"Foreign substances detected on ship. Please proceed to decontamination." "Knew I should have waited until I got to space before taking the suit off." Samus sighed to herself, her plans for a shower and some relaxation killed by trace amounts of various substances and gases making it past the initial decontamination sweep on her suit when she entered the ship. Well, better safe than sorry. She headed to the decontamination room, a small airtight chamber. She was about to strip out of her zero suit when she got an unexpected notification from the computer. "Removal of clothes unnecessary. An alternate decontamination procedure will be performed via the bowels." "Via the... what?" Samus asked, completely confused. Had it just said what she thought it said? A scan of her body and an explanation that a non-standard procedure would be performed, but Samus could only focus on the point of entry as a hose was extended from the wall. "I have to stick this up my... what,really? Is this absolutely neccessary? Can't we do this normally? Samus pleaded. The computer stated that it was absolutely necessary. "Fine! Pump gas up my ass, see if I care! Why would I have a problem with something so ridiculous, anyway?" Samus said, not amused at all with the situation about to unfold. There was zero dignity in what she was about to do. If this ever got out, she thought to herself as she unzipped the hole hidden over her anus, her suit designed for her to be able to do her business without having to take the whole catsuit off. She eyed the end of the hose. Wasn't it a little big? Alright, she couldn't put this off forever. Stick it in, have gas pumped into her which would decontaminate the relevant areas, and then take it out and try to forget this ever happened. If anybody found out about this she'd be a laughing stock, but it was better than dying of some alien disease because the great Samus Aran had too much dignity to do this in private. Samus took a deep breath and began to slide it in, squirming with discomfort as she pushed it further up her anus. Her hips gyrated slightly as she resisted the urge to pull it out, until the computer finally okayed her that it was far enough in, Samus flushing red with embarrassment at the hose sticking out of her. "Now expelling gas." "Ah!" Samus gasped as she began to feel a high-pressure gas surge through the hose and into her, her knees going weak at the discomfort it was causing. She hunched over, clutching her stomach as she began to stretch from the gas. Samus moaned slightly out of... pleasure? She would barely admit it, but it was slightly pleasurable, and it was getting more pleasurable and less uncomfortable by the second. "No, it's not, ah!" Samus mumbled as her toned abs began to bulge slightly. The gas inside her stomach was causing it to stretch further and further, immediately becoming obvious as Samus began to look over-stuffed, her muscular abdomen giving way to a soft but taut curve. "Ngh, w-what's happening?" Samus said, starting to pant as her nether regions grew moist, her mind still trying to deny that she was getting pleasure from the gas being pumped into her. Her hands clutching her stomach were being steadily pushed outwards, Samus starting to feel like she looked like a slightly pregnant woman. Then a really pregnant woman! Her belly was expanding at a rapid speed, her zero suit stretching to accomodate until she looked more than six months pregnant, which she would have been more concerned with if she wasn't trying to suppress the increasing pleasure from the hose. "N-no, I'm not, I'm not, ah, ah!" Samus moaned out as she fell to her knees, mouth hanging open as her face held a bright red expression of pure bliss. Her belly reached a full term size and kept going, the feeling of being stretched so large brining even more pleasure to her. Eventually Samus realised she was reaching breaking point, and made one last futile attempt to regain her composure. "I-I am n-not enjoying t-this!" Samus said as she grit her teeth. She knew that if she opened her mouth she wouldn't be able to contain what was about to happen, but she gave one last futile gesture of denying herself as the floodgates were let open. "I'm, I-I'm!" Samus moaned loudly as she orgasmed, her thighs growing slick with her juices as she fell to one side, trying to finger herself through the latex-like material of her zero suit while her other hand was wrapped around her twin-sized belly. "Procedure complete. Please remove hose." Suddenly the pressure and pleasure stopped, leaving Samus trying to catch her breath on the floor. "What, it's over already?" She murmured, eventually pulling herself to her feet. She gave one last gasp as she pulled the hose free, the tube retracting as she tenderly rubbed her inflated belly, surprised that the material of her zero suit could stretch so far. She looked like she was pregnant with twins, almost triplets, only her belly easily gave way upon being pushed or squeezed. It felt stretched and tight, which was strangely pleasurable in its own right. Still bright red, Samus asked her computer about said belly. "So how long am I going to be blown up like this?" She said, squeezing the sides and massaging it. "Unknown. Predicted minimum time: three to four hours, maximum possible time: two to three days." "Oh, well that really helps." Samus grumbled. Something occurred to her. "Were the security cameras turned on?" "Affirmative." "Delete that or I'll make you wish that you were never programmed." Samus said. She had no desire to see herself like this the next time she had to go through the security footage. She had one more thing to say before before she left the room. "And see if you can get that set up in my room, will you?"