WARNING: CONTAINS INFLATION AND OTHER MATURE THEMES. IF YOU DON’T LIKE EITHER, DON’T READ THIS. THANK YOU! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, can you help me?” asked Brunilda. Aileen looked her up and down, examining her. “Let me get this straight...you’re feeling a lot of pent up negative energy, correct?” asked Aileen. This was her specialty. She had studied restoration magic for years, always looking for new ways to deal with the negative energy that permeated everybody’s lives. It would seep into people and cause a variety of ailments, both physical and mental. It wasn’t life-threatening, but it definitely affected the quality of people’s lives. In light of that, Aileen did everything she could for her clients. “Correct…” said Brunilda. She had been complaining of feelings of anxiety, decreased self-confidence, and a hopeless love life. Aileen certainly didn’t see any reason why Brunilda should feel that way. She was a relatively attractive woman, just a little pudgy, but not outright fat. However, she just couldn’t find herself a partner, somebody to love her, no matter what she did! Ergo, Brunilda suspected negative energy. “Hmm…” pondered Aileen, grabbing at her necklace. It had countless gems of different colors on it, shining brilliantly like Brunhilda hoped she would be after walking out of here. Much to Brunilda’s surprise, Aileen pulled off the necklace, slipping it around Brunilda’s neck. After a moment, the numerous gemstones began to glow. “That answers it...you indeed have a negative energy problem…” declared Aileen, pulling the necklace off and putting it back around her neck. “H-how...your necklace detects it?” asked Brunilda, amazed. “Yes...and it lit up like a fireworks show. Therefore, negative energy,” said Aileen. “Can you help me?!” gasped Brunilda, finding a sense of urgency in the situation. “Of course I can! I’m a specialist, after all. I know a way to make that negative energy evaporate,” promised Aileen. “Thank you thank you thank you!” exclaimed Brunilda, practically wrapping her arms around Aileen in a hug. Aileen gently pushed her, trying to keep Brunilda from hugging too hard. “Well...don’t thank me yet. There’s a bit of a process to this. In my research, I’ve found the direct approach is the best. Therefore, there may be a...well, an invasion of privacy and personal space. Are you desperate enough for cleanse this energy to go through that?” asked Aileen. Brunilda thought for a moment. “I...y-yes...I’ll do it…” said Brunilda, a little bit of apprehension in her voice. “Good. Then let’s begin. You’re going to have to disrobe,” said Aileen, her voice remaining professional and confident. Brunilda blushed a bit as Aileen turned around, giving Brunilda some time to change her mind, if need be. A few seconds passed, before there was the sound of fabric hitting the floor, a few grunts, and then folding and organizing possessions. Finally, Brunilda placed all of her clothes on a nearby table. “I...I’m ready…” said Brunilda, sheepishly. Aileen turned around, not even giving Brunilda’s naked body a once over before approaching her. Aileen chanted something quick, her hands starting to glow with green energy. Brunilda watched in awe as Aileen began to trace lines on Brunilda’s skin, intricate runes and swirling curves. Aileen’s fingers moved across Brunilda’s neck, breasts, stomach, thighs, up around her back, covering her with a glowing design. If she could see a mirror, it would look as though Brunilda was a one-woman light show! Finally, Aileen finished, coming back around to observe Brunilda. “Are you alright? I know that can be jarring for some,” said Aileen. Brunilda’s eyebrows raised for a second, amused. Jarring was one word for it. Aileen had been more intimate with Brunilda with that little body drawing than anybody in recent memory. “I’m fine...I just...w-whoa…” gasped Brunilda. She felt...light. As though a massive weight had just been lifted off of her chest. The feeling intensified as Brunilda took deep breaths in and out, almost meditatively. “What are you feeling?” asked Aileen, watching Brunilda’s every move for any abnormality. “I feel...I feel weightless...like I’m not tied down by anything…” said Brunilda, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling as though she was floating on a cloud. The glowing runes were fading, the magic sinking into Brunilda’s skin. Aileen had seen this before. The magic was just getting started. As Brunilda breathed in, her breasts and belly bulged outwards, her deep breathing filling her. However, when she breathed out, her body didn’t go back to normal. It looked as though it had kept the air. “Good...keep your eyes closed...I’m going to come behind you and help you relax, alright?” asked Aileen, stepping closer and around Brunilda. “Mmmmhmmm...do it…” said Brunilda, her previous apprehension melting away as Aileen’s hands came up. From behind, Aileen began to massage Brunilda’s shoulders and neck, helping to work out the tension. “Oh yes...right there…” moaned Brunilda, feeling the tension melting away. “You really need to pamper yourself from time to time...I can feel all these tense muscles...you’re all knotted up...holding on to all this stress…” advised Aileen. “Oh goodness, you’re amazing at this…” said Brunilda. “I’m a professional, remember? I’d hope I’m good at this after all this time. Now keep breathing…” instructed Aileen. As Brunilda continued to breath, her stomach and breasts continued to bulge outwards. At the same time, her butt and hips began to flare outwards as well. Brunilda was blowing up, but Aileen was keeping her nice and relaxed, breathing, meditating. “I feel...I feel like I could just float away…” smiled Brunilda, feeling a high that she had never experienced before. Aileen took her hands from Brunilda’s shoulders, walking around her front. “Brunilda, I’m going to need you to slowly open your eyes to see what’s happening…” instructed Aileen. Brunilda hummed to herself for a moment as she followed Aileen’s command. However, her eyes immediately widened, the shock of seeing her body pulling her out of her weightlessness, if only for a moment. “O-oh my God...I-I’m...I’m huge…” gasped Brunilda, watching as her body continued to grow, looking like a balloon slowly being blown up. “Yes. You’ve grown quite a bit. You see, my magic literally evaporates the negative energy. When it evaporates, it turns…” said Aileen, pausing for a moment. “I-it turns into a gas…” gasped Brunilda, watching herself grow as she breathed. She pressed a finger against her belly, watching as it bounced back out, and then some. “My magic will evaporate all of the negative energy inside of you. But depending on how much there is, you may get quite a bit larger,” said Aileen. Brunilda whimpered for a moment. She didn’t know how to feel about this. However, she felt another wave of weightlessness come over her, the relaxing feeling returning to her. “I...d-do what you have to…” said Brunilda, granting Aileen permission to continue. Aileen circled back around, reassuming her position and continuing her massage. “Keep breathing...stay nice and relaxed...tensing up will only make it harder for the magic to work…” instructed Aileen. Brunilda breathed deep, reassuring herself. Aileen was a professional. She had done this countless times before. Brunilda could trust Aileen. So she did. It was such an incredible feeling, she could almost forget that she was growing! Aileen’s magical fingers continued their work, kneading all the tension out of Brunilda. It was almost entrancing, feeling her body slowly growing. It created a sense of presence among this weightlessness. It was...it was almost enjoyable! Brunilda let out a whimsical sigh… BLOOMP! Brunhilda’s ballooning butt had pushed against Aileen, rubbing against her masseuse. “Oh God...I...I’m so sorry…” gasped Brunilda, blushing with embarrassment. “It’s quite alright. Here, I’ll step away for a moment. If you would like, I can give you another once over with my magic, to help the process along,” offered Aileen, stepping away from Brunilda’s burgeoning curves. “I...I’d like that…” sighed Brunilda, relieved. There was a familiar chant as Aileen’s hands lit up with magic again. Within seconds, her fingertips were skittering across Brunilda’s skin. Her thighs and arms had begun to inflate as well, filling up and making it hard to move them with any dexterity at all. Meanwhile, her stomach had blown up, making her look massively pregnant with triplets. The glowing runes highlighted her curves as Aileen drew across her beach-ball breasts, her humongous hips, and her astounding ass. “O-OH! I...I’m sorry...I…” cried Brunilda before catching herself, Aileen drawing the rune on her thighs. “Is everything alright?” asked Aileen, finishing the last of the rune. Almost immediately, Brunilda began to grow faster. “I just...your fingers...there...just made me a little flustered is all…” admitted Brunilda, trying to hide her mix of embarrassment and excitement. “Have you tensed up at all?” asked Aileen. Brunilda’s heart raced. “I...I’d have to say I have a bit…” admitted Brunilda, blushing wildly. “Remember how I said there would be an invasion of privacy and personal space?” asked Aileen. Brunilda nodded. “If you’ve tensed up at all, we have to release that tension for the magic to work…” reminded Aileen. “I-I understand…” gasped Brunilda, “but...but are you...are you comfortable...with…with…” Now, it was Brunilda being concerned with how Aileen was doing. “It’s all part of the job...now relax…” instructed Aileen. Brunilda watched, holding her breath as Aileen put her hands on Brunilda’s stomach, feeling it push against her as it grew. “You’re going to have to instruct me...tell me what I have to do to help you…” said Aileen. Brunilda blushed. “I...I...s-start...start with my breasts…” commanded Brunilda. Wordlessly, Aileen’s hands came up and began to massage Brunilda’s breasts, causing her jaw to drop. “J-just like that…” moaned Brunilda. Aileen groped and stroked at Brunilda’s bulging breasts. Her nipples were completely erect, showing just how much tension Aileen had yet to release. Aileen’s fingers gently brushed them, causing Brunilda to scream. “Do it again…” begged Brunilda. Aileen focused her attention on the sensitive buttons, flicking, stroking, and teasing them. Brunilda quivered as the pleasure ran through her. She hadn’t imagined she would be blowing up like a blimp and played with like this, but it was certainly a titillating treatment! “N-now...go back around...and...mmmmmmm…” gasped Brunilda. “And?” asked Aileen, dropping her hands to her sides and moving around Brunilda. “I...please...grab my ass…” instructed Brunilda, almost ashamedly. Surprisingly, Aileen didn’t hesitate, getting a big handful of it. “OH! OH YES!” gasped Brunilda, letting herself go for a moment. She was growing faster and faster as the sexual tension was relieved, and any and all resistance faded. She couldn’t move at all, save for a pathetic waddle. Her midsection was beginning to overwhelm her extremities. But Brunilda didn’t mind, already feeling quite a bit better from the evaporating negative energy inside of her. “Please...be a little rough…” continued Brunilda. Aileen chuckled for a moment, before giving Brunilda’s buns a quick smack. “Harder…” Aileen smacked again, putting a little more force into it. “H-Harder…!” Aileen wound up, before letting spanking Brunilda again. “HARDER!” Aileen put everything she had into it, giving Brunilda the hardest smack she could. Brunilda’s entire body trembled, as she let out a guttural moan. “OH FUCK YES…!” squealed Brunilda. Aileen rubbed the red spots her hands had left, giving Brunilda a bit of pampering as she continued to grow. Brunilda looked as though she had been hooked up to an air hose, her body spreading out in every direction, growing bigger and wider and rounder with every passing second. “I-I’m sorry...you must think I’m demented…” whimpered Brunilda, feeling another wave of pleasure. “It’s alright, every girl has her needs…” said Aileen, coming back around to Brunilda’s front. Her stomach was touching the ground, her body lightly leaning against it as she continued to grow, the negative energy blowing her up. Her thighs were being pushed apart, her swollen snatch begging for attention. But Brunilda wouldn’t make Aileen do that. “God...I’m just a big balloon…” moaned Brunilda, her high growing even higher. She was big and bulging, a feeling that Brunilda had never imagined feeling, but one that she couldn't resist. It brought her some sort of perverted pleasure, a fact that she prayed would only stay between her and Aileen. “You must have the most negative energy I’ve ever seen in a woman...there’s no telling just how much bigger you’re going to get…” observed Aileen. “Mmmmmmm...ooooooooooooh…” moaned Brunilda. Bigger. She wanted to get bigger. To keep growing, inflating, blowing up, pushing herself to her limits. The thought alone made her unbearably hot. “Brunilda...be honest...are you feeling more tense?” asked Aileen, her patient’s behavior betraying what she was hiding. “Y-yes...so tense...i-it’s driving me insane…” admitted Brunilda. While Aileen had been tending to her needs, the tension had faded. But now that Aileen had stopped, it left Brunilda’s body begging for more, the tension returning even stronger. “What can I do to release it?” asked Aileen. “My...I...you can...go...m-my…” gasped Brunilda, unable to get herself to say the words. She still had a little bit of her dignity, after all. Aileen nodded, understanding. She brought a hand up to Brunilda’s body and spun her, causing Brunilda to gasp with surprise. She was so inflated, Aileen could move her with almost no effort! Aileen spun her a little more, moving and positioning her. Brunilda’s face flushed red. She heard a little bit of chanting, before feeling fingers move up and down her womanhood. “Ooooooooooh...ooooooooooooooh yes…” shuddered Brunilda, Aileen rubbing her up and down for a couple of moments. Brunilda could feel a faint tingling wherever Aileen’s fingers went, growing more intense with each pass. Aileen was even brave enough to give Brunilda’s clit a couple of strokes, spreading the tingling there as well. And then, Aileen began to walk around Brunilda, letting her fingers trace as stroke as much of the blimp Brunilda’s skin as she could reach. The tingling spread more and more as Aileen did a full lap around her spherical client, finally coming to a stop in front of Brunilda’s face. “Oh...I-I’m...I’m so...so tingly...I…” gasped Brunilda, her lips trembling as she struggled to form words. It felt like there were pins and needles all across her body, a lovely static that threatened to overwhelm Brunilda. At this point, she was nothing more than a giant globe, a big ball, filled with air! Her hands and feet flapped uselessly as she completed her transformation into a balloon. The only thing that differentiated her from a sphere was her enormous tits! “I used some magic to stimulate your nerve endings, giving you that tingling you feel now...but it does appear I missed a spot…” said Aileen, giving Brunilda’s nipples a pinch, sending them tingling as well. Brunilda’s jaw dropped. She was growing so fast, she was towering over Aileen! Brunilda had started as a normal sized girl, now she looked to be almost 10 feet in diameter! She was massive, she was enormous, she was on cloud nine, feeling more delight than she had ever felt! “A-Aileen...Aileen...I…” gasped Brunilda. She didn’t even know what to say! However, she was interrupted by Aileen. “Your growth is starting to slow down...that means the negative energy is almost completely evaporated,” observed Aileen. Brunilda gasped at the revelation. It had evaporated so quickly! Brunilda had been expecting more stimulation, more spells...more inflating! “P-please...play with me…” pleaded Brunilda, not wanting it to end. Aileen wordlessly groped at Brunilda’s breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples. Brunilda wailed with delight, feeling the tingling grow more feverish as she grew. But she too could tell it was beginning to slow down. Brunilda’s body quivered, begging for more. Aileen worked to keep her distracted, keeping her relaxed as the last of the negative energy was evaporated inside of her. “M-more...more…” begged Brunilda, her body’s growth slowly halting. “Now that all the energy is evaporated inside of you, I need to purify it. I’m going to have to flood your system with magic…” said Aileen. “M-more tracing on my body?” asked Brunilda. “No...that takes too long. There’s only one way to do it with any sort of speed. I’d normally say you might be uncomfortable with it, but I think we’ve crossed any sort of personal boundary a while ago…” said Aileen. Brunilda nodded in agreement. A personal boundary may have been crossed, had she not been an enormous, naked balloon of a woman! But before Brunilda could think anymore, Aileen took a deep breath in before breathing out slowly. However, in addition to air, a green fog, glowing like flame also came out. “A-Aileen...I...MMPF!” gasped Brunilda, Aileen shooting forward and locking lips with the balloon woman. Immediately, she began to blow into her, allowing the magical fog to move into Brunilda. Brunilda’s eyes fluttered. By flooding her with energy, Aileen was literally blowing her up like a balloon! Aileen pulled away, taking another deep breath. Brunilda moaned as they kissed again, another influx of air pushing into her. The negative energy wasn’t making her grow now...Aileen’s enchanted breath was! The magical breath caused her to surge outwards, bigger and bigger. The tingling was unbearable, her increased size and sensitivity causing Brunilda an incomparable bliss. Aileen pulled away. “Please...blow me up…” begged Brunilda. Aileen’s lips met hers again, pushing all the air into her. FSSSSSSSSSSSSH. “So big and full...please...don’t stop…” FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Brunilda felt the release of all of her tension building up, just waiting on Aileen. “So tense...I...I need release…” FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Arcs of energy coursed across Brunilda’s taut skin. She was so close. But she needed more! “Please...finish it…” FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. “F-finish me off…” FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. “O-Oh...oh God...oh God…” FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. “OH...OH YES...OH YES…!” cried Brunilda, finally feeling it take hold of her. With a mighty cry, she came, her lips trembling as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Aileen took advantage of Brunilda’s open mouth… FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Brunilda’s mind was racing. It was too much. She felt so full, so close to losing her mind! FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Aileen was still pushing it into her, flooding her with magic. She didn’t know how much more she could take! She quivered wildly, eager to find out just what her limit was… FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH Brunilda was screaming in her head. Please! Gonna pop! Gonna blow! Give me that release, I want it soooooooooo bad! FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH Please, more! Blow me up! Make me pop like the big balloon I am! Punish the enormous, naughty blimp you’ve made me! More! More! MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE! FSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS- BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Brunilda finally got the release she craved as she exploded, sending a rush of air through the room. Aileen was thrown backwards, landing a few feet away. She quickly opened her eyes to find the room filled with a purple fog. “And there’s all the energy…” said Aileen to herself as she climbed back to her feet. She began to swirl her finger through the air, tracing through the fog. Like a vacuum, it began to get pulled in, coalescing and compacting, growing more and more dense as all the fog got caught in the vortex. When it was all in a small area in front of her, Aileen closed her hands around it. There was a bright green glow as she opened her hands again, only to reveal a deep purple gem. “That will look wonderful on my necklace…” Aileen noted, turning her eyes to the center of the room. Brunilda was laying there, in one piece at her normal size, resting peacefully with a post-coital glow. Aileen smiled, her magic having worked flawlessly. As Aileen watched, Brunilda began to stir. “Don’t move...you need to rest…!” instructed Aileen, approaching her. With a little bit of magic to help, Aileen scooped her up in her arms, moving towards a nearby bed. “I...I’ve never...never felt so good…such an incredible feeling...” moaned Brunilda, opening her eyes slightly. “To be expected. You’ve been cleansed of all your negative energy. You had to be the biggest balloon that’s ever been made with that method…” admitted Aileen as she laid Brunilda in the bed. Aileen went to back up, before Brunilda stopped her. “Wait...come here for a moment…” murmured Brunilda. “Yes?” asked Aileen. “I...I think I can feel love again…burning so brightly...” said Brunilda, her body glowing. Aileen gave her a pleased smile. The negative energy had done quite a number on Brunilda. “Excellent! That means the treatment is worki-MMPF” gasped Aileen as Brunilda suddenly pulled Aileen onto the bed and gave her a kiss. Aileen was speechless as Brunilda pulled away. “Y-you’re...you…” gasped Aileen, heart racing from the sudden surprise. Brunilda...she was...she liked...liked women…? “Doesn’t that explain why I was so comfortable with what you did to me…?” asked Brunilda. It all made sense now! She was alright with Aileen helping alleviate her sexual tension because that’s exactly what she wanted in a partner! She wanted a woman to do it! “Y-you need to rest! We’ll discuss our...I mean, your! Your love life later!” gasped Aileen. Her professionalism was gone. Now it was Brunilda who was collected, smiling, and Aileen who was tripping over her words. Brunilda giggled as Aileen blushed a bright red, enjoying the reversal of roles here. “We can discuss that...or...you know...I don’t think I’d mind you blowing me up like a balloon again…” said Brunilda, winking. This was going to be Aileen’s most interesting client...