Celebrity Balloon Pandemic (Elizabeth Olsen) My name is Elizabeth Olsen, but you've probably heard of me. You'll have seen me in Ingrid Goes West, Sorry For Your Loss, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Godzilla, and probably anything done by Marvel. The story I'm about to tell you is nothing like you've seen in the stuff I do, but it was without a doubt the most bizarre experience I have ever had in my life. You'll see what I'm talking about so enough. A few months ago, I decided to spend some time from acting and I went to a beach in L.A. Acting is fun, but it can get a bit much when you have a lot to rehearse for, even if it's for Marvel. It was a nice summer day, and came down in my robes and my black bikini underneath, and I chose to wear my gladiator sandals, which I hadn't worn in a long time. But as I left, I missed something on the news. Apparently there was some kind of new virus that would only be affecting certain people, but no one as of yet had been infected. At least that's what I overheard. I didn't know what this virus was or how dangerous it was going to be, so when I left I remained cautious. Ever since the Covid pandemic, I was hoping that people would be more careful, but apparently some people don't learn. I kept my distance as best I could. It was fortunate that no one recognised me straight away, otherwise that would've been problematic for the day I planned. Eventually I arrived at the beach and found a nice spot, it was particularly quiet as well. I set up a lounge chair for myself, laid down and just relaxed. I was relieved that no one randomly came up to me asking for a picture of an autograph at a time like this, so I pretty much had the beach to myself. Having fans is nice, it shows how many people look up to you, and it is nice to hear their comments but it can get overwhelming if they just run up to you, even if you're wanting some time to yourself. As I rested, I closed my eyes and I listened to the waves crashing at the beach, and the seagulls flying in the air. A small breeze was hitting my face, sending a nice cool chill down my body. I felt so relaxed that I fell asleep for a little while. However, when I woke up, I started to feel strange. The first thing I noticed was a splitting headache, it just came out of nowhere. I thought I was just a little light-headed and it would just pass over. I was wrong. The aching feeling in my head spread all over my body. It was so bad I was scared even move one arm. I had no idea what was wrong with me. As soon as I worked up the strength to move again, I decided to find my phone so I could call somebody to help me. But as I searched for my phone, I started to get this peculiar feeling in my belly. I sat down on the chair and I was cradling my belly throughout. It's hard to describe the feeling. I wanna say it was a tingly feeling, but it was more like a bubbly sensation. At this point I was about to discover what I was sick with. The next thing I felt was a tightening sensation, and something pushing against my arms, accompanied by creaking noises. I removed my robes, hoping that nobody would see me, and then I proceeded to look at myself. It was when I looked down when I realised what was happening to me. My belly was swelling up. I screamed as I saw my own belly protruding out like this, just sticking out like I was pregnant. It was one thing to pretend to be pregnant and have a fake belly, but it was something else to watch my own skin stretching before my eyes. What was strange to me was that the stretching didn't hurt. In fact, it felt...really good. Slowly, but surely, my belly was at the point of looking like I was 9 months pregnant. My skin was getting really sensitive to the touch, when something else entered my field of vision. Soon it became clear that my belly wasn't the only thing swelling up. I could see my boobs swelling up too. What didn't make sense to me was that my boobs and belly didn't feel heavy, so I couldn't have been filling up with fat. Then I connected the dots. I realised I was swelling up with some kind of air. I checked everywhere else, and I was swelling up all over my body. In minutes I slowly went from slender to a little chubby. My belly was the largest part in me. It was way past the point of looking 9 months pregnant with triplets, I may as well have been 14 months pregnant or something. I could feel the pressure in my belly swelling from inside, and it felt at least 4 feet in diameter. I mostly kept my arms on my belly, and I felt them being forced outwards to accommodate my globe of a belly. My boobs were way past my comfortable B cups. I don't even know the exact size they were at this point. I just know they were the size of basketballs, and my bra was getting so tight trying to hold on. The craziest part of this was that my nipples were swelling up too. They had already stretched to the point where my bra wouldn't be able to cover them soon, but now they were forcefully erect underneath; this made them extra sensitive. I could feel them sticking outwards from outside the cups of my bra. It didn't help that my back was rounding out as well, which was adding to the tightness of my bra. My arms were forced to stick outwards, I couldn't even feel my belly anymore. They were filling with air like 2 long balloons fusing to my swelling shoulders, which were starting to cover up my neck. The swelling even reached my hands. I watched as my palms slowly looked swollen balls at the end of my arms, and still swelling, and my fingers thickened like overstuffed sausages. I may as well have been wearing blown up rubber gloves with how big my hands got. Soon my arms just stuck outwards in a T-pose, I couldn't even bend them anymore. I couldn't see anything behind me thanks to my back, but before my arms were stuck outwards, I could feel how much bigger my ass was. My ass cheeks were like 2 pillows being forced together. My underwear was disappearing in between my cheeks, I may as well have been wearing a thong. My hips had widened almost as much as my belly had, which accommodated my swelling ass. My legs were losing their ability to bend, so I was forced to stand up. My thighs were as thick as tree trunks, the name thunder thighs didn't do them justice. It was quite a turn on when my thick thighs rubbed against each other when they swelled. And do you know what happens when you wear gladiator sandals and your body starts inflating at the same time? I do, from experience. My calves were inflating as big as my arms and completely round, but they were trapped within the straps, begging to escape through the gaps. My feet were swelling up at the soles of my sandals, with my plumped up toes trying to get as much air as possible. I don't know what hurt more, the tight bra, the straining underwear, or the restricting sandals. I was just stuck standing there, turning into a blimp, and getting rounder by the minute. During all this time, the creaking noises from my skin still persisted, I'm surprised no one heard it sooner. I was torn between trying to call someone for help, or just keeping my mouth shut and secretly enjoying myself. As I tried to move my inflating body, with no succession, my bra finally gave up and snapped off my round back, leaving my boobs completely exposed. I didn't really care at this point, I was just relieved that the pain could go away. I couldn't see my nipples, but I could feel that they stuck out at least 3 inches. There was still a breeze in the air, and when it my nipples, pleasure just spread through me. I don't even know how this was possible, but even though my boobs were 4 times as big as they used to be, I could still see my belly past them, and that says a lot about how big I was. While I was staring at my belly below cleavage, my underwear flew off of my ass, and I don't even want to talk about what was happening in my nether regions. Let's just say the wind was getting me down there too. The only thing I had on left were my sandals, and pretty soon, they were on their way out too. The straps started snapping one by one, allowing my swelling calves to break free from the restraints. My calves were so big I'm not even sure I could feel my ankles. My feet were the last part to break free, it was like I was standing on 2 balloons. And there I was, completely naked, and swelling up like a balloon. I think this is how that woman from Harry Potter felt when she was blowing up like a balloon. Except that all of her clothes stayed on, and she probably felt uncomfortable. While my body was stretching so much, I began to notice the beach slightly lowering in my vision. For a minute I thought I'd begun floating, but I could feel that my feet were still on the ground. It became clear that I was getting taller as well as wider. Soon I began to see something else in my peripheral vision, and it was just as I thought. The swelling was reaching my head. My cheeks got so puffy, I probably looked Violet Beauregarde in the remake. They were already twice their normal width. Even that felt good. I could feel my neck swelling from within the confines of my rounded shoulders. It almost felt like my neck was merging with my body, but it wasn't just my neck. I was losing feeling in my biceps and my thighs. They were getting absorbed by my body. I was getting rounder and rounder. My boobs, which were the size of beach balls, began to disappear into my chest. It was at this moment that my swollen feet lost contact with the ground. I had begun floating into the air. I could feel how big I was. With how much my skin was stretching, it was impossible to not know how big I was getting. As I started floating, I was about 10 feet in both height and width. I screamed for a minute after beginning to float, but soon I was distracted again by the pleasurable feeling of my skin stretching. I could've sworn that there were people watching me somewhere. If you thought the strangest sensation was feeling your hands or your feet getting puffy, that is far from it. As my neck had fully disappeared, I began to feel my entire head swelling up. My own face was stretching so much that my facial features probably looked as cartoonish as they felt. I don't even know how it was possible for my face to stretch from my skull like that. My eyes were blowing up so wide, I could've been mistaken for a Looney Tunes character. My lips plumped up so big that I couldn't even open my mouth. All I could do from there was moan in pleasure. My nose got distorted from the stretching that it merged into my face, trying to keep as much of it's definition as possible. My ears stretched out so wide my own hair wouldn't cover them. But they didn't stick outwards, but rather just stuck to the side of what would be my head. I think my hair was just sitting at the top of my head. I was perhaps 40 feet in height and width at this point, and still swelling up. I could barely see anything of myself anymore, just the clear blue sky that I was slowly floating towards. I lost both my arms and my legs completely, leaving my hands and feet to be slowly absorbed into divots. It was clear to me at this point that my belly was definitely the largest part of me, even though my belly button never popped out. My face had stretched out for miles and miles, I was surprised I could still feel anything, but I might have been unrecognizable. My skin was just getting tighter and tighter all the time, but there was still no pain. It felt like I could've had an orgasm at anytime with how good I was feeling. At least I didn't feel like I was gonna burst, but I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take. I think it was at least an hour or two until my body had somehow reached the height and width of an impressive 500 feet. I was completely round now, like a hot air balloon. At this stage, I just couldn't take the pleasure anymore. The pleasure just completely took over my body, I had no control over myself, and I don't really remember what happened next. I passed out into a catatonic state. I regained consciousness a few weeks later, waking up where I am right now. It was when I woke up that I came so much. Luckily no one saw me do that. I am in an isolated facility where people have been taking good care of me. Apparently I reached about 5,000 feet in less than 24 hours until I started deflating. I've seen the pictures of myself in that inflated state, and trust me, those images do not leave my head. I was told that this virus was only causing female celebrities to inflate like balloons, but it couldn't be passed on by physical contact. And I was actually the first one to be infected by it. Apparently it was so selective that the size the celebrities got depended on how attractive they were. The more attractive, the bigger. It was a bit of a surprise that some weird virus thought I was more attractive than Brie Larson or Scarlett Johansson. She only got 1,000 feet, but her head only had the puffy cheeks. Some of those who got as big as me, or almost as big, included Emma Stone and Emilia Clarke. Currently, I'm doing ok. I'm still a huge balloon. I've returned to my normal height but I'm still a round ball with swollen hands and feet, and some puffy cheeks attached to my face, and I'm still naked. I can't move any part of my body other than my head, but at least I can talk again. I don't even have any stretch marks. The people here have been very nice to me. They look after my by using a these bionic arms that reach over to give me food and water. When they bathe me, they use this big shower and use sponges all over my body, with care not to hit the most sensitive parts. And I'm not gonna talk about what it's like going to the toilet, you don't wanna know. My family comes to visit me when they can, except my sisters. They got as big as I am now. My Mom just holds my belly for as long as she can, it's the closest she can get to hugging me. But when Robbie comes round, we get a little playful. I'm not gonna lie, it actually feels good having someone rub my giant belly. It really feels like my skin has some kind of latex property. It's kind of a turn on. It was really incredible having this happen to me. I think I was just a little scared at first, because you know it's weird and tingly and you just feel your entire body stretching in ways it never has before and you don't know if it's ever gonna stop. But when it sinks in, it's quite nice. It's hard to describe though. It's like someone turned up the sensitivity of my skin, and as it stretched the sensitivity increased. On the inside it's like this pressure that's gently pushing everything out at every angle. When your hands inflate, you can barely clench them to make fists with how thick they get. Similar thing with your feet, you can't wriggle your plump toes. I'm not sure about my entire head swelling up, it's like someone using a pump in your head and your eyes are on the verge of popping out. I loved how big my legs got. Just feeling my thighs rubbing against each other was euphoric. I don't really have an opinion about the feeling of my arms. I was sad that I couldn't feel my skin when they stuck out. With my back it was like I was growing a hump or something, but at least it rounded up nicely. I could more or less shake my ass cheeks when I had the free movement. I even slapped them when I could still use my arms, it really shook up my body. My boobs were more sensitive than they used to be, and like I said before, I didn't need to touch my nipples to feel how sensitive they were. But the best part of my inflation was my belly. It was the most sensitive part of me since it was the biggest thing on me, and still is. I'm always eager to have someone touch it and feel it for as long as possible. As for how long I'm going to stay like this. No one actually knows. Very few of the celebs have returned to normal, but what we do know is that the virus won't just go away, sooner or later it will just relapse. But the ones who haven't returned to normal are those who inflated bigger. So I don't how long it will be until I'm back to normal or if I will ever get back to normal. Honestly, I would like to get back to normal, because then I could go through the whole swelling up process again. Especially when it starts I the belly. That's what I love. I just love swelling up like a hot air balloon.