Since he was a young pup, Collin was a poodle with the heartiest of appetites. Encouraged to eat all he could find and let nothing go to waste, he learned from a young age that what constituted a good day was a belly filled to the brim with food and a relaxing nap. The city was a decent enough feeding ground with humans producing and throwing away more than enough food for him to scavenge his fill, with the occasional large feast he’d find in the unlocked back rooms of food markets and restaurants, or overfilled dumpsters. In his teen years, he had eaten himself to three times the girth of any other canine in the city; and in his adult years, he had swollen enough to rival the weight of a young kodiak bear. Along with his love of overeating, he had also developed a deep infatuation with fat. Be it fat humans, other fat animals, and the fat he accumulated on his own visage, the poodle derived the utmost pleasure from observing and basking in all things supple and large. Each soft layer of blubber added to his waist, face, limbs, and rear was a trophy of high living, the mark of a successful glutton living a grand life of excess. He’d blissfully admire his sloshing-blubbery gut after a heavy meal, panting and flustered at the thought of all he had glutted on digesting into more squishable lard on his body. The weight of it all bearing down on his stubby footpaws as he waddled down the city sidewalks, swaying his gut just an inch off the floor while his meaty limbs jiggled with each step. Overall, the fat life was good. But being such an obese canine wandering the streets occasionally brought its bullies. For the past week, Collin dealt with the heckling taunts and insults of a group of four dogs who had wandered into his part of town. Their leader was a brown malamute who did most of the berating, while the others, a lab, collie, and greyhound, laughed along with him and at times shouting words like, “lard butt,” or, “butter ball.” The poodle did his best to ignore their jeering, but as the days went on, they grew bolder. The final straw happened when a human threw him a fried chicken leg, only for the malamute to swoop in and steal it. The name calling was irksome enough, but snatching up his food on top of that, he knew he had to put a stop to their meddling with him. On one of his nightly wanderings, Collin walked past a small warehouse of sorts where he often saw trucks coming and going delivering various goods and products. A long truck trailer bearing the logo of a dog food brand was parked outside, giving him a most tantalizing idea. He found the group of mutts at their usual spot in the park, offering them the opportunity to join him in his nightly feast. Three of the mutts chuckled at the thought, but the leader raised his eyebrow with intrigue; Collin grinned back, knowing just as well as any dog, despite all their jabs at his own weight, a hungry stray would jump at the chance to fill their empty stomachs to any obscene capacity. Arriving back at the truck trailer with the four dogs in tow, the poodle panted for breath; walking to the park and back proved more exercise than his stubby paws and chunky legs were used to. The malamute leader growled under his breath, unimpressed by the barren lot without an ounce of food in sight. “This better not be some joke, fatso,” said the malamute, “you said there’d be food here.” “*Huff*, it’s right there,” Collin pointed at the trailer, “inside, *huff*, trust me.” The greyhound sniffed at the air. “What makes you so sure? I don’t smell nothin’.” “See that picture on the side? The ones with that picture deliver kibble to every market around the city. You’ll see, we just have to get inside.” Walking around to the back of the trailer, its tall doors were already swung wide open. Licking his lips, Collin was the first to attempt jumping inside. He grunted as he barely left the ground, only managing to get his upper body inside while the rest of him dangled, struggling to pull himself up. The four hounds roared with laughter at the sight of him, rolling on the floor while hugging their sides. “Come on fatty, you could do it.” “He barely got off the ground, hahaha.” “My dog, hahaha, this is too embarrassing.” The malamute wiped a tear from his eyes. “Alright, hehe, help him up.” The other dog's laughter died down. “Uuugh…you serious?” “Yes, I’m serious! Hurry it up, I’m starving!” Intimidated by his snarling, the three dogs did as they were told. The poodle managed to pull himself up halfway up to his belly before the others helped to push him. Jumping into the trailer much more easily, the mutts looked in wide eyed curiosity at the stacks of cardboard boxes that filled the entire back of the trailer. Using his ample weight, Collin pushed over a stack, dumping them onto the floor. “The food’s in these boxes. You just got to bite off this sticky stuff on the sides here, like this,” *rip*, “then tear open, *urf*, some of thish, and voila.” The four dogs gathered around, dumbfounded at the large sacks of dried dog food piled inside. Collin took a sack out and tore the top with his teeth, pushing it over and pouring kibble onto the trailer floor. “Dig in.” Stomachs rumbling, the mutts dove onto the food like ravenous beasts, snarling and snapping at each other for a share. Collin opened more sacks and boxes for each of them, giving each canine a generous share of food before he began opening some boxes for himself. As he suspected, the hungry mutts dove headlong into each sack, filling their mouths till their cheeks were bloated with kibble, and wincing as they swallowed it all down. The malamute impressed him the most however, glutting down food with such zeal and determination, like he was a natural glutton himself. After finishing his first sack, the malamute liked his chops of leftover kibble. He looked over to Collin who was in the back of the trailer surrounded by empty cardboard boxes as he separated sacks and small packages of wet dog food onto their own piles. “Got to hand it to you poodle. At first I thought this would be some pathetic attempt to waste our time tonight, but you legit brought us to a smorgasbord. You’re actually kinda alright.” “Thanks,” Collin replied, “perhaps now you all could cut me some slack and stop making fun of me, right?” “Haha, keep finding us scores like this and yeah, I’ll consider it. Maybe we’ll even let you be part of the pack. Provided the next feast is as good as this one of course.” Chuckling to himself, he pulled the sack up to his now bloated stomach, sticking his face inside it and guzzling down its contents. Once Collin opened enough boxes and amassed enough sacks in front of him, he finally began eating himself. His puffy cheeks quickly packed themselves full of kibble like a chipmunk carrying nuts. The flavors of the beef and cheese were lip smackingly good, bringing a smile to his face; the difference in taste from eating fresh food versus trash bin leftovers sent a jolt of joy throughout his body. Being the avid glutton, the poodle finished his first sack in record time, holding it over his head and pouring the last of its kibble into his mouth. Letting loose a surprised belch, he sat himself upright, patting his massive globe of a belly now burbling with its digesting meal. He huffed a steamy breath through his nose, flustered whenever his paws came in contact with his corpulent flesh. Along with viewing his feast in front of him, his cheeks blushed a bright red thinking about how much fatter he’ll grow after he had gorged himself. Tonight would undoubtedly leave him the largest he had ever been. With his added excitement, Collin pulled over his next sack of food, tipping the open end toward his muzzle and gulping the stream of kibble down as if he were drinking water. His eyes rolled with pleasure, feeling his stomach rapidly filled with kibble, weighing heavier on his back by the second. The euphoric sensation of feeling his gullet pack itself full of food sent shivers down his blubbery back. His tail wagged over his large rump, gleeful to yet again partake in another fattening feast. Consuming sack after sack, Collin’s growing gut spilled out further in front of him, making it harder to reach for more food. He rolled back onto a standing position, huffing with flustered breath as the sides of his bulky body poured on either side of him. He gathered more sacks closer to him, mirthfully chuckling at how his voluptuous hind legs squelched against his under belly whenever he moved around. The jiggling fat of everything from his hips and legs to his cheeks and the rolls on his back all plumped up to his utmost delight, causing him to murmur and giggle under his breath, partially embarrassed to show the other dogs how much he enjoyed being a lard ball. After several sacks of kibble were devoured, the three subordinate mutts showed signs of slowing their feasting down. However, their leader showed little signs of stopping, even as he swelled with added heft to his fur. His limbs grew more robust, and his barrel of a body slowly inched its way toward the floor. The fur around his neck began to fluff up with fat, forming a ring of pudge. Pushing aside another empty sack, he groaned with immense satisfaction, pleased at how incredibly packed his stomach felt. “My dog, *ooorp*, I didn’t think I could ever feel so stuffed. Come on you mutts,” he called back to the other dogs behind him, “don’t let none of this, *buuurap*, go to waste. I don’t care if you feel you’re gunna pass out. We don’t know when’s the next time we’re eating this good again.” Looking over to Collin, he wryly chuckled watching the poodle lay on his side, balancing a sack of kibble on his rich-meaty leg and tipping it toward his mouth. The malamute shook his head in disbelief seeing the amount of empty sacks the poodle went through, as well as how much fatter he had grown even after being the last to start eating. “Wow, I could see now how you’ve gotten to be such a hippo. When you get to eat like this, what dog wouldn’t end up more like you, eh?” The poodle smugly grinned through his pudgy cheeks, tossing the sack away and giving his glorping belly a series of pats with one paw. “Oh yeah, *orp*, it’s the good life. So, what’s stopping you?” The malamute perked up his ears. “W-what do you mean? Stopping me from what?” “Becoming more like me,” Collin continued smacking his gut; the sounds of its rich squelching caused the malamute’s ears to twitch. “I’ve seen how you’ve stuffed your face here tonight. How you’ve wolfed down twice as many sacks as the others. Your groaning from carrying such a heavy stomach, and how you can’t keep your eyes off my belly.” “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he jerked his head away. “Oh, I know you do. It’s okay if you want to grow as fat as me. You definitely got the appetite for it. Who cares what the others think, just give in to that wonderful urge to just gorge yourself to your heart's content. Glut till you can no longer swallow another mouthful. Then sleep it all off and revel at how much of a big blubbery pooch you’ve become. Believe me, *urp*, you wouldn’t believe what you’re missing out on.” Unable to avert his eyes for long, the malamute once more set his sights on the fat poodle. His massive girth, smug grin, and sloshing of his overglutted stomach gave him chills from ears to paws. The poodle was right. Even before tonight, he was always envious of how much more well fed he was, and how he carried all that weight around with pride and confidence. At the thought of the poodle helping him explore a more gluttonous and fattening future, his beating heart and churning stomach felt fit to burst with excitement. Collin’s smile grew wider seeing the malamute greedily pull over another sack. He lifted it onto his swollen gut, tipping it toward his muzzle and trickling kibble out of the corners of his mouth onto the floor. “Good boy,” said the poodle. “You’re better off being fat anyways.” As the group of mutts ate well into the night, each became a corpulent shadow of their former self. The trailer echoed with their burps, hiccups, and labored groans mixed with the crinkling of the plastic sacks and crushed cardboard. Well after the three other dogs became too full to continue, Collin and the malamute gorged on, transitioning over to the wet food packets. Sitting atop of some of the sacks, a tower of soft food squares and giblets was built out of over a hundred packets. The poodle also had his own tower all to himself, dripping with gravy and containing a multitude of flavors such as duck, turkey, lamb, and even filet mignon. The gluttonous pair munched away at their respective meals, murmuring with delight as meat flavors and gravy lavished their taste buds. Starting close to the bottom, the food at the top toppled over into their awaiting maws. Large bulges of food slithered down their gullets, landing in their guts with a sickening squelch. Drool and gravy dripped from the corners of their mouths. The mushy softness of their meal helped to shape their bodies into softer-more malleable heaps of furry blubber. After twenty minutes of constant gorging, the two dogs finally finished their towers of food. The malamute rested his back against the trailer wall while Collin feasted on a few more boxes of food before finally feeling satiated. The hulk of a poodle groaned just to walk himself forward, so round and bulky with fat that his body dwarfed his chunky limbs. His wide hips swayed from left to right, his hind legs only capable of placing down one footpaw at a time due to his expansive underbelly pushing against his thighs. The multiple rolls of fat pooling around his neck buried some of his neck floof. Through puffy cheeks swollen as large as melons, he couldn’t help but crack a crooked smile at how massive the malamute had become. His chunky thighs barely showed underneath his mammoth of a belly, which had become so large it appeared as if he had eaten a full grown deer. His face was significantly plump with his cheeks smothering the added fluff of fat formed around his neck. He rested his paws on his glorping gut, pleasurably rubbing in circular motions and patting in intervals; his ears twitching whenever he heard that tantalizing squelch that came from patting a well fed stomach. “What a, *hic-hilp*, night,” groaned the malamute in a husky tone, “you were right, *hooouurp*, poodle. Such good eating, *hic-hilp*, and gaining. *Huff*, I feel like a new dog. No wonder you love this, *ummff*, so much.” Collin eagerly approached him, laying his head on the malamute’s belly and kneading it with his own paws; drool dripping from his lips. “*Mmmff*, I knew you would, *urp*, love it. Oh yes, just look at you. *Hmmf*, you’ve blubbered up so well, hehehe, so fat and soft.” The malamute growled at how roughy Collin massaged his gut. “Hey, *hic-hilp*, easy with those paws. You’ll give me, *hic-hilp*, indigestion.” The poodle patted it before waddling off toward the front of the truck, stopping beside the collie, who was the least bloated after their feast. “Holy, you’re one enormous pooch,” said the malamute, getting a full view of Collin, “say, *hic-hilp*, why is it I have hiccups and you don’t?” Collin smugly grinned back, “I only get hiccups after I force myself to keep eating after I’m already full.” “So what, *hic-hilp*, you’re not full yet? Why aren’t you still stuffing yourself?” The poodle placed his paw atop of the sleeping collie’s gut, rubbing it while licking his chops. “Because, I was leaving room for dessert.” Clutching the collie’s ankle, he yanked him closer, towering directly over him. As the collie opened his eyes, a wide pink maw lunged toward his face, blackening his surroundings and moistening his fur. He flailed as he struggled against his captor, pushing and kicking to break free. But the pull of the poodle’s throat sucked him in until he felt his pointy jowls wrapping around his gut. In a few gulps, he shot into the canine’s sloshing stomach with a thunderous squelch, kicking and pounding against the lard coated interior. Smacking his lips, the poodle chuckled at the white faces of horror each of the other dogs wore. Pulling over the greyhound, the other two dogs attempted to flee for their lives, but were so overgorged they could hardly roll themselves over. Collin’s eyes fluttered as he relished his next meal; the once paper thin greyhound now swelled to the size of an obese st. bernard. With both of his paws, he pushed the dog down his gullet, patting the hefty bulge and sighing with contentment as it passed down. Waddling toward the lab, Collin moaned from the activity of his churning stomach. With each dog being fatter than the last, he felt his figure ballooning with lard after gobbling up each one. The blob-like mass of grey fur that was his belly stretched wider than his black furred outer coat, outgrowing his waistline and hips. His thick love handles and side rolls bulged wider than his own paws could grab a hold of. Wolfing down the labrador, his gut swelled to the point his hind legs could no longer touch the ground, both of which now dangled at his sides. The malamute whined in panic, desperately trying to roll himself over as the elephantine poodle dragged himself toward him. “W-w-wait, *hilp*, s-stop! I’m sorry, alright! I’ll never make fun of you, *hilp*, again! We were all just, *hic*, joking around, honest!” “*Hic-hilp*, I wasn’t,” said the poodle, “I told you you were all better off being fat. Specifically, *bwoooorp*, my fat. All of your, *hic-hilp*, precious blubber, soon to be my blubber. *Mmmff*, oh yes, you’ll be a wonderful meal to finish such a fine night of gluttony.” Starting from the malamute’s legs, Collin pulled him down his gullet until he reached his massive belly. His eyes winced at the sheer girth of the canine stretching his jaws and throat to the absolute limit. Never had he devoured prey so large, belly sloshing in his gullet with each gulp. As the mutt inched deeper into his stomach, he felt a pang of pleasure as his overgorged gut forcibly stretched beyond its capacity. The poodle became woozy, feeling fit to burst swallowing such enormous prey. But the euphoria of the blob he’d become and weight he’d gain from such a meal pushed him onward, helping him to gulp down the rest of the dog’s body, and slurp up his muzzle. Moaning, hiccups, and sloshing bellowed out of the truck trailer like a roaring dragon in a cave. The poodle dragged his blubbery mass over to the edge, dangling the front of his body outside the trailer before collapsing onto the concrete floor with an ear shattering squelch. The churning and roiling of his stomach made a din among the quiet night, continuously making noise due to his gelatinous mass of a body constantly wobbling. Pulling himself just a bit further from the truck, Collin laid on his side, sloppily grinning and rubbing a paw on his behemoth of a body. From the shadows of a nearby alley, a group of rats scurried over to the lounging poodle. The biggest of whom crossed his arms and shook his head in disbelief. “I expected to see you crawling out of there, but I didn’t think you’d stuff yourself this much. You really can’t help yourself, can you?” Collin proudly patted the side of his belly. “You know me, *hic-hilp*, big brother. I like high living. Thanks for getting the trailer door open, *hic-hilp*, there’s some, *oorp*, leftover sacks of food in the back. Help yourselves.” The other rats scurried with excitement into the trailer. “Oh yeah, before I forget, you should pay Ma a visit sometime. She’d be happy to see you.” “*Hic-hilp*, sure thing. Enjoy the food. I’m gunna, *orf*, find someplace, *hnnng*, to sleep all this, *hic-hilp*, off.” Leaving his rat brother and his friends, Collin dragged himself out of the lot and back on the city sidewalk, searching for a dark alleyway to take a hard-long nap. As his stomach burbled and his prey wriggled inside, the poodle breathed heavily with elated pleasure. The weight of his titanic form straining his forelegs and their stubby paws was such a delectable consequence of his hedonism. Blorping with each pull, jiggling with each hiccup, wobbling from side to side from his rippling fat unable to keep balance, left him beyond hot and bothered. The pleasures of the feast, be they food or beast, was everything that defined the poodle’s existence. Hopefully in time, and after a several dozen more feasts like tonight, he’ll be able to bask in so much of his own fat that even the city itself will lie buried under his mountainous lard.