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Lonelygirltv Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:32:28 Id:496b49 No. 188965 [Reply] [Last]
I think I found a gem for upcoming time, I don’t know if she is new or already made content, but she’s kinda hot and we can make her hotter with fattening her up. Hope others do agree with me ;). She’s supper hot and can get hotter with every pound if shes hooked. In the video I shared you can’t see her full belly because the shot does cut it off, hope the next ones that I’ll buy will be better, enjoy! You can find her on curvage! https://gofile.io/d/PBLJMg
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>>198847 >>198884 oh, another btw, i'm not the one using the word dead, and even in his case, it was with a ? mark, not his conclusion. however, if you were one to be privy to her history of social media posts, anything with her is a possibility
>>198884 Honestly alot of "men" never lived alone. Sorry for being honest but that's god honest truth should be a question on first dates.
>>198887 Everyone got a problem with me because I'm a fucking alpha male. We dominate the scene fuck you mean.
imagine getting worked up over this butterface whore
Don't think your dad had the lights on when he first had your mom dude

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Games thread 10: Whatever edition Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 22:40:31 Id:09be56 No. 81646 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread has died, new thread has come. It's been a bit quiet on the games front for me. I guess I finally replayed and actually finished Gaining Persective after 5 years which, well, (pic very related) has left me feeling not as enthusiastic about fatty games right now. Either way, which games have you guys been replaying recently?
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Tonbelly did encode the new zips for "Feed me affection". Does a fellow pirate know the password? (I don't mean the key for mega)
>>83110 That's is the one I'm talking about, "Eating contest, and more Weight Gain / Belly stuffing content" by Ambrosi, but there's about a dozen people on it and it's still worked on, and they mentioned they'll take care of it when their own todolist is done (they have a personal issue with a checklist) so it's probably gonna get done eventually.
>>83127 as far as I can tell alambrosi has not been active at all in 2 years, unless their activity has been hidden... but there is a newer user named AmbrosiaCheesecake which is suspicically similar username... who has all their activity hidden.... so if AmbrosiaCheesecake is the same person as alambrosi ... then yeah maybe they're actually working on it! that's good news... and.... given how similar the names are ... not a totally unreasonable guess for me/you to make TLDR: do you happen to know if I'm right and they've simply taken on a new similar username?
Free Cities gets updates all the time, the devs just moved to a bunkerchan when 8kun died. Still active, still making updates. I'm not linking to a bunker, but I can at least link the MEGA to their nightly builds: https://mega.nz/folder/vzxgwKwL#L4V4JEk1YfWcvC7EG76TMg
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>>83096 The first picture has never been in the game though, this is how it looks no w

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fatvenusbabyyyy anon 11/11/2024 (Mon) 02:39:02 Id:feda4b No. 138357 [Reply] [Last]
This is ‘fatvenusbellyyyy’ she has a free OF w PPV videos, but a fair lot of them are on coomer under the same name. She claims to be 18 but weights around 450lbs (her most recent weigh in her scale literally broke…) She’s honestly such a pig. here’s one video of hers but upload anything else you find!! https://gofile.io/d/9MmXwp
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Is the new s*x vid worth it? It cost 100 bucks plus vat so vert curios about it?
>>150299 I believe that no sex video should be worth 100
>>146983 You have to be under 20 years old to have good skin at her weight like she does, 18 or 19 is totally believable
>>150312 Dude get ur head outa ur ass and start thinking fr
Bosses don't speak they send bomb details in group chats

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Fat Loli General XIII Uknon Paricha 03/10/2025 (Mon) 02:03:32 Id:febd0a No. 81793 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread: >>67166 A thread for plump half pints hailing from the fantastical realm of 2D. Thread question: If you ended up isekaied into fantasy anime, what would you rather have to go with your busted skills to dominate the world; the ability to fatten up whoever you want by whatever degree you want or the ability to permanently turn anyone into a loli?
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>>83105 Your going to find it particularly difficult to "plump up" models if you struggle to find or rip free models online. For a character like cream, it should be extremely simple to recreate the head with a few simple shapes and slap that ontop of a hand-sculpted or modelled body.
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>>82982 >>82993 Yeah, the number in itself doesn't do much for me either, it's more of a body type thing. I'd say 10-14 is ideal? Also barely mobile. >>83091 Loli immersive sim. >>83099 >>83102 I think she has a lot proportionately compared to other Monogatari characters (even the legal ones), but I won't lie and say I wouldn't like more.
>>83136 Same 10-14 is the perfect range could even push for 8 or 9
>>83137 Respect to that 14 year yn's making me proud. Keep the fear alive.
>>83138 That Newark cop was for trying that shit with me.

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Name in photo so don’t ask Anonymous 03/26/2025 (Wed) 11:47:54 Id:452e13 No. 366224 [Reply]
Name in photo
Remember who you are. Remember why they gave it to you and not them. The devil sent ppl in your life to be noise distractions. Pray to remove them. It only works for ppl who been doing it first fuck outta here.

CocoCraves Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 05:05:45 Id:757b7b No. 174371 [Reply] [Last]
Hoping anyone has any of her new Curvage (https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/263411-cococraves/) stuff? She's looking bigger than ever. Here's What I've got https://gofile.io/d/7a351bb7-50c8-48d6-a440-e462266c5d03
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>>198546 >https://gofile.io/d/MpFNKn This is all I have
>>198546 My bad. Here it is. https://gofile.io/d/MdtT6P
What I have from her. Seems like old vids are still able to be purchased tho https://gofile.io/d/LhHd7r
https://thisvid.com/videos/workout44/ I found this one also, if someone can download and share that would be great
Hope this helps and thank y'all for the shares https://gofile.io/d/CqDD3j

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 21:46:30 Id:e6fc71 No. 231505 [Reply] [Last]
Axel-Rosered Thread 12
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>>249952 Does anyone have more saint seiya pics?
someone have all fire emblem girls until now
Does anyone have any of his Albedo pics?
>>251123 His father is dead to him haven't you heard. He told him off few years ago.

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Manga/Anime Weight Gain 2025 Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 17:28:23 Id:0e5198 No. 250521 [Reply]
Plump Demon Wife Edition
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>>251054 someone translate into english
>>251052 One of Cool-kyou Shinsha's earlier serializations, Metsuko ni Yoroshiku https://mangadex.org/title/095a20bb-636d-4e9a-b55d-f4dac2da5d99/metsuko-ni-yoroshiku
>>251070 thanks ^^
>> Why they limit your overtime. Oh because you thought you were like us. Good.

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Living Balloons Anonymous 11/04/2023 (Sat) 03:32:57 Id:792570 No. 99307 [Reply] [Last]
characters who are inflated and transformed into balloons, either inanimate or animate.
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>>101243 Source?
>>101243 Can i see the other pages
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Free/public-use belly 03/25/2025 (Tue) 03:23:36 Id:c60d97 No. 83034 [Reply]
I decided to post this thread since there are hardly pictures of belly walls and glory holes out there. So feel free to post. Btw. The sauce is @Rustandbolts
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>>83038 Can I get the sauce for the last image?
bruh wtf is this "ah yes I got horny by seeing a belly sticking out of the wall"
>>83048 It's just an extrapolation of belly fucking which is already a kink plenty of people are into. Glory holes are pretty tame in comparison to the kinks seen on this site and variations of them where it's the pussy, ass, feet etc being on display are not at all uncommon and this is just part of that spectrum. I genuinely don't see how this is any worse or weirder than the vore, scat fetishism amd objectphilia that is on rampant display on this board. Honestly so sick of gen alpha trash like you posting these trite comments on this chan, you're not smart or funny for saying "bRuH wTf IS THiS goOfy ahHhh sHIT?" at every single kink that confuses you. These retarded non-seqiturs contribute nothing, kindly shut the fuck up and move onto a thread that actually interests you if you have nothing substantive to say here.
Theres other belly threads on this sub but it's whatever.
>>83051 sorry didn't think about it that way. My brain just immediately goes to "why" when I see something weird and want to the reason behind it, but if people have that preference then its their preference and not mine.

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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992 [Reply] [Last]
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
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>>62472 Plus I fucked more women then my father that faggot can't come close.

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LARDIB22 ONKYFANS Anonymous 03/26/2025 (Wed) 11:40:05 Id:e08e64 No. 198881 [Reply] >>198883
Ok Can anyone shed any light, at all on Lardi B's onlyfans? Pics Vids? Reviews? Type of content? Thanks
Now I'm famished.
>>198881 Can’t post unless u have video content to contribute

insanenisha 03/17/2025 (Mon) 03:31:53 Id:23ca7d No. 365595 [Reply]
she new to OF https://onlyfans.com/insanenisha
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>>365750 Got yall
Pretty sure thats her spamming the thread lol comedy, let the chargeback leakers rip her stuff if it ever gets good, she gonna learn the game in our favor
They deleted all their bs on this tread, I'm crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
To 808897 I bet you won't drop the names of these niggas put them on blast cos Ocean county is definitely new Jersey 😈 and IG pages too
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Eve EVE 12/15/2023 (Fri) 23:13:10 Id:d3c9dc No. 102156 [Reply] [Last] >>150395
Looking for some newer sets. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS9kb3dubG9hZHMvZTQ2NWMwMDdhN2I4NjJmZTgwMmRlNGU2M2I0OWEwMGMyMDIzMTIxNTIzMDk0Ni83ZjJmMzNmOWE3MzE1ZmU1YzFjZDJiODI5YzYwNzY0OTIwMjMxMjE1MjMxMDA1L2E2YzY1MD90cms9VFJOX1RETF8wMSZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249VFJOX1RETF8wMSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9c2VuZGdyaWQ=
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Damn is all I can say!
>>149063 Probably because only ONE of them weights more than you, just to say …
>>102156 Does anyone have the set 254 ? Or 246 ? Here is my squashing contribution with Eve, Sadie and Jae : https://we.tl/t-8flkw0NMwG And also, if somebody has the following set, please share : 127, 187, 210, 252, 263, 297 Thank you !
>>150395 missing 127 https://gofile.io/d/HL3jZT
>>150395 also 246 and 254 https://gofile.io/d/n9n3Fp

Chikn Nuggit Thread the 3rd 08/31/2024 (Sat) 16:00:08 Id:75a106 No. 73341 [Reply] [Last]
Old one got Obliterated
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Wake up its time to return
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>>83735 Sauce for the second one?
>>83749 Coolskeleton3321 on DA. It was literally on the filename. I assume you're using a phone to view these.

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Edit Request Thread VIIIii: Return of the berry pie! 🥧 Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 07:33:48 Id:a8b3bf No. 108570 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread has burned once again and yet another thread needs to be birthed so you know the usual drill of the threads that have been created in past! Same rules as those who made them before one to two or three tops requests at a time. Characters must be adults Any gender allowed. And you may suggest more if you find something interesting but it's up to the artists at the end of the day on what they want to draw and when So let's make it a good one hopefully with more artists involved this time around. Let the blimping begin!
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can someone edit luz, camilia and vee in their normal clothes and remove the dialouge?
>>137950 anyone?
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Will some please make Lori a lot fatter?
>>139537 Better leave The Devil and his family alone. More bodies will fall.

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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:55:59 No. 7 [Reply] [Last]
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:18:02.
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You trespass you watch your family die.

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 07/10/2020 (Fri) 03:02:45 No. 1281 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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>>150457 I like to see them piss, but not FUKING DRINK IT!

Sauce Thread Sheepherd##5zFMkB 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:57:10 Id:375ad8 No. 864 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for the name of an artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
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Kumoko.party Kumoko.party 02/11/2025 (Tue) 21:36:30 Id:b7b252 No. 244711 [Reply] [Last]
The previous one is full
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https://kemono.su/patreon/user/18166134 Please update sunsleptos?
>>250866 I think the "joke" has to do with monetary inflation, though I might be reading into something that is too brainless to understand
Can someone upgrade to morbidlyaverage? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/149763613
Can someone please update jolenedubois patreon 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Can someone upgrade to morbidlyaverage? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/149763613

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