(Writer’s note: This story is dedicated as a sequel to “Officer Rex: Crueller Corruption” and to pay respect to the late’n’great artist known as Jelliroll who was one of my top ten favorites of all time. They passed away from cancer a few years ago and took with them one of the most sweet and beautiful styles for weight gain art I have ever seen. I was rereading the Rex story and saw that it was practically spoon-fed for a sequel to one day be made that never came to bear fruit. I am here to fill that hole, encourage YOU to check out their art, and to make sure that the flame doesn’t die out in my lifetime. I ain’t an artist so you will have to make-do with just text. I said it in the “Pussy Suckswell” story and I will say it again. The only way to truly kill something is to forget them. I refuse to let Jelliroll be forgotten and will make sure she is remembered long after her death in this community for years, and years, and years to come. She deserves it and so much more. I only hope that, one day, someone does the same to me when I die which could be soon for all you know. I never got a comm from her, she was gone before I started making content, but I totally would have.) (I am going to link her Gumroad art packs down right here because Gumroad has recently gone Tumblr and is trying to remove NSFW shit from their storefronts, top kek, so now would be the time to buy them if they aren’t already gone. If they ARE? You will likely have to ask a friend or something for the packs so they don’t get lost to time forever. I would like you to buy the packs officially if there is no other option because it is only right.) OFFICER LINDSEY DONUT DOUGHENING ~GravitySecretAgent Special #1~ 4:00 P.M. – Former GSPD Police Headquarters & Current Headquarters Of The Rexopolis Donut Delivery Force - Breakroom What was it that was so good about them? Was it the soft, spongy texture of yeast doughnuts? The fluffy, gentle feel of a cake doughnut? Or perhaps it was the candy icing and those convivial sprinkles representing all the colors of the rainbow. They looked somewhat like gems, sitting there in that pink box. A note attached read [From Rex – Try Them!] in script that couldn’t have been actually written by the dog, because no one could find those paws of his now. Still, she appreciated the gesture, and as she lifted one from the box to her lips she wondered if she would find them as delicious as Rex did. Officer Lindsey Sommers sniffed the chocolate treat peppered with an assortment of dark sprinkles as she crinkled her nose up. “It’s so…sickeningly sweet.” The thick frosted glaze made her paw sticky as she debated on breaking her strict diet in order to splurge on a box of round holed sweet cakes that were each bigger than a burger bun. The cocker spaniel, with her ears bound around her head in a ponytail, had spent her entire career with the furs in blue as a shining example of what hard work, dedication, and a proper fitness regime could do for you if you truly applied yourself. While the rest of the GSPD were wobbling butterballs who could barely lift their entire leg up to their chest without getting winded? Lindsey breezed by the GSPD Police Academy with ease thanks to her agile body that could easily slide across the hoods of cars, climb over fences, and even pull herself up the rope without breaking a sweat. Rex, on the other paw, barely got through the rubber tire hurdles without bubbling out a rank air biscuit and had to stop for a ‘crueller break’ to the disgust of his trainer. He got on the force thanks to a technicality because of his nose for crime and his ability to get whacked with blunt objects in the stomach and not even feel it. “Do I really wanna end up like…him?” Lindsey stared out the window, fogged up with muck, and stared off in the distance at the rank swirling brown and yellow gas clouds spiraling up in the sky around the mountainous towering pair of ultra-tight police slacks gripping the ever-growing and expanding blubber of her former partner and current unquestioned gluttonous “mayor” of the city he had outgrown in his wake. “I mean…he seems…”happy”...but he always had a soft-spot for eclairs and jellies…” Lindsey tapped her cheek as a horrifically loud nuclear bomb blast of ~FHHBBBLPRRRBLBUURRP~ nearly knocked her flat on the ass while breaking the window into tiny shards of glass as the smell of putrid canine toots seeped through the breakroom and caused her eyes to water as she coughed onto her sleeve and hacked up a lung. Lindsey was probably the strongest woman on the force as she spent her ENTIRE police career being really close to his jostling buttocks and his constant spraying of warm gas…but even THAT cheese he cutted was too stinky for her to breathe in without wanting to pass out. Must be a new coffee brand. It was no secret that Rex had a lil’ “crush” on her. Literally. One time he accidentally slipped on some spilled joe on the break room floor and submerged her entire body with his sweat-soaked backrolls. It took the entire GSFD to hoist him off of her and a paramedic team to give her clean oxygen after having to breathe in his horrible ass-blasts for three whole hours. She took a deep breath and flicked her tongue against the frosted side of the chocolate doughnut before a wide grin spreaded on her face. “Oh my! That-...woooow…that’s pretty dang good.” She took a bite and savored every single chew up and down her sharp canine molars while the thick yeast filled her cheeks, frosting glazing her white lips, as she licked the chocolate stains from her pawtips. “It’s so wonderful, actually! Thick, chewy, and my entire tongue feels like I dipped it into a fudge fountain…No WONDER Rex eats’em by the cargo container!” She pushed the entire donut onto her tongue and flicked the glaze off of her mouth while feeling a wave of shivering euphoria grip her as her pupils lit up like fireworks. “All those years eating chicken salad sandwiches and drinking water…when I REALLY should have joined in to “help” my partner eat all of these wonderful glazed sweetie-treaties! It’s a bit thick in my mouth. I wish I had something to wash it alllll down with…” Lindsey stared at the bubbling coffee pot that was sitting on the machine and licked her chops. She really wasn’t a “coffee” person, or a morning person for that matter, when it came to her waking up. She thought it contained too much sugar, caffeine, and did not agree with her stomach in the slightest. “Can’t have coffee without donuts, right?” She picked up the pot in one paw and a white styrofoam cup in the other. She poured it into the cup and swigged it back as the tangy caramel flavor and brewed bean juice hit the back of her throat and washed her tastebuds in a calming wave of jitter-juice. “Phew, feelin’ wide awake now!” She let out a rumbling ~BHHHUUURRRRP~ from her open mouth before she dumped the rest of the coffee pot’s contents into her mouth while tilting the back of her head and letting it bloat her cheeks like fuzzy balloons and cause her stomach to bloat out against her neatly pressed blue uniform while a few droplets of coffee stained her front. “Come to mama, little sugary devils.” She yanked up a jelly donut smothered in powdered snowy sugar while biting it down and letting the strawberry filling squirt onto her pink tongue while she waggled her short puffy tail back and forth from the hole in her uniform slacks to show her utter enjoyment. “So many YEARS wasted! I can’t believe I cared about eating better and giving my beat cop peers a female role model to look up to…I think I am going to start taking a page out of Rex’s book! Look out, City! A brand new Lindsey is here and she is FAMISHED!” She pushed a cake donut, a creme-filled eclair, and a strawberry donut with rainbow sprinkles into her mouth before toppling the nearly empty box onto her tongue as crumbs began to pepper her sticky face, bounce off her uniform, and coat her gums in a chewed load of mushy foodstuff. “Ahhh, woof! That hit the spot.” She teasingly kneaded her stomach with her fingers and thumbs while feeling it ~Gluurrrooorggleblorrrrp~ as it strained against the tightened buttons of her once flawless uniform as she let out a supple noise of pained frustration as a ~FRBBBLORRRRRT~ spewed from her tailhole causing rotten gas to add to the already unbearable stenched caused by the sweaty musk wafting from the incomparibly obese frame of Officer Rex that was crushing entire skyscrapers and homesteads in his growth. “What? All gone?” Lindsey frowned with utter depression as the pink box was completely and utterly licked clean. “But-..but-...I barely even got started! Ah, well…I’ll get some more later. I better go file more paperwork in order to ramp up the donut deliveries for Rexxie. Can’t have him getting hungry…~Hurrrooorp~...I know how he gets and it isn’t a pretty sight. He gets even SMELLIER when he works himself up…” She slowly made her way back to the bullpen where her cubicle was located at while passing the other officers and detectives that made up the station. There wasn’t many officers left anymore since crime was not a problem anymore for anyone in the city. It was hard to HAVE crime in a city with no population left to fill it with anything except the doberman’s valley creases of hefty rolls and the polluted smog air that was worse than anything the factories pumped out into the noses of the fair city. It made the rest of the officers decide that they weren’t needed anymore as they started to blimp up fairly rotund in size with their thighs squishing against one another, their overgrown bellies filling their laps, and the grotesque stench of their constantly wet bubbling gas and belches filling their ears. It was almost like…they were all becoming more and more like the blubbery gasbag police officer that had overtaken their fair city. “Morning, Chief. Lovely day, isn’t it? The smell is almost barely tolerable now!” Lindsey chipperly said with a salute as her stomach strained while rising and lowering against the nearly-popped buttons of her GSPD shirt top. The old boar in rectangular glasses, graying hair, small tusks, and a gray suit with a red tie held up his box full of belongings. “Good? GOOD?! That smelly landwhale has crossed the damn line this time, Sommers! He canned me! Rubbed me out! Made me turn in my badge and my gun! I’m FINISHED! Ya’ hear me?! He said we don’t needa’ Chief no more now that he is the Mayor and defacto-ruler of Rexopolis! Said I could always get a job feedin’ him more of those damn desserts! HA! Fat chance, literally. I’m takin’ my chances at a deskjob inna’ presinct a few towns over. Smell YOU later, Officer Sommers-...Literally, God. Did you remember to take a bath this mornin’? You REEK! Yer’ lookin’ like Rex more and more everyday.” He stormed out from the exit door with his box full of pictures, awards, and paperwork teetering in his arms. “I…am?” Lindsey stared down at her swollen stomach paunch and jiggled it from side to side as she blushed all over her cheeks. She lifted up her arm and sniffed the wet circular pitstain that had formed underneath her uniform sleeve. “Euuuyuuckk…Chief is right. Hittin’ the showers as soon as I finish up the paperwork.” She made her way toward her desk while grabbing her crusty and stained [Justice Case You Get Thirsty!] personalized coffee mug that Rex bought her for a secret santa gift. “Better get a refuel on my cuppa’ joe too.” She was stopped in her tracks by a very gruff, corrupt, and poorly fit for duty officer on a mobility scooter with [POLICE] written on it and flashing lights. “Hey, Twiggie!...~Snort~...You got a delivery this mornin’ and I went ahead and put it on your desk. Try not to eat it in one sitting. If you get too full I’ll gladly take some of it off your paws!” Deputy Darla Brown spoke with her menacing fangs on her doberman and german shepard mix frame, beyond morbidly obese and lumpy with cellulite, while barely fitting into her beige sheriff’s department uniform that threatened to rip into shreds of cloth if she even so much as tried to bend over. Black locks of hair leaned against the side of her head, her eyes hidden behind golden trooper shades propped up by her bulbously round cheeks, whle she patted her overpacked drum of a belly to make ~Fbbbblprrbbbrt~ noises slip from her tight crack on her square bottom. “Hrrrngmph…Bite me, you overfed cow.” Lindsey whispered in a hushed tone while gritting her fangs as she stormed over to her desk by pushing her paws against her rippling side and feeling them sink into her overhanging rolls like a mound of breaddough as she saw something that made her gasp in shock. Every single corner of her desk was littered with pink donut, cake, pie, and dessert boxes of all sorts neatly wrapped with up with twine. There was a folded note card next to a bunch of wilted flowers that had rotted and shriveled up from the lack of fresh oxygen in the stationhouse let alone in the entire city. [Sweets For My Sweet ~<3 - From Officer Rex] written in paw-writing MUCH too nice and easy to read to be from him considering his paws were buried in a sweaty cave of circular rolls. It must have been dictated to another officer by him and given as a present this afternoon for her. “D’awwww! Rex must REALLY like me to part with even a crumb! Heh, can’t say I don’t feel a little “puppy love” for him, too.” She unwrapped the parcel twine with her paw and saw a huge red velvet cake staring back at her. She had some old utensils leftover from lunch sitting next to her computer…but why bother? She dug her paws into the creamy cake and shoveled it down into her growing jowls while feeling a sugar rush overtake her body as she bent over to stick her face into it like a sow at a feeding trough as icing spread all over her face and ~Blrrrpbbblprrrt~ noises sprayed from her butt-trumpet as she cheekily fanned the air behind her. “I’m going to have to give that big old softy a HUGE thank you for treating me to an all-you-can-gorge dessert buffet!” She sloppily wiped frosting off her nose with the edge of her tongue as she filled up her cheeks with warm cinnamon buns with glazed frosting. Every single bite she devoured only made her grow hungrier, greedier, and bigger by the millisecond… 11:02 P.M - Former GSPD Police Headquarters & Current Headquarters Of The Rexopolis Donut Delivery Force - The Bullpen Lindsey was in hog-heaven as she crammed down an entire rhubarb pie covered in a thick slice of cheddar down her blubbery muzzle with a manic look of starvation filling her eyes as the area surrounding her was covered in emptied boxes littered at her overbloated sausage paws which leaked thick puddles of sweat droplets around her and ruined the beige carpet with moisture damage. “I should be full by now…but I just want MORE….” She forced pawfuls of chewy chocolate chip cookies into her mouth frantically while washing it all down with a pot of coffee that she drowned with an entire bottle of french vanilla creamer in it as the stains covered her uniform a putrid dark brown while sprinkles, cake crumbs, and half-eaten donut chunks littered her bulgening belly rolls that crammed itself against her desk with the corner of it being rubbed against her stretched navel hole. “Uggggh…I’ll never be able to pass the fitness exam comin’ up at the rate I’m growin’...guess I’ll just have to…~Buhhhhlurrrrp~...bribe my superior to give me a pass…” Lindsey’s stomach was now pushing over six feet ahead of her and heavier than a sagging cauldron full of gurgling gas, her body ten feet wide with her cheeks having become too large to sit comfortably in an office chair without causing it to snap apart like a toothpick house, and her face was overgrown with fresh chin rolls caked with glaze and coffee stains as her smile now looked almost ominous and gave her a more…smug and full-of-herself look than the sweet grin she usually gave new recruits of suspects. “Ah, who cares? If he DOESN’T think I’m fit for duty? He can suck a fart right outta’ my ass!” Lindsey relaxed her sphincter and let out another ~FRRBBBLORRRBBBLPRRRRRRT~ that sounded like a clogged bathtub drain that blew papers, wanted posters, and knocked over the watercooler behind her as she teasingly fanned the air to spread her stinky winds toward the other officers. “Woof, Sorry boys! Must have been something I ate!” She dunked her coffee cake sticks from a bag in the sloppy puddles of brew left on her messy desk, that once was tidy and in order, before popping it onto her tongue. “ALL GONE!? Bleugh…that was enough donuts to feed every man and woman in uniform a hundred times over for a year! It should have at LEAST lasted me the rest of the day!” Lindsey said with irritation filling her voice as she continued to spread foul butt vapors all around her and making the entire office space get turned into a hazy mess of green, yellow, and brown flatulence thicker than pea soup that was strong enough to make a skunk pass out. Literally. A skunk police officer was knocked out on his desk drooling a puddle from the side of his mouth and spazzing out violently as he was forced to choke it all down with the smell thick enough to cut with a knife. A sudden noise came from the walkie-talkie on her chest next to her bloated bosom as she heard a familar voice. “Hey, Poochie~? Enjoyin’ those donuts I gave you…or you still on that diet of yours~? HAW-HAW-...~FRBBBBLRRRPBBBLRRRRBRRRBLBLRRRRRRRRRRRP~....” Lindsey gasped gleefully and squeezed the receiver button with her sausage fingers even as the sound of his sonic boom flatulence was enough to nearly bust the speaker of the radio she was holding. “Hiiiiii, Rex! I LOVED those donuts! You were right as always, honey. I ate every last little crumbcake…and I still have room for seconds! They ain’t very filling but they are oh-so satisfying, over!” She waggled her tail back and forth to spread her humid butt-blasts out from her squeaking rump while waiting for her bloated landmass of a partner to reply. “Heh, toldcha’ so! That’s my gal! Listen, we got a little…situation…and naturally I thought of you! I’d do it myself but-...~Glooorrpguuulpblrrpbblprrt~...YOU IDIOTS! THIS IS DECAF COFFEE! IF YOU BRING ME EVEN A SINGLE DROP OF THIS UNDRINKABLE SLUDGE I WILL RIP A WET FART SO HORRIBLE IT WILL KILL ALL LIVING THINGS ON THIS MUDBALL PLANET! GO, GOOOO, GOOOO-...~FRBBLRRRBBLPRRT~...Sorry bout’ that, beautiful! As I was TRYIN’ to say…I ain’t much for movin’ anymore…kinda “let myself go” and need my gal to investigate a lead…drop on by anytime…Oh, and Lindseykins? BRING! MORE! DAMN! DOOOOOOONNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTSSSS! I didn’t make you the Chief Of Rexopolis for nuffin’, did I? Course’ not! Make me proud, honeybun. Over and-... ….~BHHLUUURRROOOWWWWRRRRP~...out…” Lindsey winced after hearing the horrifically loud belch nearly bust her eardrum but wagged her tail playfully as she sloshed her oversized figure to the helicopter pad outside. “Right away, studmuffin!” Lindsey was flown toward the ground zero of the ruined city destroyed by flatulence caused by the never-ending consuming canine that was bigger than New Yak City now in his own right. “Take me down now, please!” She hung onto the safety bars of the [GSPD] helicopter as a spotlight shined down on the canyon-sized chin rolls of the man that was now large enough to be seen gorging from space by sattelite imagery. Hundreds of miles of rolls spilled out as his tight uniform clung to his skin and was completely ruined by gallons of sweat, frosting stains, and thousands of donut chunks that had clunk to his brown and black furred body as he continued to grow over entire neighborhoods and street shops by the day while steamrolling them into nothing but rubble and debris under his expansive looming stomach that was almost made of pure supple fat as he had now gotten up to over a hundred pounds a minute thanks to his staggering diet of cheap coffee and enough baked goods to end world hunger forever. Rex didn’t care about that. They should be goddamn LUCKY to have every confectionary in the entire country being used to fuel his growing gas-spewing belly so he could keep on making the world a better crime-free place…even if that meant making the average crook turn to basic survival instincts instead of wanting to rob a gas station when he toppled down buildings like they were carpet strands in his constantly consuming wake. The helicopter blades whirled constantly while avoiding the horrid ~FRRRBBBBLRRRPBBBLORRRRRRPT~ that greeted them as rancid, warm, bubbling smog came from his mountainous dimpled cheeks barely held together by a pair of police slacks that were soaking in thick swampass sweat around his canine crack. The eagle pilot in the cockpit was gagging to death and pounding his chest as he tried to regain control of the steering stick. Lindsey, however, just sniffed the air as a warm grin spread across her muzzle as she huffed in his manly aroma and foul stank like it was a cologne. “Get us closer!” The helicopter twirled down toward his buried bead surrounded by his own backrolls that submerged with his chins to bury most of his tiny handsome face in his own swaddling blubber as he licked his chops when he saw his prize. It took six different helicopters, three for food and three for drinks, to fuel him now as they set to work. They started by rinsing down his previous meals with a high-pressure hose from [BlimpBucks] coffee that was bigger than an oilfield pipeline that filled his cheeks with an entire ocean’s worth of heavy cream coffee with sugars floating in it as most of it just coated his frontside like a broken sewer geyser and drowned anything that may have once been alive in the flooded like of stale old coffee around him. The buildings had all collapsed or were left in disrepair as the streets underneath him crushed like an earthquake under his incalculable weight of billions of tons of pure flesh coated in discolored fur. Lindsey lowered herself down using a harness that she could barely buckle around her hanging belly rolls and bungee jumped off the side of the helicopter to get close to his face. She could see his blue peaked police cap with [GSPD] on the badge rusted and covered in icing stains as he barely even noticed her at first. A cargo container opened up as they poured in thousands upon thousands of donuts onto his awaiting open mouthed tongue that was wider than a city street and let him dig into enough donuts to fill up an entire bakery chain to the brim all for a light snack. “...~BUUUHHHHLOOOORRRRRP~...Morning, Lindsey! Sorry for keepin’ you waiting. You know I get cranky when I don’t have my breakfast…Now, straight to business…some…FOUL criminal element…is takin’ MY donuts away from me! Can you believe how…selfish some people are?! It makes me sick to my…~Frbbblorrrrpbblprrrtguuurglebblrrrp~...STOMACH!” Lindsey swung herself back and forth in order to get closer to his face while his rancid doggy breath smelled like the worst coffee burps imaginable, fruit-flavored sugary jelly, expired cake frosting, and pizza bagels. “But we banned it, Rex! Every donut within a 1,000 mile radius is going straight into your mouth…bakeries are working around the clock in order to satisfy your orders…and the entire world’s production of snackcake factories has ramped up production a hundred fold in order to supply you with powdered sugar donuts and chocolate coffee cakes!” Rex growled and bared his sharp fangs while shaking his head to make his cavernous chins wobble to and fro while billions of sprinkles covering her jostled off his sticky body and fell 200 feet to the hard ground below. “NOOOOO! I AM GETTING LESS DONUTS IN MY ORDERS NOW!” Rex chewed his pastry sludge in his mouth while exposing the thousands of donuts all filling up his lips, bulging out his dimpled cheeks, and making him swallow constantly as if he was an overworked garbage disposal. “I can TASTE it…I used to get 5,000 donuts per container and now…now?! It’s only 4,500…and shrinking EVERYDAY! This is tampering with evidence! Obstructing justice! I want ORDER! I want this “black market pastry” operation shut down and I need YOU to do it, Lindsey-...~FrrbpblrrrbpblburrrrhrrrrpBHLUUURRROOORP~...” Lindsey pinched her nose as she belched directly into his face which made her furstrands stand on end and messed up her dogear ponytail. “What am I supposed to do? I don’t have any leads or clues! For all you know? Those donuts could be swallowed up by your growing jowls or buried under those titantic man-tits you call moobs!” Rex chuckled with a loud wheeze as they lowered his second hose of fresh BlimpBucks coffee into his mouth and sprayed his gaping piehole with the warm fart-producing sludge like a dentist cleaning your mouth out. “Follow that nose of yours, Lindsey! Sniff out some perps! Interrogate’em mercilessly! I hearby grant you, under the new land of Rexopolis, full power to do WHATEVER it takes to make’em stop stealin’ my damn donuts! Drown them in farts, squeeze the life out of them, even resort to CRUEL measures like shoving them into the endlessly flatulent cavern of my warm ripened butt cheeks! Just GET IT DONE! Did I make myself perfectly clear, Lindsey?” Lindsey nodded up and down while thinking of where she should start. “Yes, Rexxie. Don’t worry. If someone is stealing from your donut supply? I will PERSONALLY make sure they live to regret it.” 6:05 P.M - Town of Sicacmore Springs Lindsey drove out of town in a modified police cruiser to hold her incredibly obese and hippo sized body as she crushed the backrests of the leather seats and removed the prisoner holding area in the backseat so she had room. “I think I know where to start but it’s a long shot. Good thing that Rex was kind enough to hook me up with a few boxes for the road.” The entire back of the squad car, that wasn’t being sandwiched and engulfed by her whopping blubbery buttballs that were tightly squeezed into her pants, was filled to the brim with confectionary boxes just like the ones she had received from the station earlier, A box of cupcakes covered in crushed bits of candy and buttercream frosting, each way bigger than a muffin, were what she was starting her culinary journey on to begin with as she dumped them into her mouth and chewed them up and down while filling up the entire vehicle with ~Frbbblprrrorrrrphhhbblprt~ sounds as it was foul-smelling enough to chip the paint, clog the A/C vents, and made her own dampness of her clothing even wetter as it also dripped down the walls and onto the dashboard. Lindsey didn’t crack a window as she was a smart fellow but she was also a fart smella’ and enjoyed huffing her rancid flatulence as her nose became blind to the reeking scent of stale coffee blasting out of her cheeks every five seconds. “Maybe I can get something else to eat on the way back. I wonder if McHippo’s is open this time of night…” She scratched her chin with her bloated clawed fingers as crumbs and sprinkles unstuck themselves from her neckrings of thick life preserver sized chins that were caked by dried frosting in all sorts of colors. “Ah, there’s the perp.” She pulled her police cruiser up to the sidewalk and slowly pushed her belly overhang against the steering wheel to make it ~HOOOOOOOONK~ as she slid her fleshed thighs to the side and made the gear shift knob nearly break off as she forced her ENTIRE body filled up with multiple thousand pounds of cushioned weight against it. The sagging cheeks wobbled like gelatin as ~Blrrrpppprtbrrrraaap~ noises had filled her ears and let a steaming smog of warm gas ooze out of her car and fill the night air on the streets of the small town that was going to have to evacuate soon as Officer Rex’s body showed no signs of slowing down in the slightest with his exposed brown avalanche of flesh looming in the distance as a warning of signs to come. A weasal in a trenchcoat was leaning against a garbage can trying to attract furries, avians, and scalies of every size to him. “Psssst! Hey, you! Got a sweet tooth? Need a cupcake fix? I’m your guy! I got it all! Cookies, brownies, pies, cakes, candy bars, and best o’all? You got it! Do-...” Lindsey came wobbling up as her body filled up the entire alleyway and blocked most of his escape as her spare tire rolls squeezed against the brickwork which caused them to crack. “DONUTS?!~ Did you say…DONUTS? Well, blow me down! I just happen to LOVE donuts…~Frbbblprrblprt~...” Lindsey patted her stomach like a lumpy cauldron as repulsive foul-smelling wind spewed from her muffled crack and caused the alleyway to smell even dirtier than the garbage cans that he was standing next to. The weasal backed away and covered his arms over his nose. “No, no! You heard wrong lady! I was gonna say…D-doooo-...Doeritos! Yes! The crunchy cornchips! I got nacho cheese AND ranch flavoring! You interested? You look like a girl who loves to eat.” Lindsey stomped closer with her thighs squeezing against eachother with her own cankles weighing down her movements like anchors. “Doeritos? That’s funny. Those aren’t illegal…yet. Why are you offering REGULAR chips with your black market baked goods? You wouldn’t be lying to me…would you?” Lindsey’s flabby jowls turned into a sour expression as she snatched up his box of peanut butter cookies to gobble down her face while spitting out crumbs as she spoke. “Of course not! What kinda guy do you take me for!?” The weasal squeaked out while pushing his back up against the trashcan as her stomach crushed against him and pinned him down to the spot as she grinned ear to ear. “A lying, cheating, GREEDY rat. That’s what.” She snatched up a box and saw it. Donuts. Deep fried cake donuts covered in thick frosted glaze, chocolate donuts oozing with fudge in the middle, and jelly donuts overflowing with creme filling and grape jelly on the inside. “Oh-ho-ho. Lying to an officer? Well, You know what the punishment for THAT is?” Lindsey squeezed the wall and slowly turned herself around while breaking the brickwork in front of her, grunting and jostling her damp stomach rolls while dislodging clumps of donuts that got lost on her expensive body, before turning all the way around to show her black belt barely able to hold up her oversized slacks ripping at the bottom to reveal pudgy globs of freshly-grown fat to him. “You get to meet my partner. Officer Butt. He’s a REAAAAAL ass about the rules and I’m afraid he’s gonna make a huuuuuge stink about you lyin’ to a sweet little doggy like me!” Lindsey slowly yanked her trousers down as the thick sweat made it stick to her fur like a second pair of skin as she revealed her winking round pink pucker buried between her heaving globular cheeks as she spread her ass wide. “Huh? What’s that Officer Butt? Ooooh, not good for YOU, honey…he’s asking for a “one on one” interrogation…and I don’t…~Blrrrbblprrrt~...think I can hold him back!” She forces herself closer to him and makes her slickened damp cheeks wrap around him in a squeeze as she blasts him with gusts of ~BHHHLORRBBBLPRBBLRAP~ so foul, stinky, and humid it makes his face and cheeks flap like he got caught in a wind turbine of a tornado of butt-toots. “AAAHHHH! STOP, STOP, STOP! CALL HIM OFF! YOU NASTY MANATEE! YOU’RE KILLIN’ ME! I’LL TALK! I’LL TAAAAALK!” Lindsey just let out a ‘Tsk Tsk Tsk’ noise and shook her head while feasting on a thick slice of moist chocolate cake from his pile of contraband. “Hear that, Officer Butt? He’s willing to cooperate! Lay off of him, wouldcha’...huh? What’s thaaaaat? Lay ON him? Oh, No! Officer Butt-...That’s…THAT IS POLICE BRUTALITY! Too cruel! I can’t-...I can’t watch!” Lindsey crushes him like a fly under a swatter while forcing her stinky and sweaty anus right up to his face and letting out the most horrible ~BLRRRRHBBBBLPRRTFRRBBLPRRRRRT~ sounds that blanket him in such thick green fog and wet flatulence juice that nobody can see the poor weasal underneath the sickening loads of slop. “Now, if he was to say who his…SUPPLIER was…I might be able to pull him off of you…but you know? Officer Butt might just keep on using you as his gas pillow just for the heck of it!” She grinded her gelatinous hips and butt globes onto him even more while letting out fouler, stinkier, and unbreathable flatulence. “Talk fast.” The weasal was crying tears down his poor face as he tapped the trash can over and over to show he gave up. “ALRIGHT YOU…GOD-AWFUL STINK MACHINE! MY SUPPLIER IS MR. GRUBMEYER! He’s a goat who works for the damn mafia! He’s been bootleggin’ baked goods to sell to the highest bidder…while makin’ low quality crap for us grunts to sell to the regular does and danes of this town! NOW GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!” Lindsey let out a playful coo and sat down onto his face with his pucker against his mouth and her cavernous cheeks just squishing against the sides of his head to lock him down. “Hear that, Officer Butt? He was very cooperative…and I think we should let’em off with a WARNING about what happens when you try and deprive my man of his donuts. Oh, oh no…NOT THAT! That-...It’s just downright foul and inhumane! He-...he won’t SURVIVE it! I’m putting my foot down! Don’t do this to him! He’s too young to die in the “GAS CHAMBER!” The weasal’s eyes widened like saucers as he began to nervously sweat while her musky feminine sweaty juicy filled up his nose. “Gersh Chermber?!” Lindsey fakely placed her paws over her mouth and hummed a funeral march song. “That’s what Officer Butt is called down at the presinct! I am-...I am SO sorry! I will pray for you but…I don’t know if that will help!” Lindsey cheekily giggled while lapping up the sugary slop from her palms as she continued to play “good cop, bad cop” with her own ginormous ass cheeks she was personifying to torment him. “HERE…IT…COOOOOMEEEEEEEEEEEESS!” Lindsey squealed out while the rumbling from her colon and gassy guts filled his heart with pure dread and made his heart skip a beat. A horrific ~FRRRBBBLURRRRRHHHHHHHPRRRRT~ was loud enough to shatter windows on the building next to them, make car alarms go off, and caused her to clench her doggy fists tightly as she worked up a thick sweat down her cheeks as she relaxed her colon and sprayed him with a pure dose of her homemade mustard gas that caused him to pass out instantly after his stomach bloated outwards onto his lap while the warm bubbling brapjuice and liquid methane filled up his stomach. “Thanks again, honey! You have been MOST cooperative…but next time you break the law~? You get to meet Officer Butt again and THIS time he won’t be so nice. In fact? He might make you preform “community service” as my new ass-gas storage tank! Heh-heh-heh!” She slowly stood up from him while letting out putrid ~Frbblprrt~ and ~Blrrrpbblrrrp~ noises with each cumbersome step she took back to her squad car. All of that farting made her hungry again and made room in her noxious ball of pudge she called a belly. Let’s hope they gave free food to badges in this town. 5:53 P.M - Abandoned “Crumb Bum’s Snackcakes” Factory The facility was a massive complex filled with old trucks littering the outside asphalt parking lot constantly being filled up with boxes of warm baked goods by burly gorillas, rhinos, and other giant animals that can easily lift up the heavy crates. Smoke from the gigantic industrial ovens spewed black smog into the sky from the smokestacks to mix in with the polluted sky caused by the constantly thickening flatulence from the immobilized and corpulent officer in the ruins of the city next to them. A torn billboard had an advertisement on it with a bloated gasbag of a leemur in a skintight sweaty leotard digging into her crack and a raccoon playfully squeezing around her flatulent stomach like a whoopee cushion. The words [Eat a gold medal breakfast and try new ‘Blimpies’ cereal! The cereal of champions eaten by Kee & Theo! America’s favorite competitive event couple and olympic gymnastics gold medalists! ‘They will make you swell up with pride!™’] was written on it while partially submerged by her flatulence clouds and the green cereal box with her face on it. The cereal itself looked like a bowl of square bran pieces, marshmallows shaped like medals, and a ton of raisins that would make you blow a hole through your pants by farting so obnoxiously after you eat it in a bowl of milk. Mr. Grubmeyer was working his employees tirelessly to the bone as they pumped sweets full of cream and deep fried the cruellers into a vat. “Well? Hurry it up! Ever since that foul-rumped blob started strongpawing our operations we are already WAY behind schedule! For every thousand donuts we bake? He eats all but ONE of them and that’s only because he has no clue of our side hustle under his fart-huffing nose.” The gray goat in the black and red pressed pinestripe suit looked over the orders and double-checked his clipboard. “I thought he would have blown up by now but it’s almost like….something has taken over his body…and given him a bottomless appetite for pastries! It’s absurd that I have to keep lining his pockets with cruellers in order to stay in business.” A sudden noise startled him as the garage delivery door to the factory pushed itself upward and a blubbery cocker spaniel bigger than a city bus, with her frame wider than a semi-truck, and more junk in the trunk than a morbidly obese elephant sauntered through while leaving a messy trail of sweat and donut crumbs behind her as she startled all of the employees with a ~BLURRRBBBBLPHHHRRRRRRRT~ that caused her cheeks to ripple like a stone thrown in a pond. “Hold it, law-breakers! I am Officer-...~URRRROOOORP~...Sommers and this is a raid! Everyone put your paws in the air and assume the position! Oh, unless you are in the middle of baking, then carry on…Rex said he wants more cookie dough donuts right away or else he will squish you like a GRAPE under his behind!” Mr. Grubmeyer pinched his nose in disgust and he looked completely dead inside. “Oh, god. Not ANOTHER one! Is everyone in your city a bloated bag of buttslop?! I am paying that greedy fatass millions of donuts a month! Is that NOT enough?!” Lindsey squeezed the tops of the cracking wall with her swollen fingers that looked like a stack of marshmallows while feeling her ginormous deformed cheeks rub all over the ground and cause the ground to quake with every pawstep that bounced her stomach rolls up and down. The garage door ripped open like a cheap tin can as she sprayed the area behind her with ~BBBBBBLHHHBBLLLRRRBRAAAAAPPPP~ noises that killed all the luscious green grass and fogged up the windows of the trucks and cars parked in the spaces neatly in a row. “Of course it is “not enough” you arrogant can-muncher! How DARE you deprive my partner of his donuts! You want him to starve?! Huh? Scum like you makes me VERY…~Blrrrobbhhlrrrrrp~...GASSY AND GIVES ME A SERIOUS BELLY ACHE!” A lightbulb flashed above the head of the goat as he grinned like a cheshire cat while wrapping his arm around her side rolls. “Now, now. Let’s not get worked up…I made an arrangement with your partner and I am sure me and you can come to some sort of…arrangement? Oh, Mother of god. You smell so…unfathomably rank…I can almost TASTE your farts on my tongue and you haven’t even passed gas in a whole minute!” Mr. Grubmeyer pinched his nose tightly while looking green in the face as he scorted the lumbering wad of pure corpulent fat across the factory floor while taking her to the conveyor belts where the finished products were laying on trays of sixty four donuts each covered in sprinkles, glaze, artifical dyes, additives, growth hormones, and high in trans fat cooking oil were ready to be packed up and shipped. Lindsey raised her brow up while feeling the ~GUUUUGGGGLEGLOOOORRPRUUUUMBLE~ of her endlessly insatiable tummy rolls make her perk up in interest. “I’m listening? Better spill your guts before I fart out mine all over your face, you two-bit crook!” Mr. Grubmeyer escorted her to the conveyor belt and had her sit down while turning on the electronic belt as donuts began to fall down into her face as the emptied trays went underneath the belt to be refilled with more wonderfully fattening pastries for her to chow down. They all went by so fast she barely had time to swallow them all and fill her cheeks with tasty frosted delights. 500, 1,000, 10,000…they just kept on coming as the goat pressed his hands against her creaking stomach that she was resting upon like a water bed mattress as her own shoes sank into her bulging thigh flesh to bury her footpaws in hundreds upon hundreds of pounds. “It seems sooooo unfair that Mister Rex gets to eat EVERY donut, now doesn’t it? You are obviously far more greedy for treats than he will ever be! Why not make a deal with me? I’ll starve him out, you get the donuts he would have scarfed down in a few seconds, and I get to make a profit. Doesn’t that sound good, my dear?” Lindsey just gave him a dirty look by squeezing her eyes past her yogaball-sized cheeks while grapping the tray in front of her to gobble up the donuts in a sloppy display of gorging herself. “I have a BETTER idea! You are going to QUADRUPLE your production rackets, supply BOTH of us with as many donuts and baked goods as we can stomach, and you aren’t gonna make a CENT! Wanna know why? Because if you DON’T I will inflate you with my gurgling ass gravy until you POP like a jelly donut.” She squeezed the jelly donut in her sausage fingers and watched the fruity juice ooze down her wrist rolls and onto her bingo wing arms that sloshed with pure blubber filling up every inch of them. “You can’t do that! T-that-...that’s cruel and unusual punishment! I know my rights!” Mr. Grubmeyer stammered out as she yanked him by the shirt and breathed heavily in his face. “You have the RIGHT to be my buttrag if you don’t comply! You have the RIGHT to bring your fine officers as MANY donuts as they want to show how much you appreciate their service in keeping sacks of garbage like you safe at…~Frbbblprbbblprrrt~...night!” “I will do NO such thing. In fact? I am going to shut down my facilities and skip town. What do you have to say about that, butterball? Hmm? Nothing? Ha, you are nothing but a sloshing bag of wind! You can’t do anything to stop me…and neither can McGruff the crime blob you have back in your city. Good day, fartbarge!” Mr. Grubmeyer was about to walk off while assuring himself that he had gotten a clean getaway but something unexpected happen. “Huh?” He tugged on his leg and saw that his shoe had been caught underneath her gaping ass crack covered in wet slop as a wicked grin spread across her face. “Oh~? Is someone resisting arrest? I LOVE when a man resists arrest.” Lindsey spoke with a mixture of sweetness and pure abusive authoritarian hatred as she dumped more donuts into her open maw and let out ~Bhhuhhhlurrrps~ that made him pinch his nose as he fell ass-backwards while feeling her own sacks of thigh lard begin to cover him like a growing blob as she put the baking ovens into overtime trying to keep up with her impressively large figure and endless appetite. “Guess I will just have to let Officer Butt take it from here! Book’em, Buttie.” Mr. Grubmeyer screamed while placing his hands over his face as he felt his entire body get submerged underneath her and sink into her sweaty pants fabric along with the rolling hills of ever-expanding blubber completely clobber and squash him as he caused a huge hole in the floor as his world turned into darkness. “Anything you bake can and WILL be eaten by an officer of the law! You have the…~Fhbbbblrrrrgguuurgleblprrrt~...right to huff my stinky rump! If you do not have oxygen? NONE WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU!” Mr. Grubmeyer felt a bone crack as he passed out from lack of air in his lungs while the massive canine continued to slobber all over his machines, spill bits of donuts all over the ground, and shovel thousands of cake donuts and eclairs into her greedy gullet. 5:00 P.M - Court House “QUIET, PLEASE! Simmer down! This court room is now in session! The honorable Judge Doris Hammerfist preciding!” A bailiff black bear in a beige uniform holding a shotgun in his paws shouted to everyone in the benches and the jury. Doris pushed open the double doors to her chambers and slowly waddled over to her triple-wide chair behind the stand as she rested a huge arm thicker than a motorcycle gas tank on the wooden desk while lazily tapping her gavel against the circular piece of wood as if she was practicing giving a sentence. “Yes, Yes. Let us get ON with it. I don’t want any idle chatter, he-said she-said, or ANY disruptive noise of any kind or I will throw the BOOK at the lot of you!” The massively widened elderly bulldog bared her sharp fangs dripping with rabies foam, straightening her powdered wig, and leaning against her dark judge robe soaked in so much sweat you could see her nipples poking against the edge of it like a dirty garbage bag with a frilly trim on it. “Trust me, you do NOT wish to get on my bad side. I do not tolerate nonsense in MY court room. In these four walls? My word is law and what I say GOES! Bring out the guilty-...I mean, the accused!” A dalmation and a chameleon drag out the gray goat by his arms in cuffs and chains while forcing him to wear an orange zip-up jumpsuit on it before shoving him into the chair. “This isn’t FAIR! Making donuts should not be illegal! We need to stop feeding these repulsive gasbags before-...” Mr. Grubmeyer started to speak but was interjected by her smashing the gavel so hard it chipped part of the wood on her desk. “MR. GRUBMEYER? I DO NOT NEED TO REMIND YOU I AM A…”FULL-FIGURED”... WOMAN MYSELF AND IF SOMEONE TRIED TO KEEP ME FROM THE CRAFT SERVICES TABLE? I’D GIVE THEM THE CHAIR! SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, DO NOT TALK OR I WILL GIVE YOU A SENTENCE SO SEVERE I MIGHT LOOSE MY SEAT ON THE BENCH!” Mr. Grubmeyer slouched in his chair with defeat in his eyes as the jury began to glare at him along with the people sitting in the pews opposite to him. A chubby brown rooster sipped some water, tugging his suspenders on his rounded gut, while pushing his oval glasses up on his beak. “Keep your lid closed tight, Grubby-boy. I’ve dealt with this egotistical bitch before. You just relax and do what I tells’yah.” The southern-voiced lawyer scowled as he patted him on the shoulder with his wing. “Where is the plaintiff? They best not be late. I get ENRAGED by someone being tardy to a court date!” Doris leaned over the wooden bench with her whopping breast mounds and caused the wood to crackle underneath her as if it was made of popsicle sticks. A squeamish squirrel with a slick haircut, cheap shades, and a brown suit held up his paw. “Your honor? My client is busy refreshing herself, and uhhh, “relieving some pressure” from her packed belly in the court house cafeteria…she will be here in a jiffy!” Doris licked her sagging jowls and wide chops as she thought about her trash can sized jar of “Jiffy Peanut Butter” From CostClub she had waiting for her back in her office. “Very well. I will allow a short recess for her to arrive. If she doesn’t get her ass in here promptly I am going to throw this case out.” The doors suddenly bursted wide open as a jiggling and wobbling stomach jutted forwards and spread out against the wooden bars leading up to the benches as everyone in the audience backed aside as to not get squished by the ginormous room-filling canine entering. “Sorry for the wait everyone! Your vending machines have so much…~Bwurrroooorrrp~....variety! I could barely control myself around all of that candy! Free coffee, too!” Lindsey sauntered forward with dozens of donuts and candy bars filling up her hamhock arms as the putrid blasts of flatulence filled up the court room and made nearly everyone gag in disgust. She was barely able to fit into her uniform as her underbelly sagged down from underneath the ripping fabric as thick gushes of sweat oozed out from her humid belly button that was deep enough to let a person comfortably rest inside. The buoyant breasts flopped up and down while her cleavage line had many rips and tears exposing pockets of her growing body. “Did I…~FFFFRHBBBBHLBPBBLPRRRRTSLOOOSSSH~...miss anything important? Can you read me back the last few minutes?” Lindsey had to wiggle her trunk to fit it inside the cracked doorframe as she spewed out sloppy liquid flatulence against everyone in the crowd like they were sitting in the “splash zone” of a waterpark ride. Quintuple rings of chin rolls surrounded her entire face, her floppy cocker spaniel ears hanging free from out of her ponytail, as her dampened furry frame was slick to the touch and glistened from the pools of persperation and the rancid smell of stale body odor wafting from her food-stained rolls and spare tire tummy creases. “Oh, one other thing, when do we break for lunch?~” Lindsey asked sweetly while digging around in her pocket for some sort of burger with jelly donuts for buns that was oozing with cheese and greasy goodness she tore into as she sat down on multiple chairs prepared for her to cushion her loud and proud cheeks with. One of the chairs snapped and had collapsed on the ground as the wooden swivel chair legs snapped like kindling under a body way past ten thousand pounds in weight. “Lunch will be served at exactly 6:00. We are having a late meal plan being prepared because SOMEONE ate everything in our cafeteria.” Doris squinted at her while shaking her head. “Whoopsies! Was that me~? It DID say free food on the sign!” Lindsey grinned while showing off all her teeth as her sticky mouth was covered in chocolate, crumbs, and donut filling. She whispered to the squirrel lawyer. “How is the case looking? Am I going to be here long? I got a date with Rex after this court hearing…He likes it when I feed him his fifty foot tall jumbo cruellers by paw!” The squirrel dabbed his brow with a napkin and pointed to the twelve men and women in the jury box. “Something tells me they are a jury of YOUR peers.” Lindsey lazily glazed over while constantly sputtering out ~Blrrruhbbblpfrrrbblrrpt~ sounds from her sagging booty cheeks as she looked at the ladies and gentlefurs making up the jury. There was a dark gray wolf, or maybe a fox, with bubblegum pink hair wearing a cocktail dress while her curvaceous hourglass figure sat in anticipation. A full-figured corgi woman who looked matronly in a pink bow tie apron sat down next to her squeezing her paw tightly while watching the show unfold. A enormously fattened up hillbilly deer was snoring with his [John Deer] camoflauge cap over his eyes as his overalls barely could contain the gurgling gas bubble that was his paunch. A spotted hyena with deep purple hair, dried blood stains, and a body that could only be described as a lumpy trashbag full of cottage cheese stared with a manic look in her eyes as she bit her bulbous bottom lip. A black feline in a hawaiian shirt, lab coat, and eyeglasses let out a weary sigh. “God, this place smells like a barnyard! I wish I could have stayed home and watched Matlock re-runs.” He glumly placed his paw next to his cheek and stares off into space as the crowd around him continues to suffocate his airways. Doris smacked her gavel against her squishy paw a few times and glared daggers at the lawyers. “Mr. Cockfield? Your opening statement?” The rooster cockily got up from the chair as all of the furries looked at him. “LADIES AND GENTLEFURS OF THE JURY! I am just a small time lawyer from the neighboring county of Sicamore Springs…and I ain’t well-educated like some big city lawyers in the room…but I do know this! My client, Mr. Bartolomew Grubmeyer, is an innocent man! Last time I checked bakin’ up some delicious vittles ain’t even fine-worthy in OUR little cozy meadow of the world! I am going to get this decent, hard-working, member of the community off…AND have him be reimbursed from all of those donuts that the obnoxious slop-wallowing hogs of the G.S Police Department ruthlessly devoured with not a single ounce of care! Thank ya’, your honor.” He bowed his wings to the jury before sitting back in his chair while tugging his suspenders with his feathered thumbs. Doris turned to the other desk and gave a bored expression while rolling her eyes. “Mr. Lattermoore? Do you have an opening statement for us?” Andrew Lattermoore, the squirrel personal lawyer of the police department and a D.A, rose up from his bench. “Why, Yes. Your honor, I-...” Lindsey couldn’t control the bubbling flatulence building up in her colon as she nervously sweated buckets while looking guilty as all hell before squeezing opening her dampened crack with both paws and letting loose a torrent of ~FFFFBBBLRHHHBBLURRRBBBPLE~ and ~SLOOOOSHGUUURGLERUUUUUMBLE~ sounds that caused all of the windows to be fogged up with dirty methane gas as she stuck her tongue out while lapping up her drool. “Oooooohhhhhhh…E-excuse me, your honor…I have been holdin’ that one in…f-for hours…~Bwurrroooorrp~...when do we eat again? I can’t sit here on an empty fuel tank!” She jostled her stomach around by patting it like a bongo drum as the squirrel slowly lowered himself back down on the chair. “Nevermind, Judge Hammerfist. I think “Officer Butt” over here has given quite the opening statement…” Doris pointed her gavel toward the rooster and swished it around in the air. “Mr. Cockfield? Do you wish to call up a witness?” The bailiff placed a bunch of evidence down with number cards next to them along with a stack of donut boxes piled nearly to the ceiling with [Exhibit F] written on them. “I do, your honor. I wish to call-...OFFICER REX TO THE STAND!” The entire crowd gasped in shock…but began to simmer down because gasping made them breathe in the ass fog from her constantly sputtering rump. “How? Officer Rex isn’t really the “mobile” sort unless you wanna hold the trial outside…and even THEN it might be hard for him to care when he is busy stuffing his face full until he can barely chew!” Lindsey asked while her eyes were dead locked on the sweet aroma filling her nostrils from the uneaten boxes of evidence just waiting for her to demolish in a few seconds. Mr. Cockfield pulled on his suspenders with a coy smirk as a mouse in a police uniform with glasses wheeled in a box television set and a VHS player on a cart next to the witness stand. “Already thought of that, my darlin’...I had the local news team record him LIVE via’ sat-e-lyte imagery…” The camera zoomed in extremely close at 5,000x zoom as the picture became extremely fuzzy before balancing back out to a low quality close-up of the huge ball of blubber himself. Officer Rex was guzzling down coffee from a pipe as he sucked it dry of every drop like a straw while donuts rolled out from his open flab-buried muzzle as he stared at the camera. “This BETTER be important! That little runt took away MY donuts! WE had a deal! If I get my paws on him I-...I will-...~FRBBBBHHBBBLPRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT~...” The entire camera shook like an earthquake happened as most of the lens got fogged up by the green and yellow ass-blasts which made his towering stack of chin rolls be hidden under a haze of gurgling gut smog. “Officer Rex, You don’t have to take the oath if you don’t wish to. You have testified before during “Great Cake Robbery” case back in 04’ and you are still obligated to tell THE TRUTH!” Mr. Cockfield slammed the desk with both wings before pointing at him. “Are you a corrupt cop? A corpulent overstuffed glutton? Hmmm? You seem more preoccupied wit’ stuffin’ yerself’ rather than protectin’ the people of this fair city! An insult to the badge! A stereotype with a twenty ton pair of butt cheeks and a superiority complex! DID YOU STRIKE A DEAL WITH MY CLIENT TO LET’EM OFF FOR HIS BAKED GOODS?” Officer Rex gleamed his fangs as he lapped up the coffee sauce around his buried mouth before letting out an obnoxiously loud ~BBLLLLURRRRRHUUUUUWWOOOORRRRRP~ that made the camera shake horribly again and caused the speakers to rattle. “You bet your ASS I did! That goat is nuffin’ but a con-man in a nice suit! Those donuts were fattenin’ junk deep-fried in butter, soaking in grease, and INJECTED wit’ food additives…I’ve eaten more donuts than there are people alive in the world right now…and I KNOW what I tasted! Look at me! You think you get a proper police figure like mine without…~Hurrroooorp~...help?” “OBJECTION!” Bartholomew stood up and pointed at him. “My donuts are top of the line quality baked with love! They are perfectly safe to eat! Why, I put them on public supermarket shelves and nobody ended up like…HIM! Look at him! A putrid, stinking, foul donut eating machine! Eating my profits! The hard work of my employees!” Mr. Cockfield settled him down back into his seat. “I agree with my client. Those donuts weren’t “illegal black market products” but were simply regular treats that a disgusting garbagebarge, aka the flabby arm of the law in uniform on the screen, STOLE from him in an attempt at bribery! I don’t think any further evidence is needed here, your honor.” Doris Hammerfist nodded in agreement while pushing her stomach rolls against the bench and leaning over to look at the incredibly huge and nearly immobile female officer stinking up the place. “I must agree with their point, Miss Sommers. I have eaten PLENTY of those donuts and look at me! I still have my girlish figure! Why, I am as bikini-body ready as I will ever be!” The corpulent judge chuckled in a deepened and husky voice while picking her tooth using her sharp claw. “I think I find in favor of-...” Lindsey stood up from the bench as her entire body wobbled like a bowl of melted butter as she raised up a paw digit. “WAIT! OBJECTION! These donuts ARE fattening as can be! Look at me, your honor!” She pulled out the wallet from her purse full of plastic wrappers and torn candy bars as she held up a picture of her in the GSPD sweatpants and sweatshirt when she was skinny, athletic, and you could ACTUALLY still see her bones. “I ate one donut…and now I just can’t stop! I eat them morning, noon, and night! Thousands of them and I always crave more! I am beyond an eating addiction! They are my LIFE! Pastries, cakes, junk food…all digesting in my rock hard tummy and turning into an endless supply of bellowing and bubbling farts coming straight from my crack! The same thing happened to Officer Rex, I bet!” Lindsey didn’t even toy with the idea that her boyfriend and partner was ALWAYS greedy, rude, corrupt, and disgustingly obese but decided to use the donuts to play the trial in her favor. “Nonsense. These donuts are completely harmless! They are just fried dough, sugar, and sprinkles!” Mr. Grubmeyer interjected while he laughed heartily at her interjection. “Oh, really?” Lindsey stood up and waddled herself over to them as she sprayed him and the rooster attorney in the face with a ~BHHHLORRBBBLPRRRT~ that made them pinch their noses to keep from breathing it in. “I’m famished. Let me show you just how bad donuts can be for you. A moment on the lips-...” She snatched open a box and began to shovel the contents of it into her maw like she was popping caramel corn. They covered her wet tongue as she messily chewed them with bits of food spewing from her lips as she spoke. “-...a LIFETIME on the hips! Your donuts cause anyone to eat them to become greedy, constantly hungry, donut addicts! Just like me…~Bhuurrrooorrrrrp~...and Officer Rex!” Lindsey squished her cheeks onto their table as they steadily grew outward and caused the table legs to ~SNAAAAP~ underneath her like twigs as her growing buttocks overlapped them and pressed them against the wooden backboard near the benches. Mr. Cockfield let out a girlish scream while trying to push the growing blubber away with his wings. “OH, GODS PRESERVE ME! DON’T LEMME DIE LIKE THIS! I’M SENDIN’ YOU MY DRY CLEANER’S BILL, YOU GASSY TUB OF FLAB!” Doris lazily banged the gavel down while not really wanting this to stop. She was curious about what would happen. “Order…Order….” She said so faintly that the poodle on the typewriter taking down the written record could barely hear it. Lindsey ripped open box, after box, after box as she pinned herself down to the ground, sinking into herself like a fleshy sinkhole of deep dampened rolls, as chins slapped against her cleavage while she wiped the growing frosting stains onto the wet sleeve of her growing sacks of appendage fat. “AAAHHHH, STOP! I CONFESS! I CONFESS! I PUMPED’EM FULL OF CHEMICALS! THEY ARE BAD FOR YOU! I THROW MYSELF AT THE MERCY OF THE COURT! JUST MAKE HER STOP EATING!” Mr. Grubmeyer squealed while feeling his crotch being smothered by the lumpy boulders in torn blue fabric from the corpulent cocker spaniel. “...~Buhhhluuuuhrrrpfrbbblprrrrt~...Hey, if they don’t give you the death penalty…can you make some donuts filled with ice cream~? I think they would go over REALLY well with your new best customers…me and Rexxie!” Lindsey lapped up the glaze from her sausage fingers after dumping the last box onto the ground around her to be crushed flat under her growing ocean of belly rolls that took up most of the courtroom space and caused the audience members to flee in both disgust from her smell or threatened to be squashed into a pancake by her siderolls. “What’s wrong, Grubmeyer? If you can’t stand the heat…stop standing so close to the oven! The DUTCH oven in her case.” Doris Hammerfist smirked while banging the gavel. The jury all left for a brief moment, the sounds of talking and gas-passing filling the muffled crack in the jury chamber doors, before they all shuffled back into the room. “Okay, I think we have seen enough of this foolishness. Jury? Have you reached a verdict yet?” The corgi woman stood up while waggling her tail and sweetly speaking with kindness in her voice. “Yes we have, your honor. We find the defendant…guilty on all charges!” Grubmeyer slammed his head down onto the desk and cried down his cheeks. Mr. Cockfield tugged his bowtie and gently combed his slick hair with his wings. “I owe YOU a refund I believe, sir. Good luck in the hoosegow.” He snatched up his briefcase and rushed out from the courtroom back into the slightly fresher and more tolerable air of the outside world. Lindsey smirked warmly and felt her stomach draping every single inch of the table in front of her not unlike a dirty tablecloth made out of flesh. “Don’t worry, I am just sure you will get off easy…with a HEAVY debt to society…” Doris Hammerfist banged the gavel again. “QUIET IN MY COURT ROOM! Grubmeyer? Stand up! Get up! On your hooves!” Grubmeyer slowly stood upwards while sweat trickled down his face. “In all my years I have never heard of such a heinous crime. Starving our men and women in uniform? It’s downright unamerican! Turns my stomach! I might not even be able to finish my supper tonight after overseeing this trial…Grrrrroooowwwllll!….I sentence you to a fate FAR WORSE than death or public execution. You will be forced into “solitary confinement” between the sweltering ass of Officer Rex…and Officer Sommers, respectively, for the REST of your life! No parole! NO BAIL! Case closed!” She bangs the gavel viciously to show she had made her final descision on the matter. “NOOOOO! PLEASE, HAVE MEEEEERCY!” Grubmeyer screamed as the two bailiffs dragged him on his feet while he thrashed about trying to escape this horrible fate that the court deemed appropriate. Lindsey stopped him while rubbing her sloppy stained meatball palm against his chest. “You and my stinking doggy derriere are going to become SUCH good friends, Mr. Grubmeyer! Crime really does stink, huh?~” 8:00 P.M - The Ruins Of Rexopolis & The New Island Of Lindseyland Officer Rex was now bigger than the tiny city that he was overruled with a flabby fist and a sense of justice for food-related crimes. He had slowly, but surely, outgrown the state and had only begun to take up more space as millions of furs had to evacuate or would surely be drowned in sweat, die from poisonous smog thick enough to cut off your air supply, or be squished like lice under the impressively huge canine officer who had canyonous rolls, valleys of unwashed filth covered in the sloppy remains of previous meals such as millions of donut debris and rivers of melted frosting, along with a navel that was deep enough to be considered a cave system. The uniform still held on, by either the best materials in the known world or by dark magic, as it kept expanding to fit every growing inch of his vast waist in the millions of feet nice and snug for him to keep “growing into.” The head of the german shepard was basically a tiny dark muzzle that had been surrounded by his own caving blimp buttocks, cheeks bigger than a small town, and chin rolls that were a hundred times taller than Mt. Everest. “WHEEEEEEEEEEEEREEE IS THE PPPPPRISSSSSOOOONER?! IT IS TIME FOR HIM AND MY ASS TO GET NICE AND ACQUAINTED! HE’S GOING TO BE GUZZLING FART SLOP FOR THE REST OF HIS NATURAL LIFE! HA-HA-HAAAA!...~FRRRBBBLRRRRHRBBBLURRRRRBLEEE~...” Mr. Grubmeyer had a blindfold around his head and was being held by two burly guards in a GSPD helicopter high above the pollution factory that was his ass crack with the ungodly stench making the clouds into lingering flatulence while the sky turned a sickening green, brown, and yellow coloring. “Any last requests?” A prison guard leopard growled at him while poking him in the back with a machine gun. “...Kill me instead?” Mr. Grubmeyer asked while sweating bullets at the thought of him having to go anywhere near that rancid biohazard. “Nah, more fun this way. Have “fun” buddy!” The guard kicked him in the back and watched him tumble down a few feet before sinking into the rancid, hairy, soaking damp swampass crack as he slowly sinked into a position where he was right next to the gigantic gas-spewing anus that was larger and deeper than a sewer grate hole. “Welp. It was nice being alive while it lasted.” Grubmeyer spoke before hearing the ~FRRRRHBBBBBLPRRRTTTTTTHURRRRROOOOOORRRRRRRRP~ noise completely blind and cover him in a tidalwave of thick methane gas fumes that smelled worse than the backend of a cow. Officer Rex heartily chuckled as cargo planes overhead began to bring in his new delivery orders as they cropdusted his gaping open muzzle with the delicious pastries that filled his mouth with the heavenly cream. “OOOOHHHH, I CAN FEEL’EM IN MY CRACK…WIGGLIN’ AROUND…HOPE HE LASTS! HOW YOU DOIN’, LINDSEY~?” He cooed out toward his growing blob of a girlfriend who was almost as big, wide, and gigantic as he was with a unique brand of feminine musk pooling down her endless sweat-stained folds. Lindsey had dwarfed all of creation and taken over most of the state next to her while she kept on grinning this evil, sadistic, corrupted smile of a woman completely and utterly swollen with an ego of being a brap-balloon and “protector” of the fair city…even if she thought that doing so meant guzzling oceans worth of coffee and millions of donuts in a singular afternoon. “YOU KIDDING, REXXIE~? NEVER FELT BETTER! I LOVE FEELING ALL THE PATHETIC CITIZENS GET SQUISHED UNDER MY GIGANTIC BEHIND…ONLY TO FEEL A HURRICAINE OF FARTS WIPE’EM ALL OUT! THEY OBVIOUSLY DESERVE IT! PROBABLY GUILTY OF SOMETHING OR OTHER, HUH HONEY!?~” Lindsey had her buttocks bigger than the moon itself with slop oozing and cascading down her dimpled crack as she killed all organic life with a singular smog-producing toot from behind her as the grass decayed and turned brown, the trees rotted into husks, and the flowers turned into mulch from even a singular whiff of her bulbously blobby booty. The stomach rolls had begun to overtake and cover the rolls of her manly, sweaty, disgustingly foul boyfriend as they rubbed against one another as they struggled to fight for dominance and turned anything that stood in their way into rubble and debris. Lindsey had her ears in a mess, soaking in a tidalwave of greasy sweat, while her muzzle stook out buried in her cheeks each bigger than a football stadium with a towering staircase of chins one could easily climb…unless they slipped and fell into the cavernous chin rolls and was crushed like a peanut from her endlessly growing body, her breasts were soaking in thick black stains that soaked her mammaries like a wet T-shirt content while dripping enough wet juice from her pores to fill up every single ocean in the world, and her cheeks dwarfed over her creating an overhang cascade of butt-blubber that rippled for hours from just a single fart squeaking past her tailhole. “I HOPE THEY BRING US THE CRUELLERS NEXT! I JUST LOVE THOSE SCRUMPTIOUS MORSELS! THEY HIT THE SPOT!” Officer Rex chuckled loudly which was enough to cause earthquakes to rip open the land of the United States like a crumbly cookie, which he had just eaten a few million of as his chins were covered in brown crumbs and melted chocolate chips, while he shimmied his blubber closer to her face to loudly ~BUUUUHHHHHHLUUUUURRRRRRP~ right into her open mouth to cause her chins to jiggle viciously and constantly. “YOU SAID IT, BABY! I AM SO GLAD WE ARE BEING RECOGONIZED FOR OUR DUTIES…AND OUR TOOTIES, TOO! WE BADGES NEED THE FREE GRUB TO KEEP THIS GREAT COUNTRY SAFE FROM ANY DAMN TROUBLEMAKERS…GOTTA KEEP A WATCHFUL EYE OUT, RIGHT~? NOW COME GIVE YOUR MAN A SLOBBERY SMOOCH, LOVEMUFFIN!” Lindsey didn’t even need to think about it as she happily shoved her flabby muzzle against his own while they sloppily lapped up eachother’s saliva and gave one another a passionate french kiss to taste one another’s previous meals on their mouths to tide them over before the next dumping of donuts could be given to them. Lindsey closed her eyes tightly, enjoying the endlessly expanding and almost floating feeling of being a 500,000 ton growing girl, while swapping spit with the man of her dreams. The man who corrupted her and set her on the “right” path of law enforcement as donuts continued to rain on them while they were each restocked with another [BlimpBucks] coffee load with caramel swirl and hazelnut creamer for each of the blobs in blue. It would not be long before they would crush the rest of the free world, devouring every single pastry on Earth, and swallowing up the civlizations and free land on the planet. They would outgrow the world like it was a whopper malt milkball, which they would also consume like a chocolatey treat, before setting their sights on bigger things to eat…and multiverses with donuts that rival their soft overgrown lardmasses in size. One thing was for sure. Lindsey and Rex would never grow tired of one another’s company…and Mr. Grubmeyer would spend the rest of infinity being choked into tears by the sweltering warm buttocks of the two doggies and their endlessly rumbling gas they had cooking up in their world-shattering cauldrons they had as stomachs. “I knew I should have served my donuts in Zootopia!” Grubmeyer gagged out while having his head stuck like glue to the disgustingly repulsive and hedonistic male officer’s tailhole. [Rest In Peace: Jelliroll] We all loved, cared, and cherished all the time you gave us. You were an amazing person that was as sweet as a jamtart. All of your art in both packs and your gallery was something I will never forget even when my brain rots in old age. Everyone who got to know you was lucky to have you in their lives. I’m just sorry we couldn’t have you for long even when you put up the good fight. If there is a heaven? I hope you got to become a corgi chick and get to bake anything your heart desires and draw whatever you wish. You were taken too soon from the world and there will always be regret I never got to meet you. Goodbye - GSA.