Evangelion Weight Gain by FC-Punk, 2009-08-25 03:27:17 Literature / Fanfiction / General Evangelion Weight Gain By FC Punk & Rebecca Bloat Asuka swallowed. She sat with the two other Eva pilots, each clad in their skin tight plugsuits, reclined in odd seats similar to their Entry plug cockpits, except much more comfortable. She looked over, laying not too far away from Shinji. She pulled her eyelid down to him, grinning, watching him pout. Farthest from her was the first child, who sat motionless. The room was dimly lit. Asuka grew impatient. "When are we starting this? We've been laying like this for almost 20 minutes!" she shouted. Unexpectedly tubes come out from the top of the plug pits. "What is this for?" asked Shinji. Misato pops on the screen "This is a simple survival test. I want you three to suck these tubes and to keep sucking until we say stop". Not thinking of asking why or how the three children begin to suck on the tubes. What they swallowed was a sweet, almost fruity substince. It was delicious. The three sucked and sucked for hours on end. Asuka squirmed as she felt the hose descend, pushing down against her lips. "Eww, this is dirty!" she protested, but stoped as she tasted the odd, fruity slurry. She sucked it down slowly, then greedily, gulping it down. It had the texture of melted ice cream. She felt herself burp against the tube a little, still swallowing away. She began to lose track of time, the goo was strangely addictive, she never tired of drinking it. Shinji moaned a little, gulping down more. He blushed, feeling a little uncomfortable for a moment, his plugsuit feeling snug. He looked down to see his belly had grown, swollen out in front of him a few inches, steadily getting bigger as he drank and drank and drank. Rei was drinking the slope as well, and when Asuka and Shinji finally stopped, full of cream Rei kept up a steady pace, just slurping and grunting as her suit became tight and a small but noticeable double chin began developing, dribble of the substance rolling down her lips, down her original chin and now down her fat roll. Shinji gasped and sputtered as his tube was retracted, the flow of delicious slurry ceasing. He tried to catch his breath, a little disappointed that the flow stopped, he wanted more. He glanced over to Rei with envious eyes, but soon found himself surprised. The blue haired girl guzzling more and more, developing a sizable paunch in her suit. The sound of rubber and lycra stretching as she drank. She was fattening up before his eyes. Shinji blushed, watching it happen, until finally her hose was taken away, leaving her gasping for air, breathing heavily. She tried to move, but felt much heavier. Had he put on weight? "My God Shinji, your getting little boy breasts. If your not careful your going to get them as big as Misato's" Asuka teased, looking at Shinji's swollen chest after changing from the stuffing, although Asuka had put on weight herself, a fuller face, a fatter ass, her dress was very tight, stretched across her belly. Shinji sat up, blushing as Asuka teased him. His heavier fatter chest pushed out against his front. His chest had indeed grown, making him look as if he had C-cup breasts. "Sh-shut up Asuka...I'm not the one who looks like a total oinker..." he retorted, though it felt a little hollow, given how his midsection had swelled. He felt as if he weighed a hundred pounds more. "How could I have gotten so fat, we were only drinking that stuff for..." he looked at the clock. He gasped. It had been over two hours! The two of them were led back to Misato's apartment, while the NERV staff escorted Rei away, waddling. "Slow down kids, theres plenty" Misato said, as the kids eat the American imported fried chicken. "Yeah, miss piggy." Shinji teased. "What was that, boy boobs?" Asuka retorted as the two argued over Colonel Sanders. Shinji fought with her, scarfing down the last piece of chicken, his lips and fingers covered in grease, his belly tight against his shirt, popping open a button. "Ha! See!" Asuka jeered, wiping her mouth, "Soon this little schwinhund will have bigger boobs than me! Brustfettjunge!" she grinned. Her own belly gurgling and groaning, as she belched loudly. "Oohhhhph, Misato, can we get some more! I'm still so hungry!" Shinji nodded, but pouted over being teased. He wished he could eat alone in his room. Surprised he was still so hungry. The next day it's testing again. The plugsuits are a little tighter, they show off the girl's curves, and Shinji's rolls. They get into the entry plugs. "I hope we get to test that stuff again" Shinji thinks, greedy for more. Shinji moans as he wedges himself into the chair, absent mindedly watching the two girls get in as well, seeing their luscious curves jiggle, entrancing him. He bites his lip, growing a little aroused as he watches them. His naughty thoughts are taken away as Misato speaks over the intercom. "Alright, we're continuing the survival exercises, this time, the tubes will be interlaced with these ration dispensers. When they get close, just open your mouths and be ready to chew. Again, do not stop until you are instructed to." she finished. "What kind of test is this?!" Asuka shouts, "Eating again! My clothes are already getting too tight! I-ohh..." she quiets as the tubes descend, her stomach rumbling with hunger that wasn't there before. Little bits of cookie dough start to plop from the tube. Asuka gobbles them up, eating more and more as they tumble out of the hose, soft enough to easily chew or swallow whole; they fall faster and faster as she eats them up, her belly swelling out in front of her, her body growing wider and fatter as she pigs out. "mmmmph, Mmmph!" she gorges. Shinji eats and eats as well, his hose suddenly being pulled up. "Ahhh~ B-but I wasn't finished..." he pouts. A mechanical voice chirps. "Ration deployment commencing" With that, a larger mechanical pipe descends, as a metal tray pushes a thick, black looking wedge to his lips. He begins to eat it slowly, then faster, the thing tasting like chocolate cake, only better, he moans as its stuffed into him, his cheeks bulging. Rei is eating two things at once, what appears to be the cookie dough and the cake, her belly bulging out out out, her double chin now fully there. Asuka's suit groans as her body grew, and Shinji couldn't stop eating his cake. The three children ate like pigs, engorged by all the food before them as it was fed to them, helpless to stop it as they wanted more and more. Beneath them, their new seats held scales with digital readouts. Shinji's climbed to a huge 210lbs, steadily rising, while Asuka's leveled out at 250lbs. Rei had them both beat pushing past 300lbs and still gaining. Shinji ate more and more of the cake, feeling his belly fill out before him, his plugsuit now so snug against it. "Mmmmph, more cake!" he whimpered, pushing his mouth onto each new slice. His boy tits now bigger than Misatos. It all stopped and the three collectively groan with how full they are. As they try to leave they realize they are stuck in the pit, tops hanging outside, bottoms jiggling inside. It took heavy duty grease to liberate them out of the entry plugs. As they changed Asuka saw Shinji's boy tits and waddle over, reaching from behind and giving the tits a good grope. "As big as Misato's" said the girl who's cup size had swelled up and outwords, now sagging down her stretch marked belly. She now wore a larger panty sized, in an unflattering granny style, as that left her with plenty of room. Shinji squirmed in Asuka's pudgy grasp, "L-let me go!" he blushed, his chest now quite sensitive. His big tits jiggling as her own pressed against his back. Shinji was growing a little aroused. His boxers, already snug on his ballooning ass, grew tighter. He huffed and puffed away from her, belching as he did, feeling excess gas fill him. His belly gurgled and groaned. "H-how am I still hungry, we've been eating for hours!" he cried, changing into his clothes, waddling home with Asuka. Asuka felt her thighs touch as she waddle, making a sound not all that different from fapping. She looked majorly pregnant and for a girl her height it didn't do her any favors. As they walked/waddled home they got stares and whispers, suggesting they were perhaps more than together. Shinji's thighs rubbed together, not unpleasantly, as he felt his belly droop down, smothering his groin a little. Every movement made him draw in breath sharply, arousing him. He stared at Asuka's gargantuan ass as they made their way home. Even as he was turned on, in the back of his mind, he kept hoping Misato had stopped at Macdonarudo's as she'd promised. He waddled along with her, seeing people stare at them. "Uhhh, c'mon Asuka...we should hurry home" he panted, breaking wind as moved forward, his belly still gurgling from all that cookie dough and cake. Misato couldn't stop staring at Shinji's breasts as they ate, they really were nearing her territory, it almost disturbed her how....perky they were, if that was possible. "Shnji, your getting kinda fat lately" Misato outright came out and said it. Shinji nearly choked on his double big mac. "M-misato!" he whined, "I can't help it. It's all that weird testing we've been doing...all we do is eat...I-I can't help if it all tastes so good" he looked down, finishing his meal quickly, before reaching for more. Asuka giggles, "Yeah, tubby Shinji-chan! You're getting to be such a big, fat big boobed pig" she laughed, teasing him as she ate some more. Misato looked to Asuka, unsure of how to correct her. Asuka looked even fatter than Shinji. She didn't mind as much, given that her breasts were feminine, but they were massive, and her belly pushed out more than a foot in front of her. She was like a blimp! "Asuka, you should talk, you're getting to be quite fat yourself" she grinned, tipping back her beer. "I am not, I'm just fluffy" Asuka said, causing Shinji to choke on a french fry and Misato to almost do a spit take with her beer. Misato wasn't sure how to respond. Given her orders from the higher ups, she just sighed and let things progress, watching the two kids expand and fatten bigger and bigger, being pumped full of calories during the day then gorging themselves on fast food at night. At school Shinji was facing bullying problems from Toji. "hhahaha, look at this kid, he has bossoms" Toji laughs, poking him in his exposed chubby parts of his body. Shinji blushed and looked away, ashamed. "T-Toji, c'mon...I can't help it!" he whined, his school shirt hardly fitting him any more. He tried to pull it down over his belly, but his chest buttons popped open. Asuka, on the other hand, had the biggest tits in school, as well as the biggest thighs and biggest ass. She was the centre of attention. As she ate her lunch with Hikari, she complained loudly. "Can you beleive all these boys? They won't stop staring!" she said, flustered, as she tore open her fourth pack of twinkies and creme pan. Hikari blushed, nodding "It...must be hard" she smiled, not wanting to comment on just how much weight her friend had gained. Rei appeared only once that week in school, barely able to squeeze through the classroom door. She left after lunch period, when her chair bent under her weight. Rei wasn't being seen alot by Shinji and Asuka, granted they didn't really hang out much besides at work. Rei seemed to have a schedule: school, and then head back to NERV for further study. Her high capacity for food and drink fascinated them and would play a part in the bigger picture of things. Rei was held, suspended in the vat of LCL, as a hose pumped something carbonated down her throat, making her chug. her belly visibly distended with all of it, fizzing and groaning. Her naked body looking more and more like a balloon with each passing second. She began to squirm, to which caused the flow to increase further, pumping her to the bursting point. Ritsuko smiled, her hand on the button. "I should take it easy...we'll need this one to last..." she sighed, watching her inflate with fat and soda. Shinji woke up, not wanting to leave his bed as light streamed through his room. He was so comfy and warm and soft. His hands draped around his new, fattened body. As he got out of bed, he looked in his mirror, still astonished to have put on so much weight so fast. He jiggles his chest, "...wow...they are bigger than Misato's..." he gave them another jiggle. He felt his penis rub against his belly and felt slightly aroused, he felt good to the touch. He heard Asuka grunting in german in the room next to his. He went over to the wall to hear, and mysteriously found a peak hole. He gazed through and took a peak. Asuka was jumping from one foot to the other trying to pull these tight granny panties up her dimply cellulite thighs and up the biggest ass Shinji ever saw. Asuka grunted and huffed and puffed, squeezing herself into the tiny panties, which were absorbed by her ass like a thong. "Unnngh! Schise! These fit yesterday!" she squirmed, now trying to button her school uniform shirt. Stretched over her melonous bosom, the shirt simply refused to button. Asuka whined "I-I have nothing to wear! Nothing fits!" she collapsed to the bed, hot and panting, half naked, her bosom heaves as she breaths heavily. Shinji leans over to look further and comically falls through the wall. "Uh......" he stammers before Auska pulled her bedcovers up as much as she could, though they barely cover her now, as she sees and hears Shinji crash through the wall. "Eeek! Pervert! You big fat pervert!" Asuka screams and proceeds to sit up and then sit on Shinji. Shinji moans pitifully "A-Asuka...I" he blushes, but is quite stiff against her, barely clothed himself, while he could see her bosom bursting free of her bra. Asuka grinds into him before passing gas loudly, the smell knocking him out. “That will show you, baka Shinji” she snorts. The next day at NERV it's testing again. "Okay it's time for another survival rations test, proceed to eat what we send you". Shinji waddled his way back into the testing room with the three chairs. He blushed uncomfortably as he felt his thighs brush together, causing the lycra of the plugsuit to squeek. It used to fit so well before, now it felt stretched. He sat down, already feeling hungry again. He heard the door hiss open, as he saw Rei enter. He couldn't believe his eyes! She was massive! Her huge body looked almost 500lbs. She was barely able to waddle into her fitted seat. Her hips, thighs, and belly overflowing the sides of it. The tubes drop down and this time it was a mix of heavy cream milk, honey, and sugars, deliciously sweet. The three children began sucking, Shinji's boy tits poking through the suit, Asuka squealing like a pig, and Rei in a world of her own sucking on the tube, not making grunting and slurping noises. As Misato and Ritsiko watched they could see them literally growing fatter by the second, bottom fat starting to hang over the chairs. Asuka gulped and swallowed, moaning for more. She remembered the first time they'd been fed with tubes, how reluctant she'd been. Now, she couldn't get enough, suckling and sucking, groaning and grunting as she guzzled. Her tight, red plugsuit expanded on her sweaty skin as the pounds piled on. With every thick swallow of the sweetened heavy creme, she could feel herself growing heavier, fatter. Shinji was drinking too, his chest growing and growing. He simply couldn't resist the taste. "Mmmmph, Mmm, Mmmmore!" he managed to squeal. Misato and Ritsuko looked on from the control room. Misato's jaw began to drop as she watched. "Why are we doing this?" asked Misato. She really didn't know. Ritsuko grinned, watching the three of them eat and eat and eat, gorging like pigs. "Orders are straight from the commander," she smiled, "It's part of a new survival test. A delivery system to keep pilots nourished while in the Eva entry plug for long duations of time" she lied. She knew it was really another experiment ont he road to her own Instrumentality Project, pushed forward without the commander's knowledge. "Here, have a brownie" she smiled, pushing a plate of them to Misato that was on her desk "Baked them last night". "Are they special brownies?" Misato asked. Ritsuko smiled, knowing they smelt irresistible. "Depends on what you mean by 'special'" she grinned. "What did you do to them? I know you've been experimenting" Misato glares. Ritsuko sighed, seeing Misato begin to get angry. She looked around, the other technicians had already been sent away, leaving just the two of them to oversee this test. She pushed a button, switching off the security cameras. "I'm making them fatter..." she grinned, "as big as they'll possibly get" she grinned wider at the look on Misato's face. "All the test food is laced with a few new chemicals of my design. The S2 bonding protein allows for tissue growth beyond what normal humans are capable of. With this, it eliminates most of the health hazards with such weight gain. Your precious little pretend family isn't in any harm..." she smiled, "But they'll be much, much heavier...have a brownie" she insisted. Misato took a brownie and tasted it. It tasted better than anything she ever had before. She ate the first one, and then the second one, and the third one, soon the entire plate of brownies were gone. "Those were impossibly good". Ritsuko smiled, knowing Misato would barely be able to remember tonight's little conversation after a few more plates left her full and tired. "Have some more" she grinned, passing over another full plate of them. She breathed in heavily as she watched the purple haired woman chow down, smiling, turning to see her little test piggy's finish. The test was finished and each child was burping and farting, stuffed to the gills. It took a grew of NERV workers to get them out of the chairs and Asuka and Shinji home, they were too stuffed to take off the plug suits, Misato taking a knife and having to cut the suits open. She cuts Shinji's suit open and his boy blubber and breasts burst out like water from a damn, her breasts now large enough to sag. "He needs a bra" Misato thought. When Misato cut him out, his body gurgled and sloshed, making him fart. Creme spilling from his lips. "Mmmmmph...so g-good" he belched. Asuka smilarly was released, exploding from her suit as Misato cut her out. Her belly a massive, sloshing dome in front of her, even her huge melon breasts were beginning to leak the sweet creame. She was so bloated and stuffed, she could barely move. "Unnnnngh...f-full...gonna p-pop!" she moaned, wincing in pain. She leaned forward, farting loudly *Ffffrrrrrt!* collapsing in a heap of fat and creame. Shinji awoke in the morning, his belly giving him a bit of pain as he continued to digest all that cream. He felt gassy and bloated, but strangely hungry. He sat up in his bed, rubbing his new girth, his belly pushing out a good foot in front of him, so round and soft. "I've gotten so fat..." he blushed, not wanting to admit that he liked how it felt. He had the strong urge to masturbate, but decided to try and get up instead. He walked out to see Asuka at the table, breakfast foods piled up in front of her like he'd never seen before. Waffles, pancakes, bacon, toast with butter and jam, orange juice, maple syrup, whipped creme, sausages. "Morning fat ass" Asuka said, munching on her breakfast. "There was more here, but you were asleep so Asuka ate half of it" Misato said, cherfully, looking at Shinji's sagging boy udders. "Needs a bra" she thought to herself. Shinji hadn't done his shirt up, so his perky boy tits hung out, much bigger than Misato's. He blushed, sitting down accross from Asuka, glaring. "I-I am not fat...and you're one to talk, you Zhepplin!" he tried to say, but found himself reaching for a plate of waffles, dousing them in syrup and whipped creme. He ate and ate with Asuka, gorging himself; the two of them eating non-stop for well over an hour, before it even occured to Shinji that they might have school. Misato absentmindedly munched on a donut as she watched the two eat. She hadn't even noticed the few pounds she'd gained since last night with Ritsuko. Her mind only focused on how fat each of them were getting. How hypnotic it almost was. She shook her head, eating another donut before heading off. "You'll be late for school if you keep eating, kids!" she called back to them. They realized they had school and put on their custom uniforms, although even having bigger clothes they were still tight. The kids were definitely the fattest in their class, Rei of course being the fattest. They saw Rei and couldn't believe she was still mobile. Something was not right about that girl. It was like she wasn't even human, the insane amount of weight she had put on and she was still able to walk. Asuka clicked her tongue at the first child, watching her waddle into class, sitting down on two chairs pushed together. She scowled, seeing how immensely fat she was. Still, the blue haired girl's chest caught her eye. Like two humongous melons trying to escape, Rei's breasts were immeasurable, like two inflated balloons. Asuka squeezed her own to her chest, easily filling her chubby hands. "Ne, Hikari? Do you think Ayanami's breasts are bigger than mine?" she asked, in between bites of a chocolate bar. "I hate to tell ya Asuka, but yeah, she has bigger breasts. Although Shinji's ranks up there also." Hikari bluntly told her. Asuka glowered at Hikari, turning her head to Shinji, who was fidgeting in his char, trying to fit, though his belly kept pushing the desk away. "Shinji's the lowest class of man..." she blushed, watching him jiggle. Asuka felt her belly rumble and her insides flutter. She coudn't help but think every emotion she felt lately was always followed by hunger...and the more she looked at Shinji, the fatter she wanted him to be. "Hope he gets to be a real blimp" she laughed with Hikari as the lunch bell rang. Toji walks up behind Shinji and reaches around the fat boy and jiggles his breasts "Look at it fly" he laughs. Shinji yelped and blushed, holding his chest, trying to make them stop wobbling. "T-Toji!" he whined, "Cut it out..." he scowled at his friend, who kept laughing. "I'm sorry Shinji, but dem's is some mighty big jugs you're sporting. You've got a bigger pair than most'a the girls here" Kensuke nodded, "It's true...I know all of their bra sizes, and you look like a 40 DD, maybe even an E cup". "I am not" Shinji whined, covering his chest with his broad forarms. Toji laughed, giving em another jiggle. Shinji's boy boobs shook and quivered, his nipples getting a little hard against the stretched fabric of his school uniform. As he struggled, he popped a few buttons off, his belly wobbling in front of him; his pants creaking, stretched to hold in his rounded ass. Toji grinned, and took Shinji into a headlock, causing Shinji to quickly bend forward, and his clothes rip to shreds, leaving the flabby obese teen in his briefs, his belly covering the front, hiding his penis, and his boy titties on full display. Shinji gasped as he was suddenly exposed, feeling the air of his soft, fat flabby body. He brought a hand down to tug at his briefs to keep them up. His belly rubbing against him, his breasts jiggling as he was made prone. "T-Toji stop, please! M-my clothes!" he begged, not sure what his friend might do. "Hahaha you were right Kensuke, they are bigger than most porn stars!" Toji laughs. Asuka is watching this and can't help but feel a little wet. Shinji's embaressment was turning her on. Shinji struggled and whimpered, his boy tits bouncing as Toji gave em a squeeze, making him yell out. "N-no, please...ahhhahhh!~" he whined, feeling the girth of his belly envelop his penis as his boxers grew tight. All that soft flesh against him was too much, but he was so embarrased. Asuka watched from nearby, bringing her hands down to herself, rubbing. "Yes...more..." she found herself whispering, grinning mischieviously. Shinji is sent home, but with Misato busy at NERV Shinji had to walk home in his underwear. When he gets to his room, he tries to masturbate, but finds it a challenge, before finding a way by having his stomach blubber rest on a counter so that he can reach his penis. As he jacks off his body shakes all over. Asuka watched as much as she could before Toji let him go. She rushed home before Shinji arrived, preparing everything she wanted from the kitchen and Misato's 'private' drawer. She exited her room to find Shinji in his, stroking himself awkwardly. She grins, knocking on his door, interrupting him at an opportune moment, stopping him from cumming. "Shinji, could you help me with something?" she asks sweetly, grinning. She led him to her room, locking the door behind her, where she had several tubs of ice cream, pies, cakes, and even a few sticks of butter waiting, along with all of Misato's little toys as well. "Asuka....what is this?" he asks, confused. Asuka plugged his mouth with a large, thick piece of chocolate cake, forcing him to eat it up. She pushed his front onto her bed, bending him over in front of all the food. "Mmmm, shut up, idiot fatty Shinji. I want you all to myself" she grinned, pushing Misato's extra large strap on inside of herself, squeezing it past her bloated, fattened puffed up love lips, gasping as she does. "Unnnngh...I want you to take it all, Fatty Shinji" she moaned, pushing his face towards another cake. Greedy for more Shinji obliged and ate what his Asuka fed him. "mmmmmore" he begged her. Asuka laughed, squeezing his big, fat ass, reaching forward to fondle his tits. "You're such a pig, Shinji, an absolute hog...even like this you can't resist food, can you?" she grinned, actually trying to resist the hunger growing inside her, mingled with the intense pleasure. She pulled Shinji's pants down, completely exposing him as she pushed the tip of the strap-on to him, squeezing it into him. "Mmmmm, lets see how much more a pig can take!" she moaned. Shinji gasped, feeling the thing inside him. As Asuka fucked him Shinji ate cake with his hands. Asuka thrust inside of him, stretching him open as she felt it push inside of her. She reached around, pinching Shinji's nose as she pushed an entire stick of butter into his mouth, fattening him up. She could feel his belly growing bigger an dbigger as she had her way with him. Shinji almost chocked on the stick of butter, but like the pig he was he gobbled up all up, still being ass fucked by Asuka. He took melted tub of ice cream and dove his face in, like a pig in a trough. Asuka plowed into his tight boy ass, squeezing him as she felt the dildo push deeper into her, her belly flopping onto his back, weighing Shinji down into the food, as the fat redhead fucked him more and more, making him eat. "Swallow every last bite, Shinji...I want you bigger, I want you fatter...it would please me" she moaned, feeling her juices dripping down, reaching bellow to feel Shinji's rock hard cock pushing into his expanding belly. Asuka couldn't believe how willing Shinji was, given what she was doing to him. "You're really becoming a glutton, aren't you, fatty Shinji?" she teased, thrusting into him harder, penetrating him as much as she could, making him gasp in pleasure. She reached below, stroking his hard on. "Mmmm, so you like it up the ass...just like a pig..." she grinned. Before Shinji was even more tubs of ice cream Asuka had prepared. "Mmmmm, gorge yourself till you cum, piggy" she commanded, fucking him harder and longer. Shinji is pigging out on ice cream when his father came to him. "Time for the slaughter". He woke up in a sweat. He heaves himself out of bed and washes his face. He sees the scale and is curious. He gets on, but is having trouble seeing his feat. Asuka hears his grunts and comes in. "Mein gott, what a blubberball. Can't read?" she laughs. Shinji is flushed, he is in his tighty whities. Shinji breathes heavily, trying to come up with a retort to that, but just sighs, pulling his belly back to read the scale, seeing three digits prominently. "3...1...8? 318 pounds?! H-how have I gained so much!" he groans, wondering if he could gain weight in a dream. His underwear stretches tightly as his penis is still a little erect. He blushes, thankful Asuka can't see. He tries to get back to bed but can't sleep, going to the table to begin breakfast. At school that day it was gym. Asuka and Shinji were wearing the biggest gym clothes they had, but they could not contain their bloated bodies. Shinji's tank to looked like a sports bra, while Asuka's bottoms liked like a thong, they kept winding up her fat ass. The two minute run began and Shinji and Asuka drudged along, so out of shape. Then it was calthetics. Doing jumping jacks wasn't very fun for Shinji, his blubber and breasts flubbed and shook, he was so uncoordinated. Asuka was in the same boat. Asuka heaved and huffed as she did jumping jacks on the outdoor track; her huge breasts bouncing up and down as her belly shook. Her gym 'bloomers' were little more than a G-strong at this point, overstretched and squeezed by her massive ass. "Unnnngh...I *huff* don't know how much more *puff* I can take of this!" she whined, her pace slowing until finally she flopped over onto the ground. Shinji tried to keep going, poked and prodded by Kensuke and Toji, who wouldn't let him give up. "C'mon fatass...work off those pounds! You're a robot pilot, you gotta be in shape!" they teased. Shinji sweated and panted, so tired and fat. He gasped for breath, finally succumbing. Then, the two groups were moved off to do separate activities. The boys to stretch and the girls to go indoors to try gymnastics. All the while, Shinji wondered how Rei, being much heavier, had gotten out of gym class. Shinji attempts to do sit ups, being "encourged" by Toji. "Come on you fat sack of monkey crap, get up! Move fatty! Up, you emo pig". Such were the words of encourgement. The girl's in Asuka's class were somewhat better. "Come on you fat bitch, jump!" said one girl to Asuka. When class was over Shinji took a shower. A boy joined him. He had white hair and kind smile. "With friends like those who needs enemies" the youth told Shinji. Shinji blushed, the two boys were alone in the shower. “Nagisa…Kaworu…right?” Shinji stammers, the boy’s thin toned body a stark contrast to his bloated flabby body. Kaworu nods and walks up to Shinji. “The guys are right, I could stand to lose some weight.” Shinji looked down. Kaworu smiles “A kind soul like you shouldn’t be with friends like them. To be honest, I love you”. Kaworu then turns the water off and leaves Shinji to his thoughts. “CODE BLUE! IT’s AN ANGEL!” Maya yelled, deep underground at NERV, the assistant to Ritsuko was typing like a mad woman. Misato enters the scene. “Are the pilots ready?” she asks. “Unit 01 is ready with Shinji, but the pilots of units 00 and 02 appear to be stuck in the elevator” Maya reports. Misato cursed, ordering the jaws of life. “It’s up to Shinji now. LAUNCH EVA!” she calls out. Shinji is launched to the battleground. He moans, his entry plug too cramped and he felt hot in his plugsuit. “How am I supposed to fight like this?” he whines. He then sees the Angel. The Angel was a tall humanoid that was incased in armor that strangely looked like the EVAs. The Angel approaches Shinji, Shinji firing with the volley gun. It waves it's arm, releasing a wave of AT field, knocking Shinji across a row of buildings. The Angel then leaps onto unit 01 and starts pounding on it, smashing it. Shinji is panicking. "Shinji's heartrate is off the charts, he's getting killed up there!" "How is the greasing?" "The pilots are almost unstuck." Misato face palms. Gendo Ikari, Shinji’s father and head of NERV, raises from his seat. "Send in the backup!" "Back up?". The Angel was about to deliver a mighty blow when Unit 00 attacked the Angel from behind, thrusting a knife into the orb. The Angel was finished. "Uh....who the?" gasped and grunted Shinji. "I told, I love you." a voice came from the EVA. Shinji gasped, his heart pounding as he saw a familiar face appear on his display side screen. "N-Nagisa-kun...you're a?" he panted, still gasping for breath. He couldn't believe it. As the angel before them began to disintegrate and their units called back, Shinji still couldn't believe what was happening. "Kaworu, you're the next Eva piliot?" he asked, blushing. Kaworu nodded to him, "Of course, Shinji-kun...I expect now we'll be spending much more time together" he grinned, supporting Eva-01 as they made their way to the retractable recovery bay. Below, Asuka cried and slammed her fist against the metal of the elevator, Rei squeezed against her. "I don't now whether I want to starve myself or gorge on chocolate, I'm so angry! I hate this!" she wailed. She shifted as they began to come loose, Her face falling against Rei's body, falling square between her massive, pillowy breasts. As Shinji is taking a nice relaxing victory bath Kaworu joins in. "Here we are again." he said, smiling. He moves over to Shinji to rub oil and soap onto his big blubbery gut. "You did well out there" he said. Shinji would jump a little as he hears Kaworu come in, but his wide frame makes him stick in the tub a little. "Oh, uhhh, thank you...you were much better though...thanks for saving me" he blushes, squirming a little as Kaworu spreads and kneads oil into his soft, blubbery belly. "Um, you don't need to, ahh~" he moans, feeling Kaworu's fingers gently drift along the expanse of his fattened body. "Oh, but I must. Your body needs the love after such abuse." "I wouldn't have taken such abuse if I wasn't so fat." "You just had the wrong luck. If our fellow partners hadn't got stuck you wouldn't have taken much abuse." Kaworu then whispers in Shinji's ear. "If I may be honest, I think the weight looks good on you. I bet you'd look better fatter" Kawrou said, moving towards his chest. Shinji groans. He was secretly coming to terms with his body. Being fat was starting to be a turn on. Shinji blushed and moaned, remembering his dream, the feeling of being forced to eat, the weight piling into his belly as it made him softer. Hearing kaworu say it made him tremble, he could feel his penis growing longer and harder in the bath water as his breasts were soaped and fondled, the water so warm and soothing. He lay back, a fattened boy, growing aroused as he was pampered and massaged. "Kaworu..." he moaned. "As a matter of fact, would you like a victory meal?" Kaworu produced a bag of goodies, sweets, pastries, chocolates, and all sorts of fattening junk. Shinji needed no more incentive. He nodded, sitting up a little in his bath, the water sloshing. "Wwould you feed me?" he asked, blushing. He couldn't explain why he felt so comfortable around this boy, allowing him to stuff what seemed like an endless amount of sweets into his belly, whipped creme and frosting coating his lips. "Mmmmmph, those are so good" he moaned, his member growing stiff against his belly fat as his stomach bloated outwards. "Mmmm, that's it, eat every little morsal, Shinji-kun" Kaworu coazed, feeding him lovingly, keeping him stuffed with donuts and chocolates. Shinji ate everything that was fed to him, he moans while being fed, Kaworu spoon feeds him cake iceing. "I want you to get fatter for me, my little piglet" Kaworu coos Shinji, playing with his flab. This goes on and on until Kaworu tells him "No more, all gone." Kawrou helps Shinji back to Misato's, kissing Shinji good night when they arrive. Shinji waddles into the apartment, to find Asuka bloated beyond belief, yet still stuffing herself with chocolate. "Where you been?" she asked, mouth stained with chocolate. Shinji sighs. He goes to bed. The next day it is a survival test. "Where's the new pilot?" asks Asuka. "Isn't Kawrou going to join us?" wonders Shinji. Dr. Akagi's voice pipes in over the microphone. "Unfortunately the Fifth child won't be joining us today. Still, I want the three of you ready for another survival test. You still have a lot of work to go" she smiled from behind the controls. The chairs they had been given were much larger this time around, and much comfier, being padded a lot more. Rei sat down in hers, fitting perfectly. "These spacefoam consoles are designed with forcefeedback technology to enhance your testing.” she smiled, giving them a massage pulse, sending pleasure stimulating vibrations through the chairs, Shinji gasping and drew in a breath, feeling pulses making his fat quiver and shake slightly, stimulating him, he almost immediately became aroused, the stretched lycra of his plugsuit showing the outline of his erection. The tubes come down and the children start sucking, this time it was chocolate, pure melted chocolate, laced with weight gain chemicals designed to lower metabolism and multipy existing fat cells. Asuka kicks her legs back and forth in child like pleasure, giggling against the flow like a schoolgirl, gulping down big mouthfuls of the chocolate playfully, "mmmmmph, sho tasty! More, more!" she begged, packing on weight more and more. Shinji now with a goal of wanting to get fatter for Kawrou puts more effort in his consumption. Rei folded her arms and relaxed, growing fatter faster than the other two, the chemical seemed to affect her fat cells more than the other two. . Unknownst to the three of them, Kawrou was watching alongside Dr. Akagi. "To bring about the Instrimentality Project, right Doctor? He said, exchanging a hand. Ritsuko smiled as she watched the three, shaking hands with the boy. "Glad to see you approve...though I suspect you'll be telling the committee about this...I mean, SEELE" she smiled wryly at the boy. "Tell them, it's too late now...my work cannot be stopped" she grinned, pointing to Rei, "not when she's getting so close to the limit" she smiled. Kaworu grinned. "I wouldn't...I have my own interests..." he put a hand to the glass, watching Shinji suck and swell fatter, seeing him become aroused. Kaworu reached over and pushed the vibration levels on Shinji's chair to max for a moment, giving him the maximum level of stimulation. "I want to make him creme..." he grinned. Shinji, consuming so much chocolate at once was releasing endorphins, this combined with thoughts of lust of Kaworu, and the chair shaking his fat like a paint mixer caused him to cum in his plug suit, but he was too greedy for more food to care. Asuka was swelling like her magma diver plug suit, becoming as round as a ripe apple. Rei is getting so fat her belly hangs over her chair. She is a living baloon being inflated with food. Shinji cried out as he came, feeling chocolate splash his face, quickly sucking harder as to not miss any, in pure and utter bliss. All the children were, the chocolate making them fatter and fatter and fatter, stomachs stretching and ballooning, bigger and rounder, all of them, past the limits of what normal humans should. Ritsuko grinned, increasing the amounts of weight gain fluid to the mix. "mmm, they're getting greedier...what a fascinating side effect...lustier too..." she smiled, speaking into the microphone. "Now administering more" she smiled, leaving them with that, as more food tubes and mechanical hands descended. Kaworu's eyes widened. "Humans are so curious...all their greatest pleasures they ignore...yet you're making them indulge to the point of utter bliss...is this your Lillim concept of instrumentality?" he smiled. Ritsiko grins, not answering. After the testing it again takes the crew to help them move, so full of chocolate. Kawrou comes to personally help Shinji. "Shinji, my lover, I'm so proud of you. How would you like to go to McDonalds?" Kawruo asks him. Shinji nods, still greedy for more food. Kawrou helps Shinji change, pinching certain parts of the body. Asuka, feeling like Kawrou is taking her man follows them. Shinji licks his lips, seeing everything pass as a blur in front of him, the change hall where he got into his clothes, the night lights of Akiba and Nurima, as they made their way into Macdonald's, Kaworu ordering, as soon there was a pile of big macs and fries beofre them, Kaworu, bringing a straw to his lips where he sipped cold soda. "Kaworu, I-I don't know if I can eat all Mmmmmph!" he was silenced as he brought a burger to his mouth, feeding him. Asuka watched from another table in the distance, eating through her own small feast as she watched them. "Hush my piglet" he said, stuffing burger after burger into him. Hours past and the chair that Shinji sits on is creaking before breaking. "Thats my Shinji" Kawrou laughs, helping the fat teen up. After this they go to Misato's and into Shinji's room. "Oh Kawrou. I'm so full" "Nonsense my love, theres more" Kawrou produces a tub of cookie dough. He undoes Shinji's pants before lifting Shinji's fat stomach to reveal Shinji's throbing cock. Kawrou kisses the head of it. Shinji wobbles, so disoriented. At one moment he was tired and fat, trapped in the Eva, now he was in bed with another boy, feeding and fondling him sexually. "K-Kaworu, b-but I don't like..." he wasn't sure if he could finish that sentence. He didn't like boys, but this new teen was so loving and delicate, catering to his every want and lust, he was so hard. And the dream he had ensured he would love what was to come. "K-Kaworu, I'll pop, I'm so stuffed...no moreMmmMph" his mouth was stuffed with raw cookie dough, so sweet and chewy. He pleaded and begged, but the boy wouldn't stop feeding. He lubed up his hand, stroking Shinji's cock slowly as he fed him, his belly round and taut. "No Mmmmmmph More...oh K-Kaworu!!" he squeeled, trying to kep quiet. "Look at these breasts. Your one of a kind Shinji, the best of both worlds in one body" he said, stuffing the obese boy with cookie dough. Shinji farts, Kawrou laughs finding him cute. "I'm going to stuff and spoil you rotten" he tells Shinji, licking his three chins. Shinji was in heaven as he farted again, unable to help himself. He blushed, being fed more cookie dough. "Mmmmph, K-Kaworu...p-please" he pleased, trying to reason with him, but it seemed this new boy had total control of him, with his member in hand and his waistline stretching beyond reason, he was Kaworu's sex balloon, ready to cum again. He ate and ate and ate, feeling himself spray as he squealed in pleasure, cumming heavily as the laste of the cookie dough was forced into his stretched belly. "K-Kaworu, never been so full...so hot..." he managed to say with his mouth full. "Your full? But theres another tub" Kawrou tickles Shinji's breasts. Shinji breathes heavily, never feeling so full. He breaks wind again, belching. His stomach gurgling and groaning, round and tuat in front of him. His member dripping, still rock hard. "Mmmmph, m-more? Kaworu, I c-can't...so full...I'll burst....but it's so good!" he groans, unable to fight it, his lust overcoming the feelings of fullness, "Gimme more" he gasps, more food, more sex, he was a big, bloated, fat sex toy for him. Kaworu feeds the fat boy, Shinji eating and eating, greedily taking each mouthful he could get. His full steam of feeding was almost tiring out even Kawrou....if he was human. Hours past as Shinji ate, belched, and passed gas, having ate gallons of chocolate, a big mac feast, and now two pounds of cookie dough. "mmmmmm, your going to be so fat in the morning. But I've got to go. See you at school" Kawrou said, kissing the overly fat and bloated teen on the lips. Shinji quickly passed out, stuffed and over sexed, not believing everything that had just happened. Kaworu grinned as he passed the door, next to Shinji's, leaving. Within, Asuka had been masturbating, listening and peeking through the hole in the wall, her fat flaping as she came again and again. "M-Mein gott...getting so fat...must make him fatter...Mmmmm, fatter and fatter" she smiled, passing out in a hze of lust. The morning continued, with a huge stack of pancakes in the morning for both of them, Misato eating too, developing a bit of a potbelly. Shinji came out of his room, the night of digestion fattened him up right. To Be Continued