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Hat Kid Thread. Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 17:03:50 Id:5b23f7 No. 59879
What it says on the tin, however some of the Hat Kid art was lost so art from Soulsparty will be in there too. (Including mine. Because why not. I might as well put my hat in the ring. It's also my first thread so hopefully I'm doing this right.
Is that D&B Hat Kid? Peak! Also i have this to share
(466.64 KB 2435x1722 4cf4ee9e3ab377395fe5924ded54a691.jpg)
Finally a Hat Kid Thread, before posting, somebody knows the artist of this? A ex-friend showed me this but in never got the artist Also, Blob and burps
>>59900 here's the full res
Also, i see that theres a lot of people searching for Soulsparty art, mainly Hat Kid, i have almost everything, including Hat Adult
>>59906 Got any inflation/blueberry or Mustache Girl stuff?
I'm looking for some more slob artwork if anyone has any
>>59907 Not a big fan of Inflation or Blueberry but i have this
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(573.76 KB 1544x1181 holy shit, cake.png)
(472.40 KB 1036x906 image-304.png)
Alright, here's a few more. And a Wip. Might make a MEGA link for all of these.
>>59910 And by the way, I decided to try and change up the hair design since the hair was pretty fucked up from the top of her hair. Might try and fix it up again.
>>59910 Hey, this are pretty good!
>>59912 thanks! i might try and make bow next but the hard part's making the hair. but hey, it's called Paint 3D for a reason! You remove the t in Paint.
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I tried uploading the first animation that soulsparty made, i haven't tried with the second one, but i think it will say te same about size limits and i dont want to compress the videos to have a shitty quality, ideas?
>>59913 I always wanted how to do great things in Blender, but i never manage to got a Hat Kid or Bow Kid model and i didn't even know how to make basic things, i think i will stick to drawing lol
>>59915 ignore the how :(
>>59915 I can say the same. There's SFM Models too, but I'm not good with that. I think Soulsparty used SFM in some of their work.
>>59917 Really? his renders looked too good for a 11-12 years old 3D Tool
>>59918 checking some renders, i think its true, some of it uses TF2 escenarios as backgrounds, and those are already included in SFM
>>59919 these look like they were made in blender with the team fortress maps added in for some reason, the source engine can't look that good like it does with the reflections, lighting and textures of these pictures
>>59918 Yeah...or it's just Blender and all. I also had found one of Souls' other animations + An Eishiban.
>>59920 Well, SFM renders have a lot more of atraccion for the people than Blender renders for some reason, soy maybe he tried to get more popular using SFM resources?
anyone knows what video files format this site uses??? im trying to upload videos and i always get the same incompatibility error
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>>59921 Eishi should maake mor hat kid
(9.68 MB 4796x3393 87540861_p0.png)
I hate the size limit of this site, i have to post images one by one
>>59926 Hmmm, webm, I believe. But I'll try and see if MP4s can be sent here with one of the animations.
>>59929 Nevermind, I can't send MP4s. Maybe you can send me the animations on discord? Mine's toastedsunray. :/
>>59929 i Already tried mp4, its not
>>59930 i have a converter, i will send it here
>>59932 that works for me.
i will post the first one, give me a sec
also yea, if someone have the gif in better quality, post it, mines looks like that and idk why
i culdn't make it smaller than 13 mb
i stll have the original drive link tho
>>59941 Oh, you may send it here if you want!
>>59942 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aireFiuC4PO3D7I5CHokit2GMMW-sdz0/view?usp=sharing here, this one is too good to let it out of the thread
That concludes the "Metro Munchies" arc
Nice...well, I'll be off to make more Hat Kid renders on Pain(t) 3D. Feel free to suggest what I could fix on the Hat Kid model of mine or suggest what I can make. I'll probably make a Deviantart Account for all the Hat Kid stuff too.
>>59945 I think maybe the colors are too saturated and you could make them a little paler. That's the only thing!
>>59946 Noted, I'll make em' less saturated.
(89.60 KB 376x526 Hat.png)
Alright, so here's what I got so far now, do the shoes need to be fixed?
>>59948 Nothing for now, looks good! (image to dont maje the thread look empty)
(73.46 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault (1).jpg)
Alright, might try and use some Blender to try and make a better tummy. I forgot to even add in the ponytail too so I'll try and fix that.
>>59901 it's definitely ddddude1's artstyle, but i forget if they ever properly uploaded it >>59910 >>59948 i'd love to see more like this and im glad hat kid is finally getting more fats, and i'd love to mess around with the model if it's made public
I do have the SFM sphere but I could try and sculpt one, but it won't be as good. Besides, I have an add-on that ports the SFM stuff to Blender. I also thought it would be fun to give my model of Hat Kid a time piece on her shirt. Might keep it in there.
>>59955 It will. But you're gonna need something to get to the model without it being glued together. You'll need this. https://github.com/silkycell/Paint-3D-Project-Manager I'll be bringing the model public once I make a few more finishing touches.
(100.09 KB 376x534 Hat Alt Tummy.png)
And for now, have an alt tummy for Hat Kid. There will be extra content added into the Zip File I'll be making containing the project file. And not gonna lie, Bow needs some fats too.
>>59960 Tummy kid
>>59960 gotta love me some polygon hat fats.
Before going to sleep, i wanted to do something for this thread, see yall later ah yea, sweating
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I'm gonna head to sleep. But before I do, here's some older designs and old wips I had made. They're pretty meh. The cape gotten scrapped because I couldn't bother making it for the new model.
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Good Morning
>>59934 Here's the full-res gif! :3
>>60005 Thank you! It's good to know that the gif was found
>>60005 Splendid! I think there was some Shadow Hat Kid art I've seen, too.
(54.10 KB 681x932 20240527_105752.jpg)
Here's one of them. It's cropped though.
>>60014 Here you go! :)
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(97.68 KB 314x462 smol3.png)
Does anyone have Bow Kid content? I think she deserves some good fats too
>>60048 True, Bow need some fats too. I ended up having the Bow Kid model unfinished but I could take the lazy way out and make a Bow Kid with one of my other bases.
I want to do something with Bow, but I can't think of scenarios for her, any ideas?
>>60052 I could guess Bow would probably find herself in a rift of burgers, it's similar to the rift with the cookies though. She'd likely be eating up burger after burger. I'm not good with scenarios, though so I hope that's okay.
>>60052 bottom heavy, like >>59905
>>60058 I could try it, I've always thought that Bow Kid's favorite food is hamburgers, and if she weren't just a reeskin of Hat Kid, his time rifts would have hamburgers as a platforms.
>>60059 Drawing bottom heavy sounds fun, give me a few minutes and I'll start drawing
(85.46 KB 941x445 VERY WIP.PNG)
Alright, here's the model of Bow so far. (Spoiler, it's far from finished and I need a faster way of making the hair.)
>>60063 You can't copy and paste a group of spheres in diferents parts of the head? i dont use paint 3d so idk
>>60064 That's what I was doing. And it gets pretty tedious copying and pasting it. The shape of the hair could be changed, I guess. :/
>>60065 Damn, sorry, i dont use Paint 3D so i dont know how it works :/
>>60066 It's all good. I'll be making a little guide on how to use Paint 3D.
(974.65 KB 3262x3467 hatkid.png)
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>>60059 It's my first time doing bottom heavy drawings, so this is the best i could do
>>60069 It's pretty good.
(23.29 KB 225x186 bow wip.png)
here's a wip of bow. i decided to go back into my old wip of Bow and try and hopefully finish her up. should i change the hair?
>>60073 Maybe adding more curves to her hair so that it looks more like an afro would be good, but if it's tedious to do, it would be better to leave it like that.
>>60069 that's good, thanks
(23.23 KB 223x178 getting somewhere.png)
>>60074 alright, now i got this so far. how's this?
I think this Thread has become an A Hat in Time Thread in general, not that I'm complaining
>>60076 Perfect! That hair is perfect!
(28.80 KB 225x194 bow wip 2.png)
added the bow now. I could try and start off the body from scratch.
(232.76 KB 835x715 Burger Rift.png)
>>60058 This took me longer than I thought, even so, I wanted to do it. I'm proud of how it turned out, I must say.
(61.33 KB 326x420 it begins.png)
I'm getting somewhere.
>>60090 Looks Nice!
(66.74 KB 405x420 We're back (question mark).png)
Added the hands. I'll add the legs too.
(79.39 KB 405x505 we're ALMOST pecking back.png)
The legs are now getting made. Might try and make the boots. Might even make Mu next.
>>60094 Looks pretty good, I don't know if her body is meant to look like some kind of muffin top, but if so, she looks great.
I'll try and make some Bow Fat in gmod if possible. There's actually some of that made on Gmod. Here's some.
>>60096 Thanks! But yeah, I'd guess the body was supposed to bea muffin top but I could probably try and fix it. But hey, it pretty much seems fine to me!
>>60097 How do people make bellies in Gmod? I always wanted to know and never found an answer :(
>>60100 https://www.deviantart.com/lucasbasher649/art/MMD-Beachball-For-Garry-s-Mod-1043837676 It's all right here. :)
>>60101 Thanks!
>>60103 No problem, now I'm gonna head go sleep. Later.
https://www.deviantart.com/baughbee/art/CM-HatKid-Twitter-835425998 Anyone have this? Their Twitter got nuked
>>60152 Nope. HOWEVER, I do have this.
>>60156 I didn't know RidiculousCake had drawn Hat Kid
(9.66 KB 162x94 the shoe.PNG)
Alright, back to making Bow, I'm making the boots. How does it look so far?
I also wonder if there is any other stuff Da-Fuze made that was Hat Kid related. I gotta add those into the collection of course.
Well, that occurred. Anyways, I'll try and probably scrap that boot and change it to the one I usually make it into.
Also, I'm the one who made the Hat Kid and Bow Kid Model. :) >>59879
Anyways, I found some more Hat + A Bow.
I have the feeling the thread died. Maybe.
>>60197 Well, finding good content from AHIT is difficult.
>>60225 That's true. That's why I gotta make the content too, but it takes quite a long time. Even if I did get her model on Blender by ripping it from the game, making fat of Mu, Bow, or Hat is pretty hard. So I just resort to Paint 3D.
Apologies for the delay, I was gonna finish up Bow but I decided I would be gaming but...hey, I'm back. I'm gonna get back onto making the Bow Model.
(81.02 KB 405x522 Big Bow (Soon).png)
It's finished. She's gonna have a tummy... (pretty soon)
>>60225 i can confirm this from experience if you're looking for specifically hat kid and not including the conductor/snatcher/everyone else on their own getting fat even with a lot of really good art there's not a ton, and the only unposted things are either made for the thread, from a long while ago, or text stories that may or may not fit >>60247 take your time and take any breaks you need!! sometimes i just gotta take a bit to game before my brain can draw
>>59879 >>59910 >>59948 >>59991 >>60250 >3D """"models"""" Jesus fucking christ, these are bad. These are scarcely more than a bunch of flat colour material primitives stacked on top of each in a vaguely human-esque shape, if you're actually somehow deluded enough to think this is in any way analogous to actual 3D modelling then I don't even know what to tell you. This is literally the 3D modelling equivalent of those Deviantart autists who can't draw and somehow think that using shapetools is a compensation for a complete lack of artistic ability. Considering your means of adding 'faces' to these characters is to just scrawl ms paint chicken scratch onto screenshots in post, it seems that you're very much of a similar ilk to those circletool fags. If you have any degree of self-awareness anon and actually want to become a half-decent modeller, ditch this embarassing kiddie shit and go teach yourself how to actually sculpt and model in 3D.
>>60259 Usually I hate to agree with people shitting on beginners like this but Anon has a point
>>60259. I understand. So, I'll plan on ditching Paint 3D for Blender, not just right now at the least.
I'm now planning on ripping the models. However, I'm having quite a hard time trying to rip them.
>>60259 To be fair anyone better at modelling wouldn't be making fat Hat Kids. You take what you can get.
>>60266 Sounds good to me.
>>60271 >anyone better at modelling wouldn't be making fat Hat Kids It's current year, where anything is possible. >You take what you can get You would actually subject a character you like to being a mountain of garbage before proceeding to devour said mountain of rancid and rotted, dripping mess, instead of taking the few good pics you get and enjoying that if you don't have the means or luck in netting more? Even the far better power fashion lolis don't even have half the good fat art that Hat Kid has and I don't see them being disgustingly desperate.
>>60273 What.
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>>60271 speaking of which are there any artists that do sculpts of fat lolis? I can't think of any, definitely an untapped market
>>60276 I wouldnt be against it. But I live with people that make it difficult to work privately. Otherwise id be balls deep into modelling that shit in Blender. My biggest issue is just skindentation. I dont want to do the lazy shit of orbs on orbs, I want flesh digging into tiny clothes. Which is very hard to do, especially with animation, or proportions that are more realistic (Though big)
>>60019 >>60020 >>60021 To whoever has the Shadow Hat Kid model, can you plz make some pregnancy fanart of her or even a gif?
>>60259 there's nothing wrong with having a certain style to your work! i think there's beauty in the simplicity of them and that they look really cute. you could do with being a bit nicer! >>60152 bumping this... would love to see it if someone happens to have it saved
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>>60422 You're emphatically missing most of my point though. Anon is literally not 3D modelling. They said they used paint 3D, which is about as far away from an actual 3D modelling/sculpting suite you can get. They're doing nothing more than just sticking colored balls onto a canvas in the crude shape of a person, there's nothing to gain or learn from doing this and they're not training the mechanical skill needed for someone to actually improve at this kind of art. If anon actually wants to produce 3D art and get better at it, then they need to put the effort in and teach themselves how to model in a better program. Simple as. And FYI, artstyles can be simplistic without having to look like ass. They're not mutually exclusive. See the spoilered images, they're ""simple"" but would you say they're good or have any actual artistic merit or integrity? If you enjoy this kind of stuff then your standards are genuinely at rock bottom. Two of the renders anon posted use the exact same lazy shapetool face and neither even apply it to the character correctly, how tf is anyone supposed to learn or improve at something if low effort shit like that is rewarded? I'm just being honest.
>>60425 you could still do with being a bit nicer!
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>>60425 i don't really see how that's much different than taking a hat kid model and slapping a couple spheres onto it in blender or sfm or something. if anything it's even *more* admirable, because at least OP is making everything from scratch! maybe it's because i'm a sucker for the paint 3D artstyle in general, but i think they look pretty good, if not on par with most of the other images in this thread. i think the bottom line is that as long as something is made with merit, it doesn't matter how good it looks, compared to other art of the same character or otherwise. that's especially true with the images attached in your post; sure, they're not the most high quality drawings and there are definitely better pics of them floating around on the internet, but you can tell that they were made with heart, and that's what counts. ^u^
>>60431 I like your spirit, anon.
>>60431 True. Besides, I won't lie when I say this but I'm mostly comfortable with using Paint 3D. Sure it's primative, but least it gets the job done. I use Blender for other things, though. :]
(994.83 KB 500x281 w2crG8z.gif)
>>60422 That isn't "style", you dimwit, that's a lack of skill. A person needs to gain skill through constant practice before they fall into a style born from everything they learned and did during their growth; what this is, is just taking a quick and easy route and posting the results before even attempting to try and make it look like you're trying to become better. >>60428 Being nice should only be reserved for people that at least look like they want to gain more skill. >>60431 >taking a hat kid model and slapping a couple spheres onto it in blender or sfm or something I don't think Anon ever said the Soulsparty pics that were posted here, were good. >it doesn't matter how good it looks >you can tell that they were made with heart >that's what counts It's ass licking tools like you who make it easy for a potentially good artists to find comfort in less than mediocrity, with all the praise and support they get from people just like you who play bodyguard and try to push away any criticism, and also play guard for those who absolutely show zero signs of wanting to get better while shoveling out blatant garbage.
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>don't know what's worse; the underaged poster with the doodoo pics or the guy who think's he's some sort of patrician for calling him out on the fact water is indeed wet
>>60448 I'm gonna be honest here, all of the existing Hat Kid 3D fan art is kinda shite. These renders are either made in SFM or use stock maps from Team Fortress 2, or both. Soulsparty's stuff was...ehh, I guess it was the least bad
>>60448 Niceness is for everyone!
(424.40 KB 800x400 image-139.png)
Some exclusive art for this thread. :)
>>60473 this also pretty much double as a way of saying this because yeah. Just because some people tend to not have enough skill to make high quality, at the end of the day, it's still fine. I just enjoy what I make, I'm not in it for the praise and such. criticism is valid, but it doesn't have to be harsh criticism. it could instead be constructive. That is all.
>>60476 It was constructive, they pointed out areas that needed improvement (faces/ body shape) and suggested ways to improve such as using a different program and modeling/ sculpting the body to get a more organic looking shape. It's good that you enjoy what you make but you shouldn't disregard helpful feedback that can boost your art to the next level.
This is now the 3DHatKidanon discussion thread.
>>60501 I suppose you're right.
Not gonna lie, I feel like I gotten pretty defensive. So, that's on me. :/
So, I might as well try and add at least SOME effort into my stuff.
(157.84 KB 2048x1152 HatSFM.jpeg)
>>60152 >dm the commissioner on DA, ask if they're willing to send it >they are WE'RE SO BACK >it's vore >and it's a jpeg IT'S SO OVER
>>60693 You mean... it's BOW-VER?
(5.02 KB 170x207 spr_menutv1_confirm_0.png)
that joke sucked, I'm sorry.
(610.25 KB 2097x1609 A_Hat_In_Golden_Corral(1).png)
Hat going to Golden Corral. I think this joke of characters going to restaurants died but I wanna bring it back, gosh damn it. >:/
>>60693 also, I'm gonna try and make it NOT jpeg quality. hopefully.
(88.95 KB 643x510 image-804.png)
But for real, I'm doing Blender now, I'm making a tummy but it's gonna need a few kinks to work out. I mean, I used to use Blender.
Okay, some news. I'm still experimenting in finding the shape I want for belly. Other news is I'm running out of scenarios to use the Hat Kid model. Other OTHER news is I'm gonna just get a new laptop because the one I just have doesn't run AHiT that good because it takes a ton of memory. :/
(4.78 MB 1920x1081 unknown-5.png)
And also, I finally found another Soulsparty thing. We hopefully may be back, but it's a rocky start from here.
Nevermind, we're not back, that's not Soulsparty.
>>60305 bump. Preg Hat in Time fanart is pretty rare.
>>60881 Wait, for real?
I got you. https://mega.nz/folder/ST4CgL7L#lthguQ24rrUKTtuiFZg_mw >>60881
>>60916 New b.a. killin it jeopardy
I Don't know what that means, but I guess that's a good thing. I also updated the Mega Link showing off the Hat Kids, Bows, and Mustache Girls. It's now in Categories, and I'll need more names of the artists so I can update the list for later. https://mega.nz/folder/CCJzEYSJ#SUgvrpE5w7U5vsU8tO3-Bg
>>60916 I saw the image. It's pretty good. I saw a cat paw inside her preggo gut, so that must mean a hybrid. Super hot! More fanart please.
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(349.25 KB 1920x1080 20240608044127_1.jpg)
Made preg fanart of Queen Vanessa and Retro Hat Kid in gmod. Whaddya think?
>>60957 >'I made preg art' No you didn't. All you've done is gone into Gmod and place a sphere infront of a haphazardly posed ragdoll, as if a giant floating orb with rubber bullets strapped to it is somehow comparable to actual preg art. The shape that you used to create the ""bumps"" in the second image are literally floating in mid-air, you somehow couldn't acompolish the trivial feat of cleanly stacking one shape on top of another. How fucking low are your own standards to look at this and go "Yeah this looks good, I'll share it with other people!" ? This is somehow below the standards of even what OP was posting, which is genuinely fucking incredible considering that was already pretty representative of the absolute bare minimum. There is no help for you people I stg.
>>60959 Jesus christ dude,chill. I'm still learning how to do stuff like this.
>>60961 That's not an excuse when you're not actually learning anything though, a five year old could be taught to do this. Like what the fuck do you think you're going to get out of awkwardly placing cone-covered beach balls infront of expressionless mannequins? That you're just going to magically become an amazing artist if you do this enough times? The mental gynamistics you're going through to justify making objectively terrible art is insane.
>>60963 Abusive homelife spotted
Jesus, I wake up just now and already see fighting over art skills. Come on, I don't want a repeat of last time. I mean criticism is welcomed but it doesn't have to be harsh.
>have weird dream involving Hat Kid. >Saw like, 15 seconds of a video of Hat Kid becoming a blueberry. Think she also had a different hat too. Probably a concept for a mod though. the level was a factory in the nyakuza metro. >suddenrealization.jpeg >Hell, there was even another burger hat but it was slightly different and bigger. I'd guess it would've made Hat Kid fatter or something. >dream said "No, we only got 4 seconds left, it's time to leave dreamland. >hat kid kicked the door to my room open with a smug expression and called me a bitch as she steals my soda. >wake up. why am I do a greentext story.
>>60961 I mean, I don't wanna shit on your 3D modelling skills and everything, but...yeah this kinda sucks. Hat Kid literally looks like a PS1 character, and not in a good way
>>60967 Yeah see that's not how it works anon, you actually forfeit the ability to insult me because you're unironically defending bottom of the barrel gmod slop made by an autist and that is laughable in of itself. You have no leg to stand on if your standards are that low. >>60969 >Critcism shouldn't be harsh. When the content being judged is of the absolute lowest common denominator, yes it should be. The only people who are going to enjoy this shit are the spergs who are literally incapable of having better taste because of their fucked up brains. This inexplicable tolerance some of you have towards bottom of the barrel garbage is the reason this board has a fucking robot001 thread unironically. If someone is told upfront that the content they post to a thread is shit, it dissuades them from posting and other anons are spared the sight of their garbage. Simple as.
(3.05 MB 350x262 1577086749999.gif)
>>60975 >looks like a PS1 character I hate Sony and even that comparison offended me.
Is there a way to delete this thread and just start over Preferably without this one guy
>>61017 At that point you might as well just jump over to using the Western Loli general.
>>60975 I didn't even make the models. I use a model pack from GMOD, and that Hat Kid model is from the base game. It's the N64-styled skin, and I'd thought it was cute. But to be fair, I am a beginner at 3d modeling. So, I'll try to improve. Any GMOD users have any tips?
>>61040 If your using GMOD, you need to compensate by being very good at photoshop to undo most of the garbage GMOD leaves behind. Otherwise, just dont bother. The internet is absolutely fucking flooded with low quality ugly ass GMOD art, and we dont need more of it.
>>60975 Nah she looks like that one shitty friday night funkin mod
Hey, quick note. SoulsParty has continued making Hat Kid art, even after deleting their account. It's usually on Discord nowadays, on certain servers. Here's a sequence to start you off.
(924.23 KB 2850x1470 Compress_20240610_153934_4211.jpg)
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(968.74 KB 3800x3000 Compress_20240610_153934_4627.jpg)
(1.12 MB 2550x2250 Compress_20240610_153937_7556.jpg)
alongside some Shadow Puppets.
>>61179 Got anymore?
>>61018 No? We literally have a general loli thread.
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>>61200 As a matter of a fact, I do!
>>61223 Thx m8
(1.67 MB 498x280 nice-good.gif)
>>61182 Let's go! Shadow Hat Kid fanart is goated.
>>61179 we're so back.
>>61242 Sadly, the server is closed invite. (meaning that i have to ask the mods for permission to invite people) It sucks, but hey, you at least have me. On the bright side, here are 3 gifs and an animation! https://mega.nz/folder/GYJmEajD#agGfUelgXswkunqEAhapYw
>>61250 Maybe you should try to ask those mods anyways, who knows
>>61250 Based I just wish there was more nudity, but I guess beggars can't be choosers
Here's a couple more.
(406.24 KB 1000x1079 You Dropped this King.png)
>>61179 >>61182 >>61223 >>61250 >>61274 Holy moly, you are an absolute LEGEND!! Do you know if SoulsParty has any vore-themed art/sequences on the server? I think I remember him expressing some interest in also making vore art before he left DA. I would also really love to join the server too, if the mods are okay with it.
(6.76 MB 3000x2100 image-31.png)
>>61297 Hey, just providing the people with what they need. As for vore arts, I couldn't find any. I have this, but it's just "folds and rumbles"
>>61302 Nice, I love the rumbly effect on her belly! You are doing everyone here an absolutely stellar service! (^◡^) Here's the rare original versions of the 'At Her Mercy' series of art from SoulsParty for the archive! :)
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Okay, seems like I'm out of my HK stuff from Souls. Doesn't mean i'm out of options, though.
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Some more Souls stuff, but not Hat Kid (usually)
(451.24 KB 3600x3600 Compress_20240612_093357_7580.jpg)
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alongside some more gifs https://mega.nz/folder/nFpSgbCR#L9em4zgZTf8TsTUGKM2qRA
>>61380 Seeing that last pic with Shadow Puppet and Mustache Girl, I really do LOVE the way Souls does rumbly bellies! <3
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>>61349 Here's the full size image.
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>>61381 And one final MU sequence. That's all folks.. ...for now.
>>61250 I was wondering personally if there's any updates on that Soulsparty server invite. Is there a place I can shoot you a DM to ask in detail, or no?
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>>61602 Bro, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to bother the mods just to invite someone he found on a chan board. You should be grateful he even uploaded all these pictures
(3.17 MB 2000x1500 image-30.png)
>61733 Besides, Souls doesn't want constant DMs and friend requests from people on this board. However, on the good side, they've allowed me to upload all their future renders here.
Damn, I so wish I could've gotten in that server
>>61744 I like how this one is just the one I made, I just noticed that, lol.
>>61602 Soul himself doesn't own a server
happy blob day here's some blobby hats from eishiban
(1.75 MB 3819x2054 Screenshot (1917).png)
>>60279 >Be me >Have the time to make art privately Im working on recreating my favorite picture in Blender, probably the only good fanart on this thread. Once im done, ill see if I cant make something original.
(1.11 MB 1080x1080 Hat Kid WIP 1.png)
>>62120 Currently finishing up the head. A bit unhappy with the eyes, they pop alot in the original image and its hard to recreate that in 3D.
>>62194 It looks good! I must learn to use Blender someday
>>62116 A shame he decided to do barbie doll anatomy on this one, nipples would go hard on it
(1.03 MB 1080x1080 Hat Kid WIP 2.png)
>>62194 New WIP. Mostly done with the body. Going to work on the clothes next.
Is there any more of Soulparty's art?
(2.49 MB 1600x1350 Compress_20240722_080037_7583.jpg)
Another SoulsParty art.
Ft. Sage, Anya and Ashley
>>64142 God DAMN that's good ! Need sauce real bad, who made that ?
>>64145 Abezethibob in pixiv He has a Deviant Art account where his name is "Roxas617" but he only uploads this kind of stuff to his pixiv
>>64150 Nice, thanks
Eishi based as usual
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Throwing This here because. she's vibing
>>65452 >Circle tool shit I know this is alt, but, can we at least have SOME standards?
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Actual question here, what is the best story or text aimed at why Hat Kid and whoever else is becoming or has become fat?
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>>66341 >>66617 >>66618 >SleepyPoyo >initials are the same as a certain Hat Kid renderer Were you expecting me to not put two and two together?
>>66685 Oh god... Simon Pegg is SleepyPoyo?!?
>>66685 Nah, it's just an old username I use. I'm not actually related to SoulsParty.
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>>66949 This is actually inspired by a HK comm i'm working on, Souls saw the sketch of the last part and wanted to try something similar. I'll post it here once it's done, in the meantime you can have part 1
(1.02 MB 1436x2040 hatfattening1-4.png)
(1.91 MB 1655x2239 hatfattening2-4.png)
>>66968 Part 2 with updated Part 1
(1.79 MB 2030x1870 hatfattening3-3.png)
>>67096 Part 3
Any more Hat Kid preg art?
(8.70 MB 6007x4091 hatfattening4-3.png)
>>67204 Last part
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(7.78 MB 2700x2700 unexpected_blue_rift_2.png)
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guess who has free time?
(268.25 KB 540x540 hatkidinf1.png)
>>69261 making progress
(260.30 KB 540x540 hatkidinf2.png)
>>69316 body is finished, face and clothes next
>>69515 Looking good mate, looking good!
(936.11 KB 1080x1080 hatkidinf5.png)
>>69515 havent finished the face or clothes, but messed around with sims for future projects this is a cloth sim thats self inflating
>>68183 No need to be a crossover weirdo, but I’d love to see a pic of Hat Kid with some other indie heroes as cameos.
