"You've really got to learn to cut loose Chloe! We're on vacation after all." Veronica had a habit of chiding her best friend since middle school. "This ship is known for its amazing food, so stop eating like a rabbit. Be adventurous! Try a little bit of everything." She rested a soft hand on Chloe's wrist. Veronica had full cheeks and the faintest double chin. She was built for gluttonous adventures like this. Chloe on the other hand was barely 100 lbs. soaking wet. It was a week-long cruise through the Caribbean. The girls were aboard the Bounty of the Sea, a veritable paradise surrounded on all sides by the bright blue Atlantic. It was a cruise dedicated to gourmands and foodies, and it had cost Veronica a pretty penny too. Both girls sported yellow wristbands with a capital "G" inscribed at the center. They had the gold membership. Access to every part of the ship and a never ending food and drink package. They peered through countless reviews on Tripadvisor and Grubhub about Bounty and were famished for a full luxurious experience. Decadent, Indulgent, Amazing. The greasy foods and sugary drinks promised to put inches on their waistlines. The two had accepted that overeating would be an inevitability on the cruise, and they gave each other permission to toss aside any diets and just let loose. One week. No holding back. Chloe was impeccably thin. Some might have gone as far to call her thin as a board. Veronica certainly did. Though, she had recently been working a sedentary desk job and spending her nights curled up on the couch binge watching Netflix with snacks. Her body had begun to change. She adjusted her glasses and wore a tank top over her bikini. It was largely an attempt to hide a small but soft tummy that distended underneath. She adjusted her glasses and pushed a light brown lock over her ear. Chloe's metabolism had weakened and there was delicious food everywhere. The perfect scenario for a growing girl. Veronica couldn't have been any more different from Chloe. She had dark straight hair that shone in the sun, olive skin and a chubby body that could only be described as extra thick. She wore a size 16 and was very proud of it. She held the majority of her weight in her ass and thighs, but also had heavy D breasts. A perfectly shaped hourglass with layers of squeezable fat throughout. She wore her bikini with style, revealing a soft overfed stomach hanging ever so slightly. The last time she weighed herself, she had been on the cusp of 200 lbs. Veronica had probably effortlessly breached that threshold over the holiday season. She never minded a little extra plush. The boys seemed to like it more often than not. A pair of sunglasses rested on her head and her hands balanced calmly on a pair of wide hips. Her tongue wet her lips as she caught a whiff of grilled meat and fried foods. The buffet was enormous. Something you might expect on a cruise ship, but it was rows and rows of freshly cooked meals enough to feed 2,000 people. A massive hall for gluttons. The ship had four decks dedicated entirely to cuisine, each one seemingly bigger than the next: The Americana, The International, The Gourmet and The Bliss, a deck dedicated solely to dessert. The buffet on the Americana was open to the air and sun and extended the entire length of the deck. It bent around the pool in a massive semi-circle of stands and kiosks where you could line up and fill your plate, again and again. The mesmerizing aroma of grilled beef and fried chicken wafted throughout and guided the girls from station to station. They had massive rib-eyes, a barbecue hut, chicken and the classic staple: hamburgers and fries. Chloe put together a modest plate of her favorites, but Veronica loaded up the plate beyond capacity, stacking the foods into a tower of meat. "This burger is one of the best I've ever had" Chloe beamed as she opened her mouth wide for a second greasy bite. She had always been a shy and considerate girl with limited self-confidence, but she hoped that this cruise would help her break out of her shell a little. She wanted to fully explore a realm of relaxation and pleasure that she rarely tasted during the work week grind. "And these chili cheese fries are AMAZING" Veronica inhaled a handful of the salty and savory snack spilling some chili onto her breast. "Oops." She pressed a plump index finger into the soft flesh of her breast to scoop the last drop and sucked it eagerly. Veronica was in heaven. This cruise would be everything she wanted and more. Much more. "We should probably take it easy, it's only the first day after all." Chloe said. Veronica dropped a third loaded plate onto their table. Or was that her fourth? "We said no judgment and no drama, Chloe. This food is delicious and I plan on eating my fill. Besides, a few pounds never hurt anybody. You could use a few!" "Hey! No judgment." "Relax Chlo. From my experience boys love a girl with some extra cushion." Veronica playfully slapped her own ass and watched it jiggle before sitting. The chairs on deck were spacious, and comfortably fit Veronica's plump backside. "Do you remember when Sam bought that brand new grill? He said he wanted to get good use out of it, so we ate barbecue for nearly an entire month. I must have put on 20 pounds. All of my clothes started to fit me extra tight and I got so much attention from the boys." "You're lucky Veronica, every pound you gain goes straight to your tits and ass. I would kill to have your genetics." Chloe said with envy and admiration. Veronica peeled the crispy skin from her chicken and dropped it into her mouth overhead. "Mhmm, the best part." Veronica finished another plate effortlessly, savoring every bite, then stood. Her bloated belly hung far past her bikini bottom and rocked gently with the motion of the ocean. "Has it already gotten bigger? Was it swelling? It was probably just some water weight from all the breading and fried foods." Chloe thought. Her close friend seemed fatter than she remembered, yet she was glowing with confidence. Her bikini top was strained tremendously and her full breasts were spilling out in every direction. "I think it's time we order some drinks." Veronica held out a hand and led Chloe along to the bar. "Food is always so much better when paired with a little alcohol." "Hi there!" Veronica started with gusto. "My friend and I are looking to grab some drinks." "Hi..." Chloe raised her hand meekly. The bartender was young and handsome. He had strong arms and his blue eyes shifted downward intentionally to catch a glimpse of Veronica's breasts squeezed tight and nearly bursting from her bikini. "Welcome! You girls seem like you've been enjoying yourselves so far? I'm Adam." He noticed a mess of barbecue sauce on the edge of Veronica's lips and smiled brightly. "It's like a dream come true and we've only seen the first deck. We can't get enough of the food." She licked it away and gave a sultry and flirtatious look. "I think this cruise is going to be an amazing experience for you girls. You've barely even gotten started." He scanned her full figure up and down with a light blush on his cheeks. He recommended the island rum punch and poured the girls a pair of fish bowl sized drinks. It was a deep amber colored liquid on ice. "All you can drink." He passed the goblets to them. Veronica took a swig and when the sugary concoction reached her lips, her eyes lit up. "Now, I don't know if you've seen the pizza bar at the back end of this deck. The pies are cooked to perfection, fresh toppings and dripping with cheese, you can't go without it." He seemed to speak to her soul. "Oh my God, Pizza!" Veronica said giddily "Thanks so much!" "I'll be seeing more of you, I hope. Come back anytime." Adam waved. The girls giggled together, took their free drinks and rushed to the back end of the deck. The thin Chloe, almost being dragged airborne by her pudgy friend. "You see, he couldn't keep his eyes off me!" She whispered to Chloe. The girls giggled together and got in line for a pizza. "Men love curves." The crew man at the pizzeria was enthusiastic and smiling. "Ah welcome, Gold members. I'm certain you are starving for some pizza, eh?" "I'll take three slices of the supreme please!" Veronica jumped to action, licking her lips. "Just one for me..." Chloe said. And somehow, even after their binge on the Americana, Chloe found herself salivating at the thought of crisp and cheesy coal fired pizza. Her cravings were sudden and she felt an arousing tingle between her legs. She wanted this, and she deserved it. Maybe the alcohol was kicking in. "You know what, you're right. I want to be a fatty all this week. I can work the weight off when we get back." Chloe said confidently. "That's the spirit, girl!" Veronica cheered. "Actually, I'll take three slices of pepperoni... No, make that four." The crew member flashed a devious smile "On the Bounty, you get to be as fat as you like. Now, eat up." The girls clashed their drinks together in one hand and downed delicious pizza with the other. Cheesy calories sliding down their throats deposited as soft, sumptuous fat, almost instantaneously. Their vacation had now officially begun without any reservations. Little did they know that they had become unsuspecting feedees on this cruise, and they were surrounded by an endless supply of fattening food that would be impossible to resist. —-- The next day the girls spent the afternoon relaxing on the open deck in the sun, snacking endlessly. A powerful hunger called to them and with each bite they were sent back to the buffet with more insatiable cravings. The beach chairs set up near the pool were enormous, about the size of a king bed. They were obviously meant to accommodate people of massive sizes. "I don't think I've ever put away so much food before! It's all so good" Chloe sighed in pleasure. Chloe succumbed to gourmet cooking and melted into her beach chair. A pleasantly round and plump tummy popped out from her tank top as she reclined. "Wow Chloe! You've been hiding a bit of a tummy from me, haven't you?" Veronica gawked. "Honestly, this is all new. My stomach has always been so flat. I can barely suck it in now." Chloe said. "Look, you've got some little love handles coming in. You sure know how to cut loose girly." "I don't remember ever being this big... How is this possible in just a single day of pigging out? Maybe there was something in the pizza, or the ribs, or the burgers?" Chloe said as she reached down and explored her rounded tummy. "You think they have any scales on the ship? "Quit worrying and relax. You're just a little bloated. Besides, I think it looks pretty good on you. You've always been far too skinny. I like this little starter belly." "Starter belly implies that this is just the beginning; I'm only going to get bigger." Chloe moaned. Secretly, the idea of becoming a whale was making her blush. She felt giddy and was running on a food high, but still obligated to maintain her weight. "Is there anything so wrong with that?" Veronica poked and prodded at Chloe's food baby. She fingered her navel and gripped the spare tire that was forming around her waist. It jiggled with every touch. Chloe's hands joined in and both girls started exploring all around Chloe's stomach with delight and wonder. Tender gripping and gentle pinching. On release, the taut skin sprung back with a bounce. Their fingers danced dangerously close to her waistline. "And say goodbye to that thigh gap" Veronica laughed, gulping from her rum punch in between breaths. She was right. Chloe's thighs had thickened and tenderly met where her thigh gap used to be. Even Veronica looked fatter than before. Her breasts were so large and swollen, only a small portion of them were covered by her shrinking swimsuit. Chloe felt lightheaded from the alcohol and couldn't keep her eyes off of Veronica's plump body. She wanted to be bigger and fatter like her friend. She wanted a pair of huge squeezable breasts, too big for a single hand to hold. She wanted an ass that tested the limits of her jeans. She wanted to make furniture creak just by looking at it. All the boys wouldn't be able to resist running their hands over every soft ounce. She felt a desire to grow bigger and bigger. A tug of war was raging in her head. The pressure of societal norms to stay thin was weakening and a deep seated urge to eat and grow broiled within her. Where was all this coming from? An inner tide brought the girls back to the buffet like waves lapping on the beach, again and again. Every time they looked down there was another full plate to be consumed. Their stomachs, grown fat from their gluttony, felt soft like silk and oozed between their fingers. Each sensation, taste and touch, seem enhanced. A great gong sounded from the upper deck. BOMMMM! "That's the bell for the Captain's dinner. We've got 15 minutes to get to the Gourmet deck." Veronica remembered. "But we haven't even finished lunch." Chloe pouted. "Bring it along, it'll be nice to have something to snack on along the way. "And the rum? I should pick up the next round of drinks for us and meet you there." Chloe had developed a taste for the sweet and intoxicating flavor of the rum punch. She felt a little guilty doing non-stop day drinking, but any excuse to get another look at the bartender. "Great idea, I'll grab your dress from the cabin and you can change when we meet up. Say hi to Adam for me. I bet he'll appreciate your newfound softness." Veronica winked and waddled away towards the cabins. Adam prepared a shot glass of a sparkling amber rum and set it on the bar. "Feeling adventurous? Share a shot with me." Adam implored, putting a second shot beside the first. "Are you allowed to drink on the job?" Chloe laughed. "Of course, now be careful, these are pretty strong. We only put about a third of a shot in those big fish bowls." "Maybe I shouldn't..." Chloe blushed. "You're not a lightweight are you?" "No way! I can handle my liquor." Chloe's facade was actually quite convincing. 1. 2. 1.
 She downed the shot without much convincing and the smooth liquid warmed her throat on the way down to her stomach. Adam flicked his own shot over his shoulder and the liquid splashed beyond. Chloe didn't notice as she was busy wincing and gagging from the powerful draught. "Whoa, that's one hell of a drink" Chloe coughed. "Yeah it's got a bit of a kick, but it's certainly an exciting way to get your evening started." A rush of pleasure tickled her temple. Pins and needles crawled down her spine and gathered around the areas where she had recently acquired growing wads of fat. She felt the sensation in her inner thighs, her ass, her breasts and especially her swollen pot belly. She was thickening all over as if the mountains of food she had been snacking on all afternoon were clinging to her body. Chloe became hot and red faced as the liquor washed over her. It was a mix of euphoria and craving that overtook her. She liked it. "I feel amazing. That's not ordinary rum is it?" Chloe wondered "Yeah, the rum we make on the Bounty actually has a way of enhancing flavors for all the foods we cook on deck." Adam explained "It's the perfect complement to our gourmet meals. Here, try this." Adam pulled out a tray of fresh pineapple. He held up a particularly large and juicy piece towards her mouth. Chloe didn't hesitate. She took the slice into her mouth, desperate for something to sate her sudden appetite. "Drinking the rum in small doses is bound to make the food irresistible, but taking a huge shot like that all at once will make food taste orgasmic." Adam said. He seemed delighted to feed her by hand. The single piece of fruit was mind-blowing. Sweet, sour and everything in between. Her taste buds evolved and were overcome with waves of pleasure. She was like a little girl tasting ice cream for the first time. She breathed through her nose, moaned, and then chewed the remainder of the pineapple with eyes closed. Sweet juice crushed between her lips and dripped off her chin. "Oh my god... That's crazy good" Chloe gushed "I want more..." Adam fed her another piece, and then a third. Chloe was lost in bliss. The aroma of food around the deck seemed to reach all the way to the bar. All of her senses were being engaged simultaneously. She ate and ate, each piece more exciting than the last. "Oh please, I need one more. So good." Chloe mumbled. "That's the whole tray..." Adam chuckled "Whoa." Chloe opened her eyes to see that she had demolished the entire plate of pineapple. She gasped in surprise, but in her fatness, it only came out as a satisfied burp. Her stomach grumbled, aching for more. "Wow, If food tasted this good all the time, I'd turn into a blimp." Chloe joked. At this point, her round stomach looked like a basketball underneath her tank top. When she stretched, the shirt rode up and showed her navel. It wasn't really a joke anymore. "It can taste this good all the time. In fact, the drink has a way of linking the pleasure centers in your brain to the taste of food. Every meal becomes a sensual experience." Adam "The Bounty of the Sea is known for letting its passengers experience true pleasure." "I want that. Absolutely." Chloe beamed "Just keep eating. This is a good start, but I think you still have a long way to grow. Now, you better hurry on to the Captain's banquet, they're getting started soon. With the rum in your system, it's going to be amazing, I promise you." Adam said. "Did he just say grow?" She thought to herself but quickly blew it off. Chloe was still riding a high from the rum and felt like she was a goddess on top of the world. She wondered what other foods would taste like in her euphoric state. Her mind was racing and her stomach was empty. She was stuffed mere moments ago, but now felt like she hadn't eaten in days. She said her goodbye's to Adam and made her way to the Gourmet deck. But of course, not before stopping at each of the kiosks on the Americana, the frozen yogurt dispenser, and the soda fountain. Chloe would need a snack for the long walk to the other end of the ship. Any qualms she had about being a glutton were nonexistent now, especially when everything tasted like a piece of heaven. She munched and slurped as she walked, the synapses in her brain flashing like Christmas lights. As she walked away, Adam ogled her ass. It had plumped into two sizable globes that jiggled when she stepped. Her bikini bottom had nearly vanished between her cheeks. She flaunted her hips and had a round food baby on display. "The rum affected her hard." Adam whispered to the crewmate "If she keeps going like this, that girl is going to be HUGE." Veronica blundered around a cabin that seemed to be shrinking around her. She bumped the walls, nightstand, sink and counters with her fat ass. It was burgeoning with the indulgences of the day. Thicker and thicker it seemed to grow with each passing minute. She could barely fit her whole body in the reflection of the thin mirror at her cabin. Only a few days on the Bounty of the Sea and she had accelerated her gain tremendously. The floral sun dress she had brought to wear at the banquet was laughably small on her now. She could barely get into it, in fact. With the increased size in her breasts, the dress had become extremely low cut. The soft, swollen skin of her breasts was completely exposed, spilling out of the dress and barely covering her nipples. The skirt rode up high; it was obviously no match for Veronica's shapely thighs. The dress left little to the imagination as every curve and bulge was on display and it stretched like latex. She finished off the look and wrapped a stylish belt around her middle, cinched the belt to its final notch and let the buckle sit in the soft cushion of fat around her midsection. She ran her hands down her form on both sides, charting her curves. The dress made it glaringly obvious that her high calorie binge was already making an impact on her. Plump and curvy Veronica was turning into fat Veronica. "I just bought this last week... Wow" Veronica was stoked. "I'm loving this look. Utterly stuffed. Oh my God, my ass is getting huge, too." She did a full turn in the mirror and adored her figure. The bottoms of her ass cheeks peeked out beyond the skirt, full and squeezable. The cellulite that patterned her ass and thighs was evidence of her gluttony. She was unabashedly overfed and yet, pangs of hunger still rumbled in her stomach. They crept up on her and invaded her thoughts. She was consumed with a carnal desire to eat. She wanted more. "I just ate. How the hell am I still hungry." she thought "This cruise is really making a fatty of me. When the food is always available, how can i resist?" BOMMMM! The final bell rang with purpose throughout the ship. Calling its growing patrons to engorge themselves further at the Captain's Dinner. The banquet had started and Veronica didn't want to be late. How could they start the gluttonous event without HER? Veronica scrambled as fast and her waddling thighs could take her. She grabbed Chloe's dress and headed to the cabin door. She gave her distended stomach a satisfying pat and threw it open like a Hollywood diva. Her whole body jiggled with eagerness. "Just wait until they get a load of this." Veronica bellowed, blind to the rather short and unremarkable cleaning crew member, Petro. "And what a considerable load it is." Petro sputtered in a thick accent. He nearly dropped a small silver tray carrying champagne. "Oh shit, sorry Petro. I didn't see you there." "You are forgiven, Madame. I am easy to miss, after all. You on the other hand..." He poked a narrow finger into her engorged midsection. "Quite impressive. In my home country, a woman of your size would be revered. A pampered woman like you is a sign of fertility and wealth." Veronica's skin bounced back and sent a quiver through her body. "Well, Thank you! It's not every day you get to witness a blossoming goddess, Petro." Veronica said. "Of course, Madame. I understand you are in a rush, but I've come to offer you a glass of complimentary champagne before the dinner. I've been tasked with locating the, how do you say... stragglers. It is no wonder you are late. Moving must be so hard for someone so fat and large, as you. I wonder if you will be able to move at all by the end of this cruise." Petro gawked. The amber colored champagne fizzed in a thin glass. The aroma from the glass was strong and the taste was even stronger. Veronica grabbed the glass and downed it. "Whoo, Thanks, Petro ." A wave of sensations flooded her palette, she almost got dizzy. As she bounced over to the Gourmet deck, she swore she could feel each and every pound bouncing with her. Even with the most subtle movements, she could feel her jiggling weight shifting. Her supple skin gripped by the tightness of her dress was an arousing experience. The buckle on her belt squeaked and groaned with tension as her stomach seemed to inflate. It looked pathetic behind Veronica's impressive girth. With the hedonism she had planned for tonight, it would not survive the dinner. The two best friends waddled into the banquet hall with dresses that were far too small for their bodies and a ravenous hunger in their eyes. Chloe was filling out her dress nicely, while Veronica was spilling out of hers. Amber champagne sat on ice and the clatter of silverware and the hum of polite chatter echoed off the walls. The converted ballroom now hosted a seemingly endless crowd of elegantly adorned and properly groomed heads shuffling between hor dourves. At some tables, passengers were stuffing horderves so fast, the waiters couldn't deliver them quick enough. Gilded trays came loaded with a menagerie of sweet and succulent arrangements. Waiters danced between the tables, filling up plate after plate. There were glazed figs wrapped in bacon and cheeses served side by side with a tomato bruschetta doused with a golden peanut oil. One platter was steaming with recently grilled bison steaks skewered with peppers and onions and pineapple. The light and flaky breaded tarts seemed to crumble and melt just by looking at them. The air was thick with the interlocking smell of freshly baked bread and sweet fruit juices. They poured champagne and wine from every cardinal direction. Large casks and barrels full of ale were rolled into the room and tapped. Imported brews and bottled came in on pallets and were joined with fine liquors and spirits in an extensive ice bath at each of the bars. No attendee was without an aperitif balanced between their fingers. A fork clanged with glass a few times and the hall was silenced. A stately looking fellow in a perfectly pressed uniform stood to address the crowd. The decorated cap atop his head denoted his station. Beside him at a long ceremonial table sat a massive woman of nearly 500 lbs. Her breasts were like beach balls and her hanging stomach enveloped her lap. Her eyes were beady and swam in a puffy moon shaped face. Her body, too big for conventional clothing, was draped in a custom made gown. A diamond ring was tight on her sausage fingers. She was a marvel to behold. Finally, the captain cleared his throat and said. "My wife and I would love to welcome you all aboard The Bounty of the Sea, where every taste is a new experience. Here, we strive to meet your every want and need. The chefs on this ship have spent years perfecting their culinary delights and made this ship famous for keeping its passengers well fed and satisfied. I promise you, that you will leave this ship a different person than you were before. Refreshed, sated, larger than life." He flashed a look at his gargantuan wife and she giggled back at him. "Now I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you're all starving. Enjoy!" With that, the doors to the kitchens burst open and a procession of wait-staff came flooding into the hall. The smell and color of countless mouthwatering dishes balanced in their palms. Any food you could imagine, the Bounty would provide. The fat wife clapped her hands together in glee. The eating and feeding started immediately. The girls were seated towards the center of the hall at a table with stately chairs and frilled white tablecloth. Before they even had a moment to speak they were surrounded by a throng of crew members with loaded platters. They were at the epicenter of a whirlwind of passion and gluttony. "Roast duck? Onion soup? Chicken carbonara? Popcorn shrimp? Plum pastry? Quiche?" As each waiter whisked by, another delicacy appeared in front of them. The girls willingly obliged to every savory meal and creamy confection, as the liquor churned within them, causing them to crave even more. They were stuffing uncontrollably and the steady flow of food seemed to have no end. They chewed and chewed, barely getting a moment to speak to each other. Each time they opened their mouths, a passing waiter would pop a new treat between their cheeks. Chloe was digging maniacally through a family sized bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. One waiter laid a plate with fried turkey swimming in a thick beef gravy on her left, while another placed a bowl of creamy lobster bisque on her right, and a third filled up her goblet with more amber colored champagne that fizzed deviously. Chloe took a deep breath and a swig from her glass. Between mouthfuls she chugged the enhancing tonic and every time it was empty an eager attendant promptly filled it up again. Each flavor was a sensation beyond her imagination, ineffable to behold. For every meal she finished, there were at least three more loaded up at the table. She grunted a thank you out to the attendants as they rushed by, closed her eyes and kept eating. She felt a tightness in her chest, a sudden swelling. Her bra and dress strained against a pair of breasts that were already too big for them. They had ballooned up at least a cup size since she boarded the ship and they showed no signs of stopping. Soon, all of her bras would fail to contain her. Soft fat was rounding out her bony body, giving her a womanly shape and form. Under the influence of the rum and champagne, the hastened gain felt like wonder tickling along her skin. She used a free hand to reach up and to her breast and give it a squeeze; she was surprised at its size and delighted by the feeling. She didn't care that she was groping herself in public, it all felt so good. She opened her mouth to moan and found it filled with a juicy and warm bite of steak. "Mind if I give you a hand?" Adam encouraged, standing out from the crowd with a friendly smile. His muscular arms strained the sleeve of his polo. He was holding a fork up to her mouth with another morsel. "Feel free to let your hands explore your changing body. The rum enhances physical sensations as well. I can feed you softer. I know how much you want it." Chloe relinquished herself. She managed to deliver a nod to him and uttered a sultry coo. "I do." She hummed. She dropped her other hand to her plumped stomach and kneaded her developing love handles and let Adam feed her. The rush of sensations was orgasmic. Veronica's eyes lit up seeing her friend Chloe getting some much deserved attention from the handsome bartender, but she was quite busy with her own entourage encouraging her with endless treats. She was being pampered and fed from every direction by at least five waiters, who had become smitten with her, after seeing what an engorged fatty she had become. They surrounded her chair and took turns stuffing her. Every spoonful was followed by another and for every meal she finished two more took its place. She leaned back into her chair savoring the flavors like a goddess of excess. The belt on her waist was obviously strained. The leather groaned and the buckle rattled. Veronica's stomach surged forward, spilling over the top and the bottom of the belt forming a makeshift double-belly, but the belt did not burst. Veronica pulled her plump hands to the buckle in an attempt to undo it, the tightness was overwhelming and her breaths had turned to gasps. The waiters grasped her hands and guided them away from the buckle. Another beefy crew member stroked her pronounced double chin, pinched her chubby cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, and whispered. "We're going to make you burst." Then he called over his shoulder. "Bring the buttercream! We've got a greedy one over here!" They paraded over to her table with a piping bag of buttercream frosting that was so large it took two grown men to carry it. Veronica was startled at first, shocked even, her eyes darting in all directions. She was fearful whether her body could even handle such a monstrous load after binging so greedily the entire day. She trembled with trepidation. They moved the nozzle close to her lips like she was a cake ready to be decorated. She clasped her moist lips on the nozzle and looked up at her admirers with longing eyes.The waiters around her chanted and cheered. They loved her fat body and wanted to test her limits. They squeezed the bag and a concoction of butter and powdered sugar flowed into her mouth filling her cheeks like a squirrel. The blast of creamy and sweet flavors were so good that Veronica could not pass it up. She succumbed to greed and her fearfulness drifted away. She suckled diligently, eager for more. She swore that could feel her body swelling in every direction. She thought about how bloated and obese she must look, a helpless fatty with no self-control. "How hot!?" She mused. She loved the attention. She loved the sweetness. She felt marvelously aroused. The cream filled her steadily and a rush of pleasure began to build and build within her. Quick breaths through her nose were frantic and hurried. She moaned into the tube, but it was drowned out by another wave of cream melting and sliding down her throat. Then, a full body sensation overtook her. Pleasure beyond measure. Her whole body quaked. And with that, the buckle snapped with a PWAP! It was launched five feet from the table, clattering on the ballroom floor, while the leather ripped and dropped to the chair legs in a coil. The side of her sundress tore open and a lovely paunch of flesh poured through the gap. Her engorged stomach spilled into her lap and eclipsed her legs completely. The results of her unabated and inexorable gluttony was on display for the entire cruise to see and it silenced the ballroom. Then, a crescendo, a roar of applause and cheers cascaded off the vaulted ceiling. It was a standing ovation from everyone on board. This cruise was anything but normal, but Veronica didn't care. She was beginning to love this feeling. Her fatness was being celebrated and she felt like a celebrity. The din of clapping hands settled down and expired with a few remaining hoots and hollers. The feeders pulled the buttercream bag from Veronica's lips and she exhaled with a trill of ecstasy. She smacked her lips like an adorable fatty and pressed chubby hands into a massive gut. It shuddered like pliant dough. "I never said I was done, did I?" Veronica panted and grabbed for the bag like a junkie reaching for her fix. "A big girl like me is going to need more than that." The crew raised their eyebrows, but one spoke. "On the Bounty it's our guarantee that every passenger gets their fill. We wouldn't want to leave you unsatisfied." Veronica opened wide and they proceeded to fill her puffy face. She closed her eyes and accepted a waterfall of buttery calories sliding down her throat. She was built for this and they adored every ounce. —-- Chloe clambered awake, the events of the previous night had made an indelible impression on her mind and her body. A dull throb pounded at her temple. She sat up groggily and folded her hands into her lap. Unintentionally, her forearms brushed the soft skin of her rounded stomach. It was unavoidable now. It was doughy and pronounced, smothering the underwear she had worn to bed and concealing the cloth straps between fresh pudgy rolls on her hips. She prodded her tummy in complete disbelief only to have it respond with a very real grumble. She was absolutely famished. Chloe scrambled to her suitcase to get something to wear. She planned to rush over to the breakfast buffet and try to find Veronica. She had lost her in the commotion of the banquet after getting absorbed in a budding romance between herself and the handsome cruise bartender. Adam spent the night hand-feeding her an array of delicacies and sent her to bed with a chivalrous kiss. Her face flushed when she imagined being held in his strong arms, but also the fantasy of being fed by him again surged forward in her mind. She longed to eat and grow. Perhaps, he could give her belly a rub to relieve some of the pressure from the previous night. Her body tingled at the idea and her mouth watered. The cabin swayed gently with the ocean and Chloe's body swayed with it as she took each step. Her whole body looked full and swollen with the majority of weight settling in her hips and stomach. Her new layer of soft fat could be pinched, teased and jiggled. Now, she had the body of a college freshman unaware of the fattening effect of beer, or an ex-athlete who had let herself go. When a stickly girl starts to put on weight, the gains are always more noticeable and Chloe was no exception. She felt positively plump. Even her chin and cheeks were becoming adorably rounded and quite impossible to hide away. As she moved, her ass bounced in a way that a skinny girl simply couldn't. Trying to find a pair of shorts that would budge over her enlarged thighs and rear was a painstaking challenge and finding one that could button together at the waist was strictly impossible. Chloe was growing faster than her wardrobe could support her. She was forced to settle on her largest pair, with the button left undone and a defiant roll spilling over the top. A too tight tee clung to her like a second skin and rode up to reveal a pudgy navel. "Wow, this is ridiculous. I'm massive." She thought "I've never been this fat in my life. If I keep eating like this I'll end up looking like... well, Veronica." "They'll keep making me fatter!" Chloe said as she stumbled around in too tight shorts that bit into her hips. She was right. Aboard the Bounty they would keep feeding her. Keep fattening her. She knew it and she couldn't stop it. The ship's special alcohol was a compelling appetite accelerant, fat stimulant, and aphrodisiac all wrapped into one package. It was still bristling through her bloodstream. Chloe, who tried to remain cool and collected, realized it was impossible to have put on this much weight in the three days. After only a short stint on the gourmet cruise line, she looked like she had put on 30 pounds easily. How did it work? What was happening to her? Did some people actually want this? She knew some sort of stimulant was facilitating her rapid growth. She was being manipulated for someone else's sick pleasure. She thought harshly about Adam and wondered what to do. He had given her that shot of liquor knowing full well that it would make her blow up like a prized hog. "There's something in the drinks. I need to warn her." She thought. And yet, Chloe couldn't keep her hands off of her burgeoning pot belly. It was unbelievably soft in her hands and it spilled through her fingers. Her hands drifted down, fingernails grazing the pliant skin, to lift her personal ball of pudge gently upward and dropping it against her waistband with a jiggle. She repeated this motion several times, again and again. It was an entrancing and meditative process. The zipper from her shorts was pushed farther and farther open with each drop until her underwear was revealed. She reached down and gave herself a moist stroke. The sensation was magical. "So hungry." She slavered "I think I might need a snack first. Mhmmm." A side of her desired to eat and be fed. A side of her wanted a thick ass, heavy breasts and a belly that would hang and jiggle. She wrested control of these desires. It was the alcohol talking, after all, still attempting to fog her mind and fuel her gluttony. She waged an internal conflict, like Jekyll and Hyde, between the shy skinny girl she used to be and the self indulgent fatty she was destined to become. She zipped her pants up with a heave and a sigh. "No. I can't eat anymore. I have to find Veronica." She commanded herself in a show of self control. Not long after, a tenacious rapping came from the cabin door. When she opened the door, the bellboy and cleaning crewman, Petro, was face to face with her. His uniform was sparkling clean and he was hoisting a tray above his head with some difficulty. "It is my express duty, Madame, to ensure our gold members are always within arms length of their next meal." stressed Petro in a foreign titter. "You wouldn't want to miss pre-breakfast, would you?" "Pre-breakfast? What the hell..." Chloe tried to continue but was stopped cold. The intoxicating smell of a steaming sweet roll graced her nostrils with notes of cinnamon and cream cheese icing. It was the size of a wedding cake and glaze was oozing out from every corner. The heat emanating from the freshly baked cinnamon roll tickled her face like an old lover's touch. She felt like a desert traveler, who after weeks of arduous journey and whose body was beaten and on the verge of death, had finally stumbled upon an verdant oasis. Her stomach roared. "Oh... shit. I want this." Chloe said as she succumbed to the pastry without a second thought. Chloe's fingers, cheeks and lips were coated with glaze and the light shimmered off of them. Crumbs from the cinnamon roll were scattered across her tank top and several larger pieces were squeezed between her ballooning breasts. Her flesh spilled out of her bra and made a shelf that was perfect for catching leftovers. She ate those too, pulling the pieces out, popping them into her mouth and licking her fingers diligently. "Another advantage of being a fatty. My breasts can catch the extras so I never miss a bite." she mused. The taste was heavenly. She couldn't resist. "You look like a baked muffin that has risen over the top!" The attendant, Petro, said with glee. The skin pouring over her waistband was visible for all to see. He was proud that even the skinny girl on the cruise had swelled tremendously. "You are certainly more fetching with some meat on your bones." "What are you giving me that's making me so fat! I can barely get into my clothes and I can't stop eating. I'm turning into a blimp." Chloe spat, with chunks of pastry still in her cheeks. "What have you done?" "Me? I've done nothing, you see. The Bounty brings out your truest desires and has made a glutton of you. The only person you can blame is yourself for your complete lack of self-control. Give into your pleasures and let the crew pamper you. It will be much easier, and I'm sure you'll grow to love it." He tittered. "Enough! If you're not going to give me a straight answer, just tell me where my friend is. Where did Veronica go?" "Ah, now. Veronica is a young woman who is not afraid to eat, she savors all of life's little excesses. An exemplary glutton! You should learn from her." He said, tapping a thin finger on his chin. "Last I heard, she was upgraded to a deluxe suite, one floor above. 239, I believe. You see, sometimes our passengers get a bit too large for their cramped cabins" "Oh no" Chloe thought to herself. If she had gained this much weight over the course of three nights, she couldn't imagine how big Veronica might have become. Veronica had spent time in the banquet hall long after she went to bed. She had to find Veronica and let her know the truth. The crew was fattening them into butterballs. "And where can I get another roll?" Chloe's fatter side spoke up, hungry for more. "Your wish is my command." He produced another roll, equally as large and slathered with glaze. She inhaled the cinnamon roll, grabbing it quickly with both hands and hoisting it into her rounded face. Her double chin was getting harder to hide as she chowed through another treat. "Keep eating and you'll have plenty of new rolls to play with." He pinched her in the chubbiest part of her stomach while her hands were occupied. "Hmph!" Chloe grunted, part offended and part aroused. Strange feelings were sweeping over her. The toxic effect of the drinks seemed to come in waves. Chloe rushed past Petro and down the hall towards the elevator in an effort to warn her friend. Unfortunately, her new weight made her lethargic and slow, and she found herself panting after a short dash to the end of the hallway. Her new body would take some getting used to. Petro eyed Chloe's jiggling and shifting form and smiled heartily. Watching these girls fatten themselves into plump beauties was the only tip he required. The winding thoroughfares of the ship's lower deck seemed to be narrow and cramped and the elevator was a tight squeeze. Not because the ship was any smaller, mind you, but because many of the passengers had doubled in size since the departure. All of the passengers wearing the gold wristbands were visibly plumper than when they started and fat was spilling out of everyone's clothes. Navigating through the cabin halls, Chloe tried her best to avoid bumping into other passengers, but it was inevitable. Fat rubbed against fat as she squeezed past the other jumbo sized guests. These touches were enhanced and sent a tingle down her spine. She didn't feel as awkward in her skin tight shorts after seeing a thin husband pulling his massive wife through their cabin door. Her hips were wedged in the door frame and a breakfast burrito was in each of her hands. She engorged herself while her husband struggled to move her fattened body through the door and out to the buffet again. A man in the elevator had a gut that entirely enveloped the waistline of his bathing suit and a pair of moobs that were larger than Chloe's. The gold band was tight on his wrist and was cutting off circulation to his sausage fingers. The ship had an industrial sized elevator that could haul 10,000 pounds. Even so, she was backed into the corner by the man's girth. Despite this, she was fascinated by his size and was tempted to give his belly a rub. The mind-altering alcohol still buzzing through her system. Chloe finally arrived at the deluxe suite, hoping to find Veronica still there. The hallway leading up to the room was littered with trays, plates, bowls and utensils from room service. They were stacked into tall greasy towers on either side of the door that teetered as the ship swayed. Bottles of rum were empty and left in a hectic pile as if some wild hedonism had occurred the night before. Chloe could hear a slobbery moan come from inside, it sounded like Veronica. She pounded on the door and a shirtless hunk answered. He had washboard abs and was wearing next to nothing except a blue wristband on his arm marked "F". "Hey" he said "You must be Chloe." "Oh!" She blushed, shielding her eyes "I didn't mean to intrude." "Chlo!! Come on in, girl!" Veronica shouted from the back. Veronica sat in a beautifully adorned King sized bed like it was a throne. Another shirtless hunk was hand feeding her chocolate covered strawberries, while a third gentleman pushed a cart full of fattening treats to the bedside. Pastries, pastas and meats were shuffled in front of the super-sized queen. It would be her next meal. Judging by the disarray of the room and the eager looks of her male companions, it wasn't her first and wouldn't be her last. It was one of many delicious delights that she had consumed today. The room service bill was bound to be enormous. "Deluxe members get unlimited free room service, so my new friends and I have been taking advantage of it." There was no doubt that Veronica had grown. In just four short days, she had gone from buxom beauty to force fed hog. She wore a strained pair of sweats that failed to cover her swelling hips and ass. A huge bulge of cellulite covered flab was bursting past the waistline and threatening to break the tenuous seams that kept the stretchy garment together. It was the last remaining article of clothes that still fit her. She was forced to wear a bed sheet across her swollen chest, as no bra in her luggage could hope to contain them any longer. The sheet was mostly transparent and Chloe could see two watermelon sized, but pillow soft breasts hanging low and heavy, resting on a plush overfed stomach. A chocolate strawberry was dangled in front of her round face and she snatched it away in her mouth like an animal. They were right when the advertisement said "You'll leave the Bounty a changed person." "Veronica! The rum is spiked with a chemical that makes you ravenous and gain an extraordinary amount of weight. I mean, look at us! We're huge!" Chloe gripped her pot belly and gave it a desperate shake. It jiggled pleasantly after she let go. "I know right? Isn't it hot? I've never felt more attractive in my life. Don't I look good boys?" She raised her arms in a diva pose. Fatty skin hung between her elbows and shoulders. "Yes! Absolutely!" The three muscular admirers were in complete agreement. "Don't you see? The crew and some of the passengers get off on making you fatter. You're feeding into exactly what they want." Chloe pleaded. "What about what I want? At the beginning of this trip, you said no judgment, but now you're being a complete stick in the mud. I'm enjoying each and every succulent moment and making friends who worship this thick, growing body." She pushed her chubby fingers into the folds around her stomach. "I think you need to see things from my perspective." She ushered one of the hunks to grab an unfinished bottle of rum. "Brian, why don't you offer my dear friend a drink?" The other two men surprised Chloe and grabbed her by the wrists. She struggled against them, but it was three versus one. She failed to slip away. As chubby as Chloe had become, it wasn't long before she was panting for breath. Her jiggling form made her slow and tired. "This has to stop Veronica... You can't do this to me, your best friend." Chloe wheezed. "You've always been way too skinny. You have some serious catching up to do, girlie." She clapped her hands and her thick forearms bounced. "Boys". The men forced the drink upon Chloe. As the bottle loomed close to the victim's mouth she could smell the fiery and sweet aroma of the strong alcohol. A drop pattered on her tongue as she attempted to scream and kick, but then a hot swig was sent burning down her throat. As the alcohol washed through her system, the serum took effect immediately, reclaiming her body and mind. Chloe's panic melted away and she fell limp into the hulking feeder's arms. A dormant hunger gnawed away at her reason, lusting for greasy foods and a touchable, fat body. Then, her stomach growled, her mouth watered, her eyes lit up and a radiant pleasure tickled her skin. "Is that ice cream?" Chloe gasped. Her eyes locked onto the loaded dessert barge. Chloe happily swallowed a spoonful of ice cream and let the creamy treat melt in her mouth. It was her absolute favorite and the ice cream on this cruise ship washed over her mind and body with a tingling euphoria. She shouldn't have expected anything less from The Bounty. Her soft belly bounced over the waistline of her shorts and her hips and rear were shaped like a rounded heart. Her unbuttoned shorts pressed into her skin and seemed to be growing tighter and tighter with each bite. With an endless supply of fattening calories at every corner of the room and her mind addled with a ravenous hunger, Chloe's ass and belly seemed to be in competition to be the first to burst the seams of her old shorts. She continued eating, enamored by their tightness and excited by her fuller and fatter figure. The events of the previous hour had been washed away by the strange and potent, amber colored rum. "I remember trying to escape... but I can't imagine why. It's all so good." She said, scraping the bottom of an ice cream tub. "I'm in heaven. This cruise was the best idea." "You're getting fatter too, girl. You used to have such a sharp chin, but now it looks soft and round. A chubby face looks good on you. I wonder if anyone back home will recognize you." Veronica remarked from a confident sprawled out position on the king sized bed. "But like I said, you've got some real catching up to do." Veronica rocked back and forth and her body shook like Jell-O. Her belly was so engorged that the top half had started to fold over at her navel and the bottom half pushed forward so far it tore at her last pair of underwear. She kneaded her bountiful rolls with eager hands while two shirtless hunks took turns stuffing her with cake. She barely had an opportunity to speak between bites. "I've never felt sexier." Veronica said with cake batter in her mouth. "I can't wait until I have a body like yours Veronica. You know, I've always envied you. Your curves, your thick ass." Chloe said. "Oh, sweetheart. Thank you for the compliment. You've always balanced me so well. I'm so happy to have you along and it's great to see you finally enjoying yourself." Veronica said slyly. "I really am enjoying myself. I can't keep my hands off of my body. Each pound makes me feel more like a goddess and everyone on this ship seems to worship me." Chloe said. "I've become a little piggy so fast. Do you think Adam will like it?" She was eyeing the way her rounded stomach pushed out of her tank top and rested on soft and shapely thighs. She felt like a blossoming goddess of plenty, or a model in a painting by Peter Paul Rubens. "Adam will adore you." Veronica said. "You think...?" "Just keep eating. It's obvious that the crew on this ship like their ladies bigger. He'll swoon when he realizes what a fatty you've become." "How big do you think I should get?" "The bigger the better. Now, eat!" "I'm going to be huge by the end of this. Aren't I?" Chloe giggled. Chloe licked her spoon clean with a salacious flourish and pulled herself off the king sized bed to grab another tub. One of Veronica's muscular friends with an "F" wristband jumped to her aid, eager to please. "No need to get up, beautiful. I'll get you whatever you need." He placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her chubby butt back down onto the plush loveseat. Her breasts bounced around almost spilling out of her bra and low cut shirt. Chloe blushed red. "Oh!" She wasn't used to being doted on by such handsome hunks. The room service brought ice cream in gallon cartons and wheeled them in on bellhop carts along with a variety of other chocolates, cakes, pastries and pies from the Bliss deck. The attendants eyed the girls up and down as they dropped off the orders, marveling at their increasing size. The crew members drew straws to fight for the privilege to serve the girls with the voracious appetites. The room looked like a bomb filled with icing, melted ice cream and cake batter had gone off, covering the walls, floors, and sheets. The girls spent the day gorging on sweets, growing out of their clothes, and swigging alcohol spiked with weight gain serum and aphrodisiac. They had dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the meals seemed to meld together as the hours passed. Like queens they sat glued to their thrones while carts of offerings were heaped at their feet and pushed to their lips. Every single one of their needs was met by an eager feeder, so the girls barely had to lift a finger. They chewed and swallowed, drank heavily and laughed together, red faced and bubbly. The excess of The Bounty had them mesmerized and fattened. Chloe was growing especially fast. After another tub of ice cream, an apple pie, and a dozen cupcakes, her shorts looked like they were painted to her ass. Even the slightest movement made the fabric groan. It was hard to imagine that she was the same girl that had boarded the ship only four days ago. "Who's ready for shots?" Veronica shouted. As if on cue, the hunks lined up glasses on a table and drizzled amber liquor into them, overflowing at the rim. "I think I've acquired a taste for the stuff. Let's make that a double, boys!" Chloe said. "A double for the curvy goddess!" The feeders cheered. The hunks smiled and poured an extra shot. Chloe waddled over to the room's mini bar and threw them back with ease. She was getting accustomed to the burning sensation of the liquor, and relished in it. She loved the way the rum made her feel and the burning in her throat was the precursor to euphoria. Her mouth watered in response, much like Pavlov's dog and the dinner bell. —- Chloe slept better than she had in years. She spent yesterday engorging on any delight she set her mind to, egged on by the mysterious and fattening amber colored rum. She tried so many things, indulged like the glutton Veronica wanted her to be, and fell asleep with a full, taut stomach. It stretched and stretched beyond her waistline when she shoveled the contents of an entire dessert tray into her mouth. She truly overdid it. Chloe believed that overnight her belly would shrink back from its swollen state, but the opposite was true, it swelled even further, collecting all of the excess calories while she slept. Despite the alcohol, she awoke clear eyed and content. When the first light pierced through the ocean-side balcony window, Chloe stirred. With a cute groan, she buried her head into the expansive cushion that she had slept on. She nuzzled the soft pillow with her cheeks and felt its warmth. It felt like delicate skin. She had fallen asleep on Veronica, her naked body was sprawled across the King sized bed. Chloe's smaller (but significantly pudgy) body was enveloped in her friend's double belly and rested her head comfortably upon a single fluffy breast. Veronica was delightfully soft. With her new size, Veronica nearly took up the whole bed and the two fat cuddly cruise-goers had squeezed together to fit on it. Chloe mumbled, yawned and smacked her lips. Her hand kneaded the substantial pudge on her bestie's hips and smiled. It felt good in her hands. The euphoric and erotic feelings from the alcohol hadn't waned overnight, and even simple caresses sparked warm feelings between her thighs. One thing was certain, she was ravenous. Saliva filled her mouth in anticipation of her next meal and her swollen stomach roared for more. Her eyes snapped open and her ears were greeted with the sound of a persistent munching. "Rise and shine, cupcake!" Veronica said between crispy strips of bacon. Chloe sniffed the air, rolled her globular form off of the bed and reached for a plate that rested on Veronica's belly. "Is that bacon? Gimme!" Chloe said in a desperate grab for sustenance. "You're still hungry too? It was the first thing on my mind when I woke up. I just keep eating. I haven't been able to stop..." Veronica said, slightly concerned. "We had so much of that alcohol. The effect is still lingering. I'm starving." Chloe mumbled, tearing into the plate of breakfast meats. She leaned over the bed stuffing herself and her hefty paunch. The cumulative effects of the amber colored rum had made the girls lose control. Their hands reflexively fed morsel after morsel into their mouths. The two shared little words between themselves after that, mostly just scarfing, chewing, hungry moans and the growls from their stretched and insatiable stomachs. They destroyed a modest breakfast platter of greasy meats and scrambled eggs in a matter of minutes. As their first meal of the day started to dwindle, Chloe reached over her swollen middle and started to steal from Veronica's plate. Her greedy fingers probed the plate and her belly sloshed into Veronica's bugling hips. "Hey, keep your hands off my plate! I'm bigger than you, therefore I need more of it." Veronica said. "Not for long." Chloe said. A rapping on the door and the familiar accented voice of Petro yelped "room service!" and both girls looked up from their gluttony for a brief second. "You get it." "No, you get it." Chloe sighed, and hoisted herself out of bed. It was much more difficult getting up than she remembered, but each jostle and jiggle of her blossoming body was a new experience to her. Her plush adipose brushed together and bounced about with the slightest of movements. Each gentle jiggle seemed filled her with an erotic sensation. She threw on an ill-fitting bathrobe, scrambled for her glasses, and trundled over to the door, unfamiliar with the pounds and pounds jiggling fat that had appeared on her overnight. She opened the door looking tousled. She perched her hands on her hips and they sunk into a new fleshy layer. "What does he want?" Veronica called from the other end of the suite. "Hi, Petro. Maybe you could give us a few more minutes." Chloe said. "A very good morning to you, Ms. Veronica." He said. "I-I'm Chloe." She said, "Good Lord! You've gotten so fat I did not recognize you! I mistook you for your fuller figured friend. What has this ship done to you?" Petro retorted as he pushed a shrimpy finger into her stomach. "Amazing." "What can I say? The bounty has turned me into a gluttonous girl." She said, "Well, I come bearing gifts from the captain's quarters. For our Deluxe members." He declared with a flourish. He dipped his thin body to the side of the door frame and returned with two champagne glasses with a deep orange liquid. "These are mimosas to get you started this morning. Stimulate the appetite, you see. A boost for you to continue your unabated gluttony. One for you and another for your blubbery companion." Chloe reached with both hands and took a mimosa in her right and in her left. She downed them both, one after the other. She smacked her lips and closed her eyes, savoring the burning sensation in her throat. "So good." "Those were heavily dosed... Oh dear. You didn't want to save one for your friend?" "I need more of it, trust me. What Veronica doesn't know wont hurt her." Chloe said. Veronica struggled to turn her head across her own hefty body. "Did someone say my name?" Veronica groaned. "And these are compliments of the captain himself." Petro said. Petro pulled out garments wrapped in plastic. Expansive dresses that were big enough to fit a whale. "It is obvious that you're growing out of your wardrobes. The captain has been willing to provide you with some of his wife's dresses. They are designed to handle women of your... magnitude. Though at the rate you're going, you'll be blowing up out of these before too long." "Thank you. I think..." Chloe nodded. "Your presence is requested at the breakfast buffet. Keep in mind that today will be our last day at sea before landing at Cayo Grande." He said swatting Chloe with an itinerary. Chloe barely half of the words coming out of Petro's mouth. A nagging hunger brewed inside of her. The breakfast buffet sounded awesome. Chloe unwrapped one of the captain's dresses and held it up against her body. She was fat, but not nearly big enough to fit the flowing smock. It looked like it was meant for a woman of nearly 500 lbs. Did they really expect us to get this big? Whatever magic was working on them couldn't possibly make them that fat so quickly. Or could it? Serotonin rushed through her brain at the idea of becoming a massive beach ball of a woman. She couldn't control herself and with each sip of stimulating alcohol she pushed herself one step closer to morbid obesity. Her conscience dissolved and a little voice inside her head whispered "More, more. You need more." "Did someone say buffet? I'm starving." Veronica said from afar. She rolled off the bed and waddled to her friend. "I know, I need to eat something NOW!" Chloe said. Weight serum churned inside of her. She was ready to become massive. Chloe and Veronica were welcomed into the main hall like queens. Veronica was draped in a flowing gown that had once belonged to the tremendously fat wife of the ship's captain. It was billowing around her, and yet it clung tight to some areas, especially her pronounced hips and rear end which had evolved from a chubby bubble butt into a shapeless wall of jiggling fat. Even the garb of a 500+lb woman couldn't hold Veronica's ass back. There was no doubt that she would be filling the dress handily before the cruise was over. To Chloe, the captain's dress was like wearing a cascading bed sheet, a bit too big. So instead, she had squeezed herself into Veronica's size 16 jeans. It was a tight fit and they outlined every swelling inch of her thighs and ass. A proud muffin top jiggled at the waist, hanging down with a deep navel. A vertical crease made its way from her belly button down to the edge of her flab. It was by far the softest part of her body. A tank top she had borrowed from Veronica looked more like a crop top and it put her stomach on full display, as if she was an exotic belly dancer. Chloe was amazed to know that she could barely wear any of Veronica's clothes, now. She had ballooned past Veronica's initial weight, more than doubling in size. With each step she took into the parlor, her body bounced and the tight denim groaned. It was an erotic feeling when even the simplest motion, including walking, would send her body into a fit of jiggles and shakes. Each cumbersome pound felt so good clinging to her silhouette. At this rate, how much would she need to eat to surpass Veronica? She was begging for more fat, and on the Bounty promised to give her all that and more. There were hoots and hollers from feeders and crew members alike as Chloe and Veronica hauled their growing bodies into a pair of plush and ornate chairs around a well decorated round table. A stick thin server danced his way over to the table and his eyes widened when he noticed the girls. "I see, these two divine beauties are deluxe members? I'm Gareth. Your wish is my command." He tittered. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as he ogled the overweight goddesses. "How are we feeling this morning?" "Since I've woken up, I've only had two plates of bacon slices, seven Apple-wood smoked breakfast sausages, and three cream cheese Danishes. So, as you can probably tell, I'm starving!" Veronica said. "Yes, I imagine you have room for more. The Bounty has that effect on people." Gareth smiled. "You had Danishes? Why didn't you let me have any?" Chloe whined. "You snooze, you lose..." Veronica sang. "You hog!" Chloe spat through chubby cheeks. "The pot's calling the kettle black. When you sit down, your stomach almost oozes to your knees. Talk about an overindulgent fatty." Veronica said. "Keep talking and I'll eat you next." Chloe said. "Please girls! Worry not Ms. Chloe. There will be plenty of food to go around this morning. The cook is making a fresh batch of his special pancakes. They're thick, fluffy and full of all the decadent calories a growing girl like you needs. The chef has promised to continue making pancakes, as long as you keep eating them. An unlimited supply to sate your tremendous appetite. Only the best for our deluxe size members." "All you can eat. That's what I'm talking about." Chloe said. She tucked a cloth dinner napkin between grapefruit breasts and raised a fork and knife from the table. The buttermilk stacks were toasted on a large griddle in the back of the dining area. When they were finally finished the girls could barely contain themselves. They slavered and panted as the potent weight gain serum rushed through their veins. The waiter served pats of butter from a vat with an ice cream scoop and slathered the hot stacks in melted fat. A tower of calories was set before each of the girls. The pancakes were massive and the stacks swayed in front of the girls as the ship gently rocked. Veronica sat in awe of the impressive display, while Chloe grabbed the first pancake in her stack with both hands and shoved it into her greedy mouth. Each hotcake was dense with batter and thick, American style. "Could we have some maple syrup?" Veronica said. "Mmrpph" Chloe nodded, colliding face first with her buttermilk stack. Parts of her body already seemed to swell and the button on her jeans was groaning from the pressure. The waiter swiftly stepped into the back room to grab two glass syrup servers. They were filled to the brim with dark maple syrup. How could anyone enjoy pancakes without drizzling extra sugary calories on top? Before Gareth could return to the table, Adam revealed himself from the kitchen and grabbed his coworker by the arm. He fished a small glass test tube out of his pocket filled with a golden glowing liquid. "The Captain sees potential in those women." He whispered. "They may even be big enough for Cayo Costa, if we play our cards right." "Huh?" Gareth said. "What's that in your hands?" Adam displayed the glowing liquid in his palm. "This is the purest concentration of the amber serum we use on board. Below deck, we only add one drop of this for every 10 gallons of mixed drinks." "I want you to put some in the syrup." Adam said after a beat. "What if they get hurt? We never give passengers that much. We don't know how they'll react..." Gareth had a nervous look on his brow. "These are express orders from the Captain." Adam said. "He wants to see them bigger." "I don't know man. The people on this stuff get aggressive sometimes. They'd kill each other for a donut." Gareth said. "If you can't handle it, get out of the way." Adam snarled, completely annoyed with Gareth's lack of dedication. "Have it your way. I don't want to be here to find out what happens, man." Gareth sighed and handed the syrup servers to Adam. Adam dosed them with a single glittering drop each. The liquid almost sparked as it hit the surface of the syrup and permeated the glass bottle. The dark maple syrup turned lighter and sparkled. Adam put on his biggest smile and walked out to face the corpulent duo with a concoction that was more powerful than even he dreamed. “Hey look! It's Adam.” Veronica said in a husky growl in between pancake bites. “Look alive, lover girl.” Adam waltzed across the deck with a bottle of golden brown maple syrup. The sugary liquid seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. “Hello again ladies! I see we’ve made some progress since we last met.” he said with gusto. “I’ve brought you the maple syrup you requested.” “About time!” Veronica said. Steam billowed out of her mouth from the hotcakes. Buttermilk on her breath. “Hi Adam…!” Chloe managed. Chloe blushed a deep red. It was something about the way his fitted crew polo hugged his muscular chest and arms, the way his perfect lips curled devilishly at the corners. The way he walked into the room with such a powerful presence was turning Chloe on like nothing else. She tried to hide her excitement and bury herself in an indulgent stack of pancakes, but it was no use. Her eyes undressed the handsome crewmate with a mind of their own. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking all the nasty, racy, sensual things she would do to him if she got him alone. He had made it no secret that he would stop at nothing to see Chloe grow fatter. The rational Chloe, the part of her drowning in the allure of sex and gluttony, couldn’t help but be scared when she noticed the excitement in his eyes. He had plans for her. Just like when he had convinced her to take those shots before the captain's dinner. The same devious look. He wanted to convince her to do something naughty and Chloe would have no choice but to say Yes! “I see you’ve decided to join us on the dark side.” Adam said in a vibrating baritone. “I was skeptical at first, but I’ve realized that I need to reach out and grab the things I want. No more holding back. I want to indulge like I never have before. I want to grow bigger. So unbelievably fat.” Chloe said confidently. The words tumbling out of her without a filter. Just the word “fat” was enough to make her groin buck with pleasure. The serum rushed through her senses. It came in powerful and riveting waves. What had happened to her? Had she really devolved into this sex crazed fatty? To see her indulgent gut barrel over the waistband of her shorts was like Her conscience screamed and tried to slink away bashfully, but the brain between her legs burned with sexual passion. A single minded goal: to be fed and fucked. Adam approached Chloe closely, and she could feel the warmth of his body from inches away. He pressed powerful fingers into her soft shoulder and gave a little squeeze. The sensitivity of her skin was enhanced and every hair on her trembled and then melted to his touch. “Well, You’re going to love this.” he said, drizzling an endless stream of thick nectar onto her meal. Her tremendous belly was screaming for sustenance, so Chloe dug into her breakfast with a newfound vigor. She grabbed pancakes saturated with liquid sin, brought them to her mouth and chewed fiercely. More than double her original weight, Chloe was beginning to look like a proper fat girl. A familiar sensation coursed through her. Her skin warmed and tingled. In her stomach, a tickle of hunger turned into a groan and then into a roar, fierce and insatiable. Her mind raced, her pupils dilated and her eyes darted with a singular focus. FEED, EAT, GROW! Her cheeks pooled with saliva. It was similar to the alcohol on board, but stronger, more intense. A rush of desire. The effects kept building and building like a rocket into space. Her inhibitions were blown to smithereens. Chloe shoveled another drenched pancake into her mouth, and then another. Like a wild animal, she brutalized the calorie dense delights. Adam couldn’t keep the smile from his face as she plunged her face into the flapjacks. “Don’t forget me over here! This big girl needs some lovin’, too!.” Veronica grunted from across the table. She leaned into the table, nearly lifting its legs. Ballon breasts crashed into the kitchenware, as she desperately scrambled for a taste. She held her mouth underneath the bottle and Adam poured in the dangerous concoction. She closed her lips on a massive mouthful and a dribble of sticky syrup coated her folding chins and dripped between her cleavage. “How could I forget you?” Adam said. “Without you, I never could have convinced Chloe to savor the bounty we offer on the ship. You deserve a BIG reward.” He plunged a finger into her gratuitous stomach and smiled broadly. Even the gentlest touch sent a ripple of sensual energy through her. “I know all the men on the ship can’t resist my curves. I plan to eat my fill, so keep the food coming.” Veronica said. She meant it, too. Her sizable stack had already been demolished. Servers rushed in with a refill. “On the bounty we are at your service. Your wildest food fantasies will be granted. As you might have guessed, We like our girls huge here.” Pangs of jealousy flooded Chloe’s mind. She wanted Adam all to herself. How could she catch up to Veronica‘s pendulous breasts and blubbery ass? Even she was having trouble denying that Veronica had only grown more attractive as she expanded. Her big soft body was sexy and touchable. Her transformation had been jaw dropping. Chloe needed to get bigger, far bigger than Veronica even imagined. Chloe rolled up a pancake like a burrito in her hands and inhaled it. Trails of sticky syrup stretched between her fingertips as she went for another bite. The addictive golden brown solution was getting everywhere, seeping into the pores on her face, driving her wild. Before long, she had finished her pancakes and was licking the warm amber molasses off her plate, wiping it clean. “I need more over here, Adam!” Chloe called. “I’m starving!” Adam rushed to replenish her plate. It was exactly as he planned. If he played the girls off one another they would both grow to enormous sizes. He still wasn’t sure what the side effects of consuming such large doses would be, but so far the results had been arousing. Veronica’s eyes widened to see her smaller statured best friend keeping pace with her own bottomless appetite. Although, neither of them were very small at this point. Two fat girls pigging out to their heart's content. Veronica was amazed that the stick thin girl she had invited on the cruise nearly 150 pounds ago, was the same person as the obese porker sitting across from her. An unnatural fire burned in their eyes, unhinged cravings as another towering helping was presented by the servers. Chloe snatched the syrup dispenser, held it over her mouth with two hands and drained the contents into her gullet. The syrup drizzled down her chin and neck as she gulped and sputtered. As she was making a complete pig of herself, Adam watched on and gritted his teeth. Could she even handle that much of the serum? Whipped cream, strawberry compote, melted butter and a large bowl of chocolate chips were presented on a mobile cart. The girls attacked the toppings and drowned their pancakes in more sugar and fat. A large vat of a milky white substance was rolled in front of the greedy duo as well. Attached were a pair of tubes, one for each of them. “Refreshments?” Adam said. “With all that syrup, you surely need something to wash it all down.” “Oh thank you!” Chloe coughed. The sugary drug coated the inside of her mouth and entirely down her throat. The warming sensation was orgasmic, but she was terribly thirsty too. Veronica had already closed her mouth on the tube and began sucking. Cold, thick, white liquid traveled the length of the straw and splashed onto Veronica’s tongue. “Mhhmmm” she moaned, unable to release the device from her mouth to make any intelligible words. Only animalistic grunts and groans as she sucked deeply and swallowed. The swollen jowls that encased her neck jiggled with every gulp. She closed her eyes, smiled with her puffy cheeks, and drank and drank like a child unwilling to give up mother’s teat. “This is organic cream from our dairy farms in Europe. It is of the highest quality and we use it in all of our desserts and soups.” Adam stated. “Only our most elite members get to taste it right from the carton. Please enjoy.” Chloe smiled and closed her lips on the plastic cylinder and sucked hard to drag the liquid to her lips. It was pleasant in both taste and texture. A smooth velvet washing over her tongue and the luscious taste of fats and calories tingling her taste buds. There was even a bit of sweetness in the cream, and a thickness that felt like she was drinking a milkshake. She opened her throat and took down several mouthfuls. It tasted a little like heaven. It seemed to help calm the raucous, growling hunger that was overtaking her, but it wasn’t enough. Chloe let out a sigh of relief when a third order of buttery pancakes appeared before her. They ate and ate, slurping and smacking for hours it seemed. Chloe sipped on a pitcher of melted butter like it was fine wine and Veronica’s milk mustache turned into a milk beard over the course of the feast. They ingested thousands of calories in a single sitting seemingly without limits. The rich foods combined with the amber stimulant was acting on their bodies much quicker than usual. Unbeknownst to the girls, too enthralled in an endless consumption, their bodies started to swell and bulge. They were growing… Veronica’s gorgeous belly filled her lap, tightly outlined by her shrinking sundress. The heaviest part of her stomach hung down between her knees, pudgy and pampered, as she leaned forward for another bite. The plunging neckline of the dress was no match for her beach ball breasts. They swelled up and pushed forward. Like two large pillows at her chest, they bounced dramatically whenever she reached for more food. Her ass and hips were thickening even further. They overtook the arms of her chairs and grew wider than her shoulders or waist. “Bigger…!” Veronica gasped before she clasped her mouth on the straw again. She filled herself with rich cream. With each swallow she was looking more and more like the captain’s supersized wife. Chloe’s shorts were on their last leg, one more sudden movement or heavy breath from the growing girl and her ass would tear through them like tissue paper. Her hips spilled out on the sides and engulfed the waist, and her pudgy thighs were ballooning at the fringe. Little fabric fibers were tearing and snapping at every seam. Her stomach, which had been cute and soft earlier, was tight like rawhide over a drum. So hard and packed that it was getting tough for Chloe to move. The pressure was immense and yet, she kept eating. Every time the next delicacy was laid in front of her it went to her mouth without a second thought. She rubbed her swollen tummy and took another maple drenched bite and funneled in a wave of cream. A stiff jaw throbbed from all the chewing. She had never felt this full in her life. There was some pain and discomfort from the massive meal, but it was completely overshadowed by the violent and body writhing ecstasy she experienced with each taste. She fingered her navel fiercely, taking note of the puffy layer of fat on all sides. It was swelling bigger and wider. How hot it was to feel yourself get feverishly fatter in real time! There was a pulsing from below, between Chloe’s legs. Pleasurables bursts. As her shorts grew tighter and tighter, her genitalia was compressed by the denim, smothered by the tough fabric. A wetness flooded her groin and she thrusted little needy thrusts with her chubby hips to stimulate herself. Then she brought her hand around her gut and buried it underneath the tight waist of her shorts. The old timid Chloe, would never have pleasured herself in a public space, but the aphrodisiac they had coerced her with was too dominant to disobey. Her body screamed for satisfaction. And so, with a mind of their own, her fingers slithered down and she started to work on herself as she ate. Chloe felt Adam at her back, watching the whole scene. He placed strong hands on her shoulders and gave a commanding squeeze. “I wouldn’t want to drag you away from your breakfast,” Adam looked at the clock “Well, I guess you could call it lunch by now.” “I’ve never felt anything like this. The sensations are unreal.” Chloe said, turning around to meet his gaze. Her eyes dipped down to catch a glimpse of his sensuous lips as he spoke. “Maybe you’d like to head somewhere a little more private?” he whispered. “I can treat you to pleasures you could only dream of.” “Oh yes! Please!” Chloe lurched up at him and clawed at his pecs, a blubbery stumble that came crashing into his broad shouldered grasp. “I see we’re reaching out and grabbing what we want, huh?” “No more holding back.” Chloe said, dripping with confidence. “Will there be more food? I’m still so hungry.” Her gold “Gainer” band was tight on her wrist. “So much more. Anything your heart desires. The Bounty provides.” said Adam. His hands flirted at her hips and settled on her cushiony rear. He gripped her ass so hard that he nearly lifted her off her feet. Chloe’s entire spine buzzed with delectation. He had been with bigger girls before and he knew how to please them, that much was true. Chloe’s lips were salivating at his touch. She emitted a giddy squeal, and Adam led her away to his private room. Veronica ate at the restaurant deck for hours. Her mind was enthralled by a heavy dose of golden serum. She had a singular, mindless purpose: to eat and grow fat. The rest of her thoughts fell away. The concoction made every mouthful a euphoric symphony of flavor and every touch was as intense and stimulating as an orgasm. The fat cells tingled on her body as they multiplied, like pins and needles across the surface of her skin. Her metabolism skyrocketed, giving her the ability to digest massive quantities of food, but rather than burning the calories away, her body held onto every greedy pound and added it to her portly frame. Her hips widened, her ass swelled and her breasts ballooned. The flowing dress that had once belonged to the captain’s overgrown wife, was clinging to Veronica’s curves like latex. Some areas of her body appeared to be more affected by the stimulant than the others, her tits and ass especially. Her tits pushed out further than her stomach, heavy and soft, and her rear swelled to a shapeless blob with a doughy shelf that you could set a dinner tray on. She morphed into an exaggerated hourglass, padded with fat, becoming the largest woman on the dining deck. The banquet was unending, servers and chefs scrambled to keep up with Veronica’s demanding appetite. Employees scurried between the decks, the ship rocked gently and a beautiful blue reflection of sunlight poured in through the tall dining hall windows. An audience of feeders and feedees alike watched in awe of her gluttony as she polished off another plate. Breakfast bled into lunch and then lunch into dinner. She ate her way through three whole chickens, fried and battered, without even talking a breather. She continued with a feast of Indian curries, Italian sausages, and a mountain of Chinese food from the international deck. She was tossing egg rolls into her mouth like they were popcorn. Veronica grew to match her appetite. Her gains on the bounty had been rapid, but after being exposed to the most concentrated form of the gainer chemical the rate of expansion multiplied. Her fat was flowing over the edge of her seat, stretching her elastic skin and pulling at the fabric of her dress. As long as she has a constant flow of delicious calories in front of her, she might grow indefinitely. She munched and slurped and belched in a race to appease her own appetite. Now, her engorged double belly folded over on itself and almost reached her knees. The skin of her belly was peeking past the fringe of her dress in a seductive dangle. Her round, soft, breasts were swollen and all but exposed, besides the nipples, which poked erect through the light fabric and the stained mess at her collar. They hung heavy and low, dangling to the left and right of her growing stomach. As her thighs plumped, her legs spread wide to accommodate the weight. She took a fat girl stance at the table, eager for more food, more gluttony. Her beady eyes looked wild as they sunk into the fat around her bloated face and puffy cheeks. It felt good as ecstasy overtook her mind and body. The thought of getting fatter and the burning arousal in her loins seemed to amplify her growth. She looked down and saw her own body swelling and this only turned her on further. The more aroused she was, the faster her body fattened and the fatter she got, the more turned on she became. It was a deadly cycle that fed itself endlessly as Veronica crammed hearty meals down her throat. She couldn’t swallow fast enough. Bombarded by pleasure from every angle, Veronica conserved her strength by only using the muscles that mattered. Her arms to bring food to her mouth and her jaw to chew. Eventually, it was tiring to keep lifting her heavy arms up to her mouth, over and over. It was a bit of a workout for the big girl. Beads of sweat trickled at her forehead and pooled down at her double chin. She flagged an attendant down with a languid wave. The strange and doting Pietro emerged from the kitchens and rushed to her side. “Yes! My goddess of plenty. So fat you’ve become! What can I do for you?” He smiled wide. His thin frame was completely eclipsed by the mountain of gluttony that Veronica had become. “Oh thank goodness. Pietro!” Veronica said between gulps of thick cream from the vat. She swallowed and smacked her lips. “I’m so excited to try every meal on the dinner menu, and then I wanted to indulge on a sinful dessert arrangement,” “And you shall have it. Whatever you set your mind to, or should we say your stomach?” “Well, you see, it’s getting harder and harder to lift my arms. Who knew all this eating was such a workout. I don’t want to miss out on any of this delicious food. Could you and some of the other crew help feed me? Pretty please?” She puckered pouty lips and looked at him with her honey brown glance. Pietro reddened at the offer. “It would be our honor.” “Thank you.” Veronica threw down her arms in a huff. “When the women in my culture get so big that it becomes difficult for them to take care of themselves, they reach the highest status in our society.” “You’re from Cayo Grande? The port where the ship is headed?” “Yes they are one and the same. Fat women are revered and worshiped. The largest of them are treated like celebrities and royalty. Like Goddesses even. You will be quite popular there, I have no doubt.” He pressed a finger into the soft tissue of her breast. It sunk several inches deep into her fluff. The attendant reddened ogling her inflated shape. “Treated like a queen for eating like a pig. That sounds awesome. Sign me up.” Veronica said, serum still flooding through every pore. “Now that you are immobile, the locals will stop at nothing to meet all of your needs.” “Immobile? I’m not immobile.” Veronica squirmed in her chair. “I walked into this dining room just fine.” “Oh, no? Perhaps you should try standing and reaching for this blueberry cheesecake?” Veronica tried with all her might to put herself back on her feet, but her thighs were swamped with fat and any muscles she may have used in the past were buried under hundreds of fresh pounds. Unaccustomed to her rapid gains, Veronica struggled to stand, panting and wheezing with effort. She strained in a futile crunch to get around the tremendous blubber at her middle. She became a red-faced, breathless, jiggling ball of exhaustion. A worried look flashed in her eyes. Had she taken this no limit cruise too far? In seconds though, her tiredness faded and was replaced with a clawing hunger. Concern melted away and only hunger remained. “So hungry. I need more.” she gasped, her mind whirled. “If you are so hungry, why not take a few steps and take this delicious dessert from me?” “I’m just tired, that’s all. I’ve been overexerting myself.” “Not too tired to eat, I assume.” Pietro said, waggling the tray of cheesecake in front of her pudgy face. The aroma alone was enough to get Veronica dripping with excitement. “Gimme that!” Veronica lashed out and plunged her face into the dessert. Chomping into its buttery layers and moaning. Crumbs and cream falling into her bountiful cleavage. “That’s it. Don’t stop eating, my beauty. Here on the bounty, we were built to accommodate you.” Pietro said while pushing the remains of the cake into her face. He listened to her snarf, and she growled uncontrollably while she ravaged the cheesecake. She was hungry indeed; just the way they liked their girls on the Bounty. When she finished, he tossed the tray aside and called a pair of crewmembers to bring out a massive couch on wheels. A transportation device for the largest of the large. The leather seats were sleek and comfortable. A retractable table flipped down for meal time, like a grade school desk. A huge set of wheels, like tractor tires, could handle the weight of a whale and cruise over most terrain with ease. Several crewmen could push or pull the plush chariot to help her get wherever she needed to go. Veronica could eat there, sleep there, and relax there, but mostly eat, of course. “Your chariot awaits, Madam.” Pietro bowed deeply and presented her new seat, her new mobile home. “This way you’ll be able to get around and enjoy all the amenities on board. Also, it will be perfect for your island excursion. As you get much larger, moving about will get harder and harder, you see?” “Much larger?” Veronica said, sucking excess cake off of her pudgy fingertips. The thought of getting bigger was exhilarating. Too big to move? Too big to feed herself? Too big to please herself? She wanted nothing more than to be a blubbery goddess of gluttony. A warmth and moisture radiated between her legs and she performed helpless pelvic thrusts into the air. “Mmmmhmm, fatten me up!” “May we help you to your seat?” “Yes, please!” Veronica said. The plentiful rolls competed for space beneath her chin as she nodded her head excitedly. Two strong attendants in tight crew uniforms helped the tremendous girl to her feet and situated her into the luxury coach. With their help, she waddled carefully to the device, her entire indulgent form jiggling madly. Her breasts bouncing on a distended and pampered gut. “Fuck! I’m so fat!” Veronica said half amazed and half thrilled. Carrying all the extra weight, nearly 300 pounds since the start, was a wild experience for her. “You’ve grown beautifully” said a chiseled crewmate as he helped her to the seat. He snuck a pinch of her love handle and the fat was more than enough to fill his large hands. “Every pound makes you sexier and sexier.” “Don’t stop now, big girl.” encouraged the other helper. He flashed a perfect and supportive smile They set her down and her wide ass filled two of the couch cushions with ease and spilled into the surrounding seats. It was sized for an entire family, so thankfully, Veronica had some room to grow. Her jiggling thighs folded on themselves and were wider than Veronica’s original waist when she first boarded the ship. She kneaded the flesh at her breasts, pushing together the doughy watermelons and letting the soft fat ooze through her fingers. She moaned in delight. Every touch was like sex itself. When the strong men unhinged the brake lever and began to slide her around the deck, she was queen being moved around in a litter. They snapped the vat of cream to the side of her chair and Pietro pulled the tube from it and inserted it into Veronica’s mouth “Mmph!” She slurped and sucked obediently. “Keep eating and you might be the biggest cruise goer we’ve ever had on the Bounty. Quite an achievement wouldn’t you say?” “Hrrmp!” Veronica nodded. She patted her hands onto her billowing stomach. Another blast of cream greeted her tongue and her eyes rolled back into her head. “Roll her to the dessert deck and treat her to every sweet delicacy she desires. She is to be treated as the highest guest of honor. She will want for nothing!” Pietro cried out. He patted Veronica on her fluffy hips as she was whisked away to her gargantuan destiny. The VIP lounge on the dessert deck was part candy shop, part luxury spa. Eager men in “Bounty” polos surrounded the indolent goddess and treated her to every extravagance. They pushed caramel candies, mini cupcakes and flaky macaroons into her mouth as soon as she entered the private room. All she had to do was open her mouth and another treat appeared on her tongue. She ate happily, sporting a permanent grin as flavor and sweetness washed over her. Completely unaware of how large she was growing. A huge display cabinet was opened with all various spirits in glass bottles. All of them glittered with an amber hue and were infused with magical fat chemicals. Behind a double mirror, the captain and his first mate looked into the private room unnoticed. “The serum is having quite the effect on this one. I’ve never seen anything like it.” The first mate said, pride dripping from his syllables. “She’ll make an excellent candidate for Cayo Grande.” “Indeed.” The captain said. “The natives will accept her as one of their own. She’ll live a life of endless luxury and we will have unlimited access to the Cayabara root. It’s a win-win scenario.” “We could expand the company, extend it to have multiple cruise lines. Fattening up holiday goers on an international scale.” “In time, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” The Captain said as a stern matter of fact. “For now, please this woman and keep her well fed. Afford her every luxury and delicacy we can provide and divert resources from other parts of the ship to keep her happy. We need her BIG for the island.” “Yes, sir.” The captain disappeared into his quarters. The sound of his fat wife slobbering on a multi tiered cake could be heard from the room. He gave her a firm smack on the ass, but she couldn’t stop eating, even to greet him. The first mate clicked on a walkie talkie and announced to the service crew: “All hands on deck, we’ve got a whale in VIP. I repeat, a whale in VIP that needs our full and undivided attention. Let’s blow her up, boys!” ------------------------------ Chloe lounged on her side and indulged in chocolate covered cherries. Adam plucked them fresh from the dessert tray and dropped them into her mouth, one by one. Her tongue and teeth snatched the delicacies in an intricate and hedonistic dance, rolling the chocolate along her cheeks and the roof of her mouth before swallowing, savoring the richness and the intense sweetness. She had completely lost count of how many cherries she had devoured. Judging by the way her belly oozed forward with fat, she had eaten far too many. Chloe’s surging stomach made her look eight months pregnant as it pushed forward nearly two feet from her waist. The pancake breakfast has thickened the girl considerably, forcing her out of the several sizes too small jean shorts. A sultry thong remained at her hips but the straps were completely concealed by the numerous bloating rolls at her middle. Her breasts were suffocating in one of Veronica’s largest bras and her tee shirt was tied up just below into a crop top to make more room for her gut. New back fat folded over the skin colored bra strap. They were alone, and Chloe was nearly twice Adam’s width. Thankfully he liked his girls soft, cuddly and much heavier than he was. He ran strong fingers down her soft sides. He knew how to please a girl of any size, but big girls especially. She snapped for another chocolate as soon as she swallowed, desperate for more. A greedy whine escaped her and she begged for another bite. Piggish and sexual grunts. The saliva smack of her lips and tongue was enough to get Adam rigid in his work slacks. He quickly placated her with another cherry while he tousled her hair. “Mhmmm. You really know how to treat a girl.” Chloe purred. “Who knew an unlimited supply of sweets from the desert deck would be enough to satisfy you,” Adam replied. “Not even close. I’ve never eaten this much, but I don’t feel full at all. I could eat and eat.” “Good, I have all night with you. I’m going to fill you up.” “Oh God, please!” Chloe said, bouncing on the bed, every ounce jiggling cutely. “Ever since that syrup at breakfast, my willpower is completely gone. I can’t help myself.” She bit into two cherries at once. A sugary and reddish slurry trickled from the corners of her mouth and trailed down to a prominent double chin. Her eyes had laser focus on Adam’s lips as he spoke “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be so big they’ll have to cart your fat ass off the ship.” “Is that a promise?” Chloe bit her plump lip like a seductress. Every time the word fat was mentioned her groin bucked in excitement. The dizzying alcohol filled her with a lust for complete and utter obesity. She visualized her body becoming so immense that she would exist as a towering monument to gluttony. A creature of indulgence hell-bent on self-satisfaction. The jiggling fat, the taste on her tongue, and the gentle touches from her man-made her moist and warm. At this point, she wanted nothing more than to feed and grow. Another surge of hunger overtook her as her stomach growled for more. Adam was ready. A family-sized tray of baked macaroni and cheese was presented and Chloe dove for it, her Rubenesque form jostling with every movement. She got on all fours and ate face first. She had already grown since Adam had invited her into the room, because of the way her stomach dangled and dragged on the bed sheets. This new experience, her stomach getting in the way, was a huge turn-on. As she blimped, her waddles were slower, more deliberate, and incredibly hot. She ripped into the melted cheese and noodles like a ravenous monster, with no regard for appearances. Adam smiled knowing he had finally made an indulgent pig out of her. “I’m always able to pick out which passengers on the cruise will become the fattest. I’m always right.” Adam said. “Is that so?” Chloe said in between bites. “I sensed in you a willingness to let go. An urge to go wild and throw caution to the wind. I knew it as soon as I saw you on board.” “Now you have me all to yourself. You’ve seen my reckless hedonism in action. You want to make me fatter, don’t you?” Chloe said, bits of orange pasta on her chin. “So much fatter!” Chloe snarfed another hearty bite of the Mac and made fierce eye contact with her feeder. A look that screamed “What a fat pig you’ve made me into, feed me bigger!” Adam obliged, following the Max and cheese with two greasy Americana burgers, a towering cream soufflé, and a gallon of artisan crafted ice cream. The delicious food seemed to materialize in his fingers, and within moments she filled her mouth with flavors. She groaned in beautiful satisfaction. “Ooof…so… full. I… can barely… move.” she said. Her distended gut jostled in front of her as she sat upright in the bed. “Open wide. I’m not done with you yet.” Adam said, forcing a spoonful of lobster bisque into her followed by a buttered roll bigger than her head. She could barely get a word in between chews. “Rub me… so tight….” His fingers were gentle at first fluttering and lifting the rolls at her waist and the new ones on her hips. Thrilling fingers against her bare skin made Chloe jump and jiggle. The sensation of warm oil being spread across her tummy was like every muscle in her body contracting and relaxing at once. He pinched at the edges of her delicate rolls and let the fat slip through his fingers. A probing index dove into her navel and gripped with sexual purpose. Despite the tender touches, there was a power in his hands that couldn’t be denied. “Soooo good. It feels amazing.” Adam parted his lips into a proud grin. “My, my you’re growing quickly. You like it don’t you? Every inch of your soft skin is like fireworks?” “Yes! I could stay like this forever.” “Does my indulgent girl want more than just a rub?” Before she could respond, the freshly baked roll was in her mouth again. Warm fluffy bread on her tongue and filling her cheeks. She chewed furiously. She grunted with a full mouth and nodded excitedly. “Mmmrpphh!” His hands drifted around Chloe’s belly, pinching and prodding as they went, until they found the hidden strap of her underwear, her only remaining defense. He played with the edge of the fabric for a moment, lifting it from her supple skin and letting it snap back tightly. Adam licked his lips, enthralled by the way Chloe’s flesh swelled to meet his touch. Every manipulation of her body was rewarded with a sensuous tremble of beautiful fat. There was so much to grab, so many bouncing layers, so much to fill his grip. He explored her relentlessly. She was a fat admirer’s paradise. As Adam lurched closer and the warmth of his breath danced on her neck. The whole of his body was pressing into her and she sensed a bulging manhood pushing through his jeans. Chloe swallowed the roll with some difficulty and then said “Let’s get these off of you,” before fiddling with the button at his waist and pulling the jeans and underwear around his ass and down to his ankles. His cock was eager and bristling. She was ready for him too, a wash of natural lubricant dripping from her pussy. She spread her legs and Adam tore her panties aside. Without any protection he pushed himself deep inside of her, seduced by her jiggling belly and ample thighs. No second thoughts, just action. He stuck her deeply in the first succession of thrusts and Chloe was sent into a frenzy of pleasure. It made her happy. It made her horny for more. Most of all, it spiked her hunger. A burning appetite surged through her while she was getting fucked. She reached for something to eat while she lowered herself into him, thrusting with Adam in fluid unison. Feeling every inch of him inside her was a euphoria of magnitude Chloe has never experienced. She sank into him, her gluttony bouncing, while she cried out for more. Her blimp of an ass spread out wide, encompassing nearly half of the bed. She grunted, hands reaching out for sustenance, something sweet. Adam presented her with a tray of sugar soaked cupcakes, while he fucked her. Chloe lashed out, desperate for dessert, and started shoveling the baked goods into her mouth. They disappeared off the plate as she engorged herself further in a fit of sexual moans and smacking lips. “Oooo don’t stop. Right there. Right there,” Chloe said, tearing into another cupcake. Adam groped up her soft torso with powerful hands and burrowed his fingers under the fabric of Chloe’s tight top. He found her breasts, heavy and eager, and massaged them with a forceful caress. He timed his squeezes to match his thrusts down below, and Chloe jumped and moaned at his touch. He noticed how much larger her chest had plumped from the 24-hour binge. Chloe was getting huge, swollen with fat from every angle. The sheer weight of a single breast, much more than a handful now, was almost enough to drive Adam over the edge of climax, but he held fast and continued a methodical pumping of his hips. He drove his dick deep inside of her, his shaft disappearing and reappearing from Chloe’s puffy mound. Then, it struck her. A welling up of pleasure, beyond her imagination. The combination of the sweet treat filling her mouth and the rigid dick filling her vaginal canal flushed her face and quickened her breath. It started as a creeping, then a rolling pleasure, then built itself into a roar of passion. A surge of liquid exploded from her groin and her belly quaked. A full body orgasm overtook her and she cried out so loudly that everyone on the crew deck could hear. The tickles of delight and the beaming afterglow relaxed Chloe. She laid there, side by side with Adam, on his comfortable Queen. He spooned her and traced the rolls at her side and back with his fingers. He was pinned up against the ship’s wall behind Chloe’s new size. Her belly and breasts stuck out so far, that they were drooping over the bed’s edge, hanging there in a tantalizing fashion. “You’ve almost gotten too big for the bed,” Adam whispered. “How does it feel to have graduated from an eager piglet into a hungry sow?” He gripped her delicate hang from behind and gave it a jiggle. “I love it! I could go again.” Chloe said. “Pass me that bottle.” She gestured to the flask of golden-colored whiskey on Adam’s desk. Chloe’s eye lit up when he snagged it for her. She popped the top off and whiffed at the contents with her nose. Sweet and fiery. Like an addict, she latched onto the bottle with her lips, tipped it up, and downed nearly half of its contents in a series of chugs. She drank like a woman stranded in the desert who hadn’t seen water for days. The pleasing warmth of the alcohol was familiar and intoxicating as it burned down her throat. “Are you ready for more?” Adam said, gripping her bloated form. Already she could feel that he was hard again behind her and pressing into her back fat. He growled and fingered her navel. “Fuck yes! I want to go all night.” Chloe said. “Although, I may need some more cupcakes,” She said sheepishly and gestured to the empty tray with a guilty look. “And a new wardrobe.” There was no way any of the clothes she had entered the room with would be leaving on her body. She had ballooned out of every outfit and become a rounded blob spread out on the bed. “More, please. I need more,” She begged, mouth open wide. Adam smiled. He was happy to feed her even larger. They fucked the night through, accompanied by feeding after feeding. Chloe couldn’t wait to see the look on Veronica’s face when she saw her new body. Inhibitions behind her, she grabbed for the most calorie-dense foods, desperate to catch up to her super obese best friend. When Chloe really wanted to let loose and party, she did it big. She ate like a pig in anticipation of their final destination. —-- The Bounty of the Sea had finally reached the mysterious and isolated port of Cayo Grande. A pink sunrise peeked over the horizon and decorated the water’s surface with glittering sunbeams. The giant ship anchored half a mile away from a ramshackle harbor and began ferrying passengers in smaller boats to the sandy shore. An entourage of native islanders greeted the vacationers with large smiles and cheery demeanors. They knew that tourists brought money to the island, but especially appreciated the passengers of the Bounty, they’re round and doughy bodies were a sight to behold. The natives ogled the dangling guts, bloated hips and double chins of the waddling procession of Feedees, eyes wide with admiration. The ferry that carried Veronica and Chloe must’ve been at the threshold of its weight limit as the girls had tripled in size since their initial boarding. The day's frivolities and the night's excesses had fattened them considerably. The girls had finally reunited at dawn and were amazed at each other’s progress. Chloe could barely recognize her friend beneath the billowing rolls of soft flesh that encased her. “Are you comfortable, Madame?” An attendant asked. “Just fine,” Veronica said. “Everything is perfect.” She gave a gentle nod and a ripple reverberated through the various folds in a thick neck and made the soft skin at the top of her breasts quiver. They were large enough now that they extended several feet in front of her and were held back by an XXXL bikini top. She used her girthy bust as a table to set treats on. Right now, she was picking through a pile of crumbly lemon cakes and a golden margarita was within arms reach. Chloe was helped onto the ferry by a crew member. When she witnessed Veronica, her round face lit up. “Damn girl! You’re huge!” Chloe shouted. She raised her flabby arms for a hug. “You’re not so small yourself,” Veronica responded. “Your chubby face, those doughy cheeks, I almost didn’t recognize you. How are you, girlfriend?” The blubbery girls collided in an embrace. Distended bellies slapped together, and they were so large that they couldn’t reach around each other’s waists. They settled their hands on the other's ample love handles and squeezed affectionately. The ferry rocked and bobbed on the water when their bodies met. “I feel amazing.” Chloe said. Resting her head on Veronica’s chest, her face nuzzling the plush skin. “Oh, me too. Everything’s electric.” “Are those lemon cupcakes?” Chloe snatched one of the desserts off of Veronica and began munching. “A big girl like me can’t go anywhere without snacks.” Veronica said proudly. She sat and her ass took up an entire row on the ferry. “I know,” Chloe munched between her words. “I haven’t been able to stop eating. I’m out-of-control starving!” Chloe squeezed in next to her, her fat billowing out and touching Veronica’s, skin to skin. “No judgment,” Veronica said. “but I may have destroyed the dessert deck last night.” “No judgement, but I totally fucked Adam in his cabin last night. It was a full body experience. Who knew getting stuffed to the brim could be so erotic? “Oh my god! You didn’t?” Veronica asked, aghast. Chloe just gave an excited nod that jiggled her body. “You chunky nymph, you! You’ll have to tell me all about it. Don’t spare any of the details…” Veronica squealed. The girls were on better terms than they had been the entirety of the trip. The girls shared tales of their unabashed gourmandizing until the ferry pushed up into the sandy shore. A fanfare of locals cheered and hollered when Chloe and Veronica waddled off the boat. Their bloated forms were as wide as they were tall which was a treat for the natives of Cayo Costa. The girls cradled their bloated stomachs, now pushing forward several feet in front of them, as they managed to travel off the ferry in a slow, labored and methodical fashion. Crewmembers and islanders were quick to lend their aid. They were greeted with a variety of snacks at shore, including fresh honeycomb and cream, homemade jams, grapes and other tropical fruits. The girls merely had to open their mouths and an eager hand would place something sweet on their tongues. While the rest of the passengers meandered their way towards the beach resort, Veronica and Chloe were led in a different direction, towards the lush, jungle island center. They were easily distracted by the allure of more food. As they chewed and enjoyed the doting attention of the locals “Right this way, Goddesses!” Pietro announced before revealing two enormous and decorated litters for the girls to ride in. Three men on either side of the vehicle were necessary to help them into their seats and carry them down a hidden path through the trees. “We’re not going with the other cruise goers?” Chloe wondered and then said out loud while she shimmied her sizable rear into a supportive chair. “Oh no, we have something much more luxurious planned for you two.” “There better be food where we’re going. I’m getting hungry, again.” Veronica said. She downed her margarita and tossed it into the sand. “Everything you desire, and more. So much more.” Chloe squeezed into her litter and the men hoisted her up and began moving. She noticed that her thighs squished together and her blubbery stomach that rested on top nearly reached her knees when she sat. As the men moved through the forested path every bounce and jostled was repeated and reflected in her excess flesh. Being bounced around wasn’t fun, but at least she didn’t have to walk. In the first clearing that they moved through, a beaming morning sun came blinding through the canopy. Chloe could see a field of beautiful wildflowers, golden and bell shaped. They were like Lilies of the Valley except for the familiar and shimmering coloration. “How beautiful.” said Chloe. “Yes, this flower only grows here on the island. It’s quite a treat isn’t it?” Pietro said. They pressed onward and the rough dirt path gave way to a street of ancient stone. Large pillars on either side of the path were towering and ominous. Small statuettes were littered along the path and rested in etched out cubbies within the pillars. Some were carved out of wood or stone, and others were constructed with beeswax. Veronica recognized them as Venus statues, women with disproportionately sized breasts and bellies. They were icons of a goddess meant to bring fertility and health to those who possessed them. Veronica looked down at her overflowing breasts and couldn’t help but chuckle at the resemblance. The ceiling of a stone temple crested above the trees. Pietro pointed it out and assured the girls that they were nearing their destination. A long flight of steps led to the maw of the building, whose doors were flanked by great statues of impossibly fat women: Goddesses of plenty. It was becoming clear that the natives here didn’t just love fat women, they worshiped them. After a climb of several hundred steps, both of the girls were thankful they didn’t have to endeavor on their own, they reached the temple doors. They were large, ornate double doors decorated with etchings of Rubenesque women. The pictures showed a time lapse of the women getting fatter and fatter as you moved to the right. Starting off quite chubby, but eventually the breasts and bellies getting so large that you couldn’t see their legs in the pictures. Little paintings of golden roses adorned the temple’s columns. The doors opened and the travelers were greeted with a sweet and aromatic smell. A elderly man in long white robes stepped passed the threshold and raised his arms in a welcoming gesture. He was the high priest of this temple. A man of power and privilege here on the island. The crew members gave a deferent nod, while Pietro bowed deeply. The ancient man spoke: “Welcome, Welcome! Where are the two would-be disciples I’ve heard so much about.” “This is Veronica and her best friend Chloe. The most eager among those aboard the Bounty.” “Hiya~” said Veronica. Her breasts bounced as she waved. “Hi there.” said Chloe. A posse of lesser priests appeared and helped the girls out of their carriages. They were full of wide smiles and gawking eyes. The high priest held bony fingers to his chin and inspected the girls. “These gorgeous flowers are blossoming! So very fast, and yet so far to go. We’ll make goddesses out of you yet.” he said, pressing a finger into Veronica’s flabby gut. “Your wish is our command. Ask for anything, anything at all and you shall have it. Despite these old stone walls, Our kitchens are top of the line. I’m guessing our bloated feedees are quite hungry?” “Sooo hungry!” Veronica growled. Her stomach growled along with her. “Feed me!” Chloe said, surprised by her own eagerness. The words seemed to slip out of her mouth effortlessly. “No reason to hold back. Let the ceremony commence! Come over here and relax.” He guided them to plush thrones right next to the kitchen hallway. At this point, Veronica still surpassed her friend in both size and appetite. Her belly draped between her legs like a meaty apron and her arms and legs were covered in heavy sleeves of fat. Her thighs had become bloated pillars, so large that Veronica was surprised she could still bend her knees. Standing up, her stomach hung passed her knees and flirted with the idea of grazing the ground. Her breasts were colossal balloons of flesh, pushing out and resting on her stomach. They looked squeezable soft and were catching the attention of every admirer in the building. Chloe, on the other hand, had gained the vast majority of her weight within the last week. She had very little time to grow accustomed to her expanding body, so she moved awkwardly and slowly, knees knocking into her stomach with each step. The short walk into the temple had left her breathless and panting. It was more difficult to move and reach and walk with her growing gut, but this only made Chloe more turned on. She noticed her fat with every movement, constantly reminded of what a pig she had become. She loved it. Veronica’s mouth started watering instantly when the smell of food from the kitchen reached her nose. Chloe noticed a familiar scent as a pair of sandal-clad monks brought out a large glass carafe filled to the brim with golden honey. “This is ambrosia. A drink for goddesses.” said the High Priest in a reverent tone as if the honey was sent from the heavens as a blessing. The golden drink caught the midday sun and sparkled. “Just a taste and you can rise to your destiny.” They placed the carafe against Veronica’s lips and she took a heavy swig of the golden draught. They revealed another glass vessel and presented it to Chloe. She accepted it readily, excited to see how the next leg of their vacation would turn out. The first taste was orgasmic. Beyond anything Chloe had ever experienced. A flavor roller coaster with peaks of intense sweetness and swinging drops of a savory cream. She took the container and threw it back, guzzling the contents like a hog. She swallowed rhythmically, filling her cheeks with the wondrous drink again and again, until there was nothing left. “OOOOOOHHHH” cried Veronica as she finished her offering. Chloe licked the rest of the gold off of her lips and moaned. The concoction reminded her of the alcohol on board the Bounty, but much more intense. It promised to make her grow without boundaries, exceptionally soft, tremendously round, and larger than life. She needed more. So much more. “More!!” Chloe said, channeling her inner Goddess. “It’s so good. So fucking good.” The priests led the girls to a large seat on the floor surrounded by holy relics and fattened feminine statues. A shrine was built up around them and there was an area in front for visitors to pray and provide offerings. Food of all varieties and flavors began to pour out of the kitchen and the people of the temple were excited to ply the morbidly obese women with more to eat. Intermittently they would provide them with the golden ambrosia, to whet their appetites and have them calling for more. The captain of the Bounty arrived and smiled at the success of his operation to make the girls the next Goddesses of gluttony. He moved into the backroom with the High Priest and they made a deal. Bounty crewmen were seen stocking up large crates filled to the brim with the golden flowers and their enchanting roots, bringing them back to the ship through the temple doors. The girls were so enthralled by ambrosia, the endless food, and the attention of hundreds of followers that they didn’t even realize they had been sold. “Best vacation ever?” Chloe yelped in between bites. “The absolute best!” Veronica said. ———- They clinked glasses of ambrosia together in celebration and downed the delicious liquid like it was water. Veronica's heavy breasts started to swell and bounce, growing beyond the confines of her bikini bra. Shimmering grease coated her triple chin. Chloe’s stomach growled and her hips flared as she ate more and more. Her bikini bottom was torn in two as she grew, but the huge girl didn’t seem to mind. Another drink, another mouthful. This was paradise, she thought. The days blended into one another as the greedy girls took full advantage of every amenity the temple had to offer. Foods of all varieties and preferences were provided at the snap of a finger. Chloe and Veronica rarely had to move from their thrones, as they could eat, sleep and bathe in the worship room, as their bodies expanded past the convenience of mobility. Worshippers and servants would arrive several times a day to wash and massage the girls. Groping hands adored their new flesh, pinching at their fatty folds and cleaning their refuse. Offerings from the devout maintained a massive buffet within arms reach of the growing goddesses. They ate from sunup to sundown, completely losing track of the passing hours with meal after meal. The Goddesses spent the daylight gorging themselves on an endless supply of treats and guzzling the sweet but powerful ambrosia. It kept them hungry, focused on becoming as fat as possible. Nothing else seemed to matter. When they grew tired, they simply laid back into a cloud of pillows and mattresses arranged by priests. They slept in small spurts, until their growling stomachs woke them with a jolt, their nostrils would catch whiff of the bountiful buffet and they would start eating again. It was hedonism in its purest form. Chloe lost track of how many days had passed at the Temple. Her intoxicated mind could barely keep track of what year it was, let alone the month. She’d become simple and single-minded. Opening her mouth and chewing to eat, drinking golden ambrosia to quench her thirst and closing her eyes to rest her gargantuan body. When she wanted to be pleasured, she let out a sensual grunt and priests would rush to satisfy her sexually. Her nipples were constantly erect and her soft mound was dripping wet. Her thighs, thicker than most ordinary people’s waists at this point, were spread wide and jiggling. It was blurry when she had lost her ability to walk, or when her apron of a gut started to push towards her feet. As both girls expanded, their overflowing bodies collided with each other. Chloe found it comforting to rest her moon shaped face on Veronica‘s right breast when she became tired. It was an expansive and soft pillow. The smother of her warm flesh pushing outward against her face. Veronica’s chest had inflated to comical proportions. Huge balloons of mammary tissue and fat. She would bring her pudgy arms underneath each boob and give them a wild shake, jiggling and bouncing madly. The worshipers would drool in awe, some would cheer. One thing was certain, they would keep filling her with more food. As big as she was, they always wanted her bigger. “More, my Goddess?” they’d say. The answer was always “Yes.” Chloe was amazed as she watched her friend grow. It was beautiful how the ample rolls of her body cascaded down in waterfalls of fat. Her stomach rounded out and bounced far in front of her. Her arms could no longer reach past her own belly button, but it didn’t matter much as the food was brought directly to her mouth. The captain and crew of the Bounty were long gone and nowhere to be seen. They packed up the shipment of yellow flowers and glowing liquid into the ship and took the remaining smaller passengers back to their homes. Soon they would board a new set of passengers, and fatten them even larger than the last. Chloe wondered about Adam. She wondered if she would ever see him again. Was he fattening up another beautiful girl that he met on the next ship? Probably. It didn’t bother her much, though. She couldn’t pay him any mind when she was too busy living in a fantasy world of pleasure and decadence. The only question she had on her mind was what could she eat next? She downed a glass of heavy ambrosia, and her mind was set alight with fattening ideas. She licked her lips, her stomach growled, and she was ready for another feeding. The priest came rushing to her side, quick to spoil her. Veronica's mind wandered as she indulged. Has anything else in life ever felt so good? No wonder she let herself go with such reckless abandon. She had boarded the Bounty as a chubby and excited vacationer, but had since exploded to four times her original weight. Her body, now rivaling the size of a bed, was bountiful, beautiful and longing to be touched all over. She was sensitive to all of her senses and even running her tongue over her plump lips was enough to get her hot and bothered, over-satisfied and constantly aroused. The moral dilemma of a cruise line drugging and fattening unsuspecting feedees eluded her entirely. In fact, she has never been happier or more relaxed. Worries of the past and future faded into the background. One pervasive thought crept into her consciousness again and again, like a spiritual mantra. Eat. Drink. Grow. Her mind became duller the longer she partook in the golden beverage. Primal thoughts of pleasure occupied the forefront of her mind. Veronica glanced over and noticed how cute her best friend looked as she demolished her fourth hamburger from a nearby platter. Puffy cheeks chewing away and jiggling chins covered in grease. Chloe was looking sooo fat. Veronica scooched closer, as best she could with her quarter ton body, and rested a friendly hand on Chloe’s bulging love handles. “You’ve really… let yourself… go~” Veronica teased her friend. A devious smile plastered on her face. Each of her feminine breaths made her full breasts rise and fall like tidal waves. Chloe didn’t look up for a moment, hyper focused on the calories in front of her. She grunted. “You said we should… let loose… on the trip. I took … your words to heart.” She groaned in pleasure and swallowed. Her ragged breaths lifted her bloated stomach up and down. “I thought…. I was the fat one… hehe.” said Veronica. “You’re such a bad influence on me…glug glug glug.” Chloe downed a glass of golden draught and belched loudly. She placed the empty glass on the serving table and it was refilled immediately. She grabbed at it again, emptying it a second time. “I can’t even… see my feet! There’s so much of me.” Veronica said, plunging her chubby fingers into the obesity at her hips. “So big…” She squeezed herself tenderly and let fat flow through her fingers. “You’ve gotten so sexy… so soft” Chloe couldn’t resist reaching a hand out and settling it on her friend's enormous stomach. She squeezed with a tender grip, kneading the fat like dough. “How does that feel?” she said. “Don’t stop.” Veronica shuddered. Indulgent pants escaped her lips. Even the gentlest touches were enough to set her off. Her face reddened and she reached out to return the favor. The two massive girls crashed together, round bellies bouncing. Their hands grasping at each other’s rolls and enjoying the pounds of soft flesh. The skin on the fattest parts of their bodies had become entirely erogenous. The touches sent pulses of pleasure throughout. Chloe reached back to grab the last of the hamburgers. Her fatty arms could barely reach the platter at her side. Getting around her own belly was a challenge. She grunted and stretched with all her might, sweat beating on her forehead from exertion. When she finally had the burger in her fingers, a mischievous smile appeared on her face. “So much of your weight… goes to your tits and ass.” Chloe whispered and turned to Veronica. “I want to see them bigger!” Chloe pushed the burger into Veronica’s face with gusto. Veronica ate a hearty bite. The crowd of worshippers cheered. More offerings were laid before them. “Trying to… fatten me up, huh? Two can play in that game.” Veronica pulled back and swallowed meat and cheese. She put her hand out and the priests gave her a deep fried funnel cake loaded with powdered sugar. “Perfect.” she said, as she gave Chloe a sugary taste of her own medicine. The goddesses started feeding each other. Chewing and swallowing, rubbing and groping, grunting and squealing. Every bite was another taste of Heaven and every touch an orgasm. They were lost in hedonistic bliss. Two men in sandals and a white robe emerged from the far chambers. A barrel of body butter rolled behind them on a cart. One stretched his hands and arms and addressed the women. “Time for your midday massage, O’ corpulent ones.” “You fatty! I’m going… to make… a porker out of you!” Veronica wheezed. “More! MORE!” Chloe cried. “I’ll take that as a yes.” said the man and the two of them began the service. They slathered massage cream from the barrel onto the girls’ round and jiggling bellies. It was surprising at first, but the strong hands and warm oil quickly became comforting. “Mhmmm! So good.” “Yes!” Their distended bellies were molded in the hands of the masseuse. Fat flowed through the men’s fingertips as they pressed deeply. Lifting the fat and letting it drop. Ripples dancing through their gluttonous forms. The girls kept eating, but pleasured groans pushed through their stuffed cheeks. It was amazing. “The ultimate… spa treatment…” Veronica said. “I told you this cruise line…. was luxurious.” Veronica threw her head back and let the Masseuse explore her body. She closed her eyes and felt limitless ecstasy. Then something brushed against her full lips. A funnel? She latched on instinctively, living up to expectations of a goddess of gluttony. She wanted so much more. Zealous servers poured a gallon of sweet, golden liquid through the device and into her mouth. It filled her cheeks and promised to add untold pounds to her figure. Ravenous, Veronica gulped with a hedon’s ferocity. Anything to help satisfy the unending hunger. She swallowed, then grunted for another mouthful of pure calories. “Bigger!” Veronica’s muffled voice barely pushed through the funnel. Her consent did not matter. They had plans to feed her anyway. Fatten her to a state of true beauty. The hands of many worshippers brushed the sensitive skin of her bloated ball belly. A crowd gathered around her to rub and play with her ample fat. They cupped her bouncing breasts and lifted the round globes her ass had become. Massaging fingers kneaded her shoulders and back as they surrounded her. Veronica was lost in the rush of signals that traveled through her skin and flooded her brain. She swallowed another mouthful without thinking. “You’re growing, my Goddess.” “Don’t stop. Keep eating.” “We’re going to make you so fat.” The white ceremonial gown that they had given her at the outset grew tight on Veronica‘s body. The material was elastic and designed to support a growing body, but the outfit was becoming obsolete as Veronica reached new limits. The fabric groaned and stretched as her stomach lurched forward. The simple cloth bra was being torn in two by the size and softness of her breasts. Pillowy fat overflowed the top of the futile cup. When the seams started to tear, the temple goers whooped. Veronica was excited too, how fat would she become? The gown was severed, a wide rip on the side exposed a heavy love handle that could kill a man. She swallowed heartily. Veronica didn’t seem to notice her wardrobe malfunction. In fact, she didn’t notice much of anything while the funnel filled her continuously with nectar of the gods. She was enlightened as her body swelled. She had transcended from chubby beginnings to Fat with a capital “F”. Vestigial muscles buried under her expanding ass fat thrusted in an attempt to wiggle into a new position. Her whole body shook and jiggled, heaving breasts quivering atop her oversized belly. “My turn!” Chloe said, envious. “Don’t worry, we have plans for you as well.” said an eager priest readying a feeding device for her. Like a young goat frantic for its mothers teat, Chloe latched on eagerly and drank deeply. Cute sounds of satisfaction pushed past the funnel as she filled her gullet. Little lustful grunts and squeals filled the temple halls. She was enjoying herself, no doubt. Every added pound that clung to her growing body was euphoric and tantalizing. The warm draught tickled as it went down her throat and warmed her chest and stomach. She leaned into the device, trying desperately to get every drop from it. Balanced on her knees, sucking like mad, her stomach dropped to the pillowed floor of her shrine. It covered her portly legs in a dramatic overhang that had all of her worshippers spellbound. They touched and rubbed her all over and she drank. “Fill me up! I want… to be bigger,... so much bigger!” Chloe thought to herself. She couldn’t speak, but moaned into her feeding tube. She found herself dripping wet down below and getting wetter. All of these wonderful sensations build to an explosive climax. She wanted so badly to reach down and pleasure herself with her own plump fingers. A single touch would easily send her over the edge. To her surprise, her hands couldn’t get around her round, bloated stomach to reach her groin. All the fat that developed in her breasts and love handles made it difficult for her arms to maneuver, not to mention the heavy belly that she would have to lift to get underneath. “Can’t… reach…too…fat.” The idea of it only excited her further. She was getting to the end of her delicious feeding, when the priests brought another barrel of the golden stuff and hooked it to the feeding device. They began filling her again. “We’ll let you orgasm once you’ve finished your meal, my goddess.” Her eyes rolled drearily into the back of her head and her eyelids fluttered shut. Another wash of ambrosia filled her mouth and soothed her throat. She relaxed into a gluttonous position and accepted everything they gave her. Then, a rapid pressure buzzed her clit. It made her twitch and convulse. The masseuse had lifted her belly up and another robed acolyte ran a powerful vibrator across her sex. Surprised and terribly aroused, Chloe tweaked her own nipples as she was launched into a sensual awakening. Her massive stomach bounced in front of her and tender and round tits balanced on top. She quivered involuntarily, giving into the vibrations and pulse. Her hips were billowing rolls folded onto one another that shifted and quaked as she trusted towards the intense stimulus. Her thighs and ass were drowning in cellulite and rippling fat. She fell to her side and stomach oozed onto the floor, stretching far and wide, smothering the cushioned floors. Grapes, pomegranate and other fresh fruits were hand fed to her as she writhed. Even in the throes of passion, she couldn’t forget her hunger. She chewed and swallowed anything that was placed in front of her. Any timid reservations she had at one time were long gone. The sexual stimulation and the delicious food had become one in her mind. Food and sex, sex and food. Could she ever enjoy one without the other ever again? She knew she would only be getting fatter. Chloe looked over and saw that Veronica had the same lustful look in her eyes. Her dark irises peered out from a moon shaped face and longed to be fed. They reached out for one another as they skyrocketed towards climax. The friends interlocked their fingers as the fiery build up reached its peak. Another morsel on the tongue, another rush of sensations from her clitoris, the sheer size of their bodies as they came together. Their blubbery bodies crashing into each other, their bellies and breasts swollen with tempting and sensuous fat. Massive obese goddesses growling in pleasure. They came forcefully, one after the other. Chloe felt a spray of hot juices gush out of her and trickle down her creamy thighs. Veronica fell backwards and gasped. She arched a flabby back and then fell onto her pillows, ecstatic and spent. Both of them has never experienced sexual pleasure on this scale. The room filled with cheers and applause. To bring a goddess sexual fulfillment was a great honor, indeed. “Oh god, I think… I may have overdone it.” Chloe looked up and noticed the wake of her gluttonous destruction. Utensils, plates, trays and crumbs of a variety of foods were splayed out around her. “No shit” Veronica wheezed. “Who knew… you could be such a… fatass?” Chloe looked at her pampered friend with a sly look in her eyes. “So, what’s for dessert?” ——— One year later: A monk was tending a field of beautiful golden flowers when a smoke stack appeared on the horizon. Over the cliff top and beyond the copse of tropical trees, a huge cruise ship pulled into the bay. The citizens of Cayo Grande crowded the tiny docks once again to greet the passengers. The Bounty of the Seas had been given a major update. It was a super ship that consisted of two more major decks designed for bars and restaurants. A massive pool and spa on the upper deck was teeming with people. Oddly enough, all of the exercise areas and gyms had been removed and replaced with snack lounges. More places to sit and eat and eat. The passengers loved it. A second ship crested the horizon; not as large as the Bounty, but sported the same custom coloring and flags as the much larger ship. The cruise company has made enough money in the last year to upgrade and increase the size of their fleet. Selling a luxury cruise package that promised to expand your horizons, the captain and had become filthy rich. He stood undressed in his private quarters. A room that was built into the exhaust tower of the ship. He had large floor to ceiling windows that surveyed the entire ship. A massive blob of a woman shifted in the King bed in the center of the room. His wife looked even larger than the year before, assuming a bloated beach ball form. Her mountainous stomach rose up from the bed as she lay on her back. The wife gulped on a bottle of sparkling white wine and belched. “Buffalo wings and sweet and sour pork.” she called. Crewmembers rushed to her aid and a steaming platter was pushed into the room. She squealed. The captain buttoned his pants and put on a shirt. Adam entered the room with a new uniform. He had been promoted to first mate. Adam addressed his superior with an eager tone. “They’re ready for you on shore, sir. We have the girls ready for the temple.” “I’ll be down in a minute. Thank you.” “Going so soon?” his wife whined. “I’m hungry for more than just wings, you know?” She spread her legs wide and munched into a buttery chicken thigh. “Tonight, my darling. You’ll have to wait until tonight.” He snapped his fingers to a lowly server. “Make sure she is well taken care of. Don’t stop feeding her, until she is good and fat.” he said, and he dashed out of the room and off the ship to a private dingy. The trip up to the mountain temple was an arduous one. A great caravan of foodstuff and supplies trailed behind the captain and his men. A pair of overweight and naive girls traveled with them in litters; New apostles for the high priest. It seemed he was a wealthy man indeed, having enough cash to import vast quantities of food to fill his growing goddesses. The double doors to the temple opened wide to greet them, and displayed the two goddesses. Their progress was astounding. They were covered head to toe in jiggling fat, swollen to nearly three times their size since the start of the year. The girls had easily crested 1000 pounds. Half ton goddesses with no signs of slowing. The serum had a different effect on each girl: For Chloe, her stomach had stretched out further than anything else. For Veronica, her tits and ass expanded without limits. Despite the constant fattening that the girls had endured, they had kept a lovely shape. Rather than formless blobs of fat, their feminine features had bloated to the extreme. The massive rippling belly on Chloe pushed outwards passed her legs and touched the cushioned floor of her shrine. The sheer girth of her bulging middle forced her legs apart at all times. It had been months since she’d seen her feet, but it didn’t matter much to her. All that mattered was what to eat next. Her hips, legs and breasts had all thickened considerably over the course of a year, but they were all eclipsed by her bloated mountain of a stomach. Her chubby arms were held uselessly at her side while her tummy swelled like a blimp of softness. It grew pudgier, wider and rounder with each passing day at the shrine. Chloe’s stomach lurched past the threshold of the room where she was growing in. The small shrine could barely contain her any longer. A group of eager priests marveled at her size and played with the dangling fat, while morsel after morsel of fattening foods were thrust into her mouth. She had long given up the fight to resist hedonism, submitting gleefully to every meal. Why would she want to do anything but grow? Her belly was a testament to her transformation to godhood. She loved every minute of it. Every taste, every touch. Her navel had grown deep and wide, a canyon surrounded by plush layers of flesh. One of the worshippers whose job it was to tantalize the goddesses by touching their skin and teasing their fattiest parts, took two forefingers and explored her belly button. His fingers sunk in deep. Fat reached beyond his knuckles as he massaged within. Chloe roared through a food filled mouth as the touches made her adipose-laden form quiver with delight. The erogenous pressure reached a peak and flooded her groin with moisture. It made her squeal, it made tremble and spasm, but most of all, it made her ravenous for more. The feeling of fat clinging to her body, turned her on, and when she was turned on she wanted to eat. The cycle continued on as she engorged herself with food and drink and the lovely pressing fingers of the priests disappeared beneath her doughy flesh. Veronica was fatter than ever, but had somehow maintained an hourglass figure. She was significantly padded throughout her growing body, but her ass and tits had taken the brunt of the expansion, swelling and jiggling as she inhaled her offerings. Her hips and ass filled out to nearly three times the size of her waist. Her burgeoning ass cheeks were two huge quivering globes that had been filled up beyond their limits. The skin stretched tight and cellulite cascaded down to her thickened thighs. Her bottom had grown so large that the rippling ass cheeks buckled against the walls of her shrine. She easily filled the small room with her gluttonous girth. Several months prior Veronica lost her ability to stand, but it didn’t seem to bother the Goddess much, as she had cultivated an insanely comfortable and plush rear. Best seat in the house. “Milady is growing too large for her shrine.” said a man responsible for cleaning out Veronica’s holy pen. He found himself wedged between the wall and her thickening ass. “Her tits are colossal!” said another. “Mmhhhmmm… More!” Veronica cried back. Her husky voice almost unrecognizable. Above all though, her tits had grown the most. A single breast outpacing her belly in size and form. They hung heavy and round, with cushion soft skin, down beyond her navel and brushing her hefty knees. Her nipples were erect and stimulated at all times, as there was never a moment where Veronica was not being pleasured by the waves of servants who worshiped her daily. They groped her softness in their hands. Flesh flowing and bouncing at their touch. One such fat admiring zealot took her breasts into his hands and kneaded its softness. The fat spilled through and enveloped his fingers. He hefted the breast high and massaged underneath. The skin was so soft and tender, and seemed to bring Veronica into a trance. He kissed a row of kisses along the base of her tit and then took the alert nipple fully into his mouth. He sucked deeply with the areola larger than his head. “Yes…YES!” Veronica moaned. An eager tongue worked its way around the nipples, moistening and lubricating the supple skin. Veronica slipped into a liberating ecstasy. The taste of the food and the carnal sensations becoming one. Pleasure for pleasure's sake, gluttony beyond imagining. More hands cupped her breasts and jiggled them. Another pair of lips latched onto her to suckle. Veronica’s eyes rolled back into her head, and she swallowed a mouthful of ambrosia that was poured carefully into her mouth. Trays of food flew out of the temple’s kitchen as the crew from the Bounty arrived. “I see we’ve caught the porkers during their lunch,” said the captain. His eyes were fixated on the massive girls with a sense of awe and wonder. How beautifully big they had become. “Lunch, dinner, it’s all the same. They never stop eating, really. Except maybe to sleep.” Chloe and Veronica barely responded to the entourage from the Bounty. They were too involved in their meal and the constant groping and massaging of their gargantuan bodies. “And how are their sex drives?” “Their cravings for sexual contact is almost as large as their bodies. We pleasure them everyday.” High Priest. “Each added pound seems to jump start the libido “Amazing. Simply amazing. I never expected them to have grown so large.” “We treat our disciples with the utmost care.” The captain introduced the high priest to four new disciples. The hungriest and most eager of the women on the cruise this year. They had beautiful faces and smooth complexions that put them somewhere in their early 20s. They all were easily pushing 400 pounds a piece, putting their weight in different areas. The young girls waddled in with giddy looks as they scanned the temple. “You want to make us that big?” Samantha said. Her mouth was watering and her pupils were pinpoints. She was obviously under the serum’s fattening effects. “I bet I can get fatter than you!” Shouted Leana. She grabbed a cupcake from a serving tray and munched. The high priest turned back to the captain. “Feeding six goddesses with such appetites will be no easy feat.” “You’ll have everything you need. I promise you.” The tubby newcomers were induced with ambrosia and offered comfortable seats in the temple; shrines their own. Delicious courses of food were presented and another round of feedings began. They gnashed at the offerings like animals. “Soon we’ll have the temple filled with gorgeous and rotund women.” The high priest smirked. “A place where ample flesh and endless appetites will be worshiped and indulged. This is the beginning of something great.”