/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss inflation thread Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 00:11:39 Id:4fcea0 No. 112048
Self explanatory Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss characters getting inflated
new thread already making people pissy
ill contribute instead of complaining
>>112067 Are you OP? >>112048
Any good femdom content yet? Specifically succubi or fizzarolli inflation
>>112091 No I'm just making fun of >>112050.
Excuse me, but can someone get this please? https://www.deviantart.com/darkenn-productions/art/Hazbin-Hotel-Lost-Episode-Pumped-for-the-Hotel-820319220
>>112211 buy it yourself
>>112227 Go direct.
Which character do you think would be the best inflator? Or who do you head canon as an inflator?
>>112229 i only wanna see loona millie and stolas inflated they would be the ones that could make the steaks higher for rescuing if they were blimped up
Stolas audio I made almost 2 years ago I think? Not very good but better than holding on to it https://youtu.be/DhF_8yTA1R8?si=qZrHWmVhwahke238
>>112057 >>112113 Love seeing female characters get inflated and become flatchested because of it
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Wish there was more POV content
>>112520 I'm gonna say it. I want to see them follow up that 1000 ways to die quote into reality and do a sequel of said FBI agent inflated and possibly bursting Full orb. Seriously why doesn't anyone inflate those two there so damn 🥺
>>112563 would luv to see more inflation love for agent 2 tbh she has so much potential to be inflated!
>>112564 Right!!! Get that butt big bitch! Its in your blood 😈
>>112565 turn into a orb already and pop! >:)
>>112566 MARVELBOOTY! This is how I knew it was you hahahaha
>>112567 i would rather fuckin pop! then open this damn door! *she slowly inflates* s-shit...
>>112563 >>112564 >>112566 >>112565 >>112568 Why not just ask the artist
>>112586 I believe I did look into them I think there commission only? Could be wrong. Never really had the right mindset or financial situation yet to consider commissions anytime soon again myself otherwise I'm sure I would have dropped the dough myself by now on the sequel. So maybe maybe not I don't know my life's a mess. But if someone beats me to it more power to the but I believe I checked and they don't do unpaid requests. So unless someone drops money on it me or someone else it's probably not gonna happen and for me at least I'd say very slim it's gonna happen and if it does it's farther off than a years worth of time so go for it people! I always say live your dreams if someone hasn't made it make it a reality yourself
>>112594 who is the artist btw?
>>112600 carner/trybat
>>112241 Honestly, I imagine verosika inflating Millie to fuck with Moxxie, forcing him to watch her pop her, while she is also enjoying being inflated. Of course being popped isn’t fatal unless you are human, you know if a succubus popped a human they would go to hell. Anyway, moxxie would be surprised seeing Millie back to normal, then telling him it was awesome, that it was like having a hundred full body orgasms, and she wants to share that experience with him, by blowing him up. As for loona, perhaps she wants to explore different kinks, letting another hellhound she like blow her up, (probably his idea) and blitzo interfering, thinking she was in trouble and her getting pissed at him. Thoughts?
>>112563 Yeah, especially by incubi or succubi
Mad at me because I make over $200 per hour? Lol but that has nothing to do with you. Dont ever come back around here islamic fag
>>112837 honestly with loona it would probably be better like with millie if she was kidnapped and blitz in the moment inflated and popped whoever took her
>>112965 Now imagine verosika stealing blitzo’s kill by inflating her victim until they pop because the victim is an inflationist
>>113060 Also, her doing it just to spite blitzo
Heard of a panel this weekend for helluva boss. What if someone subtly asked if succubi have other abilities for like humans weirder kinks and fantasies, especially internet kinks, implying body inflation as one of them What questions would you ask?
>>113062 If Charlie has a secret inflation fetish. Couldn't care less for succubuses.
same here
>>113064 Seems a bit bold to ask that
>>113062 >>113064 I feel like I would probably generalize it something like "Do any of the characters have any interesting or strange kinks i.e. inflation feet or something otherwise?. I'm particularly curious about maybe Charlie,loona,Millie, angel dust or even the succubuses reactions to said kinks as I'm sure they've probably been through it all at some point or another or if any have anything particularly they like or dislike? Just general kink lore if you may be willing to provide would be appreciated " Id probably work for word copy and paste that as it generalizes everything for you.
>>113130 "Does Charlie have a secret fetish which makes you think about printing too much money?"
>>113130 Yeah, I have always wondered what the kink lore would, ever since they first introduced Verosika, and the succubi. It would be cool if they had other abilities other than the singing and giving them the lewd look, and can actually fulfil human fantasies or exploit their kinks/fantasies.
>>113169 *would be
>>112247 I thought it was pretty good. good audio mixing, nice sloshing noises. There's not that much inflation audio out there so there's no point in worrying about it being perfect. Just glad to have more options exist. Have you worked on any other projects or was it just this one?
>>113527 My guy it's a HELLUVA BOOS HASBIN THREAD I feel there's exceptions to that rule when half the cast are furry. And I could have posted furry male but chose not to do chil please and thank you
>>113527 Thanks, godmod. >>113528 No I don't think so. In fact, I think humanoids like the imps which aren't exactly human should be on /bbwalt/.
>>113568 Thats it you guys couldn't play nice, The Agent 2 pic has been cancelled
>>113599 No, we need humans being inflated by demons. Maybe even angels inflated by demons as well
>>112564 So here is my scenario for them The two agents were suddenly caught off guard, Verosika Mayday and a crew of succubi/incubi appear. They reveal their demon forms after hearing how prudish they are. Agent one and two is forcefully held done. The succubi decide to have some fun and choose a kink, deciding on inflation. They are more annoyed by agent one and decide to punish him by making him watch them to agent two into their sex balloon. Verosika orders to position agent two and makes her pucker up as Verosika plants her lips on hers, blowing a big puff of air into her, puffing up her cheeks, followed by her belly. A couple more breaths and she looks 9 months pregnant. Agent two was already becoming aroused as Verosika continues her onslaught. A bulge was beginning to form in agent one’s pants as agent two’s ass starts ballooning. She was scared of what was happening but couldn’t deny it felt good, even as she struggled. Verosika picked up the pace as agent two’s clothes starting tearing as her breasts inflated. She couldn’t help but moan. Agent one still denied he was aroused. Agent two’s body then began to round out as she becoming increasingly squeaky. Her clothes eventually burst apart leaving her nude. Moments later she orgasmed but wasn’t enough to satisfy her constantly building arousal. She needed more, she...she needed to pop. Verosika took a break as soon as agent two’s limbs puffed up and became stiff, feeling like boners, right down to her fingers. Her face was also super puffy. She begged Verosika for more, she wanted her to pop her, much to agent one’s dismay. He couldn’t lose his partner, especially in this way by demons no less. Verosika was delighted and granted her wish. She got the succubi to pleasure her pussy and fuck her brains out as Verosika continued puffing into her. Agent two came again and she was near her limit. She was desperate to be popped. “One more puff should do it” Verosika said. She gave agent one a smirk as she turned around, pulled her panties down, before shoving her ass over agent two’s mouth, and preceding to release a big puff of succubus gas into her while she flips off agent one. Agent two explodes with a deafening bang. “We’re done here” she says as agent two scraps rain done and she order the incubi let go of agent one. They all leave through a portal back to hell, leaving agent one completely alone. Agent two wakes up in hell, with not only and attractive demon body, but also inflatable, made out of latex rubber and a strange urge to be overinflated. This is the price she payed for letting a sexy demon have power over her and corrupting her
bump, need more images
>>114144 It's better to move this thread to >>>/bbwalt/ because the majority of the cast can't be posted here.
>>114148 What do you mean? Loona is canonly 18+ as she in legit canon was released into blitzos custody at age 18 no younger. Characters like moxxie blitzos stolas his wife Stella millie and majority of the helluva boss cast exception Octavia who's 17 are adults and to my knowledge the same is said for majority of the hasbin cast. So don't go loli baiting without factual research
>>114156 I don't understand the point of your post. /alt/ is for humanoid characters who aren't human and many you're listing are considered furry.
>>114159 Oh nevermind.
>>114148 Bbwalt barely has any inflation content or inflation enjoyers there. Most just like fatties there
>>114227 Be the change you want to see.
>>114227 True but to be fair almost every single one of these groups have a hasbin thread. Furry and alt. Honestly furry has a thread for each individual character while we have a single thread for everything so if you want to go bitching go bitching over there
Normi studio content??
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Here is this
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Does anyone has Catstuxedo's Cherri Bomb inflation pictures? Its no longer on DA as they deleted their account. If anyone has it, can they share it?
Does anyone have his inflation pictures of cherri bomb?
Joey draws drew dis.
Does anyone have noissses1890 art on patreon
Can someone please add Valerya5 patreon to Kemono? I've been asking this for years. They have great Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss art. https://www.patreon.com/Valerya5
>>119852 Who made this?
>>119954 https://www.deviantart.com/haarr/art/Millie-B-L-I-M-P-situation-1-2-1073594109
>>119958 Thank you.
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>>120395 >>120447 >>120448 >>120490 >>120495 >>120498 Good art, but they're furry, and the fact that there's a furry board means we can't post animal-looking waifus here.
>>120524 Thank you.
Big round moxxie blimp
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>>121112 Source! For the love of all that is un-fucking-holy, who made those first two images and do they have a DA or Twitter account??????
>>121114 https://x.com/Andromaton_JDY/status/1816987462788350228
>>121184 Man, why can’t succubi be real like her, not to mention be able to turn fantasy into reality. I would love to be blown up by her. Anyway, if you could have Verosika blow you up, even if it meant you had to go to hell, how would you want it?
source is biggestinflationlover
>>121483 Source?
Can someone please add Valerya5 patreon to Kemono? I've been asking this for years. https://www.patreon.com/Valerya5
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>>121558 This is blasphemy. Demons I get, but angels? Blasphemy.
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(4.50 MB 3640x2146 The Charlie Pomni Berry Hour.png)
>>121483 We need a sound anon asap
>>122193 pay someone to due it
Honestly, I wish there were more femdom inflation content.
>>122389 Specifically female on male
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Anyone have the full image?
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sketches I made
>>123811 Heeey these are pretty damn cute sketches, love the first one and the second is really fun, if you could please make some more charlie ball i think she is the best one to inflate, your style is super nice =]
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>>124543 I hate that episode. Brought to absolute worst, god awhile character to existence. Plus the design is terrible.
>>124589 Nuh uhh
>>124771 She’s gonna explode! That’s magical buildup! I saw the pic in DA.
I wonder how long after the third helluva short, that we will get inflation art of the new character?
>>124543 source?
>>126058 No update of kemono party yet?
>>125674 Yes, now we need captions added to this. What do you think verosika is saying to her and what to this? This is the first peace of art where Verosika is the inflator
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>>126362 I hate this ship. It’s so rushed.
Does anyone have a screenshot of this Helluva Boss extra?
we need more inflating millie!
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There is a pov inflation art of verosika inflating the viewer on deviantart
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>>129140 Who is this character?
>>129167 The artist said she's a background character from Helluva Boss' beach episode, but I'm not sure. Anyone here is free to correct me.
>>129182 If that is the case, would be more interesting to see one of the succubi making her inflate
Alright, since the rest of the internet is populated by pussies who are crying about not being spoiled and Vivziepop is ghosting Twitter because Trump won, can someone PLEASE tell me word-for-word about the Hazbin leaks? I want a full synopsis, like something you could pull up on Wikipedia under Plot. I wanna know because every time I find a new one, it gets taken down. I know for a fact Season 2 Episode 2 was watched because of some Russian hacker stealing the entire season a year before its release. If anyone has the tea, hurry up a spill it. Got a Google doc link that doesn’t ask you to log in? Even better.
>>129258 There’s leaks?
So interesting fantasy/headcanon I have recently is that during NNN, the succubi choose some men around the world and make sure he succeeds, like using magic to make it impossible to cum in November. They spend all month teasing them and dominating them, making their balls inflate with cum. Then when it becomes let’s say 11:45 pm or 11:50 pm of nov. 30th, they get a literal blowjob and timing their popping with the stroke of midnight while giving them a sexy show, like having sex over his blimped up body. Popping of course is the best orgasm he will ever have…alive, sending him to Hell.
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Heres an image i recently made
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>>126058 Been a few weeks now so enjoy! The rest.
(1.91 MB 3287x3883 Loona+8.png)
>>126058 >>130806 Final part we really need a 20 mb limit 10 is too small.
We really need to see more of Charlie being a giant balloon
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Anyone got this in better quality?
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>>130450 Blimped up paws and tail? Nice.
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Did you know the wikis include concept art including character sheets for otherwise background characters we barely probably get a wink of lore too if we're lucky the fact each even have a name shows the care in world building that I really adore! So if you ever need a character sheet for a background character check the wikis they may have what you need!
Just some really cute designs both female and male I really adore them
Huh forgot one
>>134170 Cécilia's my favorite, for sure. What specific page are they in?
>>134170 Oh yeah, forgot to ask; since you found a page featuring a bunch of Helluva Boss extras, can you find this chick anywhere? (>>127004)
>>134170 Can someone post the Dalmatian hellhound here if they made one?
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does hyper fan art allowed?
millie’s gonna go boom
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Anybody have this in better quality?
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>>135506 Source?
>>135511 >>135506 Sandalman25 https://www.deviantart.com/sandalman25/art/Charlie-and-Vaggies-romantic-blowout-1153971687
>>135588 Also relevant:
(9.58 MB 4961x4961 LoonaLoon.jpg)
(335.21 KB 2048x2048 GjX9N54X0AERSGd.jpeg)
>>136201 Source? Links please.
>>136217 https://www.deviantart.com/anonamous98/art/AT-Demonic-Gas-Build-Up-1157611005
>>69109 https://www.klgrth.io/paste/bdvx2 Charlie's first pop.
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