Global Rules
New Threads:
It is the responsibility of the OP to share something when they create a request thread.
The share must be roughly the same size as the request. For example, if you request videos but only share a handful of pics, that is NOT a fair share.
The share should ideally be the same model/theme as the request, but if that is not possible, as long as it pertains to the board it is being posted on that's fine.
Creating a request thread without sharing content will result in the deletion of the thread and possibly the banning of the individual.
Shares must be in the forms of posting content directly to the board or to a file host such as WeTransfer, mega, MAB, or zippyshare by the OP. Any other type of external links are not permitted for these types of shares.
Site-wide rules
1: Don't necro post. If the last post in a thread less than 24 hours ago, don't bump it unless you have content/videos/pictures to share.
2: Don't race bait. No one comes to this site to hear what your favorite / least favorite color of woman is.
3: No spam. If you use link-shorteners or pay-per-download hosts you are gonna get banned.
4: No discord links. Recruit elsewhere.
5: Don't bump. Even if the thread isn't old, you should at least have something relevant to say.
6: No politics shitposting on the content boards. This is self explanatory.
7: Don't bother asking how to use the links. If you can't read the board, you're SOL. No one is going to spoonfeed you.
8: To start a thread in /bbw/ you need to provide a link to at least one video. For /tits/ and /booty/, at least three pictures.
9: No trading. It's gonna get you banned. Either post content or don't. Holding content for ransom defeats the purpose of imageboards. The more content that gets posted, the happier everyone will be. Sharing is caring.
10: Don't post pictures of random chicks on the street. If a non-model girl wants to be posted here, she can do it herself.
11: No doxxing. Don't give out a girl's personal facebook, address, etc. It's gonna get you banned.
12: No torrents. Honeypots aside, we can't guarantee anons will adequetely protect themselves when participating. Use empornium if this is your preferred way to share.