The Amagi Inn was lit up by the midday sun, which shone through the windows and paper doors. The restaurant segment of the establishment was closed, however Yukiko was able to let her friends use the place so long as they cleaned up after themselves. Once their food was cooked, primarily by Rise and Naoto, the others, Chie and Yukiko cleaned up. They all took a few plates in hand over to Yukiko's lounge. It was a traditional Japanese looking room. Though with a sofa, a futon and a beanbag dotted along the walls. The vibrant colours of the young woman's furniture clashed with the otherwise mature beige and brown hue of the room. Chie quickly parked herself on the side of the sofa with a large bowl of noodles in her hand. In her haste and clumsiness a small amount of the soup ended up spilling out the bowl. Expecting at least one of the other three to sit next to her she only took up a small amount of the sofa, though upon noticing she had the sofa to herself she decided to scooch into the centre. Might as well get comfy. Glllllyygyyrrrrrrr The noise was loud. Emanating from Chie’s own belly, most likely more ready than ever to dig into her food, and hopefully pinch some from the shared bowls the other girls had brought. “Come on Chie, haven't you had enough already?” Sitting on the futon to Chie’s right was the detective prince Naoto. She spoke in a condescending, almost teasing manner. “Chie’s just hungry, as ever. That's all. Don’t be so harsh Naoto” Yukiko, sitting on the beanbag opposite Chie. She spoke about Chie almost like she wasn't in the room. “Yeah. I mean if you were even half as big as she is then I’m sure you’d be going for sixths too!” This one came from Rise sitting elegantly on a single chair to the left of Chie closest to her than any of the others. Gllllyyyyyygggrrrrrryrrr Chie’s toned belly bellowed a loud and angry roar through the room, clearly loud enough such that the others could hear. “See, the growing girls still got plenty of room!” Rise said matter of factly. “W-What the hell are you guys talking about?” Chie butted in, beyond bewildered and utterly confused. Everyone around her was talking about her like she was completely deaf, and she couldn't even begin to process what they were saying. Naoto didn’t react to what Chie said and simply got back to eating her own quaint bowl, though silently addressed the others with a facial expression that read as if to say “whatever” “Just ignore her Chie, focus on your own food. We’ve even got a special dessert for when you’re finished” Yukiko said leaning in forward and talking down to Chie like she were an infant who needed reminding not to let a sibling wind her up. Ironically this seemed to work Chie up even more. “Teehee… I knew just one of us was going to end up spoiling the surprise, but I guess it’s in the open now.” Rise chimed in, barely able to hold in her excitement. Glllylyyryyryyyrrrrrrr Before Chie could voice her confusion, and at this point slight annoyance, the sound seemed to overwhelm not only her hearing but her sight as well. Her vision was overcome with a grey tinge completely blinding her. The noise coming from all her friends couldn't be heard over the gargling of her belly, but after that noise had echoed out she was unable to hear them at all. “W-what’s happening!? Hello!? Chie cried out, her voice totally wrecked with genuine panic. Everything had been totally normal until the moment she’d sat down. Her voice reverberated as though she was sitting in an empty warehouse. Then, just as quickly as her vision and outward hearing had vanished, the grey mist clouding her eyes and ears vanished with a quick flash and distorted sweeping sound. Chie scanned the room, her heart beating through her chest. Everything seemed the same. Rise was still sitting close to her on her left, Yukiko opposite her and Naoto on her right… Everything seemed the same until Chie noticed a table right in front of her that definitely wasn’t there before. What unsettled her even further was the half a dozen empty bowls of ramen stacked up on the table and big flat green box right next to them. “W-What just happened?” Chie thought aloud, half hoping for an answer, half just rambling. “Come on there’s no way you’re full after just six bowls. We didn't buy you this dessert for nothing!” Yukiko cooed, leaning forward over the table to push the large cardboard green box towards Chie. “I must admit” Naoto started. “It is awfully unlike you to say no to dessert Chie. Especially knowing first hand how much you can pack in that gut of yours.” “What are you talking about..?” Chie asked as she began looking down at herself, her voice trailing off what she saw almost knocked the wind out of her. Whereas previously Chies belly was flat and even slightly toned, it was now a gargantuan blob of pale creamy flesh which completely engulfed the view of her legs. Said legs were absolutely massive. Her fatty hips and thighs were squeezing up against each side of the sofa, otherwise clearly big enough to fit three people; her presence alone threatened to take over the couch. Her breasts had seen a large amount of growth too, though compared to the weight she’d packed on to the rest of her body her breasts were her smallest asset. Chie’s clothes looked more like fabric suggestions as opposed to anything actually intended to keep her modesty. While before the signature green jacket and skirt fit her like a glove the same could not be said any longer. Despite the fact her clothes were clearly several sizes larger than they were, her skirt simply allowed her smooth doughy pillows of buttcheeks to be seen by any who looked in her direction. Her jacket, though zipped up, allowed her pale belly to spill out from beneath it in all directions. Chie was by far the fattest person she’d ever seen. “I- Wha… I’m… I'm f- f- fat!?” Chie yelped, her head darted from side to side looking at her friends. They were all freakishly calm. It was just another day for them. Rise leaned towards Chie and placed her hand on her bare gut. She ever so gently caressed it. “Chie, are you okay? You’ve not got heat stroke have you?” Rise asked gently, placing her other hand on Chie's forehead for a couple of seconds which caused a pause that felt like a couple hours, before intermediately removing it. Rise somewhat skittishly looked across the windows of the room trying to make sure it wasn’t too hot outside. “I’m totally fine! Except for the fact that i- glllyyrrrrr” as Chie’s eyes continued to anxiously scan her surroundings mid sentence her eyes locked with the transparent part of the cardboard green box resting on the table. Her voice trailed off as her belly interrupted her. Suddenly, in a dictatorial fashion, a familiar yet accelerated feeling drenched her. Hunger. Grrrrggggllllllee Chie reached forward to the box grabbing it’s edges with her stubby little sausage fingers and pulled it towards her ravenously. “Haaahhh h-hungry…mpph” Chie muttered in a depraved way before shoving a donut in her maw. The sugar glazing pressing against her lips as the chocolate cream filling curled into her mouth gave her a rush of dopamine akin to a drug addict abusing their preferred substance. Not a dozen seconds went by, she greedily reached out another plump hand for another, … and another… and another. “That’s more like the Chie I know!” Yukiko said with a slight squeal as though talking to a pet. Rise shuffled her chair even closer to Chie’s sofa and started using both hands to tenderly massage the fat girl's gut. “There there, you’ll eat all that up won’t you?” Rise asked rhetorically, unintentionally mimicking Yukiko's tone, she knew this should be more than easy enough for Chie to chew through. Chie was acutely aware of what her friends around her were saying and the fondling she was receiving. But for as much as she wanted to ask more questions and swat away Rise’s hands, her desire to glut herself proved to take priority. A fact that even Chie herself was struggling to come to grips with. There was a part of her at the back of her mind nagging, setting off alarms and screeching at her to put the donuts down and… do anything else to actually help herself. But it simply wasn’t the louder voice in her mind. Chie continued to obliterate the donuts with bite after bite until eventually after finishing her most recent one, she reached out only to realise her pudgy fingers were simply clawing at the moist cardboard and crumbs. Chie leaned back, having been hunched over to more effectively stuff herself with the sugary calorie bombs. Even now she was out of her little hunger trance. Rise's belly rubbing services were, as much as Chie hated to admit it, tolerated for how soothing they proved to be on her taut and full tummy. Zwwrrraap! From the bottom to the top the zipper for Chie’s jacket completely gave up, allowing a surge of upper belly and breast fat to come jutting out. Clearly that bunch of donuts proved to be the breaking point for the now ruined outerwear. “Well there’s a shock. She’s outgrown her jacket…again” Naoto said with her signature monotone, know it all, tone. “We all know what that means!” Rise said with a gasp, barely able to contain her excitement she stopped staring at the expanse of Chie’s form instead to look back at the faces of her other friends. “It’s time for another weigh-in!” Yukiko exclaimed, making jazz fists on either side of her smile, which stretched ear to ear. “I-It’s… t-time for a hhuurrrppp… haaahh… what?” Chie asked with an airy burp stifling her simple sentence, forcing her to take a deep breath after to regain some air. Of course, Chie knew full well what a weigh in is. She was just processing what she heard out loud, hoping to get some elaboration on the subject. “Well… this does mean we’re going to have to get her up,” Naoto trailed, trying to hide her excitement behind her otherwise sensible and mature exterior as she effortlessly picked herself up from her futon. Yukiko and Rise followed suit. They all rised to gather around and look down upon the beyond morbidly obese Chie. Chie was morbidly curious as to why her becoming so fat she broke ruined her clothes was being celebrated. She still wasn’t even sure what was going on. Was this some kind of twisted dream? Had she been placed in some twisted shadow world version of herself? Was the Chie whose body she had fallen into okay with all of this? Whoever it was, they most certainly lived a very sad, fat shameless life, willing or unwilling. They all assumed position around her like she was some kind of task. Naoto and Yukiko both stood in front of Chie and offered her their hands, while Rise strutted around to the back of the couch and slid her hands onto Chie’s copious amounts of lower back fat. Chie initially attempted to get up on her own. The attempt was short lived however, as it became obvious that she was pinned down by her own fat without any help. Not only had she grown too heavy, but her once strong muscles had withered and diminished to a much much weaker state. This feeble attempt elicited a giggle from Rise behind her, which Chie did not appreciate in the slightest. “G-Guys… I’m really not uurrpp s-sure about this” Chie doubted, with genuine fear over merely standing up. She had never felt so weak in her own skin before. “I know it’s been a little while… but you know you’re safe with us” Yukiko Reassured her, half kneeling down and placing two hands on the expanse of Chie’s gut. “Come on Chie! We’ve been through this enough times… there’s nothing to worry about” Naoto did the same, also resting her comparatively tiny hands on Chie’s belly. Chie cringed, noting that four open palms on her belly barely managed to cover even a quarter of her expansive middle. The hands sunk into her like they were being partly absorbed. There was no way she was getting out of this. “Okay…” She whimpered. She stuck her arms out, prompting Naoto and Yukiko to grab hold of them one each. “On three!... One… Two… Three!” The three of them all called in unison. Naoto and Yukiko pulled with all their might, while Rise pushed Chie up from behind, heaving under her armpits then pushing her forward to her feet slightly. Chie wobbled in place, clearly unused to all the extra weight clinging to her frame. She huffed as she felt six hands all lightly pressing into her to stabilise her. The whole thing was managed with the grace of a well rehearsed play, with Chie simply improvising best she could. Nonetheless she was on her feet. Chies legs were like two gigantic tree trunks, thanks to all the excess fat that had grown around her bones. Said bones must've been very very deeply buried. Her knees looked caved in, extremely hard to bend. Her cankles engulfed the space around her feet making each of them extremely heavy and hard to get off the ground, said feet were bare. Her tubby toes were barely visible when standing. Chies belly sagged just a few inches off the ground when standing. This messed with her centre of gravity immensely, it felt like she had a spare tire on her front. This forced Chie in a perpetual state of leaning back, just to counterbalance her heavy front. “That was the easy part. Easy now, Chie” Naoto said, ever the serious one. The longer Chie stood the more she ached. Her mobility clearly had been waning overtime, though she was forced into this scenario in the middle of things. “The scale is just over there.” Yukiko explained, pointing to the corner of the room at Chies eye level. “It's not very far, but take as much time as you need.” she continued. “Just be sure to waddle at your own speed.” Rise murmured, walking elegantly around the sofa with a glide to her step to take Chie’s hand, Awkwardly juxtaposing Chies own mobility. Chie could’ve swore she did that on purpose, just to somehow wind her up and brag about her perfectly mobile slender body. Her heart began to thump in her flabby chest as her face went red with jealousy just thinking about it. Chie was overwhelmed with just how doting everyone was about the simple act of standing and walking, to the point it was not only humiliating but also a bit aggravating. She wanted desperately to just say “leave me alone!” Even though she knew full well she needed their help. Shocked and agitated, Chie arduously lifted one foot, then planted in front of her other in the direction of the scale with a loud, roomshaking thud. Her belly jiggled uncontrollably from the movement. Chie took drudging step after drudging step. Floorboards creaked and sweat trickled down the obese teens body as she trudged through the room. Her sagging belly slapped against her fat, sweat coated legs blocking them from going out too far in front of her. “Ahhh… too… huff… far… uurrrpp… so… h-heeaavvyy” Chie lamented, unable to adequately find the breath or energy to waddle at a consistent pace. Instead she began slowing down as she went, losing steam on her journey. “Come on Chie you can make it” Naoto encouraged to her “Not much longer now Chie! Just a little further.” Rise encouraged to her left “Just waddle a bit farther for us Chie” Yukiko encouraged from behind her. Each of the three girls had both their hands on Chie in some way. Rise and Naoto both took one of Chie’s hands to guide her, and with their other hand they gently placed it on one of Chies lower belly rolls to soothe her. Yukiko had both her hands on Chies buttocks though, ever so gently pushing and ushering her along. Each of the hands felt tiny on the girl's gigantic frame. A menial walk which would’ve taken any of the other girls less than ten seconds to make took the lumbering Chie just over ten minutes to make. Just before the scale went out of her view to hide beneath Chie's belly, she paused to observe it. It was a gigantic white balance pad with no reader or dial on it. Instead there was a wire, slithering out the side of the pad plugged into a small LCD screen which couldn't have been any bigger than about 8 inches. The screen was taped to the wall at about eye level. Chie, accompanied by a sense of finality, took a deep breath before lumbering her feet forward for two final steps. "Well done Chie!" "I knew you could do it Chie!" "See that wasn't so bad was it Chie?" Immediately a torrent of praise was hurled her way, only with good intentions. Half a dozen tiny slender palms began rubbing, patting and groping Chie's body all over, not unlike a dog getting praised for doing a trick. Clearly this dog had been fed a few too many treats. "Haaaahh… urrrpp…hey… huhh… handsh off!" Chie scolded , unable to speak without slurring her words slightly. She swatted the hands of her friends away as best she could. She was the most concerned about just how handsy Yukiko was getting on her backside. Clearly the Chie of this world had completely lost her right to personal space, willingly or unwillingly, that was a fact she was none too pleased about. A few seconds later they did remove their doting hands, though not because Chie asked. No, instead their gazes and attention had fully been averted. They all moved over to crowd around the little LCD's number slowly rising. Chie turned her neck over to the screen. 700, 750, 800, 850… Chie expected the number to plateau the moment she started playing attention to it. The others however only began to bite their lips and pat their knees as the number approached the 900lbs mark. At 950 the number began to slow, if Chie wasn't mortified already, she definitely was now. She wasn't even aware it was possible to get this big. "Wow Chie! I know that replacement jacket was baggy when we got it for you, but you've gone up a whole seventy pounds!" Rise squealed, full of her usual, almost ditzy excitement. "Must've all been going to the right places eh? Yukiko smirked, reaching around and giving the side of Chie's ass cheek a firm but quick jostle. "It is hard to believe but our Chie has grown to an expansive nine-hundred and eighty-nine pounds." Naoto. Chie gulped. "Oh is it really that hard to believe Naoto? I mean just think about how much she's been eating." Yukiko playfully called out, bringing her gaze to the ceiling and a finger to her chin. Rise piped up. "Guys guys! Don't you realise? This means Chie's only eleven pounds away from…" The trio all turned to look at Chie, who wore a shocked expression on her face, hearing the way they were all talking about her like she wasn't even in the room. They slowly looked her up and down like some sort of zoo animal. "G-guys… I really… haaahhh… have to talk to y-" Glllbbbrrrpp Chie's belly interrupted her speech, talking over her rudely. Chie's face reddened, a large level of discomfort was brewing in the lower regions of her lower belly. "I-... Oohhhhh" she moaned, bringing her hands to her belly, blenching. She was unable to properly bring her hands to the area in her gut in which she felt the bubbling discomfort, due to its sheer expanse. Then, suddenly and uncontrollably… Fffrrrlllttt Chie's buttocks emitted a gale of warm air with a loud, rapid slapping sound. "Uh-oh… I think Chie's gotta… you know…" Yukiko said as though it were obvious. "It only makes sense! Chie's had a lot of food packed in there today!" Rise said, stepping towards chie and giving her lowest belly roll a firm fondle. The unexpected jostle caused the pressure building within Chie to rapidly rise. Eliciting an even greater bout of flatulence than before. Ffrrrrrlllltltltttt The pressure was building inside Chie swiftly, each fart served to relieve a bit of it but never enough to get rid of it. The pressure would always build to an even higher point than before. This formed an embarrassing cycle. That is until an inevitable breaking point. "N-not sho… huff… hard rishe." Chie begged. "Well we better get her moving fast! We don't need another accident on our hands." Naoto chimed in before Rise had a chance to apologise. The trio's strangely familiar awareness of Chie's bodily cycle was greatly disturbing to her. Chie's tubby toes curled as she tensed up, attempting to hold in another round of gas. Her friends were so clearly accustomed to it that she didn't even apologise for her poor manners. She assumed that they all took it on the chin or, perhaps more scarily, encouraged it. Deep down she was almost grateful for this fact, as talking while standing or walking proved to be very difficult for the fat girl, and it would've been more trouble than it was worth forcing out an apology every time she needed to. Which would have been a lot. "Okay let's just get you to your station." Yukiko said motheringly. Naoto and Yukiko each seized one of Chie's chubby little hands. Intentionally turning her in the direction of the aforementioned station. What Chie saw caused the colour to drain from her face. Surely not, surely she never actually used that. Nobody could ever have such a low amount of dignity to use that right? What was staring back at Chie was an extremely large pair of diapers. The cushiony white underwear was suspended in midair by two black wires that looked thick enough to be thin pieces of rope. It hung motionless from the ceiling, taunting Chie. She scanned the room, panicked for literally any other option. Immediately the door to the wider Amagi Inn came to mind. She knew the way to a regular ladies restroom. Admittedly the thought of any sort of stranger seeing her in this, barely clothed, barely mobile, gassy state didn't appeal to her at all. But anything was better than the alternative of using… That. Before Chie's could even begin waddling to the door on her own accord Naoto and Yukiko begin lightly pulling her along in the direction of the contraption. Fearing falling over, Chie followed. It was already too late to change course and any attempt to ask the others if there was another option had the possibility of being unintelligible, or even worse just being completely ignored or dismissed. Chie did the best she could to waddle as quickly as possible without further upsetting her stomach too much. However even if she was stationary things weren't going to get better. Rise stood behind Chie, playing the role Yukiko did on her first little waddle over to the scales. She also had her hands gently pushing Chie's buttocks along to give her a boost in the right direction. Frrrlttlblblblt The frills on Chie's skirt flapped as the foul wind exited her system. It was sounding deeper in pitch. It was feeling slicker and wetter to come out. "Woow! Somebody sure is gassy today!" Rise said, giving Chie a little spank, clearly enjoying herself. Not in a million years would the old Chie have stood for this, or anything akin to it. Chie wanted more than ever to turn around and give Rise the hardest smack around the face she'd ever received, or better yet some sort of Kung Fu kick. Everything Rise had done that day, directly or indirectly, just really seemed to rub Chie the wrong way. Unfortunately, Chie was completely trapped in her own body. Her face was beet red and dripped with sweat from exertion, her brow and fringe greasy and slick from it. Her lungs fought for air as she panted, struggling to adequately breathe. Her legs, knees and feet ached from all the waddling. All of this made her completely unable to do anything about all of Rise's teasing. She was so preoccupied with managing herself while walking that she was forced into absolute submission. The others didn't necessarily annoy her in the same way Rise was able to. Yukiko was overly doting and a bit pushy, sure, but she at least still seemed very caring, like the kind of person she was before. Naoto was still her cool-headed self and despite the fact she was clearly enjoying herself in the same twisted way the others were, she still seemed the most apprehensive about everything going on with Chie. Chie thought that If she somehow wound up completely unable to leave this twisted nightmare, Naoto would be the one to talk to about the possibility of shedding a few pounds. Chie hoped it wouldn't come to that though. Frrrrtttllllbbbbbbbb Chie was beginning to realise there was no way she'd have been able to make that hike over to the women's restroom in time. She waddled Infront of the diaper suspended in midair, still trying to brainstorm any way out of this. "Eeaassyy now. Let's get these off." Rise said, stripping Chie's panties off, completely without asking,and letting them flop to the floor like an undone tent. This was another thing that made Chie furious. A complete invasion of privacy as she was now legally indecent, naked on her lower half, excluding the skirt which, as previously mentioned, didn't cover a thing. With no choice but to keep on waddling for the final few steps, Chie's chubby foot caught on her fallen undies causing her to accidentally drag them along the floor in an infantile way. Even though Chie was more than annoyed at her forced undressing she came to a quick realisation she may have forgotten in her haste to pull them off herself anyway. She was still mad that she wasn't even asked though. "There there… here we are'' Yukiko said in her coddling tone as she rubbed Chie's palm with her thumb to soothe her, whilst also gently rubbing Chie's belly in an attempt to soothe it, much to Chies chargin. Chie couldn’t tell what was worse. The fact she was allowing Yukiko to rub her belly in this way, or the fact it was actually working to soothe her stomach, even if only slightly and in a manner that merely delayed the inevitable. Still that little delay is just what was needed. Frrrrrttltltllllllllllbblbbbbbb The situation was getting dire. Luckily, they were almost there. Naoto let go of Chie’s hand and stood aside the large diaper, she began pulling on the left wire like a blind coil. The Diaper slowly shifted to the ground. Meanwhile Rise took Naoto's position around Chie and with the help of Yukiko got Chie to turn and do a little 180 spin in place. “Okay now just take a few steps back…” Yukiko said, looking at the area around Chie’s heels, which were swamped with calf fat. Following instructions, Chie took a few lethargic steps backwards. She felt her fat toes stepping on the diaper but continued to stumble backwards. “That’s far enough,” Yukiko said, causing Chie to stop in place. Her belly bubbled an angry bubble. She cringed both at the feeling of discomfort and the fact that she was essentially being guided backwards with assistance like a literal truck that needed parking. Yukikos words also acted as a signal to Naoto, who began pulling the wire the opposite way, causing the diaper to rise up past Chie’s barrel-like cankles and trunk-thighs. The Diaper made it almost all the way up Chie’s ass, but met some resistance from the automated contraption. Clearly she’d grown too fat to slip into this size. Chie held in her incoming mess as best she could, but this little snag was absolutely not ideal. Yukiko and Rise, thinking on their feet, dashed over to Chie’s side and hoisted the diaper up Chie’s buttocks fully. It was a tight fit, but it was on. Chie didn’t need to hear any go ahead to loosen her control over her bowels. Frrtthhhlblblblb Almost immediately the back of the diaper began to fill and bulge out as she squelched a thick load into the cushiony underwear. Her crack appeared to almost inflate as the mess she’d tried so desperately to keep inside of her all spilled out. Oddly, the feeling of finally letting loose was euphoric to Chie but only in the physical sense. There was a brief pause following the first wave.Yukiko leaned back and peered at Chie’s diaper. It already looked packed to the brim. But Chie’s belly continued to bubble. Without warning a second wave began evicting her bowels. Now it almost seemed like Chie’s entire backside was swelling, a slick messy layer separating her skin from her diaper. There was a momentary halt before seconds later Chie finally emptied herself finally. Chie looked up at the others with immense shame. They all looked back at her, none of them seemingly finding this strange in the slightest. The three of them walked behind Chie and began talking about her. “There’s a big girl…” Rise squeaked. “There’s a lot here. Even for Chie…” Naoto said with a hint of concern mixed with faint excitement. “Come on Ladies, let’s get her cleaned up. Yukiko said as the three dispersed, likely to grab some cleaning equipment. Chie hated every moment of that. She was amazed that was considered something that just… happened. She couldn’t even really fathom it. Her brain felt almost cloudy. She was so shocked and utterly ashamed she didn’t even know what to think. She couldn’t tell if the nonchalant attitude of the others made that situation better or worse. It made her feel utterly disconnected from reality, if this even was reality, and not some twisted dream. It didn’t take long for her friends to arrive again. Yukiko had grabbed a large trash can and dragged it over behind Chie. Rise had grabbed a mop and mop bucket. Naoto however simply left the room. Clearly she was utterly uninterested in cleaning her, Chie couldn’t blame her. Yukiko began surgically removing the diaper. Doing her best not to make more of a mess, it was clearly something she’d done before. She actually succeeded. Once the diaper was off Yukiko unclipped the sealed lid off the trash can and tossed it in among the many others while holding her nose. Chie was unable to see what was going on behind her, most likely for the better, a sight like that would’ve terrified her. Meanwhile Rise dabbed the mop up and down in the bucket before bringing it Chies buttocks and giving it a wipe down. Chie moaned at the feeling of the cold water against her previously warm backside, though upon considering the reason it was so warm, she welcomed it. Naoto burst back into the room kicking the door open harder than intended. She had a towel in one hand and in the other… oh no… Chie thought her belly beginning to rumble. On her way over, Naoto dropped the towel on the arm of the couch Chie was sitting on what felt like an eternity ago and approached her with just the rectangular box in hand. Glllllyyyyyrrrrrr Chie’s belly apron began to growl, eliciting a snigger from the out of sight Yukiko and Rise from either side of her. Naoto grinned a bit too. “Well Chie, I’m guessing you’ve made a lot of room in there haven't you?” Naoto asked, giving Chies belly a poke, while she balanced the box on her other forearm. Despite only being a little poke, her finger sunk in halfway to the knuckle. No, absolutely not. Chie was not going to eat those, especially while in the midst of being cleaned up for such an unmentional act. Naoto cracked the box open, allowing the sweet aroma to glide right up Chie’s nose. Her belly gargled lustfully, but Chie held strong and her arms stayed firm at her side. Naoto, not even noticing Chie wasn't reaching out to grab them, began to take one of the donuts in her hand and brought it to Chie’s lips. Right beneath her nose the smell was stronger than ever. In a brief lapse of judgement, her lips parted, making way for the sugary trap to slide right in her mouth. The motion was almost automatic. Chie just sort of stopped thinking about resisting. Her teeth clamped down as her eyes rolled back in her head. Pure ecstasy as all her worries melted away correlating to her chewing and swallowing. She almost forgot that Rise was, quite literally, shoving a mop in-between her cavernous rear to clean her for messing herself, Chie didn’t forget entirely though. Just like before there was an alarm sounding in the back part of her brain, the part being unfortunately ignored against her better judgement. Rise dipped the mop back into the bucket with a sighand sense of finality. After a fairly thorough cleaning session Chie was clean as could be, though that didn't stop her from still feeling dirty. "At this point I'm not sure why we don't have you in diapers all the time. After all, getting up just to swap them out seems like a lot of added work… don't you think Chie?" Rise teased, having way too much fun relentlessly groping Chie's clean, bare buttocks. Chie was almost hypnotised by the stream of donuts Naoto was feeding her. So much so that when Rise announced she was finished, in her excruciatingly mocking way, she only then remembered the amount of pain her knees were in for having her stand up for so long. Chie made to waddle ahead and seat herself back on the couch. However, after taking just one single step she stopped. She was frightened to waddle over without assistance. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to do it on her own. Not only was waddling itself without anyone holding her hand more difficult, it was also an added risk. "Haaaahhhh… C-can urp… shomeone give me a hhuuffff… hand mmph-" Chie barely forced out. Just at the end of her sentence she'd already accepted another donut from Naoto. Quicker than expected, Rise snatched Chie's forearm as though she only just remembered something important. Yukiko also walked over and took Chie's right hand, Rise on the opposite side. Naoto continued to stay Infront. They did their usual but of lightly dragging her forward as encouragment, but Naoto decided to have a little extra fun. For the first few steps of the journey Chie was mindlessly being led along while being fed like some stupid barn-bred pig. However just as Chie clamped her teeth down she noticed there was nothing in her mouth. "Come on Chie! You can make it!" Naoto teased, dangling the donut just in front of Chie's face. Close enough to smell but too far to chomp on. Chie intentionally lifted one of her fat legs Infront of the other, barely able to slide fat past fat. If not for the sweat lubricating her body right now it may well have been impossible. However, almost without even realising it Chie parted her hand with Yukikos and lethargically reached out for the donut to grab it herself, overwhelmed with gluttony. Of course, she was anything but swift. Naoto simply moved the donut an inch back, just out of Chie's reach. "Come on you've gotta work for it Chie… once you take your seat again the box is all yours!" Naoto informed her. Chie didn't want to play these stupid games. She wanted her food and she wanted to get it over and done with. She hated this uncontrollable gluttony, this fat sweaty hoggish frame surrounding her. She was not enjoying this, she just felt a primal urge to eat. Still… Chie had no choice but to play along. Whomp! Chie threw her weight back onto the couch. It must've been reinforced, but still creaked menacingly. On her arduous waddle over she actually managed to regain control over her appetite. The donuts no longer seemed so tantalising anymore. "Well Naoto… she made it fair and square!" Rise spoke up. Taking a donut from the box "She's right. Naoto. And poor Chie has been very active today. I think we owe her this." Yukiko added, plucking another herself. "I-... Uurrrppp!... I-I'm full guys." Chie was scared. She knew she wouldn't be able to resist the sugary treats once she got going again. She could only hope her plea fell on listening ears. Her face was beet red from the exertion of the long time standing, though her breathing was beginning to settle back down again as she regained composure. Naoto stood opposite her. A look of remorse on her face. She scrunched her lips to the side and without saying a word slowly began to place the donut in her hand back in the box. "Pffftt! hahaha! Chie you sure have been acting mighty strange today! Why don't we really see if you're full." Rise laughed, looking down with a devilish grin, Chie stared back up at her with horror. Rise slowly pushed the donut towards Chie's lips. Chie could see the glazing glisten in the light of the sunset this close. She could smell the sweetness tempting her. But she held firm. Gllllyyyrrrrppp Rise's point had been made. "Come on Chie what's the matter? Is something bothering you?" Yukiko chimed in on Chie's right. She knelt down to Chie's eye level, like a mother trying to connect with her child. She placed a spare hand on Chie's belly and lightly began to knead it like dough. "Your belly clearly has a little more room" Yukiko tempted her. It was true. Chie did still feel hungry. Emptying her bowels those minutes ago really did make some room. But it wasn't about that. It was about self control. Chie knew that one way or another the only thing that was going to break her out of this nightmare, alternate reality or whatever the hell it was, was by putting the fork down. Gggrrrrggggllllllllllllyyyyyyyyypp Chie closed her eyes. She was hungry, oh so hungry. She could feel her hunger pangs getting worse every second. Her pit of a belly growing hollower by the moment. It was a primal urge overtaking her body, an instinct. She fought it off hard and well. Rise's donut was being pressed up against her lips, physically touching… all she had to do was. Mmmppphhh The donut slid right in effortlessly. It was going where it belonged. The moment Chie swallowed her first sweet sugary bite the rest of her barriers all came tumbling down like an empire falling to a siege. Chie wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to escape this new life she appeared to live in. She knew now she was powerless to stop glutting herself in the end. Of course her feederist friends were clearly to blame too but in the end she was still the one who let the food pass into her mouth. She didn't want to live out her days like this. Unable to take care of herself and lacking any ounce of privacy. Constantly being teased and treated in an almost subhuman manner. If there was a way to wake up from this dream, it didn't seem to matter anymore. Chie was here, being stuffed with donuts like some sort of group project. Unless Chie one day managed to work up the willpower to deny herself of a tasty, most likely fattening meal she was unlikely to ever return to her skinny self. In this reality or not.