SCI-TWI/SUNSET BLUEBERRY SCRIPTGUIDE 1 "I don't know..." "It seems weird that your mom would just leave us gum as a snack." "I'm sure she has a valid reason for doing so." "Besides, this looks good!" "Well, you go ahead and help yourself first. I'm gonna go check on something really quick." 2 "Oof...f-feeling full..." 3 "TWI!! I heard a crash. Are you all--" "..." "Ooogh...I'm getting fuller, Sunset..." "'re..." "So...plump and...SOFT...!!!" "Wooowww..." 4 "God, you're so massive..." "...And still getting bigger..." "...I want in on some of this!" 5 "Sunset, why are YOUR pajamas ripping apart?!" "I fabric, maybe...?" "Girls?" 6 --- 7 "I take it you girls enjoyed the treat I left you." "And come to think..." "Celly Wonka's Three-Course-Dessert gum really is fantastic. I could really, REALLY go for some myself!" 8 "My goodness, I didn't realize how small your room actually was, Twilight!" "We may need to fix that in the near future." "It's okay, Mom. Ooh, by the way did you say this was a three-course dessert?" "Because I feel another wave of blueberry pie coming on." END