/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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***RED ALERT! SITE FUNDS ARE LOW!*** LtBarclay##vOgLqq 04/28/2024 (Sun) 22:34:51 Id:5dd7cc No. 57818 [Reply]
>>>/gen/55691 SEE ABOVE FOR IMPORTANT SITE CONTINUATION INFO. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 10/24/2024 (Thu) 19:17:59.

Metalforever Thread 2 Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 06:12:14 Id:33f3f6 No. 74763 [Reply] [Last]
Mainly for posting Metal's artwork.
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Runner up sketches (2/2)

Fat Storytime Animator/YouTuber/E-Celeb Thread 5 Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 13:26:48 Id:b2a7bb No. 73553 [Reply] [Last]
You know the gist Fourth thread bump limit was reached. Post STAs, YouTubers, E-celebs, sonas, and etc. Discord server from last threads: https://discord.gg/kyZumcb6ZG
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>>77789 All jokes aside, I do definitely think we need more Viv, considering she genuinely chubby in irl! (Not fat FAT, but definitely chubby, she’s in her mom bod era rn)
>>78228 she should stop wearing girdles for starters
>>78229 Nah, more girdles, fat granny viv would be hot
>>78229 Yeah I wouldn’t blame y’all for not thinking she was chubby IRL, she usually wears a lot of large sweaters and hoodies casually. >>78234 You are so unbelievably real for that

Roleplay Request Thread: IIII Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 13:00:26 Id:8809eb No. 72163 [Reply] [Last]
Bump locked. You know the drill. The guy with the roleplay server, can you post the link as well?
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>>77805 What's your discord name?
The Plump Plague was a considered a blessing to many, but tragedy to few. It’s trade off was to reset the world to be in a perfect living state, but that the people would gain weight depending on how much they left a dent in the world. People all over gained tons, and nobody was perfectly thin or toned. The pro-plague people would celebrate and embrace this, as the haters would disappear and go somewhere else secluded. All over the Earth, people now gain and grow happily. This rp, takes place on the first day. _____ *It was the first day of the Plump Plague, and it poured down hard in the city.* *The law for showing off your stuff was passed, and your urges to grope and squeeze were relieved as it was a societal norm. You didn’t necessarily want this, but didn’t hate it. It was slightly uncomfortable for you- walking around seeing big blubbery bodies. But another part of you decided it wasn’t so bad. You’ve shown some immense growth all over, and people started to notice you were one of the biggest there. In seconds, you were swarmed with groping and questions as to how you got so big. The rain continued to pour down and all you wished for at that point was for someone or something to just take you away. And as they say, ask and you shall receive. The moment you wished for help, a soft hand grabbed yours and pulled you away.* “Come on! Let’s getcha some place warm!” *You didn’t see your hero’s face until you were pulled from the crowd.* Conditions: _MxF are FxF the go-to. I’d prefer to play Male if the situation goes that way_ I’m supplying the references. Limits, ||Scat, gore, feet, double chins, heavy slob, hair, blueberry||

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>>77890 yamiliashiro
Here for immobility, slob, lolis, milfs. I can be a feedee or feeder @professionalbunny
>>77034 Please do not forget the period in the beginning username. I don't want to be confused with any other knights.

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Rosebuds Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 22:30:26 Id:82b044 No. 75559 [Reply]
oh please god please I want all the Maricela in the world
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if maricela and maria are putting on weight as the series goes on, then rosa should put on weight too! and then there can be a diet arc! of course in the end, everyone would just gain all the weight back for a comedic ending!
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Here's some stuff of Pen from the other comic Pen & Ink
>>77064 Projecting so hard you could double as a drive-in theater, good lord.
How'd this guy get a big tittied bitch onto the page of a newspaper?
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02IeN 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:58:48 Id:e975d0 No. 46114 [Reply] [Last]
Helo people of the weird and the wonderful! Welcome to the amazing fatty circus! If you couldn’t tell, this is a amazing digital circus thread, so post everything fat and digital circus related!
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How hard is it to find content?
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>>78087 Pretty hard
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I hope we haven’t posted this already.

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Slime/Goo Gals Thread Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:41:27 Id:b4a6c9 No. 72806 [Reply]
Could use some more goo.
>>72806 Yeah. And the starter is a request of a pic that same as the one presented first, but as the girls parade around, they inflate and expand till they reach their limit in the 4th panel, and "climax" in a loud KA-BOOM that results in a big plump goo gal being formed (References provided in pic and next pics)
>>72806 It is also a black up, too. Meet Slimegirl thread 2, >>35656.
Message i put on the other slime thread:I need a male version of this, i wanna see like big fat slime guys that get bigger when they touch water and stuff like that

Micro/Fairy/Shrinkage alt thread Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 19:01:29 Id:88b7d1 No. 35136 [Reply] [Last]
can we get a thread going for all micro/fairy/smol content? a general catalog of smol females/creatures
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>>35174 I think that berry wall with cum stained belly buttons unlocked something. what are you fuckers doing to me
Maybe find liliruca
Im dumb and dunno how to actually post the video here. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10984212

gnibbles 3: return of the fatties Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 04:35:02 Id:257e53 No. 59006 [Reply] [Last]
i accidentally put this thread in draw instead of alt like a fucking tard, anyway i think its criminal there isn't a new gnibbles thread after the old one got buried
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>>75286 >>75288 Holy shit you are incomprehensible levels of retarded.
>>75282 You know, that's a good question. It's truly a mystery >>75286 >>67212 >>67181 >>60913 Yeah, I genuinely have no fucking idea WHY he would leave. It's not like we have a community of entitled retards who try and doxx people who don't cater to our every whim. It's not like we have people who dogpile on artists with "CaN yOu DrAw ThE TiFa fAt PlEaSeS" the moment we find them somewhere else. It's an absolute mystery!
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>>60913 Sigma move. Paypiggies seething
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APWG thread Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 04:37:09 Id:389f92 No. 69970 [Reply]
I know this is unusual and rare, I may post more images on this thread, but you can post your own APWG (age progression weight gain) drawing on this thread. ARWG (age regression weight gain) drawings are also allowed on this thread.
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>>72486 This guy gets so freaky at least it's not the manga of the guy overfeeding and molesting his niece with daddy issues, also you're missing a few panels of the young sister becoming an insatiable blob.
>>70092 Yeah!

Gwen Tennyson(ben10) Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 16:50:06 Id:b24d6a No. 35185 [Reply] [Last]
just gwen tennyson arts
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Who made this?
>>78235 Artist please?

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Mobility assistance Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:23:28 Id:97360f No. 54697 [Reply]
Post fatties neefing help to get around
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She's bound up, close enough lol
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Debyjull thread Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 03:56:25 Id:41a1e3 No. 38061 [Reply] [Last]
Considering most of their art is slob, this thread goes here.
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>>70737 Most likely yes. He.
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>>71901 The Kemono site is being worked on, little bro. A whole bunch of sites updated their encryption or something and a bunch of devs left the Kemono team, so it's just one guy brute forcing his way into getting stuff up and running again.
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Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 04:38:39 Id:24ff45 No. 69023 [Reply]
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This reminds me of a bbwdraw thread called "Girls who give up their jobs aspirations and dreams and embrace the life of the 24/7 couch potatoe, blowing up all the while from snacking (etc)" which was kind of a neetification thread.
Anyone have the full version of the SicStories Nerd audio? Or the noblewomen one
>>74251 Should still be on their patreon
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AaronFly 06/08/2024 (Sat) 22:06:16 Id:902995 No. 60991 [Reply] [Last]
Drawings by AaronFly98
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