/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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T M C Thread Ver.1.0 Kängr 03/08/2020 (Sun) 07:49:02 Id:044fd1 No. 2347 [Reply] [Last]
Please no spamming or begging. Making everyone read your request over and over and generally being annoying, especially without sharing, will assure it won't ever be posted. If you really want something, don't request without fulfilling someone else's request. Don't whine and complain that people aren't giving you what you want, especially if you don't contribute.
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>>115095 i just thought of one of my favorite reoccurring characters in the clips: the heavy ass breathing you can hear behind the camera in every shot of every video

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Beg thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 03/24/2020 (Tue) 01:38:31 Id:3a08b6 No. 2982 [Reply] [Last]
As per your new janitor's request, it's beggin time. Don't bother begging anywhere else, our new boy is deleting your shit.
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could someone update ikkifenix https://kemono.su/patreon/user/24727122

Sauce Thread Sheepherd##5zFMkB 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:55:29 Id:6de3f2 No. 3192 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for the name of the artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
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Found this from a 4chan thread

Having trouble posting? LtBarclay##vOgLqq 04/28/2024 (Sun) 22:28:15 Id:9da278 No. 113353 [Reply]

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Real Life Belly Inflation Anonymous 06/12/2023 (Mon) 13:52:38 Id:b2e6b7 No. 88175 [Reply] [Last]
Can we have a thread about real belly inflation? Too much cartoonish stuff Re11n@: https://we.tl/t-LNmaf6gtZk https://we.tl/t-e3cHASLEyg https://we.tl/t-j73w15T1vi PumpMeUp: https://we.tl/t-KQD2anaOvn SweedishBellyGirl: https://we.tl/t-A5VPWgBB4F https://we.tl/t-VMHisdOaW3 Sw0llenBe11yGirl: https://we.tl/t-GGHZgVTSTY

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I wish there were clips of women who knew how to sit completely still, so when the footage is sped up, it's a relatively smooth transition from empty to full....
>>114664 who dis?
Someone actually did a womb inflation with air https://mab.to/t/Urrp7cbfpOS/eu1
>>115140 Fucking CUMMMM

disco kitten Disco kitten wideos 07/30/2023 (Sun) 16:16:14 Id:27f702 No. 92129 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for disco kitten videos if one doesen't exist already
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>>114758 what did your father do?
Curse of curves please
Does anyone have any contributions including the hyperpregnancy videos?
>>114929 Seconded

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Madzissstacked 4 Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 17:05:34 Id:66708e No. 99682 [Reply] [Last]
Any contributions are appreciated YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlaYldweVF6VndSMGQ0Vmk5MWN6TT0=
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>>114791 lackluster it was great years ago, when i discovered her, now i'm kinda out of it for example, i would love to get more voyeur type of vids from her (like the shower, or the street walking type) >other creators like who?
>>115098 I think discokitten does really great stuff and is very friendly and decent with report my post followers. Has a different range of kinks. bendybrooke churns out more than tmc and while many are sort of the same, she is open to requests/ suggestions, variety of kinks bigbadbee does some really fantastic stuff too, open to many ideas and likes to do gts stuff with expansion. I also think a couple people on clips4sale do great stuff now too
>>115187 sorry that first line made no sense, discokitten does really great stuff and decent with report my post followers
>>115188 >>115188 > report my post followers >>115188 okay i see what i did wrong there... what i was trying to say is basically she is great with her cominity on various platforms
Anyone have this one please?

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Things that piss you off 2 Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:22:07 Id:033df0 No. 109532 [Reply] [Last]
Anything counts.
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>>115144 >recognize known pedophiles as pedophiles >erm ackshully YOU are the pedo FreakinWeirdo is not sending his best. He's going to actually haul his crippled ass off the operating table to defend this shit himself instead of sending midwit cronies like yourself.
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>>115149 Did you take your meds, anon? >"everyone with a blueberry fetish is a pedo cause the fetish started in a movie with kids!" This is downright the most braindead logic I've heard in a long time. Anyone with a brain would look at you and laugh whilst dismissing your backwards argument.
>>115153 There's the fact most of them are pedophiles in their own right independent of the actual movie. Or it always a coincidence berryfags more than any other body expansion sub-group is always in trouble with kids?
>>115153 if that's the logic they wanna use, then whatever part of inflation they're into makes them pedophiles since it likely started with so-called "children's media" too idk why those who hate berry art have to cope so much, kinda weird how obsessed they are
>>115233 How much inflation art centers specifically on children to the extent berry does with Violet?

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BBW BLUEBERRY RP Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 22:20:46 Id:113c0b No. 108969 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for that niche /inf/ fetish that some BBWs role-play for. I'm going to upload what I got.
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>>114712 i doubt he "forced" his neighbors into the suit physically, probably just a really good talker Juliette Michelle? is that the girl who charged like $45 for that shitty blueberry set? she's not underage and please share the links to any images you find on DA regarding it, if you find them
>>114824 I can't find them I tried I said the image set was shared in the drama thread when the Juliette Michelle morphs dropped I believe someone said the hongyi suit girl everyone was talking about was underage but I'm uncertain someone said something suit pictures related was of a underage or potentially underage girl and I can't tell what photos they we're talking about because mods deleted for obvious reasons. But I'm pretty sure it WASN'T THIS >>114115 although I could be wrong And it was the hongyi suit brunette woman the one taken in a back yard with a blue drawn on blotch covering her face. I think that girls the rumored underage one. But I'm unsure I'm going off of what someone in threads said and only they can fact check and verify. Last thing I want is someone spreading suspicious materials of minors and if we know what the hell to avoid the more better for all of us.
>>114829 So until they speak up on what photos that were deleted were what I have zero info beyond it was rumored underage and got deleted
>>114115 Sauce?
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>>114115 found another picture of her on deviantart

Video Game Balloons II: The World Balloons Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:07:52 Id:e3c794 No. 106927 [Reply]
last thread was bumplocked
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being treated like a balloon Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 14:01:30 Id:277600 No. 105578 [Reply]
as in being tied with string and having others gawk at you
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Male Inflation Thread 2 Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 04:01:25 Id:c811e4 No. 108240 [Reply] [Last]
Back for moar
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>>115194 How come there's no expansion art of any of them that are males? I would kill for a CyYu or Tom Fawkes berry/balloon.
>>115194 Perfect candidates for being blown up if they're male. Perfect candidates for blowing up those male v-tubers if they're female.

artist: beltpop Anonymous 10/09/2023 (Mon) 13:46:20 Id:be55ea No. 97338 [Reply]
lots o berries
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>>108082 I'm willing to bet money that they arent, unless you know that already and are just doing that reddit thing.
>>113376 I could believe they are, because they draw a very particular type of girl over and over again, and sometimes it seems like a self indulgent thing. It's not like it matters anyway, they still make quality content most of the time.
>>113376 They have an account on twitter where they post more IRL content, cutiepopJUICE, just go there
>>113470 >>113376thats where we all seen the semi automatic guns. So many cops visited that page. Cps is coming only matter of time

Confession Thread Confession Thread 10/20/2023 (Fri) 16:58:20 Id:75cb02 No. 98181 [Reply] [Last]
Well,the others are doing it,so we may as well do it too,right? Anywho,this is a confession thread. Confess any inflation related secrets or sins,I suppose. Please do not harrass others based on their confessions,we're all coomers down here.
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This. This is what makes me question my fetishes... You can blame this fanfic for giving me the idea in the first place... https://theloudhousefanon.fandom.com/wiki/Flip_and_the_Flippee_Factory
>>115204 They give you a life sentence for wanting a job. Your a agent its your fucking job. Do it or fucking resign you racist fuck EVERYONE IS ON BBWCHAN
>>115205 Okay, clanker.

YET ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER BLUEBERRY THREAD: SHE CYANO ON MY COCCUS Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 15:36:10 Id:aeb8f4 No. 101407 [Reply] [Last]
After around 9 months, the old thread died, so you know what that means: NEW THREAD! Rules are same as always, just post anything blueberry inflation related, art, animation, fics, etc.
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>>115033 chubby_tubby_3000
>>115150 Honestly, I am flattered to actually see my content talked about. If y'all want a place to read Berry Barber a little easier, it is still on my old Furaffinity account. I do also have a few more berry stories on there;) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/53rdinflationking
>>115181 oh shit, didn't know you wrote that, nice i really liked it btw, i love inflation stuff that treats it as something casual or somewhat normal if that makes sense. makes it hotter for some reason idk why
>>109394 Anyone have this?
