blessedhonkers Love Live: Takami Heart!! [CW: USSBBW, Weight Gain, Yuri, Unhealthy Diet, Burps, Health Issues, Death Feederism. You have been warned.] ~~~ You Watanabe sucked the fresh, salty breeze of the sea through her nostrils. Being a daughter of a sailor, she was used to both the saltiness of the sea, and the heat of the summer Sun. So, naturally, when she and Chika Takami, her girlfriend and soon-to-be-wife, finally got a day off from their idol activities, the very first idea to cross YouÕs mind was to go to the Numazu beach. The warm water, the soft, fine sandÉ YouÕs toes curled just thinking about it! ÒThe weatherÕs so good today!Ó She beamed and stretched a bit, so excited to finally let herself relax, even if just for a little bit. She wore a light blue bikini, the very colour of her bright eyes, that hugged her slim, toned body. Being a tomboy and a school idol, all sorts of outside activities were her bread and butter, as she could not imagine her life without going out and doing something with the surplus of energy sheÕd have. And at first, this was the thing that she and Chika had in common. ÒYeah! ItÉ hhffffffÉ isÉÓ Standing behind the trim and slender girl was her partner, the leader of the world-famous idol group named Aqours. She had a very similar orange bikini, save for one small difference: how unapologietically undersized it was. Her top was doing its best keeping her somewhat decent, only covering her nipples and letting the surging flesh spill out in its flabby glory. The bottom piece was lost in the crevices of her thighs and ass, numerous folds piling one on another, hiding it from the world. And even if it wasnÕt for her legs, her apron gut would have concealed it anyway. After becoming an official couple, Chika let her inner self take the reigns. A fun-loving, a little spoiled self that liked to snack on sorts of foods that were in the ÔforbiddenÕ category. Even worse, You found herself being an enabler Ð her love was just too adorable to ever say no. So she never did, and not even once stopped her from glutting herself into a food coma. At first, the only reaction to the eventual extra pounds on her beloved mikan gf was just morbid curiosity Ð despite constant protests and embarrassed yelps, You couldnÕt pry her eyes and hands off the chub on her body! Pinching the pudge on her lap when they were sitting, poking the love handles when they were in bed, even groping and kissing the now juicy thighs when they were bathing together Ð to ChikaÕs ever-growing chagrin and self-consiousness. At some point, the line between curiosity and fascination became so blurred You realised that she was dreaming about it non-stop, day and night. A quick search on the internet, unearthed something You never expected to find out about Ð a whole new world of softness, warmth, and food. And the more she descended into her perversion, the bigger ChikaÕs gut grew, the more she ate, and the more food You bought (using the funds provided by AqoursÕ successful concerts.) What was more important Ð at least to Chika it was, Ð the more it all went on, the more it affected her health. Her pretty average physique was deteriorating at a terrifying rate. With every hundred or so pounds gained her mobility issues became worse; her lungs started aching; her heart was starting to act weird; she felt sluggish and fatigued all the time. But as long as You was happy (and she certainly was!,) it all was worth the risk. Even as every mouthful of trans fats shedded years off her life expectancy, she cared about You too much to stop. ÒWe deserve a bit of a break, donÕt we, Chika-chan?Ó You whispered as a sly smile crept on her face, stretching the corners of her mouth into a grin. You turned around, inviting herself to invade ChikaÕs intimate space and hugging her belly, forcing her slim, top-notch idol body on it. ÒOfÉ mmghÉ course! After that live yesterday I was soohfff tired I still feel sore all overÉÓ The genki leader chirped back, omitting the fact that the only thing she did that day was waddle out on the stage and barely finish just one song, her singing interrupted by numerous belches, which made her wheeze gasp for air. But to her, it justified her demand for a day off. ÒOn second thought thoughÉ haaafffffÉ Maybe we shouldnÕt have gone to a beach on such aÉ hot dayÉÓ Chika wiped her forehead, beads of sweat already dripping down her face; her cheeks; her many chins; her thick neck rolls. Her flabby body was drenched in sweat, her organism trying too cool it down and protect her from overheating. ÒNonesense!~ Come on, letÕs find a place to settle already!Ó She put her hand on the sweaty surface of her tummy, rubbing circles on the sleek rolls. ÒAfter all, you have a lot of skin to soak all the sunlight~Ó Her heart skipped a beat Ð not a very pleasant sensation with how it already struggled to beat on its own. ÒY-You-chan!..Ó ÒYa hungry? I got some treats for you in here!Ó She wiggled the basket in her hand, and it rustled with an assortment of packages of snacks inside. This stash picked her interest, and a string of drool escaped her salivating mouth. ÒDo not rush it, take your time.Ó And take her time she did. One heavy, lethargic step at a time. Her thigh rolls rose and fell with every contraction of her muscles Ð those that had not atrophied and withered away yet. The sandy surface yielded under her bloated soles as every footfall left craters after her. Her gut sagged to her thick, fat-drowned shins and forced her legs apart, reducing her walk down to a unhurried waddle, as she couldnÕt do anything but shuffle her tush forward with what little energy she had. Every jolt of pain from her overburdened feet and knees echoed with sharp tightness in her heart as they walked, unforgiving rays assaulting the body that couldnÕt defents itself against the onslaught of heat due to the abuse the two girls were putting it through. ÒHmmm, this looks like a good place! Or maybe we should go look for an even better one?Ó You stopped, making the massive impulse that carried Chika forward collide with her back (Òso soft!~Ó) and send the blobby body into a jiggling frenzy. She knew very well that another dozen of meters would be enough to make the lovely fatty collapse and pass out, so this was more of a tease than an actual offer. Even though she liked to hear the strained, deep wheezes behind her backÉ Biting her lip, she shoved her whole hand in the belly button of her feedee, savouring the scorching warmth of its insides. ÒHffffhhhuuurrrrrrppÉ yeahhhhhfff, letÕsÉ ohgodÉ LetÕs just stop hereÉÓ Chika felt her head swim with exhaustion and temperature that was way too high for her. The heat alone was not helping her, but the insulation of her lard that kept her in a constant state of overheating made it borderline unbearable and dangerous. ÒYousoro!Ó You beamed. In one sharp and quick movement (far from what Chika could do anymore) the towel in her hands that resembled a bedsheet in size was laid in front of the two lovers. ÒMmmffffhhhhhhaaaahhÉ!!Ó Chika finally exhaled as she dropped her ass down on the towel like a solid cannonball, her joints free from the labour of carrying her tush around at last. Tears started forming in the corners of her eyes, not sure if those were from how drained she was, the pain, or the fact that she was well aware of the drawbacks of such lifestyle. A lifestyle that she chose just so You could be happy. ÒLetÕsÉ hhhhaaffffffÉ Something to eat...Ó She fanned her head with her bloated palm, soon realising that it was not helping the matter at hand. Moving her hammy arms was just as Ð if not more Ð taxing than walking, so even this subtle attempt to cool herself down was doing more harm than good. At ChikaÕs current size, this could be said about way too many things than she would like to admit. You nodded. Taking the lid off, she revealed half a dozen of gigantic hamburgers. ChikaÕs eyes opened wide at the display of such delicious snacks. Judging by the wonderful smell, they brimmed with sodium and cholesterol. Butter slathered on each side of all four wheat buns. A deep-fried beef steak. Slices of bacon, fried to crisp. Dripping with honey and mustard sauce, mayo, oil and cheese. Red with hot tabasco sauce and extra jalape–os. Not a single inch was not covered in grease. And You made sure to prepare six of those. ÒSay ÔaahÕ!~Ó Chika knew she couldnÕt let You ruin her even more. Her health was in shambles, her idol carreer was going to be destroyed, years of effort going down the drainÉ! Ébut she couldnÕt possible say no to it either. And so she opened her drooling maw. The myriad of wonderful, artificial flavours filled her mouth. The spoonfuls of MSG danced on her tongue as she chewed, taking large bites out of the massive sandwich that You pushed even further down her throat with every bite and gulp. The spices and pepper made the heat worse, yet the flavour was so good Chika could not protest Ð not that she could with a mouth full of food. ÒMmmfffÉ WaterÉÓ She moaned as all the salt drew the water out of her tongue. This single burger felt almost orgasmic, and You had five more!? Chika had to keep herself from begging You to fuck her right there, in front of everyone. ÒHm? Oh, I forgot to buy water! I thinkÉ We have some Idol Cola. Want some?Ó A rather limited nod followed. Limited by the sheer width of her neck tire. Thump. Thump. She felt her blood turn into molasses with every gulp. But she was too overheated to care. Too parched and thirsty. She sucked on it as if her life depeneded on it Ð and to an extent it was. Though perhaps the dependency was the reverse of what it should have been. Either way, something feltÉ Off. ThumpÉ ThumpÉ ÒWhat else do we have here? Ah, a tub of ice cream! Would you like some, Chika-chan?Ó Chika gasped for air. ÒOhh, itÕs so hot today it all melted!Ó She needed to let her heart calm down. Ò...well, melted ice cream, is still tasty, right?Ó Thud!....... ThudÉÉ Too impatient to wait for affirmation (ChikaÕs non-existent self-restraint would make her comply anyway,) You popped the tub open and tipped it right into the fattyÕs gaping maw. The deadly stream of sugar, saturated fats, and artificial flavour enhancers filled her cheeks, flooding her brain with the blissful sweetness. Chika gulped with such gusto that the silver-haired degenerate almost felt envious Ð it never occurred to her, but maybe she could try being on the receiving end of such ÔtreatmentÕ too, one day?.. Considering this possibility, You missed the moment when Chika, just as lost in the moment as she was, gulped down the last mouthful of the fattening sludge and started licking stray droplets off the tub like a hungry hog. ÒAw, Chika-chan, you got some on your lips~Ó Head over heels for her cute, slobby partner, You leaned forward, practically lying on the sagging, pinkish-red, stretchmarks-riddled mattress of the gluttonÕs belly, her hands and elbows squeezing into the sheer softness that covered the rock-solid stomach. The glossy, cream-covered lips of her partner were so irresistible, so cute andÉ sweet-lookingÉ she just couldnÕt resist planting her lips on them~ Thump!.. ThunkÐ Òb-bwwhOOOOUUUUUURRRRRRHHHRRRP!!Ó That unwarranted kiss and that breath-stealing belch were something she needed the least under the given circumstances. Another stimulus that raised her blood pressure, made her heart pound faster, harder Ð in addition to all of those parameters already so high Chika was in the danger zone. In addition to the hostility of the dayÕs weather, and how clogged Chika already was. Arteries clogged with cholesterol, so full of ungodly amounts of sugar and salt that she felt her vessels constrict with every chew and gulp, and every drop of the sugary ÔdrinkÕ that she didnÕt need, didnÕt want, wasnÕt even able to handle. She felt YouÕs tongue touch herÕs, a massive burp rise up and roar out of her gullet, and with that a sharp pain in her chest made itself clear. A gnawing, squeezing pain that made it feel like it was tight and on fire. ÒOouhghhhhÉ You-chan..!!!Ó She breathed out, succumbing to panic of an apparent heart attack. ÒAww, it felt good, didnÕt it?~ ..Chika-chan?Ó You watched her girlfriendÕs face go from red with exhaustion and embarrassment to pale in a matter of seconds. Her breath grew more rigged and spasmatic Ð even more than it already was. Barely mustering the strength to lift her massive, swollen with fat, aching arms and clenching her thick digits around a thick patch of lard on her breast, she wheeeezed under her short breath, cheeks wobbling with every strained inhale. ÒYou-shanÉ I donÕt feel shoÉ good..!!Ó ÒOh. Oh! Oh god..! OhgodohgodÉ!!!Ó You knew her CPR, but could she even reach her heart with all theÉ Chika in her way? ÒItÕs gonna be ok..! Lemme just-Ó Among the fear for her belovedÕs life, some other sensation rose inside her. As she contemplated the consequences of her lust that was driving her future wife to an early graveÉ As she was gasping for air and pawing the chest that was clogged with sodium and fats to the point of her heart giving outÉ ÒYou-shannhh-mmmfff!!?Ó You shoved another burger into ChikaÕs mouth. And another. And if Chika could handle it at all, she would make her gulp down even more unhealthy crap later that evening. And then more, until until what? You felt dizzy, and so did Chika.