GLUTTONOUS GERRY The large sign for [10 & 2: Food - Drinks - Gas] spun around to show the convenience store to everyone that was passing by the highway in the Floridan swamp outskirts. “...-Thank you! Please, come again!” The voice of a young employee bleated out while placing the money into the register. The customer was an extremely tall giraffe woman who had a neck that stretched up toward the ceiling while cramming her engorged rear end into a pair of tight jeans that left little to the imagination while stretching every curve. “I’ll try…if I can fit through the door.” The giraffe mumbled and took her plastic 10 & 2 bag full of donuts out of the automatic entrance to the gas station. “Business has been really slow today. I hope I can close early…” The cashier working today was none other than a little goat woman who had [Bailley] written on her nametag. “No customers, no shoplifters, no robbers? Is today a holiday or something?” She flipped through a newspaper with [Florida Man Has Sex With Tree: Squirrel Bites Nuts Off!] written on the cover. Bailley was a petite and slim mountain goat with yellow eyes and pointy horns that looked like ice cream cones. A large overcompensating gas-guzzling blue pickup truck with large off road wheels on the lifted axles pulled into the parking space next to the ice machine and [Strickland Propane] rack of propane canisters. The truck had a large rebel flag on the back window, a bumper sticker with [I Don’t Break For Nothing!] on it, a license plate with [BIG UN], and the entire vehicle was coated in mud and grime with “Wash Me! :)” written on it with someone’s paw finger. The left door swung open as a bunch of empty beer cans and soda cups fell down into the wind and blew away as the bloated scaled leg of the driver wobbled out. “Time tah’ get ah’ little snack.” The radio in the vehicle was blasting some Merle Haggard at ear-killing volume. “-...WHEN YER’ RUNNIN’ DOWN MY COUNTRY, MAN, YOU’RE WALKIN’ ON THE FIGHTIN’ SIDE OF ME!” Bailley was about to take a little siesta when she heard the -DEE-DOO-DEE-DOO-DEE-DOO- noise of the automatic doors widen open and the loud footsteps of a massive customer waddling through the air conditioned mini mart. “H-..Huh?” Bailley snapped out of it and shook her head as a shadow loomed over her. Was it an elephant or hippopotamus? She stared up and down at the massive woman in question. It was no elephant but might as well been given her girth and height. “Howdy dere’...” The feminine southern drawl came out of her lips while her engorged green stomach pushed forward toward the counter and, for some reason, a banjo sound effect was heard when she finally spoke. She chomped on a toothpick from the side of her mouth where her snaggletooth was. “...Umm, Hello? My n-name…my name is B-bailley and p-please f-feel free to tell me if there is a-anything you’re looking for…” Bailley could not believe the size of this ample alligator. She was wearing an extremely tight pair of beige khaki shorts that hugged her gigantic ass and made her tail swish back and forth. A Florida Flag hat graced her head with her blonde ponytail that hung against her neck tied in a red scrunchie. The gator had a cute sense of humor with a [Don’t Feed The Gators] shirt with a logo design of someone getting their paw snapped off by an alligator’s chompers. “Boy, It sure issa’ hawt’ one out tah’day, ain’t it? Mah’ name’s Gerry, by the by…” Gerry fanned herself with a [The Sun] magazine that had an article on the cover about another Parangula sighting. Bailley cleared her throat and tried to keep her composure. She felt like prey being sized up by a predator everytime that the massively bloated swamp critter even glanced in her direction. She couldn’t see her eyes thanks her bangs blocking them…but she could feel like she was still staring at her. “My n-name is Bailley…” Gerry flashed a warm grin and showed her endless rows of sharp fangs. “Bailley is ah’ cyoote name…Ah’ saw yer’ sign out front bout’ the “buy one n’ git one free”...Dat’ still good?” Bailley glanced at the special promotion that corporate made her put up. The business idea was simple. Buy one of any snack or drink? Get a second free today! “Y-yes, it is!” Gerry snagged a cup full of beef jerky sticks in various spicy flavors. “So lemme git’ dis’ straight…ah’ buy ANYTHIN’ and ah’ git’ one free~? Wut’ happens if ah’ buy FIFTY of somethin’ er’ other?” Bailley was taken back and tugged her collar. “W-well…I assume the offer w-would still be valid? I might have to call my manager and-...” Gerry dumped the entire cup of jerky sticks into her mouth and chewed them down with loud, meaty, wet smacking noises as she chuckled. “Dat’s all ah’ needed tah’ know! Start ringin’ it up, kay’?” “W-what are you-...” Bailley watched as the gator began to treat the store like her own personal snack cabinet. Gerry ripped open bags of Cheesy Poofs and dumped them into her mouth while opening the freezer door and snagging a six pack of [Swamp-Scum Beer] which basically tasted like pond scum and mud. She cracked open the pop top and swigged it down as her belly slowly began to grow and lift up her torn and sweaty t-shirt. “Ahm’ ah’ big gurl anna’ big gurl has gawtta’ eat…Dats’ wut’ mah’ mama always said bout’ mah’ eatin’ habits!” Bailley starred in surreal confusion as her ears twitched. “I don’t get paid enough for this. I’m not even s-supposed t-to be here today!” Gerry crammed cookies into her muzzle, devoured countless salty bags of potato chips, and swigged down beer….as a rumbling in her throat let out a ~BWUUUURRP~ that shook the entire mini mart. “...Scuse’ meh’...” Gerry cleared her throat and grabbed a box of serial, which the gas station had for some reason, and poured it into her chubby face while a second chin wobbled downward. Bailley kept trying to ring up a tally for all of the snacks on her cash register. “...D’ya accept I.O.Us? I might be ah’ little short…” Gerry squirted some chocolate syrup into her mouth and nibbled on a cookie ice cream sandwich from the freezer. “N-no, w-we d-don’t!” Bailley cried out but it didn’t stop the hungry alligator’s binge. “Shoot, Guess ah’ll have tah’ pay ya’ll some otha’ way…ah’ think ah’ gawt’ sum’ spare change in mai’ cupholder dat’ll covah’ it…” Gerry felt her stomach bloat forward as her navel stretched a bit while her stomach grew a second fold and drooped against her meaty and sweaty tree trunk thighs. “Don’t wanna short change ya’ll er’ nuffin’...” Gerry smirked and waddled down the tiny space between the shelves and knocked countless snacks and items from how thickened her thighs had become. The white socks she wore were ripping to contain her pudgier cankles as he black sneakers squeaked against the tile floor. “...Mhmph…Ah’m still kinda hawngreh! Ah’ barely filled up mah’ tank…~URRRRRP~...” Gerry rested her swollen belly flesh on the counter and knocked over the ash tray full of pennies and coins to take and/or leave. “Gimme ah’ cup and sum’ of dose’ pizza slices, Sug’...” Bailley quickly grabbed a small plastic cup…but when she saw Gerry shake her head in disappointment? She got the jumbo sized “BIG SLURP” cup you would have to pay 99 cents for. “D’ya still offah’ free refills?” Bailley sighed softly and nodded. “Of course w-we do…” Bailley handed her the cup and a box of the cheapest, nastiest, greasiest pizza that convenience stores offered for stoners at 4:00 A.M to partake in. “Looks yummy!” Gerry licked her lips and devoured countless slices while her scaled jowls wobbled and a ring of flab surrounded her neck. “Ya’ll best keep dat’ good grub comin’ mah’ way…er’ else ah’ might have tah’ have GOAT meat on da’ menu!” Gerry playfully took a chomp in her direction which caused Bailley to blush and tremble in place. “Ah’m just teasin’ yuh’...” She winked at her and swung her tail as she walked away which Bailley quickly had to duck so she wouldn’t get hit in the face with it. “Umm, M-ma’am? W-we don’t offer f-free samples…If y-you don’t pay? I’m g-going to have to get-...Uhhhhh…” Bailley went red in the face and tried to stop her nose bleed when she saw what her average Floridan moron customer was getting up to now. Gerry stood in front of the 10 & 2 Sludgie™ machine featuring Cola, Cherry, Pina Colada, Pineapple, and a brand new flavor! It showed a sign with [YES, IT’S BACK! ORANGE SLUDGIES!] with a bunch of oranges shoved into a cup to illustrate it. “...” Gerry salivated at the mouth and swished her tail back and forth like a pleased puppy. “Amma’ needa’ biggah’ cup fer’ this.” Gerry tossed the empty cup behind her and went toward the aisle that had a bunch of car parts, scent trees, and cans of oil. “AH-HA! Dis’ll do me sum’ gud…” She picked up a rubber hose and drug it back toward the machine with a large crocodile smile spread across her entire muzzle. “Y-you have to use a cup!” Bailley cried out but it went to deaf ears as Gerry hooked up the tube to her muzzle and bit down on it with her sharp teeth. The cold slurry gushed from the tap as she held the button down and began to loudly ~GUUUUULP GUUUULP GUUULP~ it into her throat while her belly sagged closer toward her knees and began to swell outwards like a green beanbag chair. Bailley twitched and quickly picked up the phone. “Hello? Corporate? We’re going to need a refill of our Sludgie machines tomorrow. Huh, why?” Bailley leaned over the counter and pressed the phone speaker to the cold stomach flesh of the growing gator gal that was filling up the mini mart and knocking over a shelf with her ass. “That’s why.” Gerry moaned in pleasure, her cheeks swelling to the brim with multiple colored icey slop that dripped down her chin, as she pulled out the tube with a satisfying ~BWUUUURRRP~ that shook the room. “Darn, gone already?” She squinted down the tube as a few droplets came off the end of the plastic hose. “Ah’m still a lil’ peckish…” Gerry pouted as she wobbled forward with her ironic T-shirt having outgrown her figure and now being used as a make-shift bra that covered her hard nipples and cleavage while threatening to rip at the seams. “H-how? Y-you ate nearly everything in here!” Bailley looked nervous as Gerry slammed her stomach on the counter and playfully rubbed her scaled stretchmarks with her meaty claws. “Nawt’ everythin’...” Gerry grabbed some weird triangle-shaped potato wedges and chicken fingers, dipping them in spicy BBQ sauce, and chomping them down while washing it into her gullet with a slice of warm heat rack pizza and a triple decker club sandwich. “Dis’ really all the food ya’ll got? Ah’ ate more at breakfast!” Bailley watched her finish off the “gourmet” food on the heat rack as grease and peppered crumbs glazed her face. She snatched various candy bars from under the counter including a Veronika-Vedma Confectionary “Chocolate” bar and a pink package of Smile-Dip with yellow dog heads gracing the cover of the strawberry treat. Bailley stared around at the store. It was a complete mess that would take a day to clean up if not a week! Empty wrappers and packages covered the floor, the fridge was emptied of drinks except for a pile of discarded cans and bottles, and the shelves had been knocked over and crushed. The redneck gator was nearly three times as big as she came in with blubbery chins, her khaki shorts digging into her sweaty rump and burying themselves into her crack, and her stomach nearly crushing the little goat like an avalanche of green blubber. “...~URRRRP~...Eeyup, dat’ was barely a snack! Guess ah’ gawtta’ pay now, huh?” Gerry dug around in her back pocket and pulled out a wallet. “How much do I owe ya’?” Bailley sighed and rubbed her temple with annoyance. “I don’t know. A few thousand dollars, maybe? That’s letting you off easy.” Gerry blushed and looked a bit embarrassed. “Uhh, Heh…Ah’ don’t-...” Bailley glanced into her wallet and saw she only had twenty bucks and a few coupons. “Ya’ know, why don’t ya’ll just say yer’ store was vandalized er’ somethin’...and take the day off?” Gerry gave a nervous but hopeful smile that she wouldn’t call the police on her for not being able to pay. Bailley got up from the booth and turned the sign in the window to [Yes, We’re Open!] to [Go away, We’re closed!] and walked back to her. “Sounds good to me.” Bailley grabbed a broom and began to sweep the floor…but Gerry playfully nudged her. “How bout’ comin’ wit’ me fer’ sum’ lunch~? Ah’ gawt’ coupons fer’ Mickey D’s and dey ain’t even expired! It’d be more fun than cleanin up mah’ mess!” She picked a tooth with a claw to get some kind of potato chip shard out of her gums. Bailley blushed and rubbed her arm up and down. “W-well! T-that is a n-nice offer but-...” She gulped and looked up at the massively obese gator who looked like she could crush her into a pulp without even trying. “-...On second thought? Let’s go!” Gerry wagged her chubby tail and dropped the keys to her pickup truck in her hooves. “Yer’ drivin’ then! Ah’ don’t think mah’ fatass can fit in the seat anymore.” They left the 10 & 2 as Bailley quickly locked the door and watched Gerry hop into the flatbed of the truck with her swollen stomach hanging off the sides as she completely filled it with her meaty ass. “Yer’ ah’ pretty nice lady fer’ ah’ city gal…plus ya’ll gawtta’ great ass!” Bailley quickly turned to see her juicy cheeks under her employee uniform. “T-thank you? I g-guess?” Gerry stuck her tongue out and fanned herself as Bailley got into the front and tried to drive the truck forward with a loud ~SCREECH~ noise startled her. Gerry was so heavy that she was causing the back of the truck bed to dip into the pavement and cause sparks to fly off. “Ma’am, Please. Come inside. The drive-thru is for cars ONLY.” The underpaid zebra employee at the McDelicious’s talk box where the menu was. “I can’t FIT through the door!” A morbidly obese bunny girl with an adorable red bow, a tight “Gimme Carrots!” shirt, and stretchy red pants that hugged her ginormous ass cheeks. “Now, I WANT a carrot milkshake and a few dozen smile meals, GOT IT?” Berkley blushed all over her face and banged the communication box with her pudgy fist. “Hey! Did you take my order or not?” Bailley pulled up behind her and honked the horn a few times. “Can you move it, please? W-we don’t have all day!” Gerry moved her hanging stomach around to face the bunny. “Ya’ll wouldn’t like meh’ when ah’m hungreh! Ah’ once ate ah’ rubber tire!” Berkley blushed and looked at the nearly-immobile gator spilling her side rolls and gut flesh off the back of the pickup truck. “Hmph, Fine! Go ahead! I’ll just go home and order takeout!” The bunny wobbled off, jiggling like jelly, as her bunny belly slapped against her knees while she worked up a sweat. “Ergh, I hate walking! Someone should carry me around…” “What do you want to eat, Gerry?” Bailley pulled her head out of the side of the truck as she tapped her cheek. “Gimme one–...naw, five a’everythin’ on the menu. Extra sauce! Ah’ want a few dozen rib sandwiches if they still got it.” Bailley nodded and tapped the speaker button on the drive-thru box. “You g-got all of that? Good, I’ll have a number nine with extra cheese.” Gerry raised a brow and smirked. “Ah’ thoughtcha’ goats ate tin cans er’ somethin’...” Bailley pulled up the truck to the next window. “I thought gators were skinnier than a sea manatee!” Gerry snorted as her belly wobbled and bounced up and down, causing her entire body to jiggle, as they stopped abruptly at the drive-thru window. “Learn somethin’ new everyday, ah’ guess! Toss mah’ food back’ere! Ah’ like tah’ eat on the drive home!” Bailley grumbled and quickly snagged the greasy bags and tossed them toward the down-home hillbilly gator. “What am I? Your m-maid?” Gerry chewed down on the burgers with the wrappers still on them as her tubby jaw moved up and down. “Ya’ll know the double wide trailer by the swamp? Dat is mah’ home! Can ya’ drive me back there?” Bailley sighed and nodded while sipping her medium soda in a plastic cup. “I’m such a push-over.” She turned the ignition key and sped off down the road toward the marshlands. The trailer was covered in chipped white paint, a dirty porch with old lawn furniture, and a Floridan flag hanging from the door. “Home sweet home! Ya’ll wanna stay ovah’? Ah’ gawt’ plenty ah’ fried chickun’ n’ corn puddin’ fer’ yah!” Gerry blushed with a confident smile as she heaved her immense body from the truck bed which caused Bailley to hit her head on the ceiling of the truck. “Ow.” She rubbed the sore spot between her horns and quickly followed behind the weird and hungry gator. “OH! Ah’ gawtta pool right dere! Ya’ll wanna take ah’ dip wiff’ me? Ah’ gawt ah’ spare suit ya’ll can wear! Might be ah’ little big…” Gerry rubbed her chin like she was sizing up her clothing size before heading into the trailer which caused the porch to creak and buckle under her bloated thighs and swollen gator feet. “T-this is NOT how I expected my day to go..” She sat down on a dirty bench under a shady swamp tree before perking up when she saw Gerry leave the trailer door wearing a skimpy two piece bikini outfit that left little to the imagination. The top had [FLORIDA GROWN] written on it and the bottom was a stretched out american flag that rode up and chafed against her hefty thighs. “How bout’ dis’un?” Gerry held up a red one piece swimsuit which Bailley tugged on. It was a few sizes too big but it would do in a pinch. “Where s-should I change?” Gerry was already climbing up the pool ladder and shaking her humongous ass cheeks as the ladder steps cracked and broke under her weight. “Behind ah’ bush er’ somethin’...No need tah’ be modest round’ here! Ain’t nobody but us in the swamp!” Gerry stepped on top of the diving board….which snapped in two as she fell into the pool with a -SPLAAAAAASH- that covered the entire area in water. She was completely stuck in the circular pool with her towering green hill of stomach blubber lifted high in the air and her thighs and bingo wing arms hanging off the sides. “Cah’mon in! Water is fine!” Gerry cracked open a cold beer, chugged it down, and then rested it in her deep navel like it was a cupholder as it bobbed up and down. “Uhhhh…W-what water?” Bailley climbed up the broken ladder and tried not to fall off it. She could see the highway and untamed swamp land stretching for miles as she peered down into the pool. Gerry playfully opened her mouth and pointed toward it. “Ten points if ya’ll land in mah’ mouth!” Bailley gulped and looked completely flustered as her widened hips and curvaceous rear filled out the paw-me-down swimwear that used to belong to Gerry back when she could actually see her feet from under her own stomach. “...C-CANNONBALL!” Bailley jumped off the broken plank and down toward the pool below. She closed her eyes and felt something wet, soft, and squishy touch her cheek…before feeling herself bounce off of it back into the sky. “HEEEEELP! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Bailley flung toward the sky and into the stratosphere as Gerry slurped her beer. “Dat’ wassa’ good dive! Do ah’ flip, sug’!” The flying goat flew higher and higher as she saw a sattelite dish whiz past…and then, what goes up, must come down. She fell back toward the ground and landed through the roof of the trailer with a ~CRAAAAASH~ as she was completely flattened on the floor, squished into a paper thin pancake, as she helplessly wiggled her hooves. “Aw, Dang.” Gerry grunted and got out of the pool as she waddled toward the trailer door. “Ya’ alright? Hoo-wee, you look like ya’ lost ah’ lawtta’ weight…” Bailley grew pink and stared up at the morbidly obese gator that stood above her. “H-help…M-me…I t-think my spine turned into jelly..” Gerry peeled her off from the ground like a wad of bubble gum and proceeded to pucker her lips and blow into her mouth…as she rapidly began to swell and inflate back to a 3D shape. The goat’s breasts swelled back up a few cup sizes, her plump ass cheeks returned to their hefty figure, and she softly moaned with her eyes closed to savor the pleasurable smooching. “Dere ya’ are!” Bailley popped back into shape and rubbed her head. “T-thanks, I g-guess. I s-should really be g-going and-...” Gerry got changed right in front of her, sliding off the bikini bottoms, and putting a pair of khaki cargo shorts back on. “Aw, shush up! Yer’ mah’ guest and ah’m gonna fix ya’ll ah big ol’ plate a leftovers! Gawtta’ teach ya’ll bout’ southern hospitality! Why don’tcha sit down on the couch and watch the Daytona 500?” Gerry picked her up by the scruff of her neck and plopped her down on the couch cushions. “I g-guess I can have one plate…” Bailley kicked her legs back and forth and watched Gerry head into the kitchen where there was a bunch of metallic trays full of leftover turkey, corn pudding, fried chicken, buttered biscuits, and side dishes. “YA’LL WUNT’ WHITE ER’ DARK MEAT~?” Gerry called out while loading a plastic dixie plate full of deep fried green beans. “B-both, P-please..” Gerry came back into the living room and set it down on her lap. “Dere ya’ll go! Eat up! Gawtta’ put sum’ meat on yer’ bones!” She lovingly pinched her cheek using her claw and went back to grab her OWN plate full of food. Bailley wasn’t really into Nascar but she would assume, being a Floridan, that she would get mauled if she changed the channel. “Y-you’re still hungry?” Bailley questioned her gracious hillbilly host but knew the answer. She wondered if the rest of Gerry’s family was this large and lazy. “Duh! Ah’ ain’t never ate enuff’ vitals tah’ satisfy mah’ gut!” Gerry waddled back to the couch and hovered over the tiny goat with her swollen ass cheeks and green tail swishing in her face. “Make sum’ room, hun~!” Bailley gulped and didn’t have a second to react before she sat down on top of her using all her weight. “MERRRRMPH! GEERRRT ERRRFFF!” Bailley kicked and pounded against her squishy gator buttocks to no avail as Gerry lazily laid down on her side with her triple gut folds sagging against the tacky carpet. “Wazzat? Ah’ can’t hear ya’! Ya’ll gawtta’ speak up~!” Gerry grinned with all her fangs on display and lazily flicked the channels during the commercial break with two massive plates of food and a jug of iced tea on the coffee table. “Nuffin’ good on…why do ah’ even botha’ stealin’ cable?” Gerry grabbed entire bits of fried chicken and dumped them into her maw as she sucked the fried meat from the bone clean and tossed it behind the couch while steadily growing bigger and filling out the couch as Bailley was smothered and squished in between her bloated cheeks with her scaled tail blocking her escape. “Lemme know when ya’ finished yer’ plate! Ah’ gawt plenty a’food tah’ share!” Gerry stroked her swollen stomach folds and let out a ~BWUUURRP~ as she devoured BBQ riblets by dumping them into her mouth. Bailley could barely breathe, getting squished against the couch fabric and being buried between the pillows, as her host continued to fill out the entire couch as her mountainous stomach pushed against the television and coffee table. “So, whatcha’ wanna dew’ tah’morrow? We can go down to tah’ lake fer’ sum’ skinny dippin’ er’ ya’ll can cum wit’ me to tah’ county fair! Ah’ luv gettin’ on the “Guess yer’ weight” scale cuz’ they can nevah’ guess it!” Bailley couldn’t speak as her entire body was being squished to a thin puddle while the supersized flabby floridan woman kept expanding against the walls of her tiny trailer and turning the couch into a broken mess that would have to be thrown out. ‘I guess there are worse ways to die.’ Bailley thought in her head as her whole body was crushed and swallowed up by her new friend’s flabby backside and ass cheeks. Gerry was too busy eating, growing, and talking to even notice or try to make an attempt to stand back up on her own meaty thighs. “Ah’ luv’ corn dogs! They got REALLY good corn dogs at the fair, too! We’ll make ah’ whole day outta’ it! Course…nuffin’ really beats sittin’ round’ the house drinkin’ sum’ blue ribbon and watchin’ the Bass Fishin’ Championship! Ya’ like fishin’?” Bailley only let out a pathetic whimpering moan as Gerry felt her stomach folds burst against the sides of the trailer and crushing her furniture just like the 10 & 2 employee underneath her rump. Gerry licked her sausage fingers with countless rings of flab burying her head down in her own immobilized body as a pile of chins ripped part of her “FEED THE GATORS” T-shirt that had been ripped so that the “DON’T” part fell off. “...Ah’ understand! Fishin’ aint fer’ everyone! Ah’m sure we’ll fine sumthin’ fun tah’ do…Ah’ really like ya’ll, Bailley! Yer’ my kinda kin!” Bailley moaned and blushed all over her face while seeing nothing but darkness and being unable to breathe anything but the sweaty crack of her new “friend” who was smothering her. “Ya’ll bettah’ decide though cuz’ I can spend DAYS sittin’ on mah’ ass takin’ it easy and chillin’ on the couch!” Gerry gave a seductive smirk and felt her stomach folds burst through the wall and spill out of the ruined remains of her trailer home while her bloated breasts flopped against her room filling stomach and her ass cheeks piled high in the air behind her back flab. “Ah’m gonna take ah’ little nap and make sum’ room fer’ seconds…Wake me up in ah’ couple ah’hours, Kay’?” Bailley whined and could not even move or make a sound. ‘I am so going to get fired…’ She thought in her head and relaxed under her new gator girlfriend’s ass cheeks like a puddle of her former self. It could have been worse, right? Bailley could have been smashed to a pulp by her belly folds instead. She just hoped Gerry would eventually stop stuffing her face full of food before she would end up pinned under her forever and never able to see the light of day again.