Slug Porn Thing I Found On Pastebin A Long Time Ago ===================================================================== Month 0 The remarkable thing about the day it all started was how mundane of a day it was. It was a sunny day in the early summer when Taylor and her friend Claire walked down the sidewalk. They walked slowly, taking their time as cars full of students going home for the weekend drove by. "I can't believe he's making us write six pages. '' Claire complained, looking at the assignment sheet in disbelief. "How many points do you think I can get for writing 'go fuck yourself' over and over for six pages?" Taylor giggled a bit, knowing that her friend might do just that. Especially now that she was going to spend the entire weekend at Taylor's house partying. With her parents gone on a vacation Taylor had the entire house for just her and her little sister, and after some heavy encouragement from Claire she intended to make the best out of the situation and invite some friends over. "Which house is hers again?" Asked Claire as they reached their friend Stephanie's house. "The red one two doors down. Are you sure we should do this? She told us not to come and she's been sick all week with whatever she caught in Europe." "Oh come on, she went to France. The only thing that you can catch in France is pregnancy, and after seeing her last friday, I would be willing to bet she's got a couple in the oven." "Don't you dare say that to her." Taylor scolded. Truthfully she did put on a lot of weight during her first week back, but Stephanie was very shy and would be the last person to hook up with some random guy. Besides, a lot of other kids had been sick this week too, so it wasn't exactly abnormal. They knocked on the door and heard heavy footsteps as somebody approached the other side and opened the door. The pair of friends were shocked at what they saw. Standing in the doorway was Stephanie's mom, easily 100 pounds heavier than when they last saw her. She stood in the doorway, one hand on the door and another sliding the last of a donut into her mouth. They gazed in amazement at her new body. The most obvious thing about her was her gut. It stuck out from between her shirt and yoga-pants, and made her look 7 months pregnant. Her breasts, originally very small, had swollen to gigantic proportions as well. The shirt she was wearing was fighting to stay on her now almost head sized tits, which jiggled with every motion "Oh hi girls! I wasn't expecting you!" She said warmly, opening the door to let them in. "Hi Mrs. Clarkson.” Taylor managed to work out while Claire, still in a state of shock, mumbled something vaguely cordial sounding. They followed her into the room, staring with amazement at Stephanie's mom's gigantic ass as it jiggled with each step, sending shockwaves through her thick thighs and layers of folded back fat. "I'm surprised Stephanie would invite friends over, she's been so sick she hasn't even let me into the room! Kept spouting something about being contagious. Personally I think its a load of BS. I mean, clearly whatever she's recovering from she passed on to me what with being hungry all the time and all, but she insists on not letting me into the room. Teenagers, you know?" "Well, she kind of didn't invite us..." Taylor explained awkwardly. "We're just concerned since she's been sick all week." “Oh, how sweet!" Stephanie's mom gushed. They arrived in the kitchen and they watched as she proceeded to attack the rest of the donut box. The entire room was filled with food containers, empty and full. "Well, she's upstairs in her room. I hope you can convince her to come down. I'm sick of hauling food up those stairs all day." They thanked her and left her to her meal. They headed up the stairs and the instant they were out of earshot, Claire let loose. "Ho. Lee. Shit. Taylor. What the fuck happened to her? Her tits went from A-cup to A-fucking pair of watermelons. And what the hell was up with that gut? I'd think she was pregnant if that fucking thing didn’t jiggle like jell-o in an earthquake. And where did she even get all that food? And if she's that big, either Stephanie is actually getting better or she's half the size of this house!" "Claire, stop." Taylor interrupted as they arrived at Stephanie's room. Taylor knocked on the door "Steph? you in there?" Taylor called. "...Taylor? Are you out there?" They heard Stephanie reply, but her voice was muffled, as if she was talking with her mouth full. "Yeah, it's me and Taylor!" Claire responded to her. "We came to see how you're holding up! We're coming in!" "You can't! y-you'll get sick!" Stephanie responded, then they heard a fake cough and the unmistakable shuffling of a bag of chips. "Bullshit, hun." Claire replied bluntly. "Listen Steph, we're your friends and it doesn't matter how sick you've gotten." Taylor tried to console her friend, shooting a look to Claire before she could add 'or how fat'. "No! I-uh... I'll be better in a few days! I can see you then!" She protested. Taylor sighed in defeat and looked, for once, to Claire for suggestions. Claire, realizing that she was being given control of the situation, immediately went for the door handle. "NO! YOU CANT SEE ME LIKE THIS!" Stephanie screamed as Claire burst in, Taylor in tow. "Holy shit." Claire said in disbelief. Taylor just stared, slack-jawed. In front of them was the immensely swollen body of their friend. Two weeks ago she was a petite, skinny blond with an equally small chest that she inherited from her formally small-busted mother. Now they looked in horror at her new form. Her stomach, once totally flat, had ballooned to an almost unrecognizable size. It was now a huge taut sphere that, from the jutting red cone that was her belly button to where it met her body, was over five feet long. Even when Stephanie shifted in vain to cover herself her belly remained unshaken. Resting on its sides were two giant quivering tits. Despite being twice the size of poor Stephanie's head they managed to barely sag at all, and her two nipples had gone from pink circles the size of quarters to puffy brown globes the size of a small dinner plate. Stephanie, always a shy soft spoken girl, was trying pitifully to cover them with her hands, only succeeding in getting the tips of her sausage-like fingers to the inverted tip of her left breast. Her face was beet red with embarrassment and a tear had started to roll down her chubby face onto her thick double chin, which resembled an inner-tube between her chin and her chest. Despite her shame, she still continued feeding herself with her pillowy right arm. The base of her belly where it connected to her sides was layered with love handles that continued along her back, and down to her giant ass. She was sitting on her double bed like it was a couch and her ass was holding her body easily six inches off the bed and had spread out to fill over two thirds of the entire bed. Her room was covered in discarded food wrappers and other bags, still awaiting to be consumed and added to her grotesquely engorged body. "Oh my god, what happened to you?!" Claire blurted out, staring in awe at the hideously swollen body of her friend. "Please, go away! I can't let anybody see me like this!" She begged, giving up hiding her body in favor of using two hands to eat. Trying to hide her shock, Taylor attempted to console her gigantic friend. "Stephanie, we're your friends. Calm down. I promise we won't tell anybody, but this is really bad. We need to call a hospital or something." "No, you can't!" She blurted out. "They're going to make me diet or something, but I can't stop eating! I've tried, I really have! I just can't stop eating anymore!" She was crying now, and Taylor walked up next to her and sat down on the sliver of bed still unoccupied by her rapidly expanding waistline. "Okay, we won't call the hospital right now, but you have to stop crying and tell us what happened." Stephanie wiped away her face with the back of a hand full of chips, and pushed her chin into her giant second chin in a nod. "So what happened?" Taylor asked the obvious first question. "Ever since I got back from France I've been getting hungrier and hungrier. For the first week it wasn't that bad, but by last Friday I wasn't able to go without food for even an hour." She explained between bites of a muffin. "I told my mom I was sick, but kept eating more and more. I told her I was fine but I needed a lot of food while I recovered, so she's been sliding food in the door all week and I haven't left the room since Sunday.'' "Not even to use the bathroom?" Claire chimed in, as tasteless as ever. "I haven't gone in two weeks..." Stephanie replied, her face growing red again. The two girls who's bellies weren't touching the floor gave her a look of confusion. "What?" Taylor stuttered. "Yeah, its not even that I can't get to the bathroom. I just don't need to go, like, ever. It actually saves a lot of time." She explained, her usual optimism shining through for the first time since they arrived. "Wait, did you say you can get up?" Claire asked, totally doubting the possibility of her friend being mobile. "Yeah, actually!" She responded, a faint prideful smile appearing on her face. "At least, I could when my belly was smaller. I can still stand though and kind of drag it around." "Bullshit, I bet you can't even stand." Claire challenged Stephanie playfully, trying to lighten the mood in her own crude way. "How do you think I've been getting my food?" She responded, attempting to trivialize the disturbing transformation that her body was undergoing. She finished the food in her hands with lightning speed and turned to Claire. "If I stand up, you have to bring me that cake over there.” She said, gesturing with a swollen finger towards a large cake in the corner "Deal." Said Claire, and the two backed up to watch. Stephanie licked the crumbs off of her fingers and placed her hands on her knees, which were spread wide by her mammoth belly. She exhaled sharply in preparation, and heaved. The two watched in amazement as her legs and arms, previously looking devoid of any muscle mass, seemed to shift and flex as if beneath her expansive form was concealing the body of a world class bodybuilder. She finally got all the way up, her huge ass shifting as it settled into its standing position. "That was incredible Steph!" Taylor gave her some words of encouragement. In the back of her head she knew that despite the struggle all she accomplished was standing up, but kept silent to keep her encouraged. "I can't believe it but I guess you win." Claire admitted playfully. "And you finally overtook me in the breast department too! I might be interested in catching whatever you have too." She added. Stephanie gave a real, full smile, feeling for the first time that acceptance of what her body had transformed itself into. "Thanks guys, you really made my day. I guess this isn't really all that bad." She said, admiring her monstrous tits. As she did so Claire walked up and handed her the cake. "Here you go muscles. Just don't let those fun bags go to your head and start taking all the hot guys." Claire said, handing Stephanie a slice of cake. Stephanie rolled her eyes and laughed at the idea of her surrounded by hot boys. Despite her relatively good looks she was always too shy to talk to guys, and her new position hadn't made that any better. "Oh please, I'm way too much woman for one guy to handle." She said jokingly, and slipped the piece of cake into her mouth in a motion that showed her recently acquired aptitude for eating. She swallowed the piece whole and looked at the tray, deciding which to eat next. Then it happened. Stephanie's eyes went wide as her whole body shuddered. "Uh, Steph?" Taylor saw the look and realized that something had happened. Suddenly the musculature in her legs seemed to disappear, and she let out a small yelp as she fell back onto the bed. "Guys, my stomach feels weird." She said, feebly attempting to rub it's vastness. As she did so it started to move slightly. "Steph, what was that?" Asked Taylor, the seriousness of the situation coming back twice as hard. All three of the girls watched as her belly twitched again, as if being prodded from the inside. "Oh my god, I think I feel something moving inside me!" Stephanie screamed in a panic. She groaned in discomfort as another, larger shift occurred. Soon more and more of her belly was shifting due to some inner commotion. "Oh god, there are more than one in there! I feel them in my breasts!" She cried out, putting her hand on her tits as they started to show signs of movement. Claire and Taylor were frozen in panic as they watched their friend's engorged body convulse as whatever was inside of it shifted. "I feel them! There's hundreds! more! Please somebody do something! Get them out of me!" She begged. "What do we do?!" Claire screamed to anybody who could hear. "Uh... Wait here and comfort her! I'll go get her mom!" Taylor yelled. Claire nodded and approached Stephanie, whose face was scrunched up in pain. Taylor ran out of the room, the sounds of Claire trying to calm Stephanie down despite her panicked screaming. "My belly! I can feel them rushing to my belly!" She heard Stephanie scream as she raced down the stairs. At the bottom was Mrs. Clarkson who was eating at a fevered pace. To Taylor’s amazement she seemed to have gained 50 pounds since they were in the upper floor. "Mrs. Clarkson, Stephanie needs help!" Taylor screamed. "What's happening?" She spat, mouth full of food. "She's swollen up like a balloon and she says there are things inside of-" At that moment, Taylor heard a noise that she would never forget. A blood-curdling scream, then a loud, wet splattering noise that came from upstairs. "Stephanie!" The two downstairs screamed in unison, and Taylor raced back upstairs, Stephanie’s mom in tow with two armfuls of food. When they got to the top they saw Claire outside the door, crying and shaking. "S-s-she told me to leave, and when I closed the d-door... oh god." She curled into a ball and started crying. Taylor ran towards the door to see if her fears were true, when suddenly the door exploded off its hinges. The force threw them all back and covered the room with dust. Taylor got up slowly and looked, and gasped in horror. standing in front of her was what looked to be a man composed entirely of muscle, yet jet black and with a strange, sleek dome where his face should be. He turned and looked down at Claire, who had been thrown back and was now sitting on the ground in a daze. Without hesitation he walked up to her, picked her up with one hand, and forced his other down her throat. Taylor screamed as the muscles seemed to disconnect themselves from his arm and force themselves down Claire's throat like so many slugs. She thrashed violently as he filled her, and Taylor watched as her friend's body started to swell, the added weight seeming to radiate from her belly. He walked forward slowly as he did so, his arm reforming at the same speed that it went down her throat. Taylor crawled backwards frantically as the monster approached. She passed Stephanie's mom, who was too busy trying to gather and eat her food at the same time to run. The monster threw Claire at Taylor, picked up Mrs. Clarkson, and started stuffing the food lying around into her face. Taylor stood up and grabbed Claire by the arm, and half led, half dragged her down the stairs and out the door. When they got out onto the porch, Claire finally collapsed. "Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck-" She started spouting endlessly, her hands pressed against her head as she tried to shut out the world. Taylor kneeled down beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Claire, I'm sorry but we need to get out of here now. We have no idea what's in there or how long it will be before it decides to come back after us." Claire brought her head up and looked her friend straight in the eye "You weren't there in the end. it was like there were a million snakes inside of her..." She was shaking, her breath ragged. "I was looking her in the eyes when she realized what was about to happen. I told her she was full of shit, but she ordered me to leave the room. Stephanie never tried to tell me what to do before." She had stopped making eye contact now, her eyes seemed to be looking through Taylor as she relived the moment in her head. Suddenly, the reality of her current situation hit her, and she once again locked eyes with her friend. "That thing put some of itself inside of me!" She shouted, terror-stricken. She looked down at her newly pudgy frame, her breasts now trying to force their way out of her low-cut shirt and her belly sticking out of her tight sweat-pants. "What if I start getting that fat?! What if I explode!?! I'm already feeling hungry!!!" Claire started to hyperventilate, but Taylor shook her by her shoulders and brought her out of her hysteria. "We'll deal with it later!" She yelled, realizing that the only way out was to assert herself "We're leaving now!" with that she grabbed Claire and with more effort than usual hoisted her to her feet. Suddenly, very far behind her, she heard another muffled splattering noise, followed by a third farther out. She turned around for the first time and looked at the street as it erupted into chaos. All around her the neighborhood was fleeing, attempting to get into cars or run away on foot. One woman, bigger than Mrs. Clarkson was standing on the porch crying when a large black hand burst through the window and dragged her back into her house. Down the street a couple from her high school that were walking together were grabbed by one of the monsters and forced to the ground as they were pumped full. The monster stood for a while, pumping the boy and girl with both hands until they were both easily twice their original weight, then stood up and chased after another person. Taylor grabbed Claire's hand and they started running through the front yard and down the street. Taylor only had one thought, and that was to get back home to her sister. A couple more meaty explosions were heard around the block as they continued to run. Taylor heard a muffled yell to her left and shot a glance over. in the front lawn one of the monsters was holding down a guy her age and forcing food into his mouth. Taylor gasped as she recognized him. Dylan, a boy on her swim team who she used to have a crush on, was now lying on his back on the grass and being force-fed a pizza by the fistful. His shirt had burst from his sudden growth, and now the six pack that he used to have had been replaced by a giant swollen gut that reached 3 feet off the ground. his newly-acquired man breasts were almost as big as Claire's normal ones, and he seemed to have accepted his fate. The pair ran past without slowing. They finally reached her house and burst through the door. "Stacy!" Taylor called out as they ran in and locked the door behind them. "Ty!" She heard her response as she crawled out from under the table and ran into Taylor’s embrace. "What's happening?" She asked fearfully. Taylor got down on one knee and looked her little sister in the eye "I don't know, but we need to leave right now. Stacy, grab the emergency kit. Claire, go grab all the food you can. I'm going to get the gun from downstairs." She headed downstairs and got to the safe. Despite her panic she managed to remember the code to get into it. She grabbed the gun and stuffed a few boxes of ammo into her sweatshirt pocket, then ran upstairs. She got back and saw Stacy holding the bag, trying to stuff one of her countless stuffed animals into the side pocket. Claire had grabbed all of the food she could and had put it into bags. Taylor pretended not to notice her stuff, the last of whatever she had grabbed into her mouth. "Everybody ready?" She asked the two traumatized girls in front of her as she loaded the shotgun. They both nodded and they proceeded out the door into the garage. Taylor pressed the garage door open and proceeded to move to the back of the car. She popped the trunk and they unloaded the food and emergency kit. The two other girls proceeded to load into the back of the car while Taylor closed the trunk. Suddenly, Stacy screamed. Taylor looked up at her in confusion, and saw that Stacy was looking at something behind her. Taylor reeled around, grabbing the shotgun. The garage had opened to reveal a particularly large monster staring, or at least facing, her. She screamed and went to raise her shotgun, but the thing smacked it out of her hands. Taylor, now unarmed and facing the monstrosity that had likely burst out of the obscenely bloated body of somebody she knew, raised her arms in a feeble attempt to defend herself. "Get the fuck off!" Taylor suddenly heard her friend loose one of her iconic obscenity-laden phrases and shove all of her newly acquired weight into the monster. The two were flung sideways with a surprising amount of force and fell to the ground. Taylor rushed over to pick up the shotgun she dropped, pumped it once, and swung around. To her horror, the thing was now straddling her friend and was forcing parts of himself into her and attempting to get back up in the same motion. Taylor screamed and pulled the trigger. With a flash the monster's featureless head exploded, spraying black and white chunks across the inside of the garage. The body froze for a second, then seemed to dissolve. The black muscles separated themselves from his body and fell to the ground, each seeming to become sentient on their own. As parts fell off they revealed a ghostly white human skeleton underneath. Claire screamed and thrashed as some made their way to her face and forced themselves into her mouth. A few others crawled down her pants, and some simply slithered off into the grass. One tried to make its way towards Taylor, who promptly screamed and stomped on it. Taylor ran to her friend, shoved the newly inanimate skeleton off of her, and helped her to her feet. Claire was now even larger than before. Her tits, now the size of melons, had burst out of the confines of her bra and shirt. Her nipples had also grown twice as large and were now inverted at the tips. The tattered remains of her clothes had been forced between her breasts and her belly, which was no longer supple, but instead stuck out and gave her the look of being 9 months pregnant. Her pants had reached their breaking point and were now lying on the floor, revealing her underwear, which had turned into a thong. The two embraced each other, both sobbing. Taylor felt her strangely warm body, and to her horror felt a twitch of movement in the roll of back fat that she had slipped her hand into. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault!" Taylor choked out. First she had ordered Claire to stay with Stephanie, and now Claire had willingly gotten attacked by yet another monster, adding to her already disturbing issue. Claire moved away from the embrace and gave a forced, tearful smile. "Oh shut up. I told you and Stephanie I wanted to get tits like Steph’s. Now guys are gonna be all over me." She said, grabbing a tit in each hand. "Let's just hope there are still some hot guys left." Taylor responded, smiling. They embraced again and got into the car. "Where are we going?" Inquired Stacy from the back seat, clutching the stuffed animal she had smuggled. Taylor looked at Claire, who shrugged and opened a bag of chips. "Somewhere safe" she responded, wishing she knew where that place was. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month 3 3 months after first event Down a dusty and lonely road a single van drove along. Covered in dirt and dents a lone vehicle made its way across the wasteland, passing empty and forsaken cars. Inside, Taylor finished off her last energy drink. "Son of a bitch." She sighed, throwing the can out the window and scouring around for another around her feet. As she did so she took her eyes off the road and accidentally let the car drift into one of the countless potholes that littered the road. The vehicle bounced violently as its back end hit the ground, rattling the already strained rear suspension. A cry came out from the back of the bus. "Watch it, you're gonna bounce my tits off!" Screamed Claire from the back seat. Taylor shot a look into her rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of Claire's predicament. Claire had ballooned in the three months since she had become a host for the slugs. She now occupied the entire back of the van, which had been cleared entirely of all medical equipment to make room for her expanding girth. She sat in the space between the driver and the passenger's seat and was facing backwards towards the rear windows, which were obstructed by her giant belly. Her ass, which was probably half as wide as she was tall, had grown so large that it had expanded out of its original space and now instead of Claire Taylor was sitting next to just her huge butt. Currently she was angrily trying to hold down her ridiculously oversized breasts, which were undulating and bouncing off of her hugely taut belly. "Sorry." Taylor apologized, feeling bad despite trying to hold back a laugh. Stacy, sitting shotgun and fiddling with her stuffed animal, felt no such qualms and giggled loudly. "Just keep your eyes on the road." She said, accepting the apology in her own way. Outside they passed a welcome sign whose name had been covered by spray paint. Taylor looked out the window to check the setting sun. "Alright, its getting pretty dark. Let's stop here and go into town tomorrow morning." Taylor suggested, and the other two agreed. Stacy hopped out of the car and went into the woods to use the bathroom. Taylor got out the cooking supplies while Claire took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up. Taylor watched as she inhaled deeply, savoring it. She remembered two months ago when Claire had taken up smoking. It was after they heard that the evacuations weren't happening anymore and Claire's body continued to grow. She laughed when she lit up her first one, feeling rebellious and cool. Claire had even joked that the slug she was going to deliver was going to be born with birth defects if she smoked enough. They laughed and let her enjoy her new hobby, but as time wore on the act of smoking became less about being cool and more to keep her mind off of eating for a while. "What's for dinner?" Claire asked between puffs, watching Taylor fumble with the cooking equipment. "Uh... looks like green beans and ramen." She responded, long used to the lackluster meals. "Ooh, I bet it's even better than last night." Claire said sarcastically. "Well then how about you cook us something!" Taylor responded, the two falling into their usual banter. "What, you're going to make me walk all the way over there? That's no way to treat an expecting mother." She chided as she rubbed her bloated belly and tits in mock affection. Never one to shy away from dark humor, she always jumped on any chance to make jokes about her current condition. "Then if you don't like it, you can go back to eating your own food." Taylor said with finality. "Maybe I will," Claire pretended to pout as she stuffed another loaf of rock hard bread into her mouth. Taylor laughed at the sight of Claire easily downing food that was long past its life. They had discovered that, among the other strange side effects of becoming a host such as the weight proportional super strength and the convenient van-warming body heat, Claire was able to eat just about anything as if it was a home cooked meal. The group frequently raided the expired sections while acquiring food and Claire had an almost endless supply of inedible food to keep her inhuman hunger in check. Stacy came back and the two stopped talking, simply enjoying the silence as Taylor cooked and Claire ate. Finally the food was done and Taylor brought it into the car for them to eat. They used to sit outside to enjoy their meals, but ever since a close call with some of the slugs had left them struggling to get Claire into the van they had simply decided to eat in the car. Now the group was more worried about finding a new van before Claire outgrew this one. In fact, that was one of the main reasons that they had decided to venture into the town. "You know, I'm going to miss this old van." Taylor said. Despite their relatively small time inside it, they had experienced enough close calls to warrant a certain fondness. "Yeah, and I was just starting to grow into it." Claire cracked yet another joke that caused Taylor to snicker, but rather than laugh, Stacy had a questioning look on her face. "How much bigger are you gonna get?" She asked innocently. The room fell silent for a second as Stacy accidentally reminded the duo that they were on borrowed time. While Stacy failed to understand that an infected person did not just simply stop growing one day, the other two knew what Claires fate was going to be. Even without her gigantic swollen tits Claire was quite a bit bigger than Stephanie was when she had exploded, giving birth to one of the first slugs. And since Stephanie was the previous biggest person that they had seen before Claire They had no clue when Claire was going to follow suit. Taylor looked at Claire, who simply donned a fake smile. "Well Stacy, it takes nine months until a baby is ready, so I still have six more." Taylor breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that Claire came up with such a good save on the spot. "Well I guess we need a super size van." She said, totally unaware of the dark undertones in the discussion. The two let out a sigh of relief and laughed. "I think it's time for bed." Taylor said, switching subjects before they had to deal with further inquiries. She put away their makeshift utensils and handed the pot with the leftovers to Claire, who chugged the rest. "Now go outside and brush your teeth." Stacy nodded and left the car. "Ready?" Taylor asked. Claire sighed and put her hands on her knees. Taylor opened up a small bag under the chair. "This has got to be the worst part of this entire fucking ordeal." she said, bracing to stand up. "Compared to being starving and having to go to the bathroom, it doesn't seem too bad." Taylor observed. "Well first off, fuck you. I haven't felt anything but gnawing hunger in over a month" she said bluntly, reminding Taylor that it was not the right time to be having this argument. "And secondly, it's a lot worse coming in than going out." Taylor apologizes, her attempts to be optimistic backfiring. She also held back her comment about how in her case it was actually worse going out. A lot worse. About a month ago, they had awoken to a choked screaming. Taylor jumped out of bed and opened the door, only to watch in horror as Claire coughed up a single slug. they had easily dispatched the little monster but it had left them shaken. Previously unaware of this being a side-effect they were spooked by what it might mean. A little over a week later it happened again, but worse. Claire had fallen asleep early, and while Taylor was about to fall asleep she heard a soft pleasurable moan coming from Claire. Despite her fear of catching Claire at an awkward time, she decided to turn on the light. She remembered staring at Claire as she moaned in her sleep, biting her lip and trying to move her gigantic hips back and forth. At first Taylor thought it was a particularly graphic sex dream and decided it was best to let her live it out (neither Claire nor Taylor expected too much action, given recent issues) but then she stopped as suddenly as she had begun. Taylor stopped and stared in confusion, looking at her bloated friend as her gelatinous ass stopped moving and she pressed her head into the breast that she was using as a pillow. Then Taylor saw it. A small black thing sliding out from her friend's enormous girth. She screamed aloud and woke up the whole car. Not knowing what else to do and thinking of how close they were to Stacy, she reached under Claire's expansive ass, grabbed it, and threw it out the car. It only took a week or so for them to realize that Claire would occasionally birth one out of any of her orifices, forcing them to make sure that she wouldn't pop one out while they slept and somebody woke up infected. So after some creative thought they came up with a disturbing, albeit effective, solution. "Give me a sec." Claire groaned and forced herself up. Taylor watched as her ass, which had previously been sagging and filling up the middle seat space, rose as she flexed to stand up. Seemingly out of nowhere her gigantic ass acquired a definition that would be impossible for somebody as big as her. Then her legs hardened a bit and she forced herself to a standing position. "At least that doesn't get any harder." She said as she grabbed the handles on the ceiling. As much as she tried not to show it Taylor hated the job too. She hated the look of embarrassment and helplessness that her friend donned when they did this. Not to mention the flicker of concealed pleasure that Taylor tried hard to ignore. "First hole first." She said, grabbing the first toy out of the bag. Like the other things in the bag, she had picked it up from a sex shop they had passed. The bigger of the two, it was meant to damn up her vagina during the night so that any unexpected deliveries could be dealt with the next morning. She sighed and reached her hand between her friend's huge thighs. Even with her legs spread wide her thighs were so engorged that they rubbed together at all times. A poorly concealed sigh of pleasure notified her that she had found the right place. After a small amount of mental preparation, she stuck it in. Claire's body shuddered and she let out a small moan, followed by her face going red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry about that. I think my hormones are fucked up." "It's fine, but don't apologize to me yet. There's still one more." Taylor brought out the second, smaller toy. Claire grimaced and nodded. This one was a lot easier. With a little help from Claire spreading her butt with her hands, Taylor slid the second one in. Claire's groans were a lot more based on being uncomfortable. Taylor shouted outside to inform Stacy that they were done with the grown-up stuff and Taylor handed Claire the last toy, a ball gag. "How do you sleep with that in your mouth?" Taylor inquired, finally voicing her amazement. Claire was busy slowly letting herself back down onto the ground. As her crotch hit the ground she moaned a bit, and looked up to reply. "There are a lot worse things in a lot worse places than this thing." Then she picked it up, put it in her mouth, and rested her head on one of her gigantic tits. Stacy and Taylor put their seats back and rested their head on her conveniently pillowy thighs, letting Claire's body warmth keep them warm. Taylor woke up to a banging on her window. She jumped up and looked, and saw a man in a tattered leather jacket knocking on the door with the barrel of a shotgun. He gave her the 'roll down your window' hand motion, and not one to argue with a bandit holding a gun she complied. She rolled it down and he leaned into the car window, his shotgun resting on the car's window sill. "Hey there sugar-tits. My friends and I were just driving through and noticed that you might be lonely so we decided to stop. Being the generous people that we are, we agreed that for the measly price of this van you got we'll give you the best fucking you've ever had." "That does sound generous, but I don't really feel up to it at the moment. However, my friend may be interested." As she answered him she pointed back with her thumb towards Claire, who was still passed out in the back seat. "What do you mean-HOLY SHIT!” He cried out, taken aback by the fat behemoth that her friend had become. Taking advantage of his surprise she grabbed his shotgun and kicked the car door open, sending him tumbling backward. She started the engine, closed the door, and hit the pedal. The jolt woke up the other two passengers. "What's happening?" Stacy asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Bandits. Claire, take this gun and watch the windows." Claire, the gag still in her mouth, nodded and checked the gun for ammo. Stacy locked the door and crawled into the foot space like Taylor had shown her. A man on a motorcycle pulled up next to them and reached for the second set of doors. Claire set the shotgun on her bosom and removed the gag, throwing it back into the front seat. "What are you doing?" Taylor yelled back. Claire, with a look on her face like she was going to throw up, held up her finger in a motion to tell her to wait. The guy opened the door. Claire leaned over as far as her impeding body would allow and grabbed his arm. With super-human strength she pulled him in. He cried out in surprise and Claire quickly reached into her mouth, pulled out a slug, and crammed it down his throat. "Holy shit Claire!" Taylor yelled back, at a loss for any other words. Claire coughed a bit as she threw him out and closed the door. "That's what he gets for staring at my tits!" She called back, despite her size forcing her to give up any pretense of modesty long ago. "Why aren't they shooting?" Taylor asked as they sped into town. "There's only two bullets in this guy's gun. I think they're low on ammo." She replied. "How many are out there?" "At least four more that I can see in the side windows." "We need to find a place to stop." Claire said, both of them realizing that they weren't going to be able to outrun that many people in a van carrying over half a ton of teenage pregnancy. "There!" Taylor pointed, seeing a two-floor garage. They pulled in going a bit too fast and hit the other wall with a bit of a jolt, sending Claire's already unstable tits into her face and making her release a string of muffled swear words. Taylor jumped out of the car, pulled down the garage door, and locked it. She ran around the room and checked upstairs to see if there were any doors or windows, then came back down. Claire had broken out her food already and was now panic-eating, and Stacy was attempting to hug her despite being unable to wrap her arms around any part of her body. Outside the vehicle noises had stopped and they could hear somebody trying in vain to open the garage door. After a while, they stopped and she heard a voice outside. "Here's the deal. We know there's only one way in or out of here, so here's your options. Option one is you open the door, give us the van, and we'll let you walk away. Option two is you don't open the door. We break in, take all your supplies, and rape you and that prized pig of yours in the back seat. That is, of course, if she doesn't up and splatter the inside of that van with her guts first." "You try that and I'll rip your inbred little dick off, you hick piece of shit!" Claire replied, showcasing her impressive negotiation skills. "Oh boy, I do like em feisty! Y’all better not pop before I get in there!" He shouted back, to the amusement of his fellow bandits. "So what do we do now?" Taylor pondered. "Well we have more firepower and probably more food too, so I think we should wait them out." Claire suggested. Outside they heard a banging on the garage door as one of them tried to force their way in. This was followed by some very low intelligence arguments as to the proper way to bash open a door. "And besides, they don't sound like they're going to outsmart us." She added. Suddenly they heard screaming outside. Taylor got out of the van and ran up to the second floor to see what was going on. From her vantage point she saw the chaos that had broken out. All of the noise that they had made must have attracted a group of at least 10 slug-men, and they were fast approaching the group of bikers. A few tried to get on their bikes but were quickly ripped off and slammed to the ground. A couple others tried to flee but were quickly run down by the much faster monsters. The last guy standing was the man who had been the one cat-calling Claire. Instead of trying to run, he had held his ground and had even put a few shells into one of them, managing to kill it. An especially large monster came up from behind him and grabbed his arms with such force that he dropped his weapon. The other slug-men proceeded to perform the function that they were intended for: making more hosts. They grabbed the bandits and started to pump them full of slugs. She watched in horror as they thrashed in a vain attempt to escape, their bodies bloating and swelling out of their torn and dirty clothes. Belts popped and buttons flew off as their bodies became breeders for the monsters. Finally, after all of the bandits were over twice their weight and in a shocked stupor, they let them go and watched them stumble away. All except for one. The man who had slain their comrade was now on his knees in the center of the group, and was continuing to be stuffed. One after the other the monsters took turns pumping him with slugs. His clothes had fallen off of his body and his belly was expanding at an incredible rate. Stretch marks covered his huge gut as it undulated with the activity of the spawn inside of him. His chest was now host to two very large man-breasts, which were slowly expanding into his equally engorged side-rolls. Soon his gut looked like it was housing three full grown men and the monsters stopped and backed up. There they stayed, waiting and watching. With incredible struggle he stood up. "What the fuck are you monsters looking at?" He yelled, his eyes wild with insanity. "You're done with me, now let me die in peace! Go torment them or something!" He yelled, pointing with a shaking finger at their temporary lodging. The monsters simply stood and watched him. Underneath his skin his engorged belly started to show signs of movement. He looked down at it, eyes wide with panic. He started screaming in protest and frantically tried to walk backwards as if trying to escape his own belly. The movement started to increase until his entire body was shaking. He let out a final yell, and suddenly his swollen body exploded in a sloppy red splat. The slug-men didn't even flinch as his guts sprayed outward, leaving the remains of his body to fall to the ground. A large black pile of slugs that had emerged from his belly crawled over his body, shifting and climbing over each other to get on to it. Finally the movement died down and a new slug-man, now housing the skeleton of the former bandit, stood up. All six of the remaining monsters, as well as the newly birthed one, turned to face the garage. Taylor gasped and ran downstairs. Down in the garage Claire and Stacy waited. "What happened? I heard a pop." Claire inquired. "Slug-men came. They infected them and stuffed your favorite bandit so full he burst on the spot. Now they're coming for us." She said. As she did so they heard a loud banging. The monsters outside were trying to force their way in. Rather than panic, Claire sighed. They both knew that the monsters were strong enough to get in. Driving away was out of the question too because it meant that they'd have to drive through the whole group of them, a feat that they knew would end badly. "I have an idea, but you're not gonna like it." Claire finally said. They both looked at her. "We already know the monsters leave you alone if you're already infected, right? Well the only way any of us get out of here is if we make a distraction, and seeing as how I'm the only one here carrying a litter I think it should be me." "But-" Taylor began. "Don't you dare stop me. Besides, once they figure out the driver they're chasing is going to burst soon anyway, they'll leave me alone." "I can't lose you Claire. Not after Stephanie." Taylor tried desperately to discourage her. Claire reached out and took Taylor’s hand in hers. Taylor felt her unnatural, yet comforting warmth and they looked each other in the eye. "I'll be fine. I can turn on cruise control and I don't need to steer anyway. Just grab a motorcycle and pick me up when everything dies down." Taylor nodded, tears starting to well in her eyes. "Now hand me that shotgun and go upstairs." Taylor hugged Claire's neck tightly and motioned for Stacy to come with her. "She'll be up in a second. Let me say goodbye." Taylor nodded and walked upstairs. She sat for a while and soon Stacy came back up, holding two large backpacks and the aid kit. "Um, Stacy? Why did you bring all of the equipment?" She asked even as the realization began to dawn on her. "Claire told me that we're going to need it more than she will." Taylor’s eyes went wide as she heard the garage door grind open. They both ran to the window and watched. The monsters instantly lunged into action, jumping on the vehicle. It careened backwards wildly, indicating Claire's inability to reach the steering wheel due to her monstrous form. Taylor grabbed Stacy and ran downstairs. They rushed to the closest motorcycle. A particularly swollen biker was trying to heft his engorged gut onto the bike, but Taylor bashed him over the head with her backpack and hopped on. Stacy climbed on behind her and held on. She started the engine and drove over to the garage where they escaped from. She stopped and looked down the road that Claire had driven. The car had stopped in the middle of the street, its front hood ripped off and its engine smoldering. They heard a blast and one of the windows shattered outwards. A slug-man's head exploded and it fell to the ground. Another blast ripped one arm off, but it continued to press on. Finally, they got to the van and ripped open the back doors. "C'mon..." Taylor muttered, waiting for the slugs to realize that the only one in the car was too far gone to be worth dealing with. But, to Taylors confusion, they continued to rip the doors off of the van and climb in. She heard Claire scream and one of the monsters was sent flying out the side, no doubt from one of her superhuman punches. The van shook and rocked, and Taylor watched in amazement as slowly dragged Claire's mammoth body out of the back of the van. "What are they doing to Claire?" Stacy asked, clinging tightly to her older sister. At a loss for words, Taylor simply gestured to her lack of an answer. Finally, despite her thrashing and kicking, they pulled her out. There she sat on the road, her naked body free from the confines of the vehicle. Her body took advantage of her new found space immediately. Her gut, which had been forced to grow forward rather than out, now spread out and became more spherical in shape. Piled on top of it were her two incredibly large tits, which had begun to hang to the sides slightly. Each seemed as though they could fit Stacy inside of them, and were topped with two puffy brown nipples the size of pancakes. Her ass, which had grown so large that it was beginning to take the shape of the van and push their seats forward, had become two giant orbs of flesh which swayed and bounced as she struggled. Under them were two huge thighs, as thick as tree trunks and so engorged that they had begun to absorb her knees. Stacked on her shelf-like butt were layers and layers of swollen back fat, which had started to form a hump of fatty mass on the back of her neck. Despite all of this weight she still continued swinging and fighting. Slowly but surely the monsters subdued her. Two held onto each arm, two more held her legs apart, and another approached from behind. Taylor watched in amazement as a single, incredibly swollen slug emerged from his arm. He reached down between her legs and pulled out the sex toys that they hadn't had the time to remove. Taylor gasped and covered Stacy's eyes as, slug in hand, the beast slipped his arm between her meaty thighs. Claire screamed in pain and fear, but as Taylor watched, the fear turned into something else. As the monster slowly pumped more and more slugs into her pussy, her cries of pain turned to moans of pleasure. She started moving in time with the pumps, her ass and tits jiggling and bouncing wildly. The monsters holding her arms let go and Claire started teasing one of her swollen nipples with one hand, and placing the other on her now undulating hips. Her body grew and swelled as she approached climax, the hulking monster behind her seeming totally indifferent to her pleasure. With one final pump Claire reached climax and screamed in orgasm. The monsters simply let go of her and she promptly passed out. "What happened?" Stacy asked, moving Taylors hand out of the way. "I don't know honey." Taylor replied. She answered truthfully, for whatever had just happened was totally new behavior for slugs. The girls watched as they hoisted her unconscious, bloated body and trudged off. One of the monsters who was unburdened by her expansive friend looked over and spotted the two of them. Almost instantly the other unburdened monsters looked the same way. They started running towards the motorcycle. "No!" Taylor screamed, revving the engine and driving off. The buildings flew by, blurred by the tears in her eyes as she realized that she wouldn't be able to follow her friend to find out what had transpired. They drove at top speed towards the city limits, and only then did she slow down. "Aren't we going to go back to Claire?" Stacy asked, scared and confused. "We will hun, as soon as we can." She replied, wiping the tears from her eyes and ruffling her sister's hair before accelerating down the ruined highway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month 12 1 year after first event As she ascended the stairs of the decrepit church all Taylor could think about was how much she wished she had the shotgun. She had heard stories of the self-proclaimed King of the city and while many of the claims seemed highly exaggerated, if any of them turned out to be true she'd need a lot more than her bow if she wanted to defend herself. Instead, her gun was in Stacy's hands, who was hiding in a car garage with the rest of their supplies about a quarter mile away. It had been a tough choice, but Taylor knew that if something happened to her Stacy couldn't use the bow in any meaningful way. She knew now though that it made no difference what weapon she would bring. The whole place was surrounded by guards, and a few were actually equipped with loaded guns. She arrived at the top of the stairs to see a guard with a rifle. The man, while not fat, was clearly not starving like the rest of the people she had seen. Taylor knew from the stories that the survivors had told her that the King was the only one with food. He guarded it with jealousy, giving out only small amounts to his "subjects", the entire city, and the rest to the guards under his command. "What do you need to see the King for?" He barked his question, clearly used to being in control. "I need to ask him some questions." She replied without any fear in her voice. The unusual calmness in her voice seemed to upset the guard. "Weapons stay outside." He ordered. She sighed and nodded, placing her bow at the ground but deciding to keep the knife in her boot to herself. He opened the door and she walked in. As her eyes adjusted to the brightness emitted by the work-lights, whose generators whirred in the distance, she soaked in the sights. The inside of the church was little better than the exterior, and the pews were smashed and pushed to the side. The room was surrounded by guards on all sides who watched as she walked the aisle. She looked up towards where the altar would be and despite all of the horrors that she had seen, she was still visibly taken aback. In front of the aisle was a huge ramshackle throne, lashed together with bent iron and holding a sofa seat. On top of it was the grotesquely bloated body of the King. He was huge, easily 8 feet tall and incredibly wide. His entire body seemed to be made of muscle, with arms that were easily two to three feet thick. His shoulders were incredibly broad and held his bulging neck. Surprisingly, even though his face was scarred in quite a few places and despite the shark-like smile on his face, Taylor could tell that back before the first event he was probably very attractive and only a little older than her. Below his chest sported two huge man-breasts with bull-ring piercings, which despite their size poorly hid his dense pectoral muscles. They rested upon his hideously engorged gut, which appeared to be the only place that had any sort of excess weight on it. His legs were as thick as massive tree trunks, and on his lap a young blond girl bounced up and down. Taylor knew instantly that she was infected. Her gut stuck out three or four feet, and on top of it her fat tits flail wildly. Her whole body seemed to jiggle as she rode his cock, and while her face was contorted in a mix of both immense pleasure and immense pain the King seemed barely interested. She picked up her pace and started to moan. He placed his giant hands on her luscious hips. Finally the giant of a man shuddered and pushed down on her with both hands, holding her down on his shaft. She screamed, now in much more pain than pleasure, and grabbed his hands which dwarfed hers in size. Taylor's eyes went wide as her belly expanded explosively, her body convulsing as he appeared to shoot loads of immense size into her. Each convulsion pushed her already taut belly out further and further, until it was sticking out over five feet and hanging off of his lap. He sighed and pulled her off of his cock, like he was picking up a child. Taylor looked on in amazement at the size of his manhood. His shaft was easily the size of her forearm, and much thicker. It looked deformed, and instead of a straight shaft it was covered in a pattern of bumps and grooves as if it was wrapped in fencing. His balls were equally grotesque and looked to be the size of a melon. The poor stuffed girl tried to feebly stand up, but the King put his hand on her shoulder. "Not yet." He boomed in a deep voice. She nodded sadly and he helped her to her feet. She turned and tried to place her mouth over his giant shaft. She could barely get her mouth around the head yet she moved her head back and forth, trying to stroke his shaft with one hand, her other placed on her back as she tried to relieve the immense strain that her belly had put on her back. It only took a short while before he placed his hand on the back of her head. Taylor heard her gag a bit as he forced his cock deeper into her mouth and blew his load a second time. Despite that she dutifully swallowed, using abilities gained from a life of constant eating. Taylor watched in horror as the slugs inside her body squirmed. They seemed to be moving from her gut, filling out her body. Her hips started to swell, and her heavy tits lolled to the side, unable to hold up their own weight any longer. Taylor gagged as she realized what was happening, just as the monstrous man in front of her finished. He let go and she dropped to the ground, spent. Taylors suspicions were confirmed when a slug fell from the head of his cock. Only then he looked up, acting as if he didn't see her. "Ah, welcome to my palace." He said, donning a predatory smile. Two girls came and helped the sexually exhausted girl to her feet. Only then did Taylor realize that the room had almost a dozen other infected girls, most around the same age as her. Other than their age they displayed a wide range of attributes. The ones who were still small enough to wear clothes wore various promiscuous articles of clothing, struggling to keep on lingerie and other outfits. One smaller ginger girl had even packed herself into latex, but it had stretched to its limits and now slits of pale flesh had burst out. Taylor was even surprised to see a few male hosts in the mix, one in drag and the other had piercings on his oddly large man breasts. Both were obviously selected for their effeminate looks and like the rest of the group, they were gorging on spoiled food with a defeated look on their face. The King caught her gawking and smiled. "Admiring my servants?" He inquired. "They look more like sex slaves to me." She responded, determined to show no weakness in front of this monster. "I beg to differ, they're all here willingly." He corrected. "You see, I discovered soon after my infection that I was different. Most hosts can only control the slugs to a certain degree. They replace the body's muscles and assist the host in moving when they need it, but I am a unique case." He flexed his bicep, and she watched as the slugs crawled to his arm and inflated the muscle. Clearly he had given this speech many times and was enjoying himself. "I can change whenever and whatever I want." As he said so, his manhood swelled grotesquely in much the same way as his bicep, and he winked at Taylor who was struggling not to show visible disgust. "And the only price is that I have to unload a bit of the slugs into somebody else or I pop. And don't worry, I keep their families safe as a way of thanking them for their service." As he finished his monologue, he grabbed a turkey wing from a huge shelf of platters and took a huge bite, grease covering his face. "So, what have you decided to come to me for?" He asked, switching subjects. "You don't seem to need anything I have. Unless of course you're here to offer yourself to feed that little sister of yours, which is an offer that is always open." He smiled as he offered it, knowing how disturbing the thought was to her. "No thank you." She replied with curt politeness. "You seem to be quite familiar with my life." She noticed. "I take an interest in any new people of note in my kingdom." "Then I guess I don't need to tell you about the contingent of slug-men I killed who were trying to break into the north." The Tyrant looked at a guard who looked to be high ranking. He nodded as if to confirm her claims. "You seem to suggest that such an event would be of importance to me. Why do I have to worry about those monsters in this state?" He said, gesturing towards his immensely bloated frame. "Well besides your visible concern for your subjects, I have heard that the slugs do seem to have an interest in you." She replied, looking directly at his swollen harem. She looked back at him with the slightest hint of a knowing smile. He showed a flash of concern for the first time since their meeting now that she had cards on the table. She had also done her research on him too. Usually when one of his concubines got too large, they were moved to a separate room while they waited to burst. However, a few weeks ago he had kept around a favorite "servant" for too long and the poor girl had exploded in the middle of the throne room. to the shock of everyone in the room, the monster she delivered ignored the guards and went straight for the King himself. they had dispatched him, but it was a totally new response from the monsters. "Very well, what kind of king would I be if I did not express gratitude to the savior of my subjects? What favors do you require of me?" "I've been hearing rumors about a slug-man hive in the city to the north." She began. "As have I. What of it?" He said, disinterested in his voice as he finished his turkey and moved on to another. "I need help getting inside it." She replied. She heard whispering from the guards, and one of the smaller servants even stopped eating for a second. The Kind raised an eye-brow, intrigued. "That's quite an interesting request." "Give me a few of your men and a car, and I can get us inside. If we know what's inside of it, maybe we can destroy it and deal a blow to the-" "Maybe?" He interrupted her. "You want me to sacrifice fuel, ammunition, and my men for a maybe?" “I'm going in either way, so you can either help me or not." "And what if you fail? What if, rather than destroy it, all you manage to do is give them a reason to come here and fight us at our home?" "Give me some men and you won't have to worry." She was raising her voice now. She was about to start again when he raised his hand in a signal. Behind her, she heard the door slam. "I have a better idea." He said. He smiled and with some effort raised his considerable bulk off of his throne. "Clearly you have some other reason to go there, and it sounds to me like I can't talk you out of pissing off a hive of monsters. However, what I can do is pump you so full of slugs that you can't do much meddling.'' He took a step towards her, his manhood swelling unnaturally again and his massive gut jiggling with the movement of the monsters inside. Taylor backed up into a fighting stance, preparing to engage the bloated tyrant. He approached and they started circling. "You're making a mistake here." She tried to talk him down. He snorted in laughter. "Mistake? This is gonna be the best lay I've had in months." With that he lunged at her with incredible speed. She jumped out of the way and he crashed into a pew, shattering it under his weight. She made a break for the door. Dodging through the guards hands, she almost made it when a shadow cast over her head. She stopped just in time for another pew to smash into the door, exploding and sending her flying backwards. She barely had time to reorient herself before the King grabbed her by the throat and picked her up. She screamed and kicked at him, but he ignored the blows as if he wasn't even being touched. She grabbed the back of her cargo pants and ripped them off, exposing her faded underwear and her well defined butt. she quickly grabbed for the knife in her boot, and the King had barely enough time to realize what was happening before she slashed at his forearm. he howled in pain and flung towards his own throne. She crashed into a plate of food, interrupting the snacking of a once petite Asian girl who was now sporting a belly half the size as Claire's was. Her tits were the size of her head, and she looked ready to pop within a week. Even as Taylor stood up she had moved on and had started eating the food off of the ground. Taylor looked up and saw the giant man who he had just cut. He was staring at his own arm, watching as the slugs underneath his skin moved frantically, patching up the skin. Taylor gasped as the wound closed up and he turned to face her. "I'm gonna fill you till you pop, you bitch." He said, showing anger for the first time. Taylor picked up her knife and pressed it to the Asian girl's belly. The poor girl whimpered as she felt the tip draw blood, but continued eating. The King laughed heartily at the sight of her captive. "You really think I care about that swollen cow?" He asked rhetorically. Taylor answered anyway. "I think you do care, because I'm about 5 inches of steel away from releasing a slug-man." She moved the knife to a stabbing position and drew a bit more blood. For the first time, the asian girl seemed to realize what was going on. She screamed and tried to back up, but in the frantic movement she tried to stand improperly and fell back on her ass. Then it started. Her gut started to move as the slugs underneath her skin seemed to come alive. Taylor gasped as she realized what had happened. Recently she had discovered that the slugs had a connection with the host. The more food that they have access to the larger the host gets. While she already knew that, what she didn't know until recently was that they could plan the time that they would pop. For example Stephanie, and therefore the slugs inside her, knew that she only had two weeks to hide her condition but that she'd be able to get as big as the room. By the time two weeks rolled around she was as big as the room and ready to pop. What Taylor realized had happened was that the sudden shock had made the girl fear for her ability to keep growing, and the slugs had awoken. Taylor barely had time to hide behind another host's body before she exploded, showering the area in red. She heard another scream as behind her a slightly smaller blond girl exploded as well. Gunfire erupted upstairs as the guards attempted to kill the monsters. Taylor sat in the middle, surrounded by bloated bodies, spraying bullets, and two slug-men. She fished her knife out of a pool of blood and turned to fight the monsters, but instead of going for her they jumped on the King. He bellowed in rage and confusion as one produced a huge slug, the same kind as the one that they had put in Claire, and stuffed it in his mouth. Taylor was on her feet, climbing the throne to get up to the second level. She hoisted herself up only to be face to face with a guard. She grabbed the muzzle of his gun and pulled it over the rail and flung him headfirst down into the chaos below. She stole a glance down below where the King was. To her amazement the monsters were still filling him with slugs. He tried desperately to fend them off but his slugs were not working as muscles. His stomach was growing at an incredible rate, and was seemingly larger than Claire’s was. Not wanting to stick around she turned and flung her weight through the stained-glass window. Outside some of the citizens of the post-apocalyptic kingdom had gathered, hearing the commotion outside. They watched, waiting for something to happen, when suddenly it did. A girl, wearing nothing from the waist down except boots, threw herself out the window and down into the streets. She landed on one of the trash piles that littered the streets and stood up. "RUN!" She ordered the amazed onlookers. Being people who had lived for over a year in post-apocalyptic mayhem, they didn't need to be told twice before scattering. Taylor brushed herself off and ran down the street. She passed the front of the church door where she heard a frantic beating, as if people were trying to get out. Suddenly it stopped and Taylor didn't stick around to find out why. She headed straight for the garage and made it there in record time. She headed up the ramp and from the shadows emerged her little sister, who was lowering the gun upon recognizing her. "What happened?" She asked, following Taylor to the motorcycle. "No luck.'' She responded. Stacy nodded, crestfallen. The hive was their best lead as to what had happened to Claire, and now they were back almost to square one. They got on and pulled out of the garage. They drove down the road, and Taylor stopped a block away from the church. What they saw was possibly the most horrific thing they'd seen since Claire's abduction. Outside the church a monster stood. It was easily 10 feet tall, and his entire body rippled with giant muscles. He was holding a few unconscious people like they were rag-dolls and around him a large number of slug men were gathered. The monster turned his head and from a block away and seemed to look directly at Taylor. "That's new." Taylor remarked as the monster turned and headed north. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month 15 15 months after first event Taylor lay motionless on the fourth story of the parking garage. Binoculars in her hand, she gazed down upon the office building below. "See anything?'' Stacy asked her. She sat hidden behind a pillar, sewing up a patch in her stuffed animal. She had taken up the practice ever since they had started surveying the building a week ago. Taylor was glad that her sister was teaching herself sewing, a skill that would no doubt be of use in the future. "No. It's been dead all day today." She answered. They had been waiting the last couple of days for a large enough group to enter the building so that Taylor could slip in unnoticed. Her week of surveillance had shown her that despite its appearance the whole building was guarded by slug-men. Even now she could make out the faint outline of one of them, watching from behind a window. "Do you really think Claire is in there?" Stacy asked for the fifth time since they had camped out here. "If she's not, we'll just have to find another hive." They had decided to call the place's hives, for lack of a better term. "But what if she popped like the others?" Taylor cringed slightly upon hearing this. She knew that Stacy had figured out the explosive conclusion to a host's life, but it was still hard to hear. "She hasn't hun. I promise." Stacy was about to reply when Taylor held up her hand for silence. Stacy became quiet, knowing the signal. Taylor looked through the binoculars. She felt her pulse rise when she was the size of the group. there were at least 8 people being led down the decrepit road towards the building. For the most part they looked recently infected. Most were only around 75 pounds heavier than whatever size they were. Only a couple had gotten to the point where their belly had started to bloat, and only one looked over 300 pounds. A once petite Indian girl, she now stood in the middle of the group, waddling slightly and holding her gut in her hands. She was wearing maternity pants and a tank top that had transformed into a sports bra due to her girth. She looked to be the only one that didn't get infected with the others, but she shared their defeated look. Surrounding the group were around 5 slug men who were leading the herd of bloated hosts. Taylor handed the binoculars to Stacy, grabbed a bow, and headed out. Within a few minutes she was back on the ground and started sneaking towards the building. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the slug men emerge from the front of the building and accept the inflow of engorged captives. Taylor rushed at this point, knowing that she would only get this small window of opportunity to sneak in. She ran to the fire escape and climbed the ladder. Upon reaching the third floor she climbed into a window. She caught her breath after entering and proceeded to sneak out of the room she had entered and into the hall. The interior of the building was unnaturally hot and she began sweating almost immediately. In the distance were occasional moans but Taylor couldn't figure out if they were from pleasure, pain, or both. She reached a window that overlooked the lower floors and watched the 8 unfortunate new visitors as they were led through the building. The monsters had broken through the first floor into the basement and turned the basement rooms into pits. Along the floor slug men walked and threw food down into them. Inside, people of different races and genders were stuffing their faces with food. They ranged in size from ones the size of the Indian girl to hideously swollen victims who took up half of their room with their girth. She watched as one monster grabbed the poor Indian girl and ripped off her shirt. She screamed as the monster revealed her dark puffy nipples, a trait that seemed to be a universal side-effect. Ignoring her protests the monster ripped off her pants and with surprising gentleness lowered her down into a pit with other equally sized people. The monster turned around and examined the seven remaining hosts. His head turned slowly, seeming to examine every one before stopping on the second largest in the group. She was a brunette and her breasts hadn't developed as much as others that were equally far along, but her hips stuck out a foot in both directions and held up a huge ass, which was firm due to her prolonged march. Instantly the other guards turned to look at her, and one stepped forward and grabbed her by the arm, forcing her to her knees. The monster that had chosen her walked up and unceremoniously stuffed his arm into her mouth. She swallows load after load of slugs with impressive speed. The monster behind her saw that his job was no longer needed, let go of her arms and returned to the rest of the group. Once the poor girl was as big as her Indian companion, the monster placed her in the same pit. She moved to the Indian girl and they embraced, crying and taking comfort in each other's presence despite their grim situation. The party continued on and Taylor followed from the shadows. They passed slowly growing men and women, some of whom were bigger even than Stephanie was when she had delivered her horrific monster. Taylor realized the reason that the building existed. It was an incubator, giving the hosts nothing to do but eat and sit so that they'd grow as large as possible before they popped. No sooner had Taylor come to this conclusion before she heard a groan. The whole room turned to look at a gigantic black woman in one of the pits. Her belly, now as big as Claire's was upon her abduction, had started to show movement. Stacked on them were two huge tits, with jet black nipples as wide as dinner plates. Even her ass, which was easily as wide as Taylor was tall, was now bustling with internal motion that set her whole body jiggling. The whole room knew what was going to happen next, except for apparently the very woman who was about to paint the walls with her blood. Even as a slug crawled through her engorged second chin she continued to stuff her face as if nothing were happening. Finally a wet popping noise was heard and her body tore itself in half from the inside, turning her room a macabre shade of red. Some of the recently captured screamed but most of the imprisoned continued to eat, desensitized to the violent explosion that served as a daily reminder of their ultimate fate. Within minutes another slug monster, much larger than the average specimen, emerged from the pit and walked out of the building. The slug-men captors moved their captives, or as Taylor came to the realization, livestock. She followed the group as they moved to the second room. She entered, looking from a hole in the wall, and was amazed at what she saw. The breeding stock, now only six strong, emerged from the doors to the same sight. In front of them was what appeared to be a grossly oversized woman. She lay on the ground, her weight resting on her hideously oversized belly. Despite her weight it managed to retain some structure and held her easily 4 feet off the ground. Her arms and legs were secured to the ground like tent stakes, and her legs were forced into a splint. Despite this her bloated thighs were poised to touch each other and if her legs were any closer they would rub together. Her ass, pushed aside by the sitting position, still rose a foot into the air above her layers of back-fat. Unlike the other infected who tended to look overweight and pregnant, this girl seemed bloated all over as if inflated with the slugs. Taylor moved to another closer viewpoint where she could see the front of the monstrous host rather than her unkempt blond hair. She looked to the front to see the girls breasts, each looking as if they housed a person Taylors size. From above a feeding tube full of an unidentifiable sludge led down to-Claire!? Taylor almost screamed as she recognized the face of her gigantic friend. She felt so relieved that she had found a friend which she had considered dead or gone forever. Then reality set in as she realized that actually talking to her would be a different matter entirely. She decided to wait it out. The monsters brought their captives to her bloated rear. One grabbed the first victim, a smaller blond girl who was clearly not the type to pack on weight through natural means. They grabbed her and walked over to her friend's thighs. Every human in the room shared the same feeling of confusion, which turned to horrified shock when the monster grabbed her by the back of her head and stuffed her face directly into Claire's crotch. For the first time, Taylor saw Claire move. she started moaning and gyrating her hips while the monster held the blond's face between Claires luscious thighs. Taylor suddenly realized what she was witnessing when the blond started to swell. Every motion of Claire's hips pumped another round of slugs into the poor girl's mouth. By the time the process was finished the poor girl was even bigger than the two that had left the group and a slightly smaller Claire continued guzzling her food paste. The process repeated itself again and again with the others until there was only one more person left. The last one was a butch looking girl sporting a punk style crop cut. The slug man that had been forcing the others face's into Claire's nethers began to approach the girl. Rather than shy away the girl started moving towards her captive. Taylor watched as the girl moved from one practiced stance to another as the slugs inside her moved in unison with the flow of force that went up her body. With unmatched precision of a professional fighter she transferred the force into her fist and her knuckle connected to the monster's chin. The entire room seemed to freeze except for the bulky fighter, who without pause transitioned her motion into grappling, and within seconds the monster was brought down with the heavy renegade locking its arm between her swollen breasts and the taut and bulking muscles that had appeared on her arms. In most of the fights Taylor had seen this is when the two combatants broke apart, one clearly the winner. However, the victim now was not human. With a surprisingly deep yell the girl kicked off from the monster's body as hard as possible, ripping the arm right out of its socket and taking it with her. She got up, the arm now shedding slugs as they tried to return to the rest of the body. The slug-man didn't even seem phased by the severing of an entire limb and it turned to face its combatant again. The girl held the bones like a bat and swung at him. This time he blocked the swing easily and the bone shattered into pieces. The girl stumbled and the monster grabbed her arms. She tried desperately to free herself, but the monster's grip was like a vice and he dragged her to where Claire was. With an uncharacteristic amount of force the monster pressed the girls face against Taylor's friends nether region. She started to moan again and the girl began to inflate. Pound after pound was added to her already fat frame as she gulped down the slugs. Taylor realized that something was different this time when the monster kept her face down longer than the others. He held her head like he was trying to smother her, and her belly burst out of her already strained clothes. Soon her tits did the same and began expanding to the sides, their growth blocked by Claire's mountainous belly. Claire's moans turned from pleasure to discomfort and finally the one armed monster pulled her head out. He held her above the ground as she thrashed, trying to break free. With yet another display of uncharacteristic roughness he tossed her to the ground at the other host's feet. She looked up at her captive and tried to stand up, but she was unaccustomed to her new weight and promptly fell over again. At this point she looked at her body. She was now completely naked, the string of material that used to be her underwear was now stuck between her crack, the only evidence that she had worn clothes recently. Her entire body was covered in stretch marks and bruising from her rough treatment. One of the other hosts moved to help her up but she put out her hand. "It's too late." Anger, sadness, and acceptance blended together in her face as her belly, which looked as if she were carrying octuplets to full term, started to show movement. She seemed to ignore it, and turned to look the one armed monster dead in the eye. She got up on one knee and with an effort that Taylor couldn't imagine, struggled to her feet. Holding her enormous gut in her hand she took a step forward. Then another. Inside her body the slugs were becoming more and more active and by the time she had carried her turgid frame towards the beast they were bustling with activity. She got within a foot of it before she collapsed under the weight of her own body. She gazed up at him with a look of defiance covering the grimace of pain, then her belly surged outward and her entire body exploded. The human onlookers screamed as the girl sprayed the one armed slug man with her insides. The monster didn't even flinch, nor did he wipe the blood off of his face. Instead he simply watched as the newly born slug man assembled itself in front of him. After some time it got up and the two seemed to look directly at each other. This one seemed slightly smaller than the others and seemed to sport some vaguely feminine curves, compared to the usually masculine slug-men. Taylor thought this weird, however the first oddity was overshadowed by the second when the newborn monster promptly wound up and decked the other one. The one arm monster, totally unprepared for his second surprise haymaker of the day, was knocked flat on the ground. The female monster straddled the beast and began to violently beat its head against the cement floor in a display of uncharacteristically human brutality. The slug-man under her flailed wildly, untrained for such combat. The monster in her hands shuttered and stopped moving as another approached from behind. The female monster seemed to sense this and grabbed her first combatants skull and in a motion that seemed akin to a skilled dancer, turned around and smashed the first skull against the second. The monster was flung backwards as the slug-woman stood over her first victim's body. The whole room watched in amazement as the slugs of her first foe fell off of the skeleton and melded with her body. The two combatants stood facing each other, waiting in complete silence. The room silenced in anticipation, and the female moved into a fighting stance that looked oddly similar to its mothers. "Keep your guard up Morgan!" One of the five remaining survivors yelled. Taylor turned to the noise and saw the man that had tried to help the girl up when she had been pumped. He was a huge man whose bulky frame had grown even larger after he was infected. His shirt was ripped open by the massive gain, which had gone mostly to his huge gut. His smashed nose and swollen muscles led Taylor to infer that he had a long past as a fighter of some sort. Despite his shattered nose and engorged body, she could still see a resemblance to the girl that had given birth to the rebellious monster. Just then the normal slug-man charged. rather than rush at him, the female got low and used the monster's own momentum to throw him over her shoulder and onto the ground. "That's my girl!" He shouted in encouragement. The monster did not seem to hear the motivational words, but nevertheless turned and in one fluid motion, curb stomped the monster. She began absorbing her second foe and the man cheered as though he was watching a prize fight, but the cheer died in his mouth when suddenly a huge black figure slammed into her. The hulking muscle-bound creature that resembled the one that had burst out of the King had arrived at the fight. The creatures dragged off the remaining five survivors as the fight ensued. They danced back and forth, dodging and trading blows. Taylor took advantage of the situation to begin approaching Claire. She hopped down to the first floor and hid behind a crate. She peered over the top to see the larger slug creature land a blow and send the bulking female flying through the garage door and out onto the street. With the room finally empty she ran down and approached her engorged friend. She came up to her face and saw that Claire was so engrossed with her feeding that she seemed to be in a comatose state, totally unaware of the excitement going on around her. Taylor almost felt like crying upon seeing her. After the taxing feeding she seemed to be deflated. her breasts lost some of their perkiness and her huge gut seemed to be less spherical and more spread out along the ground. even her face seemed to lose some of its shape, her double chin turning to three and her ballooning cheeks slightly sagging. Taylor, for lack of a better idea, yanked the tube out of her mouth. Claire continued to swallow instinctively for a second before realizing that she was no longer being fed. She opened her eyes, as if waking up after a long sleep, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Taylor? What are you doing here?" She said, completely shocked. "I'll tell you when we aren't in a hive, but right now we need to get you out of here." Taylor took out her knife and cut the rope that held Claire's arm. "No, stop! you have to get out of here! there's a giant mons-" "I know, I helped deliver him." Taylor cut her off, and Claire was too dumbfounded by the inexplicable answer to reply. Taylor finished cutting the rope and helped Claire roll herself onto her feet. Then she lit a smoke bomb and threw it out the hole that the two fighting monsters had made "Okay, we just need to get you to the old loading area while Stacy pulls the truck over. Then we-" Claire grabbed Taylor's wrist as she walked by, and put the edge of Taylor’s knife up to her astronomically large belly. The two locked eyes. "Taylor, stop. Look at me. I'm too big for a van even at this size, and look how small I am right now. I don't stay this small for long, so you were probably here when I... infected some people. The bastards make me do it every time they capture people, and sometimes to refill themselves. and the worst part is, I enjoy it." There were tears in her eyes now as she explained her life in captivity. "I wait all day for the sweet release. and besides, I grow too fast. If they don't pump them out of me I just keep growing and growing." She placed the tip on her own swollen womb and begged her friend. "Please, just pop me before I infect anybody else." She begged as tears started to stream down her round face. Taylor felt her eyes tear up too, but wiped them off and yelled. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Claire tried to jump back as if startled, but all she managed to do was send a ripple down her giant body. "It took me a year to track you down! What, do you think I just waltzed in here one day and just happened to find my best friend in the middle of a breeding pit?! I did not get this far just to pop your fat ass, so either help me get you to the garage or stay here and get fucked silly by monsters!" Taylor regretted saying the harsh words the instant they came out of her mouth. For an entire year all she wanted was for their happy reunion, and instead she had spent it screaming at a sexually abused girl. She wiped her eyes, expecting to see Claire crying into her oversized tits, but instead was getting ready to stand. "Alright bitch, if you want to bring a pregnant land whale along on your stupid adventure that's on your fucking head. There's a dollie in the corner. Go grab it." Taylor smiled as she saw her old friend shine through and ran over to get the dollie. She got back and slid the wheeled platform under her friend's bulking belly. Claire put steadying hands on her comically oversized tits and began to walk backwards, carting her stuffed belly with her. The sound of a diesel engine grew closer outside, almost overshadowing the loud clash of monsters by the time Stacy pulled the flatbed truck in. The sight of her sister at the helm of a vehicle that she could barely see out the front of would have been funny had Taylor not gotten her fill of laughter during their number of practices. Stacy hopped out, shotgun at the ready. "Taylor, guess what I saw outside-CLAIRE!!!" Stacy screamed out in delight upon seeing her old friend. She ran up and threw herself at Claire's belly in something that appeared similar to a hug. She broke from it and looked at her friend. “You got a lot bigger!” She said innocently. Claire smiled fondly at the child, answering simply "I'm overdue". With the second reunion completed, Claire turned until her rear was facing the truck. "Give me the winch." Claire said. Taylor pulled it out and handed it to her. She tied it under her chest. "Can this pull me up?" she asked. "It can apparently pull a small car.'' Taylor replied, getting into the driver's seat. Unsure if that even answered her question. Claire stood up and got ready to be pulled on. Taylor turned on the winch. Claire's gigantic boobs were pushed up and into her face as the strap started pulling. She walked backwards, getting her feet up on the truck bed and dragging her hefty gut on right after. After a long and tedious struggle they got her on the truck and cinched down her belly and tits to avoid uncomfortable bouncing. Just in time, for suddenly two slug-men burst in and saw their prize pig was being stolen. Stacy jumped in and Taylor hit the gas. They pulled out just in time, for only one slug man had gotten to the vehicle and Claire had leveled him with a kick that sent the suspension jerking. They pulled into the street, and just as Taylor hit the gas she saw the two fighting monsters. The fight had gone south recently, and the female monster had a leg ripped out, and her left arm seemed to be broken. The larger monster who was now missing an arm turned as the car sped out, and moved to get to us. The smaller took advantage of the situation and grabbed a sign out of the ground. The monster turned back just in time to get smashed in the head by a stop sign. He stumbled back and the female held hers up like a spear. The hulking monster, disoriented and seemingly blind, brought his whole weight down upon the female's head. They passed the two bodies, the top frozen in his final attack that had made him fall head first on the sign pole. Taylor almost felt sad for the female monster, who now lay motionless with her head smashed by the brutes giant arms. "What the fuck happened there?" Claire called to the front as they gunned it out of the ruined town. "Morgan killed the King!" She replied to her now only more confused cargo.