“Akko, do we really need to be here... doing this? I mean, it's not exactly like I'm... We're strapped for cash.” Diana hummed impatiently as Atsuko Kagari shushed her in response with a plump finger. Diana had been together with Akko for quite some time now, but nevertheless she still had quite the hard time adjusting to finding herself getting pulled into the brunette witch's antics. “You have to be quiet Di! Or else they'll hear us!” Akko whispered loudly, ignoring her own advice. She readied her wand, and pointed it directly through the window of the Pastry Shop whose dumpster she was currently sneakily squatting behind. Not that it was exactly hard to miss her; the large witch was wider than the cylindrical trash bin she was currently knelt behind. Perhaps even larger than the dumpster down the alleyway, but who could say? The only thing anyone could say for sure is that Akko had put on a staggering 340lbs since the beginning of junior year. It was currently summer break before senior year, and Akko had gone into Blytonbury to do some shopping with her loving girlfriend Diana. Akko tended to overestimate her mobility since she had gotten so fat so fast, which usually culminated in her collapsing on a town bench, slurping ice cream with her gut in full view of awkwardly staring passersby. Not that she cared – in fact, in her own perverted way, she enjoyed the attention. She had, after all, gained all this weight to satisfy her slim, opal haired love. The very same was also extremely well versed in keeping her dorm room and backpack well stocked with snacks to keep her girlfriend's constantly ravenous stomach at bay. She had certainly heard an earful the last time they had run out before Akko was finished eating, but she was also far too happy to keep her well fed and round, like a prized hog. Leaning up against the wall of an adjacent building, Diana sighed nervously. As Luna Nova's student prodigy, she didn't often get into hijinks of this nature. “You do realise what will happen if you fail, correct?” Akko referenced her notebook for her master plan one last time. “Operation Eclair Redemption... Heh... They won't know what hit 'em”, she exclaimed to herself, closing the book and shoving it in her breasts before giving her wand an elegant twirl. “Babe, I can't fail.” she said with a smug smile as the spell began to activate. Moments passed without a sound, but surely enough, a slow stream of floating pastries started floating through the vents of the bakery. Akko excitedly jolted up, her belly bouncing from the quick motion. Her plan was working! She opened a large bag, and started catching pastry after pastry as the bakery's inventory slowly seeped into Akko's chubby fingers. This continued for several minutes. As the last one plopped into the bag, Akko quickly sheathed her wand and giggled. “Yippee!” She shouted. “Constanze was right, you really can find the layout for buildings at the library. Perfect planning for the perfect heist!” Before Akko's racing brain could even process the amount of food she just obtained for minimal effort, her brief moment of joy was shattered by horrible reality that the baker had run out of his shop and didn't seem very happy. “STOP! That fat witch is stealing my baked goods!” he exclaimed to a nearby officer. “Oh crap!” Akko froze in place, but before she could clumsily make an admission to guilt, her plump hand was grabbed by Diana and began running. That run lasted for about 15 seconds, long enough for Akko to turn the corner, her obese body shaking violently from the speed and the adrenaline, at which point her pace had been downgraded to a brisk walk. “We're going now!” Diana yelped at nobody in particularly, struggling to make any considerable progress while tugging her obese girlfriend behind her, who also was still carrying a heavy rucksack full of sweets. “Come on, Akko!” Diana began to panic as she saw the Baker rounding the corner. She panicked even more when she looked at the sweaty, flushed and out of breath mess of flesh that stood behind her. “I... Huff... Can't... Ungh... Keep up...” Akko whined. “Too... slow... and URP... and fat...” Diana began racking her expansive brain for anything that could help in this dire scenario. Then it struck her. “Metamorphie Faciesse!” Diana squeaked quickly, pointing her wand under Akko and creating a fully functional flying broom out of a rock. “This won't help! I'm over the broom weight limit now, remember?!” Akko began to panic, absentmindedly tugging her shirt down as if it could even cover her belly button. “Just trust me dear,” Diana replied, whispering “Actronius weyless!” As Diana spoke these words, the broom suddenly puffed to life. She immediately jumped on, kicked it to life with a shout of “Tia Freye!” and somehow, they were in the air. However, the weightless spell Diana cast was clearly intended for smaller objects, as the heavy girl clinging to her back was causing the broom to sag. “Heh... I guess I'm too heavy even for weightless, huh?” Akko giggled, giving her bulbous tummy a jolly slap. Diana let out an exhausted sigh of relief, falling limp into Akko's soft back as the both of them flew back towards Luna Nova. The tired girl eventually tightened her grip on Akko, squeezing her from both sides of her belly, as her arms couldn't reach all the way around to give her a proper hug. “Honestly... right when I think you've learned your lesson...” “Yeahff... Buhft you didnmt stop meef!” Akko had developed a bad trait of speaking with her mouth full. She even had trouble behaving in front of Diana's family, but at least she attempted around them so as not to appear as slovenly as she really was. She felt a little self conscious because of Aunt Daryl, whom she had overheard saying things like “I don't understand on why Diana ruins her potential by keeping herself shackled to that morbidly obese pig of hers. Surely she would be better off with a handsome fellow like Andrew”, but Diana told her to ignore her, but at the end of the day made up for it by telling her off and making Akko an apology extra large triple chocolate cake. “You're already eating?” Diana smiled into Akko's watching eyes. “Good piggy,” she continued, massaging Akko's multiple fat rolls through her tight dress shirt. Akko swallowed her bite and giggled. She adored the feeling of Diana playing with her growing belly. Even in midair, as they slowly flew over the Arcturus Forest after their daring escape from the pastry heist, Diana's belly rubs helped calm Akko's overactive brain down. Her girlfriend had really warm hands, and every time they made contact with Akko's pale chub, she practically melted into a puddle. Diana, of course, took pleasure in Akko's growing body as well. She wasn't quite sure what made her feel so attracted to something most people consider unhealthy or taboo. Maybe it had something to do with her strict upbringing, and fattening up a consenting partner was like a sort of rebellion to her healthy upbringing. Or perhaps it was just infatuating watching the girl who she secretly opined over since she enrolled blimp up to thrice her previous size since they started dating, rounding out her figure in a way Diana had never realised she was attracted to before. In any case, she knew where her heart lay - with Akko's, even if Akko's had a higher cholesterol level. The pair embraced each other, silently enjoying each other's company as they got closer to the edge of the forest. Akko might have drifted off into sleep if it weren't for her rumbling stomach and that loud beeping sound. “BEEP BEEP!” a noise emanated from Diana's holster. “No way, already?” she pulled out her wand and checked the battery gauge just to be sure. “Crabcakes...” she whispered. “Akko we're running low on magic energy. I guess using the weightless spell and Tia Freye at the same time is too taxing without bringing the leyline router. We're gonna have to -” before the witch could finish her thought, they heard an ominous “CLUNK”, as the wand drained itself of energy, the broom reverted back to a rock, (a fact it appreciated greatly after sitting under 400lbs of ass), and they began to plummet. Because Akko was much heavier, she fell much faster. Diana grabbed her sleeve in mid-air. Below them was a vast forest of mostly deadly things, definitely not the kind of place you want to be as a fat girl or her lover of high society. Before they could even start to panic, a familiar voice called out from below. “Fuyu Maho,” it said with a calm monotony. In an instant, Diana and Akko stopped falling and hovered in midair for a moment before being gently lowered to the ground – except for the last 5 feet, causing Akko to fall on top of Diana, crushing her. “And here I was told that pigs can't fly,” Sucy spoke with a grin. She sheathed her wand, revealing herself as the one who saved the size differing duo. “Sucy!” Akko exclaimed, jumping up from where Diana lay flattened on the ground, hugging the herbalist, and in doing so completely enveloping her in soft, warm sweaty fat. “I thought we were gonna dieeee!!!” Akko cried into Sucy's shoulder. “Ew, cut it out. You're getting my clothes wet, Fatsuko” the puce haired girl hissed. Akko let up, mostly just because she liked being called that nickname. It was coined by Amanda jokingly one night after Akko won an eating contest against Jasminka. Akko thought it was a cute nickname for a pig like herself. “Soooorrry,” she moaned, before pivoting to help Diana. “You okay, boo?” Diana's face was red, but that was because she was being suffocated by the endless expanses of Akko's girth just moments ago. She cleared her throat and sat up. “I will be fine. More importantly, what were you doing our here, Ms. Manbavaran? If it were not for your convenient timing, we likely would have been goners.” “Oh, that. I was just here picking mushrooms. You know they have wood-ear here? It doesn't serve any scientific purpose, I just like the taste.” Sucy began. “Mmm, taste.... I mean, Sucy!” Akko said, half distracted by the thoughts of food. “Oh. Well, you know, it's kind of hard to ignore an elephant like you falling out of the sky.” Sucy stated flatly. “Especially a naked one,” she said, poking Akko's belly button, its squishy soft tautness bouncing back at the indent. “Did you pop all the buttons on all your shirts again?” “I only did that last time because you overfed me!” Akko huffed. “You were begging for it. Literally. You begged me to feed you.” Sucy retorted, examining a mushroom on the ground as if to say she wasn't paying Akko very much attention. Diana blushed. It wasn't her place to police her 24/7, but she would have liked an invite. “Diaaaa,” Akko moaned. “I'm huuungry. How are we gonna get back?” “Well without our brooms – wait, you're already hungry again?” Diana blushed and darted her eyes to the sack of pastries which was now completely empty, save for a few crumbs, a trail of which could be traced to Akko's chubby face, and her powdered sugar covered fingers which now rubbed her enormous gut. “The whale eats it all and still wants more,” Sucy mused. “I can't believe you were skinny when I met you.” “Yeah well, you seem to enjoy it enough!” Akko shook her tummy tauntingly. “I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but you haven't exactly been the image of physical fitness yourself” Diana chided, much to the amusement of Akko her responded with an “Ooooo”. Diana almost immediately regretted it, as it was a bit rude and crass, but waited to gauge Sucy's reaction before saying anything. Diana was not wrong. While nowhere near as grossly obese as Akko, Sucy, a girl once known for being skinny and sickly was now starting to plump up and fill out. Whether it was her stuffing sessions with Akko rubbing off or her own idle absentminded volition, Sucy had definitely put on some weight. Sucy hissed at Diana and turned around. “In any case, we should probably be getting out of here. The sun is going down, and you know what happens in Arcturus at night...” “Whaf haffens im the fwowest?” Akko mumbled through mouthfuls of cake from the pastry bag which she recovered, rubbing her tummy to help it digest. Leaned against a tree with her huge belly resting on her thick creamy thighs, she was the picture definition of docile. “Lets just say, a lot of unhappy creatures come out of the woodwork.” Diana sighed. “Hungry ones too,” Sucy continued for her. “Although it's not like Akko knows anything about being a hungry creature,” Sucy teased. “Nuh-uh, I totally do!” the bulging brunette witch scoffed, totally missing the joke. “Now um...” She stretched her plump arms towards her friends. “A little help?” Diana walked over and put an arm around Akko. She was used to having to walk her out after she overate. It became a frequent occurrence, not just at their dorm but in public as well. Embarrassing at first, she had gotten frankly used to it. 'Helping me up is a love language', Akko had said to her once. “A little help, Manbavaran?” Diana coughed, feeling the brunt of the girl's weight against her. “Why do I feel like this is going to be a common occurrence with you, Akko?” Sucy relented, as she assisted the other side of the girl's massively plump figure up off the ground, taking the opportunity to slap her gut mockingly. “Hey, that hurt!” Akko cried, causing Sucy to grin smugly. “I will have to ask you to refrain from slapping my girlfriend's obe- ehm, her... form. Figure!” The two girls looked at Diana blankly. “Uhm... let's just get going.” The three slowly made their way to the outskirts of the forest. Akko had eaten herself to the point of lethargy, so their pace was slow, and sitting breaks were frequent. Akko had probably not walked this far on her own in years – and especially now, while at her heaviest yet, it seemed excruciating. “I'm gonna die!” Akko whined through panted breaths. Plump legs that clung to her ripped panties and too short skirt burned from the exercise, an activity she seldom took part in, and her entire rotund form was covered in glistening sweat. Her exposed gut which could barely be covered by her uniform hung down over her fupa and slapped her thighs as she walked, causing immense discomfort to the girl who had gotten used to living large and lavishly. “I need to sit down!” she finally relented, sliding her massive backside down a tree. “If we keep stopping, we won't make it back to the school before night fall.” Sucy pointed out impatiently. Akko sat and caught her breath. As she did, a lightbulb went off in that immensely empty head of hers. “Hehe... girls, I... URP... think I might have our ticket... huff... out of here.” Akko held out her hands, revealing a fistful of rocks. “Where were you keeping those?” Diana inquired. “I picked them up... I mean, uh... they're not exactly rare around here.” she replied. “So your grand plan is rocks,” the puce hair witch chided. “knowing you, I'm surprised you didn't try to eat them.” “Duh, everyone knows you can't eat rocks. Except for rock candy... but that's beside the point. Fairy circle!” she flawlessly segued into the point she was trying to make. “With these rocks and the mushrooms that Sucy carries, we can make a fairy ring and just teleport back to our dorm!” Akko exclaimed, proudly. It wasn't often she could take the full credit for figuring something out. “Oh,” Diana thought aloud, “Of course! I don't know why we hadn't thought of this earlier.” “Because I wanted to see Atsuko-chan humiliate herself by walking with a half ton of luggage”, Sucy admitted under her breath. “What was that, Sucy?” Akko asked. “Nothing.” The trio began to lay the fungus and stones out in a grassy clearing in the forest. Or rather, Diana and Sucy, ever roped into being the physically active ones, placing the stones for their fat friend who watched and occasionally offered advice. Eventually, the stone circle was complete. However, another problem was staring the group in their chubby cheeks. Sucy slithered over to Diana, who was checking the charge power on her wand. “We all need to be in the fairy ring at the same time, or else we'd need to make it three different times... correct?” Sucy asked, unconfident in tone. “I do believe that is the case, yes,” Diana admitted. “I can see where you're going with this.” she continued. The two girls looked over at their obese friend, her pale gut soaking up the sun as she sat atop a tree stump in the sunny clearing. Exhausted, she adjusted the two waistbands which she had tied together to even attempt to reach over her soft abdomen, and slowly stretched her arms up in the air, revealing a little bit of underboob as her outgrown uniform lifted itself up. “Akko is too fat to be in the circle with us” Sucy stated, flatly. “It does appear that way.” Diana sighed. “I am not!” Akko decried. She slowly heaved herself up and joined the two girls in the circle. “Move over!” she exclaimed as her extended belly pressed up against her two friends. “We tried telling you already, there's nowhere to move to.” came the reply from the chubby mushroom carrying witch. “Succcyyy! If you hadn't gained so much weight!” Akko grumbled, mockingly fondling Sucy's newly found chubby belly. Her robe was always very long, so long in fact that it typically dragged on the ground. However, hanging out with Akko had taken it's toll on her. The pale portly Portuguese girl now found that her robe only went down to above her ankles, as a result of her midriff taking up more space than before. While most of Akko's weight went to her tummy and thighs, a lot of Sucy's late night snacks have accumulated in her breasts and butt. Of course she had grown a sizeable belly as well – nowhere near as huge as Akko's, but enough to be considered obese by the majority of the well behaved English private school. The result of her weight accumulation, in addition to Akko's, meant that the chances of fitting them all within the relatively small stone circle were very slim, unlike the ones who stood atop it. “Only because of you, lardass” Sucy hissed in retort. Diana stayed quiet as she was squished by the two bickering witches. She of course, was the skinniest one there, even though, like Sucy, her proximity to Atsuko Kagari: The fattest girl in school meant that she too had added some extra padding to herself. What was once a skinny midriff so thin you could see her bones when she stretched, was now hidden with extra padding and could leave just the slightest hint of an indent when touched, as Akko often did in bed. Her thighs, too, had added some diameter, although it wasn't to the point where people who saw the young prodigy everyday would notice... yet. Nevertheless, she was so distracted by the warm envelopment of two squishy fat girls that her lesbian ass had almost forgotten about the predicament they currently found themselves in. Distracted and melting into a chub puddle, her attention was refocused when she heard Akko chime in: “What if we just made the circle bigger?” she inquired obliviously. “I don't have enough of the right kind of mushrooms.” Sucy admitted. “But you do have more mushrooms, correct?” Diana asked. “Yeah”. “Theoretically, it could work,” Diana continued. “Typically fly argaric mushrooms are used in fairy circles, but in a pinch, any mushroom could adapt. However, we would need to redirect the spell, and different mushrooms have been known to cause different adverse side effects upon arrival...” she trailed off. “Let's do it! It beats walking another however many kilometers it will be before we get out of this place...And I don't wanna be monster food!” Akko made up her mind. Diana looked at Sucy. “I will defer to the fungus expert on this matter.” she told Sucy with a confident smile on her face. Sucy nodded, and handed Diana one of a few pouches strapped around her belt. “These aren't as good as red caps, but they'll conduct magic just as well.” “As for side effects?” Sucy shrugged in response. GRRRROOOOOOAAAAAANNNNN. A ravenous sound has been unleashed from Akko's enormous stomach. “Guuuyssss, I'm getting hungry again...” she moaned. At the sound of her girlfriend's discomfort, Diana took the pouch and placed the mushrooms provided to her around Akko, extending the size of the fairy ring by about twice it's original size. Now everyone could fit inside, even with all the extra weight they were carrying. “Alright! I knew we could do it!” Akko said, oblivious to the fact she helped the least. “Let's just get out of here. I need a shower,” Sucy mumbled annoyed. “I agree. Let's hope this works,” Diana took a deep breath and unsheathed her wand. She had gone long enough without using it that it had recharged on it's own enough for a single spell. “Here goes nothing.” She said mostly to herself, before shouting the magic words “Chokyori ido maho!” As she did, a glowing yellow light enveloped the trio. “Haha! It worked!” Akko exclaimed, giving a large squishy hug to Diana in excitement. Diana just smiled, and looked up as the forest around them began to disappear in a flash of blinding light. As the light dissipated, they found themselves laying on the grass outside of Luna Nova's East Hall. “Wew!” Akko stretched her blubbery arms in the air while laying on the grass. “Now that's how you travel in style!” Diana gently sat up and brushed the grass off her. As she moved her gentle hands down her shirt, she noticed something was amiss. Where her shirt buttoned effortlessly before, there were now rips and gaps in it revealing a large bubble of pale flab. She looked down at herself, seeing now that she had gained at least 100lbs, if not more, in the blink of an eye. She could feel her skirt digging into her love handles, and could hear the seams of her clothing rip from the pressure. Darting her eyes over to Akko and Sucy, she realised she was not alone. Akko, who was already the biggest of the three, had put on enough weight during the teleport to completely burst her breasts, which were notably much smaller in comparison to her tummy, completely out of the uniform they were once constricted in. Her bra had also snapped under the pressure, as Akko obliviously sunbathed her exposed, obese top half in the evening light. Next to her was Sucy, whose ass was now large enough to rip right down the center of the back of her dress. Diana slowly walked over to them, kneeling down next to Akko and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “You're alright?” she asked, wanting to make sure. “Mmm! Never been better! I feel bigger already!” Akko hummed, drumming her plump fingers on her gut. She noticed Diana's new girth and shot up, excited. “Wow Dia, you look so good!” She said excitedly, hugging her newly squishy girlfriend, causing her to blush a brighter hue than the evening orange sun. Diana sat there, kneeled on her plump thighs, with her chubby belly peeking out of her newly popped blouse. She never thought she would be this big herself, but if Atsuko liked it so much... she found it hard to say she hated it. “Ms. Manbavaran,” Diana directed her attention away from the girl who embraced her and towards the land whale who was taking inventory of the mushrooms she had picked during the evening. “Am I to assume that one of those mushroom side effects was rapid weight gain?” Sucy stared at her blankly, before dawning a mischievous grin. “Did I forget to mention that?” FIN For /bbwdraw/