/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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Lewdlemage/Dr. Worm Edit Thread Anonymous 01/29/2020 (Wed) 05:00:05 Id:be0bec No. 327 [Reply] [Last]
How about another edit thread? This time, Lewdlemage!
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>>77338 Normal?
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could someone make a nude edit of this?
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can someone make a stuffing alt of this?
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Anyone mind making her stuffed/turning it into soft vore? Bonus points by making Klara's belly bigger

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Uzaki san wants to hang out thread Anonymous 08/02/2020 (Sun) 23:08:21 Id:1ceda4 No. 3378 [Reply] [Last]
New anime, new thread
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Hazbin Thread 6 05/12/2024 (Sun) 21:41:37 Id:e2a9b6 No. 58832 [Reply] [Last]
Ok Since The Last One’s Going To Get The Axe, I Made A New One
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Do we got any Striker? I crave snake cowboy
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>>78659 Hope these are good
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Loli donks 2: The Redonkaring Anonymous 12/30/2023 (Sat) 01:05:10 Id:1318c5 No. 49743 [Reply] [Last]
Post Lolis with big fat butts
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>>78636 Osaka isn't a loli.
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Any of yall checked out Notthat’s baraag?
Thread bump
Thread bump 2

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Darkfireballz thread vol 3. Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 08:38:54 Id:79432e No. 67502 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread bumplocked. Continue the ongoing discussion regarding the slob cabal here. Previous thread archive: https://gofile.io/d/PDcCxs https://we.tl/t-9Tn5geJLf7
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Asuka from what? I don't recall what you're referring to.
>>78902 Evangelion. It was a blob picture of her. The scene was a parody of the ending of The End of Evangelion.
Does anybody have higher quality versions of these pictures since the stash link is dead i found it on the wayback machine and was just wondering if they wasn't lost art
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can someone reupload the archive please

Monster Musume thread Anonymous 04/09/2020 (Thu) 00:15:54 Id:f944f9 No. 1329 [Reply] [Last]
Theres a lot of monster girl art of them
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by Slimeyjaystudio
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Colorization thread Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 07:43:51 Id:edf23c No. 75947 [Reply]
Could someone please color this in?
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And Maya Ibuki from Neon Genesis Evangelion (both blueberry version and blimp version), please?
And Velma Dinkley, please? (Spoilered for pregnancy)
Throwing this one into the ring to be coloured.
Know this is sketchy, but hoping someone else would like to see ballooned Ibuki
May I request Claire Wheeler colorized plz?

Steven Universe Thread Anonymous 07/19/2024 (Fri) 16:34:22 Id:edc9fc No. 63802 [Reply] [Last]
Thread on draw died, let's see if it does better here. All artwork welcome
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>>77251 May I request some of Blue Diamond? Any will work, just make her chonky
does anyone have this and/or smappa's amethyst wg drive in high res?

Pregfat thread Pregfat thread 05/01/2024 (Wed) 17:07:23 Id:b33f5a No. 58044 [Reply] [Last]
So since mayternity is now here I think there should be a weight gain and pregnancy oriented thread, here it is for the ones who like it to enjoy.
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>Bump Yes, thats what the thread is about. >Canned laughter
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Best Milf

Robot Blobs Anonymous 01/31/2021 (Sun) 22:03:22 Id:eac0cf No. 7141 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for all of your fat robots, and to start this off, I’m start us off with one of the best fat bots, the Assaultron
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>>79365 lmao, there never was an alt, I actually asked someone to edit out him on some other board. I actually have the sequence in higher quality too
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https://x.com Slash HeavyWomanGuy/status/1888450855541547379 Hey anons, video was too large to post here. It's a butt jiggle animation.
>>79530 Hope someone else can post it
bümp :)>>79530 would've coupled the other animations by this guy and of the robots and whatever but nah not right now i guess
Does this count since it’s supposed to be a sentry?

Roleplay Request Thread: IIII Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 13:00:26 Id:8809eb No. 72163 [Reply] [Last]
Bump locked. You know the drill. The guy with the roleplay server, can you post the link as well?
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Hello to everyone who is seeing this ad, and I am looking for a weight gain rp and I am looking for a feedee! I usually play as a feeder and can do mutual if I am the thinner one, and I prefer it to be FxF. About kinks, my favorites are: weight gain, hyper/big butts, tight clothes and breaking furniture One that I also like is Health issues (light) I am practically limitless About plots we can think about this more deeply in a private chat And some of my favorite fandoms are: Pokemon, Tokyo Ghoul, Chainsaw man and others.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a big Arthur wg rp, if interested. replie to me with your discord
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Something I'm interested in trying is DM'ing a weight gain scenario for a feedee/multiple feedees (female preferred). Here's a scenario I've been toying with using AI. It's entirely optional and if you're interested in this style of rp but not this scenario, we can absolutely do something different: You wake up in an abandoned industrial city, now partially in ruins. Naked and alone, you quickly realize the reason for the city's current state: a slime invasion! Alien slimes patrol the streets, looking for victims to merge with. There are three species of slime: -Green slimes: attempt to enter your body through the mouth. Green slimes will merge with the players adipose tissue, slowly growing over time (weight gain) -Blue slimes: attack through the nipple, living inside the breast tissue, growing over time (breast expansion) -Pink slimes: attack through the mouth, but instead of merging with the player character, will grow slowly inside the stomach until they reach maturity and leave voluntarily (stomach expansion) Will you manage to escape the ruined city, discover the secrets of the slime invasion, or succumb to their influence? I plan on implementing a sort of rudimentary stat sheet system, which covers stats like stomach capacity, breast size, weight, things of that nature, and dice rolls to determine player action success. I'll mostly just be making it up as I go though rather than following any explicit ttrpg system. Parties of multiple players would be cool as well if I get multiple inquiries and all are in agreement (I will limit it to 3). The main kinks I'm looking for are: weight gain (duh), extreme weight gain up to immobility and beyond (literally limitless sizes for me), corruption, transformation (if you've ever played Insatiable Hearts, the cow transformation that gives you an udder is a favorite of mine), breast expansion, things of that nature. Things I don't like: scat, inflation (some can be fine, depending), vore, excessive slob, gas, underage characters (and role players, for that matter), Hit me up on discord if interested: farpa547
>>79874 My kinks are weight gain, slob, scat, and more if (btw this is the same person who posted)
>>77511 I would be interested if you still are. Am into everything you listed except futa. Don't know much about Monster Hunter, but I like the idea of a sweating behemoth of muscle and fat lumbering around, mindlessly glutting her churning guts with a normal human bodyweight of meat, and then dealing with the issues it poses to her body.

Kris Chara and Frisk Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 17:46:01 Id:85dfaa No. 62970 [Reply] [Last]
The trio, again this time
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hi? someone here?
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>>78201 https://x.com/kennmatsuru/status/1662359360314523648
>>76332 Source?
>>64729 First one Source?

fart/slob/burp thread 2: gassy boogaloo Anonymous 06/20/2022 (Mon) 15:17:59 Id:265c83 No. 21622 [Reply] [Last]
original got deleted, time for the sequel.
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BBW/SSBBW Giantess 2 Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 05:07:01 Id:03d618 No. 59965 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread ended. This is for convenience.
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Star Fats Thread 2 Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 03:12:28 Id:4825fd No. 76707 [Reply]
We’ve lost the old thread. So thought of making a new thread.
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>>79908 it's not and also nah, good luck finding it lol, I only post my sound stuff on here
>>79922 can I ask if you're willing to make more voices? as I have a commission in the works that i'd possibly like dubbed, if you wanted to
>>79945 What voices? I just do cloning, so unless theres enough good material to work with, it won't work very well lol
>>79949 emerie karr, the female clone doctor in the bad batch she has a thick new zealand accent though so it may not sound the best she's in the show enough (with her own scenes) so getting a sample should be easy
>>79956 I can see if I can get it working, but the cloned voices can never do accents real well (it's why I haven't done much Aayla stuff)
