/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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T M C Thread Ver.1.0 Kängr 03/08/2020 (Sun) 07:49:02 Id:044fd1 No. 2347
Please no spamming or begging. Making everyone read your request over and over and generally being annoying, especially without sharing, will assure it won't ever be posted. If you really want something, don't request without fulfilling someone else's request. Don't whine and complain that people aren't giving you what you want, especially if you don't contribute.
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contribution: https://mab.to/t/9KuOI1bfsjM/us2
>>132243 Day 19: https://mab.to/t/uaTA8uv4EyV/eu1
REQUEST: vdo-125-2581 Eat Air Punk: A Two Part Dig Dug Tribute Clip vdo-125-1933 POV: Wonka Turns You Into a Burping Farting Floating Blueberry CONTRIBUTION: https://mab.to/t/R0WOE4OwPJZ/us2
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>vdo-125-0793 >vdo-125-0792 >vdo-125-0779 contribution: https://mab.to/t/F39DeiHMcx3/us3
>>132520 1933 here https://mab.to/t/0KdQLxKnJSi/eu1
>>132243 Thanks for all the sharing, here are are the requests I have to share: >vdo-125-2586 Batgirl TRANSFORMED >vdo-125-2564 Out of Control Belly Bloat >vdo-125-2538 Two Short Stories: Big Belly Expansion and A Rapid Full Body >vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me >vdo-125-0160 Jilted Roomate Revenge https://mab.to/t/njiD7stBh0F/us3
>>132243 Day 20: https://mab.to/t/FCHuFLoJ7TC/eu1
>>132555 Thank you so much
>>132555 Just pointing out though that >vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me appears to be just a preview
>>132561 Do you have these to share in your daily contributions? vdo-125-0607 9 Months Of Belly Expansion vdo-125-1314 Scary Skinny to Jiggly Blubbery with Three Chins
>>132582 Nope, sorry
>>132564 thanks for pointing that out, that's my bad
>>132243 Day 21: https://mab.to/t/zGsYAfF2xKV/eu1
>>132243 Day 22: https://mab.to/t/S9Kv8kR2SQn/eu1
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Day 23: https://mab.to/t/nFi3iczwEZc/eu1 Tomorrow will be the last of my uploads. Wasn't expecting to make it to 24 days honestly. My remaining requests are below. Just hoping someone can get the ones with the links next to them. Also, if you've all appreciated what I've done the past few weeks and if any of you feel generous enough, I would love it if someone got me "Jill Giant Dirty Feet" from Southern Giantess. I know it's not TMC, but I'm only asking because it's Christmas. Thank you again to those who fulfilled my requests. Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me vdo-125-0555 Holly`s Muscle Growth Dream
>>132791 Here's a link to the clip in case anyone actually want to go through with it. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/1286/2081097/jill-giant-dirty-feet
>>132476 >19 >>132561 >20 >>132669 >21 damn, i missed these can anyone do a re-up?
>>132791 Thank you so much for all of these uploads.
>>132791 As a Holly enjoyer here's vdo-125-0555 Holly`s Muscle Growth Dream https://mab.to/t/CS8TgtEyIQ4/us2
>>132823 Thank you
>>132791 Thanks so much i got to see clips I always wanted to see and clips I haven't seen in years!
Request : vdo-125-2497: Ass Expansion Serum Gone Wrong vdo-125-2626 Students to Hourglass Strippers
>>132845 Contribution?
>>132791 Day 24: https://mab.to/t/nGI0f28cgPW/eu1What And that's everything. Thank you to those who fulfilled my requests. This is the shortest I've ever seen the list. I am still hoping for the most desperate requests, and Jill Giant Dirty Feet, but if no one can get them, I understand, thank you all the same. Merry Xmas
>>132852 Merry Xmas to you as well, you legend
>>132852 I didn't miss any day. Thank you very much. I was able to replace and acquire new videos. I even got to see videos I've never seen before, mainly from X-SPANDER. Merry Christmas.
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Request : vdo-125-2629
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>>132904 >shamelessly asking for whatever the latest newest released clip happens to be while not even bothering to contribute anything. Always one Grinch every Xmas day. Welp enjoy your coal.
>>132920 Thanks for all the hard work and effort you put in all year round, Merry Christmas!
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>>132904 fuck it, i agree with kangr coal this nigga
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Requests and offers. Back to basics as it were. Also, I'm trying something else as well. I'm going to try and request that other clip I've mentioned until someone fan get it for me, and in return, they can have whatever is in my file past all the TMC stuff. If it is a problem, I'll stop, it's just that's how desperate I am. For now, I'm contributing what was given to me in the past few weeks, and something else I found. The MOST DESPERATE Request: Jill Giant Dirty Feet - From Southern Giantess. It may have been called Jills Growing Feet elsewhere, but this is one my most desperate requests overall, if anyone has it I'd be grateful if if it were in a contribution. Taylormadeclips: Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/1nesF6noojK/eu1
does anyone get these? >vdo-125-1228 >vdo-125-0792 >vdo-125-0664 contribution: https://mab.to/t/wMfhc3NKpcN/us3
>>2347 Does anyone have this by any chance? vdo-125-2612
>>133073 yes, very likely yes. hope that answers your question o7
>>133076 Can anyone provide it to me?
My requests: vdo-125-1747 vdo-125-2028 vdo-125-2024 Contribution:https://mab.to/t/GfD3rlFLcvV/us2
>vdo-125-2625 >vdo-125-1258 >vdo-125-1246 >vdo-125-1228 >vdo-125-1121 >vdo-125-0792 >vdo-125-0664 >vdo-125-1642 >vdo-125-2090 >vdo-125-1282 contribution: https://mab.to/t/7yUPDb0sD8b/us3
>>133016 >>133096 Two of your requests are here: https://mab.to/t/pSs7XuHLKNM/eu1
can someone give me this? vdo-125-2612
>>133122 No, retard.
>>133124 Sorry.
>>133125 you need to contribute with mab if you want us to give you what you want (If we have it)
contribution: https://mab.to/t/gbmHJ9cZgpg/us3
If someone has the new Diana video let me know and I’ll send what ever you request if I have it (obv I’ll fufill your request first)
I am having an issues with the links. When I click on them or copy them into my browser, it says "the requested transfer does not exist".
>>133183 They expire after a day or two
What kind of clips or scripts would you request TMC given the chance?
>>133207 A space jam themed one
>vdo-125-2623 >vdo-125-2600 >vdo-125-2016 >vdo-125-1501 >vdo-125-1103 >vdo-125-0664 >vdo-125-0712 contribution: https://mab.to/t/mIf8SdAciuK/us3
My Request : vdo-125-2629 contribution: https://mab.to/t/gbmHJ9cZgpg/us3
>>133236 You just copied >>133136 's contribution
I request for all vids that contains popping (No male or Futa) But i want these ones mainly vdo-125-2517 Extreme Pregnancy and BellyStuffing vdo-125-2511 Ready to Pop: A Pregnancy Story vdo-125-2205 Violet Cosplay Model Turns (Pop Version) (Who apparently nobody gets and only buys the non-pop version) vdo-125-2606 The Pregnancy App: Fae vdo-125-2608 The Pregnancy App: Audi vdo-125-2612 Two Halloween Hourglass Transformations vdo-125-2613 POV: I Am Swelling Up Just for You vdo-125-2616 Fashion Models Turned BBW`s vdo-125-2385 Blonde to Extremely Glamorous Hourglass Balloon Goddess vdo-125-2603 Big Ass Bimbo Transformation: Scientist to Bimbo vdo-125-2573 POV: Sexy School Teacher to Super Glam Hourglass Bimbo vdo-125-2221 Gas Fueled Inflation Contribution: https://mab.to/t/LiYT4JCFjQJ/us2 Happy New Year Everyone
HAPPY NEW YEARS! Request list: >kymanthrope (vdo-125-0804) >Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease (vdo-125-0664) >Tortured by a Leprechaun (vdo-125-1280) >The Blue Vibrator: A Slow Berry Transformation ( vdo-125-2268) >Please Help Me - I Need to Lose This Weight ( vdo-125-2090) >Juice Me Pleeeassseee (vdo-125-1171) >Blueberry Pie to Blueberry Bliss (vdo-125-1103) Contribution: https://mab.to/t/01IcvtivyJi/us3
>>133211 >>133260 >>133264 Here's a mix of some of your requests: https://mab.to/t/u0WreUwoFzB/eu1
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here's my classic blueberry clips and balloon contribution: https://mab.to/t/Bu10ZBJ9sTa/us3 Request: >vdo-125-0648 > vdo-125-0510 > vdo-125-0496 >vdo-125-1194 >vdo-125-2631
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Requests and offers. The MOST DESPERATE Request: Jill Giant Dirty Feet - From Southern Giantess. - https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/1286/2081097/jill-giant-dirty-feet Taylormadeclips: Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/p59aWhToxKZ/eu1
I know it has already been uploaded but can someone re-upload it looking for vdo-125-2617 Nonstop Growing Asses Pole Dancing Strippers
>>133282 seconding this
Anyone have the video cleaner? I got a few videos to contribute.
>>133404 theres a video cleaner online now https://github.com/porcor0550/video-cleaner-gui/releases
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Request: vdo-125-2332 Big Blue Fart Filled Berry Balloon Returns Contribution: https://mab.to/t/VrHYBSZ400H/us2
>>133207 Arcee from Transformers Prime Belly Inflation & Futa Clip
>>133207 a hour glass one with hip/thigh expansion where the woman is into it, gets too wide for the doorway but is still into it, like a joi type one. I like stuckage but the few times tmc have done that it normaly ends with fear of somthing
>>133207 Catwoman and harley quinn full body inflation
>>133207 My idea is quite detailed, it could be a two part one. Fae as a college student, coming home to see her family, but then all of a sudden she ends up in a bunch of random inflation scenarios that just happen out of nowhere. Her feet swell out of Her shoes first, leaving her barefoot. Then, her breasts inflate and bust out of her button up shirt, and at the same time her ass inflates, ripping a hole in her pants (visible inflation would be cool for this). Then at some point she returns to normal, puts on different clothes, then her legs start inflating, they get so wide until her pants start ripping at her thighs and calves. In the next scene, normal again and new pants, her belly inflates so big that her shirt can't hide it. After all that, she's wearing a onesie after feeling exhausted from all the inflating. Then her feet swell up again and bust out of her socks, only for her to discover that her entire body is inflating this time. She busts out her onesie until she's fully round, and then starts getting taller as well. She's panicking the entire time, thinking she'll eventually explode as her cheeks swell up in her face. In the final scene, she wakes up, naked but normal, thinking it may have been some freaky fever dream... Or was it?
>>133207 I know it’s going to be very difficult, but maybe a triple berry clip (3 girls inflate into a blueberry at the same time). This clip doesn’t have to be just a blueberry clip, you could also use either the green, pink, or red suit as well.
>>133207 I would ask for just one god damn video where we don't have to wade through a 20 minute snail pace inflation of over acting, the usual slowed down farting sound fx, trash bags, wailing in agony, lingering facial close ups, & uninspired dialog where they repeat "My Skin is Stretching" x30 times.
>>133502 yea i have to agree, “my skin is stretching” is so damn overused that im surprised it’s not even a meme within the community and any wonder tmc dipped in quality, last year
>>133207 if I ever could, i'd ask for a looner focused, big-ass helium balloon sucking body inflation clip... makes my shit hard as diamonda
>vdo-125-0942 >vdo-125-0872 >vdo-125-0664 >vdo-125-0796 >vdo-125-1760 >vdo-125-1642 >vdo-125-1582 >vdo-125-1258 contribution: https://mab.to/t/lY9JZIQkIIj/us3
>>133515 diamonds*
>>133502 My request would be to simply film the intro as usual, do their normal effects for turning blue and swapping to the blue suit, etc., but then turning on the air and just leaving the camera on with minimal jump cuts (I wouldn't be opposed to them cutting to a zoom in of clothes ripping) until the suit is full and round. I assume why they don't do that is the sound of the air is probably too loud to talk over, but still. The idea of the transformation only taking as long as it takes for the suit to fill up. Even if that means the video is only 5min, I'd rather that than a 2 part at 40min a piece
Request list: >vdo-125-2444 Three Growing Big Round Bellies >vdo-125-2268 The Blue Vibrator: A Slow Berry Transformation >vdo-125-2205 or vdo-125-2204 Violet Cosplay Model Turns >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >vdo-125-1642 Orgasmic Blueberry Growth >vdo-125-2495 A Demon Possession contribution: https://mab.to/t/DnNuDMQBhAW/us3
>>133512 LOL! It's funny you should mention the meme thing because... um.. https://x.com/BlewbAri/status/1860080622469021974 XD Not tryin' to be mean here ok? But TMC are a bit of a joke tbh! When there are animations which have an extremely ephemeral runtime of less than a minute that are so well produced and purified into a hot masterpiece, watching TMC's 20 minute formulaic porn channel like home videos can feel.. ... ...a step down and.. dated? o.O This is not to discredit the effort they put in of course, but unless you really need real women acting as though they are blowing up, putting on weight, or turning into a blueberry gurl, there are some insanely HAWT inflation animations out there now which they cannot compete with. I mean really cute, sexy, erotic instances of being inflated! lol I would link a few examples, but I'll get admonished for not putting it in a different thread lol
>>133557 what blueberry animations could you possibly be referring to. i know it's not that tranny berrycowxo because their animations look like actual dogshit
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>>133570 Berrycowxo is actual goonslop. Goonercore, even.
>>133516 >>133556 Here's a mix of your requests: https://mab.to/t/YOSBQJFHrIW/eu1
>>133557 frankly the quality of inflation animations all around is deplorable... if there are any decent animations around, theyre locked behind dozens and dozens of paywalls and report my post circlejerks not to mention the creators that have absolutely no interest in the fetish and do it strictly for the money, much like Imbapovi and a dozen others that I cant even bother to name right now
>>133610 i absolutely detest the flash/bump instant growth in animations its honestly shit.
does anyone unlock these: https://www.cambro.tv/1436100/julie-orgasmic-blueberry-inflation/ contribution: https://mab.to/t/CSCMHcC1bLJ/us3
My Contribution: https://mab.to/t/4S37WJozQ4B/us2 Request: Age of Expansion: Futa (vdo-125-2629)
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next new up, more breast and ass expansion in 2025 begins!
>vdo-125-2623 In the Dorm Room Blueberry Transformation >vdo-125-2618 Pole Dancing Breast Expanding Strippers >vdo-125-1194 Mean Mommy: A Double Blueberry Inflation >vdo-125-1758 While Wonka`s Away This Oompa Loompa is Going to Play contribution: https://mab.to/t/Def5hEX8PYd/us3
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Requests and offers. Someone helped me with my big request on another thread, so back to just TMC requests. Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/isJNt4WPzXc/eu1
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does anyone get these? contribution: https://mab.to/t/r0BuzplWYzA/us3
>vdo-125-2033 >vdo-125-2173 >vdo-125-2016 >vdo-125-1582 >vdo-125-1459 >vdo-125-1258 >vdo-125-1121 >vdo-125-0995 >vdo-125-0960 >vdo-125-0664 >vdo-125-0712 contribution: https://mab.to/t/Ff8tpQzMO1l/us3
its a new one, but It doesnt hurt to ask. Looking for: vdo-125-2628 3 videos as contribution. https://mab.to/t/MxmoQFQcgsv/us2
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>>133868 Pic related
>>133869 can we have more tmc hourglass expansion videos?
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>>133868 Here you go man, guess its my turn to ask for something new, and with that mean the clip that just dropped lol. ill try to upload more as contribution and maybe someone will get the clip early.
>>133893 https://mab.to/t/kIjngOirDNW/eu1 Ups, frogot the link
>>133894 Second ups, i should make clear that i didnt clean this clip nor the ones ill upload in the future as im just too lazy
>>133894 Thank you so much dude, Your a legend!
>>133894 Someone clean please
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>>133894 >New blueberry clip come out >If asked Whit contribution literally no One cares Even After 9 months >New hourglass/ass/breasts expansion clip come out >Literally After some days already posted here What the fuck...
>>133909 grow up, man baby
>>133909 sorry dude, maybe i have the clip you are asking for, which one is it ? i dont get much tmc just picking up clips here and there
just a couple more clips. https://mab.to/t/TCQjEYRHVDr/eu1
Requests: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa
>>133909 thats because blueberry fuckers are inferior subhuman garbage
>>133926 >>133894 > Clean please.
>>133909 literally lmfao
Request offers: >vdo-125-0664 Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease >vdo-125-0496 A Blueberry Gum Fantasy >vdo-125-1171 Juice Me Pleeeassseee contribution: https://mab.to/t/9BuBBu0BabC/us3
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>>133909 Well that sucks. Here are more newer vids https://mab.to/t/Luz7i8sepyb/eu1 If someone got their hands on 2632 or 2633, that would be very nice! And if you need help cleaning, let me know. I can do that for you if you message me on dcord
Request: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa
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Requests: https://www.cambro.tv/1436100/julie-orgasmic-blueberry-inflation/ >vdo-125-1104 Blueberry Humiliation Inflation Punishment >vdo-125-0960 She Blueberried Herself With Science... SCIENCE! >vdo-125-0872 Blueberry Cocktail >vdo-125-0664 Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease >vdo-125-1459 The Pleasure Pop Gives Gigi a Terror POP! >vdo-125-1426 Truth OR Dare: A Slumber Party Turned Blueberry Fiasco >vdo-125-2033 My Blueberry Transformation Dream Come True >vdo-125-1323 POV: The Harder Your Cock Gets the Bigger and Juicier I Get >vdo-125-1258 POV: I Am Too Full Of Juice For You To Cum In My Mouth contribution: https://mab.to/t/ZYFOfpSDI3J/us3
>>134054 here's a couple of them: https://mab.to/t/LqZ7xo6Eape/us2
Took the dive on this one, acting is porn tier, but, what else should I have expected? Give me berry vids as emotional recompense Contribnution: https://mab.to/t/Nz3KmCXRzpb/eu1
Does anyone have a count for how many willing BB videos there are?
>>134083 joline and ziva are by far the worst actresses when it comes to modern TMC clips imo, they're hot but damn do they overact lmao what berry clips do you want because a bunch of the recent contribs in here have them
>>134090 As in how many where the girl wants to turn blue and doesn’t care what happens?
>>134083 oh its one of those newer tmc vids, they really fell off last year
>>134094 Any. I don't really mind as long as its blueberry stuff
>>134094 What are you talking about? Joline is practically the only actress to give use genuine lesbian roleplay with horny moaning vibes where even fae who's tried before got too embarrassed to do a good job.watch her cherry tf. That other girl was so willing to play alone and jump a cutie pie like hers bones but you can tell she looked either uncomfortable or embarrassed. Joline isn't afraid to get dirt moan or even masturbate or grind on her balloon lovers if need be and we need more lustful partners into the experience rather that just "oh my! Oh golly blushes hard" Granted I will give you ziva can be slightly cringe at times as the baby doll voice isn't for everyone but when she uses it right its actually decent for example her thigh expansion videos are kinda peak I love it when they do thigh expansion in general but she shows her thighs more and you can tell the a handful of these videos are meant to be foot fetish bait and I think the thigh ones do it good! They dont zoom in too damn much and offer a good uninterrupted view of the blow up I'm sorry I want to see leg and feet when you do a thigh angle what's the point of cropping inward so much. Briefly crop briefly then pan out so you catch the expansion or at least film from multiple angles and edit in the close up shots then rewind a bit and give us the full view shots. But as far as ziva goes slightly cringy but a good Dom tease she's got that whole bratty vibe like a uzaki chan kind where she's gonna tease your blushing erected or inflated butt as she edges you however she can she's great a pov especially have her pop some random tmc girl while she sensually teases them. Heck why not Joline lol let's see how that plays out. All I know is if you don't like ziva she's probably just not to your taste or at least brat vibes are probably not your thing? Again every actress has their pros and cons even good ones like fae flopping on that cherry video but it's strange she did a video with muffy a long while back that had great lesbian play vibes but sadly it was a typical revenge fantasy all that good build up where I could imagine some blushing and moaning and huffing at least lead to a cute little make out feel up session before she walked away to leave her burst or if the could ever do it I'd love a video where the girl in question stays making out with or feeling and edging there berries until they explode and shower all over them. I swear that type of experimental content was what Xpander series was for! Maybe bring it back for experimenting with new tools?
>>134090 I'm ok with willing as long as it's lustful willing sfw softcore anything is just semi boring well I mean I'll reiterate I'm fine with make out sessions and all that softcore wise I just mean we get as much action out of some of these videos as a bashful blushing session and that's it at least make out or hump you're balloona and enjoy them I'm not asking you to finger and lick the gooch necessarily but I'm not against a model tasting the berry juices I get most berry juice is contagious but it doesn't always have to lead to a mutual blow up if they don't have the prop space. I just wanna see someone do what I would if I could get my hands on a willing balloon lover. Sadly I'm getting a lot of male expansion image examples more than I'd like but it which probably should get some attention and love to as pov is a thing but some good examples so I'll share them nonetheless. Including a comic I'll let people research themselves but this type of stuff is what I'm talking about! Need more loving the balloons so to speak just because you treat them like objects doesn't mean there not tender lovers needing rubbing and lustful Passion before they explode into the inevitable mess they'll become!
Crap forgot the comic example again sadly right now all I'm finding is male examples but they too get my point across just reverse it for female on female stuff but these images including spoiler for male give you a general idea on balloon treatment and teasing it's all about lustful intentions and arousing wordplay! And at least some rubbing squeezing humping and please at least some making out with those cute puffy faces. Just do the same thing you do with hoses where you blow in each other's mouth to give the cheek poof effect merit .
does anyone get these with oompa loompa vids? >vdo-125-1200 >vdo-125-2392 >vdo-125-1724 >vdo-125-1171 >vdo-125-1731 contribution: https://mab.to/t/TwBD15JGTbl/us3
>>134130 Link doesn’t work
>>134117 here's some berry clips: https://mab.to/t/atQqrgLEAb6/us2 >>134120 your sperg out and run-on sentences tell me everything i need to know lmao. they both suck at acting, especially with joline being a dom. last time that ziva was in a blueberry clip, she did such a shitty job at acting that she literally broke the suit haha
Joline is meh at best, and Ziva is terrible. The acting and the voice is such a turn off, and in my opinion she's not very pretty (Joline isn't beautiful either though). They need to pay Sablique, Dita, and Miss Poison what they want to come back. They were the best eras of tmc (even the weird animal tf stuff had good moments in between)
What ever happened to Dita and holly webster?
>vdo-125-2033 >vdo-125-2016 >vdo-125-1582 (non pop) >vdo-125-1326 >vdo-125-1258 >vdo-125-1642 >vdo-125-1640 >vdo-125-2600 >vdo-125-2558 >vdo-125-0960 contribution: https://mab.to/t/4pdIakntVPJ/us3
>>134149 I remember Taylor said Holly is retired from the business. Her last clip was in 2013 however Taylor did release a couple of long lost clips and some older clips that are now in HD. As for Dita, I don’t know. Here last clip for TMC was in 2022.
Request: vdo-125-2629
does everyone want more hourglass expansion or blueberry videos?
>>134162 I like both, I will say probably berry since it’s been over a month since the last one came out. I do hope they are better this year. The holy grail clip that I hope comes out this year is a triple berry clip (3 people blow up in the same clip). I will say I was surprised that Taylor did 4 double inflations last year so maybe we may see more of those in 2025
>>134136 > she did such a shitty job at acting that she literally broke the suit Source or it didn't happen, Anon
any chance for a reup of the two Diana juicy blueberry vids? also tbh even though both Joline and Ziva’s acting is frankly terrible… their extreme over commitment is atleast fascinating and it helps that they’re often in vids with even an ounce of sexual stuff in them
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They need to bring this girl back. She's gorgeous and they did a total of 1 clip with her. I'm sick and tired of seeing the same bad models constantly. And they should at least have people that understand what people find hot about this kink writing this stuff. Plus the suit looks only good when it's fully blown up and the jacket is still tight against it. Otherwise they're just in a trash bag for the majority.
I know they're new but vdo-125-2629 vdo-125-2626 Contribution: https://mab.to/t/w3Mqq33NPAi/us3
>>134188 I think the reason why no one wants to do them is that they don’t feel comfortable with doing the berry clips. I forgot what tweet it was, but Taylor did say she has asked numerous models if they want to be in a berry clip and some of them will say no while others will say yes. Of those that say yes, some of them will come back and do a second berry clip while others will think one is enough or why the hell did I just do that type of video.
>>134188 Also to add on from my previous message in >>134202 , I have done the math from 2024 tmc clips. There were 123 clips released last year 26 (including two 2-part clips so 28) of the 123 were female blueberry clips (28 inflations in total as two were a double berry clip) 17 of those 25 people blew up for the 1st time 11 of those 17 people only did one clip for tmc and it was a berry clip 9 of those 26 was their 2nd or 3rd+ time blowing up Talulah and Fae were the only 2 people to do a 2nd blueberry clip in 2024. Both did a solo clip and both did a double inflation as Talulah inflated with Peaches and Fae was a cherry to Arielle’s blueberry
kinda sucks how much tmc vids are just better on mute sometimes. like straight up, a lot of recent vids i just watch with low volume and 2x speed so i can get through the filler shit faster. honestly, one of these days, im gonna dbz kai re-edit some of these clips to get rid of a bunch of the dead air and filler they have
>>134188 agreed, she was great and probably the most underrated tmc model
>>134210 very true, some of their models have the most annoying voices lmao. like ziva is hot and has potential, but fuck she sucks at acting fae's 36 so she only has a few more years left before being washed up, someone's gotta take that place >>134205 thanks for doing the math, last year i made some chart of all the inflation causes in the blueberry videos, might do willing/unwilling next
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Requests and offers. Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/ohWBgjuqNnf/eu1
>>134218 Hey no problem, and also tbh I think that was me that asked if anyone could make a chart about the berry causes /source of inflation. So thank you again for doing that. I am very curious about the willing and unwilling numbers will be.
Looking for vdo-125-2077 Thanks! Here's my contribution: https://mab.to/t/TEXYi0foqnD/eu1
>vdo-125-0496 A Blueberry Gum Fantasy >vdo-125-0549 Mika Tan: A Blueberry Gum Fantasy >vdo-125-0606 Beautiful Beula: A Blueberry Gum Fantasy >vdo-125-0664 Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease >vdo-125-0796 Turn Into a Blueberry For Holly >vdo-125-0960 She Blueberried Herself With Science contribution: https://mab.to/t/m8cYLXBAzPb/us3
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>>134188 Nah bring Darcy back. A girl who played a bubbly but nervous girl being inflated? She was basically a money printing machine. Shit was literally the biggest fumble since not handing the ball off to marshawn lynch
>>134265 damn it's been years since she did those 2 clips and then disappeared, she had so much potential taylor's law strikes again
Request: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa
since we're talkin about actresses and shit, i wanna say that i think between overacting or flat acting, i think flat acting is way worse. i think its just because at least the people who are doing overacting at least SEEM like they give a fuck. the ones who just do boring acting and repeat the same lines are the worst, if not an active turn off. its why i prefer clips where they're into it because at that point they have to show SOME emotion other than dull surprise. id honestly rather be cringing and somewhat horny than be bored and not horny at all
>>134272 Disagree. Overacting is distracting and can break the immersion. Like one's screaming was so intense it felt like a horror movie and killed the vibe. Another example, trying to waddle around in Blueberry Tea where the actress just lifted the suit up. At least with dull actresses, they sell the lack of mobility better rather than moving more than a ball of liquid should.
>>134272 To me the only actress that sucessfully sold her role as not being overactive or flat was Jade in Becoming a Big Round Blue Floating Balloon... It felt like a perfect mix of being into it and demonstrating some sort of surprise/affection for the process. Frankly this clip and Dita Loves Balloons is why I have a strict preference for balloon body inflation clips over any other clips TMC offers...
For me Talulah I think demonstrates the fetish properly. Turning into a blueberry wouldn’t be all smiles. Sure it’s scientifically impossible but the way she does it sells it to me.
>>134277 or in ziva's case, overacting so hard that she pops a blueberry suit in the process >>134306 she's not the greatest looking but she does a pretty good job at acting, i gotta agree with you there
I personally don't find it attractive when the actress is wailing away in agony or laughing maniacally as a leprechaun so pretty much any talulah clip is an automatic pass for me
>>134355 wait, theres an inflation video where the blueberry suit pops in the process? which one? bc i wanna see that for morbid curiosity
>>134369 Wonderhussy popped a suit years ago and Ziva recently. She posted about it on Twitter a while back.
>>134375 Do you know which clip it was. I know Ziva has been in 3 clips.
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>>134400 Clinical Trials: The Scientist and The Blueberry The suit and the end looks like it’s losing pressure.
It’s not loading for me but she wrote this https://www.reddit.com/r/Blueberry/s/ddswHs5huS
Request: vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa
>>134477 Do you think it's possible that the reason no one has posted it yet is because you keep requesting the clip without contributing anything?
does anyone get these requesting? >vdo-125-2203 >vdo-125-2173 >vdo-125-0664 >vdo-125-0796 contribution: https://mab.to/t/k1EopHDaKgU/us3
Before someone says it yeah I know I'm hella gay, well bi actually I love tits as much as a cute dick but that doesn't really matter. Context out the way I'm curious has TaylorMadeclips ever done any femboy content I know they done male but like I'm talking femboy the type specifically that makes you question you're sexuality with their cuteness! Like onlyfans model bibblekittyy is a primary example. I know tmc I believe it's abbreviated supposedly does all kinds of niche content futa, transformation outside of just inflation and I'm just curious if they ever dabbled in the femboy stuff before? Or is it a train yet to leave the station that's gone uncommissioned yet? Again my tastes in men are fickle I like the extremely feminine energy types big collage dorm sorority jocks in trucker hats just aren't my thing.
>>134518 I don't think they have. I've never really looked either, not my cup of tea. not a hater, just not my thing. i think TMC does have a way to suggest ideas, maybe shoot them something.
>>134518 Bisexual here too, Honestly i would love to see a femboy BE/AE vid from Taylor
>>134518 >>134529 That would really neat (pan guy in a straight relationship here but my gf and I like NSFW content)
>>134518 There’s been some less masc male models but never anything femboy related. I feel like there’d be a decent amount of femboys/femme guys who’d be fairly game and interested in this stuff enough to star in a clip or two, but we know Taylor is a bit weird when it comes to her craft so we’ll have to see whether or not it happens
https://mab.to/t/iL0nhz7qVsF/eu1 We need more dry humping clips
>>134580 No we don’t
>>134518 This right here we need more femboys
>>134580 Yes, I agree
Looking for these: vdo-125-2635 vdo-125-2066 vdo-125-2069 vdo-125-2556 vdo-125-2066 contribution: https://mab.to/t/Ag1CQJWXG4e/us2
>>134712 Here are 2 of your requests, vdo-125-2066 and vdo-125-2069 https://mab.to/t/M2afH90iagV/eu1
>>134720 Awesome. Here's 3 more for your kindness https://mab.to/t/bZQ5O0B9DUx/us2 vdo-125-2635 is my most wanted
>vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy >vdo-125-0496 A Blueberry Gum Fantasy >vdo-125-0630 Little Gaining Girl Holly >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >vdo-125-1194 Mean Mommy: A Double Blueberry Inflation contribution: https://mab.to/t/z8NfeZH0qs3/us3
Does anyone get the deal with the weird extra belly bruises on the new Fae pregnancy clip? Or did they just damaged the prosthetic
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Requests and offers. Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/3kdFz1FwAJU/eu1
My pgone git stolen and list all my vids byt i try my best ti get atleast the vuds back
>>134875 They stole your keyboard too I see…
>>134862 I have those two requests. But do you want recent clips to share or a rare gts clip?
/WARNING UNCLEANED/ I can't get the cleaner the running for some reason but here is vdo-125-2629 Age of Expansion: Futa https://mab.to/t/HPIMuAQNG4w/us3
>>134903 bro dont upload unclean. its worse for you.
>>134903 Yeah why you warning us bro lol. You the one who’s cooked. Rip o7
>>134837 tbh my initial reaction to that was “more babies=more bellybuttons” and I’m actually an idiot for thinking that but idk doesn’t seem like damage and looks intentional, maybe supposed to be stretch marks?
>>134909 Rihanna ain't a lawyer
does anyone get kimmy blueberry game? contribution: https://mab.to/t/k4Ee5gvMU7k/us3
>>134897 Take a look in the file I've attached and tell me what you have in mind. Also, I would like proof that you have what you say you have, like a screenshot or something.
>>134897 Just in case it wasn't clear, I meant the clip located here >>134862
>>134985 *file*
Requesting: vdo-125-1331 POV: The Harder Your Cock Gets the Bigger & Heavier My Boobs Get (MikaTan) vdo-125-0949 Paying The Leprechaun Price (CarolinePierce) vdo-125-1302 Mika`s Leprechaun Punishment (Mikatan) vdo-125-1153 Facestuffing Belly Expanding Revenge (Svetlana) vdo-125-1073 Halo`s Extreme Christmas Inflation (HaloNoir) vdo-125-1685 You Turn Your Tinder Hookup Into A Blueberry! (HaloNoir) Contribution: https://mab.to/t/zyLcZ3nU8py/eu1
Does someone have: The Halloween Party? With Fae
searching for this clip: a blueberry cocktail vdo-125-2622 contribution: https://mab.to/t/zc2DzCCNt9r/eu1
>>135021 >https://mab.to/t/zc2DzCCNt9r/eu1 Here it is
>>134897 I think this should count as recent: https://mab.to/t/BZgaLsHPmsR/eu1
Anyone has this videos: - vdo-125-2633 - vdo-125-2632 - vdo-125-2585 Contribution: https://mab.to/t/URqutnP1I9D/eu1
>vdo-125-2623 >vdo-125-1258 >vdo-125-1246 >vdo-125-1171 >vdo-125-1121 >vdo-125-0995 >vdo-125-0960 >vdo-125-0664 >vdo-125-1582 (non pop) contribution: https://mab.to/t/9cJz6vKAniM/us3
Request : vdo-125-2497: Ass Expansion Serum Gone Wrong https://mab.to/t/Mjr6fyZCKaf/us2
>>135071 And also vdo-125-1160 Revenge of the Woolworth Clerks vdo-125-1157 High School Revenge
Like POV: It Feels So Good To Get Big For You, POV: Sexy Big Round Growing Belly Tease, POV: Sexy Teasing Nonstop Expansions, Students to Hourglass Strippers , Nonstop Growing Asses Pole Dancing Strippers, and Pole Dancing Breast Expanding Strippers. contribute: https://mab.to/t/oQNdS0QgqKm/us3 (wait for it to upload.)
>>135136 >https://mab.to/t/oQNdS0QgqKm/us3 stuck at 48%
>>135158 No it's not now it's 49%.
>>135158 Also my internet sucks and it's slow so...
Request : vdo-125-1160 Revenge of the Woolworth Clerks vdo-125-1157 High School Revenge  vdo-125-2497: Ass Expansion Serum Gone Wrong https://mab.to/t/GIgu07EW1kD/us2
https://mab.to/t/4an54FO456O/us3 looking for any one of these Red Bikini Blueberry Inflation The Witch and the Swollen Berry Girl A Slow Happy Blueberry Transformation POV: Your First Date: A Blueberry Giant Ass Expanding Fantasy
>>135190 Request : vdo-125-1160 Revenge of the Woolworth Clerks vdo-125-1157 High School Revenge vdo-125-2497: Ass Expansion Serum Gone Wrong https://mab.to/t/GLAiL3XqHzR/us2
Taylor seems to be making a bit more masturbation instruction/sexual stuff and less scaredy arm flapping vids as of late, atleast she’s getting something right
Does anyone else think that the older breast and belly props from about 2016 - 2019 are better looking? Like they had a more realistic texture compared to the newer ones
best tmc clips where the girl is getting off on being a blueberry?
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looking for: >vdo-125-2640 (POV: Your First Date: A Blueberry Giant Ass Expanding Fantasy) >vdo-125-2600 (Girlfriend Finds Your Blueberry Gum) >vdo-125-1644 (Red Bikini Blueberry Inflation) >vdo-125-1642 (Orgasmic Blueberry Growth) >vdo-125-0796 (Turn Into a Blueberry For Holly) contribution: https://mab.to/t/qPukFuB2O02/us3
>>135252 https://mab.to/t/ct41LdeCjZq/us2 Here are two of the videos you're asking for. It will take at least an hour or two for the download to complete.
>>134837 >>134909 https://www.roanyer.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=643
>>135268 Your upload has frozen at 19%
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Requests and offers. >>135252 one of your requests is in the contribution below. Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/36xq8DLK782/eu1
(3.73 MB 1920x1080 taylorslaw12025.png)
taylor's law strikes again best makeup job they've done in months for a blueberry clip and they waste it on not even using a full suit, or that retarded 'specially designed blueberry suit with tits' they used for ONE clip. this shit could have been like that sablique blueberry JOI clip from 2015
>>135398 >best makeup job She looks like a nightmarish fusion of Smurfette and Endive from Chowder.
>>135398 this is honestly my ideal Berry clip as someone who doesn't like them (I don't understand getting off to a ball but to each their own I mean we all like weird shit here) so I honestly am excited to see it up eventually
Requesting: >vdo-125-2639 (The Weight Gain Virus) >vdo-125-1740 (Bratty Dita Becomes Blueberry with Breasts) >vdo-125-1640 (Big Blueberry Inflation Dream Come True) >vdo-125-1280 (Tortured by a Leprechaun) contribution: https://mab.to/t/NRDZwtPZkZU/us3
If anyone could get that new fae clip that would be awesome, that shape is way better than a ball which I don't know how that's hot lol
(189.90 KB 300x984 alice-joline-poledancersASSE.jpg)
Looking for vdo-125-2617 Contribution: https://mab.to/t/ppEpri7vmGE/eu1
>>135471 hello here's the video you were looking for https://mab.to/t/ZhL6FdvfoYA/us2
hello people i'm looking for these videos: tmc2633 - the perfect woman tmc 2497 - ass expansion serum gone wrong here's the contribution https://mab.to/t/braZVLb6RXp/us2
>>135514 Hallo stranger, here is the perfect woman, i must again say that the clip wasnt cleaned by me, dont know if it got before, but im to lazy for that https://mab.to/t/ko04czjXmbm/eu1
Does anyone have any Media Impact Customs expansion videos? Here's what I have so far https://mab.to/t/KriUxiQ94kb/us2
Request: vdo-125-2629 - Age of Expansion: Futa Contribution: https://mab.to/t/GyKzPagJs6g/us3
>>135268 If you're uploading, do not close your laptop or put your computer to sleep or else your uploads will hinder to the point your upload freezes.
>>135552 No you can not
>>135523 That mura chick is smoking hot
>>135552 >>135567 And your contributions are where exactly?
>>135398 which sablique blueberry joi clip are you referring to? Is that the pov blueberry boyfriend one? cause if so the joi in that is so short and barely focused on in the video, I don’t even think there’s a countdown
>>135552 contribution: https://mab.to/t/gJQQsZaGtSs/us3 here you go. Request: >Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease >Turn Into a Blueberry For Holly >Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >Juice Me Pleeeassseee >POV Blueberry Interactive: Caroline Pierce
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Requests and offers BB clips: >Girlfriend Finds Your Blueberry Gum >POV: Blueberry Gum Tester >The Blue Vibrator: A Slow Berry Transformation >Jordan Loves Filling With Blueberry Juice >Violet Cosplay Model Turns >My Blueberry Transformation Dream Come True >A Big Juicy Christmas Blueberry Transformation Part 3 >Juiced #1 >JUICED AGAIN contribution: https://mab.to/t/LnPDN8rhzhJ/us3
>>135647 Hey I was able to find one of the clips you are looking for and its one of my favorites here it is Contribution https://mab.to/t/ie1H5uj6dhN/us2 Requests: - PASTAtute to Piggy Belly to Pig Berry - Party Girl to Inflatable Bimbo Like Fox - Exploding 1980s Bimbo Lime Inflation Transformation - Swollen All Over Busting Through Shoes Belt Etc. - Plumpers Revenge Please and thank you
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Hey ya'll, I've been looking for some more recent vids put out TMC and was told this place would be my best bet. If I make any mistakes, please forgive me, this is my first time on this board but I do intend on posting here regularly. Anyways, with that being said, here are my current requests: vdo-125-2639 (The Weight-Gain Virus) vdo-125-2640 (POV: Your First Date: A Blueberry Giant Ass Expanding Fantasy) vdo-125-2635 (Amazon Hourglass Stripper) Also, before I forget, here is my contribution: https://mab.to/t/VNQB3unnugM/us3 P.S. Apologies if these videos are not correctly titled or are of inconsistent quality. I tend to collect videos myself (mainly from CamBro) so not all of them are as they should be. I'll try and stick with the ones of the highest quality the next time I post here. Happy travels!
>>135747 I have vdo-125-2639 (The Weight-Gain Virus) just don’t know how to clean it
Hey guys, I have the new blueberry date vid and this is gonna be my first time contributing but I remember seeing that you have "clean" the video before posting it? anyone help me with that?
>>135759 >>135760 We have the opportunity to get two recent all-timer-ahh clips. Somebody post that cleaner and HELP THESE MEN
>>135761 Please don't call them recent ahh clips
Thanks for the help guys. hopefully I did it right. Here's POV: Your First Date: A Blueberry Giant Ass Expanding Fantasy: https://mab.to/t/zplUVJQrTsh/us3 My only request would be: Stolen Gum:Big Sloshy Belly and Boobs to Big Round Blueberry vdo-125-2566 and Transformed Through a Stream vdo-125-2458
>>135766 https://mab.to/t/ylQN8xRqhKf/eu1 Thank you
>>135766 Thank you king! You did clean the vid correctly
(24.38 KB 1172x793 screenshot.png)
THE CLEANER i don't know if people haven't heard of it but a full easy to use gui cleaner is available freely on github. drag-and-drop entire folders. view status of cleaned or not cleaned videos. https://github.com/porcor0550/video-cleaner-gui direct link to download page: https://github.com/porcor0550/video-cleaner-gui/releases/tag/v0.1.13 >>135766 thank you very much
Contribution: https://mab.to/t/bUPIJ134KeH/us3 vdo-125-2120 - POV: Kiki Inflates from Your Magic Mouse Pad vdo-125-1647 - Fat to FINE!!! vdo-125-2141 - Growth Induced Footwear Destruction: Episode 1 Request: vdo-125-2629 - Age of Expansion: Futa
>>135822 It should be clean. Currently uploading. https://mab.to/t/A8rH3av8I89/us3
>>135822 Just pointing out that the foot growth clip you've shared is the original, not the special edition
Looking to trade Dm me on report my post Add conbrajet
Dm me on report my post
https://mab.to/t/8Zjt8nBHiX7/eu1 Contribution Have a great day
Contribution vdo-125-2639 (The Weight-Gain Virus): https://mab.to/t/mm8EzgXfC1R/us2
List Every TMC Villains
>vdo-125-0960 - She Blueberried Herself With Science... SCIENCE! >vdo-125-0965 - Blow Up Like A Blueberry Too! >vdo-125-0664 - Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease >vdo-125-0796 - Turn Into a Blueberry For Holly >vdo-125-0496 - A Blueberry Gum Fantasy contribution: https://mab.to/t/4DkWKQGCXdV/us3
>>135766 How did you get the vid?
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Requests and offers. Most Desperate Requests: vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/lfqe9iq1CDP/eu1
>>135899 you retarded?
>>135522 missed out on perfect women can we get a reup? PLZ
>>135766 it’s like Taylor is actually an alien, the joi at the end of this video is solely a long close up shot of Face’s face and doesn’t show you anything! I don’t get why these videos end up being soft core comedies with accidental sexual stuff in them
requesting >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >vdo-125-0960 She Blueberried Herself With Science... SCIENCE! contribution: https://mab.to/t/UPcucpQf88Q/us3
>>135954 I really don't get it. How has she been making clips this long and can't get it right. Ass focused expansion clip and the last 2 minutes contain no ass or expansion.
Hey I was wondering if it's possible to get these please. vdo-125-2119 POV: Kiki Force Inflates You to Pop vdo-125-1202 Lesbian Forced Inflation and Bondage Revenge Contribution: https://mab.to/t/oATRcjMIFs6/eu1
Does anyone have these? vdo-125-2641 POV: The Perfect Date: Loads of Inflations to become a Balloon vdo-125-2634 POV: Sexy Big Round Growing Belly Tease vdo-125-2632 The Hottest Breast Expansion Tease vdo-125-2125 POV: I Love Feeling My Belly Stretch Filled with Air vdo-125-1142 Pregnancy 4-Pack:Twins (I know this one is an old one) Contribution https://mab.to/t/yFMeWricbfs/us3
>>135996 How hard would it be to just set up a camera that shows everything, the expansion, the transformation and the actress all at once? I don’t think Taylor is as bad as some people do, but it’s still weird how she messes this stuff up when it’s her job, she spends so much on props only to not even use them well or at all
>>136037 you would think that someone who has made inflatable porn clips for over a decade now would not be fucking dogshit at it
>>135790 Pardon me but I would like to ask if you could clean a clip for me because I can't download it onto my mac https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/yFMeWricbfs/us3 specificly monstrous bloating
>>136043 Didn’t someone send all those same exact ones earlier?
>>136049 >https://mab.to/t/yFMeWricbfs/us Yeah, I checked this link and the one that literally came before it and they both, in fact, the same folder with the same clips.
>>136037 and when she does make something half decent, there's some twist that kills it. girl's belly swells up, oh but then she turns into a goat or a cat, or grows a giant dick.
>>136029 The Dita Succubus Vore video may be the best example of the rare TMC that doesn't lose the plot and remembers that it's supposed to be porn from start to finish.
does everyone have Roommate Wars POV: Sexy School Teacher to Super Glam Hourglass Bimbo Science Tinder POV: I Am Swelling Up Just for You The Rose Bush?
>>136068 Request : vdo-125-1160 Revenge of the Woolworth Clerks vdo-125-1157 High School Revenge vdo-125-2497: Ass Expansion Serum Gone Wrong https://mab.to/t/48rXD6aeH7w/us2
https://www.cambro.tv/1374054/alice-joline-science-tinder-hourglass-expansion/ https://www.cambro.tv/1333196/tmc-the-gift-a-blueberry-transformation-stevie/ https://www.cambro.tv/1237844/fae-decay-tmc-bimbo-tf/ https://www.cambro.tv/595263/talulah-roommate-breast-expansion-wars/
>>136064 we call this "taylor's law"
>>136037 Yeah, I have had those same exact grievances with TMC. The annoying part about it too is that they are more than capable of showing everything (expansion, transformation, actress, etc.) just like you mentioned. Yet, for some reason, they just don't and idk why. For example, I was watching vdo-125-2603 ( Big Ass Bimbo Transformation: Scientist to Bimbo) and was waiting the entire time for the breast expansion scene. Of its 15 minute run span, they didn't even get to it until 12 minutes into the clip and the first half literally happened off camera. Don't get me wrong, it's still one of my favorite, but I wish they stopped pulling those kinds of stunts on us, it gets annoying after a while.
>>135766 Excuse me, would it be possible if you redo it again?
>>136140 Here you go https://mab.to/t/0uelM2duCnJ/eu1 Is there someone who already has this one? POV: The Perfect Date: Loads of Inflations to become a Balloon I'd rather check in before buying, I can spend it also on another video. And if you need help cleaning, I'm there for you too!
>>136156 Idk what you're talking about, I guess you got the wrong thread
does anyone get these? >vdo-125-1194 Mean Mommy: A Double Blueberry Inflation >vdo-125-1121 POV Blueberry Interactive: Caroline Pierce >vdo-125-1171 Juice Me Pleeeassseee >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me contribution: https://mab.to/t/0pGfZsos03H/us3
Hi people I'm looking for these videos, I don't know if you could see if you have them please TMC 2307 Fired With a Bang TMC 2637 The Rose Bush TMC 2497 Ass Expansion Serum Gone Wrong Cursed cookie jar, )although I know it's not from taylormadeclips, I'm looking for this video, I'm wondering if anyone has it here because I haven't found another thread that has as many views as this one, here I leave the link that has the images in case anyone has it: https://www.clips4sale.com/es/studio/14798/29861873/the-cursed-cookie-jar-starring-ivy-davenport-ami-mercury-indica-jane-ssbbw-gets-revenge-on-skinny-bitch-neighbors-by-casting-a-weight-gain-spell-1080-hd-mp4) my contribution, it expires in 2 days https://www.myairbridge.com/es/#!/transfer/a2ZcwlMzZ2t/us2
does anyone get Sablique blueberry clips? >vdo-125-1228 >vdo-125-1933 >vdo-125-1668 >vdo-125-1552 contribution: https://mab.to/t/siPAES9j5H0/us3
Does anybody have the twins: a halloween creation video?
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>>136358 It should have been Ziva.
>>136358 Im so happy Fae is in this cosplay blowing up! Perfect choice.
>>136329 Link doesn’t work
Contribution: https://mab.to/t/pBMHP0ZUpb5/eu1 Im looking for: She Blueberried Herself With Science... SCIENCE! (vdo-125-0960) The Lab Accident (vdo-125-2562) Franny Kruger Inflation Nightmares: Vicki Part 2 (vdo-125-1217) Captive Alien Inflation (vdo-125-1068)
>vdo-125-1582 Rebecca`s Pleasurable Blueberry Experience: Non Pop Version >vdo-125-2268 The Blue Vibrator: A Slow Berry Transformation >vdo-125-2204 Violet Cosplay Model Turns >vdo-125-1758 While Wonka`s Away This Oompa Loompa is Going to Play contribution: https://mab.to/t/MKCMO1RglmX/us3
Looks like a new blueberry clip came out. Not counting the Fae BB Ass Expansion Clip, this is the first blueberry clip involving the full ball suit since early December (18 clips if you do the math)
Looking for: vdo-125-2052 Inflation Inheritance vdo-125-2135 Tropical Inflations vdo-125-1810 BellyStuffing is Back and Myley wants to Gain for You vdo-125-2097 Sexy Stripper New Hourglass Figure vdo-125-1639 Sexy POV Giant Ass Hips Legs Breasts Grown for You vdo-125-2612 Two Halloween Hourglass Transformations vdo-125-2586 Batgirl TRANSFORMED vdo-125-2573 POV: Sexy School Teacher to Super Glam Hourglass Bimbo Here's my contribution: https://mab.to/t/SGbUDBmAGaF/us2
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New balloon inflation clips
What happened to Ziva anyway? She hasn’t been seen in a blueberry video for a long time.
>>136458 She is still around, however her videos she’s in are not through TMC. Her last video for Taylor was in 2022 (I think she was in 3 berry clips in total), I saw somewhere that she has tried to reach out to Taylor for another shoot, however Taylor has not responded back. She said that she and Taylor left on good terms, however some people believe that Taylor is mad at Ziva for popping the suit in her last Berry clip (it wasn’t shown in the video, it happened in a behind the scenes video she was posting on either X, instagram, or snap)
>>136452 Oh, my God, I recognize one of those tattoos. That's Felicity. FELICITY'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>136465 Ziva is far from a good actor but she’s so crazily enthusiastic that she ends up being enjoyable, hope she comes back eventually
>>136465 Oh yeah I remember Ziva saying on twitter/reddit about the suit.
>>136465 Is still possibile to find that video of her popping the suit or it's Just Lost? Or did anyone have It?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone in this thread post "Bratty Dita Becomes Blueberry with Breasts" which given how a lot of older clips of her get posted I'm just surprised. Always wondered what she'd be like acting like Veruca inflating.
>>136495 https://mab.to/t/wlof1s8Q8As/us2
Does anyone have this video of Beoptimist? If so would greatly apreciate it https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/failed-project-the-ring-of-expansion-expansion
A clip I've never seen on here Blown Up to Burst with Stella
>>136445 fucking finally, does the preview look any good? >>136458 what >>136465 said and she also got in a car crash recently >>136481 here's that reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Blueberry/comments/z8llck/i_popped_the_blueberry_suit_a_minute_before_i/
>>136515 Can't see her vid, damnit.
>>136515 It’s really tough to tell in regards to the new berry clip, I know the preview only gives you roughly 30 seconds. I will say the one thing that I am disappointed with is the choice of hair wig with the suit. To me personally, if you are going to change the hair color to blue during the transformation process, at least have the suit, wig, and makeup be the same color or very similar. In the one that just came out, the wig is a lighter blue and the suit is more of a darker blue. Some examples of ones that got the hair and suit combo right in my opinion are Becoming Juicy (tmc 2625) Date Night (tmc 2494) I will say there are some clips that aren’t bad with a darker wig and a lighter suit. But to me if you have a lighter wig and a darker suit it looks very odd IMO
>>136465 I mean why would she be made? This shit can happen all the time what else to you expect from what is essentially a giant wearable rubber balloon eventually it will weaken and possibly pop? But if money is the issue just milk her for more clips instead of being made and holding a grudge especially if what money is what you're after why hold back a star who is inflatable enough to bring tons in? If true just bad business decisions if you ask me? Take nothing personal especially props in the realm of business
>>136527 Everything you said was spot on. I don’t know the exact number of times it’s happened in the past, but it’s happened numerous times where the suit popped or got cut opened and that person came back and did more clips for Taylor (I believe Ziva did 8 clips after the berry clip). If it’s a money issue, I wonder how much it is that Ziva wants that Taylor doesn’t want to pay her?
I find it interesting how Taylor hasn’t gone cheap. she could very easily just pump out nothing content with the same actress and props if she made an onlyfans or other short form content, I know her trailers are kind of like this but moreso just sexual shorts with props and suits would be way quicker to produce. also she hasn’t really jumped on any trends lately, honestly surprised she isn’t dipping her toes into AI slop, goon or pmv type videos tbh and going full porn exploitation and who knows how terrible that could be… but it’d be something seems to be quite happy with her house style, which is a forever purgatory “female gaze” between comedy and sex long live Taylor’s Law
So here are some random clips that I have saved. But in return, I requests the 2 Rosa clips: vdo-125-0983 & vdo-125-0864. Please and thank you. https://mab.to/t/ZMEJjzbeS3g/us2
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Requests and offers. Just a mix of Fae and Ziva clips, since some of you have been talking about Ziva lately, and just cos there's a new Fae clip. Most Desperate Requests: Can someone download these two for me, please? vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2642 Suit Malfunction: Inflate to Split Suit and Pop vdo-125-2637 The Rose Bush vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/U1812iuRhOd/eu1
>>136534 Here's rosa BE clip https://mab.to/t/BMR61D9SvN7/eu1
>>136599 Thanks brother
>>136522 the fact you could only name 2 of the countless berry clips where they changed the hair during the clip tells us everything we need to know lol >>136521 clip provided by >>136526 shows her right after she popped the suit, guess it was before all the air got out. either way, her overacting is on full display here, no wonder the thing fucking popped >>136532 >taylor has been doing the same exact format since starting 13+ years ago i think she could do a bit better with marketing future clips instead of retweeting the random bullshit that she does some short clip of the model talking to the camera about the clip could go much farther than some random, out of context pics
>>136638 I don't use twitter. How's Taylor's? Anyways, if anything, she should have a personal account and a business account for TMC.
>>136641 Not good enough to justify using Twitter. I wish she would just start posting to BlueSky already.
>>136638 I did the math and there was at least 20 times that the hair color changed, what >>136522 was saying as example clips appeared to be the most recent clips where this happened. There’s been close to 300 blueberry clips made. And with what I said at the top, that puts you at average that a hair color changes once in every 15 clips
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Happy Valentines day! new blueberry clips 2025 came out request: >vdo-125-2643 I am LEGIT a Blueberry >vdo-125-1228 POV: You Are Going to Become Her Blueberry Boyfriend >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >vdo-125-0960 She Blueberried Herself With Science... SCIENCE! >vdo-125-0835 The More Turned On I Get the More Blue I Become >vdo-125-0664 Holly`s Sexy Blueberry Tease >vdo-125-1582 Rebecca`s Pleasurable Blueberry Experience: Non Pop Version >vdo-125-2101 Blueberry Blue Tattoo contribution: https://mab.to/t/YZjKKd13TYl/us3
>>136715 another contribution: https://mab.to/t/nfnEPM9uOtx/us3
>>136641 pretty shitty, she rarely posts anything 'behind the scenes' or promotional material that would help her advertise her videos
>>136742 I will say she does post some photos about possible future clips on Twitter, however there is no consistency as to when she uploads the photos on X. Sometimes it could be 10 days between uploads of new teaser photos, it could be 6 days, it could be 3 days, heck I know a year or two ago it was almost a month between uploads. Even though I think it is great for a heads up of what is possibly about to get released, 9 out of 10 clips will fall victim to Taylor’s Law
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Does anyone have "The Entity" Here's my contribution (Some random BE): https://mab.to/t/7fxiCgigYOM/us2
https://mab.to/t/uTv7ni0FTsh/us2 KOBE
>>136777 shit forgor to tag you
FULL FIELD FLEE FLICKER heres going postal part 2 https://mab.to/t/XIwzYJOI5pD/us2
>>136813 Thanks bro
Does anyone have these? vdo-125-2641 POV: The Perfect Date: Loads of Inflations to become a Balloon vdo-125-2634 POV: Sexy Big Round Growing Belly Tease vdo-125-2632 The Hottest Breast Expansion Tease vdo-125-2125 POV: I Love Feeling My Belly Stretch Filled with Air I've tried looking for them but I've had no luck so far. Contribution: https://mab.to/t/lqG4VPNY6a4/us3
>>136885 >https://mab.to/t/lqG4VPNY6a4/us3 Sadly not any of your requests but noticed that Balloon Goddess video you provided was pretty low quality and not the full video. Here's the full one w/o a watermark and in original quality
god dammit forgot to link. here https://mab.to/t/WdRmMYJriCY/us2
>>136942 God they need to get Sablique back. The level of quality she brings to these videos is unmatched.
>>136956 Forreal
Found a newbie can't access however https://www.cambro.tv/1497240/bri-pregnant-expansion/
The "Wants to be a balloon" series has to be the most consistently decent one. It's so refreshing seeing them happy at the growth and not whiny "Oooooh no, the fluuuuuid!" torture porn
>>137000 nah joyslop is boring, anyway here's some berry clips https://mab.to/t/OZfsnDpkdfj/us2
>>137024 All the bb lovers should blow themselves up like in the clips so we don't have to deal with you retards anymore
>>137000 Agreed. For years now the balloon series have been the only TMC clips I actually enjoy.
>>137000 this ftw
>>136956 For real. At this point they may as well name the site "Fae-lormadeclips".
>>137024 you used the word 'joyslop', opinion immediately discarded
Anyone have new videos from Fae (six babies" pls???
Does anyone plan to post the 2 new “become a balloon” clips. I’m debating if I should buy them or not
>>137055 You mean 2646 and 2641? I've got 2641 and if you share 2646 I'll share the other one here.
>>137024 >>137027 now draw these two making out
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Requests and offers Most Desperate Requests: Can someone download these two for me, please? vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2642 Suit Malfunction: Inflate to Split Suit and Pop vdo-125-2637 The Rose Bush vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/TgaCOmOwKuc/eu1
>>137027 I believe tmc works via commission slots so if you want something different then just pay up for it
nice to see Taylor doing pov/joi videos fairly consistently and with fae, a good actor, these days but I wish they would be slightly more interesting with the inflations in them. joi’s pretty much only have hourglass and maybe belly inflation and a lot of the other unique and weird stuff gets relegated to arm flapping comedy videos, needs to be a balance
>>137248 honestly yes. berry and full body inflation is silly and all but many still get sexually aroused by it. Love fae and the others but taylor should lean on the fetish/sexual aspect more.
vdo-125-2517 Extreme Pregnancy and BellyStuffing vdo-125-2511 Ready to Pop: A Pregnancy Story vdo-125-2205 Violet Cosplay Model Turns (Pop Version) (Who apparently nobody gets and only buys the non-pop version) vdo-125-2606 The Pregnancy App: Fae vdo-125-2608 The Pregnancy App: Audi vdo-125-2612 Two Halloween Hourglass Transformations vdo-125-2613 POV: I Am Swelling Up Just for You vdo-125-2616 Fashion Models Turned BBW`s vdo-125-2385 Blonde to Extremely Glamorous Hourglass Balloon Goddess vdo-125-2603 Big Ass Bimbo Transformation: Scientist to Bimbo vdo-125-2573 POV: Sexy School Teacher to Super Glam Hourglass Bimbo vdo-125-2221 Gas Fueled Inflation vdo-125-2630 Resisting the Monster vdo-125-2628 POV: Sexy Teasing Nonstop Expansions vdo-125-2642 Suit Malfunction: Inflate to Split Suit and Pop Contribution: https://mab.to/t/ZlBVya4c0uS/us2
>>137275 I request for all vids that contains popping (No male or Futa) But i want these ones mainly forgot to add message that these are my requests
>>137275 Here's 2573 Sexy School Teacher https://mab.to/t/uJ8tMvDhAq3/eu1
>>136155 Would you mind redoing vdo-125-2640 (POV: Your First Date: A Blueberry Giant Ass Expanding Fantasy), please and thank you.
Requests and offers: >vdo-125-2643 I am LEGIT a Blueberry >vdo-125-2623 In the Dorm Room Blueberry Transformation >vdo-125-2600 Girlfriend Finds Your Blueberry Gum >vdo-125-1582 Rebecca`s Pleasurable Blueberry Experience: Non Pop Version >vdo-125-1171 Juice Me Pleeeassseee >vdo-125-1114 Sniff Deep: Blueberry Transformation >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >vdo-125-0835 The More Turned On I Get the More Blue I Become contribution: https://mab.to/t/2QMXKeWbMbm/us3
Looking for: vdo-125-2255 Loving Her New Shapes Contribution: https://mab.to/t/H94OLm04BLE/eu1
>>137375 https://mab.to/t/ktOHPHkqbZ2/eu1
Requests vdo-125-2647-Her DREAM Body vdo-125-2641-POV: The Perfect Date: Loads of Inflations to become a Balloon vdo-125-2639-The Weight Gain Virus vdo-125-2634-POV: Sexy Big Round Growing Belly Tease vdo-125-2632-The Hottest Breast Expansion Tease Contribution: https://mab.to/t/5joT33dEqBr/us3
>>137055 Did you buy the clip?
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Does anyone have this video? Don’t know the name of it. Contribution https://mab.to/t/9MfO5Il0lj2/us2
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does anyone have these holly couple or sexy tease POV? contribution: https://mab.to/t/3U2VCbfhavz/us3
its wild how some of these vids are just better on mute sometimes. Kinda wish they release edited down versions with just sfx
>>137523 Don't have a copy, but I was at least able to determine this is vdo-125-0539: "The Increased Beauty Boutique: Hot Wife Kristine".
Don't want anything for it, enjoy you heathens. https://mab.to/t/09ONfe4FWEQ
>>137546 Thank you
>>137523 not original still decent quality. here you go https://mab.to/t/dKfSMvAUlV3/eu1
>>137546 based
>>137546 Thank you
>>137546 god bless a hall of fame blueberry clip, i didn't think taylor had it in her anymore
>>137523 >>137535 >>137555 original quality https://mab.to/t/pd5SyiZskHx/us3
>>137546 >https://mab.to/t/pd5SyiZskHx/us3 I'm amazed. I didn't think we'd ever see a full nude scene from Fae. That was interesting. Though, am I the only one who wonders how long it took her to wash off all the blue?
>>137546 the blue makeup is S-tier. 10/10 video
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>vdo-125-2643 I am LEGIT a Blueberry >vdo-125-2560 A Dream: Big Juicy Blueberry Boobs >vdo-125-1258 POV: I Am Too Full Of Juice For You To Cum In My Mouth >vdo-125-1129 Kymberly`s Super Blueberry Inflation >vdo-125-0995 Look How Big and Blue You are Making Me >vdo-125-1114 Sniff Deep: Blueberry Transformation >vdo-125-2101 Blueberry Blue Tattoo >vdo-125-2033 My Blueberry Transformation Dream Come True contribution: https://mab.to/t/uztyES2GF1X/us3
(492.19 KB 720x1080 fae.slap.webm)
>>137546 thank you
(7.98 MB 1440x1080 fae.chew.webm)
>>137527 >>137590 i think i got you guys here with these old classics: https://mab.to/t/Lxlt4hLreHs/us3
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Requests and offers. Most Desperate Requests: Can someone download these two for me, please? vdo-125-2143 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 2 10 Years Later - https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ vdo-125-2141 Growth Induced Footwear Destruction Pt 1: Special Edition - https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ Requests: vdo-125-2644 POV: Weight Gain Tease: Fae Wants To Get Fat For You vdo-125-2637 The Rose Bush vdo-125-2636 Three Stages Extreme Pregnancy vdo-125-0693 Orgasmic Terror Full Body Inflation vdo-125-0626 What Happened to Me https://mab.to/t/eQBmwD3gUSf/eu1 Also, bit of an ask, but can someone download this for me as well, please? https://www.cambro.tv/1510347/puffed-up-pussy-inflation/
>>137595 >>137596 berryfags on top with this clip berry haters have been btfo'd
description of the new fae berry clip said it was a custom script, seen this before as well and I’ve always wondered who is writing these and how are they submitting them?
here's another male blueberry inflation: https://www.cambro.tv/1489156/i-can-t-flood-this-apartment-with-blueberry-juice/
Anyone have - vdo-125-2641: POV: The Perfect Date: Loads of Inflations to become a Balloon Alice Contribution: https://mab.to/t/KwpO9HCnvHk/us2
Contribution: (I am LEGIT a Blueberry) https://mab.to/t/f6rkVCU1hMP/us3 If anyone could share this vid please that would be great, vdo-125-2650 POV: Up Close with the Blueberry Queen Transformation
>>137709 it came out already? i ever watch the preview more blueberry ass requests: >vdo-125-1209 O My God I Feel Funny >vdo-125-1171 Juice Me Pleeeassseee >vdo-125-1147 The Blueberry Game with Savannah >vdo-125-1121 POV Blueberry Interactive: Caroline Pierce >vdo-125-1642 Orgasmic Blueberry Growth here's my contribution: https://mab.to/t/ywGh2b3PxkI/us3
>>137607 >>137632 Contribution is 2 cambro files I was able to download and a reup of the new fae suit vid since the original upload from >>137546 is likely about to expire. (Looks like the blueberry one already has a few new reups) Link: https://mab.to/t/w8ai2TaN1Gz My only request is vdo-125-1761 School Girl Giant Busting Inflation which for some reason has almost become lost media at this point. I use to see it floating around all of the time, but not in the last year or so.
Requesting: vdo-125-2320 Sexy Extremely Busty Pornstar Swollen Pussy to Cock vdo-125-2313 Did You Ever Expect to See THIS in Summer School? (Futa Version) vdo-125-2145 Dr. Jekyll & Sister Hyde & So Much More Contribution: https://mab.to/t/seh0au1jYaC/eu1
Does anyone have these clips. There are varied assortment and some are deepfakes thank you https://www.cambro.tv/1244105/koa-tmc-be-smother/ https://www.cambro.tv/1265223/programed-koa/ https://www.cambro.tv/1322846/koa-ahegao-face/ https://www.cambro.tv/1320424/koa-detective-weight-gain/ https://www.cambro.tv/1376912/koa-expansion8/ https://www.cambro.tv/1497240/bri-pregnant-expansion/ https://www.cambro.tv/1509836/boss-vore-fantasy/
Does anyone have - Nonstop Gum Chewing Full Body Blue to Blueberry Transformation
Anyone have videos from Fae (six babies)???
>>137785 https://mab.to/t/iLVABNPGmPb/us3
>>137753 https://mab.to/t/NwJcdn5sHpL/us2
Requesting: vdo-125-2641-POV: The Perfect Date: Loads of Inflations to become a Balloon vdo-125-2647-Her DREAM Body vdo-125-2634-POV: Sexy Big Round Growing Belly Tease vdo-125-2632-The Hottest Breast Expansion Tease Contribution: https://mab.to/t/O76fzf5Phu5/us3
https://www.cambro.tv/1504327/vicky-s-moneymakers/ https://www.cambro.tv/1510344/futanari-takes-your-anal-virginity/
>>137737 Thank you I would appreciate it if you could get these for me as well? https://www.cambro.io/1360684/tmc-aqua-love-foot-growth-2/ https://www.cambro.io/1360626/holly-hollywebster-and-zoe-zoeminx-aqualove-foot-growth/ I did find the clip you're looking for, but I couldn't get it. The link is below so I hope that makes it easier for you. https://www.camwhores.video/videos/11249374/body-inflation-blue/ If this isn't sufficient enough for you, take a look at the time here >>137607 and tell me what you'd like.
is anyone here able to help tell me how to download clips from Cambro, found some TMC clips there
Does anyone have https://vidown.com/cgi/store2.pl?site=taylormadeclips.com&keyword=tmc2576&vcart=tlp03022025233514-68&pagelimit=25&pagenumber=1 Contribution
What is the opinion on selling TMC clips inside the community. I had the idea of starting to sell my clips to cheap prices, so I could buy the newer and share online. Is that against what the community strands for?
>>137903 im sorry but thats just piracy with extra steps
>>137888 where is the contribution ?
>>137903 Honestly, there's no point. Like unless you are selling clips for around 5 bucks or less a pop, I highly doubt people are going to come to you for clips. 1., if someone wants clips for free bad enough, they're either gonna go for one of those mass porn sites like xhamster, or come here to get them for free. Which leads into 2. I lurked her for a while and I've basically have every clip that I want and really only come here to see if someone shared one that just released. Basically, unless someone is desperate, they can just lurk here, download whatever, and then do a request with the shit they downloaded to get what they want, which is what I did. And 3rd., the vidown site is still up, and afaik, they haven't deleted any of their clips, they're all still pretty accessible. Which means there's really no incentive to buy from you from an accessibility standpoint. So basically, I don't think there's even a real market for people who wanna buy clips second hand because if they want clips, they can just go somewhere else to get them for free, and if they REALLY wanna specific clip, itd be a lot easier to buy from TMC than it would be some random anon.
Imagine VR tmc inflation videos 🤯🤯🤯
NOT BEGGING, just curious if vdo-125-2637 The Rose Bush was ever posted or anyone has it in their collection, more than willing to contrib, just wanna get some clarification.
also does anyone know of a video cleaner *website*? Not a program. My hard drive took a shit so all I got is my phone rn. I still have access to my vids through my cloud but I always want to make sure they’re clean before upload.
>>137956 I have it
>>137705 Anyone have this
