Katie wandered through the fair looking for her friends. She loved fairs, the smell, the people, but especially the food. Ever since she was little she went to the fair every night it was open for the food. Deep-fried Snickers, Turkey legs, Jumbo corndogs, Elephant Ears, it was paradise. If the fair was even two more weeks a year Katie would be obese. Fortunately, for the beauty queen it wasn't. She was a homecoming candidate her senior year of high school and got a lot of attention from the guys her freshman year at college. Dark brown hair flowed down to her shoulders and a beautiful heart-shaped face with two piercing light blue eyes could melt the heart of any lover of beautiful women. She was a shorty at just 5'4" and was a measly one hundred ten pounds. Two perky B-cups were resting under a buttoned-up flannel shirt that was tied at the bottom revealing her slim midriff. She had Daisy Duke jean shorts in honor of the fair, with a belt that said country girl. The shorts did a nice job of showing of the nice booty she had going on back there. Her skin was fairly tan and was what some might consider perfect. She had a good time at college, but now back in hometown Baker, Nebraska, she was ready to just settle in for the fair. Walking around she got a text from her friend Amber, 'Where r u?' She was about to text back when someone called to her, she looked up at a ticket girl who motioned to her, "Pretty little thing, how about you go on in to this ride?" "I've never seen this one before," Katie said. "Oh, it's a new attraction, eighteen and up," said the girl, "You are eighteen right?" "Yeah," Katie said, giving the girl her ID while examining the ride. The big neon sign read "Fair Food Fiasco" and murals were painted on the sides of it of two girls eating with stars in their eyes, fair food, two chubby girls finding some food acting excited, a young man wandering through mirrors, and several other nonsensical things. It looked like a funhouse, "Why's it 18 and up? No like, pornography right?" "Oh, no no no," the girl said, "None of that, it's just we wanted a ride you college kids could go on alone, without all those kids to bother you. You like fair food?" she said changing the subject. "Of course," Katie laughed. "Then this ride is perfect! Free food inside," said the ticket girl, "Get it? Fair Food Fiasco." "Okay, when my friends get here I'll go in," said Katie. "Why wait?" said the girl, motioning to the carts, "You tell them to come, and take a free ride on me. I'll hold them until you get back." "Really?" Katie asked, "Thanks sooo much, how much fair food do I get?" "You'll find out inside," said the girl pushing her up the stairs, "Have a nice ride. Katie jumped in a cart and buckled the loose belt around her waist as she texted Amber right before she went in the tunnel, "Fair Food Fiasco". Riding into a dark tunnel and turning the corner, suddenly everything lit up. It was a strip of animatronic fair vendors peddling their food they offered some to Katie and took her several seconds to realize it was real food. She accepted a Deep-fried Twinkie and nibbled away at it. The cart then dipped down away from all the vendors. She finished the Twinkie and through the stick in a nearby trash can that was by the side of the track. "How about a drink?" A voice said in a well lit tunnel that just seemed to be a painted mural of different fair foods. She accepted a very large chocolate malt and started drinking it. It was heavenly. The cart came to a sudden halt at the end of the hallway and she realized that there was no more track. She unbuckled and stepped off following a lit up neon arrow at the top of the tunnel. Looking to her left she saw the mirrors that were on the mural on the front. As she stepped in she realized they were the kind of mirrors that distort your body. She at first looked very thin and laughed as she continued on her body became wider and wider in the mirrors. Finishing the malt she pitched it in a garbage can and found a bag of onion rings which she began to munch on. The end of the mirrors were in sight. Dumping the large bag she ate surprisingly fast she licked the grease off her fingers as she continued. Exiting she found herself in Tunnel-of-Lovesque room. The boat was a giant empty food box. She got in a buckled herself in. noticing her tummy swollen a little with the food she had already eaten. She started riding down the river and soon was offered a jumbo strawberry triple shake and a giant turkey leg by a hand that came out of the wall. Drinking and eating as she went around on what she realized was a lazy river it took her in circles as she finished the food. It then handed her a cup of soda as big as her thigh (maybe a little bigger) and a stick of deep fried butter. "No thanks," she called out sweetly, she was stuffed. The food was shoved at her chest. Reflexively she grabbed it and the hands retreated into the wall. The set the drink down and just waited to get off. Suddenly, she felt a pinch. Her buckle was shocking her. She tried to take it off, but a bigger shock hit her. Katie panicked. She looked at the butter in her hand and got shocked again. Taking a bite the shocking stopped. She cautiously took another bite and soon shoved the whole greasy feast down her throat. "Let me off!" she yelled only to get shocked again. She started drinking the drink and in between gulps gave desperate pleas. "I don't want any more free food!" Soon she drank the whole thing and winced as she shifted in her seat. Her normally round, but firm booty had a tinge more padding than usual. The ride handed her a large bucket of chocolate covered bacon and a slurpee the size the size of both her legs. She ate and drank reluctantly burping and farting on the lazy river. The buttons popped off her shirt one by one, until just the tied up part was left. When the slurpee and bacon was gone she felt the ride come to a stop. Looking down at the buckle partially obscured by her growing belly, she slid her fingers in to undo it. Her boobs had grown into wonderful d-cups showing a great deal of cleavage. Her butt jiggled as she stepped off the ride and she looked around for an exit. She only saw one door so she cautiously walked towards it. Opening she saw a room with food along all the walls and a picture booth attached to some sort of tram that seemed to go into a solid wall. "Remember your time at Fair Food Fiasco!" read a sign on it. It was the only place to go so Katie stepped inside. She sat down on the seat and felt her butt spread across it. A sign next to her read 'You now weigh…' She couldn't look away as it calculated her weight. The numbers stopped at 148. "Let me- *URRRRRP*- out of here!" Katie begged through tears and burps. A picture snapped of Katie looking desperately at the camera crying with fat pooling around her waist. After the picture snapped she figured the tram would take her out. It started to move, but as it did a buckle fastened around her waist. She quickly tried to undo it in a panic, but soon her wrists and ankles were grabbed by buckles as well. She screamed, "Plea-ea-ea-ease don't do this!" "You're so skinny!" said a robotic voice, "Have a bite!" With that a hand came and shoved some food into Katie as she opened to beg again. She chewed, cheeks swollen with the deep-fried snack. Before she had even finished swallowing the first one a new one was pushed into her lips. And then another and another and another. The camera continued to snap pictures of her getting a little bit fatter with each snack. The scale continued to rise. It was at 158 now. A double chin lifted from her gentle face and dimples formed even when she wasn't smiling. Her breasts fought for room in the tight top which miraculously held together. White creamy belly flesh rested on her lap now and flowed over her belt which was close to the breaking point. Her perfect skin was paling as it stretched across her mounds of fat. She could feel the buckle dig into her belly as it grew and could feel her thighs and butt spreading across the seat. Her thighs began to meet each other and the parts where the flesh touched expanded up, down, forward and in any direction. Finally, the greasy foods stopped coming just as the scale read 181. Her hair was disheveled and chocolate, grease, and butter dripped down her chin and onto her boobs. "Wow," said a voice, "You sure can take a lot, maybe we can enter you with the fair cows when we're done here." A hand reached out and massaged her belly kneading the fat over and over again. Poking and prodding. Katie struggled against the restraints but they just got tighter. "You should gain a little bit of weight, how will we win the fair with such a skinny animal?" Katie stifled a sob. Her belly hurt and she just wanted to go home. "You do look thirsty, let's put some chocolate in you." Katie struggled as a hose was place in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but it was stuck. She made muffled cries for help. Suddenly, a thick syrup was being pumped into her mouth. It was so sweet she wanted to puke. Her body expanded faster than before. Every three seconds another pound ticked off. It got faster and faster until it was about every second. Katie squealed as her belt and shorts became impossible tight. A hand reached down and loosened her belt. It then broke in half shooting the button of her jeans off. Her belly pushed the zipper on the shorts down as the hand ripped them away revealing her panties being overcome with fat. The hose shut off forty pounds after it started. Katie cried looking at the last picture. Her face was slowly being enveloped in fat. Her nose even had a touch of fat on it. Her boobs had grown and strained the shirt just a bit much. Her heavy breaths caused them to rise and fall to rest on her big belly spreading across her fat thighs. Which touched half way to the knee now. Her butt spread across the seat covering about half of it now. The panties were more of an annoyance now, because they weren't visible in the picture, covered by fat, and bit into her hips painfully. Her calves got fat too, and her toes and fingers slowly turned into sausages. The palms of her hands had a light layer of padding to them that wasn't there before too. Her elbows dimpled and her upper arms had fat hanging, starting the beginning of fat wings. "Please, I'm fat- *URRRRRRRRP*- now, let me go," Katie begged. She farted loudly before continuing begging, "I'll do anyth- *URRRP*- any *URRRRP*- an-*URRRRP*- HEL-*URRRRRRP*-Help!" "Oh no you aren't," said the voice, "You can't even get the brown ribbon with that belly." "Pleeeeeease!" Katie begged through tears. "Have a bite," the voice said obliviously, shoving a handful of deep-fried candy into Katie's sobbing mouth. "No! I'm full-*URRRP*- I'm- mmmph mph mumph," Katie was cut off by more food. "I'm gonna- I'm gonna- *URRRRP*- MMMMPH!" more food was shoved in her throat. "You'll be nice fat piggy in no time," said the voice, "We'll have to roll you around for that blue ribbon." Katie just burped in response. Chocolate covered bacon bits were filling her swelling cheeks. As she chewed. A supersized corndog on a stick made of a cinnamon stick was force-fed to her next. Her eyes darted to the scale. It was going up again. She could feel her belly slide across her thighs as it grew. Her butt found more cold metal as it expanded outward. A soda fountain took turns squirting into her mouth in between bites. Her shirt finally blew away with a snap, leaving her in her pathetically small bra which wasn't actually clasped in the back and was resting on her boobs. Finally after several minutes the buckle around her waist gave way. Her fat exploded out with a great shake jiggling as she struggled to her fat feet. Waddling off the photo booth she caught sight of the weight counter on her way out. It read You now weigh... two hundred and fifty pounds. She waddled off panting as she got out. She looked at the picture that slid out on her right grabbing it she examined her new surroundings. There was a duffle bag that said, "Open me". Behind it was a small circular hallway with a walkway painted pictures of various fair foods at the far end was a door, next to the hallway entrance was what appeared to be a changing room. She peeked inside there first. Nothing. Cautiously opening the duffel she found clothes. It was a big white spaghetti strap with buttons down the front, a new pair of khaki short shorts, and a new pair of underwear that seemed to be made of lycra. Putting them on in the changing room she looked around seeing if there was anywhere else to go but the hall. Reluctantly she started forward down the hall suspiciously watching everywhere. Half-way down it the wall started to spin, making her dizzy standing on the walkway. She waddled faster towards the door, which seemed to be getting further away. Suddenly the portraits began opening and shooting food at Katie. It bounced off her leaving little chocolate or grease stains on her shirt. Then a hand shot out and shoved a whole fair cookie in Katie's mouth Katie drew back repulsed as two more hands grabbed her and a third shoved a chili dog down her mouth. A bacon burger followed. She pulled free only to be grabbed by more hands and knocked to the ground. They held her as a hose of root beer float was sprayed directly down her throat and another two hands force fed her cotton candy and lard-burgers. She felt a button on her new shirt pop off and began rolling around to get free in a few seconds she rolled away from the hands and with great difficulty got to her feet. She ran as fast as she could, her whole body quaking and booming with each step. The door was within reach when a hand grabbed her ankle another grabbed her wrist and a third shoved something that didn't even look like food in her mouth. As she swallowed she felt another button burst off her shirt and her tummy expand just from that. She broke free and dove through the door, but her butt and hips were stuck she struggled and struggled and just barely got free falling on a cold metal flooring. She looked up seeing it was a scale. It rang in 270. She struggled to her feet and waddled around the new room. She saw an exit sign. Ecstatic she waddled forward toward the sign desperate to reach it. She reached her arms out as she waddled, sweat and panted. But just as she reached it she fell. No she wasn't falling the floor was. As the exit sign went out of reach she screamed. "Hello, Katie, we still need that blue ribbon before you leave," said the voice. Katie then was hit in the back of the knees by a cart and a buckle slipped around her waist. She was restrained again. A trough was raised to her chin and she looked inside. A goop of lard, sugar, cream, and grease with fair food swimming in it was in the pig trough. Katie saw where this was going. "Please- *URRRRP* *hic*- Don't do this- *URRRP*- You can't do- *hic* *urrrrrp* *hic*- STOP!" she cried. "Well, I really want that blue ribbon, so you finish it up for me and I'll let you go," said the voice. "I- *URRRRRP*- don't want to be-*hic*- a piggy," she said. "You already are dear, just not a very good one," said the voice. Katie sobbed, but just as she did the trough connected with her lips and the stuff was forced down her throat as the trough slowly tipped upwards. She could feel her body expanding underneath her. Buttons popped off the blouse as her belly grew outwards. The trough was big enough to put a cow in comfortably. She felt the substance go down her throat as she cried. The khaki short burst at the seams, followed by the belt bursting several seconds later. The last button on the blouse clung on, but was stretching and stretching until finally it flew away. A scale in front of her told her, her current weight. At three hundred and fifty pounds there was a break to clear the clothes away, she sat there in the super stretched underwear and looked at the last picture taken. She was pathetic. Her eyes were becoming hidden under her fattening face, and a fourth chin was forming. Her breasts hung down like the two fat sacks they were, and her thighs were now driven apart by the fat between them. Her belly rested halfway up on them and had developed three distinct rolls of fat. Her arms were weighed down with fat. Her butt spread across two thirds of the seat easy. She breathed deep through her mouth for several precious seconds, before the trough tipped again. This time it didn't stop. Her perfect skin was ruined now. Stretch marks ran the length of her belly and thighs. The once tanned flesh was pasty and stretched. She winced as she felt her belly start to droop in between her legs. Flexing her fingers told her even their mobility was long gone now. Her butt continued to inch across the middle until it hit the sides of the chair. She panicked as it squeezed her tighter and tighter until she heard creaking metal. The sides of the metal chair were actually bending to accommodate her growing rear. Finally the trough emptied into her and was pulled away. She burped loud and long. "Can-*URRRP*-I-*URRRP**URRRRP*-go-*URRRP**URRRP*-home-*URRRP*-now-*URRRP*- please?-*URRRP**URRRRRP**URRRP*" she managed between belches. She looked at the picture. She was huge. Fat poured everywhere. It was hard to tell this was a person. It then insulted her by showing her as she came in. She wasn't even the same girl. She looked like she was ten times as wide. Her formerly petite face was now veiled in fat and extra chins. A cute smile was now a tired frown in the middle of chubby rose colored lips. Her perky breasts had been molded into the two hanging fat sacks that rested in the lycra bra upon her belly. Her arms could be lifted, but probably not to a 90 degree angle. Her legs and butt were giant, compared to the showstopper she used to have. "Not quite yet, you little piggy, you," said the voice, "It's time for the weigh in!" Katie strained her fat neck to turn her head, which was challenging to say the least. The scale didn't have a reading. The wall in front of her rose. And the photo booth fell away. She saw nothing, but a wall of flesh and she had a terrified idea of what it was. "Is someone there?" a voice asked from within the flesh. Katie strained her neck and saw where the head must be. A mess of blonde hair marked it. "I'm-*URRRRP*," Katie managed, but she imagined the girl understood. "Help, I want to go home," the blob girl said. "Me-*URRRP*-too," said Katie. "The weigh-in results are up!" the voice said. "The red ribbon goes to… Katie!" the voice said, "At a whopping six hundred and fifty nine pounds, congratulations Katie!" Katie stifled a sob. As the voice continued, "And the blue ribbon prize goes to… Leah! At an amazing one thousand, four hundred and twenty five pounds, better luck next time Katie. If you tell anyone then we'll be sure you get the blue ribbon." Katie's eyes widened. "Help me," the girl pleaded as she was wheeled away. "Leah, has been here since she warned her friends not to go in, but her selflessness got her reeled back in," said the voice, "Guess she didn't believe us." Katie cried, she just now remembered Amber. She was being raised to the top, "Now get dressed and get out of here, you've been a good little piggy." Katie got dressed in the same clothes she entered in, just comically larger. She unrolled the shirt so it wouldn't reveal midriff, and tucked her belly in the shorts. With that she waddled out the exit into the fair crowd. She saw Amber talking to the ticket girl along with their friend Shayna. She took a step toward them, but couldn't bring herself to talk to them. She didn't want to end up like Leah, crying she waddled toward the fair exit. Just as she did though a vendor shouted, "Free sample," and shoved food in her face and she almost screamed. She waddled away with all the speed she could muster and went home. As Amber walked up to the ride, the ticket girl behind her grinned wickedly, watching Katie waddle away in the opposite direction. Maybe Amber would fare better, but maybe not. Shanna waited to see if Katie would come out, but the ticket girl told Amber she could probably catch Katie if she hurried. Amber got in first. She was a petite, short brown haired girl with a cute, gentle face. She had two B-cup breasts and an overall lithe body, with a firm butt that was nice enough for most guys to notice her. She was just 5'2" and 98 pounds. She wore a tight denim stretch skirt, black tights, and a gray three quarter sleeve button-up shirt. As Amber got into the cart she scooched toward one side. "Wait," said the ticket girl, "Hold the ride." Amber sat there in the cart looking down toward the girl. "You sure you don't want to ride with your guest?" the ticket girl asked sweetly. "She'll wait here, just in case," said Amber. "Okay," said the ticket girl unsure. The ride started and Amber rounded a corner. Suddenly bright lights lit up everywhere, she was in a strip lined with shops, with animatronic vendors handing her real food. She grabbed all she could and put it on a tray conveniently placed in front of her. She started to nibble on a huge turkey leg. After she finished the cart dropped to a hallway. An animatronic hand gave her a huge frosty. "Thirsty?" a voice asked. "Sure," she said grabbing the frosty. She just sat there and finished her meal. She wondered if the ride was over. Getting up she felt full and unsteady. She followed a sign into a maze of fun mirrors and started down them. Coming to an intersection she found some more food, a triple deluxe jumbo cheeseburger with glazed doughnuts instead of buns. She grabbed it and it was amazing. It probably weighed three pound pounds. Eating it slowly she came to a huge root beer float. She immediately began drinking it, with the float in one hand and half a burger in the other. She came to a doorway just as she finished. She dropped them in the trash on the right of the door and continued through not noticing her tights stretching or her buttons beginning to strain. She walked into a room that had a moving back drop meant to look like the fair with a ferris wheel cart. "Please step inside," said the voice. Amber complied and a tray was raised in front of her with a huge bacon and grilled cheese and a corn dog. She patted her full tummy and decided against eating it. She snapped a belt around her waist, but didn't see the point. The backdrop changed to make it look like the cart was going up. "This is pretty cool," Amber said to no one in particular. Just as it reached the top and she looked at the moving ceiling, looking like a beautiful night sky she felt something enter her opened mouth. It was a quarter of the grilled cheese surprised she looked at the animatronic hand that fed it to her. She chewed and swallowed and looked at the hand holding the grilled cheese in front of her. She also noticed the ride stopped. "Hey," she said to the ceiling, "Can I get o-mmph-mmph." Another bite of grilled cheese was shoved in her mouth, as the other animatronic hand set out pound cakes, ice cream, doughnuts, deep-fried butter, and elephant ears. The hand held the grilled cheese to Amber's lips she shut them tight. She only opened to speak, "I'm-*URP*-fu-*mmph mumph." She decided to just shut her lips now, but opened them to belch loudly. The rest of the grilled cheese disappeared in her mouth. Swallowing it she moaned rubbing her soft belly, "Please- *Urp*-I'll be so fat. I don't want to be a big chubby gi-" the whole corn dog was cleaned off in her mouth. Her cheeks were swollen with food. The other hand held a soda fountain up and just sprayed it in her chewing mouth. She moaned as she felt her belly tightening in the belt. She felt it go a little free as a button on the bottom popped off. It was followed by another and another. Her whole body was expanding as more food was shoved in, but her belly was getting huge. She made muffled cries and tears ran down her cheeks. She noticed the ride was appearing to be lowering with every bit she took. The safety clasp was getting tighter and tighter around her midriff. Finally just as a final sweet fry was shoved into her mouth it burst off her pale and tight tummy. The ride released a moment later, but Amber couldn't get up very quick. She rocked from side to side and then finally stood letting her newfound weight droop all over her body. She had two large saggy boobs now that poured over her formerly loose bra. Her butt and thighs were stretching the tights so far they were becoming see through and her lies were flopping together with each step. Her hips gave her a distinct pear shape. Her belly had a huge change. It was jiggly and loose, and she had the worst muffin top she had ever seen in her life. Her belly almost hung in front of her crotch even in the skirt. Her face was puffed up as well. She could feel her chin vanishing under fat, and she ran her sausage fingers all over her chubby cheeks. Crying she waddled out and kept hoping it was just fake or she was dreaming. She saw only one exit, the door she had come in was gone, it was a small doggy door, and she would have to squeeze to get through. It was about a foot off the floor and she fit herself through. Her back fat touched the top and her belly scraped on the bottom, halfway through getting it through she got stuck. She knew she could get out, but she just had to wiggle, but just as she thought that something lowered in front of her face. Another hose. She tried to slide back through, but it was too late. Her hands were now stuck on the floor with some sort of adhesive. "Here piggy piggy!" the voice said tauntingly. She screamed, but as she opened her mouth, thick sugary frosting was shot directly into it as two mechanical hands came down to hold it open. Another one liberated her of her ruined shirt. She looked desperately from side to side, but she couldn't move her head. She worried about Katie now. Her belly expanded and now she would've been truly stuck. She felt her denim skirt rip off her butt. The hole was becoming too tight now, it would cut her in half if she didn't get out, but just as she thought that the frame holding it together cracked and shattered sending dust everywhere and her belly fell to the floor as the wall was destroyed by her girth. Wincing in pain as her tights slid down her legs and tightened around her knees she knew had to get out of here soon. It lasted a little after and then the frosting hose disappeared into the wall. Amber's hands came free and she tried to stand up. The hands helped her and she looked down at her body now just in her incredibly stretchy bra and panties. Her stomach had developed into three large rolls, her boobs were now nothing more than giant fat sacks resting on her tummy, and she couldn't walk without a total waddle now. Her feet had to be shoulder length apart. She was probably over three hundred pounds. She walked forward and began to cry looking for an exit. As she walked her hips scraped against the walls and her body jiggled furiously. She tried to turn a corner and had to push herself through the hallway very forcefully. As she looked up though she saw the exit, there in front of her. She waddled quickly as her padded feet shook the whole ground, but just as she realized it, it fell. The exit fell in front of her. No it wasn't falling she was rising. She looked around and the lift came to an abrupt stop. A chair came and hit her in the back of the legs and made Amber fall backwards into it. Amber tried to get up, but she was immediately pulled back down. She began to tear up, as a picture was flashed in her face. It was her now, fat, saggy, and huge compared to when she came in petite and perky. "Time for the weigh in," the voice said cheerfully. Amber dreaded how much she weighed. The lights flipped on and across the room from Amber was a giant blob of flesh. "Help me," it sobbed desperately. Amber jumped. She felt clothes being slid on her and looked to see as a flannel button-up and cowgirl jeans were slid over her big bountiful body. They were tight. "For being so darn cooperative," said the voice, "We are giving you Amber, weighing in at three hundred and twenty five pounds a red ribbon." Amber looked at the girl, but didn't speak, she would feel to guilty. "Leah gets the blue ribbon," the voice said uninterested sounding. But you get a special reward Amber." Amber's head perked up hoping that wasn't as sinister as she thought it would be. "We here at this special ride will take half of your weight gain off in return for your servitude here, or else you know you can join Leah. Whaddya say?" Amber looked at Leah and shuddered, looking back resolutely she sighed, "I'll do it." FOUR DAYS LATER Amber tugged at her tight uniform. She was still over two hundred pounds and now one hundred miles away from her home she was sending girls just like her to their plumping. She still didn't know why, but she did know one thing: she just had to. And it was enjoyable watching the girls enter and then exit several hundred pounds heavier. She just watched a girl named Abby who had made fun of her exit with a disgusted look on her face. She now weighed about three hundred extra pounds. She started to cry as she watched Amber shrug and grin a theatrically smile. Maybe Amber would like this job she thought as she took a bite of a turkey leg. Brittany walked onto the secluded beach, her caramel brown hair blowing in the wind and thin silk veil wrapped around her tan shoulders, she walked like a model. Her beautiful breasts bounced in her bikini with every step. Her butt swayed from side to side. The girl could was gorgeous. As she laid a towel she had been carrying out the only other beach resident examined her with great interest. She looked at the sun putting her hand over her eyes to shield it from the sun and admired the gorgeous view. She lay down on her belly facing the sun rise that morning. The observer got a little closer and ducked behind huge rocks and spires that arose along the shore. Once or twice she looked around, and called out, "Hello?" so the observer just ducked behind a rock. He then was within twenty yards. Breaking out at a dead sprint he ended up right over the resting beauty. She tried to scream, but the cloth pressed against her mouth stopped her from shouting. It wouldn't have helped anyway no one would be here for hours. Grabbing her and her bag the man left no evidence of Brittany ever coming to the beach this morning. Soon she was tied up in the back of his car and well on her way to the fat farm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brittany awoke in a comfortable basement room lying on a comfortable bed. She still had her bikini top on, but someone had put her matching shorts on that said "Juicy" across the butt. "Hello?" she called, "Help me!" She stood up and paced back and forth she tried the door, but it was locked. She heard something behind her and turned with a start watching as a table of food was lowered through what looked like an oversized laundry chute. A note was on it. "Eat for freedom," Brittany read out loud. "Please just let me go!" she screamed, "You sick son of a bitch! What do you want from me?" "I don't want anything more of you!" a voice called down the chute, "I just want there to be more of you to go around." "You son of a bitch!" she called, "What the hell does that mean?" "Eat and you'll find out." "Is it safe?" she asked. "I didn't bring all the way back her to poison you," said the voice, "It's safe." She looked at the greasy food and pulled up a nearby chair. She hadn't eaten fast food in years, but it was her only way out. She opened up a bag of the fast food. It was all Fat-Burger food. Looking in the bag she cringed. She pulled out the stick of deep-fried Twinkie and took a bite, counting three dozen more. As the greasy food touched her lips she chewed reluctantly. At least it was good food. She finished it and ate another and another. Finally she ate seven of the greasy treats. "I'm-*URP*-full!" she yelled "Not yet you aren't! Eat!" the voice commanded. "I can't, I'm-*URP*-full!" she pleaded. "Eat everything on that tray!" the voice yelled. "I'm stuffed," she said jumping from her seat, "I can't-*URRRP*-take another bite." "EAT IT!" the voice demanded. Brittany began to cry, and huddled in a corner. Next thing she knew the door swung open and a masked man with a huge beer belly came in followed by another fatter man. She tried to run for the door, but one of the men caught her. Picking her up he carried her to the chair and set her in it. She tried to hit, scratch, and kick to get away. The other man wrapped a large leather belt around each of her arms, and then two cuffs attached her wrists to the arm rests. Soon her legs were caught too. She struggled and kicked. "Please, let me go!" Brittany begged through tears, "I'm just a kid, you can't do this to me." "You're nineteen years old," said the voice from above, "That makes you fair game." The two men began force feeding her the Twinkies. And soon her bloated belly was the least of her problems. She could feel her clothes getting tighter as she grew to fill them out. Then the men finished with the Twinkies Brittany looked at what they picked up next. A jumbo triple chocolate shake that was probably a foot tall. Forcing a siphon in her mouth, they dumped the shake in. Sucking in to avoid choking, she soon had drained the whole shake. Next they got five doughnuts each one could fill her up easily. They had eight inch diameter and were overflowing with chocolate filling. As she ate them all she felt the belts wrapped around her thighs get tighter. Her belly was pushing out into a nice little potbelly. She struggled against the confines of the belt as the men went to get more food. Looking over at a mirror to her left she saw her belly and boobs pushing out in front of her. Her boobs were getting saggy and tightening in her suit. Her thighs and butt were expanding too. She guessed she had thirty pounds on her 5'8" 120 pound figure. She was very close, because she now weighed 153 pounds. The men returned with a three foot long chili dog which Brittany began to eat and chew as her stomach stretched. As she finished with that they pulled out another. And after that another. She grimaced as she felt her belly begin to rest in her lap. Her butt began to rest up against the back of the chair and her thighs were slowly forcing her legs to spread as she ran out of room in the middle for the increasing fat. The men fed her five of the chili dogs before returning to the table they turned her toward the mirror. She could see her front and her back from a mirror behind her. The shorts were so tight, but she could feel them splitting on the sides, she still had a muffin top though. She weighed 175 pounds even now. Working her wrist free she began to massage her belly tracing lines around her bloated belly button, playing with the piercing in it, and kneading the thick flesh. She filled the chair and the armrests hugged her thighs and hips snuggly. Her face was still untouched by fat, but her neck seemed a little thicker. One of the men saw her wrist was free and buckled it back up right before shoving a heaping spoonful of chili in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed with less resistance than before. She saw a huge bucket full of it, and then three more. Before she knew it she had drained it all. Popping up to 200 she looked relieve to see the table raise. "Okay," she said to the guys, "I ate all your damn food, now let me out!" "Not so fast fatty," said one patting her belly. "You have one more thing to eat before we can let you go," said the other. "Please! I'll be as big as a god damn house," said Brittany "That's the point," said one. "At least eat this on your own," said the other one. He undid Brittany's straps as the cart came down. Brittany stood up with some difficulty. She walked over to the mirror and pinched and prodded the new proportions of her growing body as the thing was lowered behind her. One man guarded the door the other waited for the food. "God," Brittany said, choking back tears, "I'm never gonna lose this weight." "Nope," the man agreed. "Fuck you!" she said over her shoulder. She rubbed her new saggy boobs. Almost all perkiness was gone. They were definitely not C-cups anymore, and were squeezed and stuffed in her bra. She experimentally lifted and dropped her big fun bags several times watching them flop to her belly. She then examined her hands. Her fingers were chubbier, squeezing the rings and things on them. Her upper arms were thicker. She flicked her formerly toned triceps and watched them jiggle running her hands down her back she felt her huge butt. It sagged and her disgusted her. Every step sent it into a jiggling frenzy as her thighs rubbed together. Her calves were thicker now too. Still the most obvious change was to Brittany's belly. Stretch marks were starting to become visible. She slid the short shorts off to stop the muffin top, but the belly just drooped down in front of her crotch. It came out further than her breasts. She rubbed it and played with her deep navel. It was kind of nice feeling between her hands. Grabbing it with both hands and shaking it she turned around to see the man had placed the food on the bed. He moved, but didn't have to for Brittany to know what it was. On the bed, was a five layered cake that covered most of the bed. "Eat it up," the voice commanded. Brittany looked at the men standing by the door. "With your hands," one of them said. She looked at the giant cake. It was practically as big as her… well, not anymore. Reluctantly she plunged her chubby fingers into the cake and came back. She ate it off her hand a licked the frosting and crumbs. It was good. She took another scoop of it and another. Soon she was knelt in front of it on the bed shoveling it in her mouth with both hands. The door shut as she ate more and more. On all fours she climbed forward. Her body grew more and more. She ate it mindlessly. It was just so good. Finally her belly rested on the bed even when she was on all fours. Rolling on her back reaching the last piece up to her mouth she patted her enormous belly, contented. She was three hundred pounds now. Her belly had a nice crease going right through the middle. It was huge. Rubbing it and playing with her doughy fat she fell asleep on the bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Awaking on the beach, Brittany sat up groggily. At first she thought it was a dream, but that thought was dispelled as she looked down at her 300 pound body. The former sex goddess grabbed and prodded her belly, seeing if it was real. Strangely she had the same swimwear, just a few sizes bigger. She pushed her massive body to her feet and waddled toward her car. Her body shook and her belly bounced off her thighs jiggling a lot. On her way up the pavement path Brittany accidently knocked into a girl. "Sorry," Brittany said keeping her head down. "Sorry? Watch your step you fat bitch!" the brunette said shoving her. Brittany watched the girl continue her walk to the beach. She was very beautiful. But Brittany got the feeling she wasn't the only one watching her. She waddled to her car with a grin on her face sparing one more glance at the beauty queen walking toward the beach, and then drove home.