Two Singers by bananasplitrevolt, Dec 5, 2010, 1:27:26 AM Literature / Prose / Fiction / Romance / Erotic / Short Stories She finished her last set over an hour ago, but this bar looked so fun she just had to stay. She sat down and fought with whether to drink for well over most of that time as she watched the band after her own. She looked up at the lead girl on stage and smiled gently. The girl was good, talented, daring. Not to mention beautiful. She was oh so thin, with smallish breasts, a firm butt, and a beautiful, but thin face with high cheek bones. She stood about 5'7" maybe 5'6", but the way she carried herself made it look like she was at least three inches taller. She had long orange-red hair which was beautifully layered and went just below her shoulder blades. She wore a cute, cream white mini-dress with a front tie right below the girl's b-cups and to sleeves that just covered the shoulders. It went right above mid-thigh giving just a taste of her pale skin before it was covered up again by long boots. Renata Hlushkin, the singer at the table had no idea that the girl was just sizing her up the same way, but not with a look of a student to a mentor, not simply of admiration. She had followed Renata ever since she had started her band and had been to literally everyone one of the other woman's skits. Not to say their ages were incredibly different. Fiona, the onstage girl, was 21, Renata was twenty-six years old. She had blackish-brown hair. It was straight through and through, though very much unlike the other girl's. She wore it in an asymmetrical bob. She had a rounder face, but it still had high, pronounced cheekbones with a nice chin, not a rounded looking one. She was shorter, only about 5'4". Her glassy gray eyes were somehow warm, despite their light grey coloring. She had two large lips permanently wrapped in a contemplative or bashful expression. Her face was that of innocence and seemed to portray her as very shy, where Fiona's seemed much more spontaneous and just overall giggly. Renata was a little more sturdily built than Fiona. She was just wider. Not at all fat, not chubby, not zaftig, barely voluptuous. She was just healthy for lack of a better term. The only major similarity she shared with the other girl was her pale skin. Not pasty, but definitely lighter than normal. As the girl ended her last set she thanked the crowd looking around she caught eyes with Renata who smiled gently at her. The girl blushed and smiled back, waving. The fat men in front of Renata thinking the wave was for them ended up returning the wave. Renata turned back to her table and ordered two beers. The girl would come by and if not then Renata would see her leave. Sure enough the girl came walking up a few minutes later. She now wore a loose-fitting, black o-ring belt that matched her boots and hung away from her thin stomach. She wasn't imitating Renata, despite her idolization of her, and Renata respected that. Renata herself sang harder rock, whilst Fiona drifted more toward indie pop or indie rock. Renata right now wore purple suede pointed toed shoes, black skinny jeans, and a loose-fitting, white, button-up blouse, with bulbous shoulders, which she tucked it into her pants. Fiona smiled shyly and Renata smiled welcomingly back at her. "Good, Bravo! Brava!" Renata said in a slight Belarusian accent. Fiona looked like she had broken a mold surrounding her whole body as Renata spoke with such praise. "You liked it!" she asked excitedly, "I'm so glad you did! You're one of my biggest inspirations. Is this the first time you've heard me play? I heard you play, but I always hear you play when I can. I love your music!" Renata smiled and giggled slightly as Fiona slowed down, "Well, I wish more people were so enthusiastic as you are. Maybe I could go places with it. Get out of New York." Fiona just nodded eagerly, "You can. I know you can. You're such an inspiration for me. Did I mention that already?" Renata laughed, "You're not doing bad yourself. I really liked that last song- oh, now I've embarrassed myself. What was it called again." "Oh," Fiona giggled, "Now I'm embarrassing myself, because I honestly can't remember. I'm just so star struck right- it was, 'It's Probably Okay'." "Well, I loved it," Renata said definitively, "Would you like to sit with me." "Of course," said Fiona finally calming down she brushed her mini-dress under her and sat across the table from Renata and crossed her legs. "I've never drank or eaten here, have you?" asked Fiona. "No, first time," said Renata as she tipped the first beer to her mouth and felt as the ice cold liquid beat its way down her throat. It was actually pretty good. Fiona smiled weakly and made a face as she forced the beer down. Renata giggled at her, "If you don't like it, you don't have to drink it, just don't let me have it." "I don't usually like beer," Fiona explained as she held the bottle away from her face, "But this is actually pretty good." She took another longer swig this time. "This is good!" Renata agreed. "Can I get you girls something to eat?" asked a chubby brunette waitress. "What do you recommend?" asked Renata. The waitress, without hesitation, answered, "Cheesecake. Double-layered chocolate cheese-cake. Actually, would you entertainers like a more private booth to talk. I'll bring you your cheesecake there." Renata shrugged at Fiona who nodded. Turning back to the waitress Renata said, "Sounds great." "Alright," said the waitress motioning for them to follow, "First-timers right?" "Eating here?" Fiona asked, "Yes." "Well, good," the waitress smiled sweetly before opening a door behind the stage it opened to a room with a one way glass window looking over the rest of the bar. "I'll be right back with your cheesecake," the waitress said, "It'll be on the house." "Okay, thanks," Renata smiled back. As the waitress left she turned to Fiona, "She's a silly one. What were we talking about?" Fiona began to explain her plans for future shows in Albany and Boston. Renata listened attentively, nodding and complimenting Fiona's spunk. She found the girl refreshing. No later than five minutes after she left the waitress walked back in with a tray of two more beers and a large pre-cut cheesecake, with two layers. She set the beers down and Fiona waved her's away. "I shouldn't have anymore," she said. "I'll come back with some non-alcoholic ones," the waitress winked, "On the house." "Thanks," said Fiona brightly. The waitress set down a small plate in front of them and gave them each a fork and a small spatula. She left and the girls each got a piece of cheesecake on their plates. Renata slid the first slice past her rose petal lips. She 'MMM'd' as she chewed it delicately. Fiona did the same, but with a larger piece. They continued to talk as Renata and Fiona ate their first piece. Finishing their beers the waitress came back with two more non-alcoholic ones. They were just as good, if not better, surprisingly enough. "God, the food is so good," Renata gasped as she let down a long swig of beer. She spilled a little on her blouse. "Dammit!" she cursed trying to wipe it out with her napkins. She sighed and removed it, revealing a tight white tanktop. "I know, this cheesecake is divine," said Fiona taking another slice. She shifted in her seat and didn't quite notice the extra padding on her thighs, or how when she did her dress shifted up her thighs a little. "I think I'll have some of this beer at home," said Renata, trying to find a label of some sort on the mug. She also looked down at her tight tanktop and thought, either this shirt shrank or my boobs are looking huge tonight. She leaned forward, but didn't notice as the tanktop became untucked from the back over her tightening jeans. She and Fiona both had a couple more slices a piece and Renata burped as she sat back she didn't examine to herself, but Fiona looked over at her and thought, Wow has she put on weight recently? I didn't notice until just now I guess. "What's that sound?" Renata asked as there was a creaking and tearing of fabric. She and Fiona just shrugged it off, but if she would've looked she would've noticed her seams on her pants were ripping on the sides as her swelled butt and thighs crept through. Her belly pushed up the tanktop all around and her belly button was clearly seen. It hung slightly on the sides, but mostly in the front. Her boobs were trying to fight their way out of the top and Fiona could see the cups of her bra. Fiona was constantly shifting in her seat now. The o-ring belt was squeezing her growing belly and her belly button could clearly be seen through the fabric. Her thighs were pushing against the boots and bottom of the dress (which was getting higher and higher) and were now sprinkled with a slight covering of cellulite. Her boobs were larger now and sagged a bit. Her arms, formerly sticks were thickening as well, and the beginning of a double chin could be seen. The waitress came in again with two more beers just as Fiona and Renata drank the last of theirs. They took them eagerly and the waitress's eyes lit up. "Looks like you girls have been eating," she said impressed. The girls' guessed she meant the cake. "We are barely half done with the top," Fiona sighed, "It's sooooo good. Thank you!" "Yes, thank you," Renata concurred, followed by a burp. She took a long drink from her beer and put three pieces of cheese cake on. Fiona took another three as they chatted. They were almost done with the top layer. The smaller layer. The top had sixteen pieces, the bottom had twenty-two. Renata focused on eating as Fiona talked and finished, taking another piece as Fiona started on her second. Renata's boobs inflated, her pants ripped on the other side, her FUPA grew in, and a roll started to form on her back. Her belly was barely covered now and her boobs were as well. Fiona noticed less and less as Renata grew. Renata stopped after the last piece and waited for Fiona to catch up, just casually sipped on her beer. Fiona found it impossible to keep her legs crossed as she started on her fourth piece. The dress was pushed up so far, you could see the spandex shorts (not lower than her hips) that she used as underwear. Her formerly cleavage-less mini dress was being forced open at the front and a dark chasm formed in the middle of the girls. When Renata wasn't looking she undid the belt, not quite understanding the implications of it getting so tight, so fast. Her belly, now released drooped down and sat on her lap like a couch potato in his favorite chair, sneaking out of the bottom of her dress. Her face was filling up and her cheekbones could barely be seen at all. Renata's was as well, but her cheekbones could still be seen, despite the fullness of her cheeks. The waitress came in just as Fiona finished her last piece of cheesecake. "Can I interest you gals in a quick refill?" "Sure," said Fiona holding up her mug, and belching cutely. The waitress gave her some more beer which she drank before Renata's mug was even filled and left the room again. The girls each took another piece of cheesecake. Before they had finished the waitress came back in with another few pitchers of beer. The girls ate and drank contentedly as they continued to grow. Their decreasing awareness was getting ridiculous. Fiona's dress was now nothing but an extra long t-shirt as it only went halfway down her but cheeks which fell off the sides of her chair now. Her belly pushed the shirt up even higher in front, remaining half uncovered. Fiona's rounded face now had a complete second chin and even her fingers were getting a little wider at the bases. Her boobs and belly rolled like waves as she reached for more cheesecake, struggling a little to get up and out of her seat. Renata's cheekbones finally gave up the fight and she had a nice little double chin going now. Her tanktop now was wedged useless between her breasts and her belly, it dug into her fattened back as well. Her butt had ripped her jeans up the sides and the back and her belt had been undone for growing purposes of her gut, just as big as Fiona's, which stretched halfway down her thighs. Her arms swung back and forth like a searchlight, watching the whole table for that missing person. Finishing the cheesecake, the waitress almost laughed at the sight she saw. Somewhere around the last five slices Renata's shirt ripped off and her pants fell away useless leaving her in her front-tied bra and short, wide open jegging shorts. Renata's chin wobbled as she raised the last piece of the cheese cake to her face licking her chubby fingers off one at a time. Her arm was as thick as both of her own legs, when she had walked in. Her thighs could barely stay together to cross her legs at the bottom. More accurately just hook her feet around each other. She had widened out considerable all around. Her butt hung over on each side of the chair and was as much on as it was off. Her belly almost touched her knee when she leaned forward and had several creases, the largest one right at her belly button which was hidden between to rolls of fat covering the cave entrance. Fiona was just as big, but more of a pear shaped. Her face was round and cherubic as her chin was only a point on her face now, like a sandbar rising up above the sea of fat, just enough to be perceptible. Her boobs still hung in her ripping dress, but her pink bra could be seen on the top. Her cellulitey thighs were spread apart to allow her belly room to hang down in between. Her belly button now a cavern. A much more visible roll could be seen on the top third of her belly, but it was mostly obscured by her comically stretched out dress. Her bracelet that she wore at the beginning at broke off, even with its thick leather material. Anywhere, where her arms touched her torso they spread out like pancake mix. In addition, her already pale skin was now creamy white. The waitress stifled her laugh as Fiona licked her plate clean and tapped a few drops out of her beer. "Ahem!" the waitress announced her presence. She actually had to knock on the table before either girl acknowledged her presence, looking up at her with hopeful puppy eyes. "What else would you recommend?" asked Fiona eagerly fingering off a bit of chocolate topping from her plate and popping it into her mouth. The waitress snickered and shrugged, "The chocolate shake, the pizza, doughnuts." "Yes!" Renata exclaimed, "Yes, all of it! A lot. This food is so good! I can't believe it." The waitress turned and exited and came back just three minutes later as the girls scanned the table for anything they might've missed. The waitress set down two meaty pizzas, each literally a little finger thick in the center and then came back with two chocolate shakes each as big as the girls' thighs, when they came in. When she came back with the doughnuts each girl was halfway done with their pizzas. Renata pulled a piece back a thick line of cheese hanging like a clothes line, between her lips and the delicious slice. Fiona shoved another piece at her face mumbling something to Renata as she chewed. Renata and Fiona's faces were now jug shaped, with the cheeks wider than the upper part. Renata grew a third chin and Fiona's neck disappeared. Both had huge meaty arms and large saggy boobs. Each boobs seemed to hang slightly to one side of the girls's massive bellies which now slightly stuck past their knees by now. The crease in Renata's belly had grown all the way across to a full roll. Fiona's belly was expanding to either side as well and had a front but, growing up from her pelvis. The waitress had to push up more chairs to hold up the girl's massive butts as the original chair disappeared between the cheeks sagging to either side. When the waitress came back each girl was drinking their huge shakes. Good thing she had the foresight to bring four more on a platter. After this she needed a break. The poor chubby girl was breaking a sweat keeping those two whales fed. A little while after both girls sat back and patted their bellies. "Something is odd about the food here, isn't it?" asked Renata, with her sweet Belarusian lilt. "I think so," Fiona said, her voice breathy and nasally, as she was breathing heavily out of her mouth. She patted her stomach and widened her thighs so it could fall between. In this sitting position her belly went to the mid-shin. She leaned forward and her belly pressed up against the table. Renata, couldn't even escape right now without pushing her chairs back. Her belly pushed over the table and rested on it, but also under it and touched the center stand. Under her dark curly hair a thick neck roll had formed on the back, but as she sat back it kept her head propped up slightly. Renata started patting her belly with a wet plopping sound. It sent ripples through the whole massive belly. They sat there for a long time. Renata strained to see out the window and Fiona just counted ceiling tiles as she burped loudly. Renata noticed for the first time how many fat people were in this club. They were everywhere. She just shrugged. Must be this awesome food. It was then that she realized how much she had ate. Wonder how much weight I'm going to gain, she thought as she licked a spoon digging around in the bottom of her chocolate shake. She patted her belly and something felt off. The wet plopping sound. The heavy feeling. The deep breaths of her rising and falling chest. Something was wrong. Just as she was about to look, the door opened and it revealed the waitress carrying another delicious menagerie of goodies. In each hand she skillfully balanced a triple layered chocolate cake. She set them down in front of the girls. "Enjoy girlies," said the waitress sweetly. What was Renata supposed to remember? The waitress interrupted her and now she could think. Something about a sound? A cake? No. Oh, god that cake looked good. She looked at Fiona eating it and could no longer think. She dug one hand into the cake and carried a huge triple-layered piece back to her mouth. Before she knew it the whole cake was gone. She patted her belly which she could no longer reach the front of. Very proud of herself. She looked over at Fiona doing the similar thing. Their bellies touched in the middle and Renata could feel the cold floor against her stomach. HER STOMACH!? She attempted to stand panicked, but found she could not. She plopped down back on the chairs which chose that moment to break and send her boobs flying up in her face and her whole body jiggled. Fiona stood too, but she amazingly kept her feet below her. Unfortunately as she struggled to walk toward the downed Renata her belly kicked against her shin, hanging in front of her. Her awkward gait could barely carry her around the table before she had to lean on it for a break. Both girls were now huge. Renata's boobs looked more like over-filled water balloons, with their elliptical shapes that spread all about. Fiona's were more like yams, and also somewhat similar to half crushed cans the way her boobs pushed them back into her chest causing them to bend and squeeze in several places. "Help!" Renata called. Fiona was now stopped. "Help!" Renata yelled again. Was it just her, or was she getting even bigger. Her body expanded and propped her into a halfwit as her belly expanded past her feet. A large boom came from the other side of the room as Fiona hit the ground. They were both facing partially outwards toward the window. A loud voice boomed from outside, "I present to you, two tons of former aspiring divas." Renata called again, "Help." She looked as Fiona's fat pushed out a little farther. She could feel hers doing the same. "These two girls have more than octupled their body weight for your viewing pleasure so give them a big round of applause," the voice continued. Renata's belly covered her legs and a bit of the bottom of them just stuck out barely. Her neck was thicker than her face and her breasts grew so large she had to rest her arms on them, which she couldn't lift more than a few inches. "Help," Fiona pleaded more to Renata than anyone else. Then light flooded into the room as the one way mirror folded back. Two microphones dropped in front of the girls faces and Renata looked confused at the people gather looking at her. "Sing!" the voice cheered. Then in a beautiful mixing of two sounds the girls sang, but then again they didn't really have a choice