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Fat Storytime Animator/YouTuber/E-Celeb Thread 5 Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 13:26:48 Id:b2a7bb No. 73553
You know the gist Fourth thread bump limit was reached. Post STAs, YouTubers, E-celebs, sonas, and etc. Discord server from last threads: https://discord.gg/kyZumcb6ZG
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>>77789 fucking perfect
>>77789 All jokes aside, I do definitely think we need more Viv, considering she genuinely chubby in irl! (Not fat FAT, but definitely chubby, she’s in her mom bod era rn)
>>78228 she should stop wearing girdles for starters
>>78229 Nah, more girdles, fat granny viv would be hot
>>78229 Yeah I wouldn’t blame y’all for not thinking she was chubby IRL, she usually wears a lot of large sweaters and hoodies casually. >>78234 You are so unbelievably real for that
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A self indulgent piece I made
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Can someone repost these pics from the last thread? I tried doing it myself and it didn’t work. https://archive.ph/hSiId
Anyone taking commission or request
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>>78522 seconding this
>>78583 I take commissions, if ya are interested dm me on my discord mouse_pay_girl
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Spoiler for fart.
>>78640 All right I'll hit you up soon
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Can someone help me find high quality pictures of this WG sequence? It used to be on the first thread but the images wouldn’t load. You can find it here. https://web.archive.org/web/20220830152503/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/1905.html#1905
>>77455 The only fat iilluminaughtii I can think of is this one from the pedophile. So, here it is. Good luck finding more pal, I'm rooting for ya.
>>78709 pedo???
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>>78723 >>78724 OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
>>78723 Does Gomotion have a fat fetish?
>>78792 Can confirm. Yes.
>>78709 Who?, i mean the pedo not illuminaughtii
>>78819 How can you confirm ? I wanna see the proof,
>>78858 Vikingskirts/SkalesStash, the artist who drew that Illuminaughtii
>>78862 Few years back someone made a callout post saying skales did some sexting on discord with a 15/16 year old.
>>78875 I need more context, who is skales?
>>78882 Skalesstash is the artist that drew this >>78709 and a few years back they were called out for sexting with an underage user. I don't know when they did that or how old they were at the time because I forgot
>>78884 >>78875 What does any of this have to do with the gomotion question?
>>78884 They were doing roleplay stuff and victim never disclosed their age to skales
>>78888 Nothing, I thought that post was replying to the original iilluminaughtii post so I filled them in. My bad OG. Anyways let's get back to posting youtubers
>>78888 I'm so confused, I just wanna know if Gomotion has a fat fetish or not and if that's true or not
>>78792 not the proof guy, but with her being a trans woman and probably some form of autistic you can see why the probability of inflation or fat fetish is through the roof
>>78889 Skales sent nudes with his face fully visible to the victim you tard, that's not roleplay
>>78904 They still never disclosed their age
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>>78907 this is textbook victim blaming. you shouldn't be initiating anything sexual let alone to that degree with someone you don't know the age of why are we even bothering with this topic
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Shgurr blob Based on her lethal company video. Spoiler for fart and scat alts.
>>79573 lil Johnny had some pretty impressive mods
>>79863 Yeah, the "Fat Blob" and "Slob" mods go crazy.
>>79863 Who? >>79897 And what
>>79899 Lil Johnny is from Shgurr's latest video on lethal company. You have to watch the video to understand it more. And I was also making a joke/playing along.
>>79897 >Shgurr tries to press the ban player button, but her arms no longer move >both her and other female players have all become towering mounds of lard smushing against each other, and that's when their bellies started gurgling
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>>79900 Viv just posted a bunch of pics of her at the Annie Awards. Goodness she looks stunning, girl can not hide the pudge she has on her body, and I for one am not complaining at all
>>79919 Oh whoops didn’t mean to reply to that random guy, just ignore that
