Mercedes von Martriz was only six years old when she first discovered her mother's secret: she was no ordinary chef; she was a mage of food magic. The grand kitchen of their Adrestian palace was ablaze with activity as preparations for her father's homecoming feast were underway. The air was thick with the tantalizing scents of roasting meats, baking breads, and simmering stews that danced in her nose like an enchanting melody. The kitchen staff moved with practiced grace under her mother's watchful eye, each one an instrument in an orchestra of culinary mastery. Mercedes watched in wide-eyed wonder as her mother wove spells with her wooden spoon, conjuring up dishes that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. "Mercedes! Careful with that!" her mother exclaimed as flour exploded from her small hands like a miniature snowstorm. The girl looked up at her mother with an expression of pure excitement as she tried to mimic her movements. Her mother's laughter filled the room like warm honey as she wiped flour from her own face with an apron stained with years of love and hard work. "You have quite the magic touch," she said with an approving smile that made Mercedes's heart swell with pride. The kitchen was alive with sounds: the sizzle of meats on hot skillets, the clang of metal against metal as knives chopped through vegetables with precision, and the low murmur of conversations in hushed tones so as not to disturb the delicate alchemy at play. The heat from the ovens washed over her like a warm embrace as she peered inside to watch loaves of bread rise like golden pillows in their fiery wombs. The floor was slick with grease from days of preparation, making her slippers squelch with each step she took as she followed her mother from station to station. Mercedes's mother was an elegant woman with hair as dark as midnight that fell in soft waves down her back. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she worked her culinary magic, her hands moving with such speed that they seemed to blur before Mercedes's eyes. She was known throughout the empire for her ability to create feasts that could satisfy even the most discerning palates—and her secret was her mastery of Gluttonous Reasoning and Indulgent Faith spells that could make food more delicious or filling than anyone could imagine. Mercedes's father was an explorer obsessed with finding exotic ingredients that could enhance his own fattening spells—his frequent absences leaving her feeling neglected yet eager to impress him with her own culinary creations when he returned home. Her mother's kitchen was her sanctuary, her playground, her classroom all rolled into one. It was here that she learned that food was more than just sustenance; it was power—a power that could bring joy or despair with just one bite. "Mercy," her mother called her gently as she handed her a small wooden spoon to stir a pot of stew that bubbled like a cauldron of secrets. "Remember, food is love," she said with a wink as Mercedes took her place beside her at the stove. The warmth of her mother's hand on her shoulder was like a spell in itself—comforting and reassuring as they worked together to create something beautiful from simple ingredients. As they cooked, Mercedes felt something stir within her—a hunger for knowledge that went beyond just filling her belly with delicious treats. She wanted to understand how her mother could make food do such amazing things—how she could coax flavors from ingredients that seemed so ordinary to create dishes that were anything but. Her curiosity grew with each passing moment until it was as insatiable as her appetite for her mother's cooking. The kitchen was her mother's domain—a place of creation and transformation—and Mercedes was eager to learn all she could from her. She listened intently as her mother explained the intricacies of each dish they prepared: how to coax out hidden flavors with just the right spice or how to make food so irresistible that even those with the most stoic of wills would find themselves reaching for seconds—or thirds. It was during one of these lessons that Mercedes's own magic first manifested itself in an unexpected way. "Mother!" she squealed as she accidentally flicked her wrist while stirring a pot of stew—and suddenly, before her eyes, it began to bubble over with an abundance of food that seemed to come from nowhere. The kitchen staff gasped in amazement as stew filled every bowl on the countertop without spilling a drop on the floor. Her mother's eyes widened in surprise before breaking out in laughter once more. "It seems you've inherited more than just my love for cooking," she said with pride shining in her eyes like stars in the night sky. "You have my gift for food magic as well." Mercedes felt her heart race with excitement as she looked down at her small hand that had just performed such an incredible feat—a hand that now held the power to bring joy to others through food just as her mother did every day. It was in that moment that she knew she would become "The Bountiful Healer," using her magic to nurture those around her with food that could heal both body and soul—a legacy that would one day lead her to Garreg Mach Monastery's Feasting Academy to hone her skills alongside other students of House of Gorge. But for now, she was content to stand beside her mother in their palace kitchen, learning the ancient art of fattening spells that would shape her destiny in ways she could never have imagined. As Mercedes grew older, her curiosity about food magic only intensified. She spent hours in the family library, poring over ancient tomes that held secrets to powerful fattening spells that could satisfy even the most voracious appetites. It was during one of these solitary explorations that she stumbled upon a hidden compartment within a dusty old cookbook—a secret section that revealed her mother's true lineage as a descendant of a long line of food mages. The room was dimly lit, the flickering candle in her hand casting dancing shadows on the walls as she carefully pulled out the ancient recipe book. The pages were yellowed with age, their edges frayed from years of use by her ancestors who had passed down their knowledge from generation to generation. She ran her fingers over the intricate calligraphy that seemed to dance across the parchment, each word a whispered invitation to explore the mysteries within. "What are you up to, Mercy?" came a voice from behind her, making her jump and nearly drop the candle. She turned to see her mother standing in the doorway, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I thought I heard someone in here." Mercedes hesitated, unsure if she should share her discovery. "I... I found this old cookbook," she said, holding it up for her mother to see. "It has some interesting recipes in it." Her mother's eyes widened as she recognized the book. "That was my great-grandmother's," she said softly, taking the book from her hands and running her fingers over the familiar pages. "I thought I'd lost it years ago." She paused, her eyes shining with a mixture of pride and concern. "These recipes are not meant for children, Mercy. They're advanced fattening spells that require a great deal of control." Mercedes's heart raced as she realized the potential of these spells to help her mother, whose health had been deteriorating over the years due to an insatiable appetite that seemed beyond her control. "I want to learn them," she said with determination. "I want to help you, Mother." Her mother's eyes softened as she looked at her daughter with a mixture of worry and pride. "Very well," she said, handing the book back to her. "But promise me you'll be careful. These spells can be dangerous if not handled properly." Mercedes nodded eagerly, her heart pounding with excitement as she took the book back and retreated to her room to study its secrets. The musty scent of old parchment filled her nose as she pored over the intricate instructions for each spell, her eyes widening at the exotic ingredients required: rare herbs, enchanted fruits, and otherworldly spices that seemed to exist only in legends. It was during one of these late-night study sessions that she attempted her first advanced fattening spell—a spell that would create an abundance of food without causing harm or discomfort to those who consumed it. She whispered the ancient incantation, her voice trembling with anticipation as she waved her hands in the air like a conductor of a culinary symphony. The room seemed to shimmer with magic as she felt a tingling sensation in her fingers—a sign that her spell was taking effect. "Mercedes! What on earth have you done?" came her mother's shocked voice from the doorway, making her jump and nearly drop the spellbook. She turned to see her mother standing there with eyes wide as saucers, taking in the sight before her. The room was filled with an abundance of food—piles of steaming dishes that seemed to have materialized out of thin air. "I... I did it, Mother!" Mercedes exclaimed, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and relief. "I created all this food without causing any harm!" Her mother's eyes shone with pride as she took in the sight before her. "You have indeed, my dear," she said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "But be careful with such powerful magic. It can be a double-edged sword if not handled properly." Mercedes nodded, her heart swelling with a mixture of emotions: pride in her accomplishment, concern for her mother's warning, and a newfound determination to master these spells so she could help her family and others like them. She knew that her journey had only just begun—a journey that would lead her down a path of culinary magic and self-discovery that would shape her destiny in ways she could never have imagined. The dining hall of Mercedes's family estate was usually filled with laughter and the clatter of silverware against plates during mealtimes, but today it was unusually somber. The air was heavy with unspoken words as Mercedes and her family gathered around the table, their eyes avoiding the untouched plates of food before them. The only sound was the faint ticking of a clock that seemed to mock their silence. Mercedes's mother had been struggling with her health for years, but recently her condition had taken a turn for the worse. The doctors had prescribed various treatments, but nothing seemed to help for long. The financial strain of these treatments was taking its toll on the family, and Mercedes could see the worry etched on her parents' faces as they tried to maintain a brave front for her sake. "Mercedes," her mother said softly, her voice weak but determined. "I want you to know that I'm proud of you." She reached out and took her daughter's hand, her fingers thin and frail in Mercedes's grasp. "You've always been my little food fairy, bringing joy to others with your magic." Mercedes felt her eyes well up with tears as she squeezed her mother's hand gently. "I want to help you, Mother," she said, her voice cracking with emotion. "I want to find a way to make you better." Her mother smiled sadly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I know, my dear. And I believe that you will. But for now, we must focus on finding a way to manage my condition." She paused, taking a shallow breath as if the effort pained her. "Your father and I have decided to seek treatment from a specialist in another region. It will be expensive, but we must try." Mercedes nodded, her heart heavy with worry for her mother's health and the financial burden it was placing on their family. She knew that her mother's condition was unusual—an insatiable appetite that seemed beyond her control, causing her to eat far more than was healthy for her frail body. It was a condition that had puzzled doctors for years, and one that Mercedes was determined to find a cure for through her food magic. "I'll do whatever I can to help," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "I'll continue my studies and find new ways to use my magic to support our family." Her father, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "We know you will, Mercedes," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Your mother and I are proud of the woman you've become—a true master of food magic." He paused, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "But for now, we must focus on your mother's health. We'll be back soon." Mercedes nodded, her heart aching as she watched her parents leave the dining hall, their shoulders stooped under the weight of their worries. She knew that they were doing what they believed was best for their family, but she couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that settled in her chest like a heavy stone. As she sat alone at the table, surrounded by untouched plates of food that no one had an appetite for, she made a silent vow to herself: she would find a way to help her mother—no matter what it took. She would use her food magic to bring comfort and healing to those she loved—and in doing so, she would become the "Bountiful Healer" that her mother always believed she could be. The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the road ahead as Mercedes set out on her journey to Garreg Mach Monastery. The air was crisp with the promise of new beginnings as she mounted her horse, her mother's cookbook tucked safely in her saddlebag. She took one last look at her family's estate, now little more than a speck on the horizon, before urging her horse forward with a gentle nudge of her heels. The road ahead was long and winding, but Mercedes was eager to begin her studies at Garreg Mach Monastery's Feasting Academy to hone her skills in food magic. She had heard tales of the renowned mages who taught there—masters of Gluttonous Reasoning and Indulgent Faith spells that could manipulate food in ways she could only dream of. She knew that her journey would be challenging, but she was determined to make her family proud and find a cure for her mother's condition through her magic. As she rode, she encountered travelers along the way who shared their stories with her over campfires at night. They spoke of their own struggles with weight gain or their love for food that went beyond mere sustenance. Mercedes listened intently, her heart warming as she realized that her magic could bring comfort to others beyond just her family. She shared her own creations with them—dishes that seemed to materialize out of thin air—and watched as their eyes lit up with delight at the first bite. "Your food is like nothing I've ever tasted," one traveler said, licking his fingers clean after devouring a plate of her savory stew. "It's like it's made with love." Mercedes smiled, her heart swelling with pride as she watched the man's face transform from weary traveler to satisfied diner. She knew that food was more than just sustenance—it was a way to connect with others, to bring them joy or comfort in times of need. It was this realization that fueled her determination to master her craft and become the "Bountiful Healer" she knew she could be. The days turned into weeks as she traveled through the diverse landscapes of Fódlan, each region offering its own unique culinary delights. She sampled exotic fruits in the southern regions, their juices bursting on her tongue like liquid sunshine. She learned new cooking techniques from master chefs in the bustling cities, their kitchens a whirlwind of activity that made her feel right at home. As she rode, she reflected on her mother's teachings and the ancient recipe book she had discovered in her family's library. She practiced her spells whenever she could, conjuring up dishes that seemed to defy the laws of nature: savory stews that never ran out, pastries that seemed to multiply with each bite, and exotic dishes that tantalized the taste buds with flavors from far-off lands. The road ahead was long, but Mercedes's heart was light as she continued her journey toward Garreg Mach Monastery. She knew that her destiny awaited her there—a destiny that would shape her life in ways she could never have imagined when she first set out on this path of culinary magic and self-discovery. The courtyard of Garreg Mach Monastery was abuzz with activity as students from various houses mingled before classes began. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from the nearby kitchens, making Mercedes's mouth water as she took in the sights and sounds of her new home. Students from different houses could be identified by their distinctive uniforms: the Black Eagles with their sleek black robes, the Blue Lions with their regal blue tunics, and the Golden Deer with their earthy green vests. Mercedes felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she made her way through the crowd, her eyes scanning for familiar faces. She had heard tales of the rigorous curriculum at Garreg Mach Monastery's Feasting Academy, and she knew that her studies in food magic would be challenging. But she was determined to make her family proud and find a cure for her mother's condition through her magic. "Mercedes! Over here!" came a familiar voice, making her turn with a smile. It was Annette Fantine Dominic, a fellow student she had met during her travels to Garreg Mach. They had bonded over their shared love for food magic and their dreams of becoming masters of their craft. "Annette!" Mercedes exclaimed, hurrying over to her friend. "I'm so glad to see you!" She gave Annette a quick hug, taking in the scent of cinnamon and sugar that seemed to cling to her friend like a comforting embrace. "I'm so glad we're in the same house," Annette said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to start our first cooking class together." She paused, her eyes scanning the crowd. "Have you met anyone else yet?" Mercedes shook her head, her eyes widening as she took in the sea of unfamiliar faces. "It's a bit overwhelming," she admitted. "But I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone." Annette smiled, her eyes shining with camaraderie. "Don't worry, we'll stick together," she said, looping her arm through Mercedes's. "Come on, let me introduce you to some of our classmates." As they made their way through the crowd, Mercedes felt her nervousness melt away. She knew that she had made the right decision to come to Garreg Mach Monastery—a place where she could pursue her passion for food magic and make new friends who shared her interests. She felt a sense of belonging as she chatted with her classmates, their voices blending together in a symphony of excitement and anticipation for the year ahead. The bell rang, signaling the start of classes, and Mercedes followed Annette to their first cooking class together. The kitchen was a bustling hive of activity as students donned aprons and gathered around workstations. The scent of spices filled the air as they began their first lesson: a simple dish of roasted vegetables with a savory herb rub. "Food is love," Mercedes whispered to herself as she chopped onions with practiced ease, her eyes shining with determination. She knew that her journey at Garreg Mach Monastery had only just begun, but she was ready to embrace the challenges ahead—both in the kitchen and beyond. The state-of-the-art kitchen at Garreg Mach Monastery's Feasting Academy was abuzz with activity as students from different houses competed in a culinary challenge. The room was hot with the heat of ovens and the tension of competition as students raced against each other to create their best dishes. Mercedes felt her heart race as she surveyed the ingredients laid out before her: exotic fruits, rare herbs, and otherworldly spices that seemed to dance with potential. "Your dish is due in one hour," announced one of the judges, a renowned chef from a nearby city. "May the best chef win!" Mercedes nodded, her eyes narrowing in determination as she began to plan her dish. She knew that this challenge would test her skills against some of the most talented students at the academy, but she was determined to showcase her unique approach to food magic. She chose ingredients with care, her mind racing with possibilities as she envisioned the final dish in her mind's eye. As the minutes ticked by, the kitchen filled with the sounds of chopping, sizzling, and the occasional curse as students rushed to finish their dishes. Mercedes worked with steady hands, her movements graceful as she brought her vision to life. She whispered incantations under her breath as she added secret ingredients that would enhance the flavors and fattening properties of her dish without causing discomfort to those with sensitive stomachs. "Time's up!" called the judge, making Mercedes's heart race as she put the finishing touches on her creation. She took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the room to see what her classmates had created. The variety of dishes was impressive: savory stews, decadent pastries, and exotic dishes that seemed to defy the laws of nature. The judges made their way around the room, tasting each dish with practiced precision. Mercedes held her breath as they approached her workstation, their eyes narrowing in concentration as they sampled her creation. She watched their faces for any sign of approval or disappointment, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum. "Your dish is... surprisingly balanced," commented one of the judges, a master chef known for his discerning palate. "It's like you've found harmony in gluttony." He paused, his eyes shining with appreciation. "It's truly remarkable." Mercedes felt her heart swell with pride as she heard the judge's words. She knew that her unique approach to food magic—one that focused on nourishment without sacrificing flavor or fattening properties—had earned her respect within House of Gorge despite her non-traditional background. She smiled, her eyes shining with determination as she resolved to continue pushing the boundaries of culinary magic and self-discovery. * * * The dining hall of House of Gorge was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation as students gathered for their first feast. The tables groaned under the weight of various dishes that seemed to defy the laws of physics: towering pastries, savory stews that seemed to never run out, and exotic fruits that burst with flavor on the tongue. Mercedes felt her heart race as she took in the sights and sounds of her new home. She had been nervous about fitting in with her non-traditional background, but the warm welcome she received from her classmates had put her at ease. She smiled as she spotted Annette across the room, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she sampled a dish of savory meatballs that seemed to multiply with each bite. "Mercedes! Over here!" called a familiar voice, making her turn with a smile. It was one of her classmates from the culinary challenge, their eyes shining with admiration. "I can't get enough of your dish! It's like nothing I've ever tasted." Mercedes felt her cheeks warm with pride as she made her way over to her classmate, her eyes scanning the room to see who else was enjoying her creation. The sight of students from different houses devouring her food with such enthusiasm filled her with a sense of satisfaction that went beyond mere culinary success. "Where did you learn to cook like that?" asked another classmate, their eyes shining with curiosity as they took another bite of her dish. "It's like you've found the secret to making food irresistible." Mercedes smiled, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of pride and humility. "From my mother," she said softly, her heart warming at the memory of their shared love for food magic. "Food is in my blood." As she chatted with her classmates, she felt a sense of belonging that went beyond just their shared interest in food magic. She knew that her decision to come to Garreg Mach Monastery had been the right one—a decision that would shape her destiny in ways she could never have imagined when she first set out on her journey of culinary magic and self-discovery. The common room of House of Gorge was cozy and inviting, with soft cushions scattered around a crackling fireplace. Students lounged on the floor, their eyes heavy with the weight of a long day of classes as they munched on snacks they had made with their newfound skills. The scent of freshly baked cookies filled the room, mingling with the warm glow of the fire to create an atmosphere of comfort and camaraderie. Mercedes sat on a cushion next to the fireplace, her eyes half-lidded as she savored a cookie that seemed to melt in her mouth like butter. She felt a sense of peace wash over her as she listened to the soft murmur of conversations around her—a soothing contrast to the rigorous curriculum at Garreg Mach Monastery's Feasting Academy. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the fire wash over her like a blanket, and took another bite of her cookie. "Mercedes," came a soft voice, making her eyes flutter open to see one of her classmates sitting across from her. The girl's eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, as if she had been crying. "Your food... it's like it takes away all my worries." She paused, taking a shaky breath as if the words were difficult to say. "Thank you." Mercedes's heart softened as she took in the sight of her classmate's tear-stained face. She knew that the curriculum at the academy could be intense, pushing students to their limits both physically and mentally. She had experienced her own moments of doubt and anxiety, but she had always found comfort in her food magic—a comfort that she now realized could extend beyond just physical nourishment. "I'm glad it helped," she said softly, reaching out to squeeze her classmate's hand gently. "Food is more than just sustenance. It can heal the soul as well." She paused, her eyes shining with a mixture of empathy and determination. "That's what my mother always told me." Her classmate nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I think I'm beginning to understand," she said softly. "Your food has a way of making me feel... lighter somehow." She paused, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "It's like you've taken a weight off my shoulders." Mercedes smiled, her heart warming at the realization that her food magic had a deeper impact than she had ever imagined. She knew that her mother had always believed in the healing power of food, but to see it manifested so clearly in another person's life filled her with a sense of purpose and determination. She resolved to continue exploring the emotional healing properties of her food magic—a path that would lead her down a road of self-discovery and culinary magic that would shape her destiny in ways she could never have imagined. Mercedes's dorm room was cozy and inviting, with soft candlelight flickering on the walls and a warm fire crackling in the fireplace. The scent of cinnamon and sugar filled the air, a comforting reminder of her mother's baking back home. She sat at her desk, her eyes scanning the letters from home that were scattered across the surface like fallen leaves. Her heart ached as she read the latest update on her mother's condition—a condition that seemed to defy all attempts at treatment. The doctors had tried various remedies, but nothing seemed to help for long. Her mother's appetite was insatiable, causing her to eat far more than was healthy for her frail body. It was a condition that had puzzled doctors for years, and one that Mercedes was determined to find a cure for through her food magic. "Mercedes," came her mother's voice from the letter, soft and weak but filled with love. "Your food magic brings me comfort even in my darkest moments. I can feel your love in every bite." She paused, her words becoming more difficult to read as if the effort pained her. "I'm so proud of you, my dear." Mercedes felt her eyes well up with tears as she read her mother's words. She knew that her mother was trying to be strong for her, but the weight of her condition was taking its toll. She felt a mixture of emotions: guilt for not being there to help her mother in person, determination to find a cure through her magic, and a deep sense of love for the woman who had taught her everything she knew about food magic. "I will find a way to help you, Mother," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I promise." She took a shaky breath, her eyes scanning the rest of the letter for any sign of hope. But the words only confirmed her worst fears: her mother's condition was worsening, and the doctors were running out of options. Mercedes felt torn between her duty to House of Gorge and her desire to return home to be with her family. She knew that her studies at Garreg Mach Monastery were important—a chance to learn from renowned mages and push the boundaries of culinary magic. But her heart ached for her mother, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her presence was needed back home. As she sat alone in her dorm room, surrounded by the soft glow of candlelight, she made a silent vow to herself: she would do whatever it took to help her mother—even if it meant putting her own dreams on hold. She would use her food magic to bring comfort and healing to those she loved—and in doing so, she would become the "Bountiful Healer" that her mother always believed she could be. The gardens of Garreg Mach Monastery were serene and peaceful, offering Mercedes a respite from the rigors of her studies and the weight of her mother's condition. She walked along the winding paths, her eyes taking in the blooming flowers that seemed to glow in the moonlight like tiny stars. The air was crisp with the promise of autumn, carrying the scent of fallen leaves and distant bonfires. Mercedes's heart was heavy as she reflected on her mother's letter and the difficult decision she faced. She knew that her studies at Garreg Mach Monastery were important—a chance to learn from masters of food magic and push the boundaries of her craft. But her heart ached for her mother, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her presence was needed back home. She stopped by a bench overlooking a small pond, the surface of which reflected the moon like a mirror. She sat down, her eyes taking in the peaceful scene before her: the gentle ripple of the water, the soft hoot of an owl in the distance, the rustle of leaves in the breeze. It was here that she felt closest to her mother—as if her spirit were somehow present in this tranquil place. "Mother," she whispered, her voice soft and filled with emotion. "I wish you were here." She paused, her eyes closing as she took a shaky breath. "I don't know what to do." As she sat in silence, the moonlight casting her shadow on the ground before her, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. It was as if her mother's spirit were wrapping her in a warm embrace, offering her strength and guidance in this moment of uncertainty. She took a deep breath, her eyes fluttering open to see the moon reflected in the pond before her—a symbol of the calm within the storm. "I will make you proud," she whispered, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "I will continue my studies and become the master of food magic that you always believed I could be." She paused, her eyes shining with determination. "And I will find a way to help you, Mother. I promise." As she sat in the moonlight, surrounded by the peacefulness of the gardens, she made her decision: she would stay at Garreg Mach Monastery and continue her studies in food magic. She knew that her journey would be challenging, but she was determined to use her magic to bring comfort and healing to those she loved—and in doing so, she would honor her mother's legacy and become the "Bountiful Healer" that she was destined to be.