Katie wandered through the fair looking for her friends. She loved fairs, the smell, the people, but especially the food. Ever since she was little she went to the fair every night it was open for the food. Deep-fried Snickers, Turkey legs, Jumbo corndogs, Elephant Ears, it was paradise. If the fair was even two more weeks a year Katie would be obese. Fortunately, for the beauty queen it wasn't. She was a homecoming candidate her senior year of high school and got a lot of attention from the guys her freshman year at college. Dark brown hair flowed down to her shoulders and a beautiful heart-shaped face with two piercing light blue eyes could melt the heart of any lover of beautiful women. She was a shorty at just 5'4" and was a measly one hundred ten pounds. Two perky B-cups were resting under a buttoned-up flannel shirt that was tied at the bottom revealing her slim midriff. She had Daisy Duke jean shorts in honor of the fair, with a belt that said country girl. The shorts did a nice job of showing of the nice booty she had going on back there. Her skin was fairly tan and was what some might consider perfect. She had a good time at college, but now back in hometown Baker, Nebraska, she was ready to just settle in for the fair. Walking around she got a text from her friend Amber, 'Where r u?' She was about to text back when someone called to her, she looked up at a ticket girl who motioned to her, "Pretty little thing, how about you go on in to this ride?" "I've never seen this one before," Katie said. "Oh, it's a new attraction, eighteen and up," said the girl, "You are eighteen right?" "Yeah," Katie said, giving the girl her ID while examining the ride. The big neon sign read "Fair Food Fiasco" and murals were painted on the sides of it of two girls eating with stars in their eyes, fair food, two chubby girls finding some food acting excited, a young man wandering through mirrors, and several other nonsensical things. It looked like a funhouse, "Why's it 18 and up? No like, pornography right?" "Oh, no no no," the girl said, "None of that, it's just we wanted a ride you college kids could go on alone, without all those kids to bother you. You like fair food?" she said changing the subject. "Of course," Katie laughed. "Then this ride is perfect! Free food inside," said the ticket girl, "Get it? Fair Food Fiasco." "Okay, when my friends get here I'll go in," said Katie. "Why wait?" said the girl, motioning to the carts, "You tell them to come, and take a free ride on me. I'll hold them until you get back." "Really?" Katie asked, "Thanks sooo much, how much fair food do I get?" "You'll find out inside," said the girl pushing her up the stairs, "Have a nice ride. Katie jumped in a cart and buckled the loose belt around her waist as she texted Amber right before she went in the tunnel, "Fair Food Fiasco". Riding into a dark tunnel and turning the corner, suddenly everything lit up. It was a strip of animatronic fair vendors peddling their food they offered some to Katie and took her several seconds to realize it was real food. She accepted a Deep-fried Twinkie and nibbled away at it. The cart then dipped down away from all the vendors. She finished the Twinkie and through the stick in a nearby trash can that was by the side of the track. "How about a drink?" A voice said in a well lit tunnel that just seemed to be a painted mural of different fair foods. She accepted a very large chocolate malt and started drinking it. It was heavenly. The cart came to a sudden halt at the end of the hallway and she realized that there was no more track. She unbuckled and stepped off following a lit up neon arrow at the top of the tunnel. Looking to her left she saw the mirrors that were on the mural on the front. As she stepped in she realized they were the kind of mirrors that distort your body. She at first looked very thin and laughed as she continued on her body became wider and wider in the mirrors. Finishing the malt she pitched it in a garbage can and found a bag of onion rings which she began to munch on. The end of the mirrors were in sight. Dumping the large bag she ate surprisingly fast she licked the grease off her fingers as she continued. Exiting she found herself in Tunnel-of-Lovesque room. The boat was a giant empty food box. She got in a buckled herself in. noticing her tummy swollen a little with the food she had already eaten. She started riding down the river and soon was offered a jumbo strawberry triple shake and a giant turkey leg by a hand that came out of the wall. Drinking and eating as she went around on what she realized was a lazy river it took her in circles as she finished the food. It then handed her a cup of soda as big as her thigh (maybe a little bigger) and a stick of deep fried butter. "No thanks," she called out sweetly, she was stuffed. The food was shoved at her chest. Reflexively she grabbed it and the hands retreated into the wall. The set the drink down and just waited to get off. Suddenly, she felt a pinch. Her buckle was shocking her. She tried to take it off, but a bigger shock hit her. Katie panicked. She looked at the butter in her hand and got shocked again. Taking a bite the shocking stopped. She cautiously took another bite and soon shoved the whole greasy feast down her throat. "Let me off!" she yelled only to get shocked again. She started drinking the drink and in between gulps gave desperate pleas. "I don't want any more free food!" Soon she drank the whole thing and winced as she shifted in her seat. Her normally round, but firm booty had a tinge more padding than usual. The ride handed her a large bucket of chocolate covered bacon and a slurpee the size the size of both her legs. She ate and drank reluctantly burping and farting on the lazy river. The buttons popped off her shirt one by one, until just the tied up part was left. When the slurpee and bacon was gone she felt the ride come to a stop. Looking down at the buckle partially obscured by her growing belly, she slid her fingers in to undo it. Her boobs had grown into wonderful d-cups showing a great deal of cleavage. Her butt jiggled as she stepped off the ride and she looked around for an exit. She only saw one door so she cautiously walked towards it. Opening she saw a room with food along all the walls and a picture booth attached to some sort of tram that seemed to go into a solid wall. "Remember your time at Fair Food Fiasco!" read a sign on it. It was the only place to go so Katie stepped inside. She sat down on the seat and felt her butt spread across it. A sign next to her read 'You now weigh…' She couldn't look away as it calculated her weight. The numbers stopped at 148. "Let me- *URRRRRP*- out of here!" Katie begged through tears and burps. A picture snapped of Katie looking desperately at the camera crying with fat pooling around her waist. After the picture snapped she figured the tram would take her out. It started to move, but as it did a buckle fastened around her waist. She quickly tried to undo it in a panic, but soon her wrists and ankles were grabbed by buckles as well. She screamed, "Plea-ea-ea-ease don't do this!" "You're so skinny!" said a robotic voice, "Have a bite!" With that a hand came and shoved some food into Katie as she opened to beg again. She chewed, cheeks swollen with the deep-fried snack. Before she had even finished swallowing the first one a new one was pushed into her lips. And then another and another and another. The camera continued to snap pictures of her getting a little bit fatter with each snack. The scale continued to rise. It was at 158 now. A double chin lifted from her gentle face and dimples formed even when she wasn't smiling. Her breasts fought for room in the tight top which miraculously held together. White creamy belly flesh rested on her lap now and flowed over her belt which was close to the breaking point. Her perfect skin was paling as it stretched across her mounds of fat. She could feel the buckle dig into her belly as it grew and could feel her thighs and butt spreading across the seat. Her thighs began to meet each other and the parts where the flesh touched expanded up, down, forward and in any direction. Finally, the greasy foods stopped coming just as the scale read 181. Her hair was disheveled and chocolate, grease, and butter dripped down her chin and onto her boobs. "Wow," said a voice, "You sure can take a lot, maybe we can enter you with the fair cows when we're done here." A hand reached out and massaged her belly kneading the fat over and over again. Poking and prodding. Katie struggled against the restraints but they just got tighter. "You should gain a little bit of weight, how will we win the fair with such a skinny animal?" Katie stifled a sob. Her belly hurt and she just wanted to go home. "You do look thirsty, let's put some chocolate in you." Katie struggled as a hose was place in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but it was stuck. She made muffled cries for help. Suddenly, a thick syrup was being pumped into her mouth. It was so sweet she wanted to puke. Her body expanded faster than before. Every three seconds another pound ticked off. It got faster and faster until it was about every second. Katie squealed as her belt and shorts became impossible tight. A hand reached down and loosened her belt. It then broke in half shooting the button of her jeans off. Her belly pushed the zipper on the shorts down as the hand ripped them away revealing her panties being overcome with fat. The hose shut off forty pounds after it started. Katie cried looking at the last picture. Her face was slowly being enveloped in fat. Her nose even had a touch of fat on it. Her boobs had grown and strained the shirt just a bit much. Her heavy breaths caused them to rise and fall to rest on her big belly spreading across her fat thighs. Which touched half way to the knee now. Her butt spread across the seat covering about half of it now. The panties were more of an annoyance now, because they weren't visible in the picture, covered by fat, and bit into her hips painfully. Her calves got fat too, and her toes and fingers slowly turned into sausages. The palms of her hands had a light layer of padding to them that wasn't there before too. Her elbows dimpled and her upper arms had fat hanging, starting the beginning of fat wings. "Please, I'm fat- *URRRRRRRRP*- now, let me go," Katie begged. She farted loudly before continuing begging, "I'll do anyth- *URRRP*- any *URRRRP*- an-*URRRRP*- HEL-*URRRRRRP*-Help!" "Oh no you aren't," said the voice, "You can't even get the brown ribbon with that belly." "Pleeeeeease!" Katie begged through tears. "Have a bite," the voice said obliviously, shoving a handful of deep-fried candy into Katie's sobbing mouth. "No! I'm full-*URRRP*- I'm- mmmph mph mumph," Katie was cut off by more food. "I'm gonna- I'm gonna- *URRRRP*- MMMMPH!" more food was shoved in her throat. "You'll be nice fat piggy in no time," said the voice, "We'll have to roll you around for that blue ribbon." Katie just burped in response. Chocolate covered bacon bits were filling her swelling cheeks. As she chewed. A supersized corndog on a stick made of a cinnamon stick was force-fed to her next. Her eyes darted to the scale. It was going up again. She could feel her belly slide across her thighs as it grew. Her butt found more cold metal as it expanded outward. A soda fountain took turns squirting into her mouth in between bites. Her shirt finally blew away with a snap, leaving her in her pathetically small bra which wasn't actually clasped in the back and was resting on her boobs. Finally after several minutes the buckle around her waist gave way. Her fat exploded out with a great shake jiggling as she struggled to her fat feet. Waddling off the photo booth she caught sight of the weight counter on her way out. It read You now weigh... two hundred and fifty pounds. She waddled off panting as she got out. She looked at the picture that slid out on her right grabbing it she examined her new surroundings. There was a duffle bag that said, "Open me". Behind it was a small circular hallway with a walkway painted pictures of various fair foods at the far end was a door, next to the hallway entrance was what appeared to be a changing room. She peeked inside there first. Nothing. Cautiously opening the duffel she found clothes. It was a big white spaghetti strap with buttons down the front, a new pair of khaki short shorts, and a new pair of underwear that seemed to be made of lycra. Putting them on in the changing room she looked around seeing if there was anywhere else to go but the hall. Reluctantly she started forward down the hall suspiciously watching everywhere. Half-way down it the wall started to spin, making her dizzy standing on the walkway. She waddled faster towards the door, which seemed to be getting further away. Suddenly the portraits began opening and shooting food at Katie. It bounced off her leaving little chocolate or grease stains on her shirt. Then a hand shot out and shoved a whole fair cookie in Katie's mouth Katie drew back repulsed as two more hands grabbed her and a third shoved a chili dog down her mouth. A bacon burger followed. She pulled free only to be grabbed by more hands and knocked to the ground. They held her as a hose of root beer float was sprayed directly down her throat and another two hands force fed her cotton candy and lard-burgers. She felt a button on her new shirt pop off and began rolling around to get free in a few seconds she rolled away from the hands and with great difficulty got to her feet. She ran as fast as she could, her whole body quaking and booming with each step. The door was within reach when a hand grabbed her ankle another grabbed her wrist and a third shoved something that didn't even look like food in her mouth. As she swallowed she felt another button burst off her shirt and her tummy expand just from that. She broke free and dove through the door, but her butt and hips were stuck she struggled and struggled and just barely got free falling on a cold metal flooring. She looked up seeing it was a scale. It rang in 270. She struggled to her feet and waddled around the new room. She saw an exit sign. Ecstatic she waddled forward toward the sign desperate to reach it. She reached her arms out as she waddled, sweat and panted. But just as she reached it she fell. No she wasn't falling the floor was. As the exit sign went out of reach she screamed. "Hello, Katie, we still need that blue ribbon before you leave," said the voice. Katie then was hit in the back of the knees by a cart and a buckle slipped around her waist. She was restrained again. A trough was raised to her chin and she looked inside. A goop of lard, sugar, cream, and grease with fair food swimming in it was in the pig trough. Katie saw where this was going. "Please- *URRRRP* *hic*- Don't do this- *URRRP*- You can't do- *hic* *urrrrrp* *hic*- STOP!" she cried. "Well, I really want that blue ribbon, so you finish it up for me and I'll let you go," said the voice. "I- *URRRRRP*- don't want to be-*hic*- a piggy," she said. "You already are dear, just not a very good one," said the voice. Katie sobbed, but just as she did the trough connected with her lips and the stuff was forced down her throat as the trough slowly tipped upwards. She could feel her body expanding underneath her. Buttons popped off the blouse as her belly grew outwards. The trough was big enough to put a cow in comfortably. She felt the substance go down her throat as she cried. The khaki short burst at the seams, followed by the belt bursting several seconds later. The last button on the blouse clung on, but was stretching and stretching until finally it flew away. A scale in front of her told her, her current weight. At three hundred and fifty pounds there was a break to clear the clothes away, she sat there in the super stretched underwear and looked at the last picture taken. She was pathetic. Her eyes were becoming hidden under her fattening face, and a fourth chin was forming. Her breasts hung down like the two fat sacks they were, and her thighs were now driven apart by the fat between them. Her belly rested halfway up on them and had developed three distinct rolls of fat. Her arms were weighed down with fat. Her butt spread across two thirds of the seat easy. She breathed deep through her mouth for several precious seconds, before the trough tipped again. This time it didn't stop. Her perfect skin was ruined now. Stretch marks ran the length of her belly and thighs. The once tanned flesh was pasty and stretched. She winced as she felt her belly start to droop in between her legs. Flexing her fingers told her even their mobility was long gone now. Her butt continued to inch across the middle until it hit the sides of the chair. She panicked as it squeezed her tighter and tighter until she heard creaking metal. The sides of the metal chair were actually bending to accommodate her growing rear. Finally the trough emptied into her and was pulled away. She burped loud and long. "Can-*URRRP*-I-*URRRP**URRRRP*-go-*URRRP**URRRP*-home-*URRRP*-now-*URRRP*- please?-*URRRP**URRRRRP**URRRP*" she managed between belches. She looked at the picture. She was huge. Fat poured everywhere. It was hard to tell this was a person. It then insulted her by showing her as she came in. She wasn't even the same girl. She looked like she was ten times as wide. Her formerly petite face was now veiled in fat and extra chins. A cute smile was now a tired frown in the middle of chubby rose colored lips. Her perky breasts had been molded into the two hanging fat sacks that rested in the lycra bra upon her belly. Her arms could be lifted, but probably not to a 90 degree angle. Her legs and butt were giant, compared to the showstopper she used to have. "Not quite yet, you little piggy, you," said the voice, "It's time for the weigh in!" Katie strained her fat neck to turn her head, which was challenging to say the least. The scale didn't have a reading. The wall in front of her rose. And the photo booth fell away. She saw nothing, but a wall of flesh and she had a terrified idea of what it was. "Is someone there?" a voice asked from within the flesh. Katie strained her neck and saw where the head must be. A mess of blonde hair marked it. "I'm-*URRRRP*," Katie managed, but she imagined the girl understood. "Help, I want to go home," the blob girl said. "Me-*URRRP*-too," said Katie. "The weigh-in results are up!" the voice said. "The red ribbon goes to… Katie!" the voice said, "At a whopping six hundred and fifty nine pounds, congratulations Katie!" Katie stifled a sob. As the voice continued, "And the blue ribbon prize goes to… Leah! At an amazing one thousand, four hundred and twenty five pounds, better luck next time Katie. If you tell anyone then we'll be sure you get the blue ribbon." Katie's eyes widened. "Help me," the girl pleaded as she was wheeled away. "Leah, has been here since she warned her friends not to go in, but her selflessness got her reeled back in," said the voice, "Guess she didn't believe us." Katie cried, she just now remembered Amber. She was being raised to the top, "Now get dressed and get out of here, you've been a good little piggy." Katie got dressed in the same clothes she entered in, just comically larger. She unrolled the shirt so it wouldn't reveal midriff, and tucked her belly in the shorts. With that she waddled out the exit into the fair crowd. She saw Amber talking to the ticket girl along with their friend Shayna. She took a step toward them, but couldn't bring herself to talk to them. She didn't want to end up like Leah, crying she waddled toward the fair exit. Just as she did though a vendor shouted, "Free sample," and shoved food in her face and she almost screamed. She waddled away with all the speed she could muster and went home. As Amber walked up to the ride, the ticket girl behind her grinned wickedly, watching Katie waddle away in the opposite direction. Maybe Amber would fare better, but maybe not. Shanna waited to see if Katie would come out, but the ticket girl told Amber she could probably catch Katie if she hurried. Amber got in first. She was a petite, short brown haired girl with a cute, gentle face. She had two B-cup breasts and an overall lithe body, with a firm butt that was nice enough for most guys to notice her. She was just 5'2" and 98 pounds. She wore a tight denim stretch skirt, black tights, and a gray three quarter sleeve button-up shirt. As Amber got into the cart she scooched toward one side. "Wait," said the ticket girl, "Hold the ride." Amber sat there in the cart looking down toward the girl. "You sure you don't want to ride with your guest?" the ticket girl asked sweetly. "She'll wait here, just in case," said Amber. "Okay," said the ticket girl unsure. The ride started and Amber rounded a corner. Suddenly bright lights lit up everywhere, she was in a strip lined with shops, with animatronic vendors handing her real food. She grabbed all she could and put it on a tray conveniently placed in front of her. She started to nibble on a huge turkey leg. After she finished the cart dropped to a hallway. An animatronic hand gave her a huge frosty. "Thirsty?" a voice asked. "Sure," she said grabbing the frosty. She just sat there and finished her meal. She wondered if the ride was over. Getting up she felt full and unsteady. She followed a sign into a maze of fun mirrors and started down them. Coming to an intersection she found some more food, a triple deluxe jumbo cheeseburger with glazed doughnuts instead of buns. She grabbed it and it was amazing. It probably weighed three pound pounds. Eating it slowly she came to a huge root beer float. She immediately began drinking it, with the float in one hand and half a burger in the other. She came to a doorway just as she finished. She dropped them in the trash on the right of the door and continued through not noticing her tights stretching or her buttons beginning to strain. She walked into a room that had a moving back drop meant to look like the fair with a ferris wheel cart. "Please step inside," said the voice. Amber complied and a tray was raised in front of her with a huge bacon and grilled cheese and a corn dog. She patted her full tummy and decided against eating it. She snapped a belt around her waist, but didn't see the point. The backdrop changed to make it look like the cart was going up. "This is pretty cool," Amber said to no one in particular. Just as it reached the top and she looked at the moving ceiling, looking like a beautiful night sky she felt something enter her opened mouth. It was a quarter of the grilled cheese surprised she looked at the animatronic hand that fed it to her. She chewed and swallowed and looked at the hand holding the grilled cheese in front of her. She also noticed the ride stopped. "Hey," she said to the ceiling, "Can I get o-mmph-mmph." Another bite of grilled cheese was shoved in her mouth, as the other animatronic hand set out pound cakes, ice cream, doughnuts, deep-fried butter, and elephant ears. The hand held the grilled cheese to Amber's lips she shut them tight. She only opened to speak, "I'm-*URP*-fu-*mmph mumph." She decided to just shut her lips now, but opened them to belch loudly. The rest of the grilled cheese disappeared in her mouth. Swallowing it she moaned rubbing her soft belly, "Please- *Urp*-I'll be so fat. I don't want to be a big chubby gi-" the whole corn dog was cleaned off in her mouth. Her cheeks were swollen with food. The other hand held a soda fountain up and just sprayed it in her chewing mouth. She moaned as she felt her belly tightening in the belt. She felt it go a little free as a button on the bottom popped off. It was followed by another and another. Her whole body was expanding as more food was shoved in, but her belly was getting huge. She made muffled cries and tears ran down her cheeks. She noticed the ride was appearing to be lowering with every bit she took. The safety clasp was getting tighter and tighter around her midriff. Finally just as a final sweet fry was shoved into her mouth it burst off her pale and tight tummy. The ride released a moment later, but Amber couldn't get up very quick. She rocked from side to side and then finally stood letting her newfound weight droop all over her body. She had two large saggy boobs now that poured over her formerly loose bra. Her butt and thighs were stretching the tights so far they were becoming see through and her lies were flopping together with each step. Her hips gave her a distinct pear shape. Her belly had a huge change. It was jiggly and loose, and she had the worst muffin top she had ever seen in her life. Her belly almost hung in front of her crotch even in the skirt. Her face was puffed up as well. She could feel her chin vanishing under fat, and she ran her sausage fingers all over her chubby cheeks. Crying she waddled out and kept hoping it was just fake or she was dreaming. She saw only one exit, the door she had come in was gone, it was a small doggy door, and she would have to squeeze to get through. It was about a foot off the floor and she fit herself through. Her back fat touched the top and her belly scraped on the bottom, halfway through getting it through she got stuck. She knew she could get out, but she just had to wiggle, but just as she thought that something lowered in front of her face. Another hose. She tried to slide back through, but it was too late. Her hands were now stuck on the floor with some sort of adhesive. "Here piggy piggy!" the voice said tauntingly. She screamed, but as she opened her mouth, thick sugary frosting was shot directly into it as two mechanical hands came down to hold it open. Another one liberated her of her ruined shirt. She looked desperately from side to side, but she couldn't move her head. She worried about Katie now. Her belly expanded and now she would've been truly stuck. She felt her denim skirt rip off her butt. The hole was becoming too tight now, it would cut her in half if she didn't get out, but just as she thought that the frame holding it together cracked and shattered sending dust everywhere and her belly fell to the floor as the wall was destroyed by her girth. Wincing in pain as her tights slid down her legs and tightened around her knees she knew had to get out of here soon. It lasted a little after and then the frosting hose disappeared into the wall. Amber's hands came free and she tried to stand up. The hands helped her and she looked down at her body now just in her incredibly stretchy bra and panties. Her stomach had developed into three large rolls, her boobs were now nothing more than giant fat sacks resting on her tummy, and she couldn't walk without a total waddle now. Her feet had to be shoulder length apart. She was probably over three hundred pounds. She walked forward and began to cry looking for an exit. As she walked her hips scraped against the walls and her body jiggled furiously. She tried to turn a corner and had to push herself through the hallway very forcefully. As she looked up though she saw the exit, there in front of her. She waddled quickly as her padded feet shook the whole ground, but just as she realized it, it fell. The exit fell in front of her. No it wasn't falling she was rising. She looked around and the lift came to an abrupt stop. A chair came and hit her in the back of the legs and made Amber fall backwards into it. Amber tried to get up, but she was immediately pulled back down. She began to tear up, as a picture was flashed in her face. It was her now, fat, saggy, and huge compared to when she came in petite and perky. "Time for the weigh in," the voice said cheerfully. Amber dreaded how much she weighed. The lights flipped on and across the room from Amber was a giant blob of flesh. "Help me," it sobbed desperately. Amber jumped. She felt clothes being slid on her and looked to see as a flannel button-up and cowgirl jeans were slid over her big bountiful body. They were tight. "For being so darn cooperative," said the voice, "We are giving you Amber, weighing in at three hundred and twenty five pounds a red ribbon." Amber looked at the girl, but didn't speak, she would feel to guilty. "Leah gets the blue ribbon," the voice said uninterested sounding. But you get a special reward Amber." Amber's head perked up hoping that wasn't as sinister as she thought it would be. "We here at this special ride will take half of your weight gain off in return for your servitude here, or else you know you can join Leah. Whaddya say?" Amber looked at Leah and shuddered, looking back resolutely she sighed, "I'll do it." FOUR DAYS LATER Amber tugged at her tight uniform. She was still over two hundred pounds and now one hundred miles away from her home she was sending girls just like her to their plumping. She still didn't know why, but she did know one thing: she just had to. And it was enjoyable watching the girls enter and then exit several hundred pounds heavier. She just watched a girl named Abby who had made fun of her exit with a disgusted look on her face. She now weighed about three hundred extra pounds. She started to cry as she watched Amber shrug and grin a theatrically smile. Maybe Amber would like this job she thought as she took a bite of a turkey leg. Brittany walked onto the secluded beach, her caramel brown hair blowing in the wind and thin silk veil wrapped around her tan shoulders, she walked like a model. Her beautiful breasts bounced in her bikini with every step. Her butt swayed from side to side. The girl could was gorgeous. As she laid a towel she had been carrying out the only other beach resident examined her with great interest. She looked at the sun putting her hand over her eyes to shield it from the sun and admired the gorgeous view. She lay down on her belly facing the sun rise that morning. The observer got a little closer and ducked behind huge rocks and spires that arose along the shore. Once or twice she looked around, and called out, "Hello?" so the observer just ducked behind a rock. He then was within twenty yards. Breaking out at a dead sprint he ended up right over the resting beauty. She tried to scream, but the cloth pressed against her mouth stopped her from shouting. It wouldn't have helped anyway no one would be here for hours. Grabbing her and her bag the man left no evidence of Brittany ever coming to the beach this morning. Soon she was tied up in the back of his car and well on her way to the fat farm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brittany awoke in a comfortable basement room lying on a comfortable bed. She still had her bikini top on, but someone had put her matching shorts on that said "Juicy" across the butt. "Hello?" she called, "Help me!" She stood up and paced back and forth she tried the door, but it was locked. She heard something behind her and turned with a start watching as a table of food was lowered through what looked like an oversized laundry chute. A note was on it. "Eat for freedom," Brittany read out loud. "Please just let me go!" she screamed, "You sick son of a bitch! What do you want from me?" "I don't want anything more of you!" a voice called down the chute, "I just want there to be more of you to go around." "You son of a bitch!" she called, "What the hell does that mean?" "Eat and you'll find out." "Is it safe?" she asked. "I didn't bring all the way back her to poison you," said the voice, "It's safe." She looked at the greasy food and pulled up a nearby chair. She hadn't eaten fast food in years, but it was her only way out. She opened up a bag of the fast food. It was all Fat-Burger food. Looking in the bag she cringed. She pulled out the stick of deep-fried Twinkie and took a bite, counting three dozen more. As the greasy food touched her lips she chewed reluctantly. At least it was good food. She finished it and ate another and another. Finally she ate seven of the greasy treats. "I'm-*URP*-full!" she yelled "Not yet you aren't! Eat!" the voice commanded. "I can't, I'm-*URP*-full!" she pleaded. "Eat everything on that tray!" the voice yelled. "I'm stuffed," she said jumping from her seat, "I can't-*URRRP*-take another bite." "EAT IT!" the voice demanded. Brittany began to cry, and huddled in a corner. Next thing she knew the door swung open and a masked man with a huge beer belly came in followed by another fatter man. She tried to run for the door, but one of the men caught her. Picking her up he carried her to the chair and set her in it. She tried to hit, scratch, and kick to get away. The other man wrapped a large leather belt around each of her arms, and then two cuffs attached her wrists to the arm rests. Soon her legs were caught too. She struggled and kicked. "Please, let me go!" Brittany begged through tears, "I'm just a kid, you can't do this to me." "You're nineteen years old," said the voice from above, "That makes you fair game." The two men began force feeding her the Twinkies. And soon her bloated belly was the least of her problems. She could feel her clothes getting tighter as she grew to fill them out. Then the men finished with the Twinkies Brittany looked at what they picked up next. A jumbo triple chocolate shake that was probably a foot tall. Forcing a siphon in her mouth, they dumped the shake in. Sucking in to avoid choking, she soon had drained the whole shake. Next they got five doughnuts each one could fill her up easily. They had eight inch diameter and were overflowing with chocolate filling. As she ate them all she felt the belts wrapped around her thighs get tighter. Her belly was pushing out into a nice little potbelly. She struggled against the confines of the belt as the men went to get more food. Looking over at a mirror to her left she saw her belly and boobs pushing out in front of her. Her boobs were getting saggy and tightening in her suit. Her thighs and butt were expanding too. She guessed she had thirty pounds on her 5'8" 120 pound figure. She was very close, because she now weighed 153 pounds. The men returned with a three foot long chili dog which Brittany began to eat and chew as her stomach stretched. As she finished with that they pulled out another. And after that another. She grimaced as she felt her belly begin to rest in her lap. Her butt began to rest up against the back of the chair and her thighs were slowly forcing her legs to spread as she ran out of room in the middle for the increasing fat. The men fed her five of the chili dogs before returning to the table they turned her toward the mirror. She could see her front and her back from a mirror behind her. The shorts were so tight, but she could feel them splitting on the sides, she still had a muffin top though. She weighed 175 pounds even now. Working her wrist free she began to massage her belly tracing lines around her bloated belly button, playing with the piercing in it, and kneading the thick flesh. She filled the chair and the armrests hugged her thighs and hips snuggly. Her face was still untouched by fat, but her neck seemed a little thicker. One of the men saw her wrist was free and buckled it back up right before shoving a heaping spoonful of chili in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed with less resistance than before. She saw a huge bucket full of it, and then three more. Before she knew it she had drained it all. Popping up to 200 she looked relieve to see the table raise. "Okay," she said to the guys, "I ate all your damn food, now let me out!" "Not so fast fatty," said one patting her belly. "You have one more thing to eat before we can let you go," said the other. "Please! I'll be as big as a god damn house," said Brittany "That's the point," said one. "At least eat this on your own," said the other one. He undid Brittany's straps as the cart came down. Brittany stood up with some difficulty. She walked over to the mirror and pinched and prodded the new proportions of her growing body as the thing was lowered behind her. One man guarded the door the other waited for the food. "God," Brittany said, choking back tears, "I'm never gonna lose this weight." "Nope," the man agreed. "Fuck you!" she said over her shoulder. She rubbed her new saggy boobs. Almost all perkiness was gone. They were definitely not C-cups anymore, and were squeezed and stuffed in her bra. She experimentally lifted and dropped her big fun bags several times watching them flop to her belly. She then examined her hands. Her fingers were chubbier, squeezing the rings and things on them. Her upper arms were thicker. She flicked her formerly toned triceps and watched them jiggle running her hands down her back she felt her huge butt. It sagged and her disgusted her. Every step sent it into a jiggling frenzy as her thighs rubbed together. Her calves were thicker now too. Still the most obvious change was to Brittany's belly. Stretch marks were starting to become visible. She slid the short shorts off to stop the muffin top, but the belly just drooped down in front of her crotch. It came out further than her breasts. She rubbed it and played with her deep navel. It was kind of nice feeling between her hands. Grabbing it with both hands and shaking it she turned around to see the man had placed the food on the bed. He moved, but didn't have to for Brittany to know what it was. On the bed, was a five layered cake that covered most of the bed. "Eat it up," the voice commanded. Brittany looked at the men standing by the door. "With your hands," one of them said. She looked at the giant cake. It was practically as big as her… well, not anymore. Reluctantly she plunged her chubby fingers into the cake and came back. She ate it off her hand a licked the frosting and crumbs. It was good. She took another scoop of it and another. Soon she was knelt in front of it on the bed shoveling it in her mouth with both hands. The door shut as she ate more and more. On all fours she climbed forward. Her body grew more and more. She ate it mindlessly. It was just so good. Finally her belly rested on the bed even when she was on all fours. Rolling on her back reaching the last piece up to her mouth she patted her enormous belly, contented. She was three hundred pounds now. Her belly had a nice crease going right through the middle. It was huge. Rubbing it and playing with her doughy fat she fell asleep on the bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Awaking on the beach, Brittany sat up groggily. At first she thought it was a dream, but that thought was dispelled as she looked down at her 300 pound body. The former sex goddess grabbed and prodded her belly, seeing if it was real. Strangely she had the same swimwear, just a few sizes bigger. She pushed her massive body to her feet and waddled toward her car. Her body shook and her belly bounced off her thighs jiggling a lot. On her way up the pavement path Brittany accidently knocked into a girl. "Sorry," Brittany said keeping her head down. "Sorry? Watch your step you fat bitch!" the brunette said shoving her. Brittany watched the girl continue her walk to the beach. She was very beautiful. But Brittany got the feeling she wasn't the only one watching her. She waddled to her car with a grin on her face sparing one more glance at the beauty queen walking toward the beach, and then drove home. The crackling of tin foil packaging sounded from the dark, followed by loud, smacking chomps with a grand finale burp. The door swung open with a crash, and the light turned on, revealing Mindy Koizumi looking equal parts shocked, startled and relieved. Her cheeks were swollen with munchies, she was still in her pajamas, and maybe a little high. She laid back, with her laptop on her knees, and Oreos on her potbelly, a new addition to the former health nut. All-in-all, despite Mindy’s slacker, college girl appearance, she was quite a looker. Hair dyed auburn, big brown eyes, a formerly flawless body, and one that still didn’t put her out of the running in most places. In the doorway was her excitable, stoner roommate, Taryn McNair. Taryn was also lovely, but more in a grunge-rock way. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she had a nose-piercing. All natural good-looks with no make-up. Taryn gleefully surveyed Mindy’s shock. She stood there for a second and then was at the couch for a second. “Gotcha dude!” she giggled and tickled Mindy. Mindy groaned and shoved her away, careful not to knock the Oreos away from her swollen tummy. Taryn giggled, “Oh, this is a nice tray.” She poked Koizumi’s painfully swollen midsection. “Where did you get it?” Taryn asked coquettishly with a knowing smirk. “Back off Taryn,” Mindy giggled and popped an Oreo in her mouth. Taryn jokingly dismissed her and Mindy mock-hollered at her back, “Besides, girlie, might want to check that booty Ms. Marathon Runner. Looks like I’m not the only one.” Mindy did the triple snap and grinned coyly. “Psh… shut up, and give me an Oreo,” Taryn said. Mindy obliged her. “Besides, and don’t take offense here or anything,” Taryn said cautiously, “But neither of our weight loss routines are going well, so I got something I think could help.” She produced a decent sized vial of what Mindy assumed were weight loss pills. “Oh, come on Taryn,” Mindy said, “You know that stuff is just all fake-” “Nope,” Taryn said, then hesitated and looked guilty, “Because they aren’t exactly legally obtained… they’re for surgical use. But they’re coming from a good source.” Mindy rolled her eyes, “And I did my homework!” Taryn said, “They’re good.” Mindy thought on the girls’ diet troubles in their second year of college. Almost immediately after arriving, the two health nuts were swamped with parties, hangovers, get-togethers, homework and exams. No gym time had softened the two heart-throb roommates up. Mindy, getting little sleep and drinking beer, as opposed to Taryn’s vodka, and generally having a worse set of genetics succumbed harder. Both she and Taryn were 5’3”, and before the weight gain Mindy was 112 pounds. She was thin, stylish, trendy with decent feminine assets. But now, Mindy’s breasts were swelling and sagging slightly, her potbelly pushed outward a good few inches, complete with love handles, a slightly puffy face, widened arms and a softer lower body, pushing her butt out and thighs widened and lost muscle tone, she had worked so tirelessly to gain. It began with a belly bump, covering part of her barely noticeable abs. Soon she was outgrowing clothes, losing athleticism in everyday life and eating more than ever. She now tipped the scales at a pudgy 163. Taryn, took a few more weeks to succumb to the effects, but her short height made every pound noticeable. Having been a slim, athletic 118 before, Taryn’s gain was noticeable to many people too. Her boobs grew first, but only slightly swelling and then stopping. At 130, Taryn had gained an hourglass figure to die for. But she couldn’t maintain her diet, and her belly began to push out, her face filled in slightly and her ass and thighs took the most of the damage. Taryn was now 154 pounds. In the summer, she ran a half marathon, now she probably couldn’t run a mile. She was noticeably lazier, despite her potential athleticism. Mindy considered it for enough time for Taryn to announce she was trying it, and then trying it. Taryn took four of the pills, explaining, “It works by bloating you up with water weight, and then eating the fat away.” “Fuck it,” Mindy said, “I’ll try it.” She ate four as well, and Taryn hid the pills in the cabinet. “Taste good?” Taryn asked. “Fuck no,” Mindy said gagging. “Well, since we’re on a diet now,” Taryn said, sounding unsure, “Or whatever it’s called, that lets us eat whatever we want, since it switches our brain into the mode that destroys fat, let’s get some real food.” “We can eat whatever we want?” Mindy asked, Taryn nodded excitedly, and Mindy followed with, “I’m in heaven.” The two pudgy college girls went to get food from Taco Bell, and then came back and prepared for the nights party. SEVERAL DAYS LATER Mindy rubbed her swollen sore belly. I knew I shouldn’t have taken those stupid diet pills, she thought to herself bitterly. She was in what Taryn called the “water weight stage”, and according to Taryn, the more water weight you gain, the more fat you lose, since that’s just a by-product of it being broken up. Mindy was starting to doubt Taryn’s grasp of the science behind these pills around her pound twelve of “water weight” in four days. Mindy’s boobs and double chin had both grown noticeably, but her belly continued to be her defining asset. She frowned and exited the bathroom, her belly bumping into Taryn’s back. Taryn was in her boy shorts, hugging her bloated midsection, giving her a noticeable muffin top and a sports bra which smushed her over-flowing boobs together. Mindy could tell Taryn had gained more weight on this misadventure than her, but she was still in denial. She ate the diet pills like candy. “Taryn, you look like… really bloated,” Mindy said. “Yeah,” Taryn said almost defensively and somewhat condescendingly, “You are too, it’s the water weight… it’s supposed to do this.” Taryn even sounded unsure. “And out of curiosity, how much water weight have you gained?” Mindy asked sarcastically, folding her arms over her bloated chest. “Well, nineteen pounds, but that’s just all that fat melting off my body,” Taryn said. Mindy was pretty sure water bloating didn’t give you stretch marks and cottage cheese thighs, she thought as she surveyed Taryn’s bloated body, bursting out of her clothes. “Call the guy who sold you these,” Mindy demanded. “Okay, I will, right after my shower,” Taryn said. Mindy doubted that. FIVE DAYS LATER Mindy hadn’t been to class since she confronted Taryn, and Taryn under confession had just called the dealer. Mindy had stopped taking the pills, but the bloating continued at an alarming rate. She was now 185 pounds and lazier and hungrier than ever. She sat around in the only clothes that would fit: Sweats, leggings, tank tops, tight bikinis, sometimes underwear, because nothing fit her blimping body. Her belly pushed past her tits, which had lost all perkiness. Her cheeks chubbed up and her thighs now rubbed. People took notice even with her limited social contact. Taryn who didn’t stop taking the pills right away ballooned a little quicker. No one now looked at her as a heart-throb at all. Just a moderately attractive chunky girl. Her hips widened out, and her thighs scraped each other constantly. Her butt began to jiggle and bounce with each step, a double chin began to form, and her belly formed a crease in the middle and rolls began to form on her back. “Okay, so here’s the story,” Taryn said hanging up the phone, “He accidentally got us a weight gain assistant steroid… so please don’t hate-” “GODDAMMIT TARYN!” Mindy screamed. “Look, dude, I know I messed up, but I’ll make it up to you next time-” “No!” Mindy shouted, and regained her composure, “No, no more diet aids, I’ll lose weight the natural way. No more schemes, this is where it gets us.” Taryn put her hands up, “Fine! Fine! No more dietary aids.” TWO WEEKS LATER Mindy struggled with a belt she had just gotten. She sucked in and tugged with all her might at her belt, and managed to get it locked in. She breathed out and watched as her muffin top spilled over her pants for the club. She frowned and examined herself from all angles. She had just read 189 on the scale this morning. At least she had stopped growing, she thought, patting her tummy which jiggled in response. Just then, Taryn burst into her room behind her. Her cottage cheese thighs wobbled furiously. With the rate her lower body grew in proportion the rest of her, she would be waddling soon. “Mindy, I just found this new diet and it’s super legit!” Taryn said excitedly. “No, Taryn, we don’t do fad diets,” Mindy said sounding tired, and like she didn’t really want to argue. “But Mindy, look, let me just…” and as Taryn began to babble, Mindy could only think, ‘Here we go again.’ -To Be Continued "Damn, this is expensive," a feminine American voice said near Jonas. He looked around eagerly and spotted his targets. They were just what he wanted. One girl sipped casually from a frothy mug while another two dark-haired girls just complained about the prices. "It's always like this," said a blonde German girl casually. She was the one drinking. "Are you sure?" Jonas asked suavely walking up behind the three girls, "Because I think it is a crime you lovely girls shouldn't be able to experience Oktoberfest to the fullest." The girls glanced at each other and smiled, the black haired one said, "Do you know of any way we can avoid that?" Jonas pretended to consider, "Well, I suppose we could go back to my villa, where a few friendly types might be waiting for a few more lovely girls to show up. And I suppose I could supply these lovely girls with free beer." "I'm in!" said the German girl grinning. "I believe we could grace your party with our presence," said the brown haired one, she flashed a million dollar smile. "I don't think I got you girl's names," said Jonas. "Oh, I'm Kali," said the black haired one. "Capri," the brown haired one said. "And I'm Sophia," said the blonde German. "Nice to meet you all," said Jonas shaking their hands, "And I am Jonas." "Nice to meet you Jonas," Capri said. "This way, I have a auto waiting not too far from here. Come let's go drink while the night is young," Jonas said gesturing. As the girls walked on ahead talking with each other and giggling Jonas examined them. Sophia walked in front. She had long blonde hair and skin with a slight tan that flowed into the middle of her back. She was thin, but had nice big breasts, showing off plenty of cleavage. Her butt was firm, and round, bouncing ever so slightly in her red form fitting mini-dress she wore. Her boobs made the v-neck even deeper and the belt around the middle of her stomach was pulled taut. Examining Kali he could tell she was of Greek descent. She had the olive skin, the dark slightly curly hair, cut short and framing her beautiful face. She had two nice C-cup breasts and a nice firm butt. Thin everywhere else, she was a doll. Good fashion sense too. She wore a black min-dress that revealed her toned midriff and showed off her nice firm ass too. Underneath the mini dress she wore white tights that showed her toned legs. Capri was the most attractive to Jonas though. She had very beautiful brown hair, very dark, almost black. It was straight and went to her neck. Her eyes shined, showing intelligence, with mint green irises. Her smile shined as well. She had two large, round yet perky boobs, probably D-cups they were tucked under a white low-cut blouse, showing a lot of cleavage. It had breast pockets, but they wouldn't hold anything since the shirt struggled to just hold the breasts. It buttoned down the front complete with a belt around her belly, and was tucked in a sexy black mini skirt with a wide band around it. It came up to her navel just about. It was probably stretch material because Capri's ass was amazing, and the skirt conformed to every wonderful curve. It was firm, but she walked with a bounce, so it seemed her whole body swayed with her hips, and that made Jonas want to sway too. They got in his limousine and he conversed with them as they drove out of Munich. It turned out all three were nineteen year old college students who were living in America. They just took a week off to come to Oktoberfest. Jonas also tried to charm them. He was quite attractive and not too much older than the girls. These girls were just what he was looking for every year. They were nice too, he almost felt bad. As they pulled up to his large villa the girl's eyes lit up. "Oh my god!" Capri said, "Jonas this is beautiful. "Do you own this?" Kali asked. "Yes I do," said Jonas laughing, "Took a lot of hard work. Well, not really, but I like to tell people that." The girls laughed and exited the car. Young men and women sat on the steps and conversed, drank, or just made out. A few sat around a huge fountain in the front of the manor. The girls followed Jonas inside. Someone ran up to them with a camera and Jonas pulled Kali and Capri in tight. The girls huddled against his shoulder and the picture was snapped. Dozens of people were inside. The three girls followed Jonas upstairs. Capri's ass was pinched several times on the way up by different men on the steps. "Right this way to the alcohol and food," Jonas said as he opened the door directly at the top. It opened to a huge banquet hall. In the middle of the room was a table absolutely stocked with food but no chairs around it, but against the walls were booth with large leather seating arrangements, each a little room on its own. It had the feeling of a night club. Music was permeating throughout the mansion. Jonas motioned to a booth. The girls sit down and several nearby young men and women grinned. Jonas sat down and another cute little brown-haired girl sat on his left. "Girls, this is Moira," said Jonas. "Hello, Moira," said Capri and Kali in unison. "Hello, my name is Moira," the girl said, in a thick French accent. It was clear she didn't really understand English. Jonas introduced the girls to Moira in French. Moira was very beautiful. Her brown hair curled and went down to her shoulder blades. She had tan-ish skin and white pearly teeth. Her C-cup breasts were stuffed inside her cocktail dress she was wearing and on the way in the girls noticed she had a nice round fatty on her backside. Her sexy strapless cocktail dress was very form fitting and had an almost metallic look to the mauve coloring. A belt was wrapped under her breasts showing her flat tummy. The girls talked with Jonas, and attempted to talk to Moira, but as Jonas had rounds of drinks brought to them he looked over Moira's shoulder seeming distracted. "Just a minute, I have to excuse myself," he said and then said the same to Moira in French. Moira nodded and smiled at the girls. Jonas closed the door to their booth behind him. "Get these girls some food," he called. Suddenly the table in the middle of them slid into the wall it rested against. Coming back out it was loaded with delicious gourmet food. Moira's eyes lit up. The three girls looked at the lavish amounts of food. "So much food," Capri said dumbly. "So good," Sophia said as she bit into a chocolate doughnut looking thing, except it wasn't a donut. It was as big as a cantaloupe. "Mmmm," Moira mused, as she took a bite of some turkey leg. Kali began popping deep-fried lard curds into her mouth. Capri dug into a bowl of Macaroni and Cheese and took large swigs of a thick chocolate drink. It was heavenly. The girls ate two huge pizzas, three huge turkeys, and countless other little goodies. Finally, one by one they leaned back in their seats. Sophia leaned back and slumped rubbing her belly, she farted, and sighed contentedly. Kali leaned back and patted her belly. She felt a softness that was there before, but figured that was just from her stuffing, and not actually fat. Moira and Capri finally leaned back and the table slid back into the wall. Another one came out even more fully loaded than the last one. Sophia and Moira immediately grabbed food. "Wait girls," Capri said, "Can we finish this?" "Who cares," Sophia said, mouthful of chocolate, "Let's just eat what we can until, Jonas comes back." Capri and Kali shrugged and began to eat. They lost themselves in the food. Eating to their hearts content they forgot all about the party. Capri smothered her mashed potatoes and ham in thick gravy as she drank an equally thick mug of beer. She then poured melted cheese on the meal followed by sliced avocados and dug in just shoving it all in her mouth with a huge spoon. After she finished she looked at a huge fudge cake in the middle and took a slice that was one fourth of the cake and gobbled it up greedily. The other girls ate just as much as Capri, and ignored their softening tummies just as much too. As they finished up with the food and Moira licked a plate clean they leaned back again, a little bigger this time. Sophia finished first and the first thing someone would notice if they weren't hypnotized by food was her boobs growing out of her mini dress. Her tan line was becoming visible. About half an inch of untanned skin was shown peeking up. Her belly was also growing and her belt bit into her flesh. Her butt cheeks were spreading out across the bench and her thighs thickened ever so slightly. Moira's boobs were losing perkiness and her arms thickened up to. Her belly was forming into a little gut and her belly button's position could be seen through the dress due to the slight lack of tautness there. Her formerly big shapely booty was beginning to show the signs of being just chubby under the dress. Kali's boobs grew in her dress pushing it out, and losing some of their perkiness. Her butt and thighs spread out across the bench as her dress was lifted up ever so slightly. Her belly fat pressed against where her dress split in the middle and revealed midriff making it ever so larger. Her arms plumped up proportional to her body and she even had the start of a double chin. Capri was the last to finish eating. Her blouse had become untucked in the back and as she swallowed her last bite the untucked portion became a little larger. Her boobs were squeezed in her shirt straining the buttons. Her biggest change was in her belly though. She had a nice round potbelly and cute little love handles. The sash belt she had wrapped around her belly was holding her fat down, but only in the one spot and doing a very poor job. Her belly ran over the sides of her skirt everywhere giving her a massive muffin top. Her belly button was as visible or more than Moira's was. Her butt also widened inside the stretchy black skirt she wore and her thighs widened out as well. As she leaned back the rest of her blouse became untucked, the buttons all straining, and the fabric stretched. Her belly was clearly hanging out all around and flopping over the sides of her skirt. The table slid back into the wall and came back with food. "Wait," Kali said holding up her hands, "I don't think this food is for us, let's just go find Jonas." "He said he is coming back here," said Sophia, "It has to be for us." "We should stop," Cali said patting her jiggly belly, "We're getting kinda fat." "You don't just gain weight," Sophia said, "It takes a little bit to metabolize, we are just stuffed." "Then let's stop eating," said Kali. "Let's at least wait for Jonas," said Sophia. Moira just watched them argue. "Well, let's just see-" Kali began trying the handle to the booth, "Damn, he locked us in. He'll be back soon." "Okay, let's wait for Jonas," Capri said rubbing her enlarged tummy, picking an éclair the size of her fist and popping it into her mouth she chewed slowly. "Wait, I thought we were waiting," Kali said. Sophia just picked up a two foot long chili dog and began eating. "It won't take him too long, might as well eat a little," said Capri stuffing a regular sized chili dog in her mouth and biting it in half. Moira joined in now too eating a quintuple bacon cheese burger the size of her breast. "Well, okay," Kali said resigned and began to dig in. Jonas watched the cameras intently. The girls were completely oblivious due to the unnoticeable drugs he added to the food. People gathered around their booth-rooms to watch them through the one-way glass. He switched between different booths and finally stopped on this year's star attraction The four girls were making good progress. Sophia, formerly, a 5'6" 130 pounder was at 160 after her last table of food. Her clothes were getting tights. Moira entered as a 5'3" 120 pound girl, and was now 153 pounds. Kali had entered the booth at 5'4" 123 pounds, and was now going up to about 157 pounds. Capri had the most impressive gain of all. Originally she entered at 5'5" and 128 pounds, but now she was flirting with 165 pounds. She had an impressive appetite. This year's fattening circle would be interesting, he thought switching to another booth with three young women gorging in it. During the newest stuffing things started getting interesting. All the girl's dresses and skirts were starting to strain at the seams. Moira's belt under her breast was broken in half as her boobs and belly converged to outgrow it. Her butt was the biggest of anyone's and she constantly had to adjust in her seat to make sure her skimpy dress could keep her decent. Capri's buttons on her blouse came off one by one. The sash around her tummy untied and just hung uselessly at her sides. Her belly, fully affected by gravity and turning into a gut, was now fully visible the only button that remained was the one right between her boobs and her belly. Her skirt stretching to its max was starting to have trouble keeping her growing hips and butt in. Half way through the stuffing she took the belt off releasing her belly which fell neatly into her lap. Her boobs sagged in her shirt and struggled to escape the confines of her tiny tight bra. Sophia's belt snapped at the clasp and her dress tore slightly at the sides. Her belly was impressive, pushing forward through the fabric and her boobs were just barely covered by the top of the v-neck dress. Her butt was growing beneath her making the bench seem a little more crowded. Kali's belly had grown into one smooth orb that rested on her lap free of any clothing she absent-mindedly traced lines around her belly button with her pudgy sausage finger. Her boobs overflowed her dress. The seams of her dress were split around the belly and her thighs were forcing each other apart causing the bottom of the dress to strain to. The girls ended their latest binge and Jonas posted the results on the TV screen in the main hall: Moira: 212 pounds Sophia: 209 pounds Kali: 215 pounds Capri: 223 pounds They would be nice big girls by the time they were done here. Food came out of the wall for the fourth time. "We should stop," said Kali kneading her fat in between her hands. "Shut up," Sophia said, and with a giggle shoved a spoonful of pudding in Kali's mouth. Kali's protests were over then. She immediately started scooping the pudding. Moira moaned and the other three girls stopped to look at her. She moaned in between shoving food into her already swollen cheeks. Her face contorted and with a grunt she forced her tummy out. A loud rip was heard as her dress split completely leaving her in her bra and panties. Relaxed she began to eat again. Kali looked to Capri who shrugged and then shoved half a hamburger into her mouth. Capri's final button bounced across the room and she lost the blouse sitting there topless. Another rip was heard half way through the binge. Sophia's dress began to tear as Sophia dripped chocolate sauce down her front. Her belly ripped out the front and her butt ripped the bottom. Just a few minutes later the dress lay in tatters. Capri's skirt and Kali's dress began to tear and by the end of the binge all four women were in their underwear the front of them made into a mess. The table slid into the wall. Moira leaned back and farted loudly. She was a big girl now, Her breasts sagged on top of her big belly. Her butt and thighs spread across the bench and she spread her legs to let her belly fall down to the bench. She rubbed it and laughed and burped, spouting off French. She was the smallest, being only about 265. Sophia's boobs were huge and saggy now her belly spread out on her thighs and her thighs spread out on the bench as stretch marks appeared all over. Her cheeks were fattened and she had a clear double chin, followed by a third chin. She weighed 281 pounds now. Kali's olive skin tone was slowly turning to pasty white, stretched flesh. Her body had become huge. A round beer belly and two sirloin roast thighs were her secondary beauty features behind her giant fun bags and the large fatty she was now sporting now. Her face had gotten chubbier, but she didn't have a double chin yet. Her weight had skyrocketed to 322 pounds making her the second biggest. Capri was still the biggest. Her face was chubbier as well and she did have a large double chin. Her hands patted her belly which cause all of her blubbery body to jiggle. Her belly was huge. It hung down in front of her crotch and she absolutely had to spread her legs to give it room. It was touching the edge of the table molding to and surrounding it. Her boobs sagged and her bra actually just sat on top of them now, as the clasp had already given out. Her thighs were gargantuan and brushed up against Kali's on one sides and Sophia's on the other. Saddlebags hung off her legs and her calves even fattened up. Even her feet were chubby. The beautiful brunette was turning into a real fat goddess. She weighed 331 pounds. As the table came out one more time it had only three pieces of cheese cake on it. Moira grabbed hers and sat back eating it. Sophia had to maneuver herself to reach it. Kali leaned forward, but Capri absolutely couldn't reach it. Her tummy was just too big. Her arms outstretched Moira pushed it closer and Capri grabbed it. She stuck the whole thing in her mouth and chewed hastily. The table went in again and came back out, but this time it was clothes on it. As if for the first time the girl's looked confusedly at the clothes and picked them up. They were all matching German beer girl outfits with lycra underwear. Then they looked down at their bodies. Moira screamed. "Oh my god," said Kali, "What-*URP*-happ-*URRRP*" "I'm such a fat piggy-*hic*," Sophia said grabbing her belly with both hands. "You? *URRRP* I'm like four hundred pounds!" Capri said. "Put on the uniforms," a voice commanded, "Enjoy the party girls!" The girls complied, but just so they weren't naked. Jiggling and waddling the four girls walked into the party. There the scene was much the same, except every young woman was now 250-350 pounds and in the beer girl uniform. Some just snuggled up against various men, some did lap dances for bits of food. Some were being force fed from kegs. Jonas turned to the three and nodded, "Have a good time, after all," he said waving his arms and pausing for effect, "It's all free." He laughed wickedly. Moira was grabbed by some men and a tube was shoved in her throat. The girls were too scared to help. Moira's eyes were crazed with fear. But suddenly she began sucking on the tube as if it was oxygen. Her eyes calmed and she was growing. "We have to leave," Kali said desperately. Kali, Capri, and Sophia headed through the party toward the exit, acting non-chalant. Waddling as fast as they could without drawing attention to themselves they reached the front door and opened it up. A girl screamed right by it as a large fat man shoved éclairs in her mouth. Capri saw freedom, but felt two hands on her shoulders she was shoved into a chair and quickly belted to it. Sophia turned to help, but was quickly given the same treatment as the girl by the door. Jonas walked in between Kali and Capri. "You can go Kali, but your friends stay," he explained, "They work for me now." Kali opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off, "If you tell anyone, I'll find you, and you won't even be able to waddle your fat ass out of here." Kali took one last look at Capri, her eyes pleading as the chair she was in broke under her growing fat ass and waddled out the front door. She tripped and fell down the stairs and struggled to her feet. Waddling back to Munich as fast as she could she never looked back once. Simone walked into her foreign exchange parents' house with her exchange father. It was so lavish and exquisite, but she guessed it went along with the saying "Everything's Bigger in Texas", apparently that included her exchange family. From the looks of the pictures she had seen of the Hall family they were all big. There was the father, Grant, who looked to be around 400 pounds. He had a full head of black hair, with a lot of scruff. There was the oldest sister, Kirsten, who was about 280. A big blonde girl who was 21 and in her third year at Rice University. There was the middle sister who was closest to her age, Kathleen, who looked to be about 180. She was brown-haired and tanned to the extreme, yet only 17 years old. Then came Elizabeth, just 15, yet already around 140 pounds by the looks of it. She had dark-brownish hair, and was very pretty, but by the looks of her older sisters that would change. She was about 5'1" and most of her weight found its way to her large breasts. Then there were the twins Molly and Bryce, both chubby little children who were apparently just nine years old, making a huge age gap. Finally, there was Evan, a cute, chubby, curly-haired little thing with big blue eyes. He was just 5, and in all the pictures buried himself in his mother's or one of his sister's large bodies. The mother's name was Susan. She was probably very beautiful in her youth. She had luscious blonde hair and enormous lips. She was also about 300 pounds, and looked like Kirsten 10 years in the future. All of the women were relatively the same shape, very buxom with bulging potbellies, except Elizabeth who had yet to develop her potbelly, and the little ones. As she walked into the kitchen the four girls yelled her greeting she laughed and introduced herself to them individually, and got little hugs and squeezes from all of them. She sized them up and the camera adding ten pounds was apparently not true for these girls. Except maybe Elizabeth, who was probably quite popular at school due to two obvious assets. As she sized them up, she herself was being scanned by all the family. Simone herself looked nothing like the weighty family, but that she figured was probably due to not being a Texan. She had seen more obese and fat people here in Houston, then she had anywhere in France. She was short, just over 5'5", and thin, about 120 pounds, with a flat belly, two nice round b-cups and some round, but small, tight, and firm butt cheeks with perfectly proportioned hips which moved gracefully, hypnotizing men as she walked. Her hair was short and auburn it curved around her beautiful face on both sides and even though it was straight she styled it to sort of duck in under her sharp chin, yet soft and gentle. She had two sharp, green eyes at a gentle, but sexy angle, and while her cheek bones were visible they didn't go into gaunt skeleton cheeks. Her cheeks were a straight-line down to her jaw, a very gentle straight line, not ridged like so many women. She was also a very conscientious dresser, but what could they expect from a Parisian? After introductions were done the family helped her settle in, in Kirsten's room and told her that she should get ready for her first American dinner out in half an hour, they allowed her to get acclimated. She sat alone in the room. As she gazed out the window of suburbia toward the rising towers of Houston, she sighed thinking how much she would love America. She looked at the time. Four thirty three on June the twenty-first. She knew Americans ate dinner early, but this was ridiculous. After about fifteen minutes she joined the family downstairs. Some sat around the TV absent-mindedly. Soon Elizabeth and the twins were flooding her with questions. She answered them all the best she could, giggling and laughing. After a little bit of this Kathleen stole her away and asked her her own questions. Mostly about boys and fashions, more stereotypical, but more realistic things, than the younger children. Soon Simone found herself in a finished basement following Kathleen. Kathleen invited her to play some of the games they had set up down there. Simone chose the pool table still making a first impression of Kathleen, and wondering how with her large breasts she would play pool. Simone herself was no pool shark, but was quite good, much better than most. She chose a cue as she asked Kathleen about school. Kathleen of course supplied the stereotypical answers. "I hate it," she said bluntly, chalking her cue, "But maybe it'll just be a new experience for you," she said as if she doubted it. "Well, America's a new experience," Simone said, "I can't wait to see more of it. So far I've seen out of the window of a hummer, from the airport to here." "Trust me," Kathleen laughed, "You aren't missing much. I'm sure Paris is more exciting than this." "Well, you have to look at it from my view," said Simone in a heavy accent then she hesitated with her cue for a moment looking quizzically at Kathleen, who nodded at her telling her to break, "I grew up in Paris, so Houston for me is like Paris for you." She broke and hit a solid two ball in as the rest scattered across the table at high speeds. "Maybe," Kathleen said considering it, and then she quickly changed her tone to something more lively, "But still I'm excited you're here, it will definitely be fun year, trust me. You'll love it here in my house, we are a lot of fun, and if this really is like what Paris is to me, I guess you'll like America too." While Kathleen talked, Simone had sunk another ball, and missed her next shot. Kathleen approached the table and leaned over. Her belly and breasts pushed against the stick causing it to bend slightly. Simone observed that Kathleen was left handed. "Do you want me to go easy on you," Kathleen said with a smile of perfect white teeth. "Oh, what is the cliché?" Simone pondered and then stuck a finger up in the air in mock discovery, "Oh right: don't insult me." Kathleen grinned, "Good I like that." She perfectly lined up two striped balls and sunk them. "Wow!" Simone said her eyebrows raising in astonishment, "That was a tough one." Kathleen smiled, "I get around." She sunk another one as she stood up straight again. She sunk two more before finally, missing a bank shot. "Oh, that's gonna be tough to catch up to," Simone said giggling, "Next time remind me to ask you to go easy." Simone sunk another ball and then a second easy one, but missed the next one. Kathleen grinned and lowered her wide bulk to the table and sank another ball with a satisfying click. She had only one yet to sink before the 8-ball. She banked and it sent all the balls flying about the table. In the end though Simone was able to follow the yellow 9-ball right into its pocket. Just as Kathleen leaned down for the last ball, there was a loud boom, boom, boom, coming down the stairs. Simone turned around seeing she was saved by Susan. "Come on girls, off to Simone's American dinner," she said and smiled sweetly, "Simone, sweetheart, we are going to Kathleen and Kirsten's favorite restaurant." "Oh, you're going to love it!" Kathleen said hooking an arm through Simone's and leading her up the stairs. They stepped outside into the bright summer evening and loaded into two cars. Susan put the three younger kids into the backseats of her minivan. "Come on Simone, ride with us," Elizabeth said coming out of nowhere tugging on her arm. Grant's hummer waited. "You gonna take the older girls Grant?" asked Susan. "Yup I got these four hooligans," Grant said with a grin. Elizabeth jumped into passenger. "Come one Elizabeth," said Kirsten, "You should ask Simone if she wants to sit there." "Oh, it's okay, I'll sit in the middle," Simone said as she was already halfway in. Kathleen got in on the other side and Kirsten got in beside her, sandwiching Simone in the middle. The hummer backed out and started following the minivan down the road. The girls continued their interrogation of Simone. Simone talked about her family. She lived with her grandparents, since her mother had passed away when she was young. She got a lot of sympathy for that. "What about your father?" Grant asked in a concerned voice. "Oh, he works as a business man," explained Simone, "He makes much money, but is never home. He never has been. I suppose I don't notice much, it has always been like this." "Okay," said Elizabeth, "Are your grandparents nice?" "Oh, extremely so, yes," Simone said smiling, "If you ever go to France, they would house you for as long as you need without more than a thought. And my grandmother must be the most active seventy-three year old ever." The car laughed, "Sounds like your Grandma Louise girls," Grant said. Simone loved these people, but she couldn't imagine any person related to them running a half marathon, seventy-three or not. "I don't think it means the same thing," Kathleen said. "Yeah, dad, Grandma Louise skydives, road trips, and owns a motorcycle," said Elizabeth, "She does NOT, exercise." "True," Grant said in mock ponder. Simone watched as Houston faded further and further away and as they drove away from the city. Finally, after about thirty-five minutes of driving they found themselves in front of a nice diner-esque place. On the front it had a big neon sign, identifying the bar as "Sally's Steaks". Simone walked in to the very homey, yet clean feeling restaurant. And smelled something delicious. Apparently the Halls were regulars here because as soon as they walked in the manager, a large woman in her 40's, probably Sally's, face lit up. She walked (or rather waddled) right over to them, "How are my favorite customers? Table or booth today?" she asked in a sincere and friendly voice. "Table, please Sally," said Grant flashing his white teeth. "Okay, and how many tonight?" she asked. "The whole fam's here tonight, we're even heavy one French exchange student," said Susan with a chuckle. Sally looked around and finally saw Simone's face, hidden behind Kathleen and Susan, and she smiled, "You're a lucky girl to get stuck with such a nice family." Simone blushed, "Yes, it certainly didn't take me long to figure that out." She smiled, "Well, tell us how you like the food. If we can impress the French we are doing good I think." They all sat down as waitresses pushed several tables together to accommodate them. Simone chose a seat next to Kathleen, and Elizabeth sat next to her. As they waited they got them drinks. Just about everyone on the table got Coke or Lemonade depending on their age, with the exception of Simone and Elizabeth. Elizabeth got just a water, and Simone asked for some sweetened tea. They brought out the drinks as they picked a dish. It was slightly different from eating out in France, but Kathleen helped Simone adjust. As people started ordering their food though, Simone still didn't have anything picked out. Simone hurried scanning the confusing menu, but that only made it harder to pick something out. Finally, when there was no one left, but her she stalled slightly then just politely picked the Crispy Chicken Salad with ranch. Everyone groaned at the table in mock disgust and giggled, "Come on, Simone, you only live once, don't eat the salad," Grant joked smiling. Susan playfully punched him, "Grant, you'll turn the poor thing scarlet," then to Simone she said, "It's okay get whatever you want, he's just kidding." Simone smiled showing she knew, "It's okay I know." As the waitress left the Halls and Simone talked for a little bit, but as every minute went by the attention was shifted less and less to Simone, which was relieving. She was running out of French things to talk about. In about fifteen minutes the waitresses brought their food. She laid down Simone's meal. It was a big bowl of salad and drenched in ranch. Just as Simone was about to take a bite, Susan said, "Simone, would you like to lead us in saying grace?" "Oh," Simone sounded embarrassed, then with enthusiasm she remarked "Yes, yes, I would love to." She said a quick prayer her grandfather had taught her, even though she wasn't terribly religious and everyone followed with 'Amen'. Simone greedily, yet politely dug in. It was divine. But the smells wafting from everyone else's plates was even better. Simone didn't want to reveal though that she had only got the salad because she didn't know what to pick. Elizabeth's chicken sandwich looked a little greasy, but smelled wonderful. Grant and Kathleen's individual rib platter smelled the best though. Still these were huge portions to Simone. She had never seen meals this big, but once again, "Everything's Bigger in Texas." The whole meal took an hour about, and afterwards everyone's plates were clean. Simone reminded to send her compliments to the chef and they got up to leave. As they all got back into the cars Simone once again got squished in between Kathleen and Kirsten. They were very conversational on the way back, and to Simone's surprise even played her favorite band off of Kathleen's iPod. She found out, that she and Kathleen shared a lot of musical taste, through pop and indie pop. When they got home Kathleen invited her downstairs to finish their game of pool. "Is it even worth finishing?" Simone laughed. "You have a chance," Kathleen shrugged. "Heh, I think we'll just give this one to you." "If you say so," Kathleen giggled. "Come on," said Elizabeth enthusiastically, "Let's play the Wii." "Oh, Elizabeth," Kathleen scolded, "It's Simone's first night in America, I'm sure she doesn't want to play the Wii." "I've never played a Wii," Simone admitted. Her grandparents thought video games rotted your brain, no matter how active they were. "Scratch that, we're playing the Wii," Kathleen said. They got it set up, but Simone didn't even know how to hold the controller. "You good at tennis Simone?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes quite," said Simone, "I used to be in a tennis club actually." "Well, they have tennis on the Wii," said Elizabeth, "Let's play that Kathleen. Simone said she is good at tennis." "I heard her," Kathleen grunted as she stood up, "You want to play first Simone, or watch how it's done with me schooling my little sister." "I'll watch," said Simone sitting in a nice recliner. "Watch me schooling Kat!" said Elizabeth competitively. Simone watched them start. Kathleen served like she was holding a real tennis racquet. Well, not exactly, but very similar. Kathleen struggled far less then Elizabeth in her tank top and white shorts, and also her boobs were large, but a little smaller, and apparently, as she proved during pool she could maneuver around them better than Elizabeth, who in tight jeans showing off her round, somewhat chubby, but not bad chubby, butt and a polo unbuttoned showing off massive cleavage, was having trouble with her arms and large boobs. Kathleen beat Elizabeth easily. "Rematch," Elizabeth called out. "Not a chance," Kathleen said, "How about you play Simone it's your turn." "Okay," Elizabeth said eagerly. Maybe she thought Simone was easy prey or just was looking forward to play a game with her. "I don't know," Simone said unsteadily. "Come on, it's easy," said Elizabeth pleading. "Okay," Simone said and picked up the other controller. Kathleen explained to her how to do it. Simone stood next to Elizabeth as she served and hit it back with ease. Elizabeth returned and Simone returned again, this time it went past Elizabeth. "A-ha!" Simone remarked, "I got one." "Good job," said Kathleen, "Watch out though Elizabeth plays dirty." Elizabeth made a face back at her and continued to play. This game was much closer, but Elizabeth started panting as her boobs jiggled all over the place with every swing. Simone finally came out on top. "My turn," Kathleen said taking the controller from Elizabeth. "Bring it on," Simone said playfully. As Simone played (and lost to) Kathleen, Elizabeth kept up with her questions which Simone did her best to answer. Finally, the question of the salad came up. "Is it like a French thing to always eat healthy or is that just you?" she inquired. "Oh that," Simone said, pausing between the next sentence to try to return to Kathleen, but lost it. "No," Simone said, and she blushed, "I just wasn't actually sure about American food, or what was good." "What!?" Kathleen asked incredulously, "Why didn't you ask one of us?" "Oh, I guess I was embarrassed," Simone said sheepishly. "Come on," said Kathleen, "We have to get you some real American food stat." "Uh, are you su-" "Come on," said Kathleen. They walked upstairs and Elizabeth called out "Mooooom!" "Yes, Lizzie?" Susan said. "Can we take Simone out to eat?" she asked. "But Simone just ate, I'm sure she would like some time to-" "No," Kathleen said, "She chose the salad because she didn't know what was good." "Simone," Susan said feigning insult, "Why didn't you ask." "I'm sorry," Simone responded flashing bright white teeth. "Back to Sally's?" Susan asked. "No, probably just some fast food," said Kathleen. "Yes, go, go! Here's a fifty," she handed Kathleen, who grabbed it kissed her on the cheek and snatched her car keys. Simone and Elizabeth followed. They walked out to a little white Focus and Simone got into the passenger seat as Elizabeth climbed in the back. "Where are we going?" Simone inquired. "Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, Chinese, Hardee's. What sounds good?" Kathleen asked. "Dairy Queen sounds interesting," Simone said. "How about Taco Bell, and then Dairy Queen for dessert?" Elizabeth said. "Sounds enticing," Simone said. "That's the plan then," Kathleen said as they drove toward Houston this time. They drove through slightly more crowded streets and Simone looked all about in wonderment. Finally they drove up to a building that said clearly Taco Bell across the front. They walked inside and went to the counter. Kathleen ordered first, followed by Elizabeth whose order was much smaller than Kathleen's. "What do you want?" Kathleen asked Simone, who was still scanning the menu. She looked at Kathleen and shrugged. Kathleen turned back and looked at the menu, "She wants two chicken chalupas and the taco salad with extra everything and a large baja blast." "Okay," said a nasally chubby kid behind the counter, "Your total comes to forty-one twenty-nine." Kathleen paid him, grabbed the tree and slid into the nearest booth. She set Simone's food out in front of her who examined it all for a moment and then took a cautious bite out of a chalupa. Sour cream smeared her lips as she savored the food. Her eyes closed and she let out a long "Mmmmm!" She opened them again chewing in ecstasy. Simone's figure was deceiving. She was naturally thin, with little exercise, but had always ate like a ravenous dog. She had always eaten her grandmother's healthy cooking. Whenever she got her hands on a birthday cake she would sometimes devour the whole thing and spend hours rubbing her full belly. She loved food and all its perks, and since she ate so much she assumed that she was resistant to fat. However, as her days in America would reveal to her this was not the case, as her girlish figure was in for a wild ride. Here with that first bite of her first heavenly chalupa, from her first real American meal is where our story begins. She cocked an eyebrow, "What? I can eat a lot." Kathleen stuffed the last of her burrito in her mouth, and triumphantly said with burrito spilling out, "To Dairy Queen then." As they drove several blocks to the next location Simone continued to admire the city. They pulled into the Dairy Queen Simone looked inside. It was an ice cream parlor she determined. They walked inside Elizabeth suggesting things to her all the way in. "You have to try the Chocolate Malt," she said drooling. "Nope," Kathleen said, "You should have the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard." "Oh, they both sound delicious," Simone said in a seductively French accent that turned several curious heads of men. "Well, try them both," said Kathleen, "I'll spot you." So Simone did. Both of them larges. She ate them slowly and savored every moment. One group of three men couldn't help but stare at the young girl slowly lick ice cream off of the spoon, and soon she was done. "That," Simone said with confidence, "Was possibly the most delicious meal, I've ever had." "I think I'll buy one more for the road," said Kathleen. "Can I have just one more?" Simone asked. "Just one more?" Elizabeth said sarcastically. "Can I have two?" Simone asked excitedly, not understanding the sarcasm. "Have as many as you want Simone," Kathleen remarked. Simone walked up full, but not stuffed to the counter. Simone got a large chocolate shake, another Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard, and then a large Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard. She ate the shake and first blizzard by the time they got home, and the third at the table. "Well, Simone," said Kathleen with a yawn, "Anything else you want to do on your first day in America?" "Sleeping is good with me," Simone said massaging her yet to be swollen tummy. Kathleen led her to Kirsten's room and Elizabeth called goodnight. Simone walked inside and got her night clothes on quietly taking care not to wake Kirsten. She then crawled into bed, and went to sleep with dreams of America. In the morning she woke to Kathleen gently prodding her awake. "Come on," she said in near whisper, "Breakfast is ready sleepy head." "Oh, okay," Simone said tiredly and crawled out of bed in her pink felt tank top and short soccer shorts. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen following Kathleen. "There she is!" Grant called, "We were worried about you, thought you might've got lost in your bed," he joked. Simone gave a week laugh and sat down. Susan set a plate stacked with pancakes, saturated in syrup and butter and with a large helping of bacon on the side. "We were worried you were going to eat like a mouse after a look at you," said Susan, "But Elizabeth tells us you have quite the appetite." Simone blushed, "I'm told I got it from my mother." "Well, whoever you got it from I'm glad," said Grant, and in his normal jesting voice, "I thought I was going to have to make everyone's portions go down to make you feel welcome. Oh woe to the world when that day comes!" Simone laughed and dug into her meal. She ate the bacon first, followed by drinking her big glass of whole milk and then she finished the half a dozen pancakes. The rest of the family watched her eat voraciously even little Evan looked surprised that this girl could put away so much. Simone didn't notice though, for her it was just her in the food. She finished the pancakes and wiped her mouth looking at Grant, "Can I please have some more pancakes?" He shrugged and motioned toward the plate. Simone stacked four more up and lathered them in syrup. She devoured them in minutes. After the meal the family dispersed. Except for Simone and Susan who kept talking as Grant played with Evan in the next room. In the middle of Simone explaining Paris traffic in comparison to Houston traffic Elizabeth walked in, wearing mismatched bikini, probably because no bikini could cover her slightly large butt, and still veil her massive breasts. "Come on!" she exclaimed, "Let's go swimming." "Sure," said Simone as Kathleen walked up behind her in another bikini which revealed her muffin top prominently with a towel. "Just let me get my suit on," Simone said Simone went upstairs and put on a cute little black one piece, split in the middle showing her belly and down her back. She walked outside and dove into the pool joining Kathleen and Elizabeth. She swam from one end to the other in no time at all despite the food that she had just consumed. "Wow!" Elizabeth said, "You're quick! You should race Kathleen." "No, I don't want to embarrass our foreign exchange student," Kathleen joked. "Come on Simone," begged Elizabeth, "Put her into place." Simone laughed at Elizabeth's comment. "Alright, let's do it," said Kathleen. Simone swam over next to Kathleen and Elizabeth shouted "Go!" from the other end of the pool. Simone stroked as fast as she could, thinking she could beat Kathleen in something, but as she hit the other side of the pool she saw Kathleen was already halfway back. She propelled herself forward and tried to catch up, but it was no use. "Ohhhh! Simone, how'd you lose, she won't ever let you live it down," said Elizabeth. "Nah, I will," said Kathleen, "I only torture you Lizzie." Simone was amazed she lost, but didn't show it. That would've been rude. So they swam around for about an hour, before Susan came out to say goodbye before she left for her job as an interior designer saying there was seventy dollars on the counter in case they wanted to show Simone anymore American food. "Come on," said Kathleen, "Let's get something to eat, I'm starving." "Okay," Simone said as she climbed out of the pool letting the water run from her body, "I'm pretty hungry too." Simone went upstairs and Elizabeth and Kathleen argued about something unimportant and got ready. She showered and style her hair in fifteen minutes. They then left right as soon as she got downstairs, but it was just her and Kat this time. She was eating again just a mere two hours after she ate breakfast. "We're going to place called Hardee's, and you have to try something called the thickburger," Kat said as they pulled around the final corner. Kat expected her to eat a thick burger, not the thickburger meal, which was almost 2500 calories. They then walked about Houston as Simone took in the sights and smells of her home for the next year. After an hour they stopped in a smoothie place and each had one, well Simone had two and a large muffin and piece of Boston Cream Pie. They wandered some more, Kathleen showing Simone the Astros stadium where Grant wanted to take her for an American baseball game in a little bit. Then they decided it was time to go back around five since Grant would have dinner on the table soon. Simone after her long day of exploring had to admire the tireless Kathleen, who in all her girth seemed to be able to beat her in all things athletic, and never waned away at her energy. On their way back though Kathleen got some food from Taco Bell. "Fourth meal," she explained with a wry grin. "Fourth meal?" Simone repeated. "Yeah eat it late at night," explained Simone, "After dinner we'll eat it with Kirsten and Elizabeth." They pulled into the driveway watching the two fat twins chasing each other around the yard with Kirsten idly leafing through a magazine. They walked in and the food did it smell good to Simone. It was meatloaf, stuffing and mashed potatoes, with a Boston Cream Pie for dessert, which was good because Simone had liked the other piece. Simone dug in greedily as soon as her mountainous proportions were set in front of her, and only after a minute of eating did she apply copious amounts of gravy to everything. She got seconds then, and even thirds cleaning the Halls out. "Wow, they just don't make teenage girls like you or my daughters anymore," Grant joked, "I think you could out eat me. Luckily I carry a lot of 'weight' in this house." He said patting his belly. "Get it?" he chuckled before feigning embarrassment, "Weight… because its… a pun, you know." Simone laughed, Grant was hilarious, "Thank you Grant, you have the best cooking." "Well thank you very much, Ms. Simone," he said as he collected her plate, "You have the best appetite for my cooking." Simone giggled and smiled. She wandered the house, exploring what she hadn't seen yet, when in the study she backed into Elizabeth. "There you are," Elizabeth said smiling, "I was looking for you." "Me?" asked Simone. "Yeah, come on downstairs. Kirsten and I are watching our favorite show," She stated. "Okay, what show is it? I never watched much TV," Simone asked. "Biggest Loser, it's a game show," Lizzie explained. "Ah, I see," Simone said, she had heard of it, but didn't quite remember all about it. She never watched TV at home, and only seldom at friends houses. They went to the basement where a giant TV sat in the corner that they had played Wii on. Kirsten sat eating off of a giant plate of brownies. Simone and Liz sat around the coffee table casually eating out of the bag of cheese puffs, the plate of brownies, and snacked on the Oreos and Sun chips. Well, the other girls snacked. Simone didn't stop eating during the whole course of the hour-long show. After the show was done Simone went and got changed into night clothes to wander around it a bit. She herself was surprised at how fast this place started to feel like home. Soon after sitting downstairs Kathleen found her. "Come on Simone, let's have fourth meal," she said. "It's only nine o'clock," said Simone, "I thought it was like a midnight snack." "No, no," corrected Kathleen, "A midnight snack is a midnight snack. Fourth meal is different." "Okay," Simone said getting up from the Oreos she was casually snacking on while looking at the pool. Just as they settled in front of the basement TV, watching nothing in particular as Kathleen unloaded four bags for fourth meal, Susan came in. There was food spread everywhere. "Oh Kathleen," Susan protested, "Do you need all that food?" "You saw this skinny girl eat at breakfast," Kathleen pointed out. "Point taken," Susan said, "What're you watching?" "Uhh… CSI I think," Kathleen responded uncertainly. "Okay, goodnight Kat," Susan said, "Goodnight Simone." "Goodnight Mrs. Hall," Simone said. "Oh, Simone, cut that out, as long as you live in my house its either Susan or mom," she said and smiled. "Okay, mom," Simone said, letting the words out seemed awkward. "Night," Susan said walking away. Then the girls turned their attention toward the meal. Simone just lay sprawled like a lion and ate anything in arms reach. Two extra large drinks, ten soft tacos, a Mexican pizza, two packs of gorditas, several chalupas, and three triple-layered nachos, as she and Kathleen talked. When she finished that Kathleen had fallen asleep around ten. Simone thought she was soon to follow. But with half the meal left that wasn't the case. Simone awoke the next morning to pile of wrappers and a sore flat tummy. She must've finished the rest of the meal. "Church time girls," somebody called from upstairs. Simone got to her feet and awoke Kathleen. Then she wandered like a zombie upstairs and got ready for church. Showering and getting ready wasn't easy with an awful tummy ache. She stepped out of the shower and examined herself. No weight gain, whatsoever, just that awful tummy ache. She must really have super-metabolism after all. She wrapped a towel around her and walked into Kirsten and her own shared space. She dressed in a pretty red floral dress for church and some matching high heels. She went down stairs realizing she was the first one ready other than Susan and Grant. Grant nervously checked his watch, "Well, it's refreshing that one girl can get ready on time," he said with a grin. "Are you Catholic Simone?" Susan asked. "Ummm… no, I never really went to church much," Simone admitted, "My great-grandfather used to take me all the time, but he passed away about five years back." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Susan said frowning. "It's okay, we were close, but that was a while ago," Simone assured her. "Well, I hope you enjoy our service. Father Roger is really great," said Susan just as Bryce and Evan came down the stairs slowly. Molly ran panting to keep up with them. "Girls, hurry up!" Grant called. "Come on," Susan said, "There's no reason we should be late kids. Would like to wait for the older girls Kathleen?" "No it's okay," said Simone, "I can go with you." "Alright," said Susan, "Meet you over there Grant." They kissed and she and Simone, with the three young children walked out. Evan the only one who hadn't spoken to Simone seemed to be almost afraid of her. Susan reading her mind, assured her, "It's okay, he's just shy." Simone smiled at him and he clung to his mother's leg. They all got in the minivan and drove on over to the church. About a twenty minute drive away from Houston. They stepped in quietly and got into the back pews just as the service in the small church started. The others joined them about twenty minutes later. Kirsten dressed in slacks and a nice sweater like her mother, but the other two girl wore dresses. Elizabeth's breasts were far from covered though. Didn't quite seem appropriate for church, but who was Simone to judge? She hadn't been to church in almost six years. The church service was long and boring, but Simone looked and felt nice, and afterwards there was a dessert potluck. Kathleen had her follow her around and introduced her to several of her friends, including Kathleen's friend Lindsay who was coming over later. Lindsay was tan and pretty, she was about 5'7" and blonde, and looked like she should be a swimsuit model. The Halls practically had to drag her away from the dessert bar. They allowed her to take a small plate in the car. She devoured everything on it. Kathleen asked Simone if she was okay with Lindsay coming over. She said Lindsay wanted to get to know her. Simone said it was fine. So in twenty minutes Lindsay was there, and she must've been a swimsuit model the way she wore hers. Lindsay was gorgeous. Simone got on her own swimsuit and she joined the other girls in sunbathing in the backyard. Well, sort of. She wrapped a loose beach-shirt around her and read. She didn't tan well. She wasn't pale, but wasn't tan either. After a while they all decided to go out to get a movie to watch. Instead they ended up going to the movies and watching some new comedy, that wouldn't come out in France for a few months. Lindsay invited her boyfriend Jason. Jason, was tan, muscular and probably Hispanic. He introduced himself to Simone too, and came across as very polite and intelligent. Simone chose an aisle seat so she could refill her drink and popcorn. And she did, a lot. By the end of the movie she had probably gotten three plates of nachos, two extra large bags of popcorn, and four large Mr. Pibb's. Lindsay and Jason left after the movie, but Lindsay said that Simone and Kathleen should come with her and Jason to a friend's bonfire on 4th of July. They happily agreed and then split. Simone's tummy growled, "I'm hungry," she stated blankly. "How you just ate your body weight in popcorn there," said Kathleen. Simone laughed, "Yes, you're right, it is alright." "No, now I'm hungry, so let's go grab some White Castle," said Kathleen, "But seriously girl, I don't know where you put it all." They drove over to White Castle since it wasn't far and went inside. A dull-looking muscular teenager stood behind the counter. "What can I get for you ladies?" he asked in what in his mind was probably a very suave voice, as he checked Simone from head to toe. Simone didn't notice, but she tapped her chin and tugged on her lip in the cutest way. "What should I get Kathleen?" she said after long last. "Just put down two of my orders," said Kathleen to the stupid cashier. The cashier cocked his head, obviously not believing Kathleen and Simone would eat the same. "Okay," Kathleen said and began like she was practicing a speech, "That'll be a chocolate shake for each of us, an order of chicken rings for each of us, an order of onion chips each, an order of mozzarella sticks each, an order of onion rings each, and an two sack meals each." What Kathleen meant to say was either two sack meals, or a sack meal each, but accidently stuffed them together. Their food came and she was about to complain, when Simone said she was extra hungry. It took them an hour to finish all of their food. But Simone was satisfied. She let out a large belch and blushed, "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said embarrassed, "I never-" "Simone, Simone, Simone, relax," Kathleen assured her, "In France that might be rude, but in a place like this, it's custom. Don't worry girl!" "If you say so," Simone said cocking an eyebrow. They left and got into the white focus to go home. It was almost eleven o'clock, and Simone went to settle into bed, "Night Simone!" Kathleen called. Simone yawned, "Night Kat." With that Simone crawled into bed with yet another tummy-ache. As she rubbed her belly she heard Kirsten's loud snoring and even though conditions were awful for sleeping she quickly was out in dreamland, not to be disturbed until morning. With a yawn Simone climbed out of bed and got ready. She quickly showered and got dressed. She didn't know where Kirsten was, but didn't care much. Grant was gone, but he was college professor, probably teaching summer classes at Rice. There was a nice couple of omelets for breakfast and some cinnamon rolls. Simone looked around. Only the twins were up now. Susan was gone too, probably also at her office. Simone stretched out in her jeans and tank top and sat down next to Bryce. Bryce starred up at her and grinned nervously. Molly giggled and handed Simone a plate with a large portion of omelet on it and three cinnamon rolls. "Thank you," Simone said sweetly. "You're welcome!" The twins exclaimed in unison. "So how do you like school here?" Simone asked. They looked at each other and smiled. "It's not good, but we're in fifth grade, this year, so we'll be the top of the school," explained Molly. "Yeah, and we can have three gym classes a week," Bryce said. "Oh, I love gym," said Simone kindly. "Me too," said Molly. "I love it more," said Bryce. Simone soon ate her entire breakfast as the two argued for her attention. She gave it equally to both. "Is there anymore food I can have," she asked trying not to sound rude, but realized the twins probably didn't care. They once again gave big toothy grins to one another and ran into the kitchen. Molly poured her a bowl of Fruit Loops and Bryce heated up two breakfast sandwiches. "Oh, I can get that," Simone said. "No it's okay," the round Molly said as she waddled back to Simone's side with the cereal. Simone quickly ate it and was done with it just as soon as Bryce brought his sandwiches over. "How do you eat so much?" Bryce asked. "Yeah, how?" Molly chimed in. Simone shrugged, "Good metabolism, I suppose." "What's a metadarism?" asked Bryce cocking an eyebrow as if he didn't believe her. "It's what helps you eat your food, and get energy," Simone explained gently. Just then they were joined by a fourth person. Little Evan wiped the sleep from his eyes gripping a teddy bear under his chubby arm, but as soon as he saw Simone he ran back and hid on the stairs watching her through the railing. Simone left so he could eat with the twins. She started watching TV in the basement taking a box of cold pizza Bryce said she could have with her. She ate half the pizza, before she was joined by Elizabeth, fully ready for her day. She found out from Elizabeth that both the parents were in fact at work, and Kirsten was too, she worked at Panera Bread. Kathleen had to go run errands and then go to their grandparents' when she woke up, so it would just be Elizabeth and Simone all day. They played games with the children outside then came in and ate a heap of spaghetti. There were two pots of leftovers, but the twins and Elizabeth had no problem watching Simone eat a whole one by herself. They all went swimming after, and Simone watched Evan closely hiding around the edges of the pool. Finally, around seven when Kathleen and Kirsten got home they found Elizabeth and Simone giving Molly a makeover. Around eight when Grant and Susan got home they ate dinner, which was just take out from Sally's. Simone got a large onion loaded burger that would give her dragon-breath for a month, with the large order of onion rings they got her, and the extra large coke, which was apparently 40 ounces. Simone ate it all without a second thought, and then crawled into bed. Over the next two weeks or so Simone being just one of the family. She met the grandparents. She met Lizzie's best friend, Jakaya, and two more of Kathleen's friends, a girl with an ugly face, but a nice body named Paige, and a girl with a slightly wide lower half, but pretty upper half named Marie. Some other things they found out Kathleen was better than Simone at: running, actual tennis, bike riding, basketball (a lot better), soccer, and ping pong. The twins warmed up to her, and Kirsten and her always had very adult conversations about American college. Grant's constant joking was starting to grow on her and Susan treated her like a surrogate daughter. However the entire family wondered aloud where she stashed her food, she hadn't gained an ounce while she'd been there. She met the grandparents who loved her, and surprisingly weren't extremely big. They were big, but no overly fat. One of them was a stockbroker responsible for his family's extreme wealth. She met the neighbors. The only one who refused to warm up to her was Evan, who still insisted on hiding behind his mother's leg around Simone. Eventually after a long three weeks of adjusting to America, and the family, and the neighborhood came the family barbeque and the bonfire. The barbeque was fun. Simone ate a lot, while Elizabeth introduced her to neighbors and relatives. All were amazed at how much of the delicious food the French girl could put away. Then at seven they got ready to leave for the bonfire. "There won't be any alcohol right?" Simone inquired, "I could get deported." "No, I know this guy, Andre, he's okay," Kathleen said putting on a tight pair of white shorts and a striped tank top. "Okay, but if there is we leave," said Simone. "You got it," Kathleen said, "But I promise there won't be." Simone put on a nice pair of stone-washed jeans and a pretty, lime green blouse. It was see-through so she wore a white tank top. It was nice, with frilly shoulders, and a ruffle-front running down to her belly-button. They drove to the party, after Susan begged them to be safe. When they got there Simone followed Kathleen around, quite intimidated by everyone else. But many people warmed up to her. A few guys even did quite a bit of flirting, but they apparently showed up drunk or were just uninteresting so Simone politely pushed them off. She spent a lot of time in the garage near the chocolate fondue fountain, the hamburgers, and the coolers. Lindsay and Jason found her and talked and finally she was comfortable enough to split off from Kathleen. She even found two more foreign exchange students. One was Yuri, from Russia, and another Yoko from Japan. They talked for a while about their respective countries. Around a little before midnight Kathleen decided it was time to go before the driving laws came into effect. She and Simone left and got back home just a little after midnight. Unbeknownst to Simone when she left there was much talk about, "The hot French girl, who eats like a Russian dude," mostly to offend Yuri. Simone got home and crawled into bed. Just looking up at the ceiling for a long while. Finally, when she did doze off she dreamt once again of America, but this time more of food. In another week Susan bought three huge cakes for Grant's birthday on the 11th. As the whole family, and family friends came over, they were all amazed by the French girl who ate half of a fudge cake by herself. Three days after that Elizabeth had a little sleep over and invited Simone to join them. She soon regretted this as Simone and half a pizza. All her friends loved Simone though, and she quickly made new sophomore friends in addition to her growing roster of senior ones. And the very next day Kirsten took her to her favorite bakery and had her sample just about everything on the menu and Simone went back for seconds. The manager was so impressed she took a picture with the "Girl who came from France to eat my donuts" and the chubby woman and Kirsten and Simone hung on the wall next to all the celebrities, mostly country stars, who had eaten there. Still as Simone ate and ate, no sign of gain was present yet, not even a softening of her belly. Not a little tightening of her jeans. And not a jiggle to her butt in her bathing suit. She must've had the ultimate metabolism after all. Two weeks after the baseball game, she woke up and had a large breakfast as always, this time of Grant's delicious French Toast sticks. It was scrumptious. "Do they make them that good in France?" Grant joked. "No, I don't believe they do," said Simone after a little laugh. "Okay, well are you ready?" Grant asked. "Ready for what?" Simone cocked an eyebrow. "Your first American baseball game!" Grant remarked, "I have tickets for you, Kathleen, and Lizzie. Oh and Evan!" "Oh really?" Simone asked excitedly, honestly she didn't care about sports, but it seemed polite. "Yup," said Grant. "Okay!" said Simone excitedly. "Hurry up get ready!" yelled Grant, "Go! Go!" He laughed as she and Elizabeth ran up the stairs. In an hour they were ready and another hour they left. Simone tied her hair back today. She wore a nice beige tank top where the straps met in the middle and hooked around her neck. She then pulled a nice pair of flip-flops to match and some jean shorts. As they sped off to the game Kathleen and Elizabeth pacified Evan, as Grant explained baseball to Simone who didn't quite understand. They walked in to the crowd when they got there that came to watch the Tigers play the Astros. Simone wasn't quite comfortable in the gate crowd. She was squeezed and pretty sure someone grabbed her butt at least half a dozen times. When they were through they found their seats fairly close to the bottom. Simone wasn't what you call enraptured, but was enjoying herself. She bought two sticks of cotton candy and three corn dogs. During the Fourth Inning she got up and leaned over Kathleen and Elizabeth to Grant. "I'm gonna go get one of those, uhh… chili dog things." "Okay, you come back now," said Grant. Luckily Simone had an aisle seat so it was easy to go get the chili dog. She went up the stairs and stood in a line. She only planned on buying one chili dog, but ended up eating it before she reached the stairs. So she got back in line and got another one and a thirty-two ounce drink. As she ate the chili dog she walked back to her seat. Meanwhile, Kathleen wondered what was taking her so long she saw her at the top of the stairs munching on a chili dog. She got up and walked toward her. Just like that the girl shoved half a chili dog in her mouth. Honestly, Kathleen thought jealously, where does she put it all. Then as if by fate there was a fly ball and it was a homerun as Kathleen was just twenty feet away from Simone. Simone looking around seeing everyone cheering raised her hands in the air and clapped just then Kathleen saw it. Simone's shirt raised up to about half her belly. Kathleen saw it. The slightest bit of softness, it even curved out and put a little pressure on her jeans, with her navel just slightly more horizontal for lack of a better word. Simone looked to be about 130 pounds. Less than a ten pound gain, but that's still a gain. Then she began to notice other things. Her hips were just slightly wider, her face a little softer, her boobs, just a little bigger, and her thighs a little meatier. It was subtle, but it was there. Kathleen knew what she saw, and she saw what she had been waiting almost a month for. Simone's piece of the pie, and that is weight gain. Simone saw her and smiled picking up a plate of nachos and walking toward her. There was nothing altered in her grace though, but she must've been gaining this weight over time. Of course, it didn't just appear. "Sorry," she said, "I just got really hungry." "Yeah," Kathleen said, "Come on, let's get back down there." The rest of the game was uneventful. On the way home they stopped at Dairy Queen. Simone got a Chocolate Malt and a huge bacon burger meal, with supersized everything. Kathleen wondered if she should tell her, but decided that would be rude and she would find out on her own in a few pounds. As they drove home Kathleen inspected Simone and decided that she had noticed the softening of her face some time ago, so even if she was gaining se was going slow, but, alas, She would figure it out sooner or later. Still as they go home Simone immediately wandered into the kitchen where something smelled good. Susan stood there cooking up a large dish of ravioli. Simone devoured a large portion set before her and then continued on to a salad soaked in ranch dressing. After that Elizabeth took her, three bags of chips and box of a dozen donuts Susan had gotten them down to the basement. They watched the Biggest Loser and Simone ate ten of twelve donuts, two bags of chips, and most of the brownies on the coffee table and the M&M's in a jar by the table. Susan brought them a delicious apple pie she had made that day, and Simone gladly gobbled it up. It was gone in ten minutes and Elizabeth only got an eighth slice of the super-sized pie. When Susan came back down Simone was licking the filling out of the pan, and Susan gave them another one, this one key lime, with similar effects, finally the third pie, a scrumptious coconut cream disappeared down her gullet, and Susan commented, my, my someone has an appetite. In three days Kathleen decided to take Simone shopping since her eating habits were just getting worse. She was jealous, Simone had a lot of money on her father's credit card and was a great shopper, she bought a new hot bikini. If only she didn't want to stop every half an hour for food. They were there for three hours and they had dip n' dots, Italian, Chinese, Wendy's, and some cinnamon rolls from the food court. Simone also bought some books and CD's, but while she shopped Kathleen was discreetly getting Simone everything just a size bigger, besides the bikini which she couldn't get her hands on for the check out. Fortunately, Simone didn't notice. On the way back Simone decided she would treat the family and she and Kathleen stopped. Simone bought a large pie for every person in the family. When they got there though Susan, Grant and the twins were gone. "It's okay," Kathleen assured her, "We'll just eat a few, you got a lot of pie." Still Simone was disappointed she didn't get to treat the family that had treated her so well, even though it was an odd gift. Nine pies was out of range for even her family. Still Kathleen, Elizabeth, Kirsten, and Simone ate a little, well mostly just Simone. The other girls between them might've eaten a little over half a pie, but afterwards only two and half pies were left. Simone rubbed her belly and burped. Kirsten noticed her belly finally swelled when she binged, but didn't say anything. Maybe she didn't get it. So far Kathleen was the only one who noticed a weight gain. They never did eat there pies, because long after everyone went to bed Simone crept downstairs and finished the pies, and leftovers Grant brought from work, along with draining the Kool-Aid. She then discreetly snuck back upstairs as if nothing was wrong. Soon it would be though. As July came to a close it was Elizabeth's sixteenth birthday, and there would be a huge pool party while Grant and Susan once again stole the little ones away. It was July 31st and Simone had been here for one and a half months. Kirsten idly supervised the pool party from the basement and Kathleen and Simone, and Lindsay who came, along with a new girl named Mara got in their new swimsuits. Kathleen slid into hers and it bit into her love handles and shoulders a little bit. Lindsay looked good in her suit, as always, and Mara was a nice short and thin build. She was a little hourglass figured. She was a little shorter than Lindsay and Kathleen, but a tiny bit taller than Simone, and looked to be about 130, with a lot of her weight finding its way off her flat belly, to her curvy hips. Simone got on her new bikini, which was supposed to be in her old size and walked down modestly with the other girls. The strap along the back was cutting into a small bit of flesh that had developed on her back. Her belly was a little softer and her hips, noticeably wider, were being cut into by the bikini bottom. Her boobs were noticeably bigger and jiggled a little bit, and a tiny pinch of flesh forced its way out of the top of the bikini, almost invisible. And all over her there was just a… rigidity. A subtle gathering of dimples in her slowly stretching skin. Mara just having met her didn't notice the weight gain, and Lindsay didn't react if she did. By now however Simone looked over 130 (actually 136 totaling in a 12 pound gain). She smiled, with slightly more full and soft cheeks and the little bit of neck slope slowly making a horrible march down her neck to give her a double chin, that was nowhere close to forming, but was still coming slowly, but surely. What was weirder was that Kathleen was the only one who seemed to notice. Elizabeth wasn't intelligent or observant so a thin girl, and a slightly less thin girl were one and the same to her. Kirsten was practically blind, and even if she had the right prescription it would be difficult to detect a twelve pound gain. Still nothing slowed Simone down, as the four older girls walked among the sophomores and juniors, and a few seniors Simone wore a little silk wrap around her legs. She ate, she swam, she danced, she ate, she mingled, she ate. By the by, dancing, another thing Kathleen did better than she did. Simone alone must've consumed a whole pizza and two foot sub, no exaggeration. She also ate a large portion of the triple layer chocolate fudge cake, and a few pieces of the vanilla one. She devoured a bowl of vegetables and dip, a whole bottle of root beer and red soda, and that was all before most of the pizza got there. Thirty-two pizzas and twenty-five were gone, two thanks to Simone. After eleven o'clock most people began to leave, and a half an hour later, only three of Elizabeth's close friends and Lindsay remained. As they all sat in the basement a large kid with dreadlocks who was at the party, his name was Jeremiah, as Simone had heard. He was a buff kid with a skinny face and a rough beard covering it, but cutting away at the moustache. He had very dark skin and perfect white teeth. His most prominent feature, other than the dreads was probably that smile that just made him seem trustworthy. The other guy had a shaved head of brown hair. His expression made him look as if he was permanently confused. He was pretty heavy probably around two-fifty and about six feet tall. He had muscle and a lot of it, but he was definitely chubby, no use denying that. He carried two large coolers under his arms while Jeremiah had just a bottle of a large opened drink. A third kid came down the stairs. He was fat with a big potbelly, but not quite as tall as the other guy. He had the sprinkling of a trashy beard and small dull eyes with a kind smile. He carried another cooler. And a fourth unremarkable guy with average hair and average looks, average height, and really nothing spectacular at all carried down a fourth cooler with the third guy. Three more chunky guys who were apparently on the football team followed with bags of taco bell. Elizabeth ran over and hugged the second guy. "Hey Jeremy," she squealed, then backed up and got very serious, "Did you bring it?" "Yup," he said proudly, "And a lot of food as you can see." The guys unloaded everything. Simone saw alcohol and got up to leave. Lindsay grabbed her arm, "Come on girl," she said, "Sit, stay a while." "Yeah," Kathleen added, "My parents won't be home until two tomorrow, we won't get caught, Kirsten won't tell it's all fine." "I don't really like alcohol," Simone protested. "But you've drank it before," asked Kathleen. "Yes," she said. "Well come on," Kathleen urged, "This is an American party and here we drink." She handed Simone a beer which she reluctantly took and drank. "There you go," said Kathleen. Simone smiled weakly, but knew this was going to be a long night. Simone reluctantly sat down. Jeremiah smiled warmly at her. "Come on Frenchie," he said with subtlest hint of a Caribbean accent, "Let's play some beer pong, you can be my partner." He explained the rules to her. She was still nervous, but played anyways against Kathleen and Lindsay. At the end she had drank two cups of beer, when they beat Kathleen and Lindsay. She sunk no balls though and Kathleen sunk the only ones from her team. One more thing Kathleen beat her at. They played Elizabeth and Jeremy next. Elizabeth was already a bit tipsy, or pretended to be, and Jeremy and her lost as well. Simone only drank two more cups of beer. Simone then moved away from the competition and the unremarkable guy gave her a fruity alcohol drink with a large glass. She sipped it and realized she was getting tipsy, and hungry. Another chubby guy, his name was Derek, and he wore a white wife beater tucked into some dusty jeans started hitting on her. He had a deep southern drawl and kept refilling Simone's drinks all night. Simone was quite drunk by one thirty and Derek was continually moving closer. Lindsay, who was drunk as well, suggested, "Simone you should have some of this cake I grabbed from upstairs." Lindsay in addition to the taco bell splayed all over the table had gotten three cakes out of the guys' coolers, and some pies. Derek happily brought Simone some. Simone devoured food left and right as Derek piled it in front of her. Soon all but Derek, who of course thought he would get lucky, Lindsay, Elizabeth, and Jeremy were asleep. Jeremiah had taken Gavin and the other three guys and one of the girls home being a designated driver. Simone's food supply ran out and Lindsay stuffed the last soft-shell taco into her mouth. Derek went and got two pies out of the cooler and set them in front of the girls clumsily. "No," Lindsay groaned rubbing her swollen belly, "I couldn't eat another bite." Simone laughed and it ended in a long squeal as she shoved a whole piece of pie into her mouth. She ate the first pie for the first time feeling like she could eat no more. But as she tried to fall asleep Derek prodded her awake holding the pie to her lips. She lazily took a bite and chewed, and smiled at Derek still not understanding his intentions of wanting to get lucky. Lindsay was snoring and Elizabeth and Jeremy made out across the room. Soon Derek had force-fed Simone the whole pie, and then he force-fed her a beer to keep her drunk, and then a bunch of jell-o he got out of the freezer. Simone choked it down reluctantly and felt like she might puke. Simone then pushed Derek away and fell into a drunken sleep, she had been this full only once in her life and this drunk probably never. As she snored she dreamed of nothing in particular, and Derek left feeling very dejected. Simone and Lindsay awoke to a *thud* *thud* *thud* bouncing down the stairs. It was Elizabeth with six bags of white castle, and her friend with another six, and then finally Kathleen with another six after that. Simone looked around and couldn't find Jakaya who was one of the girl there last night. "Jakaya went home," Elizabeth explained. Lindsay moaned obviously hung over, but upon seeing food which she needed desperately she popped right up. Elizabeth and the other girl dug into one bag and seventeen lied idle on the table. Lindsay grabbed one and greedily snacked feeding her supermodel body. "Oh," she said, "I don't think I've eaten so much in the past three weeks, no overstatement there!" Simone dug into another bag and rubbed her belly. "Yeah, I think you better watch yourself Lindsay. Your fast approaching fat," she said sarcastically. Lindsay made an equally sarcastic "Ha, ha, ha!" face and continued eating the little burgers laid before her. Simone after just three bags was already full. "What full already?" Kathleen teased, "You sure you aren't gonna clear off this table, most of this is for you after all." Simone grinned, "Thanks for thinking of me, but I have to go shower." Simone rose unsteady and went upstairs. She quickly showered and got out unsteady still and wrapped a towel around her. She got on a nice pair of panties and a matching bra, and realized she forgot her pants in the bathroom. She scanned the hall of course knowing no one would be home from the trip to the water park just yet. Simone snuck into the bathroom and closed the door behind her turning around to see Kathleen standing in a pink tank top pushed up by her belly and a pair of short short that said "Texas" on the back. "Sorry," Simone said covering her eyes and blushing. "Don't worry," Kathleen coaxed gently, "We're both girls." Kathleen really said this to examine Simone's body. It was a little larger even than yesterday. A slightly darker shadow was visible below the tiny bulge in Simone's tummy, and her panties poked into her widened hips. Her boobs were a little larger and pushed against her tight bra. Her arms were a little meatier and her thighs came together held apart at the top by her panties. They almost touched at the very top of her legs. Simone seemed reassured and grabbed her pants off the ground and her tank top. She set them on the counter as she examined herself in the mirror and pushed her hair up again. While she did this Kathleen maneuvered so she was standing directly on the scale. The pointer stopped right at 139. Almost 140 Kathleen thought. She wondered how long it would take Simone to take action. Simone got ready and Kathleen with Lindsay took her out to eat. Simone wanted to go to Taco Bell, but when she found out they were going to Sally's Simone was ecstatic. They arrived and the manager greeted and seated them happily. Simone sat down and felt her panties ride up her butt. She adjusted in her seat again and again, but just couldn't get comfortable. "I think I grabbed Lindsay's jeans, by mistake," she whispered as Lindsay went to the bathroom. She kept adjusting slightly sipping the huge foot tall chocolate madness milkshake she ordered until the waiter came and asked for their orders. Kathleen ordered a large "Hog Wild Burger" and Lindsay got the "Rib Plate Lunch Special". "Oh," Simone mused as she chewed on her lip, "I can't decide if I want the "Big Beefy Burger" with extra onions and bacon, or the "Fatten-Me-Texas-Style Ribs and Dessert Combo"". Katheen winced, those were two high-calorie meals, but she hatched a plan to preserve her friend's figure. "Sorry Simone, I don't think I can afford both," she sighed with fake disappointment. "Oh it's okay," Susan said, 'just happening to walk by', "Have both, on the house." She stood smiling for a moment, "As a matter of fact, try our new "Blouse Busting Texas Steak." We're very glad to have a French critique." Simone readily agreed and thanked her handing the menu over. There food was out in no time and the chef gave Simone the thumbs up. Simone smiled back and dug in. It looked like they stacked extra on there just to please her. All three girls finished around the same time. Simone licked her fingers covered in barbeque sauce. "C'etait vraiment delicieux! Merci Beaucoup," she said to Sally. "Compliments to the chef," Kathleen explained. A few minutes later Sally brought over a large "Texan's Fudge Cake" in thanks from the chef. "Hey, Simone sweetie?" Sally asked. Simone seemed almost annoyed at being deterred from the scrumptious looking cake watching enviously as Kathleen and Lindsay dug their forks in. "Yes," she asked with a slightly strained smile. "Our chef, Craig, was wondering if you could sample some new sandwiches he is cooking up and tell us what you think. In fact all you girls can," Sally said in her Texan drawl. "I'd love to," Simone said enthusiastically. "Sounds fun," Lindsay giggled as Simone dug greedily into the cake. "No thanks, I'm stuffed," Kathleen said as she patted her muffin top. "You sure?" "Positive," Kathleen said decisively. "Okay I'll be right back with two of the first sandwich," Sally said. By the time Sally got back, Simone had cleaned of the cake, with the other girls splitting about half. "This first one is called the 'Smokehouse'," She explained setting it down. It was a monstrous greasy burger even for this place. They two girls ate, but it took Lindsay longer and staring at her distended belly Kathleen could see why. The next burger was called "The Houston" and it was a little smaller than the last. Simone loved them both. Lindsay liked them, but her full belly held her back from truly enjoying them. One has to wonder why she kept eating. "This one is the "Button-Burster". Craig says it's his masterpiece," said Sally. It didn't look like a Button-Burster. It looked like any other burger, kind of small really, but as Simone ate it she saw why. It was filling her up an unbelievable amount. After every bite of the heavenly burger, she had to take a swig of her chocolate shake Sally kept topped off. Lindsay had to take more than a swig. Suddenly without warning halfway through Lindsay's sandwich the button on her khaki shorts flew loose revealing a four month pregnancy belly distended to max, stretching comical, painted on looking ab lines across it. "Guess that's why he called it the Button-burster," Simone laughed. Lindsay laughed nervously too. Simone finished hers and thanked Craig personally. He gave her a sack of onion rings for the road that she snacked on all the way to Lindsay's house. Lindsay painfully climbed out of the car and to her house, but not before turning back and saying, "I can't let your eating habits rub off on me Simone, I don't have your metabolism." Lindsay of course noticed by now a slight weight gain, but refrained from saying something impolite. Simone laughed at the eating habits comment. She heard another one two days earlier from Elizabeth while trying to slide into her suit. Elizabeth had probably gained fifteen pounds since Simone got here. Most going to her belly, not her breasts. But her breasts still overshadowed it immensely. Just as they got home and Simone got ready to watch some TV Elizabeth jumped out flashing her keys. "Come on! I just got my license Simone," she pleaded, "Let me drive you somewhere." "Oh, I'm not-" Simone began. Elizabeth's eyes lit up and she cut her off, "Let's go to Sally's." "We were just there," Kathleen said stretching out the empty bag of onion rings. Elizabeth thought another moment, "Let's go to Phatkauw's!" Simone had heard the family mention the name before as some sort of ice cream parlor, but hadn't been there. "Come on," Elizabeth tempted, jangling the keys, "It makes Dairy Queen look like a bitch." Simone resigned, "Oh fine, but I get to pay birthday girl." As Simone followed Elizabeth, Kathleen called after her, "Don't eat too much you'll get sick!" They got there and Elizabeth ordered Simone all her favorite shakes, ice creams, ice cream cakes, and smoothies, which ended up being four shakes, six ice cream bowls (which were huge!), two slices of three ice cream cakes, and two smoothies. Simone ate it all like a trooper. Elizabeth tried to eat just as much, but only made it through the smoothies, ice cream cakes, and one and a half shakes before passing the rest to Simone. Simone didn't mind wasting food, but for some reason even though she hadn't asked for it felt compelled to eat it. Finally just a single complimentary cookie remained. "Come on," Elizabeth coaxed floating it around Simone like a plane, "Eat it, it's yummy." Simone pursed her lips stubbornly refusing, "Couldn't eat another bi-" but before she finished she tasted the cookie in her mouth and swallowed it. Simone got home that night late because Elizabeth took her around town getting her two drink two more supersized McDonald's drinks with her. When Simone climbed into bed that night she corrected last night's thought. This was the fullest she had ever been. She didn't find easy sleep that night. Over the two weeks to the twins' and Grant's birthday on the fifteenth, Simone's eating habits got slightly better. Kathleen wondered if she noticed her gain. Everyone else still seemed oblivious to it. Even Elizabeth who was more concerned that she had gained five more pounds putting her at 162. On Grant's birthday there was ton of food and Kathleen saw her assumption was wrong as Simone binged just like before. She had seen her on the scale again today with some skilled "maneuvering". She weighed in at 144. Her butt was significantly wider, and her neck got a little fatter. Her arms got meatier and her legs thickened. Even her calves thickened the slightest bit now. Her boobs grew and when she wore her bikini or a tank top you could see the not tanned parts of her cleavage. Also the straps bit into her back just a little more and if Kathleen wasn't mistaken she had a little overhang on the strings. Most interesting though was her belly. The weight gain had spread to her upper pelvic region, which meant it had begun the long pilgrimage to her thighs. A small shadow appeared in creases underneath her glutes and on her sides leading to not-quite-yet love handles. Now at this point in the story it should be pointed out that Simone being 5'5" and weighing 144 pounds was not yet fat, but was definitely getting on the jiggly and almost voluptuous side. That day at the barbeque she gobbled up everything Grandpa Hall made, and didn't touch the pool once. Later that night Lindsay and Mara came over. Mara brought a cake because apparently she was a good cook and they all feasted. Lindsay if Simone wasn't mistaken looked to be carrying some extra baggage herself. She remembered the comment Lindsay made outside the car smugly unaware of her own widening frame. Lindsay's breast, formerly small, but perky, now rounded out, and had the same cleavage tan-line Simone's did. Her hips widened and through her khaki shorts Simone could tell she had a little jiggle back there. The former swimsuit model Lindsay, at just under 120 was probably pushing 130 now. They all had fun. Lindsay showed Simone chubby bunny. Elizabeth won though. Mara said Simone should come over and try her baked things with Lindsay and Kathleen, after Simone complimented her cake. And the two cute, Grandma and Grandpa West passed food to Simone all night. Simone had fun there and once again feeling like part of the family let her eating habits fall apart. Lindsay followed suit easily, and then so did everyone else. The French must have a way of rubbing off on people, thought Grant who for the first time noticed that Lindsay and Simone had gained weight, not just Elizabeth. He laughed to himself and walked inside. As Simone once again lost to Kathleen in pool a week later Lindsay sat in the basement snacking on cheese puffs. "We should go get something to eat," Lindsay said, her voice deepened by her swollen cheeks filled with cheese puffs. "You sound like Simone," Kathleen said knocking the 8-ball into the hole. "Dammit," Simone cursed under her breath then returned her attention to the other two, "I don't know, I am famished." "You're always famished," Kathleen countered. "Come on, Kathy," Lindsay pleaded and stuck out her lip. "Oh fine, you two want to go get something to eat, go," said Kathleen, "I'm sitting my fat ass down here." "Yes!" Lindsay leaped up, "Come on Simone!" Simone followed Lindsay eagerly to her bright red Mustang and hopped inside. Lindsay drove Simone into the city into her Father's restaurant. Her father was a tall jolly looking man who always smiled. Simone had met him once before. "Hey daddie," Lindsay said. "Hey sweetums," said Lindsay's father. "Hey can me and Simone get something to eat?" Lindsay asked in a stereotypical little girl voice. "Yessum, sweetie, anything you want. I'm taking off, but I'll make sure you're taken care of." They were seated and were being brought large one pound steaks and turkey dinners and apple pies and burgers. After the binge they both rubbed their stomachs contented. They returned to the Hall's house and Kathleen saw her best friend and Simone walking up with their stuffed bellies and revealed from behind the door that dinner was ready. Susan was growing concerned for Simone. She ripped the food on her plate apart. Lindsay ate slower, but just as much and Elizabeth unconsciously tried to keep up. After the meal Simone had eaten a whole pot of spaghetti, a fully-loaded baked potato, and at least a pound of cake. Susan then noticed Simone's weight gain for the first time and smacked herself for not seeing it sooner. 'Oh well,' she thought to herself, 'The girl is still thin, what's she gonna do? Turn into a cow in one year?' As it turns out a hungry teenage girl can do a lot in one year. Another week flew by and Kathleen, Simone, Lindsay, and Marie headed over to Mara's house. Mara greeted them with baked stuff at the door and Mara's huge mother called in the background. "Hello, Mrs. Martinez," Kathleen said as they all fled to the kitchen table loaded with baked goods, cooked by Mara. "I want to be a baker, or chef," Mara explained, "Just getting my practice in." Lindsay and Simone greedily grabbed everything in sight stuffing it into their faces. Lindsay looked to be gaining a lot quicker than Simone. Lindsay was sitting at a new weight of around 135 and still growing. Simone devoured Mara's food and afterwards the girls went to Phatkauw's since Simone was still hungry. It was then on her second tub of ice cream that Kathleen realized she might be gaining weight too. Later that night Kathleen weighed herself after all had gone to sleep. She had had a ten pound gain. She shrugged though, not like she had much to lose in the first place. The first day of school approached and Simone was gaining a little more each day. Kirsten had left for college leaving Simone in the room to herself. It was September 9th, almost a month since the twin's party. The day before school Kathleen noticed Simone struggling with her pants. And they were the new pants Simone had bought too. She had been struggling for weeks, but today was ridiculous. Finally, after a full five minute struggle Simone plopped her hands down and any progress she made with the zipper was undone by her belly. In realization she grab it and shook it and cupped her breasts looking surprised. She stood up and gave her butt a squeeze. She slid on some stretch shorts and stormed toward the door. Kathleen dove into her room as Simone walked to the bathroom scale. She got inside and shrieked. Kathleen bounced out acting surprised. "Simone what's wrong?" She asked the stunned looking French girl covering her mouth. "I've gained thirty pounds," she said amazed, shocked, and a little grieved. Thirty pounds? That put her at 155 now. That's a little out of hand. "Oh, it's okay Simone," said Kathleen then smacked herself for saying that, "I mean, I barely noticed." "Really?" Simone asked. "Yeah, and you know what if your clothes don't fit borrow Elizabeth's, I'm sure some will fit," Kathleen assured her. "O-okay," Simone said smiling weakly, "Alright, I'll do just that." With that Simone confidently walked off, and Kathleen realized something. She just lied to Simone's face about her weight when she could've stopped it. She reassured herself thinking this scare would keep Simone from gaining anymore weight. Oh boy was she wrong. The next day for school Kathleen stole some of Elizabeth's clothes and one of her own C-cup bras for Simone. And passed them into her. Simone still struggled with the jean shorts, but pretended not to notice. Her stomach drooped over her jeans on all sides. Creating impressive love handles. The creases on her sides had formed into something deeper and speaking of deep Kathleen could probably put half her index finger in Simone's navel. The bra was a little big on Simone, but the shirt was tight and hugged it to her chest. Simone chose to wear her own ruffle-front shirt she had worn at the bonfire, but if it was see through before it would be clear as glass around the boobs now had she not been wearing a tanktop. It rode a little up revealing her muffin top in just the slightest. Simone then got in the car and the three girls went to school. Kathleen only had third hour and lunch with Simone, but Simone had three classes with Lindsay, and another with Mara and Jeremiah. Simone adjusted well, even if she was a little shy. She still turned heads and when Kathleen saw Lindsay, in a white riding up band t-shirt and her tight jeans caused her belly to droop all around. She was probably 145 now. You could see her bra clearly through her tight stretched shirt. Her butt seemed flat in comparison to her new weight. Simone's shirt which had rode up a little more matched Lindsay's muffin top, even if hers was a bit more jiggly and wide. Simone even had a huge lunch. Three cheeseburgers, four boxes of fries and the special. She was eating ravenously even at school. After school Kathleen took her to Dairy Queen and then to get new clothes. Simone was disappointed when she couldn't find her size in the stores she wanted, but still got nice, pretty clothes. Well, a few. She also, surprisingly got a lot of jogging suit and sweats and college t-shirts. Then they got some food court meals. There was no slowing Simone down as the next few weeks would reveal. At football games Simone cleaned the concessions out every time. She quickly adjusted to them, hanging out with Kathleen and her group of senior friends. She was making a lot of new friends. She and Yuri had several inside jokes, and some funny kids named Neil, Daniel, Jamie and Ben always used her to threaten people jokingly. She was adjusting quite well. Her eating was even a hundred times better. She wasn't losing weight, but she didn't gain much over the next two weeks of school (which she loved). She only went up by two pounds to 157. Still her body couldn't keep up with the inactivity. Kathleen decided she needed some exercise. Kathleen and Mara decided to play tennis doubles with her and Lindsay. As Lindsay stepped out in her pro-looking tennis outfit complete with sweatband and white skirt Kathleen stepped out in a tank top and soccer shorts. Lindsay's body had not slowed like Simone. She was comically squeezing her 150 pound body into the tennis uniform meant for a 120 pounder. The button up front couldn't be salvage and was pushed out showing immense cleavage and the mid-section was sprayed-on tight around her growing belly. Her legs were thicker, but weren't stretching the material of the skirt like her butt did. Mara and Lindsay were on a team verse Simone, who in short shorts that said "Paris" on the butt that clung to her behind like panties and a tank top the rode up revealing a little belly and a half-way zipped up athletic jacket trying to hold her all in, and Kathleen. Kathleen and Simone dominated. Lindsay's shirt came up and she sweated and giggled. It was quite the spectacle to watch Lindsay and Simone jiggle their ways across the court. Afterwards all of the girls were sweaty and tired, but Kathleen. "We need to go to Sally's," Simone panted taking a long drink of Powerade. "Mhmm," Lindsay agreed, "That sounds really good." Kathleen didn't want to be rude, but she felt like she should object to them ruining the progress they just made, "Are you sure? How about we go to a veggie bar?" Mara wrinkled her nose. Lindsay and Simone groaned and begged her. Now that Mara was against her too she didn't have a choice. They piled into her car and drove to Sally's. Sally saw them in their tennis gear and her face lit up. She descended on them like a vulture, since it wasn't too busy, there were just two tables so the girls took their meal at the bar. Kathleen's ample bottom covered the stool and she saw Simone's own butt was making a journey to the edge of the stool. She brought all the girls extra large shakes. Mara had never been there before and her eyes lit up. She was soon guzzling the free milk shakes down like Simone and Lindsay. Kathleen hoped she wouldn't have another fat friend on her hands. Simone ordered the 'Mega Ribs Platter', a 'Button Burster' with everything doubled, and the 'Texan Turkey Dinner'. She sounded as if she finished, but continued to order a order of 'Texas Steak Supreme', a sack of onion rings, and whatever the chef recommended. "I like this girl," Craig called out hearing the whole order. Lindsay ordered a lot as well and Mara was ordered for by the other two, both wanting to add just as much as they ate. Simone ate everything set before her in forty-five minutes. The tank top rode up and she belched. "I take that as a compliment Craig said looking at her belly and grinning. Lindsay finished her meal a little later as Simone ate the Oreo Dessert Cake thrust at her by Sally. Mara surprisingly didn't take long and much to Kathleen's dismay ate almost everything. Lindsay and Simone helped her finish it though. Kathleen felt like screaming seeing Lindsay pat her previously flat belly. Now Kathleen loved her to death, but Simone was having a very negative effect on her senior year. If Kathleen thought this was bad it would only go downhill from here. On the last Sunday of September there was a potluck at the church. Simone wore khaki slacks and a button up shirt complete with an ascot. Lindsay wore something similar, but with a khaki skirt, and short sleeves. Her belly strained the buttons as she was probably nearing 170 (175 actually), and had passed Simone up. Simone and her hugged quickly sinking into one another. Simone now 160, Kathleen had seen this morning. Simone now definitely had a double chin and chubby little cheeks with a large belly that stuck out almost as much as her breasts. Kathleen, Lindsay, and Simone sat near the table so Lindsay and Simone didn't have to go far, and they were the last few people there clearing off the table. Mara called and invited them over and they readily went home to get in more casual clothes. Elizabeth's Duke sweatpants strained to hold Simone's butt, and a t-shirt Simone had bought earlier this week was lifted showing the bottom of her belly out the bottom. Simone's crease had completed showing a definite line on the side of her belly. They went to Mara's house and met Lindsay who dressed in short shorts and a striped, black and white spaghetti strap. Mara greeted them, looking a little chunkier herself around the waste and welcomed them in. They all binged for seven hours, even Kathleen, and as they watched TV Mara's mother brought them pans full of stuffing, and spaghetti, and Simone even got one just full of melted fudge. After a while Simone walked over to the fringe and didn't even take the food to go lay down. Lindsay followed but came back, arms loaded with KFC buckets and sides and a turkey leg in her mouth kept binging. Simone brought back after long last Mara's stash of Chinese food and binged on that, but Kathleen had to pull her away from the binge. Strange as it was already, the petite little French girl's days all ended up like this by the end now. Her momentary recovery from her bad eating habits wasn't showing up again. When Kathleen claimed she couldn't take her Elizabeth did. And when she went out with Elizabeth she always came back more full, but at least Kathleen could wash her hands of it. Elizabeth had noticed the gain now, sometimes curiously poking into Simone's belly. Simone didn't seem to mind or even notice. Behind her back though, Elizabeth started referring to her as "Porky" or "Fatty". Simone's days were filled with eating, but fortunately she was attractive so she still got a lot of attention from guys, even the mainstream ones, which kept her self-esteem up even if she didn't act on any of them. She was just going to homecoming in Kathleen's group. It consisted of Jeremiah, Daniel, Andre, a jock named Max, Jason, Lindsay, Mara, Kathleen, and two girls who were friendly, but stupid named Katie and Jessie. All the guys were fairly attractive, even the lithe Daniel. "Kathy!" Simone called jumping up and down struggling with something. It was October fifteenth: Homecoming. Kathleen ran into the room, and looked at Simone. The zipper on Simone's pretty dress wouldn't budge. Understandably so since Simone bought that dress about 10 pounds ago. Simone was an impressive 170 now. Her thighs rubbed when she walked, but not enough to cause a waddle Kathleen got the zipper pulled up, but Simone's belly and breasts strained the front of the dress and her butt was too wide for the back. Kathleen and Simone finished getting ready. Kathleen wondered on the way to Jason's house if Simone would look ridiculous in her dress until she saw Lindsay. Lindsay had at least a fifteen pound gain. In two weeks, that's unheard of. Lindsay's dressed stretched at the seams. And her navel was clearly visible through the fabric. When she got up her legs rubbing together under the dress to hug Simone and Kathleen. Max and Andre laughed and prodded Jason about his beauty-queen turning into class lard. Mara was heavier with a little roundness to her belly forming, but most of her weight went to her breasts and butt which none of the guys complained about. The two other girls, Katie and Jessie, were thin, but had large butts that spread out on the couch when they sat. As everyone piled into the limo after pictures the girls appeared to take up most of the car. Poor Daniel had to sit on the floor. Lindsay leaned on Jason's arm who looked the other way as her fat formed around him. They got there and the dance was fun for Simone. A lot of guys wanted to dance with her, and she was very popular. She even slow-danced with the model-like Daniel, even though he was clearly not quite comfortable with it. Toward the end of the night, a large guy, around 6 foot and with a lot of flab invited her to dance. His name was Earl and he wasn't particularly attractive with his rough beard or fat physique, but he was oddly enrapturing. Something in his voice and smile. She would have to look for him around school now. Afterwards they met up with Lindsay who was tearing up after Jason dumped her, and she absolutely didn't know why. Daniel and Jeremiah tried to console her with a small cake Daniel won for becoming homecoming prince. Jeremiah offered to take her out to get some ice cream, but she just wanted to go home. That was the final straw for the beauty queen Lindsay. That night she binged herself into a food coma and the next day looked like she gained ten pounds. Simone looked at her in school the next day and offered to do something with her since Kathleen had student council. Lindsay didn't take care of herself that day. She was dressed in full Texas A&M sweats, but she wanted to go to Sally's to just pig out. Simone went with her. She was wearing a pair of jeans from Kathleen since they were almost in the same size now. They were a little loose, but not much. She also wore a pretty pink shirt for a musician she loved, but it rode up a little showing the bottom of her belly. Lindsay sat down on a bar stool and her butt almost touched the edge. Simone treated her to whatever she wanted. Lindsay took her sweatshirt off and revealed a tank top already rolling up to reveal Lindsay's legendary belly. Lindsay ate that day more than anything. "How much do you weigh now?" Simone blurted out absent-mindedly munching on a burger looking at Lindsay's belly. She realized what she said too late, and Lindsay looked a little offended, but then casually said, "About 193 this morning." She said it like Simone had asked the time. "How about you?" "Uh," Simone hesitated, and said "One hundred and seventy three quietly." Lindsay smiled, "Well you have some work to do then." With that she took another bite and let it all hang out rolling her shirt up completely. Simone let herself go too and the button ripped off the jeans with such force there was a mark left in the bar. Simone and Lindsay looked down and laughed. They toured the town until eight o'clock hitting food and clothes places. Mostly food though. Finally Simone came home and crawled right into bed. She rubbed her belly and massaged it with her fingers exploring the softness. Even her fingers had started to gain weight and her toes looked like little sausages at the end of her feet. She went to sleep dreaming of Homecoming from two nights before, but she was thin. She felt like she was moving easier, but then she started to expand. Everyone backed away. Her belly exploded and ripped out of the pajama shirt she wore to Homecoming (it was a dream after all.) She panicked and tried to grab people as her body hit the ground. She woke up the next morning as if from a nightmare and walked straight to the scale. It read a few pounds heavier than yesterday. She sighed and saw it was still four and decided to get a few more hours of shut-eye. Simone clumsily walked down to dinner in the middle of December. Her fat body had just kept expanding. She now neared the family who looked at her in wonderment. She just wore a red tank top and short white short shorts. Her face had a full second chin now and her neck thickened out significantly. Her large meaty arms would spread like they were filled with water as she put them down to her sides. Her fingers were widened and stubby. Her boobs were probably D-cups, but had fallen behind her massive belly which proudly stuck out in front of her. Grant's jaw dropped as she turned and bent over to pick out a handful of chocolate covered raisins and popped them in her mouth. Her butt stuck out behind her as well, with a nice crease at the bottom of each cheek. Her legs followed each other close all the way down to the knee almost and she hadn't quite gotten that waddle down, but she was getting closer every day. She smiled politely at the family as she turned to look out the window they saw she had two creases where backrolls had developed. Susan head cocked to the side as she stretched out showing her tummy that was a perfect circle extending from her growing body. With a deep navel you could see through the shirt. The only one who had really noticed before now was Kathleen, and maybe Earl, but he knew better than to say anything about it. Everyone looked away when she turned back smiling. She took her plate, loaded with two breakfast sandwiches, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a lot of hash browns and ate it all. Grant regretted giving her so much on her plate, but she ate it all and was very grateful. After that Kathleen took her downstairs. Elizabeth thinking little of Simone's figure followed with armfuls of snacks. Elizabeth's own weight gain had leveled off at 165, but she seemed okay with the gain. It had to happen someday. Elizabeth brought a full pie and a sack of onion rings and half a pizza and three bags of chips, and two boxes of vanilla wafers and a gallon of milk, ninety percent of which Simone devoured. Suddenly, Kathleen got a call from Lindsay to come eat at her dad's restaurant. She got up to go and Simone followed. Simone didn't get much else than what she had on. She just switched her current shorts for some khaki ones. They went to the restaurant and Lindsay sat in a booth in the corner eating, with a feast waiting for them. Lindsay's 193 body was a thing of the pass. Lindsay fast-approached 220 now. Her body had gotten larger in all areas, but especially her belly. The large magnet for fat stuck out proudly and could knock glasses over if Lindsay turned around too fast. It was also more of a straight out thing. Simone's was round and even a little droopy. Lindsay's was just one solid mass. "Hey, Lindz," Kathleen said. Lindsay smiled and hugged her. Kathleen couldn't quite fit her arms around her. Lindsay and Simone kissed each others' cheeks because a hug wasn't even worth the effort. Simone looked at the food. "Chow down," Lindsay said as she stuffed a roll in her mouth. Simone happily complied. The feast filled her stomach quickly and soon her tanktop was riding up and she had to unbutton her shorts. During the meal Mara arrived, weighing around 160 now. Her curviness was gone and Mara was no very round. Just round. After the meal Simone and Kathleen left to go pick up some cake for Susan's birthday. While she got to an argument with the baker Simone helped herself to ten danishes, twelve doughnuts, and thirteen cinnamon rolls. The birthday was the first day the girls were on Christmas Break, the 21st. Simone had helped them plan a surprise party. But the biggest surprise wouldn't be the party. As everyone waited for Susan to get home. Evan snuggled Simone's belly, finally seeing the new bloated Simone had warmed up to her. Simone thought it was cute when he would play with her belly pressing his hands in a kneading it like dough. Still he was shy around her and she suspected he had a crush on her as he always blushed. Simone moved Evan from one knee to the other for two reasons. One: the kid was fat. Her leg was falling asleep and it was hard enough to just get him to stop playing with her soft belly. Two: her clothes were incredibly uncomfortable. Simone wore a button up dress, but the belt on it had to be worn a bit loose. It was very tight, and she had to make several adjustment to how it was supposed to be worn. As soon as Susan walked in though, ten minutes early Simone had a cupcake stuffed fully in her mouth. She heard the door click and jumped up swallowing hard. Just as she did that though Evan grabbed her belt and pulled causing all the buttons to quickly snap off. Simone's belly relaxed and tore her little black dress in half at the belly. A photographer got a picture of everyone yelling surprise, but Susan and Simone with a very different form of surprise on their faces as Simone's belly tore through her dress. Simone was a good sport and tried to laugh it off, but that's not easy with a beat red face. She raced upstairs and changed into her red tank top and white shorts and boomed back down. The rest of the party didn't have any surprises for a little bit until Evan pulled up her shirt revealing her bra and belly to everyone at the table, including the grandparents. Simone was a nervous eater, so what she normally eats, consider it doubled. Finally when everyone was leaving Simone bent over to pick up a napkin Susan dropped and just as she did her tiny white shorts tore. She straightened. Stiff as a board, but realized only Susan and Grant saw it. "Three wardrobe malfunctions in a day," Grant said, "Better get you some new clothes." Simone blushed and went to her room with two gallons of ice cream. Christmas was fun, Simone got some presents from her father in the mail, and a lot of clothes from the Halls. All a size or two too big for her, but she got the gist of it. She had four delicious dinners at the grandparents houses, the Hall's, or Lindsay's house with her father and mother. Lindsay was out of control in her eating now. She looked to be gaining still. The rest of break Simone and Kathleen didn't have much to do, but pig out. However a day before the New Year's Party at Lindsay's house they got a call from the hospital. Lindsay was in a car accident and shattered her legs, almost shattering her spine. She would be out of school until the end of April, and probably wouldn't leave her house. Simone and Kathleen felt sorry so they sent her a one pound gummy bear. Simone also bought one for herself. She had eaten it before she got to the car. They also went to Daniel's New Year's Eve Party, and Simone got pretty drunk again. Simone woke up in the same bed as a guy named Jay, but fortunately they hadn't done anything he had snuck into the bed behind her. She woke with him hugging her fat waist and as she turned around he pulled her in and tried to kiss her, but with surprising agility she wiggled away. At the end of Christmas Break on January 13th Kathleen wondered at Simone's newest additions. Simone wore mostly sweats and sweatshirts, but at home she wore short shorts and tank tops revealing her growing proportions. Kathleen had to know so the last night they had off she had a few friends over, while her parents were out with the kids at a nearby water park in celebration of their last day, and Elizabeth went to Jakaya's house. There were a few more chubby girls in the group now. Mara weighed near 170 now, and Maria was getting up around 150. A girl named Grace who Simone didn't know too well looked to have put on 30 pounds adding to an hourglass shape. Katie and Jessie both had been gaining too. The weight mostly found its way to Katie's ass and thighs, but Jessie was now hourglass shaped too. They both sported huge muffin tops though. Lisa and Tiffany showed up and they were thin, except Tiffany had a little belly paunch, but it had always been there. There was also Josephine, who was always a thick girl, with a big butt. She weighed around 300. At the party on the guy's side was Ray and Titus. Two big fat cowboys. Then came Darryl. Probably the biggest lineman in the school. Also Daniel and Neil showed up, but didn't stay long. She also invited Earl for Simone. He immediately got near her getting her drunk and fed. Around midnight Kathleen stole the drunk Simone away for just a minute, and took her to weigh her. Simone drunkenly stepped on the scale and it stopped just above 230. Kathleen satisfied took her back down to Earl. Earl immediately gave her some bean dip. At around two o'clock they went upstairs away from everyone else and Earl assembled quite the montage of food. Anything he could find really for the growing beauty. Simone giggled as he fed her. Then suddenly he pushed off and looked at her, "What," he touched her nose with a finger dipped in whip cream, "Does Simone want to be?" Simone giggled, but obviously didn't have an answer. "Simone wants to fat," Earl said as he grabbed the chocolate syrup bottle and emptied into Simone. It got all over her new white ruffle-front blouse, joining stains of beer, barbeque sauce and whip cream. "You want to pop out of your clothes!" Earl said as he emptied the whip cream can into her. She made muffled sounds of pleasure as she sucked in the food. "You want to be rolled around," he said lustfully in his Texan Drawl, "You want me to fatten you up to be a real big woman! A real fat woman." He took Simone's muffled sounds of ecstasy as he shoved food into her as agreement. Simone's face was soon smeared with pie as it was shoved down her throat. The hot fudge emptied into her mouth, followed by the marshmallow topping. "Oh, yes- *mnmnmm*- I want to be huge!" She said even though the thought had never occurred to her that guys liked fat girls. "Ima' feed you up," said Earl stuffing spaghetti into her mouth. On the sofa. He shoved everything he could down her. Her stomach began to get firm and rise. It pushed the tank top and ruffle-front up. Her deep navel was revealed. Most of her belly was tucked into her tights though. Earl heaved it and let it all hang out. "Oh, feed me til I- *mmmn*- until I pop!" Simone moaned. He emptied a beer into a funnel. "Oh, make me- *ahhmmmnn*- make me big!" Simone moaned. He force-fed her a piece of pie. "Oh, I want to get soooo fat for you," she said lustfully, right before her mouth was filled with burrito. She chewed and then pulled Earl down. They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment and then locked in a kiss. It lasted a little bit before Earl pulled away and looked at Simone's stuffed body. He went in for another kissed and pulled away again just in time to stuff a soft-shell taco in her mouth. Then he went in for another drunken kiss. Riley was excited to say the least. She hadn't seen her friend Mala for several years. Mala was a young immigrant from Romania. She was always so quiet and shy, but between third and eighth grade she and Riley had become such good friends they were practically inseparable. Riley and Mala dressed alike, talked alike (accents aside), and even were roughly the same shape. Riley was now 5'4" and about 105 pounds. She expected Mala was around the same. Mala had to leave the summer after their eighth-grade year because of her sick grandparents in Romania. Her parents had to go back to take care of them, which resulted in a very tearful departure. Riley was ecstatic when Mala said she was coming back in a letter, and just in time for senior year. Mala's father decided to stay back with his mother and send his family back to America. She parked her car in the driveway of Mala's mother's new house. She did a last second check of her makeup careful not to put on to much mascara around her green eyes since it would damage her somewhat tan complexion, pushed her shoulder-length blonde hair out of her face. She stepped into the warm evening air. She was really happy Mala's family had invited her to dinner. Mala's mom was a great cook. Still Riley was nervous. Several horrible scenarios came into her head. Then several ridiculous ones. She pushed them to the back of her mind and knocked on the door of the modest house. She quickly smoothed down the wrinkles in the white button up blouse she was wearing. The door clicked she took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly. She felt the wind enter before her and opened her eyes looking at Mala... and her surprisingly round body. Riley squealed and hugged her and then after an eternity of that embrace and both of them laughing Riley backed up to examine her old friend, or more accurately discreetly examine her old friend's new padding. Mala was very round. Her normally tan skin paled by her... roundness. That was the only word that came to mind. Her cheeks plump, with a double chin. Her boobs, modest, on the small side for her girth, but they ran almost perfectly into her round distended gut, which sloped into her meaty thighs and wide hips. "Oh," Mala cooed, "Look at you. You have barely changed a little. You look so pretty and so nice and so..." "So do you Mala!" Riley said with false enthusiasm. Mala chuckled nervously, and said, obviously not completely convinced, "Thank you." She hesitated and then continued, "Come inside, we have food set for you. My mother is so excited to see you." Her English was cute with her accent. It came with unnatural pauses that just seemed to fit for some reason. Kind of an oxymoron. Riley walked to the next room, which she remembered was the kitchen, even though she hadn't been here in years. Mala's mother was huge, far bigger than the last time Riley saw her. She was always such a beautiful woman. Her olive skin and dark hair. She was a little voluptuous last time Riley saw her. Now she must weigh close to four hundred pounds. It was a shock, more so than Mala. Mala's mother double took at Riley and said in her own clumsy English, "Ohhhhhhhhh Riley, look how beautiful you are, you skinny little darling," Riley detected a trace of some unidentifiable vehemence or jealousy in that last part. "America has been good to you, while we get fat in Romania," said Ana (Mala's mother). She wrapped Riley in a hug with her meaty arms a little too tightly. She laughed gently, almost forced, and continued with a false smile, "Young American girl stays thin and beautiful, while Romanian woman gets fat and ugly. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Riley wasn't quite sure if she was supposed to laugh at that. Mala's mother (whose name is Ana by the way) had never made her feel uncomfortable like this. The woman rocked her back in forth still in a death grip. Fortunately, Mala saw her friend's distress. "Mother," she said questioningly, "Eating?" she said raising an eyebrow and motioned to the table. "Oh, of course, of course!" said Ana waddling to the oven. That was the first time Riley noticed the table, or actually what was on the table. "Are there more people coming?" she asked as Mala led her to her seat. "No just you, I believe mother might've gotten a little, er… carried away," said Mala Riley grinned. Some things never change. One time in fourth grade when they went to a wave pool on a class trip poor Mala didn't have an easy time making new friends when her skin was completely white due to sun screen covering her head to toe. Ana claimed it was due to their fair complexion. This was not the case for their family. They both had quite tan brownish skin, almost looking Mediterranean rather than Romanian. Still, some things do. Riley wasn't completely comfortable with Ana's comment about her weight. She knew Ana hadn't meant anything by it, but she definitely knew jealousy when she heard it. Riley was seated in the chair closest to the kitchen entrance and Kendra sat on her right. Across the table sat Ana. "I missed your cooking Mrs. Roman," she said sincerely. "Riley, prietena, it's not Mrs. Roman to you. You know that," Ana said gently. "Sorry, Ana, it's been a while," Riley giggled. "Yes, Mala you should tell her about Romania," she said as she loaded Mala's plate. "Oh, it was so lovely, but we stayed with my grandparents-" "Not many kids," Ana explained as she handed the heaping plate back to Mala. Riley's eyes followed the plate, and she now understood how Mala's eating habits had changed. "Yes," Mala continued, "I missed you so much; there were some other girls around my age, but not many people in the town. I had to go forty-five minutes to school." "Killer," Riley said, then saw Ana motioning for her plate. Her eyebrows rose in realization, and Ana laughed as she slowly nodded. Riley hesitated a little bit, but handed her plate to Ana. Mala continued to talk about her late grandfather, and her grandmother, but it was all noise as she watched Ana almost greedily pile food onto her plate. It was all American food, but Riley decided she wouldn't ask why. They probably had enough Romanian food for the past three years after all. First Ana piled on mashed potatoes, and slathered them in an unhealthy amount of gravy. It was enough for a meal by itself. She would glance back at Mala between foods then she looked back as Ana cut off huge slabs of roast sirloin. She looked back at Mala as she talked about the Carpathian view from her bedroom window and nodded politely. Looking back and continuing to nod she saw Ana piling generous helpings of pot pie on the extra large plate. Mala spoke on about the school with only forty other kids in her class. Macaroni and Cheese covered part of the plate now. She didn't even look at Mala her smile losing all sincerity watching Spaghetti get piled on next to that. Gravy was poured all over the beef sirloin and pot pie. "So how have you been doing in school?" Mala asked. "Yeah," said Riley absent-mindedly watching Ana put a huge turkey leg on top of it all. "What?" Mala asked. "I mean good," Riley said recovering. "Good, good, excellent actually! I'm probably gonna get to go to University of Florida, somewhere warm thank God," Riley said with a nervous chuckle. Ana gave Riley back the plate it was heavy, and huge, and deep. How was she going to finish all of this? Each course could be a meal on its own no exaggeration. Riley began to eat, just hoping she could at least look like she made a dent on it. Ana and Mala continued to ask her questions as she shoveled the food into her mouth. They kept her talking though so her mind was less on the food. Still she felt her belt tightening around her waist digging deeper and deeper into her taut belly. She was still less than half done and she was sure the gravy and cheese was getting all on her face. Mala was relatively clean, with a lot of crumbs on her shirt helping herself to seconds as she talked. Ana looked like an absolute pig though. Still Riley was having fun with her old friend. They joked and talked. Finally after what seemed like an hour Riley painfully swallowed the last of her meal. She belched loudly and blushed. "Oh I'm so sorry," She said timidly. Ana waved it off, "In this house, no worries, to me that mean you like my food." Then she looked up and as if sudden realization came to her she got three bowls of the counter. Salads, with tons of bacon bits and ranch dressing. "Wait here," she said, "Dessert is on the way!" Riley dreaded the word dessert more now than anything. She might has well of yelled fire, because if there had been one Riley doubted with her stuffed swollen tummy she could escape. "I don't think I should, I'm really fu-" Riley said politely before a spoonful of potatoes was shoved in her mouth. She ate and swallowed looking at Ana giggling. "You are too thin, Riley," she laughed, "At least let me feed you something while you are in my house." "No really it's okay," said Riley. "No really, I'm getting you dessert," Ana said trying to sound like she was joking a little too hard, when clearly she just wanted Riley to try her dessert. Riley thought maybe it was just she would be insulted if she didn't try her food, so she opted to give it a shot. "Oh, fine," said Riley, "You convince me." She was dreading this. She started to eat the large salad placed in front of her. "Let me get the plates," Mala said picking up the empty plates in one hand and moving everything else to the other side of table with the other. As she and her mother walked to the kitchen blocking Riley's lower half from the counter Riley quickly undid her belt and jeans and let her tummy bloat out. She reminded herself of a girl on a Thai tuna commercial she saw once looking at her bloated tummy. She quickly ate the salad (which had more ranch that salad) and looked up at the gargantuan dessert about to be set in front of her. It was a brownie about six inches by six inches covered in ice cream, which was drenched in hot fudge and caramel and marshmallows and Reece's double stuffed peanut butter cups. She smiled and ate as Mala asked about all their other old friends. She was making slow progress on this thing and it took her a good forty minutes to finish. She was about to push her plate away as it was after nine now. "Wait, Riley," said Ana handing her half finished brownie to the girl (half finished is a generalization, it was nowhere near half finished), "Eat the rest of mine as I get this mess cleaned up." "Thank you Mrs. Roman," Riley said politely even though she wanted with all her being to throw it back in the fat woman's face. She looked at it, and it might as well of been poisoned the way she looked at it. She reluctantly finished it and kept talking to Mala as Ana cleaned up. Although she didn't turn around, she felt Ana's eyes on her back. She also felt the gently sliding of her zipper as her belly pushed it down. By now she also discreetly undid her bottom two buttons. When she finished her belly pushed out a good four to five inches from its original concave position. She buttoned her shirt and zipped her pants (barely). She looped her belt a few inches higher than she originally had it and decided the button on her pants was a lost cause. "Well, Mala, I should go, but I'm free later this week. We should definitely do this *hic* again *hic*," she said in her normal kind and gentle voice. "Oh, how 'bout tomorrow," Mala said. Riley opened her mouth and was tripping on her words looking for an excuse. Not that she didn't want to see Mala tomorrow, tonight was fun she just wasn't sure how long her figure would last with two nights in a row of Ana's cooking. Mala took this stuttering response as a yes, "Mother can she?" she asked gripping Riley's arm and pulled her into her side. "Of course," Ana said, "On one condition, I'm cooking." "Oh good," Riley said in her most sincere available, which was pretty sincere and then she giggled. "Alright it's set, bring sleeping clothes, we can make it a sleepover," said Mala, "Just like when we were young." Mala didn't understand that sixteen year olds usually don't have sleepovers, but she was just getting acclimated back to American culture still at the level of a thirteen year old. "Okay Mala, see you tomorrow," Riley waved as she walked out the door. They waved until she had backed up and drove off. The next day Riley walked up to the door feeling extremely hungry. She had only cereal at breakfast to make room for the gorging that would happen here. She held her pillow and small soccer tote in one hand and knocked with the other. She dressed quite different today. She wore Duke stretch band sweats and a tight t-shirt with the Kool-Aid guy's face on it. She thought the stretch band would help her today. She also looked a little different after yesterday's binge. Her stomach had returned to its normal flat state, but her boobs were quite a bit larger. Her tight perky b-cups had grown into nice round c-cups, which she had to stick in an athletic bra since none others would fit her. And although you couldn't see it now her lower half took some abuse. Her equally perky and tight ass had developed a jiggle and was noticeably wider and rounder. Her skinny thighs had grown a little thicker. She had gone from her 105 pound frame to a barely noticeable 113 pounds in one night. Ana answered the door this time and wrapped her up in a hug. "Hey Ana," Riley said as her feet were lifted off of the ground. "Mala picked out a movie for you to watch over dinner," said Ana. Strangely Riley was happy to hear the word 'dinner' she was starved. At that moment her tummy growled loudly. Ana looked down and patted it and frowned, "Skinny girl, go in there and grab some pizza." PIZZA! Riley thought. Not another binge. This was a relief. She waved to Ana and walked to the modest living room. Mala laid on the ground eating from a huge bowl of cheese puffs and another of Oreos simultaneously. She was just a little rounder Riley observed. She looked and got up and hugged her friend and kissed her cheek. "Hello Riley!" she said enthusiastically. "Hello Mala," Riley responded with imitated enthusiasm. "Come on, the movie is 'The Hangover' I haven't seen it yet and heard it was hilarious," said Mala. "Ha-ha, that's okay all my friends saw it and said it was hilarious," Riley responded. "Come on lay down," Mala said gesturing. Riley complied. "Here's a pizza, it's your favorite Meat Lover's," Mala said rubbing her stomach in a gesture handing Riley the whole pizza. "Okay," Riley said giggling, accepting the pizza. At least it wasn't as big as last night's meal. She took a slice as Mala got the movie ready and snapped in. Mala ate a deep-dish pizza with lots of vegetables. Fifteen minutes into the movie Riley hadn't even realized she had eaten half the pizza, and she was still hungry. She continued to eat and afterwards the whole pizza hadn't satisfied her. She began to nibble at the cheese puffs getting orange dust all over her hands and face, until that bowl was emptied toe. Then Mala handed her another pizza. Riley doubted she would finish this pepperoni pizza but ate away anyways. Less than ten minutes later the pizza was gone and Riley was shocked. She got off her belly and looked at her tummy. It was pretty full, but she just didn't feel it. She shrugged what could one night really do to her figure (not remembering the previous night's effects on her girlish figure. She then ate the Oreos and split the last pizza with Mala, a split where she stole seven of ten pieces. She finally felt a little satisfied as Ana walked into the room, "Dinner's ready!" she said in a singsong Romanian accented voice. Riley looked at Mala quizzically. "You didn't think pizza was dinner did you silly," Mala giggled. Realization dawned on Riley, but she went with the lie anyways, "Of course not." Mala paused the movie and they went into the kitchen Riley in a panic. Ana had already laid out five dishes. One for her and two for each of the girls. One plate had a steak and mashed potatoes coated in gravy, with corn, two home-grilled hamburgers, and a bowl of chili. The other had spare ribs, fried chicken, a large butter-soaked roll, and cooked vegetables. Riley's stomach hurt just looking at it. She rubbed her belly and thought to herself, "So long figure." There was a knock at the door. Oaklee's eyes fluttered open. Another knock and Oaklee forced her head from her pillow. The third knock and Oaklee sprang out of bed. She slipped some short shorts on and ran down the hallway of her apartment. She overslept again, and today was the day she was supposed to meet her new roommate. Stopping to check herself in the mirror she realized she had slept in her make-up and her hair was more disheveled than usual. She considered fixing it, but a fourth knock on the door made her jump in front of it and then crack it open. She peeked around the corner at her new roommate, and had only talked to the girl on the phone. Her name was what? It was Willow! She remembered thinking it was an odd coincidence, Willow and Oaklee. She swung the door open and threw her hands up. "Hello!" she said in her sing-song voice, "Nice to meet you roomie." The smile she wore and the excitement she had were fortunately covering up her surprise. Oaklee was good at that sort of fake emotion thing. This girl was not what she expected. She didn't sound fat on the phone. Oaklee laughed to herself at her own joke. "Hi," the girl said in a lovely voice. Offering her hand she continued, "I'm Willow Saykao." "Hi," Oaklee said taking the chubby hand. "I'm Oaklee," she said with a cute little curtsy, "Oaklee Petit." As the girls were making their introductions they were sizing each other up. Oaklee's noted that Willow had nice style for a fat girl. The Asian girl was about 5'1" and probably around two hundred pounds. That was Oaklee's estimate. She had her hair dyed auburn, and her face was relatively thin and pretty. Her clothes were snug fitting. Oaklee wondered if that was on purpose, or she was just gaining this weight recently. After all, a lot of girls gained weight in college. Oaklee tried to draw up all she knew on Willow. She was studying architecture and was twenty-two years old, making her a senior. She also liked to dance, but Oaklee thought that sounded improbable. She wasn't sure, but this girl didn't look like the pinnacle of gracefulness. She seemed kind of stiff and business like, but with a slight timid and cutely innocent side to her. Willow's judgment of Oaklee was very generous considering Oaklee's current appearance. She knew she had caught her at a bad a moment, but still who wasn't awake at one in the afternoon? She was obviously a fun-loving girl, and probably extremely fake and bitchy behind your back. In fact Willow knew that Oaklee was negatively judging her right now. What she knew about Oaklee was that she was twenty-one, and was a communications major. She could also deduce from all the sports memorabilia that she was a fan of both the ASU Sun Devils and the Detroit Red Wings. Oaklee herself didn't look like much of an athlete. She was very skinny, a little too skinny Willow thought. The only things to her that had any meat were her breasts and her ass, which Willow had to admit she was jealous of. She hated that the girl was thin as a twig and yet had the most amazing round and perky C-cups, maybe D-cups. Her butt was firm, tight, and round, yet her hips and thighs, were thin, with just the slightest layer of meat to make them attractive. Oaklee stood at about 5'3" and looked to be a hundred pounds or more. Actually, one hundred and fifteen, but Willow wasn't a psychic. Also, Oaklee was beautiful. She had long layered-cut straight hair that went about halfway down her back. It was dyed platinum blonde on the surface, but Willow could see the black or dark-brown hair underneath on the other layers. Her bangs were left a little long and swept to one side giving it the whole "scene kid" feel, but in a good way. Her smile was playful, pearly and more than a tad mischievous. She had a little snakebite piercing with a diamond stud in it, but only on one side. The most beautiful thing about her though were her eyes. They were very large sultry, heavy-lidded eyes with a distinct elongated shape to them. They were a very pure and sharp color of blue, with large irises. It was almost insulting that she chose to wear so much eye make-up. Her face was heart-shaped with a cute thin chin and nose, a wide mouth, and two radiant and slightly round cheeks. These judgments were locked in, in a matter of seconds and then Oaklee began to show Willow around. "You're standing in the living room obviously," she said motioning around, "Feel free to make this space your own, just don't move my Sun Devils or Red Wings, or we'll have to tussle." She narrowed her eyes and shook her fist in mock gesture. Willow giggled and looked around. The living room connected to a balcony with one lawn chair on it and a small table next to it with an empty margarita glass on it. The balcony was hemmed in on two sides by walls, and two sides by a guard rail. The living room itself was rather nice. It had a large L-shaped leather couch and a coffee table in the middle with a large TV on the opposite wall. Attached to it were a Wii and a large collection of DVD's. "The kitchen is here," said Oaklee, "Help yourself to any food, you know, but I usually don't have a bunch of it around." The kitchen was small and cozy and had a bar opening into the living room with three stools. Willow guessed this was where Oaklee ate. Oaklee led her down a hall way with four doors. Opening the first on her left she motioned, "Bathroom," she said simply. She opened the one on the right, "My room." The bathroom was small, but Willow thought it didn't need to be big. Oaklee's room was very red and yellow, and very girly. Opening the next door on the right, Willow's eyes widened. Boxes were everywhere and junk lay all around. "Storage," Oaklee said with a shrug. Opening the last door to a large bedroom, empty of everything, but a large bed, a desk, and a dresser, Oaklee jumped and waved her hands in another dramatic gesture, "Your room! Ta-da!" Willow grinned, "I'll start moving in then!" "Oh, goodie," Oaklee said, "I can help, or I can make us break- er- lunch!" Willow smiled, "You don't have to do that. You know what? Let me handle lunch." "I can do it," Oaklee said dismissively with a wave of her hand. "No really, I love to cook," said Willow, "Let me do it, my treat." "If you say so," Oaklee said sounding unsure. "I do say so," Willow reassured her. "Okay, then let's go get your stuff," Oaklee said. "No you go ahead and get showered," Willow said gently, "I don't have that much stuff." "You sure?" Oaklee asked. "Of course, go!" Willow said politely. Willow moved her few suitcases into the apartment in no time at all. She then started on lunch. Opening the fridge she frowned. Oaklee was right. She didn't have much food at all. If Willow was going to live here she decided she would have to do the grocery shopping. Not seeing anything she could make a decent meal out of. She opened up the drawers to find nothing. Scratching her chin she decided they should go out to eat. "Hey Oaklee," she shouted, "How about we go out to eat?" "Oh, uhhh, sounds good," Oaklee said sounding distracted. "Okay," said Willow, "I'll pay." "Alright!" Oaklee said with a slight grunt at the end sliding her jean skirt up with one pull, "Where are we eating?" "There's a good Mexican restaurant not far from here," said Willow. "You would know, fatty," Oaklee said with a little giggle under her breath. She stepped out of her room. Willow saw her in a stretch jean skirt, dark tights and a v-neck yellow tank top as she put her flip flops on. They walked out the door. On the way to the restaurant Oaklee and Willow talked. Willow was getting the impression Oaklee was a very social creature. Oaklee thought it was funny that Willow was running out of breath just walking four blocks. They arrived at the quaint little restaurant and were seated outside. Oaklee hadn't been out to eat anywhere other than a bar in almost 2 years. She was so excited and let Willow know… about thirty times. Willow laughed at Oaklee's excitement. "What should I get?" asked Oaklee excitedly. "Hmm, well, I'm getting the Super Burrito with a side of chips and bean dip," said Willow, "But get whatever you want." "I've never been here before so I think I'll just play it safe," said Oaklee. Besides, she thought to herself, you're fat so you must know good food. Willow placed her drink order for a Pepsi and Oaklee asked for a Blue Agave Margarita. A short while later they ordered their food. Oaklee left out the appetizer, but still didn't know if she could finish her meal. The super burrito was pretty big. Still it tasted good. Chatting with Willow she learned what kinds of dancing Willow liked and didn't like, her favorite music, her hobbies, and she learned she had a boyfriend, something Oaklee lacked. Oaklee didn't mind though, she was more of a party girl anyway. Finishing her drink and her burrito she noticed Willow was already done with all three of her things. "How about dessert?" Willow asked. "I'm kinda full," Oaklee moaned. "Okay, well you don't mind if I have any do you?" Willow asked scanning the menu. "Actually," Oaklee said sitting up straight, "I think I can handle a little dessert." "That a girl," Willow said giggling, "How about a deep-fried apple chimichanga. We can split it." "Sounds good," said Oaklee grinning. When the large chimichanga was set down in front of them Oaklee ate a little bit, but Willow got the most of it. Oaklee hadn't been so full in a while. She tried to stand up with her food baby, but fell back into her seat and giggled she got up on the second attempt and the girls walked home. Oaklee was a little uncomfortable with the large amount of food she had eaten, but to Willow this was funny. For her it was relatively small. Reaching the apartment Oaklee allowed Willow to just settle in. She herself went to her room and split her time between reading and listening to music, and getting on Facebook. "Hey, Oaklee you mind if I stock your fridge, I'll waste away if I don't," Willow shouted. "Oh, I can do that," Oaklee said sincerely. Willow knew Oaklee would stock it, but it would be what Oaklee considered stock, which apparently was beer, milk, various fruits vegetables and leftover take out. "No, really, let me do it," said Willow. "Go ahead," said Oaklee, "It's your apartment too now, we just split costs." "Okay," Willow said. With that she went to the grocery store two blocks away. The haul she brought back surprised Oaklee. As weeks rolled by the two girls got used to each other. Oaklee was often out at night partying and Willow loved to go see art shows. Sometimes Oaklee went with her, but it was obvious that it wasn't her thing so she just respectfully bowed out most of the time. Willow cooked most of the time, except on Wednesdays and Thursdays when she had classes that got in the way of Breakfast and Lunch. She and Oaklee managed to bond over meal time. Oaklee wasn't oblivious that she was gaining weight from all of Willow's food. She was eating probably three times what she would normally, but healthy exercise routines kept the weight at bay. Still, Oaklee wasn't real big on exercise so she had gained weight. Most of her friends guessed her to be five pounds heavier. Willow who occasionally saw her in her bra and underwear thought she might have gained ten pounds. Oaklee was up to one hundred and twenty three, but not very many noticeable effects were shown so she didn't panic yet. Besides panic, just wasn't in Oaklee's genetic writing. The girls both had surprises for each other. For instance Willow surprised the hell out of Oaklee when Oaklee discovered she did yoga at least three times a week. The girl was limber. Here Oaklee had been thinking of her just as the fat chick. She also surprised her with her catch of a boyfriend, his name was Jake. Oaklee wasn't going to lie to herself or Willow. He wasn't the most attractive guy, but he was at least a seven, maybe even a seven and a half, and he was nice. He always talked to Oaklee when he came over and was pretty funny. Willow on the other hand who assumed Oaklee to be a bubble-headed party girl, was surprised to find that she was quite good at math on night. Struggling with her calculus assignment she forgot to make dinner. Oaklee sat down with her and helped her while they ordered a pizza. She was also surprised to find out that Oaklee had quite an appreciation for classical violin and was a bit of a philanthropist. One day about three weeks after Willow moved in she realized that she and Oaklee weren't connecting as fast as they could if they hadn't judged each other so fierce at first. Looking at several movie titles Oaklee had Willow saw that Oaklee liked drama movies. Seven Pounds, Pursuit of Happyness, and Crash were all up there. "Hey Oak," she called. "Yeah," she said walking out of her bedroom in just a tight tank top and some pajama pants. Willow couldn't tell, but Oaklee's tummy seemed soft. Not any bigger, just soft. "Have you seen The Soloist?" asked Willow. "No I wanted to, but I never got around to it," said Oaklee. "How about we rent it? Just have a girl's night. Some pizzas, some ice cream," said Willow, "I'll invite a friend of mine." Oaklee's eyes lit up, "That sound really fun! I don't have anything to do tonight anyways and I love meeting new people." "Okay," Willow said, "I'll get the movie and the ice cream. You get the pizzas." They split up and were ready in just twenty minutes. Willow's friend Kennedy showed up. Kennedy was about 5'7" and two hundred and fifty pounds and she was extremely sweet, almost to the point of just being ridiculously cute nice. Oaklee brought in three pizzas. She set them on the coffee table and fell back into the couch. Leaning forward and grabbing a piece Willow watched her tummy scrunch up. Willow and Kennedy were now in their pajamas too as the movie started. By the time the movie ended Willow observed Oaklee eat a whole pizza to herself. She rolled her tank top up showing her swelling belly. The other girls put most of the other two pizzas away, but Oaklee got two pieces from those too. The girls turned on some music. "This is so high school," Oaklee mused between bites of ice cream, "I don't see why I can't have sleep-overs anymore." The other girls laughed and Oaklee joined in. Oaklee ate a whole gallon of moose tracks ice cream by herself. Willow was impressed, Oaklee's appetite must be growing with the exercise or something. After a while Kennedy left and the girls went to bed, but Oaklee stopped Willow, "Thanks for doing that Willow," she said genuinely with a small smile, "I don't have a lot of real friends." Willow was taken aback, "You're welcome she said smiling back. Oaklee looked like she was going to say something else, but then just smiled and nodded going off to bed. As Oaklee walked into her room a small grin slowly cut its way into Willow's face. Willow had moved in with Oaklee late September for the school year, and in early November they were finally starting to connect. Oaklee split time equally between Willow and her party friends now. Willow noticed her continuing to gain weight. It was still going pretty slow and Willow tried to cut back on her portions for her, but she always ended up just getting second and eating more. "Willow, you're food is…" Oaklee stopped looking for the right adjective, then said in a airy voice, "Divine." Willow giggled embarrassed, "They're just pancakes, Oak." "Best pancakes I've ever had," Oaklee said casually putting four more on her plate. "Hey, Oaklee, wanna go to the beach today?" Willow asked. "Sure thing, Willow," then she stopped eating, and thought, "Today is Saturday right?" "Right," Willow said and giggled. "Of course," said Oaklee, "Who else is coming." "Well, it was going to just be Kennedy, Jake, Emily, and myself, but Kennedy and Jake love you. I'm sure they won't mind you coming," said Willow. "Okay, glad to hear it," said Oaklee giggling. "We're leaving at ten thirty then," Willow said. Oaklee looked at the clock seeing it was ten after ten, she stuffed the rest of her pancakes in her mouth and ran to her room to get changed into her bathing suit and she came out with a bag packed to go just in time. "Come on Oak," urged Willow. "Yeah, come on Oak," Jake repeated. "Coming, coming!" Oaklee said as she came out in her bathing suit. Jake being a good boyfriend didn't pay Oaklee a second thought and just turned around to head out. Willow's eyes lingered for a minute. Oaklee was a few pounds heavier now. Her tummy didn't stick out, but it wasn't flat. It was soft and ever so subtly her bikini bottom pinched the smallest amount of flesh around that it hadn't before. Her thighs seemed a little thicker too, and her bikini top seemed kind of snug. Maybe it was always like that, since she hadn't seen Oaklee in a bikini before. The three hopped in Jake's jeep and picked up Emily and Kennedy, with Oaklee stuffed in between them. It was a three and half hour drive from Tempe Arizona to Lake Havasu. Oaklee had fun with it, and Emily quickly warmed up to her. When they arrived there was a boat waiting for them and a few friends of Jake's. It was Jake's father's boat, since Jake was originally from Lake Havasu City. Loading up the pontoon boat with the three coolers Oaklee and Willow were introduced to Jake's friends. First there was a chubby guy named Nick, and his equally chubby girlfriend Amanda, then there was Amanda's skinny friend Lindsay and another girl named Yoko. Then there were three guys, all fairly fat, Tony, Bob, and Louis. Setting out on the lake in the pontoon everyone sat down. Oaklee was very personable so she adapted well. Willow was good at talking to people too, but not quite as good as Oaklee. Oaklee took a seat and Tony and Bob sat on either side, squeezing her between their fat bodies. She was after all a guy magnet. One of the guys handed her a meat ball sub from the coolers when she asked. Everyone was hungry after the long drive, but Oaklee was the first to dig into the food supplies. She downed the twelve inch sub and drank a liter of Pepsi. The guys kept cans of Pepsi heading her way for the next hour or so. After everyone ate everyone began swimming, tanning, or on the right side of the boat Louis and Jake started fishing. Tony and Bob eager to be near Oaklee joined her in diving off the second story of the double-layered pontoon. After two hours of just swimming around slowly drifting near the shore people started getting hungry again. Most vocal about this was Oaklee. Sitting back between the now exhausted Tony and Bob she began to munch on another twelve inch meatball sub, now long cold. As six o'clock rolled around another group of guys in their own pontoon saw the girls in the water. Hollering at Oaklee, Lindsay and Yoko they pulled up next to Jake's boat. The guys were all slightly chubby and had a lot of music playing from their boat. Flexing and holding up beer they tried to wave the girls over. Oaklee looked at Willow who shrugged as Jake cracked open their own supply of alcohol. Oaklee jumped over to the other boat and started to fall back as to chubby guys grabbed her and dragged her back on. Getting high fives she sat on the boat. "Hey, Willow," Oaklee said across the small bit of water that separated the two boats. "Yeah, Oak?" asked Willow. "Take my picture," she said. Willow grabbed Oaklee's camera and took her picture, her arms around the waists of two guys with two more around them and a fifth kneeling in front of her trying to look thoughtful. Willow looked at the picture and grinned shaking her head. "Is it good," Oaklee asked. Willow shot her the thumbs up before turning around and being hugged around the waist by Jake. Today was going pretty good. Oaklee was handed a beer. She drank it and leaned back rubbing her belly, "That is good beer." "How much can you take?" one of the guys asked holding up a beer bong. Oaklee just grinned, "Before I do that I need something more in my tummy." One of the guys handed her a McDonald's bag. "Guys you read my mind," she said with a grin. She began snacking on the double quarter pounder and the fries inside. Finishing her meal with a burp she patted her belly. "Okay, beer me," she got down on her knees and slid the beer bong in her mouth. The guys all hooted as they dumped the beers into the bong and they filled up the sexy little girl in front of them. Jake and Willow were already pretty drunk, when Willow shouted "Go Oak!" Oaklee took three beers and spit the bong out, "Okay-*URP*- I'm a lightweight." The guys all laughed. "Need some more food?" asked one guy. "Sure, not sure I can finish it, but I'll take some," she said. The guys gave her a Bacon Cheeseburger, which she ate half of, before setting it back in the bag. "Okay, full," she groaned closing her eyes and patting her tummy. "Just have one more beer," a guy said. "Give me a minute," she said taking the bottle out of his hand. She sat there for a few minutes talking to the guys before she started sipping the beer. Once the beer was gone it was about eight o'clock. She exchanged phone numbers with the guys and jumped ship again. She almost missed Jake's boat, but Tony and Bob caught her easily lifting her. Everyone talked the whole way back to dock. Oaklee had had five beers, but had spaced them out easily, and she wasn't as much of a lightweight as she said. She just didn't like beer that well. When they got to the dock Jake and the girls departed, and headed back for Tempe. Two weeks from the trip to the beach Willow started to notice Oaklee's clothes getting tighter and tighter. Oaklee was about one thirty, the scale that morning said one hundred and thirty six pounds. Oaklee was always seen snacking on some of the food Willow had laying around. She had a box of doughnuts on the coffee table most of the time and Oaklee might eat seven or eight a day. "God," Oaklee said, mouthful of Twinkie, "I'm getting so fat, she said poking the slight tummy that stuck up under her rolled up tank top." "Oh no you aren't," said Willow sitting down next to her on the couch, "I've barely noticed." "Thanks," said Oaklee, "but I know I've gained weight. Almost twenty pounds!" She stuffed the rest of the Twinkie in her mouth, "I'll just get back to my exercise routine soon." "Oh, well honestly, I haven't noticed," Willow lied. "Whatever," Oaklee said poking Willow's doughy side, "Liar." "I am not a liar," Willow said to Oaklee's back. She examined Oaklee's booty. It was bigger, less firm, a little bouncier than before. Her thighs and hips were similarly wider. Every step caused a little jiggle in her upper legs and butt and her belly was about to turn into a muffin top if she didn't get new clothes. "Okay," Oaklee said, "but it doesn't matter, I'm hitting the gym." "Well, I'll come with you," Willow said, "Keep you going, unlike before." "Would you?" Oaklee said as she cracked a Pepsi open she had just retrieved. "Of course," Willow said examining Oaklee's front. Her belly was starting to press out slightly curving gently outwards. Her boobs looked less round and more saggy, not yet saggy, but just less perky. They were still stuffed tightly inside her tank top just two round orbs of fat. Her arms were thickened around the top from their original twiggy proportions. They jiggled the slightest amount when she made her dramatic gestures now. Her jawline seemed softer, her face had no detectable change, but her neck definitely had a little pinch of fat added to it. Willow also wasn't the only one who noticed. Jake had commented on it now too and so had Kennedy. She imagined it was only a matter of time before Oaklee's friends noticed, and they probably wouldn't spare her feelings. Their workout routine began the next day. Willow had trouble keeping up with Oaklee's seemingly endless energy. She sweat and huffed and puffed. Oaklee got a little red in the face, but was okay for the most part. After they finished Willow was a mess. "Oh, that was something," Willow said as they left the gym, "That was hard." "Yeah, it was kinda nice," Oaklee said, "I'll tell you what you head home, and I'll run over and get us some food." "Sounds good," Willow said exhausted. She hailed a cab and rode the ten blocks to their apartment. She climbed into their room and got in the shower. She must've taken twenty-five minutes. She got out, dressed and walked to the kitchen where Oaklee sat with two huge bags of McDonald's in front of her. She drank from a supersized drink and snacked on her supersized double quarter pounder meal. Leaning back she burped loudly before noticing Willow, "Excuse me, your's is in the other bag." "Oaklee, aren't you trying to… lose weight," Willow said cautiously. "Oh this," Oaklee said, "This won't make me gain, I worked the calories out in my head." "Alright," Willow said suspiciously. Something in Oaklee's tone told Willow she did no such thing, but she sat down and ate anyways. Maybe this might keep Oaklee's weight constant. She sat down and enjoyed half of her meal, saving the rest for later. Their workout routine continued right up through the first week in December, but then finals took their focus away, well except for Thanksgiving which Oaklee broke down and binged for. The workout slowed Oaklee's gain down, but she didn't change her eating habits and therefore was still gaining little bits of weight. Willow did lose a little weight from the workouts, probably only ten pounds or so. She had bumped up to one forty one as of December tenth, the last day before finals week. She complained about her weight a lot to Willow, who was at least fake empathetic. The girls barely saw each other at all finals week, but Willow always got knocks on the door for pizza which Oaklee took to her room to devour. Finally, when it was over Willow saw Oaklee, who was at least a little heavier. Oaklee had bumped up to one forty seven. Her clothes were comically tight, and she couldn't wear any of her jeans. She walked around in pajama pants or sweats, which sometimes her growing butt managed to slip out of revealing her cute, but ridiculously tight panties. When she left she wore short shorts, sweats, or if she was going out tights and a stretch miniskirt. Her tops all showed at least part of her belly, so she was constantly having to pull them down around it or over it, but at home she was getting lazy. Finals ended December 17th and Willow was leaving the 20th, but knew she couldn't leave Oaklee without any clothing that fit. On the morning of the 18th she held up two gift certificates, "Oaklee, look what my family got me," she said coming around the corner to see Oaklee eating cereal in a tank top and short shorts. Her elbow rested on the counter and the chubby upper arm drooped a little more. Her face was starting to show signs of a double chin and her dimples deepened when she smiled at Willow. Sliding on her butt, which was approaching the sides of bench and was very close to the edge she faced Willow. "What is it, lover?" she joked. Willow could see the rest of her front now. It wasn't just her sagging, chubby butt approaching the edge of the seat. Her hips were widening out too now, and her thighs plumped up and met each other in the upper inner thigh. She had a bit of a FUPA, that sloped into a potbelly. In her tight clothes this potbelly turned into a muffin top. Her belly in front hung down a little more than her love handles and back rolls. It jiggled a little when she walked. Her boobs were getting a little larger. They squeezed out the sides of the top of her tank top and the tan line was clearly visible, because they had outgrown the bra too. They pressed out the top and the sides of her too small shirt, looking less and less perky with each pound. Right now they had lost a little roundness, and while they could still be considered hot, if Oak gained much more weight, that may change. "Two five hundred dollar gift certificates to the mall," said Willow. "You did not spend five hundred dollars on me," Oaklee said a little miffed. "No, of course not," Willow lied, "My family sent them as an early Christmas present, and I was just thinking, you know, since you are one of my best friends you could help me spend one." "Oh, yeah I suppose I could," said Oaklee chuckling, "but are you sure? That is a lot of money." "I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure," said Willow, "A shopping spree is no fun on its own. Now let's leave A S A P!" She clapped her hands for effect. She slid off the bench and hit the ground causing her little gut to jiggle furiously. Strangely the belly piercing she had seemed to stay in place. "Let me just get ready," said Oaklee as she walked away. Her shorts were hiked up to keep them from falling revealing a little bit of the bottom of each butt cheek and the start of cellulite on the back of her thighs. Oaklee showered as Willow ate and cleaned up her and Oaklee's breakfast. Willow walked by Oaklee's room to get her purse and heard Oaklee's struggle as she attempted to pull on a pair of pink denim capris. Oaklee jumped up and down, grunting in frustration, trying to slide the pants on over her big butt, causing her whole body to jump with her. Finally, after an almost two minute struggle she got them on. Sucking her belly in she cupped the fat with her left hand and tried to simultaneously suck in and button the capris with one hand. On the third attempt she got it, and zipped it up and looked at herself in the mirror. She stopped sucking out causing her belly and love handles to fall all around it. Slapping her belly several times experimentally she watched the ripples travel through it. Sliding a belt around it Oaklee seemed contented. Oaklee slid a v-neck t-shirt that had turned into a low-cut, belly shirt on her too big body. Out the door they went, Oaklee stuffed like a sausage into her clothes. Oaklee drank a bottle of Pepsi she brought with her and at the mall they began shopping for clothes. It was around ten o'clock, but around eleven Oaklee grabbed a large cup of dip n' dots to eat. She got most of the same pants and things she had now, just a few sizes larger. A lot of miniskirts, tights, and mini dresses. She also grabbed some new jeans, and shorts. Her tops were a bit more modest. Blouses, thin sweaters, maybe the occasional tank top and one belly shirt, but Oaklee knew her limits. Getting a lot of looks, Oaklee was still pretty cute, she just had a little extra baggage now. Around noon Oaklee plopped her big ass down on a bench and her tummy rumbled. "Let's go to the food court," Oaklee moaned rubbing her tummy and sticking her finger in her belly button unconsciously for a quick moment. "Sure thing Oak," said Willow. Willow got her food at a Chinese food place. Oaklee got hers from Wendy's. Coming back with a triple baconator, a cup of chili, and potato with sour cream and chives, a ¾ triple with cheese, a large Coke, and a large Oreo frosty, Willow thought she got food for her too. She dreaded as she knew Oaklee had done no such thing. Oaklee kicked back and with a burger in each hand she alternated bites. Eating the burgers her tummy was already starting to swell, but she drank the pepsi and ate the rest of her food, looking a little like she was just beginning to show from her pregnancy. Taking her Frosty through the mall she drained it as she rubbed her swollen abdomen, getting the wrong kind of looks now. They shopped for another two hours and then left. On their way home Oaklee got a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. She ate ten of them by herself. Willow had one and a half, and Oaklee quickly cleaned up the half and it wasn't even dinner time yet. "So," Willow said, "Are you planning on starting exercising again?" "Yeah, when I get home, I have a membership to a little gym," said Oaklee. Willow hoped she could stick to it. When Willow and Jake went to Baker's Peak, Idaho, and Oaklee went to the southern side of Arizona, Oaklee was one hundred and fifty two pounds. Oaklee left three days after Willow so she got to her parent's house on the twenty third. Oaklee arrived at her parent's house before five the first day. Her younger sister greeted her at the door with, "Damn, girl what happened?" "Oh, hi sis, nice to see you too," Oaklee joked. Taylor didn't pay attention to her though and just poked her belly hidden under her shirt. Taylor was pudgy and had always been jealous of her older sister, but now Oaklee was almost as big as her. Taylor was 5'4" and 165 pounds. She decided that when Oaklee left in a month she would be bigger than her. Her mom rounded the corner, "Baby girl- Aaaah!" Her mom pointed in horror at Oaklee's beer belly. Oaklee was getting a little self conscious now. "Let's have dinner," her mother sad with an empty voice. Dinner was quiet at the Petit household. Her mother watched in amazement as Oaklee scarfed down her large meal. Finally, her mother dropped her fork as Oaklee went back for seconds, "Oaklee!" "What?" Oaklee said her mouth full of food. "I could handle the piercings, the tattoos, and the ridiculous hair, but this," she said motioning to her belly, "You've gotten fat?" While she was talking Oaklee was loading her plate with food, "Don't worry mom, I'm gonna lose the weight, I've been working out, I've actually lost twenty pounds already," she lied. "Really?" her mother and sister said in unison. "Oh, yeah," Oaklee waved it off, "I'm gonna be thin old Oak in no time." "Well, okay," her mother said unsure. Her father sat quietly looking at his food and not his two fat daughters. "Over my dead body," said Taylor under her breath as she chewed on a salad. The next day Oaklee got up to go to the gym, but Taylor stopped her. "Hey, sis I think we should catch up." "Later, Tay, I have to go shed this weight," said Oaklee. Taylor moved in front of her, "Come on, you can do that anytime. Let's just go to Big Boys for breakfast… Please?" Oaklee check the time on her phone, "Okay fine, but just for now." Hopping in Taylor's car they drove to Big Boy's. Taylor ordered French Toast, Scrambled eggs, and a hash brown and Oaklee ordered the blue berry pancakes. As the girls talked about nothing in particular, Taylor groaned and clutched her stomach. "I'm so full," she moaned. "Are you okay," asked Oaklee concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine, just ate too much," said Taylor, an expert actor. "Oh, well don't eat anymore," Oaklee said looking at the half eaten hash brown. "Hey, I'd feel really bad about wasting this," Taylor moaned, "Can you finish it, Oak?" "Well," Oak said patting her belly with her already eaten pancakes, "I'm not quite full yet." "Thanks, sis," Taylor moaned pushing her food over to Oaklee. Oaklee nibbled on the eggs as she talked about college with Taylor. "Can we get a to-go box?" Oaklee asked rubbing her tummy. "Sure ma'am," said the waitress, "Just a minute." "Wow, these are big portions," said Oaklee as she ate the last of the hash brown, "I don't know how you planned on eating all of this." I didn't Taylor thought. The waitress came back with a box and the check. Taylor grabbed a few bills and handed to them to Oaklee. "I'll pay, but can you take the check up? Please," Taylor said with her most honest smile. "Sure thing," Oaklee said sliding out of her seat. She walked to the front counter and Taylor watched her go. She quickly snatched Oaklee's purse. Stealthily rummaging through it, she took the $200 gym membership with a photo ID and slid it into her back pocket. Before she set the purse back down she snatched a twenty dollar bill too. Oaklee came back, "Alright, ready to roll?" "You know it," Taylor said getting up. Oaklee leaned over the table her belly pressing up against the edge and snatched her purse. Walking out of the restaurant together Taylor was a few steps behind, grinned at Oaklee's bouncing, bloated ass. Oaklee ate the French toast on the way back to the house. "Okay," said Oaklee, "I've got some belly to lose." She took a long drink out of the Pepsi she was keeping in the car. "Alright," said Taylor giggling, "Good luck." "I'll need it," Oaklee said. Taylor watched Oaklee drive away and went in the house. Taking the plastic key out of the treadmill required to start it, she stuffed it in her pocket and hid both that, and Oaklee's gym membership in her room. There was other exercise equipment in the house. A lot of it was weights though. There were a few medicine balls, aerobics balls, bands, and a stationary bike, but Taylor doubted Oaklee had the dedication to lose weight just using those things. Well, that and the pool. Taylor supposed she couldn't cut Oaklee off from exercise, but she could at least sabotage her. Oaklee came back twenty minutes later confused, but decided to just go on a run. She came back from that twenty minutes later walking and sweating up a storm. Oaklee jumped in the shower. Taylor went out for lunch at Wendy's around noon and brought it back to Oaklee. Oaklee thanked her as they sat in front of the TV. "You gonna eat that?" Oaklee asked lazily after she had scarfed down her triple baconator and fries. "All yours," said Taylor tossing her sandwich to her as she ate her salad. Grinning as Oaklee's eyes lit up on the sandwich. "Goodie, goodie," said Oaklee, followed by a belch. She ate the sandwich and then Taylor tossed her a third she had bought. Oaklee didn't even question as she bit into it. "Good lord, Oaklee," her mother said, "Do you want to be a cow?" "I went on a run," Oaklee attempted, but her mouth was full of food and it was muffled. Her mother frustrated just threw her hands up and walked out. Oaklee giggled at her reaction. Finishing her sandwich she leaned back and belched. She felt something hit her in the belly. Looking around, she found another sandwich. Eyes lighting up and reaching forward for it she struggled to grab it off the coffee table, but laid her hands on it and began to nibble contentedly. Taylor smiled smugly while she walked away. Dinner was a disaster the next night. Both pairs of grandparents and about thirty incredibly bitchy cousins, aunts, and uncles showed up to it. Of course everyone made sure to comment on Oaklee's weight. Oaklee's mother had to take her shopping to get a new cocktail dress. She tried to make it flattering, but all it did was hug her butt and belly more and make her fat boobs pudge out the top. Zipping it up was a nightmare and Oaklee was forced to wear it from noon until six when family actually started showing up to the Petit family mansion. Her mother also put a belt around the middle meant as a fashion accessory, but all it did was comically squeeze Oaklee's waist causing the fat to push out over and under it. Oaklee sat at the table with her favorite grandparents, her father's parents. They were less materialistic and more friendly than most of the family. Of course they were still rich, so a dozen other cousins gathered around waiting for small rewards. Taylor made sure to keep Oaklee well supplied with food all night and the day previous when their mother wasn't working. "Thanks Taylor," Oaklee said absent-mindedly over her shoulder as her grandfather told her for the hundredth time in her life about his college days in New York and Oxford. She never got tired of hearing his stories though, so her mind was as engorged as her tummy was when she started on her fourth plate stacked with food. She eventually had to go help her mother in the kitchen. Sipping a glass of champagne while walking in with her plate empty her mother threw her hands at her side. "Oh for god sake's Oaklee!" she said flustered, "Stop this binge eating." Oaklee ignored her, "Need something?" "Yes, help me carry this cake out there," said her mother. "Oh, cake!" Oaklee said, mostly for her mother's benefit. "Not for you!" her mother snapped. They hauled the large chocolate cake out to the table and Oaklee's seat had been taken, but her grandpa pulled up another chair next to him and patted on the seat. She sat as they family joined hands and prayed, although Oaklee and her family weren't particularly religious. Her mother and aunt began to cut the cake. They passed pieces down to the grandparents first, and then to everyone else. Still half of the huge cake left. Oaklee didn't get a piece. She figured this must be an oversight and reached up to get one herself. Her mother firmly grabbed her wrist and forced it away. Oaklee sat back down very embarrassed. She felt a plate nudge against her thickening arm. Her grandfather gave her his second piece. "Thank you," she mouthed. Her grandfather waved it off and rolled his eyes at her mother's back. Oaklee began to chew on and as she finished the large piece of cake she got up and took it to the kitchen. Something else nudged her in the arm as she was turned around. She might've eaten too much this time. Looking back she saw Taylor and her equally chubby cousin Alison. Taylor held two pieces of cake and bent down in her ear. "Hey I saw mom didn't give you one so you can have mine, and Alison is on a diet so she can't eat hers. We were gonna give that one to you too," said Taylor. "Actually, gran-" Oaklee began. "Thanks sis," Taylor said setting the two large pieces down on the counter. She and Alison jogged back to the party. Oaklee sighed and carried the cake out to the party. Maybe someone would want them. But just as she exited the kitchen she heard her mother say to her other grandparents, "Where is Oaklee? That girl better not have cake!" "She is becoming quite the little piggy," said her other grandmother. Oaklee considered walking over with the cake just to spite her, but then when her mother slammed her fist against the counter top Oaklee thought she might mean business. "I will send her right back to that damn apartment, she was supposed to be the skinny one!" Oaklee decided it might be time to make the cake disappear. Quickly, she hurried back to the kitchen and considered just throwing the cake away. No it was way too good and her mother would know it was her. She was after all one of the only ones in the kitchen so far. Instead she slid out the back door and quickly walked to the pool house. Sitting in there she began to gorge herself on the chocolaty goodness as her tummy swelled painfully. She watched from a window and giggled as her mother searched all the rooms in the house for her. Finishing the first plate, Oaklee licked her fingers clean and began to devour the second. She saw her mother calm down. Keeping a cautious eye out, but conversing with people generally. Oaklee smiled and looked at the starry Arizona night through the window at the top of the roof. The pool house was octagonal. She finished her cake and scraped crumbs into her mouth. She just watched the stars for about ten minutes until she decided it was time to rejoin the party. She rolled from side to side on the inclined chair and bent forward to get up and snap! Her belt came off and her belly wiggled free. Her mom was gonna kill her. She quickly threw the paper plates out and the belt. Walking back to the party she just tried to play it cool. Her swollen potbelly certainly didn't make that any easier. She felt a hand around her pudgy wrist, "Where have you been young lady?" "Around," Oaklee shrugged. "Well, people are starting to- Where's your belt?" her mother asked. Oaklee rubbed her belly with mock regret, "Didn't fit right. It was a little tight." "Well, people are starting to leave," said her mother, "Go say goodbye to your Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Bryce, and cousins." "Oh, but Aunt Cheryl's such a bi-" Mrs. Petit silenced Oaklee with a glare. "Fiiiiiine, I'll go say goodbye to Aunt Cheryl," Oaklee resigned. She walked over to her aunt with her hands spread in the gesture of a hug, "Aunt Cheryl! Leaving so soon?" Aunt Cheryl was a pretty fat woman. Certainly heavier than Oaklee, but the way she eyed Oaklee's body, you'd think she was a star athlete. "Yes, Oaklee. It was nice to see you." "Well, there's always next year," said Oaklee. "Yes, I'm… looking forward to it," Cheryl said with apprehension, "It'll be… interesting." "Well, goodbye," Oaklee said with barely contained- whatever emotion means stop-acting-like-someone-from-the-nineteenth-century-you-don't-even-have-a-college-education, probably equal parts, rage, disgust, and a will to utterly destroy Aunt Cheryl. Soon three more sets of aunts and uncles left, and all that was left was her family, her grandparents, and one more uncle with his kids. Saying goodbye to her Uncle Thomas, he handed her a Christmas gift. "You didn't have to do that," Oaklee said taking the present. "Oh, shut up," Thomas laughed, "I was a poor college kid at one point too." Oaklee opened it up and saw a small jewelry box and some clothes. Taking the jewelry box out, she opened it up and found a beautiful necklace, "Oh it's gorgeous!" "Don't mention it kiddo," said Thomas as his three young kids got their shoes, "There's something else in that box." Oaklee pulled out two Sun Devil's basketball tickets, "Thank you, Uncle Tom!" "Bring a nice boy to the game, or something," said Thomas laughing, "Er- don't tell your father I said that." "Will do," said Oaklee removing the clothes. Some Sun Devils sweats, those would fit. Some Sun Devils short shorts not so much, and tank top, probably not. "Hey, Uncle Tom," Oaklee giggled nervously, "I might need the receipts to some of these clothes." Uncle Tom just reached into his wallet and handed her fifty dollars, "There's your receipt kiddo, see ya round." With that Uncle Tom left, followed by her favorite grandparents. "We'll be back tomorrow Oaklee," said her grandmother, "You can get a gift from us then." "Bye! I love you guys!" Oaklee said hugging them both. Her other grandparents left, but just looked on Oaklee with disgust eyeing her belly. "She was so thin," she heard her grandmother say outside. "Okay, that's over," Oaklee said, "I'm going to get into something that fits me." I'm going to make sure that not a whole lot of things do fit you, Taylor thought going to the kitchen and grabbing two plates of leftover cake. Going upstairs she saw knocked on Oaklee's door, "Come in!" She walked in to see Oaklee in an old t-shirt and some short shorts. The t-shirt was rolled up exposing her belly as Oaklee rubbed it. She chewed on a candy bar and stuffed the last of it in her mouth. "Cake!" she yipped. Taylor just smiled and set Oaklee's piece on the bed. It had only been about two hours since her last stuffing. "That was awkward," said Taylor. Oaklee agreed through a mouthful of cake. "Everyone says you have gained so much weight, but most of the cousins and I agreed you are just leaving that 'too skinny' phase," said Taylor. "Really-*ARP*-you don't think I'm a little chubby?" asked Oaklee. "No way sis, you just got some lady curves to you," said Taylor, "Patricia couldn't stop saying how jealous she was." "Huh," Oaklee sighed, not quite thinking clearly due to her stuffed belly and sleepy head, "Well, I guess I-*URRRP*-I guess I don't have to lose a lot of weight, I just need to-*ARP*-maintain it." "You know what?" said Taylor, "You could probably gain like five more pounds. Maybe even ten or fifteen. It's all going to your better assets anyway." "I guess so," said Oaklee giggling and pushing her chest out while looking in the mirror, agreeing, despite the most change being in her belly, "But my clothes are tight enough." "It's your choice, but I think you could pull it off," said Taylor, "Night sis!" She left her piece of cake with just a bite in it. After Oaklee finished hers she considered taking the other piece back down stairs, but as she picked it up she shrugged and fell back into a butterfly chair as she ate it. She took the plates downstairs and grabbed a half drank gallon of chocolate milk and a liter of Coke, along with two boxes of Ho-Ho's, four packs of Snow Balls, a bag of chocolate covered Marshmallows, A half-empty box of ice cream sandwiches, and bag of small candy bars. Retreating to her room she drank and ate herself to sleep with chocolate encrusting her lips and fingers. The next morning she awoke. It was Christmas day. She slid some pajamas on, because the short shorts were cutting in and giving her a little muffin top again. Of course her belly hung over the pajamas too. She pulled a tank top on that felt a little tighter than it did a few days ago. Going down she saw most of her family. "Hi everybody," she greeted them. Her sister and a few of her younger cousins opened presents around the Christmas tree. Oaklee got a few presents. Mostly clothes that wouldn't fit or some music. Her grandparents surprised her and got her clothes that would fit, albeit tightly. They must've done it last night after seeing her. After that everyone had Christmas breakfast. Oaklee gorged on the ham that was put before her. There were twenty people at the table, but Oaklee had at least a fifth of all the food eaten. After that people began to leave, until they went to her mom's parent's house for lunch. Oaklee watched excitedly as everyone was handed meatloaf, but frowned as she was given a salad. Her sister traded her plates with a wink and Oaklee mistook it for kindness. No one removed that plate from Oaklee strangely, but Oaklee didn't care as long as she got to eat. Her mother was a little miffed at the trade though. After that, Oaklee and Taylor went home taking Taylor's car and leaving their parents and Oaklee headed down to the basement TV to work out. After less than ten minutes Taylor came in with a box of a baker 's dozen donuts. Oaklee just smiled her face red and her body sweaty and went and sat on the large couch next to Taylor. "You read my mind," said Oaklee, "This is tough!" She insisted she was only taking a break, but after she ate ten donuts she decided that the workout was done for today. This pattern continued for four more days until Oaklee left for New York City with Taylor in tow. Oaklee had gone to New York for New Year's for four years now, with some friends. This year it was just her, Taylor, and her cousin Kyla, who Taylor had filled in on the plan. The girls made sure Oaklee was never far from food. The night they got there in snowy New York Oaklee was forced to stay in the apartment with the girls. They had pizza every night, and Oaklee always one and a half to two pizzas. Her clothes were rapidly tightening on her waistline as her potbelly developed into a gut. The night they went down to see the ball drop Taylor and Kyla could barely contain their laughter. Oaklee wore very tight jeans and had a muffin top sticking out all around them. The funniest part though was it was also sticking out from under her winter coat. Getting back to the apartment Oaklee was stuffed with the food that Kyla and Taylor had passed her all night giggling. They spent a week in New York. Arriving back at her parent's house for her last two and half weeks of break Oaklee's mother opened the door, and screamed again. Oaklee stood in the mirror tears running down her cheeks due to the verbal thrashing her mother had given her. She was standing in her cute lacey panties and bra and was getting chubbier by the day. She had just stood on the scale which had swung up to 170. She had gained eighteen pounds in fourteen days. Her belly had developed into a gut and was gaining a crease where a roll would be forming soon. It hung succumbing slowly to gravity and would soon, within twenty or thirty pounds, completely cover her crotch. It stuck out proudly though and was actually further than her boobs. Rubbing it turned to squeezing it and the flesh flowing up through her fingers. She patted it several times sending ripples through it and the last time she gave it a vicious slap causing it to jiggle uncontrollably. Running her hands through her hair she paced back and forth as she began to cry a little harder. She felt her belly jiggling as she stepped and she felt her thighs rubbing gently together as her butt shook. That night she lay in bed and just thought for a while. She massaged and kneaded her belly reveling in how good the doughy skin felt between her fingers. Finally, she drifted off to sleep. Waking the next morning she had decided she wasn't going to let herself get any fatter. She was hot! Still, she decided the fat she had presently wasn't so bad. She liked the feel of it. She had to get out of this house though. She spent the day with her sister, her cousin Kyla, and her enormously fat friend Tiffany around the pool in her bathing suit. Well, actually she had to wear her sister's bikini. And even that was pretty tight. Her boobs filled up the cups and poured over the top. Her butt had the bikini bottom rolled up so high it looked like a thong. Yet, she ate with reckless abandon. Her sister had gotten them both two double chocolate fudge cakes. And by 'both' she meant Oaklee could have fifteen out of sixteen slices along with the chili cheese two foot long she brought. As Oaklee rubbed her full belly forgetting the promise she made just this morning. As she struggled to sit up to reach for the triple bacon burger her sister offered her the top on the bikini burst off. She caught it under her arms, but looked down and politely denied the burger. "Oh no you don't, if this is your last day you are eating everything I put before your chubby little face," said Taylor a little too forcefully. "Taylor I'm full," Oaklee said tying the suit behind her back. "Fine," Taylor said. Oaklee got up and eyed Taylor suspiciously. Her body jiggled all the way back to the house.