Deflated Tires Inflated Woman Samantha cruised down the highway. It was around three in the afternoon, and she was back to her college campus after spending a weekend at home with her family. Now, she was driving up the interstate, daydreaming as an audiobook played faintly over the radio. A yellow light caught her attention. tire pressure low. The brunette sighed and put her right blinker on and merged off onto a side road. Pulling into a gas station, she parked the car near an air pump, and stepped out. She took out her card and paid for a few minute of air. Her mind reached to try and draw back some memories of her father showing her how to fill up a tire. It had been so long since she's seen it done. Samantha crouched down, staring at a half loaded image of a tire diagram on her phone. She unscrewed the cap on the nozzle, and grabbed it with the same hand she was holding her phone in. Then, getting up, she got the hose. Just before she was about to stick the hose in the tire, she dropped the cap, and watched it roll under the car. Cursing under her breath, Sam put the hose down and reached under the car to try and grab the cap. After straining for a minute, and thanking the universe that there was no one in the gas station to see her bent over under her car wearing only a mini skirt, she grabbed the cap, and wriggled herself free. Samantha stood up too fast though, and slipped on some gravel, falling right on her ass. "God dammit..." She muttered. This was just not her day. Sam stood up and started to rub the soreness from her posterior, when she felt an odd feeling in her guts, like something was being pumped through her... She looked down and gasped to see that her blouse was bulging out before her, stretched by her growing belly. "Holy shit!" Sam yelled, trying to push the protrusion back in, but to no avail. Then she looked for the hose. Her eyes followed the long snake of the tube from the pump, around the car, and right underneath her feet. "Ugh, it's up my ass!" Sam groaned in discomfort, one hand on her swelling belly. She grabbed the hose and tried to yank it out from under her skirt, but it just wouldn't budge! She looked over her shoulder to see that her ass, which had never been small, now looked like two big basketballs. Her skirt could barely cover them as they grew, tearing little seams in the garment as it strained and tightened. Samantha whimpered. She didn't know how much longer she had on the pump! She felt her thighs thicken and grow taut with air. Even her breasts started to plump up, nipples hardening as her shirt tightened around them. The woman tried to take a waddling step forward. She could feel how big she'd gotten. every inch of her thighs pressed tightly against one another. She widened them to try and make room to grow, stepping gingerly on swollen feet trying desperately to get out of her Mary Janes. Her face flushed as a breeze tickled her swollen pussy, and she wished that she had worn some underwear on the ride up. Attempting another step to the pump proved harder. Her legs were stiff from the air, and she could barely bend her knees, much less walk. All she could do was stare down in terror, watching as the seams on her shirt finally gave way, revealing her massive beachball-breasts with their pink, fat nipples to the world, and leaving her in nothing but an over stretched mini skirt, and a pair of white shoes with bulbous feet crammed into them. The last bastion of control Sam had over her body was lost as she could no longer hold down her arms. Slowly, they rose up from her sides, and stuck strait out, making her look like some fat star. With a wince she felt her skirt give away, torn off from the pressure of her ever growing ass. Her body was nearly globular, a big, round belly, the only protrusions being her legs and arms, rapidly becoming more and more stubby as they melded with her belly, her head, with its fat cheeks and swollen lips, and a pair a breasts like weather balloons, each with a mountainous pink nipple in the center. Her Mary Janes exploded off her feet, finally leaving her naked. The feeling was almost of relief, her feet had grown so big that every inch of them was pinched inside this shoes. She wiggled her toes a bit, the last part of her body that she could move, and even that was soon lost as air rushed into them, making them just as stiff as her knees and hips. Sam gasped as her crotch touched the pavement. Like it or not, her clit had inflated too, protruding from two fat lips. It lightly brushed against the pavement, sending unwanted tickles and waves of pleasure up her spine. The woman was a balloon now. A long hose sticking out of two huge ass cheeks. The only sign that she was human was her head, half sunken into her bloated torso. The pump wasn't stopping, though, and the pressure inside her was only growing. Samantha closed her eyes in pain as she grew tighter and tighter, rounder and rounder, her features becoming more and more obscured by her bloating flesh. Her naval was surrounded by a red blush as her skin strained to stay together. Her skin groaned, and against all odds her fingers clenched, and she braced herself for the explosion that was soon to follow... Ding! The pump stopped. The growing subsided, and the pressure waned as Sam adapted to the air inside her. She gasped in relief, not daring to breath too heavily lest she explode. Then she heard a rumbling down the road, and a bus pulled into the gas station to refuel. A troupe of cheerleaders poured out, each trying to figure out what the massive pale ball was. Sam reddened. There was an away game for the school's football team tonight. These cheerleaders were her classmates. "OMG!"said a tall, thin blonde. "Look at the car, is that Sam?" Another girl walked up to her, and peaked over her breasts to see her face. "Jackie, it is! She looks like she's about to explode!" A crowd formed around her, poking and prodding at her tight body. "Look at those tits, they're, like, bigger than me!" "I can see her vagina, what the hell!" "Get a snap of me with her!" "How would this even happen to someone? Is it even possible?" The girl named Jackie stepped forward and rubbed Samantha's belly, making the big girl shiver. "You know..." she said, "We have some paint in the bus... I bet we make a nice banner out of her!" The crowd laughed and Sam's eyes went as big as dinner plates. She tried to yell but she couldn't get the words through her swollen lips. "Well, I'm not hearing a no!" Jackie gave one taut nipple a squeeze. "Come on girls, game's at six! Let's get to work!"