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Redraw/Remake Thread Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 17:39:13 Id:82d1cb No. 45730
post pictures you'd like to see drawn in another artist's style, drawfriends welcome
(4.23 MB 6122x5641 Yuna ref.jpg)
>>56914 >>61333 Glorious work dude! Could you try to edit the girl in the manga references into this Rias drawing by Miramiraclerun?
>>62652 My guy wants to "fix" someone else's OC because he can't fap to it in good conscious lmao
Hey would anyone be willing to remake this Ahsoka panty fart inflation by DaFuze pic please? It’s a neat little sequence
>>64963 this isn't the thread for that
>>64964 then which one is it, if you're so smart?
>>64977 This thread is for artists to draw pictures again and them their own spin like these 2 posts >>56339 >>61884 the thread you're looking for (editing) is >>51392
>>64978 aight thanks
Can I have a remake of the first photo with Leonie replaced with Komi also Tadano appears to see if Marianne wants to be friends with Komi in which she says yes to her.
>>60839 Nicely done.
>>63844 Nice art I was hoping too see your art again but can't due to mental issues I wish you best of luck on recovering.
I guess a redraw of this pic but like while keeping the overall shape and size?
A redraw of this please Would especially be nice if someone were to make Robin a bit on the chubby side, please...
Can somebody this pic of bridge bunnies from Episode 49 of Gundam SEED made by Yasmotryanime, please?
(301.59 KB 664x810 nami&robin.jpg)
>>66603 yo what's the deal with robot001 and those big ass sandwiches? its some kind of american joke or something?
>>66642 Nicely done and welcome back.
(1.39 MB 3000x3750 V.png)
(8.03 MB 4000x4800 Komi X.png)
>>66642 Nice and are you going to make another Marianne remake soon.
>>63496 Please?
>>46233 This is nice and an excellent start for your art.
Anyone willing to redraw one of Robot001's things?
can someone redo this gali picture a friend did
I think we have no one doing remakes I asked the person who did most of the requests and said " I highly doubt it yo. ” I believe.
>>67904 So it finally happened I guess my other Marianne remakes will go in vain. Sorry but had too.
>>68013 Don't forget this thread!
Anyone wanna remake this?
(846.89 KB 2276x1612 Marianethefinal.jpg)
>>56109 first thing first Done,yo! now before this threat gets blocked into oblivion i have somethings to say 1. FUCK YOU >>68013 HOPE YOU DIE SOON 2. never expected that my artstyle manage to level up guess all that free drawing for almost a year did paid up 3.it was a nice journey ngl see you in space cowboy
>>68676 Thank you so much these remakes of Marianne have a good run. >>68013 Cut it out already lady.
>>68682 Just to follow I saved the art just in case this thread comes to an end like with the other nine.
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>>62898 Bump
>>68696 hey before this threat ends gotta ask are you the same guy that always request marianne remakes? like full curiosity i mean i been doing this remakes for almost a year and you know i kinda start to like you in a friend way
>>68821 Yes I am.
>>68838 I just want to see her with different characters from other franchises to replace Hilda, Leonie and Lysithea with some I chose.
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Been trying to make this girl black and sweatier lately, but cant figure out the face features exactly
>>60860 Really now.
>>68676 Your art is fantastic with this thread soon reaching to oblivion that’s if a second one gets made either the limit or it can’t keep up your art is great. Hilda won’t learn her lesson I guess.
>>65152 >>62478 >>61682 Bringing these three to a different place.
>>72200 This isn't the thread for that. You're that same guy who's been begging across multiple threads for this picture aren't you?
>>72200 Wrong place this thread is to remake for example >>66603 is >>66642.
then what thread is it then?
Can somebody remake my Uzumaki comic in Junji Ito style, please? The synopsis of this comic is: Kirie Goshima and Kyoko Sekino fight each other using their hair. They kick each other's chests and hips and their breasts and butts grow. Kirie and Kyoko look and their own breasts and butts and then they look and each others' breasts and butts. My name is Miramar2024. The pics are censored for big butt and big breasts.
(133.25 KB 683x860 D5pFiwyX4AAtyll.png)
Anyone care to remake this?
>>47820 I think they belong together.
>>75136 It should have been that plus I made the concept work once.
>>75788 Wrong place.
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I would like to see these 2 redrawn for two reasons A: fat Adeleine B: King Dedede looks like FIRE (you can redraw one or the other i dont mind)
If anyone is still around. Would love to see this drawing get remade.
>>76829 is that sb99's oc
>>76830 According to the description that accompanied this drawing, it is.
>>72217 Remaking something terrible and then turning it something excellent. There are some examples here.
If anybody could redraw this robot001 piece? It's Dorothy Wayneright being sat on by this random OC
