The young woman ripped the wrapper of the Wonka bar off. It was the hundredth one of the day. Kiari Garcia licked her lips as she glanced away from her video game at the chocolate. She had a sharp, cute face, with a button nose. Her skin was pale brown, bleached from long periods spent indoors. Long, luscious black hair flowed down her back. She wore a purple tanktop, which was covered in crumbs of food and soda stains. She raised the Wonka Bar to her mouth and grabbed it with her teeth. She then placed her hands back on the keyboard and continued playing. “dhrft uh mfhinit” she mumbled as she wolfed down the chocolate bar without using her hands. Normally pizza was her gamerfuel of choice. That or Doritos. Or Chinese takeout. Or well… Kiari felt a low, loud grumble in her core. Or well, anything really. She liked to eat when gaming. And she gamed a lot. Which, come to think of it, was the cause of her current predicament. Kiari blasted an enemy soldier away, and the match ended. As the other players bickered, Kiari put herself on mute. She grabbed the reacher-grabber at her side, clacking the plastic prongs together. She used it to clamp a Wonka Bar from the box that lay next to her bed. Her sagging, creaking reinforced bed, strewn with paper plates and empty soda bottles. As she drew the bar closer, the tongs slipped. The bar tumbled through the air, then landed upon an oily, jiggly sea of creamy flab. Kiari signed. The bar slowly slid down the rolls of fat on her left flank, and towards the oozing beanbag of fat that was her asscheek. “Uuugh, sooo uncool” Kiari hissed. The bar wedged itself in one of her asses rolls, and Kiari grabbed it with her tongs. As she ate the Wonka bar, she absent-mildly fondled her breasts, on which her keyboard rested. They were massive things, each weighing as much as a normal woman, and barely contained by the bedsheet she had wrapped around them like a bra. Kiari was absolutely enormous. The last time the 25 year old had weighed herself, she had clocked in at 800 pounds. She figured she had to be over a thousand by now. Her body was like an oversized beanbag chair. A growling, gurgling gut bulged between her fatjammed legs, its two rolls of flab wobbling with every minor movement that Kiari took. Her boobs rested atop the fleshy platform of her gut. Kiari considered them her biggest asset, given that she had sold many photos and videos of her playing with them. Two asscheeks oozed over her reinforced bed, a pair of black lacy panties stretched over the crack between them. Due to a mixture of genetics and liposuction, Kiari’s arms and face remained relatively svelte, only possessing a minor layer of chub. She looked like a normal girl had sunk up to her shoulders in a gigantic ball of lard. Sweat dripped down her blobby body, mixing with the body oil that Kiari’s assistants applied daily. Kiari had always been a lazy, spoiled couch potato. While she had played football in high school, her true passion was watching TV and playing video games. ‘Oh, and engineering’ she thought to herself, as she glanced at the shelf of awards hung next to her football jersey. She had convinced her parents to let her switch to the Engineering Club when she was 17, and had excelled. Next to a large trophy, slightly glimmering from the light of Kiari’s computer screen, was a framed photo. An 18 year old Kiari, already much chubbier than she had been on the football team, beamed at the camera. Kiari chuckled to herself as she swallowed the last of the Wonka bar. “Hard to believe I was ever so skinny” she said, as she rubbed her sloshing belly. She had plumped up significantly during her last two years of high school. Kiari had worked like crazy during college, and completed her degree in only three years. H owever, her method of coping with the stress consisted of gorging herself at the school cafeteria. When she graduated, she was over 400 pounds, and extremely burned out. She was done with hard work, and effort. At age 21, Kiari vowed that she would live life the way she wanted to: lazily. Kiari grabbed another Wonka Bar, and began unwrapping it. Most people in Kiari’s state of morbid obesity would try to loose weight. Not her. That required stuff like effort, and not eating whatever you want, and exercise. Uhg, how terrible. Kiari had only been mildly annoyed by her massive weight gain. If getting fat was just a side effect of watching TV and playing video games all day, it was a side effect she would just have to endure. Even her recent loss of mobility hardly concerned her. She had already been designing plans for a kind of ‘superheavy scooter’ that could heft her bulk. She glanced towards the edge of her bed, cheeks bulging with chocolate. Four heavy-duty robotic ‘legs’ sat next to a high-tensile steel frame. One of these days she’d get her sister to help attach them to her bed… Kiari swallowed her candy. All things considered, she didn’t mind being the blob she was. If her parents ever put their foot down about her spoiled life, they’d have to knock down a wall to evict her. It’s not like she actually needed to go outside. A team of hired assistants (and her sister) catered to Kiari’s every need. She lived on takeout and junkfood, as attested to by the pizza boxes, empty containers, and chip bags littered around her room. Her computer provided all the entertainment she needed: gigs of anime, TV shows, movies, and video games. Plus everything on the worldwide web. She even had a job, albeit one she put could put minimum effort into. Ever since college she had streamed herself playing video games. She always had the camera focused on her face and her swelling tits, which attracted an audience. But it was when she implemented the ‘Pizza Challenges’ that her streaming career (and waistline) ballooned. Simply put, when she died in a game, she had to eat a slice of pizza, paid for by fans. This proved immensely popular, and she made good income from it. She’d branched out with it as well, doing Burger Challenges, Chinese Food Challenges, Cake Challenges. Her binge eating had blown her up, but it had also made her boobs much bigger, which meant more stream donations. While most viewers were content to see her from the breasts up, the fact that she was a major fatty was something of an open secret (although one that Kiari always insisted wasn’t true in chat). The streamer’s supersized body had created a cult following of high-spending fans, who paid handsomely for ‘secret streams’ where Kiari showed off every inch of herself. Recently, there had been a big announcement by the Wonka chocolate factory, that Golden Tickets were hidden in bars of Wonka chocolate. To ride the wave of interest (and boost her stream numbers even higher), Kiari had started doing Wonka Bar Challenges. Like every other ‘challenge’, it consisted of her playing video games and eating whenever she lost. Last night she had packed away nearly 400 of the things. Kiari smiled as she thought back; by the end of it her stomach was sickeningly full, and she felt like she’d explode. She had shoved bar after bar of candy in her mouth, cheered on by chat. She felt like a balloon filled with chocolate, and nearly ready to pop. She recalled feeling her cavernous stomach filled with chocolate, a stormy ocean of cocoa and milk that painfully pressed against the walls of its container. After she hand ended the stream, she had spent over an hour just rubbing her mammoth belly. She felt like a doughnut, a fluffy round pastry filled with gooey chocolate. ‘...speaking of which’ she thought, as she tossed the Wonka wrapper to the floor. The next match would begin in a minute, and she needed to save the box of Wonkabars she had for later tonight. But there was something magical about Wonka Bars, the chocolate more decadent and sweet than any other company on the planet. She just had to have one more... Kiari looked down at her wobbling, jello-like form. Her two beachball sized tits were barely held back by her ‘bra’. She watched a bead of sweat drip down onto her belly, and trickle into a fold of flab. She wiggled her toes, and then tried to move her legs. She strained as her atrophied muscles pushed her titanic legs against the tide of flab that had engulfed them. She tried to shake her ass, and found that she could only wobble her bulky behind. “Man, I’m fat” she said. ‘Understatement of the century’ she thought. Her belly gurgled again, as the chocolate shifted about with the pizza and soda and chips that had already gone down Kiari’s throat. “Well, one more Wonka bar isn’t going to hurt” Kiari muttered, and she grabbed another bar with her tongs. As she unwrapped it, her game dinged at her. She looked up, and saw that there was 45 second before the match began. “Crapbaskets” Kiari hissed, and she turned back to her chocolate. As she looked down, she noticed there was something odd about the bar. The wrapper was off, but there was still a patch of foil on the bar. As she lifted it closer to her eyes, she noticed that it was glinting gold… Kiari completely forgot about her game as she inspected the Golden Ticket. Her first thought, as she read the letters on was: ‘Fuck, how am I going to GET to the factory?’