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MoonOatmeal Lost Art Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 23:25:46 Id:98e0e4 No. 34779
An artist that went by "MoonOatmeal" deactivated. Post their art. (Also warning for Scat and Brap content)
>>59595 I would do anything for that to happen.
Soggysomnia's (aka Moonoatmeal) account just got deleted from twitter
Not anymore btw are they actually moon orare you just guessing I haven't seen any proof proving otherwise.
>>61986 Sorry, I just so happened that when I checked her account a couple of days ago (soggysomnia) it read "this account doesn't exist no more"
Moonoatmeal lives in a loop when it comes to social media, they make an account, post nsfw, and then dip by either deactivation or getting banned by twitter. They have so many obsessive haters. They dox and scare her off social media which is so unnecessary and toxic. Hypocrisy at its finest
>>62968 Oh yeah, it's SO hypocritical for people to treat a person who's a piece of shit like a piece of a shit. Do I need to remind you that she is an actual fucking pedo who tired to rape and sexually assault someone irl? And she's never taken accountability for her actions or apologised, her only response has been to make constant burner accounts and aliases in a pathethic attempt to get back to what she was doing before as if nothing happened. If you somehow think that she actually deserves a single shred of sympathy, you're insane. Go fuck yourself anon.
I think she did apologize actually, not defending her or anything, just hold her accountable and leave after all she was 16 (17 now) doxing her isn't gonna help anybody there's a 99% lives with her parents/guardians. y'all gotta let it go it's been a over a year
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>>63778 Great finds!
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Their new account is https://x.com/iiikodo
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>>64159 I swore MO said she hated sky
>>64325 i believe it was Skyblue
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we are losing the plot a little bit... we should at least confirm people are who we think they are before just posting their stuff on specific threads. are we sure that this person is Moonoatmeal? they look like someone else
To anon 63093 I'm not defending them, I don't think it's ok to make nsfw of minor characters and other stuff they do, but I'm saying their haters are just as bad as they are. And your shitty use of very serious accusations like grape and others doxxing them is messed up. Especially to do to a minor. No I'm not gonna f myself, they should stop being chronically online and learn to ignore accounts they hate. Because doxxing and accusing moon of stuff like this without proof is not ok or justifiable in any way. Even if moon is a weirdo who needs to stop making porn as a minor, treating the situation like this wont do anything except make you look just as bad as them. Hope this helps, go outside.
this thread is doing more harm than good I think. it's only purpose currently is to drag people through the mud
>>64671 Jesus christ you're delusional. The idea of proof in this instance is irrelevant, sexual assault victims rarely have 'proof' other than their own words as oftentimes you can't prove what happened in a closed space between two people getting touchy freely. The simplicity of the fact is that if she had done nothing wrong and had nothing to be accountable for then she wouldn't have acted the way she did. She literally took the scorched earth approach and deleted her account as soon as the accusations broke, and she now operates exclusively off burner accounts deliberately to try and obsuficate her identity. Are youfucking retarded enough to think that someone doing this in response to those kind of allegations is somehow innocent and has nothing to hide? For that to be true it would mean that she's cowing to some kid younger than her who's making up bullshit without even attempting to defend herself, a kid who has no sway or clout in any meaningful way mind you. Never mind the fact she tried to fucking apologise for what she did in a desperate attempt to put out the flames. And gtfo out of here with the "she's a minor" bullshit. Yes, legally she is a minor. But she's also 16 and most people generally acknowledge that you posses a degree of emotional and mental maturity at that age close to that of an adult. I.e. she would've known what she was doing was wrong, emphatically so. So that's not an excuse. If you're seriously going to take the "but she's just a kid" angle for someone who's probably going to be in either full-time work or college within a year, you're insane. It's really not about ignoring someone you hate, most people are fully capable of that. I don't even proactively 'hate' her, I literally haven't engaged with this thread for almost an entire month. You're the one who dredged this up after all this time. This is literally only about the fact that you're trying to encourage forgive and forget virtues for someone's who's a fucking PEDO, whilst trying to say that she's somehow not accountable for her actions because of her age when she absolutely is. I don't agree with any of that and I'm letting you know, nothing more nothing less. Now actually shut the fuck up.
Can you retards stop being autistic and bringing out the pitchforks when someone could possibly maybe be moon nobody gives a shit and it's fucking annoying every time someone gets scared off and we lose out on their banger art, who cares if it is moon she draws good shit and if you can't separate art from artist that's on you
How is someone so retarded that they type a whole essay of bullshit that makes them look even more stupid than before
Can y'all stop fighting???? nobody knows the whereabouts of moonoatmeal and a certain few are getting desperate and pointing fingers (I mean just look at the recent posters) she did bad stuff and now she's missing. end of story, you guys aren't detectives you're just desperate for unneeded salvation by dragging unwanted participants by their collar because you guys think you know best you guys can't confirm those people were moon other than they where new artists and their art has like a 1% similarity to moon's. please stop, this thread should be inactive until further notice because there is nothing. left. to. give. just be thankful for the artists we do got, and like some of the other anons said, even if it is moon who gives a shit
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This thread is retarded.
they disabled their iiikodo acc lol
you guys are taking the piss out of it now, id deactivate too if my main appeal was the fact that ppl think I'm a bad person
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>>65924 Is this new art?? Where did u got it from
@iiikodo on twt
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at this point just make an iiikodo thread and let this one die
>>66281 Where's the logic in that? they're the same person, just use this one.
>>66282 this thread is dedicated to archiving moonoatmeal LOST art. the new ones can easily be found on their twitter
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there’s already her other accs art posted so no point, anyways
frisk is a child...
>>66375 Welcome to alt
if you take a little look around yeah. there's a lot of that in /alt/ I don't know what you want us to say lol
>>66375 Have you just now realized that there's Frisk porn.
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