The brunette witch groaned as the sun illuminated her bedroom. “Too bright…” she groaned, as she stretched out a lethargic arm to shield her eyes. “Diaaannnaaaaa”, the witch roared impatiently, as she slowly came to consciousness. This complaining was met with a receptive peck on the cheek. “Good morning, Akko dear”, Diana said lovingly. The two had lived together for quite some time, ever since they started dating during their first year at Luna Nova. While a lot had changed since the days she and her friends unsealed The Grand Triskeleon, some things stayed the same: Akko was a lazy, ditzy girl in many regards. And she had grown the gut to prove it. The fact is, that after achieving perhaps the greatest feat in the modern magic world, Akko was something of a wild card. It was true, she had finally fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a witch who brings great joy into people’s hearts. What she didn’t foresee, however, is how quickly the times change. Whereas in her childhood, she imagined herself dancing and frolicking around on a stage, performing live magic tricks in front of thousands. However, this dream had to change course for two reasons. The first reason was of course the world at large. Trends come, and trends go, and magic was, admittedly, in a new era, yet it still lagged behind modern technologies in the eye of the public. Akko remembered pondering this question aloud to her friends one evening during her second year. “Check it out!” she recalled her fiery redheaded friend Amanda exclaiming excitedly as she plopped Akko down in her desk chair. “Cons found this old broken computer in the dump outside Wedinburgh, and so she took it back here and fixed it! Cool huh? Now we can browse the internet without any of the teachers knowing!”  “Ohhh…” Akko nodded along, even though she didn’t follow. “So like, what can you do on it exactly?” she inquired. “Well, I’ve been looking around, and check it out, I found this website called Witch.TV. These people stream themselves playing games and doing magic and all sorts of stuff!” Indeed, Amanda was telling the truth. One glimpse at the homepage of this mystery site revealed a wildly popular section on the site called “Magic!”. Akko thought for a moment, before yanking the mouse away from Amanda’s hands. “Give me that!” she yelped.  It was then that an idea struck her. “Amanda, is this what people are into?” Akko asked accusingly. “W-well yeah, I guess it’s kinda all the rage these days, or something”... “And Sucy, they play video games, right?” Akko spun around and asked her friend who until now had been keeping quiet in the corner of the room. “I guess so. But Akko, do you even play video games?” Sucy replied. “Of course I do! Who doesn’t?” Akko retorted, defensively. “Name one.” Sucy shot back almost immediately. “Er… well, I um… There’s Candy Crunch Saga and um,,, Angry Crows-” Constanze shoved her gloved hand over Akko’s mouth, in a vain attempt to get the overexcited witch to stay quiet, as Constanze had clearly heard enough. “Oho,” Amanda giggled to herself, “Looks like Cons is gonna show you how a true pro does it.” That night, Akko and her friends spent the entire night in Amanda’s room, playing all sorts of games. Atsuko being the competitive type really brought out the spirit in her, and soon enough, it was the middle of the night. “Wowee!” Akko giggled as Sucy began dragging her back to their dorm. “That was a lot of fun! I have to get one of those computers!” Unknowingly, that night had unleashed a beast in Akko’s very soul. Atsuko Kagari was a girl who was easily influenced by trends - and besides, if she wanted to entertain the ever-impatient audiences of the modern age, she would need to be up to date on all the trends anyway, right? So her curiosity went from minor to palpable, and she eventually got her own PC. She could play games, watch movies, and generally just spend hours a day stimulating her overactive brain online when she wasn’t studying or doing schoolwork. This, however came with an unforeseen consequence. One that at first went unnoticed, but once it did, the problem only got bigger. You see, playing all those games for long periods of time made the previously fairly physically fit teenager into a lazy fatso. First it was just snacking between rounds of online matches with friends, but it quickly spiraled into Akko shoveling fistfuls of food into her mouth. What little self control she had prior was completely eviscerated with her newfound addiction to food. And let’s be honest, her girlfriend wasn’t helping. Akko started putting on weight shortly after she acquired her own gaming PC from Constanze. In about a months time, she had put on enough weight to where it was noticeable to the trained eye. Fortunately the only person to see her undressed were her roommates, and her girlfriend Diana. Unfortunately, one night, Diana brought it up. “Atsuko dear,” Diana said softly as Akko was throwing off her T-shirt and beginning to join her beloved in bed. “Huh?” Diana observed her girlfriend standing in the doorway mirror. Her hips had grown ever so slightly as to slightly obfuscate her panties. “Don’t you think well,” Diana lifted down her book to see Akko staring her straight in the face, smugly. “No, I don’t think that much!” She said, smiling. “But I think you’re my favourite person in the whole wide world!” The sudden display of affection derailed Diana’s train of thought, as she melted backwards into bed beset by the warm embrace of her true love. As they snuggled into the warm mattress, Diana confirmed her suspicions. Gently caressing Akko's body as she fell asleep in her arms, the green haired girl could tell her girlfriend had gotten softer. The next time someone noticed was when it was pretty hard not to. Akko Kagari, the once thin girl who saved the world, now needed to go up a uniform size. “That is quite unfortunate, Ms. Kagari. We will order you a larger size, but please be aware that it will be a month or so before it arrives. Until then, please control your eating!” Professor Babcock explained to Akko. “Y-yes sensei,” Akko affirmed embarrassed. This was the first time she felt bad about her gain. Truth be told, she had hardly noticed her increase in daily caloric intake until it had to be pointed out to her point blank. She stood there in the class uniform she received on her first day as student of Luna Nova. She had developed a soft, round jelly belly that surreptitiously peeks out the bottom of her dress shirt, an article of formal wear which for the first time was unable to be buttoned around her midsection. She still wore her red sash, and in doing so almost propped up her gut, as if to exaggerate the size. It was unflattering and extremely embarrassing, but they were the only clothes Akko had, and they weren’t gonna stop her from going to school… or getting larger. That’s right, remember what Professor Badcock had told Akko about the month timespan? Unfortunately, Akko grew at a rate which outpaced that very warning. Diana, had of course heard about it. She knew almost everything happening at the school. So as Akko had come into her dorm to hang out after class, Diana knew she had to say something. “Akko,” Diana began to nervously call her girlfriend’s attention. She watched Akko thoughtfully. It was after hours, so Akko had come in the only relaxing clothes she had; a cotton pair of short shorts which stretched around her ass, leaving little to the imagination. Accompanying these shorts was her favourite pajama shirt, a light grey t-shirt that had once been proudly displaying the Shiny Chariot logo - now it looked like it could have been any old plain shirt, the print having been washed away from several years of use. The reason Akko kept it was because she got it at a Chariot show she saw when she was younger. DIana knew the shirt meant a lot to her, which was why the topic of if now pitifully stretching around Akko’s midriff was a topic to be examined indeed. Akko layed on the couch, sprawled out, exhausted from having to walk up Luna Nova’s East Hall stairs, an exhausting 12 step jaunt that would leave any girl her size a little out of breath. She whipped out her Switch, a peculiar device that Constanze had bequeathed her on the condition that she wouldn’t let any of the teachers find out. It became one of her favourite things to do when she wasn’t eating or on her PC in her dorm. She yawned as she turned it on, her chubby arms reaching towards the ceiling as her T-shirt gently crept up her soft belly. Diana had recalled when it appeared oversized on Atsuko, appearing almost as if she could have worn it as a dress. Now it could barely cover her belly button, instead choosing to rest just right above it. Akko absentmindedly tugged at it, likely due to the cool breeze brushing up against her supple skin, but these efforts were, of course, in vain. Her shorts weren’t much better. Sitting down, Akko’s gut drooped over her pants, and from some angles it was debatable whether or not she was actually wearing any. Diana’s train of thought was interrupted by Akko’s quick response. “What is it?” she smiled up at Diana with glimmering puppydog eyes. Diana immediately choked at the sight of her. “W-well, I um…” She began trailing off. A strange burst of anxiety came over her. There was no polite way to tell someone they should lose weight, and even harder if you’ve been dating that person for years. DIana didn’t want to hurt her feelings, she trembled at the thought of even upsetting her. But gaining weight is bad for your health, she reasoned with herself. This can’t go on, her internal monologue continued. Can you really call yourself a Cavendish if you don’t have the guts to tell your own lover about her gut? Diana swallowed and tried again. “Akko dear, you really have been putting on a lot of weight lately, don’t you think?” She spoke calmly, but on the inside her emotions were reaching a breaking point. It was a feeling she had never felt before. It was almost as if she didn’t believe what she was saying was right. Akko’s curious smile faded. She glanced down at her tummy, exposed for them both to see. “I guess so,” she replied. Truthfully, Akko may have been airheaded but she was not a stupid girl. She knew her newfound habits have been a disaster to her once toned waistline, and yet a part of her refused to care. Faced with this unannounced accusation, she quickly retreated her knees inward and covered her tummy with her hands, blushing. “I guess I’ve gotten a little fat and ugly…” Diana froze. She was afraid of upsetting her and yet she had gone and done it anyway. In a attempt to cheer up her increasingly self conscious and sad girlfriend, she lept from her position on the couch and kissed Akko passionately, letting her hand rest on her soft stomach. It was a blissful feeling. Diana’s hand sunk into Akko’s round beachball stomach, feeling its warmth gently radiate from her body as they kissed. As they pulled away, Akko looked at Diana with passion and confusion. Diana’s face turned bright red as she attempted to regain composure. “I said you had put on some weight…” Diana continued cautiously. “But… I don’t recall ever calling you ugly. I... think it looks good on you. You wear it well.. I don’t know if I could ever pull that off. I love you.” Akko had gone from clueless, to confused, to hurt, and now she found herself on the corner of horny street. She had to control herself from not immediately ripping off Diana’s clothes right then and there. But she required further clarification.  “You… like me fat?” Akko inquired. She genuinely didn’t know how to feel. It’s not like she had any animosity towards fat people, or the act of being fat herself, but she never perceived it to be a good thing. And now after the biggest gain in her life, her girlfriend was saying she liked it.  “I love you no matter what,” Diana cooed. “Your extra weight makes you look very feminine, and it feels amazing to hold…” she trailed off as she lifted up one of Akko’s lovehandles and jostled it, shaking her enough to cause her midriff to ripple like jello. Atsuko Kagari was not sure of very many things in life, but she knew that she wanted to make her girlfriend happy. And so, in what was originally meant to be a first attempt to get Akko to diet backfired so stupendously that instead, she was doubling down on her bad eating habits. While gaming, she would eat twice as many snacks. The last time she was in Wedinburgh, she brought home 2 family sized cartons of ice cream and ate them herself. She had a goal now. Being fatter made her girlfriend happy, and she wanted to surprise her each time she saw her now. The idea filled Akko with a sense of mischievousness not felt since the Samhain festival. It just so happened that Akko had the perfect window of opportunity to enact her embiggening plans. DIana had to leave for the Cavendish estate over spring break, a period which was fast approaching. Akko knew that by the time she returned a week later, she wanted to defy even her own expectations. And grow Akko did. “I need you to feed me!” she demanded of her roomates one evening, as she was too lazy to get up and do it herself. Lotte complied out of friendship, Sucy complied because she was irrevocably turned on by Akko’s gain, a fact which she kept to herself. Either way, Akko’s demands were met, and the entire day her friends forcefed her cake, ice cream, burgers, wings, ramen, yakitori, baklava, and whatever else they could find. Lotte and Sucy would take turns feeding and rubbing Akko’s giant belly, which at this point had grown well beyond 300lbs.  "Maybe you should slow down Akko… I'm willing to help you with anything but this doesn't seem to be such a good idea," Lotte mused while on feeding duty.  "Is there really any harm in it if she's enjoying herself?" Sucy pondered, laying her pale face on Akko's growing tummy to hear the gurgles and sloshes of the mountains of food she devoured within.  "Well, I don't know…" Lotte put the slice of cake she was feeding Akko down, which was the only reason the young witch snapped out of her food induced haze. "Are you enjoying it, Akko? Being big like this?" Akko giggled. Truth be told, she had given it a lot of thought since the encounter in Diana's bedroom. And she was warming up to the new her. "You don't have to be so poli-URP-te…" the chubby cheeked witch exclaimed. "I'm fat and I know it! And I feel amazing! I never knew having curves like this would make me feel so good. And I NEED to get fatter! I have to make Diana happy!" It was after this exclaim that Akko selfishly pulled the cake from Lotte's hands and started scarfing it down herself, too impatient to do otherwise. Lotte looked at her friend in disbelief. She remembers when they first met, they rode on the same broom through the leyline together, because Akko didn't know how to fly. She had since learned; although just by looking at her, it was a mostly moot point. Akko had developed a double belly, two giant mounds of jiggling fat dropping over one another, creating a stacked look. Resting on top were her newly endowed breasts that had grown considerably since she started gaining. Akko was never a particularly well endowed girl, and from her side profile it was clear that the width of her stomach far exceeded the size of her tits. But nevertheless, they had grown, and the two fat sacks sat above her incredible belly. When she moved even slightly, the hundreds of pounds of excess weight on her young frame would wobble and jiggle, and it would make Akko feel so hot. She was getting more and more used to being a fat girl every day. In a way, it was fulfilling a to become the girl she always thought she may have been. She had a strong disinclination against participating in sports, or really any physical activity besides gymnastics, which she took when she was a lot smaller in a childhood endeavor to become a better witch. Now that senior year was rounding out along with her midsection, she finally had some time to relax and indulge. Lotte blushed. Akko really did seem to be enjoying her extra weight. She had caught her in class absentmindedly stimming by poking the soft exposed flesh in between her uniform's strained buttons. “I guess it's fine', she finally relented. Her friend seemed happier this way. Akko's massive frame wobbled down the hallway. It had been a long while since Akko had started indulging herself on a normal basis with the intent of surprising Diana, and the results spoke for themselves. The fabric of her uniform groaned with her intense size, threads squishing divets into her soft flesh. Her love handles were so large they drooped out below her skirt, her massive behind enveloping the tiny piece of fabric so you could see her giant ass crack when she bent down. Her breasts, while smaller than her belly, had certainly grown in size. It was an area of the body that tended to come up short in Akko's case, and so any improvement was welcome. She had to tie two red sashes together to reach around her waist, a fact that was not very subtle considering that they dug into her fleshy tummy, almost as if to draw attention to it. She was on her way to Diana's bedroom, as she had just recently returned from her trip. Akko's steps were heavy, and slow. She waddled cautiously through the dimly lit hallways of Luna Nova, her immense weight causing the ancient floorboards beneath her to buckle and groan under her enormous girth. She hated walking now. Luna Nova was an antiquated school built when people were much slimmer and much poorer. While her girlfriend may have appreciated the intricacies of the magical school's rich history, Akko herself had grown rather accustom to modern conveniences. Suffice to say, the only rich thing Akko was worried about was the richness of her triple chocolate milkshake. She dreaded the walk to Diana's bedroom. Akko's room was in the North Hall, and Diana's was in the South Hall. It was a walk down two flights up stairs, across campus, and up three more and down a hallway. When Akko first arrived at Luna Nova, she resented that Diana got such a large room with such a nice view far away from most of the study halls. But as their hearts had grown closer, she now resented the walk for a completely different reason. She had dragged herself out of her room for the first time since the weekend, excited to see Diana once she'd returned. “Why.... can't.... this.... dumb... school... Ugh... Have... Pant... Any.... Elevators...” Akko huffed through exasperated breaths. “Or more vending machines... or moving sidewalks...” She used to skip down the hall merrily, running across the campus grounds without a care in the world, excited to see her best friend. Now, however, was a different story – She had only just made it out of the North Hall ground exit when she had to collapse on a stone bench in the shade of the school's mezzanine. She panted, trying to catch her breath and compose herself. Her short breaths caused her gigantic wobbling stomach to rise and fall in quick succession. Her cheeks and forehead were flushed red, and she was sweating like crazy. She knew she had put on a few, but she had never felt quite like this. It was a new feeling, and although it brought about a lot of it's own problems, she couldn't help but start to feel excited about it. Akko looked down at her girth as the sun shined through the large stone pillars of Luna Nova's terrace. Her tummy, dripping with her sweat, shimmered in the sunlight. Her skirt felt damp, and uncomfortable, as it was shoved away under her sweaty underbelly. Her elephantine thighs burst out of the sides of the skirt, flowing down to her shoes which looked comically small compared to her meaty legs. It was still pretty early in the morning – Dew glistened on the grass and the whole air had that particularly uncomfortable summer morning heat to it. Just over the horizon, Akko spotted some familiar figures walking over the hillside. As they got closer, she recognised them to be her friends Amanda and Sucy. They looked like they had been out partying in Wedinburgh overnight. Amanda was typically a very active and athletic girl, but her lifestyle of hedonism took precedent over trying to appeal herself to boys (or in her case, girls). Akko's habits of overeating had caught on, and while nobody was as large as Akko, nobody in her circle of friends seemed absolutely impervious to this affect. Amanda went clubbing frequently, and she had gotten dressed up in a particularly showy attire. A flannel plaid shirt was tied around her much more sizable breasts, but it left a newly chubby belly totally bare for all to see. Amanda had maybe put on 50-60 lbs since Akko had started eating more, and it was all vicariously or by accident – or so she told herself. Nevertheless, she walked up the hill, her hair disheveled and messy from a night of booze filled partying no doubt. She wore booty shorts that remained unbuttoned, and thigh high boots with some panty hose that looked... particularly strained. Her face was tired, and her eyes were bloodshot. Following close behind her was Sucy, slithering along the ground like a snake from exhaustion. Sucy had not been as succeptible to the weight gaining forces that be, but despite this her dress was looking slightly tighter around her hips. As they made their way on campus, they spotted Akko resting on the park bench. “Hey, Akko!” Amanda shouted from a couple yards away. Akko jolted awake from spacing out. “Hey guys! Where were you?” she inquired as she pathetically attempted to sit up multiple times. Amanda huffed. “We were out partying at this place in town called Pew's Tavern! Don't let the name fool you, it's actually a really sweet club!” “Get to the point,” Sucy groaned. “Right! Well, so, Sucy and I were dancing – or more like I was dancing and Sucy was drinking – but anyway I was dancing and this guy asked if I wanted to dance and I said 'No, I only dance with girls,' and he said 'Well I wouldn't want to dance with a fat bitch anyway!' I couldn't believe it! So I said fuck it, and I took Sucy with me to some diner in town that claimed they had 24 Hour Service, but they kicked us out after only five meals! Said we were being too rowdy or something. Can you believe that crap?” she vented with immense frustration. “It's like just because I'm the american or something that I'm supposed to be this fat asshole, unbelievable!” “Well in any case, it's not every day I see you topless, Akko,” Sucy grinned, slithering up the stone bench and sitting next to her corpulent friend. Akko blushed a deep red. “I-I'm wearing a shirt! It just...” She stopped mid sentence as she looked down at her protruding mass of flesh. The sun exaggerated her stretch marks, which had grown in numbers over her overhang during recent snacking sessions. She lifted up her massive stomach idly, and gave it a massive plop back down on her damp skirt. Sucy stuck her finger in Akko's deep belly button and gave it a good shake as she giggled. Akko giggled and swatted her away. “I don't quite get it,” Amanda explained. “You used to be one of the hottest girls in school, and you really got huge! And then you told us that you like it? Geez, I wish I had that kind of self confidence...” “You should get used to it, considering you're not exactly the slim Amanda O'Neill of freshman year,” Sucy was keen to point out the obvious. Amanda turned red. “S-So I've put on a little bit of weight, so what? I blame you fatsos anyway!” She closed her eyes and looked away as to not look down at the obvious wobbling gut she had so prominently displayed in her outfit choices. “Keep eating like Jasminka and you might end up as big as her...” Sucy grabbed two handfuls of Akko's massive back fat. “Or as big as Akko!” “H-Hey, knock it off Sucy!” Akko swatted Sucy away. “This body...” she looked sensually at herself. Her feelings had been all over the place. First she was oblivious to them entirely, and now she found herself at a strange crossroads where she never felt more alive, yet somehow guilty, like she had done something wrong. Regardless, she knew where her heart was. She was deeply in love with Diana, to a fault perhaps, and because she had admitted to liking Akko big, Atsuko was more than willing to go out of her way to please. “I like it.” “I guess you really are Diana's pet pig after all.” Amanda proclaimed. “That's what the gossip has been calling you,” Sucy explained. Akko blushed, but suddenly felt irrevocably turned on. So that was that, then. The entire school knew the tale of Atsuko Kagari, the ditzy girl who had saved the world and then blew up like a lazy blimp, known around the campus as Diana Cavendish's personal bloated fuck pig. At first something in her heart told her that this was something to be ashamed of. But the more her mind drifted in the endless sea of fantasies, the more the idea sounded like something she wished to embrace. She reached her hands out to her two friends, as if to signal she needed help getting up. They assisted her up, and she gave them a soft, awkward hug. “Sorry guys, I gotta run! Diana's almost home!” She had began to run like she always did, but then was reminded of reality. Amanda and Sucy watched as she slowly jiggled across campus. “I used to think Jas was the largest girl in the country but now Akko is like three times her size...” Amanda pontificated. “You don't have anything to do with why she's acting like this, do you Sucy?” “Akko chose to destroy her body on her own accord, but I sneak appetite enhancers in her food when she isn't looking, I guess.” Sucy grinned. Her playtime with Akko would come later. The almost half an hour of rest Akko had given herself on the campus grounds was completely erased by the time she reached the top of the South Hall's third floor. Diana wasn't back yet, but she had a copy of her key, so she desperately tried to fit the key into the hole and as the door opened, she collapsed on Diana's couch. She hadn't even the energy to close the door, so anyone passing by could have seen a giant wheezing mass of blubber trying to catch her breath. It was currently 12:30 and Diana was due back any moment. Akko reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She read Diana's most recent text back to herself. “Almost back~ Brought some snacks. Be at my dorm by half past, dear! And remember to take your Ritalin! -DC” “Geez, she worries too much,” Akko smiled, holding the phone close to her heart and giggling. Suddenly, she heard someone coming up the stairs. A knock came on the open door. “Akko, dear? I'm home, I saw the door was op-” Diana froze mid sentence as she saw her enormous girlfriend sprawled out half naked on her couch. Akko had tossed her top and skirt to the floor and had borrowed a pair of shorts from Diana which, frankly, did not fit. Over her massive asscheeks, they appeared more like a headband. She wore only one sock, as the other one had been tossed to the floor. In an attempt to cool herself down from her excruciating journey of maybe 200 yards, she had already raided the fridge and was slurping some ice cream. And this was the sight that Diana saw as she quietly closed the door behind her, immediately flustered and turned on. “Akko,” she cooed. Akko immediately perked up