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Fat Storytime Animator/YouTuber/E-Celeb Thread 5 Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 13:26:48 Id:b2a7bb No. 73553
You know the gist Fourth thread bump limit was reached. Post STAs, YouTubers, E-celebs, sonas, and etc. Discord server from last threads: https://discord.gg/kyZumcb6ZG
Just for archival sake, here are the previous threads that were archived. Sadly the second and third thread wasn't archived fully, but the first and fourth thread has. First thread (Fully archived): (https://web.archive.org/web/20220830152503/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/1905.html#1905) Second thread (Not fully archived): (https://web.archive.org/web/20230818074313/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/24047.html#24047) Third thread (Not fully archived): (https://web.archive.org/web/20231011072943/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/43345.html#43345) Fourth thread (Fully archived): (https://archive.ph/hSiId) Also link to the fourth thread while it's still up: (https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/62304.html#62304)
>>73553 Oh, they did one of Nirami? That’s rad.
>>73564 Last thread had a few of them
(1.60 MB 2055x2166 nirami_3.jpg)
>>73553 Gotta start off this thread RIGHT
Some Colbob101 Penny Parker (Snapscube) I had backed up
(952.48 KB 1800x1350 image_2024-11-23_221358425.png)
(931.52 KB 1800x1350 image_2024-11-23_221405145.png)
(2.13 MB 2894x2850 image_2024-11-23_221411860.png)
Thread 5.. You know the drill at this point. Have some StupidButterfly posting.
picture i saved from the third thread, dont remember the artist
(223.31 KB 1504x2048 IMG_9186.jpeg)
(1.12 MB 3000x3000 Untitled876_20241123174917.png)
>>73553 Decided to try and color in the kirbyy.pie drawing with her actual sona’s colors for fun
(490.37 KB 2000x2500 candyevie-24-11-23.png)
back on my bullshit i suppose
(1.32 MB 6020x3164 ShgurrAndKim1 - Wobblinggut.png)
(1.97 MB 6020x3164 ShgurrAndKim2 - Wobblinggut.png)
(3.66 MB 6020x3164 ShgurrAndKim3 - Wobblinggut.png)
Recent commission. Spoiler for Futa, Fart alt, and Scat alt.
>>73717 Yes, she's the booty and feet queen.
Hear me out. Fat Emiru
(67.72 KB 735x788 IMG_9292.webp)
>>73883 Is that Kim Pines?
>>73717 Ditto, Rebecca on top.
(3.05 MB 5976x3824 ty.png)
(410.18 KB 4096x3432 Ga3BtxSW8AAUTe3.jpg)
Found this Jaiden & AlphaRad edit.
(349.69 KB 1956x1781 IMG_1037.PNG)
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(587.52 KB 1800x1800 IMG_1033.PNG)
(5.13 MB 6378x3822 IMG_1034.PNG)
(7.18 MB 2500x1810 IMG_1031.JPG)
(8.36 MB 3500x2380 IMG_1029.PNG)
Posting this kirbyy.pie art from last thread cause I love the concept of someone seeing fetish art of themselves and hating it, and despise having said fetish forced upon them, only for them to be slowly converted into actually liking it, even if they don’t want to admit it. Which I think she’s a great candidate for.
(5.22 MB 5798x2693 slobtuber 2.png)
(805.39 KB 2200x2000 jaiden-dress-to-impress.png)
when the
Any art of Giwi?
Our little girl reached a big number recently!
>>74398 120k subs, or 120,000lbs? Who could say...
>>73883 Damn son You got a name?
(726.38 KB 3000x2000 IMG_1038.PNG)
(631.82 KB 3000x2000 IMG_1061.PNG)
>>74398 Well to celebrate, I think our little girl needs to become a big girl.
>>74430 As much fun, as it would be to troll and say that I drew this, but I didn't draw that commission set. wobblinggut is the artist that drew it.
Have this kinda okay Rebecca edit i made feedback is welcomed I used Paint 3D
>>74684 >ew nsfw gross >drew her with gigantic magumbos and sexy outfits Why are people like this? Like you're obviously using your curves for attention for your character and work. Who cares if they draw you giving a titjob or as an obese blimp? It's literally free advertising for your career. "I hope you like me for my opinions and jokes!"
(560.55 KB 3328x1922 Preggo_jaiden1.png)
Jaiden didn't expect her fan meet up a year ago to go so strangely. When she was propositioned, Jaiden shrugged and plainly agreed for the sake of personal exploration. After one customer came another and then another and before she knew it her meet and greet turned into a sex fueled orgy the likes of which she had only ever heard of in the raunchiest of pornos. She was thankfully she came out of it healthy... and then some. The pregnancy had progressed quickly, her body reacting almost as if it were born to breed. Swelling into a rotund fertile form, Jaiden avoided bringing it up in videos until the last possible moment. She feared it would go poorly with her audience but somehow they were all very supportive. Sure, she wasn't gonna raise this litter of young that was jostling around in her womb but at least bringing them into the world was an incredible feat all the same. She was even willing to resume streaming after the big reveal which helped as she got even more donations as people got to bask in her belly. Her final stream, however, went a bit differently than usual. Her belly, now having bloated past even the biggest pregnancies known to man, had her pinned to the floor. Contractions occasionally rocked her body as everyone clamored under the belief she would give birth live on stream. "Very funny guys... There's no way I'd let that happen! Just having one last stream before I go~ Nothing crazy" Her words rang hollow as she rode out another contraction. Whether or not she'd last the whole stream was anyone's guess but the pervs in the chat were definitely hoping she'd pop so they could watch. She weakly put up a peace sign to reassure her chat but given she was well over 60 weeks pregnant, the pervs were more than likely to get their wish.
>>74719 Apparently it’s what her natural body type is in irl sooooo I think we have a Kirby Pie situation here
>>74719 Good point, buuuuuut she has cancer
>>74840 and?
>> sorry it took all of this to realize that I been done for you always.
>>74840 I feel for her in this trying time and I hope she beats the battle and wins the war with the big C. Cancer, especially for a chick, is one of the most gutwrenching things to go through. But what does this have to do with me wanting to slip a bananna between her titties?
>>74850 >>74852 I don't know. I know this is a weird thing to say, but me personally I would feel a little guilty if I commission someone to draw her personal sona with a hyper butt clapping her ass. But that's just me. You guys can do whatever you want
>>74853 Anon i love you but you're not going to be able to successfully convince these people.
>>74951 I know but it is what it is
New Penny pic landed
Anyone got more fat art of Cypherden? I only found one from the first thread. https://web.archive.org/web/20220611204803/https://bbw-chan.nl/.media/fd0181cf5c80a3879a3912fa877c63e63865ea3646660c31b46ae8298e64c7f2.png
Current Colbob111 Snapscube WG chart (Seriously though, they gotta do DollipDaze soon)
>>74398 I love how we’ve somewhat adopted her in this community. Just like we said, “yeah she’s a keeper :)”
I mean she always had that adorkable fat nerd vibe and is underrepresented all things considered. Like Jaiden is great and all but Penny is just as great.
(185.58 KB 1822x2048 Untitled14_20241114011004.png)
(394.76 KB 2400x1080 Screenshot_20241114-011055.png)
Edited my favorite Salt piece to look like Emirichu
(1.09 MB 2009x1542 Stcukage (1).png)
(1.18 MB 2009x1542 Stcukage2 (Fart alt) (1).png)
(1.28 MB 2009x1542 Stcukage3 (Scat alt) (1).png)
Recent commission from Wobblinggut featuring Shgurr, Jaiden, and Rebecca. Cw: Fart alt and Scat alt.
>>75245 I dunno about y’all but I’d find it cute if Daidus was involved in situations with fat Emi. Like maybe she just sits on him or she starts playfully forcing him to mutually gain
>>75062 hell yes, always a treat when colbob does snapscube. would love to see them take a whack at making a pic with both penny and holly in it, considering how often they stream together.
>>75348 god tier stuff right here, I love the inspiration from that piece by she who shall not be named
>>75650 Original anon from >>75348 and yes I have to agree that the original art piece was great and wanted to create a youtuber version of it.
>>73905 who drew that second one? >>75679 excellent work, one of my favorites from these threads
Anyone taking requests
(930.77 KB 1364x1024 Untitled57_20241222104409.png)
crappy edit I made
(158.52 KB 771x851 image_2024-12-23_014026350.png)
hey its the person who says their warmups are shitty. heres a jaiden.
(515.13 KB 1040x1200 dont eat that.png)
(1.46 MB 2791x4096 fat bitch lmao.png)
(2.23 MB 3023x3927 Granta.png)
(2.19 MB 3000x3879 Exercise is futile.png)
A very merry christmas. (Avenging the one anon who wanted more green girl in last thread)
(432.51 KB 946x1200 retrofuturism if it was based.png)
(559.30 KB 1135x1200 Under the belly.png)
(1.37 MB 2687x4096 henlo.png)
(1.88 MB 2506x4096 space cops gonna fatten ya up.png)
(3.22 MB 3000x3038 How the fuck.png)
And a happy new year.
(602.93 KB 2364x3606 this one is entirely original.png)
(1.18 MB 2520x2694 hey wait a second.png)
Let's hope it's a good one.
(504.86 KB 1076x1648 ohthefattyside.png)
(645.62 KB 1156x1694 ohthelardyside.png)
(1.58 MB 1930x2610 ohtheheavyside.png)
(2.54 MB 1678x1904 ohthebiggerside.png)
Without any fear. (and some OhTheSunnySide, just for fun.)
(928.07 KB 900x888 image_2024-12-25_211201185.png)
>>73572 IT MUST BE A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! Inflateresponibly posted Gremflation
>>74193 anyone have the rest of them from the last thread? the archive didnt save the full res images
https://www.deviantart.com/fatyoutuberlove/art/Nirami-largest-YouTube-short-maker-animator-1098528848 someone find me this tiktok for reference
>>76329 nevermind found them https://www.tiktok.com/@nirami1/video/7400129946837880097 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6Gco5ed_VM
(304.12 KB 1068x1363 fatassnirami.png)
Need more Nirami being a fatass
(542.15 KB 1964x1628 vivzie.png)
(5.06 MB 1922x2500 Vivienne_Medrano.png)
>>76690 i need more fat vivzie...
(718.14 KB 1536x1536 Untitled143_20250102021255.png)
Quick doodle of nirami to keep the nirami hype alive
(778.80 KB 1964x1628 vivziepop.png)
>>76690 >>76697 I went ahead and colored it
>>76950 holy crap it looks so good thx yo
(227.34 KB 584x659 IMG_7193.jpeg)
(126.65 KB 441x464 IMG_7194.jpeg)
Does anyone have some of these Jaiden fats from the last thread? They’re not accessible from the archive and I need some obese, groggy Jaiden in my life again.
>>77144 https://mab.to/t/cTXClcXUXxB/us2 Here is everything I have from this and last thread.
(494.46 KB 3000x3000 jaiden6.png)
(689.35 KB 3000x3000 jdn10.png)
(453.14 KB 3000x3000 jaiden4.png)
(344.00 KB 3000x3000 jdn11.png)
(762.43 KB 3000x3000 jdn8.png)
(727.89 KB 3000x3000 jdn9.png)
(279.97 KB 750x1334 js4-text.jpg)
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(1.33 MB 3000x3000 jdn6.png)
(733.77 KB 3000x3000 jdn7.png)
(827.16 KB 3000x3000 jaiden2.png)
(949.61 KB 3000x3000 jaiden5.png)
(3.54 MB 3000x3000 jaiden3.png)
(399.85 KB 1500x1800 em.png)
(587.52 KB 1800x1800 kenzou2.png)
(2.24 MB 2199x1905 OSPRed.jpg)
(3.24 MB 2563x2115 LME.jpg)
(4.03 MB 5572x6253 kirbyypieJaiden.png)
>>73553 Can someone add color to this one
Shgurr and Jaiden blob comms from Tridoc CW: Futa and fart alts for the last two images
Since she keeps making her way into recommendeds and feeds, how about iilluminaughtii being an oozing fatass?
>>77228 Can you send a new link? I can’t get it to work
>>77455 bro if my art skill was high i would cause i find her avatar hot
>>74193 Whats the sauce for images 2-4?
(989.86 KB 3047x2084 -rzhqry.jpg)
(1.48 MB 2122x2971 pg1.png)
(1.06 MB 2122x2971 pg2.png)
(1.25 MB 2122x2971 pg3.png)
>>77789 if vivz saw this she would have a stroke
(300.82 KB 1280x720 shgurr_blob_journey.png)
(240.84 KB 1280x720 shgurr_blob_journey_2.png)
(654.13 KB 3000x2500 shgurr_blob_journey_3.png)
(734.13 KB 2400x1867 comm_shgurr_massive_blob_edit.png)
(1.12 MB 5300x2500 jaiden_and_shgurr_blob_moment.png)
A couple of blob edits of Shgurr along with Jaiden for the last image. Done by anonymous artist.
CW: Fart and Scat Fart and some scat alts of these images
>>77852 I don't geddit
(836.32 KB 1404x1432 jellybean.png)
>>77789 fucking perfect
>>77789 All jokes aside, I do definitely think we need more Viv, considering she genuinely chubby in irl! (Not fat FAT, but definitely chubby, she’s in her mom bod era rn)
>>78228 she should stop wearing girdles for starters
>>78229 Nah, more girdles, fat granny viv would be hot
>>78229 Yeah I wouldn’t blame y’all for not thinking she was chubby IRL, she usually wears a lot of large sweaters and hoodies casually. >>78234 You are so unbelievably real for that
(338.39 KB 1095x673 Screenshot 2025-01-24 193125.png)
A self indulgent piece I made
(129.01 KB 1331x477 IMG_1028.jpeg)
Can someone repost these pics from the last thread? I tried doing it myself and it didn’t work. https://archive.ph/hSiId
Anyone taking commission or request
(65.55 KB 850x638 IMG_1075.jpeg)
>>78522 seconding this
>>78583 I take commissions, if ya are interested dm me on my discord mouse_pay_girl
(484.32 KB 2000x1125 IMG_1092.png)
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(586.70 KB 2096x1572 IMG_1095.png)
(5.11 MB 4548x3364 IMG_1098.jpeg)
Spoiler for fart.
>>78640 All right I'll hit you up soon
(221.93 KB 1331x581 IMG_1099.jpeg)
Can someone help me find high quality pictures of this WG sequence? It used to be on the first thread but the images wouldn’t load. You can find it here. https://web.archive.org/web/20220830152503/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/1905.html#1905
>>77455 The only fat iilluminaughtii I can think of is this one from the pedophile. So, here it is. Good luck finding more pal, I'm rooting for ya.
>>78709 pedo???
(1.68 MB 4088x2854 Chocolate2.jpg)
(2.25 MB 4060x2828 Chocolate1.jpg)
(1.67 MB 4033x2819 Chocolate3.jpg)
(1.73 MB 3998x2826 Chocolate4.jpg)
(2.39 MB 4083x2832 Chocolate5.jpg)
(2.10 MB 4078x2871 Chocolate6.jpg)
(2.10 MB 4116x2856 Chocolate7.jpg)
(1.95 MB 4081x2848 Chocolate8.jpg)
(2.15 MB 4099x2887 Chocolate9.jpg)
(1.01 MB 3400x1913 410837gf2689f1d162fd62346g.png)
>>78723 >>78724 OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
>>78723 Does Gomotion have a fat fetish?
>>78792 Can confirm. Yes.
>>78709 Who?, i mean the pedo not illuminaughtii
>>78819 How can you confirm ? I wanna see the proof,
>>78858 Vikingskirts/SkalesStash, the artist who drew that Illuminaughtii
>>78862 Few years back someone made a callout post saying skales did some sexting on discord with a 15/16 year old.
>>78875 I need more context, who is skales?
>>78882 Skalesstash is the artist that drew this >>78709 and a few years back they were called out for sexting with an underage user. I don't know when they did that or how old they were at the time because I forgot
>>78884 >>78875 What does any of this have to do with the gomotion question?
>>78884 They were doing roleplay stuff and victim never disclosed their age to skales
>>78888 Nothing, I thought that post was replying to the original iilluminaughtii post so I filled them in. My bad OG. Anyways let's get back to posting youtubers
>>78888 I'm so confused, I just wanna know if Gomotion has a fat fetish or not and if that's true or not
>>78792 not the proof guy, but with her being a trans woman and probably some form of autistic you can see why the probability of inflation or fat fetish is through the roof
>>78889 Skales sent nudes with his face fully visible to the victim you tard, that's not roleplay
>>78904 They still never disclosed their age
(672.35 KB 2041x1442 Boomboxfinal.png)
(42.46 KB 850x765 IMG_1245.jpeg)
>>78907 this is textbook victim blaming. you shouldn't be initiating anything sexual let alone to that degree with someone you don't know the age of why are we even bothering with this topic
(1.52 MB 2178x1542 Lethal_Shgurr_blob1.png)
(1.48 MB 2178x1542 Lethal_Shgurr_blob2.png)
(1.48 MB 2178x1542 Lethal_Shgurr_blob3.png)
Shgurr blob Based on her lethal company video. Spoiler for fart and scat alts.
>>79573 lil Johnny had some pretty impressive mods
>>79863 Yeah, the "Fat Blob" and "Slob" mods go crazy.
>>79863 Who? >>79897 And what
>>79899 Lil Johnny is from Shgurr's latest video on lethal company. You have to watch the video to understand it more. And I was also making a joke/playing along.
>>79897 >Shgurr tries to press the ban player button, but her arms no longer move >both her and other female players have all become towering mounds of lard smushing against each other, and that's when their bellies started gurgling
(854.69 KB 863x1470 IMG_2764.jpeg)
(1.20 MB 866x1541 IMG_2763.jpeg)
>>79900 Viv just posted a bunch of pics of her at the Annie Awards. Goodness she looks stunning, girl can not hide the pudge she has on her body, and I for one am not complaining at all
>>79919 Oh whoops didn’t mean to reply to that random guy, just ignore that
(255.88 KB 2360x1640 IMG_2821.png)
I COME BARING GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!!! https://youtu.be/a1_3t6Ovj0g?si=U_M8mORHPdFGOzDY
(951.62 KB 5533x3113 IMG_1679.png)
(1.11 MB 5078x2856 IMG_1678.png)
>>80457 Now we can fatten her up IRL lol, and she’ll never know
(1.17 MB 3062x1878 Blob_trio1 - Wobblinggut.png)
(1.17 MB 3062x1878 Blob_trio - Wobblinggut.png)
(1.38 MB 3062x1878 Blob_trio2 - Wobblinggut.png)
(1.38 MB 3062x1878 Blob_trio3 - Wobblinggut.png)
Comm from wobblinggut featuring Shgurr, Jaiden, Happy, and Rebecca. Spoiler for fart alts.
(275.13 KB 1311x1311 export202502230600396618.png)
Stuff from discord for those nondiscord peeps. (1/2)
(525.49 KB 2860x1494 iregyuhb.png)
(1021.57 KB 2860x1494 ugvhBWERF.png)
(2/2) Spoiler for fart alt.
(4.03 MB 5572x6253 kirbyypieJaiden.png)
Can someone add color to this
(1.43 MB 2894x1910 Lineup2 - Wobblinggut.png)
(1.67 MB 2894x1910 Lineup3 - Wobblinggut.png)
No fat, but I thought I'll post this here since it does include farts and scat. Fart and Scat Warning.
(1.46 MB 3000x2955 mkawrig.png)
(1.35 MB 1650x1400 srjyh.png)
Cypherden blob edits
(111.46 KB 580x163 1740796163304097.png)
Blobby Jaiden stuffed with Pokemon food when?
Shgurr blob (sort of) botty image. Spoiler for Fart alts
(292.00 KB 903x1175 IMG_4387.jpeg)
>>81062 Here
>>81203 Scat alt with it combined with the fart alt. Spoiler for Scat and Fart
Anymore kenzou art
(114.60 KB 1007x1007 export202502221828478217.png)
>>81264 In celebration of the plushie coming out
I just redrew this image to look like Illymation, is there anyone else that you guys want me to do?
Also here's a Gomotion and JellyBean one that I did.
