THE STARVING SERVANT “WHERE THE HELL IS MY APPETIZERS??!” I hear her shout from the dining room as I quickly load a dining cart with all of her favorites. Six triple-decker cakes, ten pies, a plate of grilled turkey covered in garnish and gravy, a woven basket full of buttered dinner rolls, a large container of spicy hot wings, twenty five meat lover pizzas, mashed potatoes with butter, and a bucket of fried chicken. I will not get to eat a single crumb of this meal meant for a small army. It is all for her. I push the handle and barely manage to walk at a brisk face while pushing it into the kitchen. It hurts to move as if I was constantly stepping on pins and needles. I’m too weak to do anything anymore…except cooking and feeding my hungry lover. It didn’t always used to be like this. She used to be mildly plump, loving, and affectionate. It is my fault she ended up like this. I spoiled her with any desire she could possibly think of and now she is too greedy and corrupt to think about anyone but herself. “C-coming…H-honey…” I whine, barely able to work up a sweat due to dehydration, as I continue to push the cart. This is the 20th time I’ve had to deliver food to her this morning and I know it won’t be the last. I softly gaze at a picture of us at a Picnic together. This picture was taken about ten years prior. Where does the time go? She is lying on her knees and I’m smiling while kissing her cheek. I miss when she was like this. I miss it so much it hurts.. “YOU BETTER MOVE YOUR ASS! I’M WASTING AWAY HERE YOU STUPID BITCH!” She shouts at me, her voice angry and obnoxious, as I continue to work up the strength just to push a cart 10 feet into another room. It feels like miles…hundreds of miles in the hot sun. I’m doing it all for her, to make her happy, but nothing will satisfy her greedy appetite anymore. Nothing. I could deep-fry my soul and force feed it to her and it wouldn’t even make a dent into her gluttonous abyss of a stomach. I finally make it into the dining room. There is enough food piled around her to feed an entire country…but it’s not enough. Not even a snack. Not even a CRUMB for someone as vile as my lover. She will finish it in an hour….maybe thirty minutes, who knows. “TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. BRING IT OVER, NOOOOW!” She shouts with her booming, husky, loud voice and devours another thick, greasy, stack of ribs with her disgustingly plump twinkie-sized fingers while chowing on it like corn on the cob. My stomach instantly ~Gurgggglechurrrns~ on cue seeing this. When was the last time I had food? I think it was our wedding day. We force fed cake into each other’s mouths, smiling and laughing, but OF COURSE she had to eat the entire wedding cake in front of everyone. “..H-here, Dear…Just like you like it…I hope you enjoy it, pumpki-..” She snarls loudly, showing off her unbrushed and yellowing fangs, as she devours the fried chicken from the bucket, dunking it in gravy, and chowing on it while spraying food out of her mouth as she talked. “SHUT IT, YOU FAT FUCK! I CAN’T TALK TO YOU AND EAT AT THE SAME TIME, CAN I?” I whine softly and sniffle gently. “S-sorry…I’m so sorry…I’ll shut up…” She rolled her nasty, evil, piercing eyes with a lazy sigh. “..Fucking FINALLY! MAYBE IF YOU SPENT LESS TIME OPENING YOUR MOUTH AND MORE TIME FEEDING ME YOU WOULDN’T BE AN OBESE PIG! YOU MAKE ME ~SICK!~...HOW THE HELL DO YOU EVEN LIVE WITH YOURSELF BEING SO FAT? GROSS..” I sob further down my cheeks and nod. “I’ll…I’ll try to lose more w-weight for you, D-dear…I know I’ve kinda l-let myself go since we married..” She ~SNORTS~ and sloppily licks her obese, pudgy, fingers that are buried in her own arm blubber and bingowings. “I’LL SAY SO! LOOK AT YOU! YOU ARE THE FATTEST, GROSSEST, GREEDIEST LARDASS I KNOW! You need to hit the goddamn.. ~BWORRRP~...Gym once in a while~!” I continue to cry down my cheeks as I take the punishment. “O-of course, S-sweetie…I’ll t-try to lose ten more pounds by the end of the month f-for you..” She grins and lustfully licks her lips. “GOOD. MORE FOOD FOR ME… NOT LIKE YOU NEED TO EAT ~EVEN~ MORE, YOU DISGUSTING BLIMP! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND START COOKING MY DESSERT!” My wife is the epitome of filth and hedonism. She has fifteen chins, each one bigger than the last, dangling and drooping like a stairway of unwashed food, crumbs, and bits of food she couldn’t bother to scoop into her gaping muzzle. You could barely see her face buried between her squishy cheeks that lazily sagged and drooped like the rest of her disgusting, morbidly obese, blob of a body. She had a thin layer of flab from her forehead covering over her eyes as well from how humongous she was. The last time I weighed her? She wasn’t…this monstrous blob of angry, abusive, hunger. She was only 500 pounds. She must be 5,000 now, give or take a few hundred. It doesn’t matter, by next year, she’ll have tripled her weight. My lover is a Hyena by the name of Maxine and is an absolutely repulsive pile of noxious and odorous filth that rivals a garbage dump. “I’ll g-go r-right away…D-do you want chocolate cake or-..” Maxine just sneers at me. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK? I WANT IT ALL. EVERYTHING! I WANT THE ENTIRE BUFFET FOR DESSERT WITH PLENTY OF SECONDS, THIRDS, TENTHS, HUNDREDTHS…DO YOU UNDERSTAND? OF COURSE YOU DON’T. YOU’RE NOT JUST OBESE…BUT FUCKING RETARDED, TOO. HURRY THE HELL UP ALREADY BEFORE I GET REALLY ANGRY.” She spewed food as she shouted, spraying it all over her nasty chin-bibs, as she shook and wobbled constantly. Maxine’s mountainous ass piled up behind her to the point she could rest her messy, black, hair and chin folds like a beanbag chair. She was constantly spewing ~FRRRRRRRRTHBBBBBBPLPRTS~ of the most noxious, foul, ass-blasts of gas possible. It filled the entire room, house, even the neighborhood. EVERYTHING smelled like her ass. I can’t get the smell out of my nose. Every second I breathe It’s like I have my nose right up against her sweaty, rancid, donut pucker. I want to die. I want to lose my sense of smell. It burns so much….and yet it’s as addicting as huffing gasoline or magic markers. “WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE, CUNT? HAVE YOU GONE DEAF? YOU BETTER HURRY THE FUCK UP OR I’LL EAT YOU NEXT, YOU DISGUSTING WHALE.” She is devouring the pies, cakes, and ice cream like it was a tiny bag of cookies. It’s almost impressive. She never moves, walks, or does anything…but when it comes to eating? She suddenly has the motivation to devour EVERYTHING in sight. Maxine’s breasts flop lifelessly and sag to the floor, lactating milk from her perky black nipples from the tips, as they wobble constantly. She has a belly that rivals a school bus in size with at least three gigantic rolls pushing out in front of her. She ironically has a “FAT BITCH <3” Tattoo on her ass which makes me shudder in disgust. It’s so stretched out and ruined from cellulite and sweat that you can barely read it anymore. Maxine’s mobility has been gone for years with her pudgy, flabby, ham-sized footpaws being lost and buried under hundreds of pounds of elephantine thigh blubber. Cellulite and stretch marks cover every inch of her naked flesh from her over bloated arms, whale-sized stomach, to her blobbish ass cheeks. Maxine had tiny piercings on her body as well. A nose piercing on her black wet nose, a belly button ring, and a piercing on her…private areas which only I have seen when she forces me to go digging and spelunking in her sweaty, B.O scented, flab-buried underbelly to find wherever her pussy has disappeared to. “R-right a-away, S-sweetie..” I sniffle and leave the room, bowing to try and show love and respect, even though I know I won’t get any back. Maxine is too far gone and shows absolutely no love or empathy to me anymore. I cry myself to sleep thinking about how she’ll abuse me next. “GOOD! I BETTER GET MORE BISCUITS AND GRAVY, TOO! I LOVE’EM WITH BBQ! BRING ME MORE CHEESEBURGERS, TOO!” She digs into her flabby, half-eaten food filled, sweaty rolls on the sides of her body to dig out the television remote that had been buried in there for a minute. “FINALLY! Been looking for it FOREVER.” She ~Clicks~ on the television and lazily stares at it while shoveling pawfuls of mozzarella sticks, fried jalapeno poppers, and tater tots down her mouth as a waterfall of grease oozes down her chins and adds to the liquid slop covering her naked flesh and titanic gut that fills out our entire dining room wall to wall. “..-Welcome back to “The Foodee Chanel” where we show you tasty treats from around the world! Coming up next: “Feedee Frenzy”...A show where we have the world’s fattest feedees, and their feeders, try gourmet cuisine and see if they prefer it over cheap, affordable, fast food meals from their favorite restaurants.” Maxine drools softly and licks her lips with hungry lust, her pussy leaking juices, as she devours a hotdog. “MMMPH~! FUCK. I LOVE THIS SHOW! MAKES ME…SOOOO HUNGRY…AND HORNY…~HNNG~..” She moans softly as she crams chocolate cake down her muzzle, adding more stains to her messy face, as she is glued to the television. “...” I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror, tears crawling down my face, as I look at myself in disgust. She’s right. I’m obese. I am a 20 year old Gazelle with indented cheeks and a noticeable chin jaw line. You can practically see my skull from how my skin hangs to what little meat I have on my bones. I quickly take off my shirt, skirt, and the rest of my clothes as they pile around me. “I’ve…I’ve l-let myself g-go so much…” There was not a single inch of fat on my entire body. My arms and legs were scrawny, boney, twigs to the point you could even see my elbows and bones from under my skin. My legs were not much better and were trembling and shaking from the effort of keeping me up right. You could see all my bones on my body, even the ones on my feet, like I was a skeleton in a science fair classroom. “...How could anyone love a fat, disgusting, blimp like me?!” I cry further down my cheeks. My breasts were completely flat with my nipples sticking out. You could see my ribs, my disgusting “Belly” which was basically just my stomach exposed through my skin, and some of my other organs. “I’m such a goddamn pig..” I turn around and you could see my spinal cord, my scrawny neck, and my flat disgusting ass. “...~Whimper~..” I turn around and look at me up and down. At least I had a thigh gap. I had that going for me. I’m so weak it hurts to breathe, stand, or even move. I’m barely alive at this point. A skeleton wearing tight skin. You ever heard “skin and bones” when your mother tries to get you to eat more? I am that metaphor. “...I c-can lose m-more weight…I h-have to. I’m so fucking obese…I’m a disgusting cow!” I grope my stomach and touch it as my stomach begins to painfully ~GURGGGLEGROOOOOAN~ in hunger. I haven’t eaten solid food in years and don’t think I can anymore. I’d have to work my way up to solids again due to my shriveled up stomach. “D-don’t worry, S-sweetie…I’ll b-be sure to…e-eat less..” I cry more down my face and walk over to the toilet. I push my boney finger into my mouth and ~GAAAG~ as I try to induce sickness. Nothing. Not even stomach acid. I have no food inside of me. No water. I can’t even puke. When…when was the last time I even ate? I think a month ago…It’s been so long since I had the taste of food on my tongue…and now I’ll have to go longer before I can eat again. I have to diet and control my hunger. Maxine NEEDS all of the food she can get. I step on the scale and frown as I look at it. [64] appears on the scale. I continue to sob into my boney hands while looking at it. “60?! I might as well be 600! FUCK! Why can’t I stop eating?! I’m such a f-fatass..” Maxine ~SCREEECHES~ at me. “I’M FINISHED WITH THE APPETIZERS! I WANT THE MAIN COURSE! NOW! HURRY THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID LESBO FATTY!” She screams so loud it hurts my ear drums and I have to cover my hands over my head. “C-COMING MY LOVE!” I yell with the fakest smile I can give…as I leave the bathroom and heave my body back to the kitchen to prepare her more food. Always more. She’ll never stop eating me out of house and home. Why does she hate me? All I’ve ever done is try to make her happy and she treats me…worse than shit. It’s probably because I’m so disgustingly obese. How can she even stand to be with me? “WHERE IS MY FOOD?! NOW! FOOOOOD! I’M WASTING AWAY HERE, YOU OBESE FUCKING ASSHOLE! I CAN FEEL MYSELF STARVING AS WE SPEAK!..~BWORRRRP~...” I miss when she kissed me. I missed when she held me late at night and hugged me close. I am not her wife anymore. I’m a slave. A slave to her hunger. At least she is not mobile anymore so she can’t beat me if I don’t comply with her ridiculous and gluttonous demands. She is a lot stronger than you would think for a woman who weighs more than a giant fucking zeppelin. I roll in the cart full of fried chicken, greasy cheeseburgers, BBQ Ribs, Pizza, Tacos, Burritos, and various sweets of all sorts. She has a strong sweet tooth. The entire meal is swimming in a sea of salty french fries, onion rings, and tater tots. I watch her messily gobble it in front of me. She loves to eat in front of me…just to torture me. Just to watch me suffer as she devours this GIGANTIC buffet worth of food…but makes SURE I can’t “sneak a bite” in the kitchen. She installed a security camera to watch me make her food and to MAKE SURE I don’t eat any…The very SIGHT of food makes her horny now so she likes to watch me slowly kill myself to fix her dinner. It’s a cherry on top of her abusive sundae. “..Y-you’re welcome, Honey! D-do you like i-..” Maxine snarls. “I DIDN’T FUCKING SAY THANK YOU, DID I? NO. YOU ARE SO USELESS…IT TAKES YOU WAY LONGER THAN IT SHOULD JUST TO MAKE MY FOOD. CAN’T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!?” I sob more down my cheeks right in front of her. “UGH! DON’T CRY….YOU’RE RUINING MY APPETITE! GO CRY IN THE KITCHEN OR SOMETHING, YOU UGLY BITCH…” She licks the warm, thick, brown gravy from betwix her sausage fingers while smirking at my misery. “...” I look at the dining cart full of food. She accidentally knocks a french fry on the floor. A tiny, crinkle cut, salty fry coated in ketchup. It gets covered in dirt, sweat, and hair from the floor…I pick it up. I slowly bring it to my mouth. This is more food than I have eaten in a year. I hope to god she doesn’t notice. I begin to take a bite…but hear her shrieking voice. “ARE YOU EATING ~MY~ FOOD YOU NASTY, GROSS, FUCKING HIPPO!? PUT IT DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I quickly drop the fry and hurt my wrist from the quick jolt. I’m so weak even the french fry feels like 10 pounds in my boney fingers. “N-NO, OF COURSE NOT, MAXI! I w-was…It f-fell on the floor…I was throwing it a-away..” She sneers softly and ~SLASHES~ me on the wrist while grabbing the dirty french fry to devour in front of me. “YEAH RIGHT. YOU RETARDED CUNT. YOU KNOW I WILL EAT THE TRASH THAT FALLS ON THE FLOOR. HOW ~DARE~ YOU EAT MY FOOD! DO YOU WANT ME TO STARVE, YOU PATHETIC TUB OF LARD?!?” Maxine’s chins wobble and jiggle as she shouts at me. It hurts my ear drums. I just cry more and fall to my knees as I hear a ~SNAAAP~ from my own bones. They can’t even keep me up right anymore… She just grins and snickers at my misery. “...EHEHEHEH~!...Well, Dear. I guess I can’t be TOO mad that a gross fatso like you wants to eat MY delicious food. I think you need a punishment for your SELFISH behavior. I think another YEAR with no food will be good for you…MAYBE IT WILL HELP YOU LOSE SOME WEIGHT.” I nod and…stop crying. I’m not feeling any less upset but I’m so dehydrated that my tear ducts are empty. “O-of course, M-maxine. I am s-so sorry. I’ll make it up t-to you b-by…c-cleaning your p-pussy and bringing you PLENTY of T-taco Bell for b-breakfast, o-okay!?” …Maxine snorts. “You fucking better. I’m getting really tired of your USELESS, GROSS, FATASS ruining my meals…” Maxine falls asleep later that night, slop dripping down her chins and onto the floor, as she had a half-eaten fried chicken bone in her mouth. The television was playing a commercial for McDoenald’s which made her stomach happily ~Gurggglechurrn~ with digestion and hunger. It doesn’t matter how much I feed her, or how full she is, by tomorrow? My blimp of a hyena will be hungry again…and want more. Always more. Always seconds. Never enough. I’m such a bad provider for my wife…and a disgusting, ugly, cow as well. I slowly crawl myself into the kitchen and sniffle gently. There was a large, empty, pan with assorted candles that had been torn off of it. I was behind on her orders…so I gave her a gigantic, thick, moist chocolate cake that was a literal sheet of creamy, wonderful, chocolatey pleasure and thick buttercream icing. Do you know what the cake was for? “...H-happy…b-birthday t-to m-meeeeee…Happy birthday to meeeee…” I cry down my cheeks and look at the half-eaten, saliva-covered candles, and the crumbs on the pan. I scoop up a bunch of crumbs and if I’m lucky? A little icing too. I devour the handful of crumbs, which to my useless stomach, might as well be a gigantic buffet. I am very blessed to eat this much. “..H-happy birthday to meeee…” I sob further down my cheeks. I know the only reason that Maxine was THIS nice and forgiving was because it was my birthday. Tomorrow? She would be sure to DOUBLE the abuse she gives me to make up for having to be “nice” on my special day. I’m too weak to crawl my fatass to bed so I just lie on the floor of my kitchen, on the filthy unwashed tiles, and curl up in a ball. I hope to wake up tomorrow and it’s all a bad nightmare. A horrible, terrible, nightmare. I know it won’t. Maxine will still be my ruler, master, and abusive wife. She will make me feed her more and I will do so to make her happy. She won’t be happy…not until I’ve finally starved myself to death for her.