It was a lovely springtime in the woodlands, with the last frost of winter melting away and life once more returning with renewed vigor. Flowers were once more in bloom, and the melted snow gave way to lush grassy meadows. Birds chirped within the dense foliage of the trees, lending their songs once again in a chorus that stretched far and wide within the packed woods. All the woodland creatures rejoiced and were grateful for winter's passing. None more so than the wolf, who had languished with hardly a berry to digest all winter long. The wolf was always hungry, never satisfied with what puny morsels he managed to hunt and swipe up. Always on the prowl, the day’s eating wasn’t over until the exhaustion of sleep overpowered his need to eat, even after the sun had set. There was no limit he’d set for himself, no feast too big or too small he wouldn’t tackle. He’d make a buffet of every creature in the woodlands if he could, glutting himself into a food induced coma if they would only line up in front of him. Sadly, such extravagant eating only existed in his dreams; that was, until today. As he prowled through the woods, his nose picked up a delectable scent nearby. It led him to a dirt road, where to his delight, two rather large pigs carried in their hooves trays and tins of delicious smelling food. More so than the scent itself, the enormity of the pigs caused his heart to skip a beat. The girth of their own midsections were about three times the size of his own, well fed beyond anything he could ever hope to achieve. He followed the two of them at a distance, curious of where they were headed. They trailed off into a clearing and toward a sturdy brick house with smoke blowing from the chimney. Another equally large pig greeted them at the door; a warm cloud of more mouthwatering scents escaped into the woodland air from inside the house. Waiting for them to enter, the wolf crept up to the house, gently turning the doorknob only to find it locked. Circling around to the kitchen window, he peeped over the edge, awestruck at what he found. The two pigs placed their contributions at a large table, its surface covered front to back with plentiful food. Applefritters, apple brown betty, apple strudel, carrot pies, carrot cake, roasted onions, tomatoes, potatoes dripping with gravy, filled out every inch, a smorgasbord to behold. The three pigs sat themselves down, and after filling their glasses with some type of fruity red beverage from a bottle, they began stuffing their fat faces, all while the wolf watched in envy. Smacking his lips, his eyes bulged at the sight of their midsection bloating with each plate they finished. Such fat and happy creatures didn’t know of the struggles of having to catch your food, or how hungry a beast could truly get. He cursed at his inquisitive nature allowing the two pigs to enter the home. “I should have gobbled them up while I had the chance,” the wolf mumbled quietly to himself. “Even one of these piggies could have kept me fed for at least a week…maybe a few days.” Watching them gorge themselves silly, the wolf longingly yearned to feel the bounty of such fantastic eating. Murmuring with envy as their distended bellies began pressing against the table, he looked down to his own gut, pitifully thin despite his eager capacity to devour the whole world. Their hearty belching and patting of their stomachs caused him to fan himself with a paw, swooned by their glee of being such plentiful porkers. He simply must find a way into the house, even if it took the entire day. As quietly as he could, he fiddled with the window, finding it shut tight. Circling around the home, the other windows were also sealed shut with metal latches. The cellar door was chained shut, and the front door contained multiple locks. He would have tried slipping through the chimney, but the stoked fires bared his way inside. His claws scraping along the shingled roof would no doubt alert them anyway. After a half hour of fruitlessly finding a way in, he returned to the kitchen window. He looked in wide eyed amazement at the size of the pigs after finishing their feast. Each had grown so fat and full they dwarfed him by comparison. If any one of them would merely fall on him, he’d be helpless to free himself. He heard them groaning as they struggled to rise from their seats; their hooves rubbing at their massive-swollen bellies, so packed with gluttony he could hear it all churning around. Waddling over to the living room, each sat on their own massive sofas by the fireplace. Their muffled voices oozed with contentment after such good eating. Look at them, the wolf thought to himself, so fat and succulent, and all of them just sitting there. Oh, the gorging I’d have if I could just get inside. He clutched his stomach as it painfully rumbled. He hated the thought of leaving, but with how full they were, he’d be watching them sleep for hours with still no way to enter. There were other animals to eat in the woods, and he was wasting away by the minute. Growling as he began to turn away, one of the pigs caught his attention with their labored moaning. Watching him slowly rise from the sofa, the pig trundled over to the front door. The angelic sound of multiple locks opening played like dinner bells in the wolf’s ear. Skulking around the house, he saw the pig circling around to the opposite side. The wolf passed the door and peeked around the corner, watching the enormous pig struggle to bend down to pick up firewood. Groaning as he strained against his bloated stomach, the pig was completely oblivious to the hungry wolf sneaking up behind him. “Need some help, friend,” said the wolf, arms outstretched and ready to grab. “*Ooogh*, no thanks, I can handle—.” Turning around, the pig’s eyes shot wide with fright at the sight of the drooling wolf. Before he could squeal, the wolf lunged himself forward, his mouth opened as wide as it possibly could. The pig’s panicked cries echoed down the wolf’s gullet. The wolf’s claws gripped at the pig’s arms, digging into the sleeves of his coat. Filled with ravenous hunger, he greedily gulped down the pig’s head, forcing all he could of the swine deeper into his mouth. Struggling with the animal roughly five times his size, he was determined to gobble him up completely, unphased of whether or not his stomach would explode in the process. Wincing from the strain of swallowing whole such a massive beast, the wolf wore a crooked grin as he ate. Never in his life had he gorged on such a delectable hulk of meat, packing his throat and stretching his jaws beyond what he thought possible. Gulping down rabbits, birds, a fox, and even a lamb at one point of his life paled in comparison to this current bounty of burbling fat. The pig’s struggle had them dancing around in circles; the pig attempting to swing himself free, and the wolf pulling him deeper into his mouth. After a violent swing of the pig’s body, the wolf accidentally lost his footing. His back bumped into the pile of chopped logs, sliding down into a sitting position with the pig’s heavy body crushing him. But despite being unable to move, the wolf valiantly kept gulping, finally feeling the pig’s head slide past his chest and enter into his stomach. Each gulp that followed felt like eating a slice of heaven as the wolf’s stomach filled to a capacity he could only dream of. Still tugging at the pig’s coat, he swallowed down to the pig’s midsection; no longer having his hooves touch the floor, they wiggled in the air, raised off the ground by the wolf’s own swelling body. Its once empty confines now filled with sustenance, like a pot pie with all the fixings. Its expansion helped to lift his meal more leveled with his head, making him easier to wolf down. Having eaten three rabbits in one sitting at one point of his life, gobbling up this pig felt like eating around ten of them by comparison. Jaws squishing at the pig’s plump body and feeling it slosh within his gullet, the wolf reveled in taking his last few gulps before slurping up the curly tail and gulping the last of the pig down. With a sickening glorp, the rest of the pig rolled into the wolf’s stomach, sloshing it forward and back. The dazed wolf remained with his back leaned against the pile of firewood, completely sprawled out and with a sloppy-drunken grin on his face. The ecstasy of devouring such an incredibly large meal, and the grand degree of fullness he experienced, left him in such a stupor, he could only admire the blurred visage of his now fattened belly. No longer able to see his rib cage or see the view in front of him, he moaned with absolute bliss, comfortably resting his paws atop of his gut. “*Oooh*, what a meal. Just look at how fat I’ve gotten from just one piggy. *Mmmff*, I feel so full, more than I’ve ever felt before. This feels, *hic*, so good. *Ooooorp*!” Unable to hold back a heavy belch, the wolf covered his mouth with a paw, worried the pigs inside might have heard him. To his relief, he heard their own muffled belches inside, likely believing they heard their friend instead. His stomach sloshed as he rolled onto his front, using the stack of logs to help him up to a standing position. Arching his back, he looked down at his newly fattened body with drooling amazement. His belly jutted itself outward several feet, wobbling with his still lively prey struggling within. Not only had his waistline bulged with blubber, but his limbs, chest and face had plumped up as well. He teetered on his footpaws trying to balance his newfound weight. Unable to take his paws off his fat belly, he lovingly rubbed it in circular motions, saliva constantly seeping from the corners of his mouth.