The nurse walked into the room, dessed in blue scrubs, surgical mask over his face. Lupida never saw his face, but she knew him. The nurse's eyes were looking all over her body. Lupida looked back with fear. "Please… What are you going to do?" "I'm just going to get you cleaned up, like I always do, that's all." The nurse's cheeks raised up as he smiled under his mask. He left for a minute and returned with his equipment; body wash, gloves, a bucket, a sponge, and lots of clean towels. Lupida weighed close to 650 pounds. She couldn't move or stand up because of her size. Her hips, thighs, and ass spread out across her queen-sized bed, where she hadn't moved from in months. Every few days, a nurse comes to bathe her. The female nurse comes most of the time. But she takes a day off. Then the male nurse comes. The nurse helped Lupida sit up on the bed. And as best she could, she shifted and lifted her huge fat legs, thighs, and ass for the nurse so he could put towels under her. Then he went to the bathroom to fill his bucket with warm water for the body wash. "Just sponge bath. All I need is a sponge bath. Okay?" "Ok, are you ready now? Take off your nightgown." Lupida wasn't ashamed to be naked in front of him. He had seen so much of her already. She wiggled and pulled her nightgown over her head and threw it into a corner. It was a size 4x nightgown, and it was still too small to cover her anyway. The nurse dunked the sponge in the soapy water, and began bathing her by rubbing all over her arms and legs and naked body. At least Lupida liked this part. And she knew that she needed it. She closed her eyes to be in a different place while the nurse sponged and massaged the funkiness from her skin. The dank smell of sweaty skin slowly gave way to the smell of "ocean breeze". But the nurse saved her breasts and belly for last. He lathered up her big, drooping breasts, then lifted them up to wash underneath giving them a little extra squeeze and caress. Each time he did that he looked up at Lupida, and she knew what he was thinking. He also did the same thing for her huge belly, spending an extra minute or so, cleaning around her pubic hair. He took extra time on them, but he didn't take long. "Okay, now roll over." "Please… Oh please…" "Now now, you know I have to clean down there too." Lupida began to sob as tears welled in her eyes. She shifted her weight to one side. The nurse then lifted one of her huge hips up and pushed it over, leaving Lupida laying on her side. Then the nurse went to change out the bucket for fresh water. And when he returned he put on his long rubber gloves. Starting with one clean dry rag, he soaked it in the water, lifted her fat butt cheek up, and scrubbed down between her butt cheeks and into her crotch, as far as he could reach. Again and again, the nurse took a soapy rag, and cleaned out the lingering smelly filth from between her crotch, and from between her butt cheeks. The first rags he used came out smelly and brown. Then the next rags came out smelly and tan. And then they were just smelly. After so many rags, he finally washed her ass and crotch out clean from the filth, and patted it dry. Lupida continued to sob. "There. Now isn't that better?" "Don't. You don't have to do it. I won't tell anybody." "No you won't tell. You never tell." The nurse then took off his filth-covered gloves and threw them away. Then he reached in to his supply bag and took out a large tube of KY jelly. He squirted a big fistful of KY into his hand. Then he lifted the wobbly, fat ass cheek of her now sweet-smelling ass, and smeared the entire handful into her ass and crotch. "No, no, please…" "Don't worry. You'll enjoy it. You always do." Then the nurse worked his ungloved hand deep into Lupida's crotch, as deep as his forearm, and almost to his elbow. His fingers slipped and probed between her crushing thighs and ass cheeks for anything that felt like it might be a hole. Then, he felt something. He pressed his middle finger into it. And it was warm and slippery… "Ay! No, please…" His middle finger slipped deeper in, making Lupida pant and whimper. And soon he reached her g-spot, a little rough patch just inside her pussy. When he tickled it, all 650 pounds of her convulsed at that one movement rippling the fat all over her body. One of her arms was pinned under her own tremendous weight. And she could only swing her other arm around in a vain attempt to push him away. She cried, but cried quietly, because even as she tried to stop him, she was about to come. But the nurse wasn't just aiming for her pussy. Once he reached into her pussy, and touched her G-spot, he knew that his thumb would be right where her ass hole was. He flexed his thumb inward. It landed right against her strong, puckered-up sphincter. The nurse worked his thumb around in a circle for a few moments before pressing in against that strong muscle. It weakened up and let his thumb pass by. "Stop it. Stop it." He worked his thumb into her ass hole past the knuckle, then worked it back out again, and back in again, making his knuckle "thump" against her sphincter each time. He worked both her ass hole and her g-spot like that, and kept Lupida coming over and over. With each orgasm she would twist and shake her whole super-size body as much as she could, until she was out of breath, motionless except for her breathing, laying on her side with her ultra-wide ass exposed. "Now you are ready." Lupida couldn't do anything to resist. All of her energy had been spent cumming from him using his fingers on her. Now, the nurse took off his scrubs and got in a position right behind her huge massive ass. With one hand he lifted her leg and thigh. With the other hand he lifted her cheek and pried open her ass crack. And without looking, just from memory, he guided his hard cock right into her pussy. Lupida could barely lift a hand in resistence as his cock plunged deep into her now clean, wet pussy. She didn't have any more energy to give. When she came again, she could only wheeze and take a deep breath, as her tight pussy twitched and squeezed around his cock. And with every thrust he made, the 650 pounds of fat around her body bounced against him, sending a wave of fat rolling from her ass, up her back, and to her neck. He couldn't see her huge, fat, wobbling ass engulf his cock, only to swallow it up again and again. But he could feel the entire quarter-ton of her twitch when his cock made its maximum thrust. He came hard, letting his cum squirt deep inside her. And the second suirt too. As he pulled out of her a wad of cum squirted just outside of her pussy. He let her huge ass cheek fall, and it squished his cum all up and down her ass crack And he wiped the last drip from his cock on her ass. Once he was done, he rolled her back down on to her back. "So, the regular nurse will be here tomorrow. But I will be back to take over for her again in a couple weeks, ok?" Lupida heard him, but she was in no condition to answer. With her body so out of shape, the orgasms had taken too much out of her. As the nurse put his scrubs back on, Lupida just laid there, panting, moaning, tears still welling in her eyes. The nurse then pulled her covers over her naked body. And the last thing she heard was the door close right before she drifted off to sleep.