When I met Madz, she was going by MadzisStoked and didn’t make expansion content at all. I ordered a custom, showed her how to make props (pre breast form days) and we got along well.
Eventually we became friends and I her to my server. The trouble began when I asked her to leave. Not for anything crazy, she would disparage other content creator and she posted a gif that was kind of gross so I pulled her aside and asked her to bounce. I felt bad about it though and apologized shortly after, thought things were all good.
They were not, unbeknownst to me, she had started editing messages and posting screenshots out of context to make me look like some kind of monster. This was upsetting to me (I should have let it go) so I wrote a Twitter thread about it and made it all public.
For two going on three years we just had internet beef about it, but it came to a head when she reached out to a girl I was dating and got my private social media and where I lived from her. I made another thread talking about the dox.
Her response to that thread was to once again post screenshots of things I said, but make it sound like I was really saying something else. Messages of conversations I had with other people about other things, were twisted to make it sound like I hate sex workers, which somehow people believed even though I got my come up in sexwork. A lot of people took her word for it, I didn’t take well and crashed out. Deleted all my socials and stayed off the internet.
TLDR: I asked Madz to leave my server, she got mad about it and made me out to be some monster, made an attempt to dox and successfully got me to leave Twitter.