blueberry and was mere minutes from bursting into a mass of magenta, yellowish-green gore. >Maya looked at her stomach, now flat and her navel an innie, and discovers a large stitched up surgical scar along her right side. >What did they do to her? >Maya looks around her body for more scars, only to be met by Dr. McGoohan and Dr. Taylor. >McGoohan has lost some of his feathers and is now walking on a cane, since had broken his back after being flung into a wall. >Taylor shakes Josiah and Maya's hands, before McGoohan decides to explain what had happened after Maya was juiced. >According to McGoohan, the chihuahua was taken back into the hospital by extra emergency crews called upon by locals and needed to be operated on to ensure she doesn't suffer complications post-squeeze. >Surgeons had discovered her blood had mixed with the blueberry juice, resembling juices than normal red blood. >Her organs and flesh have all become yellow. >Maya's skin and fur? >Permanently a shade of blue. >The medical staff and McGoohan have concluded that Maya is now half-blueberry after a period of analysis and testing. >A mix of plant and animal DNA. >This news shocks the canine couple. >Josiah has a blueberry for girlfriend now. >Albeit, her body's ceased producing juice at the excessive gallons she produced days prior. >Maya and Josiah embrace each other for more than a few minutes. >This elicits an awe from McGoohan, Tyler, and passing hospital staff. >Maya is later discharged. >Her hospital fees have been waived and no longer have to be paid for. >She and Josiah are picked up by their college friends. >They drive away from the hospital, on their way to live their lives with some semblance of normalcy. >Josiah has a blueberry for a girlfriend, and that's alright with him. Houston, Texas Suburban neighborhood November 1, 2023 9:00 AM CDT >A 5 ft bull terrier donning a purple trenchcoat is knocking on the door of a house. >The door opens, unveiling its occupant to be Dr. McGoohan. >The owl is holding a mug of coffee in his right hand and has left hand on the doorknob. >He asks the bull terrier what he wants, and why he's intruding on his property. >The bull terrier, who introduces himself as Dr. Evans, is holding a photograph of a smiling red fox wearing a grey plaid button up shirt and a dark blue tie. >McGoohan is confused. >Evans asks McGoohan a brief, simple question. >"Have you seen a Doctor Sylvester Mckern?" >Sylvester Mckern. >Former CSU botany professor, Sylvester Mckern.