986161442 ------Story------ One of the greatest fears of being a human is knowing that you are free to think for yourself. Just like others, you have the power to choose your actions and your path in life, whether you are a citizen, a business leader, a writer, a politician... and a terrorist. War is one of the elements that make up most of the news on TV, bringing with it stereotypes of hatred towards specific ethnic groups of people, religions and/or nations. This hatred that man creates causes other men to do horrible things, which based on the idea of "right and wrong" would be seen as ABSOLUTELY wrong. I was walking through the streets of my city, part of the sky was blocked by the large glass buildings that made up much of that area, most of which were offices of companies even rivals to the one I worked for. Many people did the same, heading to their offices to start the working day, among women and men of all ethnicities and skin colours, for a moment it almost seemed as if the world had forgotten what racism and prejudice were. There was no shortage of arguments in the street, between those who complained about a coffee that was too cold and those who were on the phone with someone they hated. But other than that... it wasn't that horrible. The sky was clear with just a few passing clouds, a splendid and warm sun, the weekend was coming and I couldn't wait to lie down and watch that new comedy series that I had saved in my playlist on the TV. As I headed towards my workplace I saw many people talking and discussing with each other for various reasons: A woman talking about her daughter to one of her colleagues, for she was about to finish college. A man who was talking to his wife on the phone, saying that he loved her and that he would be late for dinner. A lady looking at her child who was in the pram. A day that would simply be defined as... normal. The air was clean, fresh and smelled good, but I could also perceive another smell, a kind of ferrous smell... I had no idea what was about to happen, but when it did, the smell I had picked up and the way I had described it in my head before the inevitable happened made so much more sense. In my head, for some reason, I had associated that smell with... death. I noticed by pure chance that some other person had put their hand in front of their nose, to cover themselves from something, perhaps they too had noticed that strange smell. Someone coughed for an instant, then another and another, lots of people started coughing. - What the fuck...?- -What the fuck is this?- -Oh God...- It was obvious that it wasn't just me who noticed it, it wasn't just my impression, there really was something in the air, something... bad. I wasn't someone who gorged on food or carbonated drinks, so I never suffered from stomach pain, but when I started coughing, I felt a strange pressure. My stomach felt tight, like I had air inside, which wasn't strange in itself, but the fact that my lower back and chest also seemed bloated was concerning. I looked around, noticing many people who were moving strangely, women with hands on their hips or breasts, men on their stomachs and chests, even the children on the street all started crying about something. Next to me, about 10 meters away, there was a pregnant woman, she was writhing in pain, she fell to the ground with her stomach on top. -Hey... Everything OK?!- I screamed while, even though I was in pain, I tried to help her, together with other people. Everyone had stopped doing everything since that strange phenomenon began, people helping each other to stand up, others running towards the bathrooms in an attempt to release... something... others instead standing still, trying to understand what was happening. The pregnant woman was writhing in pain on the ground, I tried to lift her up, but as I did I noticed something: her pregnant belly was big, but perhaps TOO big, in fact it seemed much bigger than when she fell. The woman brought her gaze to her body, which became one of pure terror, then put her hands on her belly and screamed like crazy. -OH MY GOD! MY BABY!- The same kind of scream was heard in the streets, I got up and heard it coming from all directions, all pregnant women who saw their bellies swelling more and more. -WATCH OUT!- I turned around immediately once I heard that scream, just in time to see people running away from the sidewalk to avoid huge pieces of glass falling from above. I had miraculously avoided them, but after that I looked up (as did many others) and noticed two things: The first was a plane, which did not appear to be from our country's army, releasing brown smoke over the city from an immense altitude. And the second thing was… breasts and a huge belly. It seemed impossible but it was true, one of the large windows of the building above us had been shattered by a pair of gigantic tits and a huge, round belly. They seemed to move with a life of their own, swelling as they did, very slowly but steadily. The nipples were erect and dark, as was the navel, after a second look you could see that something dark was flowing from them, it looked like some kind of black slime dripping out. Everyone stood there looking at them, unable to understand what was happening. More screams and another sound of breaking glass made us turn our gaze to the next building, another huge belly had broken another window, this time it belonged to a man, nevertheless his chest was so swollen it looked like a another pair of huge tits. Then another glass, then another and another, I moved towards the center of the street while other people tried to escape somewhere. Looking through the windows I could see the inside of the offices, each cabin had a pair of tits, a belly and a huge ass that filled it, slowly swelling, while a large layer of black liquid formed on the floor. Some offices couldn't even be seen anymore, the entire interior filled with swollen flesh and "slime". Inside the buildings, some people ran towards the exits, trying to save themselves, others were crushed by those huge fleshy spheres, resulting in them starting to swell too. Gradually all the windows filled with brown smoke, and many of those who had not yet been "infected" began to expand even faster. On the streets, others began to suffer the same fate: Men seeing their stomachs fill and bloat, as well as their butts, becoming spherical as their clothes were torn and destroyed. Women whose breasts and asses destroyed their bras and skirts, followed by bellies that blew off the buttons on their jackets. And that's when we heard it... SPLOOSH! A pram exploded in an ocean of black slime, there were no longer any traces of the baby, all the other "smaller ones" followed soon after, with their parents desperate. Then it was the adults' turn. Everyone ran to hide, the distant buildings were slowly filled with breasts and bellies dangling from the various broken windows, some offices filled with black liquid while other distant and muffled explosions could be heard. Bangs, explosions, sloshes of liquid, people running, falling, screaming, crying. One woman, who apparently had silicone breasts, began to swell strangely, the silicone fusing with her, causing her to melt into sticky stuff on the ground, while the rest of her body expanded. A man whose genitals swelled before anything else, exploding into black and white stuff on the street as he deflated completely. A day that had started out so normally had quickly become a real lucid nightmare. I was heading where the smoke had not yet completely reached the ground, behind me I saw a terrifying and bizarre spectacle: Some people hadn't exploded right away, some had swollen to enormous levels, exceeding the size of their own cars, some in the streets, some dangling outside office windows, and others... in the air. As if it were a cursed birthday party, some people, women and men, began to float like balloons. Their breasts, asses and bellies getting bigger and swollen, rising into the air towards the now dark sky, while the "enemy" plane flew away, taking with it that cloud of mystery. Explosions and gurgles, each "balloon" filled with that black liquid, as it poured out of their eyes, ears, mouths, anuses, nipples, belly buttons, even their penises and vaginas belched with the stuff. When the black liquid hit the ground it began to evaporate, becoming more brown gas, thus continuing the nightmare. Many moved away from that road, including me, my stomach no longer hurt, but the slight swelling remained, we looked into the distance... and there our hope died. From the distance we could see the other nearby cities, with other planes spraying that gas from above, including another one heading right towards us. I didn't live long enough to hear the sound of the national alarm, it seems to have been a terrorist attack, when I started floating I almost saw nothing, only the black slime, I could hear everyone crying, screaming and begging for help. The last thing I saw was the city from above, some buildings had collapsed due to the people that had swollen too much inside them, and with that the explosions, the gurgling noises, and finally, when my skin pushed beyond the limit... ...darkness. Hatred... brings hatred...