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Fat Loli General XIII Uknon Paricha 03/10/2025 (Mon) 02:03:32 Id:febd0a No. 81793
Last thread: >>67166 A thread for plump half pints hailing from the fantastical realm of 2D. Thread question: If you ended up isekaied into fantasy anime, what would you rather have to go with your busted skills to dominate the world; the ability to fatten up whoever you want by whatever degree you want or the ability to permanently turn anyone into a loli?
>>82516 >>82534 it looks goblant dumps their stuff on pixiv every 6 months theres stuff in there that isnt even on deviantart
>>82638 Source for that first pic?
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>>82650 https://twitter.com/OneHaunt/status/1668306145113677825 >>82640 Nothing new.
>>82516 on hiatus until things ease up. busy with schooling and life events. plate very full at the moment. i hope to post soon again.
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>>82658 Source on these? The style looks familiar, I just can't put a name to it.
>>82474 Bigger is always better That would be the dream
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I am holding out the vain hope that we'll get fats of the Ching Chong Xeno Cunny 😭 now that X DE is here. Her outfits may not be uncensored, but at least they gave us a compromise and made the censored ones not look like utter dogshit. I love being able to strip my characters down to their underwear immediately after being told they are 13 😈. >>82638 >No sure if including Trinity Nah. Trinity's art was pretty good. Sucks that the one time he draws a human in recent years is that lame Saa bitch. My dengenerate-ass would've loved to see what actual humans would look like in his Slobstash style gross artworks. >>82659 Who's this? >>82687 Whatever it is is ancient.
>>82695 goblant. a friend showed me someone asked here, so i thought to help clarify. i am not here often, very rarely. but for questions like this, i try to keep twitter banner up to date with status, but dm is open to ask.
>>82695 >I am holding out the vain hope that we'll get fats of the Ching Chong Xeno Cunny 😭 now that X DE is here. Her outfits may not be uncensored, but at least they gave us a compromise and made the censored ones not look like utter dogshit. Half the point was the hope for an uncensored game; I was ready to slap down a wad, even with the loli not being completely stuffed with tator, for it but now I just don't know. With how many ports, remakes, and remasters are botched, it's a wonder how these companies expect to continue sailing along with nostalgia bucks. Even Gex can't go unharmed. >Trinity's art was pretty good That's right, it was, but I think by the point that pic was made, he was completely phoning it in and being no better than his doppelganger.
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>>82704 >Doppelganger Who's Trinity's doppelganger? >With how many ports, remakes, and remasters are botched, it's a wonder how these companies expect to continue sailing along with nostalgia bucks. I get it, but I don't really think Xenoblade X DE applies to that. The game was sent out to die on the Wii U, a console where the userbase was comprised of the type of Nintendo nerd that would get shoved in lockers and are only ever interested in Mario. They could have just did a port and called it a day, but they went out of their way to fix pretty much every problem of the original release (The problems that wouldn't fundamentally break the game by fixing them, that is) and improving textures even though the Switch is the most minuscule of console generation leaps ever imagined, all the while somehow being so good at compression that the enhanced port somehow takes up less storage than the original did. Sure, it's still censored, and completely redoing all the localisation for a game of this scale is frankly unfeasible, so we're still left with cringey shit like "Skell Fanfics", but I can still be happy that they at least found a middle ground and made the censored outfits not look terrible like they did in the original NA Wii U version, and honestly given how strict my countries government has been with fictional content lately, it's honestly a surprise that they even let the game be released here at all with how in the first hour you can make the party member who is explicitly stated to be only 13 and "she's just a kid" over and over run around in just her underwear. Best copium we have is that maybe they'll throw us a bone and have some outfit DLC, and hiding in there somewhere is Lin's JP Wii U outfits. Still don't know if they reverted the censorship on the single accessory item that was censored for all characters, though.
>>82736 Would love to know who his doppelganger is as well. If youre talking about shysho, thats very disappointing
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>>82695 >I am holding out the vain hope that we'll get fats of the Ching Chong Xeno Cunny The magic of there being so many easily-reachable fat artists on the internet nowadays is that you can purchase fat art of any character you want. >>82695 >>82704 The bar for me was literally 'return the breast slider'. That was all they had to do. The functionality was even still in the western release of the original, just dummied out. They did not clear said bar.
>>82736 >>82845 >Who's Trinity's doppelganger Jay Kuma. >I don't really think Xenoblade X DE applies to that Sticking to a lesser version with lesser content is in my book and especially so if they pulled the same shit they did with Idol Emblem and gave the Japs the censored western version. Now that I think about it, can it even be called the "definitive edition", now? >a console where the userbase was comprised of the type of Nintendo nerd that would get shoved in lockers That's the PS2. >are only ever interested in Mario Nah, it's anything that comes out of Nintendo (Labo audience), and the poor saps who bought in early without realizing the name threw off the Wii's massive audience of people who never really bothered with games. >improving textures even though the Switch is the most minuscule of console generation leaps ever imagined Better graphics are worthless to me and honestly become a thorn in the side of gaming with how companies are trying to use that as a reason they're pushing for higher priced games. >so good at compression that the enhanced port somehow takes up less storage than the original did Now that's actual witchcraft. >completely redoing all the localisation for a game of this scale is frankly unfeasible, so we're still left with cringey shit like "Skell Fanfics" Pic related, I totally forgot about Treehouses real taint; I was thinking about saying fuck it and buying it on sale or something if the SEA version is just as fucked but you scared me straight, Anon. >honestly given how strict my countries government has been with fictional content lately What cuntry? >Best copium Fucking with the Switch so you can put everything back in along with an unlocalized script. >>82859 >The magic of there being so many easily-reachable fat artists on the internet nowadays is that you can purchase fat art of any character you want Unless it's loli, at which point you only have a handful without knowing Japanese. >>82859 It's insane how cursed the Xeno series truly is.
>>82891 Sure, but if you know loli artists then you can get them to draw most lolis without a problem, right? And I listed some of those earlier.
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>>82859 First time ever posting here but good thing you posted otokonoroman’s stuff because I’ve been waiting on commission update from them since August and I’m not sure when they will be back but it’s a sequence with Midori and F!Kana from FE Fates with Midori getting bigger than Kana bc I have a slight bias towards her since she needs/deserves more fat art
>>82949 Probably anyone who would draw a "problematic" characters like Uraraka or Miku or Asuka possibly would draw a loli
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>>82953 >with Midori getting bigger than Kana bc I have a slight bias towards her since she needs/deserves more fat art Based and I agree
>>82957 Those were actually commissioned by me! the first one by plump pine was my first fat Midori comm actually but I gotta get back in the groove of commissioning fat Midori stuff soon bc I have a ton of ideas for her, mainly as follow ups for previous commissioned art as fat art for her is just extremely rare in general. I could definitely share some of the art I commissioned for her later today since a lot of it never was uploaded.
Curious to see what are y’all’s preferred age ranges when it comes to loli. How fat would you make said loli
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>>82962 Oh? I had a feeling! And go for it! I would love to see more art you have commissioned since you have such nice taste like Midori here! And I hope you are able to have more commissions soon.
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>>82949 >I listed some of those earlier I'd rather blow a stack on an artist who'd put out a great pic that I know I'll look at more than once than spreading it out among mediocre and below artists for a pic I'll only ever look at once. >>82982 My mind doesn't really care about age. How they act and what they do and look like are the things that can steal my interest. That all being said, I'd say 6 or optimal doting and around 14 for doing shit with.
>>82891 Dude, jaykuma has been gone for years what the actual fuck are you on about
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>>82995 >what the actual fuck are you on about Obviously the past, which can be seen by me using "was" and "by that point".
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>>82988 Well good to hear Midori has some fans here, she’s literally my favorite from FE Fates! Here’s some more that I’ve commissioned, which I’ll share more later today when I get come back home again Probably when I get back to commissions, I’m either gonna commission llolskk more parts in the Midori sequence I got, specifically between parts 1 and 2 so I have fat Midori in sizes in between those or fat Midori x F!Kana yuri art from them bc I’ve been thinking of getting more of them together <3 whichever you guys prefer I do bc I’m a bit undecided myself
>>82999 Mmhm! I absolutely love Midori very much! And oh wow! I’ve never seen these before. Thank you greatly for sharing them! Both sound absolutely amazing in their own right! Hmm… I think I’ll go for the Midori x F!Kana art so we can also just see F!Kana get some love as well. <3
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>>83008 that’s amazing meeting another Midori fan like you! we really gotta chat on another place besides here bc I can talk about my love for Midori like all day. ya might know my Twitter account seeing as ya reposted the art by Kerrochubs and Plump-Pine! and no problem!! here’s some more Midori’s for ya! will 100% send more next time bc the site was giving me issues with uploading which speaking of will def go with the Midori x F!Kana commission idea!! I’ll ask the artist now since I have a bit of spending money. I just know both will be fat, Midori being fatter than Kana of course, just gotta think of a cute yuri scenario for the two <3
>>83021 Well I just followed you on my Twitter account so I’ll talk with ya over there! And yeah! It is really nice to talk about and meet with another Midori fan! Oooh, Even more wonderful Midori’s to love and appreciate! Thank you!! And oooh!~ I cant wait for that then!
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>You know about Onirsm but not much beyond it exists small specific things >Years later stumble into a thread with webms being posted about it >TFW you find out it's the loli to shooters that Hat was to platformers and Nobeta was to soulsshit Damn that French bastard, I wanted to build my money up a little more. New question: What kind of game genre do you most want someone to pop out a loli game for?
this probably isn't the place to ask but there's nowhere else: is there ANYWHERE to find loli models for SFM, Blender, MMD, etc.? to try and plump up? tried forever to find a Cream one but that turned disastrous
>>83105 Anon's gonna have to figure out how to rip them out of the games, at this rate but you seem like you'd be too put off by having to readjust everything, to go that route.
>>83108 goddamn that's a great edit
>>83105 Your going to find it particularly difficult to "plump up" models if you struggle to find or rip free models online. For a character like cream, it should be extremely simple to recreate the head with a few simple shapes and slap that ontop of a hand-sculpted or modelled body.
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>>82982 >>82993 Yeah, the number in itself doesn't do much for me either, it's more of a body type thing. I'd say 10-14 is ideal? Also barely mobile. >>83091 Loli immersive sim. >>83099 >>83102 I think she has a lot proportionately compared to other Monogatari characters (even the legal ones), but I won't lie and say I wouldn't like more.
>>83136 Same 10-14 is the perfect range could even push for 8 or 9
>>83102 >>83136 Exquisite.
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>>83111 I like how it flows together with the unedited pic and makes it look like the big sister who's always stealing little sisters food, really cares for her and does the best she knows to help her recover. The thing is, she only knows to eat more, so she fills her little sisters tummy up and keeps going until she feels like she'd be full before patting the little ones stone hard sphere of a gut, before leaving until it's time for her next meal. By the time the week's over and the little sister is recovered, she's easily 3Xs her original size and now stuck with a stomach capacity and appetite on her big sisters level but stuck without the hellish metabolism. >>83136 >I think she has a lot proportionately compared to other Monogatari characters (even the legal ones), but I won't lie and say I wouldn't like more I always wanted good pics of Karen but that never happened beyond maybe one pic, before she grew beyond loli but like with Karin from Bleach, even that wasn't enough to tip artists into doing something for her.
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anyone got more fat pan?
Does anyone have Higurashi or Umineko
>>82982 I'd probably want to start as early as possible to make sure they end up immobile before they get out of middle-school
>>82982 I'd start at around 6-8 and have them barely mobile. The thought of some massive thighs at around that size has me diamonds.
>>83246 You have a point
>>83226 Has Maria ever been drawn fat? Is the cause of all our current suffering the fact that nobody has? >>83159 Yeah there's only like three Karens unfortunately.
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anybody got an archive of pkmshn?

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