Evangelion Weight Gain 2 by FC-Punk, 2009-08-25 03:30:56 Literature / Fanfiction / General At school during lunch Shinji was being given all sorts of food by Asuka and Kawrou who were competing to fatten him up. "Shinji, dear, try this" said Kawrou, feeding him a new treat. "No, Shinji, you want this" said Asuka, stuffing a pastry into his mouth. It was taking alot of will power to not feed herself, instead focusing on fattening up Shinji. Between the two Shinji was trying to eat his own lunch, Shinji's belly poking out of his shirt now. Shinji could barely speak as he was fed by the two of them, meanwhile trying to eat his own substantial lunch. If things kept on like this, he'd never stop eating. School hours were so lax due to lack of staff, their lunch hour carried on longer and longer, until it felt like half the day had gone by. By the time Shinji was waddling home, he felt his pants were about to split. Kawrou was walking him home, feeding him truffles even on the way home. "Want more, my Shinji?" Kawrou smiled. Shinji nodded, feeling chocolates pushed past his lips constantly. There wasn't a single moment when he wasn't eating something, chewing and swallowing, feeling his stomach swell and stretch bigger and fuller as he fattened. "Mmmmph, please" he smiled a little, barely able to waddle home, giving Kaworu ample oppurtunities to feed and fondle him. Going up the stairs to the apartment was tough for Shinji, but Kaworu helped him along, gently pushing on Shinji's rotund bottom. "Up we go Shinji, you can do it". When they made it to the top Shinji was huffing and puffing and sweating. He bends over to catch his breath and his ample backside tares the back of his pants. "Looks like you need to take those pants off." Kawrou said, patting his friend's fat bottom. Shinji nodded, his rounded behind swaying enticingly. "Yeah..." he blushed, not believing he had torn his pants; the last school pair he could find that would fit, now nothing was in his size. He opened the door to the apartment. Neither Misato or Asuka seemed like they were home yet. "Here, let me take those off" Kawrou said, peeling off the tight pants, also taking off Shinji's tight briefs. Shinji blushed, "K-Kaworu?" he still felt awkward around the boy, going from hardly knowing him to suddenly having sex with him and being fed by him. He stood naked in front of him, his tight, sweat-stained shirt clinging to his body. Through it you could see one of Misato's spare brassieres, though it was bursting at the seams with his tit flesh. "I see you took my advice to wear one of these" Kawrou smiles at him, unbuttoning his shirt, "Lets take this sticky shirt off". Shinji obliges, letting him peel off his shirt, unfastening his bra, letting his huge boy tits free, now as big as F-ups, they were so big and soft, his nipples growing erect. "K-Kaworu, be gentle" was all he managed to say. Kawrou grasps both breasts with his hands, softly squeezing them. He turns Shinji around, they both look in the mirror. "Look at that beautiful fat boy in the mirror" he whispers in his ear, playing with Shinji's newly begining fourth chin roll. He reaches down to grope one of Shinji's huge butt cheeks, his cheeks wide and soft. Shinji blushes, looking at himself in the mirror. He had to weigh almost four hundred pounds now. His weight kept rising and rising, everyone wanting him fatter, now even himself, no matter how he tried to deny it. "So...fat" he moaned, grasping his belly, which pushed out like an apron of fat in front of him. Meanwhile at NERV Misato was snacking on doughnuts while doing paper work. Someone reaches around her chair and hugs her. "Getting soft" the man said. Misato looks up, it was Kaji, Misato’s on again/off again boy friend. Kaji leaned over her shoulder, his stubble brushing against her cheek. "Burning the midnight oils again I see? You know..." he looked over at the box of donuts, picking it up, "Two many of these and you'll start to get a gut" he chuckled. Misato scowled, snatching the box away from him. "Like you'd know..." she stuffs one into her mouth. "No phone call, no messages, where've you been?!" she asks, mouth full. "America called, I was away on Defense business" Kaji said, tickling her belly. "Your kids seem well nourished" he said. Misato almost choked. "I know..." she managed to say, thinking of Asuka and Shinji, how she hadn't seen them for the past couple of days, being too busy at NERV HQ. "It's got something to do with the new 'Survival' testing Ritsuko's instituted..." she rubbed her head. "I get a little fuzzy whenever I think about it" she then immediately reached for her donuts again, wolfing down two of them. Kaji raised an eyebrow. "Better be careful or you'll turn out like them" he said. "But then again, I bet your even better in bed now" he smirks. Misato flushed, powdered sugar on her face and cheeks. "K-Kaji I..." she bit her lip. She'd promised herself she wouldn't fall for him again, yet his boyish charm still got her. "You think?" she asked finally, smiling. She sat up, out of his caress, "Fraid you'll havce to wait to find out...We're getting a shipment from the German branch tonight, and I need to be ready..." she reached for another donut, but hesitated. "K-Kaji...I know it's low of me to ask...but would you look into whatever Ritsuko's been doing. I don't think I can face her...something's different" Kaji stepped back, surprised his line didn't get a better response. "I'll see what I can find...but only if you let me escort you home after the shipment." he grinned. Back at the apartment, Kawrou was feeding Shinji Asuka's birthday cake. "Thats right, my love, eat every last bite" Kawrou said, feeding the pig Shinji, Shinji greedily eating it, not caring of the impact it will have on Asuka. Shinji ate and ate, globs of pink frosting on his lips as he was fed, his new friend lavishing him in more attention than he ever dreamed of getting from any girl. "Mmmmph, m-more Kaworu...more" he blushed, belching. "I'm still hungry" he groaned, his member stiff in his stretched underpants, "I_I can't believe I'm doing this with you..." he moaned, fondling his smooth cheek. It was then that they both heard the apartment door begin to be unlocked. The door opened and it was Asuka and Misato. Apon seeing the half naked fat and bloated Shinji being fed by the effeminte boy, Misato could only face palm. "I somehow knew this would happen“ she mumbles. Asuka, while turned on saw the cake box and grew red. "YOU FAT GREEDY BUCKET OF LARD! THATS MY CAKE!" she roars. Shinji's eyes went wide, his pupils shrinking as shame and a sudden sense of fear gripped him. "A-Asuka I..." he panted, but belched loudly, tasting of cake. Kaworu, still in his school uniform, simply stood and smiled bemusedly. "So that is how she would react. How curious the Lilim are" he smiled, speaking softly. Misato looked away, unsure of how to handle the situation. Asuka had her hands wrapped firmly about Shinji's neck. "IT WAS ONLY A FEW DAYS AWAY! I WOULD'VE LET YOU HAVE SOME, YOU SCHWEINDHUNT! ARSHLOFT!" she shook him angrily, making him jiggle and wobble "ACK, ACK, ACK!" Shinji chokes. The next day at NERV Kaji does the same great with Ritsiko. "And how is my Ritsiko doing?" he kisses her mole. Ritsuko smiles, tapping away at a computer. "Your Ritsuko?" she smiled, feeling him wrap his arms around her. "I don't ever recall having the pleasure" she took off her glasses. She looked away from him, towards her cat figurines. Kaji went as far as to trace a finger along her neckline. "I assume you've heard through Misato about the package that arrived? Too bad for Asuka Shinji got into it early..." She said. Kaji chuckled "The two of them have changed while I've been gone...". Ritsuko smiled, "Playing the concerned father?" she asked, "and that wasn't the delivery from Germany, if that's what Misato told you" she grinned. Kaji looked surprised, "Oh?". Ritsuko pointed out her display window to the area below, where huge shipping containers were being pulled into the test chamber. "Lard?" Kaji asks. Ritsiko nods. Kaji smiles. "Will that be all?" "Want some dinner?" "Not tonight". Later that day Shinji was stuffed in tight extra extra large sweat pants. He was being fed several large chocolate bunnies, left over from the Easter sales. "eat more my Shinji" he said, kissing his chunky cheek, licking the chocolate on his cheek. Kaworu stuffed the last of the filling chocolate bunnies into Shinji's mouth, kissing his cheeks and fondling him, leaving him excited beyond belief. Kaworu's cell phone began to 'Pipipipipi!' . He picked it up, looking at the display. His bemused smile faltered a moment. He kissed Shinji on the lips. "mmm, keep eating, Shinji-kun, I'll be back tomorrow" he smiled, leaving his pudgy new boyfriend. Shinji sat back in the living room of the apartment, stuffed and aroused. "Oh boy..." he sighed, leaning back. Asuka was in her room, gorging herself as well, watching Shinji eat, fingering herself as the two boys made out. As soon as Kaworu left, she stepped out, all 550lbs of her, waddling towards him. "I'm gonna make you pay for eating my cake, piggy" she grinned. Shinji nearly broke the chair he was on, surprised. "What....what....arre you going to do to me?" Shinji asks fearful, his tits shaking in his bra. Asuka seemed quite fast for her size, waddling around him. Dressed in only her damp panties and a stretched tank-top, she was a beauty of bovine proportions. She tied him to the chair he was on, ensuring he couldn't move. "You like cake so much, piggy, I'm gonna give you more than you've ever wanted." she grinned, wheeling a small wagon of similar cakes to the one Shinji had eaten like a glutton the previous night. There was at least two dozen of them, each three teirs of moist chocolate and thick icing and g'nosh. Asuka cut a slice for herself, stuffing one into Shinji;s mouth forcefully. "Eat, pig" she commanded, force feeding him. Shinji ate, and munched, munched, munched his way through them, eating more and more, Asuka trying to keep up with the big pig. Asuka stuffed him until the cakes were almost gone. Shinji was panting, his belly so bloated and full. "N-No more, Asuka...I can barely move...I feel like I'm gonna pop" he wheezed, face smattered with flacks of icing and cake. He whimpered and squirmed, so full. Asuka moaned, eating a few slices here and there, playing with herself as she watched him expand. She brought a hand down to his crotch, feeling his hard cock, stroking it. "Mmmmm, big piggy's excited..." she teased, stuffing his face as she jerked him off, pressing her fat belly against his cock, smothering his face in her cleavage. Shinji, trying to breath from being so stuffed was now suffocating in her big breasts. "Asuka, I can't breath" he whimpers. Asuka giggled, silencing him with a big piece of cake. "That's your punishment" she grinned, managing to hunch herself down to her knees, body wobbling as she fed him with one hand, keeping his mouth full at all times, while the other stroked him. She undid his pants, pressing her puffy, fattened lips to his cock head, sucking on him. Shinji arched his back in pleasure, having never been touched down there by a girl before, let alone sucked. Ohhhhhh, Mmmmmph, Asssssuka, OH" Shinji gurgles, mouthfull of cake, moaning like a prized cow. Asuka stopped feeding him, the cake running fry as she fingered herself with one hand, sucking him deeper and deeper with her mouth. By now her lips, mouth, and throat were well trained from the experiment feeding tubes, she gobbled him up, thirsting for him as she brought herself to climax. "Mein Gott!" she squeeled, pushing him as far in as he'd go, kissing his base. "OH OH OOOH!" Shinji came in Asuka's mouth, Asuka swallowing every drop, her belly full of cake and Shinji's seed. Asuka licked her lips, untying the helpless Shinji. Asuka giggles, "Mmmm, you taste a lot better than I thought you would..." she grinned, "Mmmm, must be nice, being surrounded by hot girls and boys, all dying to pleasure you..." she teased, slapping his bloated belly. "Hope you're still hungry balloon boy...Testing is in less than an hour" she grinned, knowing his real punishment would be coming up. Asuka left to change, her appetite now overly stimulated after sex, she felt ravenously hungry Shinji is waddling ponderously, over stuffed, over simulated, to NERV when he met up with Kawrou and his box of chocolates. "Shinji Dear, I have these for you" he said, pinching Shinji's loose breasts. Shinji swallowed, making his way down to the change room with Kaworu, being fed chocolates all the way. He moaned, his poor belly taking much, much more than it should, bloated out in front of him, still, he just couldn't properly refuse food now, especially not from Kaworu. His tits jiggled in his shirt as he was touched. "Oh Kaworu..." he gasped, wolfing them down, wondering how good the teen would feel, doing just what Asuka had done. He changed into his plusuit, passing a grinning and waddling Asuka. "Hope you don't explode today, tubby" she teased, slapping his huge gut. The tubes come down, today it was a combination of Chocolate, lard, and the chemical. Rei is helped in needing help just moving her huge body. And so the feeding began. Shinji whimpers, his stomach much abused today was going to get another licking. Asuka watched in delight as Shinji whimpered and struggled. The she saw Rei come in and she dropped her jaw, watching two technicians help her in. Clad in only strips of the plugsuit, exposing much of her milky white skin and fat, Rei was an absolute blimp. If both Shinji and herself had let themselves go, Rei had gone whole hog. She must have weighed almost 700lbs, being wheeled in, only able to take a few steps into the massive custom seat. She suckled on the hose obediently, growing huge. Asuka was awash with pleasure as she gorged on the sweet, addictive goo, but she kept watching Rei's body swell, blushing, almost hypnotized. Shinji farts, again overfull, "No more, no more! I can't eat anymore" Shinji thought. Kawrou and Ritsiko notes the computer. "My Shinji seems overly full" Ritsuko said, almost concerned. Kaworu nodded, "I've taken to feeding him outside of your little experiments, just to see how much pleasure he can withstand, though this is more..." he smiles, increasing the pleasure stimulating vibrations of the chair to maximum, then past it. Ritsuko begins to increase the flow of the mixture as well. "What're you doing?" Kaworu asks sharply. The doctor smiles. "Testing his limits...and mine" she turns the dial back further. Shinji is being inflated by all the fattening goo, stretching his stomach so tight. Farting every second, just to make room. The pleasure chair stimulating his penis. "AHhhhhh" he screams out, cumming in his chair, wanting more food, more sex, he wanted MORE, MORE, MOAR! Ritsuko smiled, monitoring his libido and desired levels, along with his vitals and EEG readings. "Rei's made the most progress in consumption, but Shinji and Asuka have progressed the farthest in terms of actualization. In fact, I think Shinji's our best hope." she grinned, 'which leaves rei for me to enjoy alone...' she muttered, barely audiable to Kaworu. The two of them pumped Shinji's levels to maximum, stringing together orgasm after orgasm as his plugsuit split open, the boy like a huge, gravid sphere of fat, dominating all his limbs. Kawrou licks his lips, enjoying seeing Shinji grow fatter and fatter, AND FATTER. "400, 420, 450" Ritsiko read. Alarms began to flash as Shinji piled on the weight, his health status growing critical as he came for the fourth time, still fattening. The others were equally pleasured and fattened, but Ritsuko's attention was now solely on the third child. "490...530...any bigger and he will actually burst...he can't take any more..." she began to shut down his intake until he was left farting and shaking with pleasure, driven half mad by all of it. "He'll need to spend the night in the infirmary for this..." she pushed the button for technicians to take him away. Ritsuko sits back, contented to watch the two girls guzzle the fattening sludge; the hormone laden stuff ensuring they get as fat as possible. She added more to Asuka's flow, making her grow more enamored and lustful. All the fattening and chemical treatments were breaking down the childrens sexual barriers. Asuka drank and fattened bigger and fatter, still watching Rei, suddenly feeling the urge to lay against her, feeling how big and soft she must be. She didn't even notice Shinji being rolled away. Shinji stayed over night in the NERV infirmary, where the weight had settled into luscious rolls of new fat. He was now 500+ pounds and the feeling of the weight coming down on his knees wasn't a fun feeling. He was huffin and puffing as well. "Oh Kawrou, my knees hurt and my back aches from my chest" he wheezed, all the while slightly turned on by his increasing immobility. Kaworu stroked his hair, "Don't worry Shinji-kun, you'll be ready to leave soon...and you need a bigger bra" he teased, giving Shinji's massive chest a grope. Misato and Asuka meanwhile had gone shopping. Misato had gone up a couple of sizes herself and needed some new clothes. They enter the mall and go to a super-size store for Asuka's clothes. "You sure you don't need some of these sizes Misato?" Asuka giggles, picking out a few new dresses, larger versions of her old yellow sundress. Misato looks away, not wanting to consider it just yet, though her bras were too tight now. Her constant snacking making her gain a little too much. She eyed Asuka's massively obese frame, wondering if that too was what her future would be like. "Can't believe they carry your size..." she said offhandly, "You've...really started to put it on" she just couldn't be tactful, especially given what happened with Shinji. "Oh, I'm just a growing girl, thats all" Asuka shrugged the comment off. The quarter ton girl gathers some huge parachute sized panties. She starts picking up bras, in the G to Js. "These look like like Shinji's right size" she said, fantasizing about Shinji's chest. It was her that bought Shinji's bras for him. Asuka grinned, thinking of fondling his big, ballooning boy tits, her mind drifting to the other night, seeing Rei's gargantuan form expand bigger and fatter, how she wished Shinji could get that fat...or even herself...she gave her big belly a squeeze, growing hot and bothered already. Misato noticed the plump German girl begin to drift. "We should be heading home soon, maybe we'll pick up some food on the way back" she smiled, thinking of Kaji, hoping he had some answers. Her cravings for sweets picking up again. Meanwhile, at NERV Rei was wheeling herself to Ritsiko's lab. "I am here" the first child told Ritsiko. Ritsiko eyed Rei, sizing her up in her mind. "Mmmmm, Rei, I'm glad you’re here” she greeted her. Rei, the tubby first child weighed almost 800lbs, her belly like a massive shelf before her, huge melon breasts resting atop it. Her wide ass jutted outwards behind her. She was roughly the size of a small car, assisted in walking by a wheeled cart. Ritsuko grinned, "Very glad you're here...please, disrobe and move to the pool." she smiled, watching the fat girl struggle to remove what little clothing she wore. Jiggling everywhere as her pants split open, falling off. The soon nude Rei waddled slowly forward, moving downwards into the pool of LCL, where she was surprisingly buoyant. Ritsuko adjusted her various computers and displays, "I have a lot planned for you...I trust the commander knows nothing?" "He knows nothing" Rei replied back. She was becoming very loyal to Ritsiko, no thanks in part to the chemicals and the brainwashing Ritisko did to Rei when she slept. Ritsuko grinned, watching her wade in the pool, floating easily, despite her weight. "Mmmm, how does it feel?" she asked, never asking it before of Rei, who she normally dealt with nothing but calculated responses, "Floating, feeling all that soft, warm fat around you?" she asked, wrapping her arms around her chest, as if trying to emulate what it might be like. She punched the controls to lower the feeding tubes once more. "Like a pillow Doctor. Like a pillow" she said, as she sucked on the tubes. Ritsuko smiled, noting that down, ensuring Rei got plenty to eat, the fattening slurry of liquid cocao butter and lard, mixed with her chemical additives, made sure she wouldn't want to stop. And while in the pool, she felt weightless. Rei closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan, feeling one with everything. From a distance, Kaji overlooked the scene. "So that's her secret...this explains everything" he muttered, finally understanding Ritsuko's ultimate plan. In another room… SEELE 1 (Voice Only) Ikari, your pilots are too fat. SEELE 2: This is interfering with the Project. Gendo: This matter is being dealt with. The meeting ends and the lights turn on. "Futuski" Gendo asks. "Yes sir?" "Send me Dr. Akagi". SEELE deliberates without Gendo. Appearing only as the 'sound-only' monolithes. SEELE 1: "The physical forms of the pilots are being manipulated. Our project cannot continue like this" SEELE 2: "Is Tabris not supposed to be doing something about this...he is close with the pilot of EVA-01" SEELE 3: Gendo, do you plan to betray us...or are you being manipulated by someone else?" Meanwhile, Ritsuko headed up from her lab in Terminal Dogma, moving to meet with Ikari. She smiled, it'd been a long time since they’d last really spoken. "The old men are concerned with the pilots. Diets. All of them. As a back up plan, prepare to clone the other pilots and ready the dummy plugs." Gendo said, glassing glaring in the light, hands folded. Ritsuko folded her arms, always aquiessing to Gendo's authority. "I'll start them on a detox program right away..." she began, watching him fold his hands together, seething behind her eyes, "The dummy plug program will take time...their DNA isn't as easily mapped as the first child's was, all except for Nagisa Kaworu..." she paused, wondering how much Gendo suspected. Asuka and Misato make it home, finding all the food gone. Asuka goes to Shinji's room to find him naked and out cold in a food induced slumber. She grins before making his sleeping body try on her new I cup bra. She decides to go further and dress him up all the way, putting on her Sundress on him. With his fattened facial features, pregnant looking stuffed belly, and massive tits he could easily pass. Asuka grins, his reaction will be hilarious Misato opens her fridge, cracking open a beer, chugging it down quickly. She opens another after this, drinking it as she checks the phone messages. *Beep* "Katuragi, it's me...I can't fully explain on the phone, but I understand now who's behind the changes at NERV. Meet me at our usual spot tonight" she licksher lips, thinking. Shinji waddles out of his room, bleary eyed, dressed in drag. "Whuh, why's it so breezy?" he asks, finally looking down. "Gahhhhhhhhh" Shinji screams! He was going to kill Asuka. "Don't you two kill each other while I'm gone" she told them. She leaves and meets up with Kaji. They go to a steak restraunt. "It's a conspiracy Misato. Ritsuko is going rouge" Kaji began. Misato's eyes widen, her mouth filled with steak. "Mmmmph?! What?" she asked, swallowing. "How can she?" Kaji smiled his trademark grin, "Youve got a little something..." he tapped the side of his mouth. "Ritsuko's been working on SEELE's 'Human Instrumentality Project', just like Gendo has, only she plans to speed it forward, shaping it in her own way" he said as he watched Misato eat. "She plans on using the children as some kind of conduit to push forth Instrumentality at the sign of the 17th Angel..." Kaji paused to eat a bite. "And, thats not all. She has been drugging the kids and brainwashing Rei. And I suspect something is up with our newest pilot, Kawrou. The boy isn't right, I can't find anything about him." he finished. Misato blushed as she polished off the large steak, wiping her lips. "I can tell you this much, he's certainly fond of Shinji...if I didn't know any better..." she bit her lip, thinking of Asuka and Shinji. Had she let them down? "What do you suggest we do? You said before that Gendo was planning something too..." she contemplated their options over dessert, wolfing her way through a large chocolate sundae. "Yes, but it's a bitch to try and spy on him. Gendo has plans, SEELE has plans, Ritsuko has plans. I think it would be wise to make plans of our own. Like, for later tonight" he said, grinning. Misato blushed, chocolate smearing her lips as her skirt button popped open. Her small belly finally getting the best of her. "Later tonight..." she repeated, nodding. "I agree" she moaned, feeling stuffed and more than a little aroused Several months later at the apartment Shinji was in Asuka's dress as Kawrou fed the morbidly obese boy, his heavy duty bra holding his huge boy hooters. He was being fed a deluge of treats, various pastries and truffles. "mmmmmm, yum yum" moans Shinji like a prized cow being fattened for slaughter. Kaworu smiles, feeding the boy into submission, clearly enjoying every moment they had together, fattening him up to the point of no return. He'd never be thin again. "Mmmm, eat up, Shinji-kun...the dress still fits" he smiles, pushing a thick, jelly donut past his lips, goo splurting down his throat. Misato hadn't been home in a few days, and Asuka moved back and forth between the aprtment and her friend Hikari's, leaving Shinji alone a lot with Kaworu, who always insisted on him eating at every possible moment. Shinji was fatter than ever, at 570 his knees were killing him as they struggled to hold his over quarter ton weight. "mmmmm, Kawrou, fatten me up, I want to get fatter for you" he moans through chocolate stained lips. Kaworu smiled, bending the young boy to his will, making him crave fattening, wanting to be bigger. "Mmm, you're already so fat, Shinji-kun...you don't want to stop?" he pushed a cream puff into his mouth, stuffing him as he teased. Shinji was fat and helpless, wanting more and more. Eating made him feel so good, and Kaworu was the only person left who actually loved him and cared for him. "No, I c-can't stop. I need it" he pleaded, finding himself growing stiff against the tightening material of Asuka’s flimsy sundress. Shinji was becoming more and more immobile as time went on, not going to school after he grew too fat for his clothes and having to wear the dress to school. Shinji belches as Kawrou stuffs Shinji with bananas, dunking them in chocolate frosting. Kaworu pushed banana after banana into Shinji's maw, until he was absolutely stuffed, barely able to move, his belly so stretched. Kaworu usually got him to this state a few times a day, where he simply could not be forced to eat any more until he digested. He kissed the boy's cheek, beginning to fondle and stroke his soft, fattened body. Meanwhile, Asuka was at Hikari's, gorging on takeout and fast food she had bought with her. The redhead's best friend had begun to gain weight as well, since every outing with Asuka now involved food. The two of them stuffed their faces. "Wow Asuka, you really can eat" Hikari gasped yet again, blushing as she watched her busty friend pack it away. "This is nothing, you should see what those fags Kawrou and Shinji do" she snorted, putting on the guise of disgust. Hikari nodded, having seen Shinji lately, knowing how fat he'd gotten. Still, Asuka was so competitive, she even wanted to be fatter than him. At first she didn't like the idea of her friend gaining so much weight, but after gaining a few dozen pounds herself, her skirt now bursting open, she had to admit it felt good, and looked so good on Asuka. She blushed, feeling embarrassed. Asuka, meanwhile, stuffed her face with two more big macs, as she reached for the fries and milkshakes. "Mmmmph, they're such oinkers, Shinji and the first. Especially since that homo Nagisa started hanging out with Shinji...all they do is eat and have sex..." she paused, remembering back to their last test run, as well as watching Rei practically inflate with fat. She shivered with arrousal. After awhile Asuka waddled home. She finds Kawrou reading a book. "Hello Suru" he smiles, "Shinji's sleeping" he told her. Asuka nodded, glowering a little. She never quite liked Nagisa, there was just something about him. "Is that so? Finished pumping him full of cake and cum?" she said scathingly, moving to the refridgerator, her legs and thighs rubbing together. *fapfapfapfap* She rifles through it. "Don't tell me you two ate all the pastries...what about the ice cream?!" she asked angrily, finding a fully stocked freezer filled with more than she remembered there being. "No, my dear Shinji left some for you" he said, going over and touching her belly. Asuka fidgeted a little, blushing as she felt herself being touched. She opened her mouth, drawing in breath sharply. Kaworu's touch was unlike anything she had ever experienced. "Hey what're you...h-hey...I..." she tried to speak, but foudn his hand on her wide, taut belly. "I must admit, I perfer men, but I'm willing to experiment" whispered Kawrou as he kissed her. Asuka wanted to pull away, but found herself kissing him back, her big, fattened, pouty lips meeting his. "Mmmmmph" she moaned, finally pulling away, "You're so soft..." she whispered, remembering her few fleeting kisses with Shinji, "You're...such a good kisser..." she found herself saying, wanting him more. Her panties growing wet, while her thick nipples began to protrude against the fabric of her stretched dress. It was midnight Sunday. "That was a fine week" Kaji sighed. "Haven't done this since college" he said, giving Misato's big boob a squeeze. Misato had ballooned to over 315 pounds after a week of nothing but food and sex in bed. Misato nodded, gasping and moaning as she felt Kaji pull out of her. "Ohhhhh, third time's a charm..." she moaned, reaching over beside the bed to an open box of pizza and a bottle of soda, immediately beginning to stuff her face. Kaji turned back to her, giving her ass a squeeze under the covers. "Normally I'd object...but I can't argue with the results, he gave her padded ass a squeeze. "Mmmmmm, you were right Kaji, it is better now" She said, chugging a soda and belching. Kaji smiled, "Off beer?" he asked, sitting up in bed, looking over to the makeshift buffet beside Misato. They'd spent the last week in his rented place, ordering in. They'd originally shown up, trying to deliberate what was to be done about Ritsuko, but things had devolved into sex and more sex, falling into old habits. This time, Misato brought a new appetite. Pizza boxes and numerous empty containers littered the floor, while Misato ate and ate. "It's been almost a week...are you sure things are alright at home?" he asked. "Their mature kids I think they can last a week" Misato said, farting loudly. "excuse me" she giggles. Meanwhile Rei was sleeping, engorged to the limit, her near 900 pounds rendering her completely immobile. Kawrou and Ritsiko watch her sleep. "Do clones dream of cloned sleep?" ponders Kawrou. Ritsuko grinned at the joke. "I'm surprised you'd know that one..." she smiled, watching Rei, suspended in the enormous LCL tank. Bubble began to rise from her behind, making Ritsuko smile. "She's reached the optimum weight. Just a bit more conditioning and she'll be ready for you..." Ritsuko smiled, "Unless you're too preoccupied with your own little toy Shinji" she pushed a few controls, heating the LCL tank, pleasuring Rei as she slept, increasing hormone levels. "You will hold to our agreement, won't you?" she asked, "I can't imagine SEELE's offer is any better“. "It's going to be sad to break Shinji's heart." Kawrou sighs. Ritsuko smiled softly. "There's no need...in my new world, he'll be happy. Constantly pleasured, constantly being fed, til the end of time...a world of absolute pleasure and hedonism..." Ritsuko sighed, resting her chin on her hand as she watched Rei sleep. "Yes...that's what I desire..." she said softly, looking to Rei with almost envious eyes. She turned to Kaworu, "We'll begin tomorrow. Ikari and the old men should no longer be of any concern. They expect us to make our move much later..." she grinned. Suddenly, her stomach growled. She bit her lip, as Kaworu looked to her. "I...haven't eaten today...I just remembered." she said guiltily, packing up her things. Kawrou was feeding Shinji again. Shinji by this time was now immoble, unable to get up, unable to help himself. The only part of the muscle was his jaw, that moved to chew his food. Kawrou was cooing him, pleased with how Ikari had fattened up to this degree. It almost made him sad to betray him. Shinji swallowed, weighing over 700lbs, he tried to get up but had a lot of difficulty, his legs wobbling under him. "Mmmmmph, oh Kaworu...I feel so good..." he moaned, his little shaft so hard, squeezed between folds of fat, pressed under his belly. The tubby blob of a boy did little now besides eat, sleep, and have gay sex or pleasure himself. Food was always nearby and plentiful. Kaworu smiled, kissing him. "You are fragile, like glass, Shinji-kun" he said softly as he carressed his cheek, "For this, you've deserved my empathy...I love you" he smiled, kissing him. "mmmph, Kaworu...what're you saying?" he asked, unsure of the boy's tone. "This is the end Shinji. I’m going away.” he said solemnly. Shinji wasn't sure how to respond. he looked and felt confused. Kaworu didn't joke around much. "What do you mean? G…going away…?" he said softly, feeling his full belly burble and quiver. "Kaworu, what're you talking about?" he asked again. Kaworu smiled the entire time, that same soft smile. "I must leave you Shinji, and leave this world." he pushed an exceptionally large piece of cake into Shinji's mouth, silencing him, loving the feeling of slight resistance as his mouth was filled to the absolute brim. "Oohh, how I love the feeling..." he stroked Shinji's belly, "We will meet again...but not the same..." he stood to leave. "Wait," Shinji swollows. "Please, make love to me" Shinji begs. Kawrou smiles, he figures he can grant this request. Kawrou helps Shinji turn over before plunging into his rear. Kaworu finds himself hard instantly, his member growing thicker and longer to accommodate for Shinji's enormous ass. "Mmmmm, one last time, my Shinji..." he grinned, pushing into him, fucking that incredibly full ass. He pumped and pushed into his fat toy, making him groan in pleasure. Shinji couldn't beleive how turned on he was; his own cock smothered in fat, oozing precum, making him slick as he was fucked deeper and harder. "Oohhhh, K-Kaworu!" he panted, "So much!" he moaned more. Kaworu smiled, knowing when he came, it would be more than Shinji could possibly hold and handle. Kawrou's dick grew and grew going deeper and deeper up Shinji's ass, making Shinji squeal like a pig. "Shinji, you are my fat sex toy" he told Shinji. Thust, thrust, thrust before Shinji cums all over his fat rolls and Kawrou shoots into Shinji, bringing Shinji into a state of pleasure. Kawrou's dick shrinks back to normal size, pulling out of Shinji. "Good day my sweet prince" he said, to the glazed boy. Kawrou heads to NERV. "She's all yours" Ritsiko tells him. Before they can do anything Kaji and Misato bust in, pointing guns at Ritisko and Kawrou. "Thats qute enough Ritsiko" Misato told her. Both Ritsuko and Kaworu turn to face them. The doctor puts her hands up slowly, while Kaworu remains motionless, looking at the two of them. He felt that the two would have been much more threatening had the woman's skirt not split as she entered, a loud rip filling the room. MIsato swallowed, keeping her gun trained on them, despite being embarrased. "It's over Ritsuko, give this up..." she said slowly, "Whatever you're planning, it's not worth it”. "Kawrou, won't you be a dear and give the Major a taste of Instrumentality" Ritsiko told him. Kawrou obliged and used his Angel powers on Misato, making her hallucinate her dirtiest fantasy. "What your seeing won't even compare to the real thing". Kaworu smiled, waving his hand, the room smelled of ozone as his AT feild shimmered, pushing Misato and Kaji backwards against the wall. Kaji's consciousness being suppressed until he fell unconscious, while Kaworu focused on Misato, flooding her mind with images and powerful fantasies. Hoses pushing in from everywhere, filling her mouth and naken body, pushing into every orafice, as it filled her with sweet, delicious milkshake. A buffet set out before her, endless in size, while men of every description fed and pampered her, bending her over to please her. She was alone with Shinji, making him strip as she pushed him onto the bed, her own fat body against his, feeling him grow against her as she kissed him. Misato moaned "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh~" she cried out, clutching her head as she doubled over, cumming again and again simply from the rampant fantasies. "M-My mind..." she managed to wheeze, panting in pleasure. She could hear Ritsuko's voice. "Now then Kawrou, it is time to commence Instrumentality" Ritsuko called out. Kaworu nodded, moving down the stairs to his left to enter the large testing lab. Ritsuko pulled Misato closer, who was in a stupor of lust and hunger, stroking and fingering herself idly while panting. Ritsuko opened the viewer shutters, revealing both Asuka and Rei, facing each other in their feeding chairs. Large feeding tubes descending to them. "Commence Instrimentality" The tubes begin to pump and the chairs lust generator is pushed to the max. The two girls eyes begin to roll in the back of their heads as they begin to drift into their own fantasies. Rei began to fantasize. She drifted in her dream. She saw her shape, her original shape, a silhouette, pass over the sky. Thin, svelte, and delicate. It came into view in front of her. Its mouth moving. "This...is not me" she said. Rei's body changed, expanding outwards. Her clothes ripped and tore open, bursting at the seams as her breasts inflated bigger, pushing through the cup sizes. Her belly weighed heavily in front of her, her ass turning her tight white panties into a g-string thing in moments, before ripping away. She was ballooning up to 1000lbs in mere seconds, until she was an absolute blimp of fat that she is now. "This...is me" she replied, smiling, her chins jiggling as she smiled again, feeling happy. She had decided that this was what pleasure was, and that it must be shared by all. She waddled, turning around to see the Second child behind her in her dream, less fat, but just the same. Ritsuko bagan to groan as she fell to her knees. She was blowing up, fattening up. Her thin legs blew up with cellulite her breasts and belly strain her clothes, her butt peaks out from under her skirt, she grows a double chin. She is in a world of pleasure as she grows. Ritsuko nods, feeling what she's longed for since the beginning. "Oh yes...yes...bigger...fatter...BIGGER!" She cries! She fattens up more and more, the world melting around her, save for Misato, who seems to be fattening with her. Ritsuko laughs and swoons, waddling towards the purple haired woman before collapsing against her, fattening up faster and faster. "Mmmmm, can you feel it Misato...my perfect world" she grins, grinding against her friend, overcome by lust and desire. As Ritsiko grows a duble chin, Misato's double chin grows into a triple. Ritsiko kisses Misato, the two former college buddies growing fatter and fatter. Kawrou teleports to Shinji's to see Shinji growing bigger and bigger, breaking his bed, his tits streaching out, draging across the floor….. To Be Continued…