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a thread to find treasures Akemi expansion / BEoptimist 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:03:33 Id:a611f1 No. 120722
I don't really know if it's the same artist that do akemi and beopt but one thing is sure, It's rare to find them, despite their quality I think. here's what I have, 3 with a slim Candii and the most recent one i have with the aussie girl https://mab.to/t/ElhRCz10WzI/eu1 Hoping this thread brings us to unite our skills to find all of them.
Only in her slim phase, or also her big girl phase?
Why did you start a new thread?
For everyone not knowing it existed, here's the dropbox with akemiexpansions work. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e928ir2fv39syvr/AABluYr4lMTfrc4vfUDbfypha?dl=0 Password: TheFolderReorg21!
>>120739 Sorry wrong link. This one should work https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jtab8xgdg92rs1d7l31lv/AFZEFXa-mkSDbB8-_eoBYrk?rlkey=i3xsy6hrkd5zs2imcqc5v8mh4&dl=0
>>120740 It says there’s a problem with the request
(181.69 KB 1080x1698 Screenshot_20240722_203403_1DM.jpg)
>>120739 >>120748 It's either very popular or something went wrong. I'll try again
thanks people for your help I never could find that link. Maybe try mega gofile or pixeldrain if dropbox gives you too much s**t
are there any specific videos or actresses you're looking for or just the entire archive?
Seeing this reminds me of how they took all that money for a berry suit and we never saw a video of berry candii. Still working on it? How about some type of content of her as a berry other than a photo from a year ago
all actresses would be great but only breast expansion and I don't mind if it's in 4 or 5 parts
sorry for double posting just tried the dropbox link it works now
>>120748 >>120815 It won't work for long. I'll try to transfer everything to a gofile or bunkrr when i have the time, but it's 30Gb so it's going to take a while
that was a good archive with everything until BEcalm hope that works again. Frankly just send anything related i will sort the videos myself belly and butt-only expansion are not my kink but other people could be interested And that would be great if we can find the more recent videos that are out after BEcalm on their loyalfans like expansionhotel, wereboobs, underpressure and others.
https://mab.to/t/Yu8rh09ijuU/eu1 in the meantime here is videos by model
https://gofile.io/d/nDMiJu pics, gifs and artwork https://gofile.io/d/PJMyGf videos by model https://gofile.io/d/7TuWOi videos by years If anybody wants the Curves and Conversation folder just tell me
>>120885 Bottom two links don’t work….
Would love to see the growth gts stuff that kitten owned did. That's slowly becoming lost media.
gts=giantess Can someone post the newer videos ?
https://github.com/Vergil9000/LoyalFans?tab=readme-ov-file#readme ever tried this thing ? it's 4 years old maybe it doesn't work anymore hero needed for any newer videos
Sucks that both the Dropbox links don't work at all anymore
Going to reup on mab 5gb links easier to dl
nevermind better to do it folder by folder https://mab.to/t/EEDQmHVQ7Iu/eu1
>>123378 Hey man, could you reup the vids please? Only just found the thread, it might be easier to get them up on a bunkrr or mega folder so they don't expire
>>121085 >>121076 Yeah that’s the one vid of hers I never found. If anyone’s got it I’ll upload my collection.
>>123543 https://mega.nz/folder/cGV1QTrB#Fap2NkW9gwRnfOJvL4D1eg
Can someone share?
There where several akemiexpansions videos with actresses I've never seen before. Does anyone have em. One was a blonde who was testing the BE props limits
>>124054 I think i have it but someone please share the missing videos or update the kemono https://kemono.su/patreon/user/3175689
https://mega.nz/folder/hP0FVbST#WWCl-xK84bPcPR5yh20npg https://mega.nz/folder/ZfEi3DiA#FwYTE-nUQYM5IJza-exoVg
any chance of reups?
yes if someone share a new video I will reupload but the kemono already have a lot of them
Any BEOptimist video's?
Does anyone have Akemi Academy 1 Basic Props
>>126834 >>127299 https://mab.to/t/A5doocxPoMS/eu1
Does anybody have all videos of AkemiExpansions?
Does anyone has this Beoptimist vid? https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/wereboobs-full-short-film
>>128127 https://mab.to/t/OSyJ09QqV2F/eu1 I want that vid too! i think beoptimist did 2 videos and one audio but it has not been uploaded yet sadly. here's akemi videos with candii
Anyone have Under pressure by BEoptimist? https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/under-pressure-full-short-film
I actually do have that, id be willing to trade if that's alright. Reach out to me here. https://www.reddit.com/u/xXGalaxiesXx/s/JiYu6zHupU >>128222
>>128811 https://mab.to/t/IhRXunbY0dy/eu1 no need for reddit just use this site to upload it's what's preferred here's a "best of" reupload and feel free to ask for what you want maybe i have it
>>128857 wereboobs from Beoptmist?
>>128931 Sadly no i don't have it, under pressure and wereboobs are the two videos that still haven't been found on this thread, especially since kemono is down
>>128857 Are there more Akemi Expansions videos than these?
>>128935 https://mab.to/t/FNuPa4QA9fY/eu1
(85.92 KB 1200x674 evhsi8f28u891.webp)
Anyone know if there's a video of this one or not?
(7.91 MB 728x408 School Girl Loop.gif)
>>129004 There's at least one gif of it, but that's all i know
Why are the MAB files always gone so quick? I can never download them in time. I wanted to have that inflation instruction video
>>129046 Well's it's available on it's patreon Akemiexpansions from the year 2018.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ezmvjrtih8e50bz/AADZUP-1CPtxH--t7697ziyNa?e=1&dl=0 For you fellow akemi enjoyers. Just subscribed to the patreon, and the Candii picture/gif posted above are in a video titled "Better Buisness Bimbo", most certainly the one we all know. But it was a youtube link. Dead now.
>>129196 And apparently in the same set as "stacked schoolgirl" There's suppose to be a few gifs of it but can't find anything
Here is the link of the video but someone has upload it but his/her account has the video private so we can’t watch it there and download it. https://www.cambro.tv/1339201/under-pressure-full-short-film-beoptimist/
>>129758 I've seen it too, but only his/her friends can see it and she only has 1 added
>>129838 Yeah it is annoying! I have tried to add a friend, but still I didn’t get accepted
>>129758 >>129838 >>129848 I did it guy! https://gofile.io/d/xyvqtP
(1.25 MB 480x384 giphy.webp)
>>129863 Huge thanks !!!
>>129863 I’m sorry, but if you got the vid from the cambro person could you please also share this one too? https://www.cambro.tv/1339215/destinationkat-breast-expansion-presentation/
Now i guess we just need to find Wereboobs somehow
>>129871 But of course https://gofile.io/d/nWHZKy
>>129878 https://www.myairbridge.com/fr/#!/transfer/rVmfUQxIEGl/us2 this link is on the tmc thread with wereboobs on it. still working for now
Does anyone have this? https://tinylf.com/oCEUpWnL6X7
https://www.cambro.tv/1377215/wereboobs-beoptimist/ Does anyone have this video, I would greatly appreciate it
>>130856 https://gofile.io/d/0DEP2O
WEREBOOBS FREE https://mega.nz/file/yRkBTYxI#B55BYuZOOxNEK4q2oHRUhAoqcgkeCV2wqjVp0mbYEQY
I dont know.
Anyone have the button popping compilation? Link https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/button-popping-compilation
https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/failed-project-the-ring-of-expansion-expansion?utm_medium= Anyone has this video? Would greatly apreciate it
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Does anyone have this? https://www.camwhores.tv/videos/12039214/jayne-growth/
>>134481 What was this video reup?
>>120722 Didn't Akemi have a massive crashout a year or two ago after being outed as a general piece of shit?
>>137543 Yes. He even appeared on this forum, but that thread got deleted or I don't know what happened to it.
(144.54 KB 627x352 police_squad-03.jpg)
>>136743 I can reup just say when
>>137603 Please do, we would appreciate it.
>>137543 Those uninformed please give us a recap dbz style
>>137692 here you go https://mab.to/t/ESAj1f0uxoJ/eu1
(252.00 KB 1668x616 IMG_8915.jpeg)
>>137697 When I met Madz, she was going by MadzisStoked and didn’t make expansion content at all. I ordered a custom, showed her how to make props (pre breast form days) and we got along well. Eventually we became friends and I her to my server. The trouble began when I asked her to leave. Not for anything crazy, she would disparage other content creator and she posted a gif that was kind of gross so I pulled her aside and asked her to bounce. I felt bad about it though and apologized shortly after, thought things were all good. They were not, unbeknownst to me, she had started editing messages and posting screenshots out of context to make me look like some kind of monster. This was upsetting to me (I should have let it go) so I wrote a Twitter thread about it and made it all public. For two going on three years we just had internet beef about it, but it came to a head when she reached out to a girl I was dating and got my private social media and where I lived from her. I made another thread talking about the dox. Her response to that thread was to once again post screenshots of things I said, but make it sound like I was really saying something else. Messages of conversations I had with other people about other things, were twisted to make it sound like I hate sex workers, which somehow people believed even though I got my come up in sexwork. A lot of people took her word for it, I didn’t take well and crashed out. Deleted all my socials and stayed off the internet. TLDR: I asked Madz to leave my server, she got mad about it and made me out to be some monster, made an attempt to dox and successfully got me to leave Twitter.
