Catalog of /inf/

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Remember to follow the rules

R: 400 / I: 73 / P: 1

T M C Thread Ver.1.0

Please no spamming or begging. Making everyone read your request over and over and generally being annoying, especially without sharing, will assure it won't ever be posted. If you really want something, don't request without fulfilling someone else's request. Don't whine and complain that people aren't giving you what you want, especially if you don't contribute.

R: 400 / I: 131 / P: 1

Beg thread

As per your new janitor's request, it's beggin time. Don't bother begging anywhere else, our new boy is deleting your shit.

R: 400 / I: 250 / P: 1

Sauce Thread

Looking for the name of the artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.

R: 314 / I: 350 / P: 1

Male Inflation the 8th

And 'round' we go again hehe :) Hopefully with fewer bots and more blimps Enjoy this starter pack of cute ballooning boys with their dignity on show.

R: 399 / I: 34 / P: 1

Madzissstacked 4

Any contributions are appreciated YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlaYldweVF6VndSMGQ0Vmk5MWN6TT0=

R: 262 / I: 520 / P: 1

Inflated or fat characters from supercell games

I'm looking for art related to supercell games, clash royale, brawl stars, boom beach, etc.

R: 352 / I: 421 / P: 1

Help with AI, Please?

I know this thread will pretty much be useless and end up being clutter, but I need help with something and I've not had much help or any responses on other threads. I want to do AI images like the one that's pictured, I'm showing one from we-are-not-ready on deviantart as an example of what I'm trying to achieve. What AI and prompts would I have to use to generate an image of a woman/celeb who's going through these following scenarios: Full Body Inflation (Fat/Air, including fat face/puffy cheeks, swollen hands and feet, fully round or round with inflated boobs and ass with stubby limbs). Breast Expansion Ass Expansion Belly Expansion Turning into a SBBW Head Inflation (I know that sounds weird, but there were some AI images of that in the Head Inflation thread I liked) Blueberry Inflation (05 style) Aunt Marge Style Inflation Pig TF Giantess Growth (I know it's an inflation board, but I could mix the two up, like a female hot air balloon) Legs Growing Longer (Again, I know it's weird) Muscle Growth Foot Growth Also with clothes ripping, shoe busting, buttons popping or full nude? I know if seems like I'm asking a lot, but if someone can help me with this, I'll be very grateful and we can let this thread die afterwards.

R: 372 / I: 311 / P: 1

Comical Weapon Thread VII

R: 115 / I: 8 / P: 1

Imbapovi Thread 7: Tokyo Drift

Ok everyone since the old thread was locked I'm making a new thread Currently I'm looking for a no music version of this video

R: 92 / I: 92 / P: 1

MLP Humanized & Equestria Girls general

MLP Humanized & Equestria Girls general #3 Previous thread: >>7637 Archive link: No anthro.

R: 223 / I: 79 / P: 1

0pik 0ort Thread

Post Opik Oort comics and art right here

R: 84 / I: 211 / P: 1

Splatoon Inflation 2

Since the last one recently gotten bumplock , it's time for a new thread for the inflatable cephelopods.

R: 26 / I: 42 / P: 1

Transformers Thread

Read the title

R: 249 / I: 784 / P: 1

Doki Doki literature Club Inflation

There was a thread like this before,but it's sense been gone. So I guess a new one.

R: 194 / I: 44 / P: 2

things that piss you off 5

Letting steam out edition >Everything counts >Remember! Don't be pety!

R: 292 / I: 340 / P: 2

Edit Request Thread VIIIii: Return of the berry pie! 🥧

Another thread has burned once again and yet another thread needs to be birthed so you know the usual drill of the threads that have been created in past! Same rules as those who made them before one to two or three tops requests at a time. Characters must be adults Any gender allowed. And you may suggest more if you find something interesting but it's up to the artists at the end of the day on what they want to draw and when So let's make it a good one hopefully with more artists involved this time around. Let the blimping begin!

R: 109 / I: 20 / P: 2

LadyLuckFate Thread

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Personal things you’ve bought/requested

Figured it’d be fun to have a thread showcasing the stuff you’ve gotten from other artists for yourself. Here’s a pic I got done by Exemi!

R: 22 / I: 34 / P: 2

Tomb Raider Inflation

It’s time to inflation on Lara Croft!

R: 74 / I: 39 / P: 2

Art by Non-Inflation artists

This might be a bit specific but it’s kind of neat having artists try their hand at expansion; you get some unusual and interesting takes on it sometimes. The Yuna pics are semi related; taken from and were commissioned from specifically non-inflation artists (Daisy-pink72 and casas respectively)

R: 34 / I: 17 / P: 2

Inflatable Suit/Clothing Thread 3: Suited For The Occasion

Last Thread: MEGA Archive: Same thing as the last thread, post anything related to IRL suit inflation/inflatable clothing, vids, pics, whatever you got. Anything from full on suits, to ballhoods, to dresses, as long as its inflatable and you can wear it, its fine.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

Lost inflation videos thread

If you have any video you're looking for, write here. Firstly, does anyone have the "Inflating to win" video of a woman inflating her belly with a pump for a prize?

R: 392 / I: 15 / P: 2

Kemono Party Links

A thread for sharing kemono party links.

R: 323 / I: 80 / P: 2

Inflation Games: Revengeance

Old thread: Based anon's game drive: Latest BBO mod (as of prev thread):

R: 332 / I: 291 / P: 2

One last draw thread

At least we should share one last time before the site shuts down. Well I'll share some pics I have made recently

R: 191 / I: 186 / P: 2

storytime animators/youtube animators inflation thread

the other one got taken down so heres this new one for people that get off to animators getting blown up like big balloons!

R: 228 / I: 265 / P: 2

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss inflation thread

Self explanatory Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss characters getting inflated

R: 315 / I: 31 / P: 2

Ginary's Kinky Adventures V2

This is a newer thread of Ginary's Kinky Adventures. There will be no begging, whining and complaining on this newer thread sorry about the other one. Who looks better Ginary or Nikki when Inflating?

R: 3 / I: 11 / P: 2

School girl inflation

Post inflated school girls/people with school uniforms

R: 315 / I: 51 / P: 3

3rd art girls

Starting a new thread as the old one has gone missing. Any update on the new Nadia set?

R: 127 / I: 180 / P: 3

YET ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER BLUEBERRY THREAD: These Bitches Blue! Good For Them, Good for Them Edition

Prev. Thread: ALRIGHTY< same shit as before, last thread bumplocked, new thread needed to be made rules are the same as always, post anything berry inflation related basically, fics, animations, etc. except wonka shit, that shit can go and stay go lmao

R: 207 / I: 58 / P: 3

body inflation audio

Here is all of BE stories, in return just give out your own body inflation audio files.

R: 33 / I: 8 / P: 3


Anything to do with the artist Blueberryverse

R: 160 / I: 155 / P: 3

Requesting me to do a screenshot inflation edit the deluxe island

I'm doing your requests (Need to be 18+, female and be okay)

R: 158 / I: 221 / P: 3

Post fnf characters, nuff said.

Old fnf thread:

R: 22 / I: 57 / P: 3

BluKreams lost morphs

Now I don't have many but I picked up a few over there lifetime from whatever I liked from whatever I saw and found from wherever. And well I wanted to share those with you before they became lost media for good.

R: 225 / I: 52 / P: 3

Inflation Chatbot Thread 3: The Revival

Since the inflation chatbot thread got moved from /inf/ to /bbwai/, the thread basically died. HOWEVER, that ends here. "As before, there is this website called that lets you make chatbots for roleplay. Some of us have used it to make inflation chatbots, and are sharing them here. Join in, have fun, and maybe make a few inflation bots of your own to share!" Link to the website:

R: 131 / I: 230 / P: 3

mario girls 2

last thread got bump locked

R: 341 / I: 10 / P: 3

Ludella Hahn Thread.4

Made a new thread since the other one will be bump locked soon. Unless it already is. Here's a contribution to kick start it.

R: 117 / I: 327 / P: 3

full body

i know some will see this as a “pointless thread” but generally speaking i dont think ive ever seen a thread for full body

R: 311 / I: 327 / P: 3

most satisfying pops

Have you ever known of a character that for whatever reason is more fun to pop than most? Lucoa is one for me

R: 210 / I: 574 / P: 3

Inflation Morphs (Non cartoony edition)

Post your non cartoony morphs here, the examples:

R: 132 / I: 126 / P: 3

I heard EdgeOfMind deleted his presence online, so here are two great pieces from him that I had saved before he got rid of everything. I believe he deleted the Maya picture long before he purged his galleries (and honestly, it's better than the one he did later on).

R: 91 / I: 33 / P: 3

Inflation in movies 4 horror,kdrama etc.

Link to the old thread for archival >>127410 Old thread bump locked same rules as the original version any scene that shows inflation or growing in any for or way this includes weight gain and pregnancy so long as the belly visibly swells force feeding counts as well so long as inflation is involved. Male scenes aren't necessarily barred from the thread but preferably would fit better in the male thread or its own individual thread if anything less it is requested that you spoiler said male scene images or videos as well as mention whether male or adjacent to it especially if particularly graphic. For example inbred has a very nasty poop inflation scene via septic tank hosed down a guys throat in a shitty wig. Please with that clip in particular censor that nasty shit! But otherwise be kind have fun male female femboy trans whatever you're goddamn preference let's find some good clips preferably hopefully some interesting new ones and enjoy. I personally hope to see more Korean or k drama/ asian country based film clips as they can be very obscure sometimes with some good eat hidden gems!:I also hope to find more amc adjacent horror YouTube short inflations as I feel like in the last thread those were particularly lacking. Hopefully we can find some more goodies!

R: 133 / I: 7 / P: 4

disc0kitt3n 2

New thread for disc0kitt3n since the old one was bumplocked! X:

R: 87 / I: 8 / P: 4

a thread to find treasures

I don't really know if it's the same artist that do akemi and beopt but one thing is sure, It's rare to find them, despite their quality I think. here's what I have, 3 with a slim Candii and the most recent one i have with the aussie girl Hoping this thread brings us to unite our skills to find all of them.

R: 55 / I: 60 / P: 4

Gassy Inflation 3

Continued from >>85029 Inflation that centers around gaseous expulsions from either top or bottom.

R: 52 / I: 112 / P: 4

Boy boobs 2 return of the booba

I'm not gonna let this thread die this time I suggest we band together and keep him alive!

R: 251 / I: 219 / P: 4

Draw Thread 4: The Smut Continues...

Rules: 1. Don't bitch if you see a dick, or if a character with tits and a dick, or whatever, it's all fair game in that department. 2. One Character at a time. This is a request thread, not a commission line. The artists are doing this for free. (Not that you can't suggest more but no guarantees that anyone will get to them until your first request is finished) 3. Be more descriptive of what you want. Anyone can ask for "X with Y Fetish" but it's more likely that your request will be more interesting if you go into some extra detail (But not too much, please.) 4. Inflation stuff only. Make a thread in the other forums if you want fats. (Blueberry bonus color edits allowed) 5. Be decent human beings. 6. Don't ask for kids, ffs. 7. If you want furry content, the current inflation drawthread for /bbfurries/ is over at >>>/bbfurries/4737. Give the mods a break so that they don't have to banish this thread to the shadow realm if there's a sudden influx of furry requests or whatever. 8. Respect global rules, follow basic common sense, also for artists feel free to make bonus memes or jokes while your making balloons if you like (a good meme or 2 never hurt anyone) (It was an interesting quality in the last thread that I kind of wanted to bring over for this one) Anyways those be da rules for draw Thread round 3.. Enjoy yourselves you degenerates let's blow some people up! (shamelessly copy n pasted from last thread) Draw Thread 3: >>39605 Archive:

R: 60 / I: 54 / P: 4

Popping threats

Post inflated women who are in perilous situations. Stuff like being teased with needles or implications that they are going to be inflated until they burst.

R: 92 / I: 69 / P: 4

Huffing and puffing

Can we get a thread going with ladies huffing and puffing themselves up?

R: 271 / I: 413 / P: 4

Since it’s Mother’s Day can we get a Milf inflation thread? Both biological moms and maternal characters welcome!

R: 241 / I: 195 / P: 4

boys blowing up women

R: 84 / I: 117 / P: 4

A Thread for Water Inflation

Water inflation is my favorite type of inflation, so I wanted to make a thread for it. Can also include other water adjacent liquids

R: 24 / I: 42 / P: 4

An aspect almost never seen inflated. Post big or inflated hands and feet!!

Why isn’t there a thread for this?

R: 152 / I: 4 / P: 4

ThisVid Locked inflations

Hello Guys and Gals. Have you noticed the pure amount of amazing inflation videos on that site? Like hundreds of good content that I've never even seen. I have been looking at inflation stuff and been in the websites/forums for a long ass time, and there's so many on there I've never seen or seen talked about on here. Lots of rare Japanese ladies pumping themselves huge and round. and women with big, fast pumps and compressors etc. Now I know you need to make an account, upload a video, become their friend then maybe you might get a chance to see the unlocked content but, that's so much effort for something that might not even happen. and the the people who do that, never share and just make it private again. its not like its a paid clip site. Anyway. I thought maybe we could have a thread for videos that people have managed to unlock and share. possibly a contributory thing like some threads on here, or just giving back to the community I don't know. Maybe I could try my best to unlock some and make a public folder? Just spitballin here. Has anyone found any gold on ThisVid? are the thumbnails just click bait? Hopefully I'll get some cool people on this thread for a discussion or sharing. Seems this place has a lot of angry people here in the community nowadays. Thank you :)

R: 360 / I: 336 / P: 4

Rayman inflation

This thread is manly on inflation art for the nymphs and warrior princess from the rayman games. But art for the other characters doesn’t hurt either.

R: 85 / I: 140 / P: 4

My Hero Inflation

Due to this site shutting down next year, I wanted to make this thread so I can see some mha inflation art so i can get this out of my chest for once.There was a thread like before but it's gone and I know there is a anime inflation thread but that is separate from this. Females only and no males.

R: 56 / I: 27 / P: 4

Inflation Discussion

I can't understand why this fetish exists or any other fetish. I'm really into bigger bodies and the idea of expanding with air and feeling stuck as my body swells to massive proportions leaving me unable to walk. Do you ever stop think how weird it is that we're on this site? How did you come across or rationalize it? How did the inflation fetish live in a time before the Wonka shit and other trigger points?

R: 256 / I: 784 / P: 5

vtuber balloons 3

second thread was bumplocked so time for another one

R: 341 / I: 186 / P: 5

inflation animation 2

the last thread was bump locked so time for a sequel

R: 46 / I: 88 / P: 5

Dragon Ball girls thread

Because why not plenty of dragon Ball fans out there. And gals to blow up.

R: 120 / I: 193 / P: 5

Nintendo girls inflation 2

The other one got bumplocked

R: 146 / I: 190 / P: 5

Blueberry Faces 2

A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!

R: 322 / I: 24 / P: 5

BlowUpGirls Thread V3

So the old thread get bumplocked and thus created the new thread. Here is the belly buddies trilogy: I am looking for: -Ringer Trilogy -Swollen Too -Mesmerised Munchies -Birthday Bellies

R: 339 / I: 524 / P: 5

Pokeblimps 2

Last thread was bumplocked

R: 70 / I: 87 / P: 5

Babe 2 Inflation thread

Very underrated scene next to Willy Wonka and others. I feel like it's seen a rise in popularity over the last few years tho, a niche one anyway. Here's the original scene.

R: 17 / I: 25 / P: 5

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game, so here I will leave this to collect images and create a record of the inflation in the characters of this franchise

R: 15 / I: 21 / P: 5

HISPANIC-LATIN CHARACTERS INFLATED BLUEBERRY OR GAINING WEIGHT collect images of latino characters inflated or characters created by latinos, and also find out how many latino people are dedicated to drawing inflation

R: 64 / I: 103 / P: 5

warhammer 40k is a brand that has been with us for a long time, but it is rare to find inflation art, what I ask is that you help me find all kinds of inflation or weight gain fetish art.

R: 153 / I: 102 / P: 5

Inflation memes 2

Return of the tomfoolery! More memes please

R: 212 / I: 247 / P: 5

cartoon inflation 2

since the last thread was bumped locked heres a new one

R: 14 / I: 4 / P: 5

Inflation Writing/Stories Thread 2: READ NIGGA READ Edition

Last Thread: Alright, after 3 years, the writing thread finally got bumplocked, so you know what that means: NEW THREAD BABEY Rules are simple, post any stories related to inflation, blueberry, full body, hourglass, etc. Feel free to shill your own stories if you wanna, idgaf, just don't spam

R: 152 / I: 170 / P: 5

Sharkbubble thread

Can we make a sharkbubble thread post anything of his art and if you have some of his paid comics, place here no rush take your time

R: 71 / I: 135 / P: 6

Living Balloons

characters who are inflated and transformed into balloons, either inanimate or animate.

R: 291 / I: 233 / P: 6

Underrated characters and other inflation ideas

Thread to cook up Ideas for characters or people who are otherwise hardly if never inflated! and or inflation scenarios that are under or barely used?

R: 21 / I: 57 / P: 6

Suit/Clothing Inflation Thread 3: Bouncing Back

Last Thread: IRL Inflatable Suit/Clothing Thread: Alrighty, it's time for a new thread since the old one is close to bumplocking. Rules are the same as always; post anything related to suit inflation (full body suits, puffy clothing, bondage gear, etc.) isn't irl as we have a sister thread for that. Anything goes, pics, fics, animations, whatever you want.

R: 51 / I: 56 / P: 6

Hatsune Miku Thread 2

There was a miku inflation thread before so I decided to make a sequel to that dead thread Inflated miku as always

R: 267 / I: 351 / P: 6

Nude Inflation Thread

Post some arts with nude blimps and nude blueberries/fruits.

R: 131 / I: 90 / P: 6

Loona / Inflate-Tan

Remember Loona from HOOD, and the inflate-chan mascot Inflate-Tan?

R: 65 / I: 96 / P: 6

Deflating ladies

Amazing females letting the air out

R: 353 / I: 689 / P: 6

Enjoying Inflation

People enjoying their inflation, smiling, grinning, 'gasming, everything! No bad fee-fee's allowed.

R: 14 / I: 49 / P: 6

Hourglass Thread

Read the title

R: 61 / I: 47 / P: 6

P-Balloon Inflation

Since the release of the New Super Mario Bros Wonder direct and them showing inflated Peach and Daisy I thought to make a thread based off P-Balloon inflations. It doesn't have to be just Mario girls, it just has to involve an inflating p-balloon

R: 127 / I: 15 / P: 6

Fast inflations I always see guys inflate insanely fast with compressors. Has anyone ever seen any women blow up with compressors or anything fast before? I've seen relatively quickish inflations occasionally, but never fast ones like this guy. You can actualy see the inflation, like a real ballon and not gradual. Other than the old oncedeli one everyone has seen.

R: 127 / I: 455 / P: 6

being treated like a balloon

as in being tied with string and having others gawk at you

R: 145 / I: 441 / P: 6

Non-Spherical Thread

Sounds heretical but some folks aren't fans for fucking a ball. I want some bloated rounding on them limbs; more emphasis on ass, boobs, and belly. With the ass and hourglass thread gone guess they can go here too. Not fat, just partially inflated.

R: 57 / I: 191 / P: 6

magic inflation

getting inflated by magic

R: 9 / I: 20 / P: 6

streched thin 2

sent transparent inflation here

R: 147 / I: 250 / P: 7

going out with a bang 2

since the other one got bump locked guess its time for a sequel

R: 87 / I: 11 / P: 7

Commissions Thread

An offshoot of what was brought up in conversation in edit request thread. The general purpose of this thread is if you have a request of any kind a from any bbwthread edit,draw, or otherwise and you deeply wanna see it come to reality enough you can throw it up in here details and all just like request thread. Difference is when you throw up your request here you throw up money at it. So choose a dollar amount of your choosing that you will offer guaranteed to those who finish your work. Effectively the difference between request and commission is dollars. But unlike normal commissions where the artist makes the price in this thread the twist is the price is up to the requester themselves on how much they want to pay for they're artwork done. As for ways a requester goes about payment is up to them. but all request dropped in this thread require the following! First off what payment method you wish to use and how much? (if you wish to leave amount up to the artist you can also say make offer to allow it up to the artist.) Example: I'm requesting Jennifer Lawrence tall and with a fat ass. Price is $15 Method of pay is kofi Rules outside of the money ones which will be adjusted if need be in future to best suit everyone are same as the other threads Characters 18+ excedra Only difference is the removal of one commissions are paid artworks so unlike requests there are no real limits to how much you request only limit it how much you want to burn a hole though your pocket. So unlike other threads go nuts and request away but do realize you will have to pay the artist whatever price you set on each individual work. Most importantly be nice and have fun you don't have to commission if you don't want to this is just a method for people who are down bad insistent enough on a idea and a incentive for artists to do works they would otherwise pass on as they have no driving force to create them so the idea is money incentive might drive some of the unworked on request ideas to see daylight. That's all so if you're that insistent on a idea gaining life then this is a sure fire way for it to get done! Bonus side note it's up to request to handle whatever fees that said cash apps they use and charge as fees can be anywhere from 50 cents to $2 at times. Ok that all said have fun like I said my hopeful goal is to get works otherwise undesired by artists to see daylight. And at the same time maybe use money as a incentive to get people off they're butts and be more active in these threads!

R: 102 / I: 161 / P: 7

Heavy Bottom Inflation

fuck it, heres a thread of inflation stuff relating to heavy bottom and or butt inflation

R: 75 / I: 14 / P: 7

Inflation fetish reaction

Hello folks, Are there any videos where women reacting to body inflation videos ? I seen Harlot Hayes on PH where she is masturbating snd watching growth videos. Some content like this with inflation ? Even non porn masturbation ones ? I couldn’t find any.

R: 396 / I: 106 / P: 7


Has a woman ever actually exploded?

R: 124 / I: 76 / P: 7

what is your ultimate inflation fantasy?

mine is for sure pic related

R: 189 / I: 210 / P: 7

force / helpless inflation

post girls being forcibly inflated where all they can do is helplessly "mmph" and squirm as they expand mostly hose inflation but any method of forcing someone to inflate is welcome as well as popping

R: 47 / I: 21 / P: 7

A thread for any pictures or videos people can find of girls blowing up on stage

R: 81 / I: 71 / P: 7

the inflation counterpart of the bbw version, post the art involving body inflation that you love above other ones.

R: 188 / I: 266 / P: 7

genral anime inflation

idk if theres a thread for this already but this is for inflation from amine characters

R: 96 / I: 215 / P: 7

Monobutts/extreme lower halfs compared to upperbody

I love these, let's see some giant round bottom heavy gals!

R: 185 / I: 297 / P: 7

Danganronpa Thread 2: Witty Subtitle

Because the other one vanished

R: 10 / I: 19 / P: 7

Sports Thread

Volleyball, soccer ball, bowling ball. Round women used like sporting equipment.

R: 34 / I: 49 / P: 7

head sinking deeper while inflation

during body inflation in that much limit until the pressure about to explodes from liquid or air.

R: 108 / I: 173 / P: 7

Inflatable TF Thread 2: The Double Bubble Down

Doin' another thread, the same rules apply, just post inflatable tf related stuff, like pictures, fics, and animations

R: 159 / I: 234 / P: 8

Axel rosered thread

Everyone axel favorite works, comics, paid comics, commentary whatever only rule no diapers. Or at least warn people and link it separately

R: 328 / I: 238 / P: 8


A thread for that niche /inf/ fetish that some BBWs role-play for. I'm going to upload what I got.

R: 109 / I: 149 / P: 8

Puffy Faces Thread

ITT we're gonna post inflated girls who let whatever they're swelling with puff up their face as well. Most anything goes, puffy cheeks, lips, entire face, yknow the deal. And yeah, uber's fine too, I don't really mind. Post whatever, pic, fics, vids, animations, yknow the deal.

R: 176 / I: 250 / P: 8

Clownflation 2: Electric Boogaloo

I swear there used to be a clown inflation thread on this board, that got erased months ago

R: 126 / I: 210 / P: 8

Touhou Inflation Thread

Self explanatory, Touhou characters getting round or inflated in some other variety.

R: 356 / I: 270 / P: 8

Women Inflating Men

Bringing back a lost board as we need more women inflation men. Dominant women inflating men until they pop, or dumb bimbos accidently inflating their boyfriends.

R: 89 / I: 108 / P: 8

ShamefulRadio thread

Does anyone have more art from ShamefulRadio yet?

R: 186 / I: 209 / P: 8

Group Inflation/Parade

The more, the merrier!

R: 114 / I: 97 / P: 8


Anything Inflation from Samus

R: 121 / I: 352 / P: 8

breast expansion

haven’t seen a thread for this in a while so why not

R: 65 / I: 29 / P: 8

General drake thread

General stuff for the general drake aka drake inflates (Plus I wanted an excuse to share these unseen commissions again)

R: 73 / I: 46 / P: 8

Inflation in Anime/Manga

Here’s a scene from alice gear aegis episode 3 where Raiya Kaeruzaka use her technique to inflated herself. You can find and pose any anime and manga that has a female body inflation but no pop and gore.

R: 413 / I: 265 / P: 8

Lost Media Thread: Unfinished Business

Hey guys,Laz here. The title says it all. We have some unfinished business,don't we?

R: 230 / I: 168 / P: 8

DeviantSeiga Thread

Haven't seen a thread ever dedicated to this artist.

R: 62 / I: 27 / P: 8

Products, TV shows, Movies How do you promote things that involves people inflating?

R: 101 / I: 115 / P: 9

post your findings of women in inflated drysuits/wetsuits

R: 43 / I: 8 / P: 9

inflating myself rn, ask away!

currently inflating with a bike pump, requests go ahead

R: 140 / I: 127 / P: 9

POV: First Person Inflation

Pictures where YOU are being inflated.

R: 202 / I: 173 / P: 9

Caption Request Thread Vol. 2

Last one disappeared without a trace. Time for a new one to begin.

R: 106 / I: 24 / P: 9

Artists that have gotten Worse over time?

Usually we get threads regarding those who have either improved over time or are just completely stagnated. What of those that have gotten worse over time, or who have started going into crappy directions? And why? Regrettably I have to start with Sidkid44. Started off unique and with a sketchy but very cute style. Now its.... freaky and weird. And the mouth shapes are just really offputting... uncanny or something.

R: 201 / I: 233 / P: 9

Evangelion Inflation

figured we should have one of these I'll start it off

R: 225 / I: 594 / P: 9

a thread where we are only posting sequences

I usually just want to figure out "How did 'insert person here' get into this situation." Anything is allowed as long it is in a sequence

R: 167 / I: 200 / P: 9

Women inflating women


R: 316 / I: 373 / P: 9

Head inflation

Here only inflated heads are sought.

R: 399 / I: 679 / P: 9

Suit Inflation Thread 2: Underrated and Overinflated

Yo, since the old suit inflation thread reached the bump limit and is fuckin' dead, it's time to kick off a new one. Go ahead and post pics, fics, or animations if you got 'em.

R: 36 / I: 50 / P: 9

Morph Requests 2

Old thread died so, you know the drill, asks requests and cross your fingers in hopes they'll be done.

R: 33 / I: 41 / P: 9

Mortal Kombat Thread

Realized that this thread would be better here

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 9

Old shydude artwork

Ever since DA deleted shydude’s artwork it has been impossible to find all of his older work does anyone have any of his early stuff?

R: 35 / I: 24 / P: 9

Request thread

Top of the morning to you losers. Time to make a request thread... making a new home after DA proved worthless... Besides, I'll have something to do since finals are this week and I'll be free. Attached is a sample of my works Don't worry, I apply coloration just not to these pictures specifically. Here's what I won't do - nudes inflation - anal inflation - cum inflation - male inflation Everything else is fair game. So get to requesting

R: 103 / I: 101 / P: 9

One of the things that reaaally gets me going, and has for the 15 or so years since I first saw The Bizarre Adventures of BerryGirl by JohnnySwell/DocSwell. Like the title says, general complete helplessness, dependency, objectification, immobility, being trapped and bound by one's own bodily bigness. Humiliation, embarrassment, permanence etc. are fun additions too. If a blueberry girl (especially a permanent berry), or girl otherwise expanded into a matured sphere (still with feminine features and developments, namely breasts/butt/pussy) is forced into this state of helpless against her wishes, and not particularly enjoying it, I'm saving it and keeping it ready to go. The biggest indicators and best features of this niche, IMO, are exclamations like: - "I can't move" (immobility) - "Mmmmphhh" (i.e. "I can't speak") - "Toooo Biiig" (I feel extremely large) - "Juice me" or "Roll me" (objectification) - "What are you going to do to me?" (helplessness) - "You mean I'm stuck like this?" (Permanence) - "*whimper* *moan* *nnnnghhh* *whine*" I'm not enjoying this) and so on and so forth. Included some good examples of this, and I'll try to keep updating the thread as I find more. But please feel free to go wild with more examples if you too are a fan of this. Let's avoid posting anyone enjoying their transformation, at least here.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 10

Has anyone inflated latex or regular stretch pants before?

No I don't mean inflatable inserts in pants but I'm generally curious has anyone stuffed a vacuum hose in some spandex or different types of airtight materials? I'm tempted myself to try doing it with a pair of latex ones. Again they might not stretch as much but certain movie tropes and other things get me curious! And I'm Not talking specific fetish made outfits but things usually designed for ever day wear! Like could I stuff a bike pump in some closed off latex pants and just puff them up with a hand pump? I know I've seen some pictures flying around of people doing it with vacuums and parka bubble jackets like in silent library but the reason those jackets are air tight is so down doesn't Escape and I prefer if I do pop something like that for it NOT to have feathers flying all over my house! Too messy. But is it doable? For bonus any form of jackets shirts clothes of any kind are worth noting. But I just got to hear a story or two on what methods are best for the budget based inflators. Please Tell me some miracle Spandex exists that can hold air and inflate big and round! I know it's probably useless to create a thread for this but it feels niche enough I'm not talking custom made fetish inflatable wear I'm talking everyday clothing that can double as good balloon material with nothing more than a hose no balloon inserts the outfits themselves have to be able to hold air or expand if rapidly inflated like with a vacuum cleaner.

R: 38 / I: 15 / P: 10

Real Life Belly Inflation 2

Old thread got bumplocked. Re11n@: PumpMeUp: SweedishBellyGirl: Sw0llenBe11yGirl:

R: 65 / I: 93 / P: 10

Uber Inflation

New uber inflation thread~

R: 101 / I: 167 / P: 10

expanda panda / jed soriano thread

send any expanda panda art you guys have, try to keep it to ones that aren't already on his deviantart

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 10

New thread for balloonas suit inflation and expansion content. Old thread was bump locked. Contribution to get things started

R: 56 / I: 1 / P: 10


I'm looking for Theatrical Titties. I got everything else here:

R: 21 / I: 37 / P: 10

Doing the dirty while inflated pretty self explanitory

Seems the last thread on this topics gone, time for another one. Last one I said no cumflation, but since people want threads to cover more broad topics post girls getting cumflated to your hearts content.

R: 79 / I: 101 / P: 10

Video Game Balloons II: The World Balloons

last thread was bumplocked

R: 272 / I: 314 / P: 10

helium floating

post yer helium here

R: 119 / I: 120 / P: 10

Post pepole getting inflated by someone and then be humiliated and embrassed by other pepole All type of inflation are good like blueberry inflation,suit inflation and body inflation

R: 13 / I: 19 / P: 10

Marvel Thread

Thread for marvel characters

R: 407 / I: 218 / P: 10

Inflatable Suit Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo

Alright boys, since the first thread finally reached the bump limit, I think its about time to make a new thread. Y'all know the drill already, but in case you forgot, this thread is for IRL suit inflation videos, pictures, etc., no art since we already got a thread for that. Anything goes, as long as someone is wearing a suit, and said suit is inflating or growing larger in some way although personally i prefer latex stuff To kick off this thread, here's a bunch of re-ups, one wetransfer link, and a bunch of mab links Part One (the smaller vids): Part Two (basic latex bondage): Part Three (basic latex bondage): Part Four (latex shit, but bigger): Part Five (prettypervy re-ups): You know the deal, share shit if you got it, especially new shit

R: 23 / I: 4 / P: 10

Anyone going?

Just curious what the general concensus was on this event and if it was worth attending

R: 402 / I: 130 / P: 10

Things that piss you off 4

Crying and Coping edition.

R: 403 / I: 84 / P: 10

Inflation Writing/Stories Thread

Yo, so I was thinking about making a thread for stories and writing in general related to inflation, mostly full body/blueberry inflation stories. Stuff like suit inflation, hourglass expansion, lip expansion, is cool too, but I'm just kinda focusing on FB/BB inflation for the most part. Go ahead and share what you got, from links, to txt files, to even pdfs, if that's the case. To kick it off, here's some stuff (BTW, I know there's the /elite/ board, but its mostly for SS/BBW stuff and its kinda dead, so yeah.)