"Oh God! Yes, yes, yes! More, I want more! More fat, more blubber, more food!" The combination of her client humping her ass cheeks, coating them in his love because there was no way he could reach her, and the food continuously pumping down her throat, it brought her to orgasming convulsively, sending ripples throughout her enormous body. Just like it did every day. "Um, can I borrow my Mom for a second?" And just like that it was over. Opening her eyes, she could see her daughter in the doorway, between the liquid gold of her feeding tube. Degeneracy ebbed away, leaving maternal concern. With the wave of a finger, the feeding tube retracted. Her customer finished his final spurts, possibly taking no notice of the sudden interruption. Once he was done, he clambered off her ass, gathered his clothes, and went out the door, barely acknowledging the girl standing beside it. Her daughter looked embarrassed. It was her own fault, really. Shortly after giving birth, she'd decided to devote her life to her one true passion: getting fatter and more fucked by the day. Once she'd been a dancer and a hooker. Now she was a prostitute, running her services out of her own home. Mostly due to the fact that she was too fat to go anywhere else. Her bedroom was her place of business and her front door was always open. Which made raising her daughter all the harder. She was probably one of the smartest kids in her class, already on the Valedictorian roll, receiving invitations from several colleges in and out of state. But whenever she went to awards or competitions, she was always alone. Her mother welled up with a mixture of shame and, even more shamefully, lust. Nobody knew this brilliant young women's mother was a useless bimbo-blob who spent her week-days getting humped by whoever had the most dough. A high-school drop-out somehow produced a high-school prodigy. The only indication they were related were all was the hair and the body. No one who shared genetics with the jiggling ball of fat could be skinny. Her daughter tried to hide it with baggy clothes, clearly ashamed of her weight. Luckily, whenever she stood sheepishly in front of her mother, all thoughts of her weight vanished. No one could consider themselves fat in front of her. "So, what's going on today?" the mother said, trying her best to ignore the mixing pool of cum beneath her. "Oh, er, I got my cap and gown today. I thought you'd like to see them." Her daughter said, sheepishly. She leaped up, as best as she could, enormous arms wiggling with excitement. "Really?! Yes, let me see! Oh my god, you're going to look so cute on the podium!" Her daughter smiled at the genuine enthusiasm and went to her room. She was a bad mother, she knew, but she tried her best.