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MoonOatmeal Lost Art Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 23:25:46 Id:98e0e4 No. 34779
An artist that went by "MoonOatmeal" deactivated. Post their art. (Also warning for Scat and Brap content)
they used to have a post talking about this thread and deactivated for a little bit. if you search up “iiikodo” nothing pops up about this thread. she either searched herself up or someone told her about this thread privately. it’s a common pattern with the accounts too, so it’s obvious enough that it’s her, just doesn’t want the old identity to be known.
Oh I see. Yeah that somewhat adds up something just feels off, they're art just feels slightly different maybe it's just me
>>67810 Just to clarify: I didn't say anything, the image I posted I found on a google search and the account was already deactivated by that point so it's all the same (I know how these artist types get sometimes so I always keep my mouth shut) anyways if you have any artwork from that account saved it'd be much appreciated if you posted it on catbox or something (or just here)
>>67909 also: deviantart stores images in their database for up to 30 days after account deletion, that's why I said it was all the same since I found the account AFTER it got deleted
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I honestly cant tell if this is them or not anymore. Usernames keep changing so much.
yeah novacartridge is them
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>>68164 yeah no dude at this point just make a separate thread for iiikodo stuff like i said before. also, as a fart fella, these aren't even bbw, they just have fat asses
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you said sumn?
>>68222 genuinely do not understand the point of this they are very clearly the same person
>>68272 The point? we'll it's very easy to explain you see, we need to make more redundant threads that die 2 posts in to fill up the catalog!
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Since when moono deactivate her acc? /Genq
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like last year i think if you’re specifically talking about moonoatmeal, but they just make more and more new accounts. anyways, latest post
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>>69537 >>69153 Who are these two? Cute Characters.
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susie and lammh
>>69539 susie and lammy
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Just gonna post this here, don't mind me
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>>66813 >>71516 Holy heck, IBS Bottom Heavy Sadako's so hot...
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To the anons posting these from Twitter so we don't have to go there, thank you. I hate that hellhole site and want to stay as far away from it as possible.
>>72067 How to spot a liberal in 1 easy step
>>72068 What does being a liberal have to do with not wanting to waste time on braindead bird app? I just don't wanna risk wasting time and see the content without risk of doomscrolling or seeing shit I don't care for.
>>72068 >How to spot a liberal in 1 easy step Burgers don't know what a liberal is.
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>>72108 Amazing ENA. Beautiful.
>>72108 God ENA is so fucking hot bro
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>>73115 >Had many accounts before. >Leaving again. I honestly can't tell if that's them or not considering how similar they talk, their reasoning, and them "both" leaving multiple times and using alts.
>>73115 Its the internet, people will keep making mistakeks like this until the end of time, why bother being bothered by something like this.
