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Redraw/Remake Thread Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 17:39:13 Id:82d1cb No. 45730
post pictures you'd like to see drawn in another artist's style, drawfriends welcome
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>>57269 Done. (man oh man i can't believe i spend 4 hours doing this anyway hope you like it and sorry if it looks weird AF i'm trying to experiment wiht my artstyle and stuff)
>>61333 Thanks this is perfect. I also like the frame as well looks amazing in which fits the art very well.
Can I have a remake on this art also the candles are removed and Marianne is proud of how many remakes she got so far.
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>>56339 Done. (quick question if i wanted to make a social media account which one should i choose? asking for a friend)
>>61884 Nicely done. It really doesn't matter which social media you choose but rather it's up to you to decide that.
>>61884 Nicely done. To answer your question it’s up to you too decide where you want to go for social media.
Can I have a remake of this Marianne art but it’s Yunaka cooking for her Marianne says she wants sweet bun trio, peach sorbet, Garreg Mach Meat pie and candied fruit which was in the first remake also she is happy and enjoying Yunaka’s cooking.
>>62478 Yunaka photo is found here >>45753.
>>62478 Instead of the meat pie let’s go for Saghert and Cream as the replacement.
>>61884 Omg thank you so much
Would love to see someone redraw this, but they're even bigger and blobbier sumos
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Name: Pooh-chan Age: 8 Gender: Female Species: Human Character Description: A kind girl whose short stature belies a heart of gold and a tummy of honey. Pooh-Chan is part of a group living in the 100-Acre Wood, often she is the bright and bubbly centre of the gang, her optimism and wonderment giving her a reputation for positivity and an adventurous spirit that usually leads the residents of the Wood on shenanigans and expeditions. Personality: Sweet and kind, always wanting to help her friends even when it's not clear how. Prone to sad or anxious tendencies when her plans to help friends goes wrong. Gluttonous and can come across as greedy, especially when it comes to honey. Likes/Dislikes: Pooh-Chan likes spending time with her friends, especially Christopher Robin and Piglet-Kun, and tries her best to make them happy. The only thing she likes as much as her friends, or perhaps more, is the sweet sticky taste of honey. She dislikes feeling hungry or left out, and hates causing her friends unhappiness, particularly if it came from an attempt to brighten their day gone wrong. Background/History: Pooh-Chan and Christopher Robin came to the forest many years ago. Pooh-Chan does not remember much from before, but she remembers they always lived in the house under the name 'Sanders'. At first, it seemed like only they live in the woods, but over time more escapees of reality have moved into the surrounding area, each living within their own space, normally in homes carves into petrified trees or treehouses. Pooh-Chan remembers that Rabbit-San was the first to move in. Relatives/Family: Pooh-Chan has no blood relatives that she knows of, but her friends are family to her. Pooh-Chan lives in the same house as Christopher Robin, who is like a brother to her, acting as her moral compass, teacher and best friend. World/Setting: The expanse of the 100-Acre Wood is in an unknown corner of the world, most people do not know it despite being close to it. For outcasts, the Wood acts as a place to gather and become part of a simpler time with a number of friendly faces. Though it is not obvious where the place is, it is known that at least 8 people live within its boundary, and a small town resides not far from its exterior. Body: Short and chubby, Pooh-Chan can be easily recognized by her golden blonde hair which she normally has up in a pair of fluffy pigtails. Her eyes are a bright blue and seem to sparkle with curiosity. Pooh-Chan's figure is more bottom-heavy, giving her somewhat wide hips for her height while her gluttony leaves a thick padding to her thighs, butt and especially her tummy. Clothing: Pooh-Chan's traditional outfit is a pair of sunny yellow shorts that fit her hips snugly with a bright red t-shirt that does not cover her middle properly. Her ensemble is usually paired with a pair of long yellow socks and some sturdy brown shoes. Her clothes tend to be a little worn, ill-fitting in places and with some heavy re-stitching and some patching. Accessories: The only real accessory Pooh-Chan has is her red headbands used to tie her hair into pigtails.
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Would love to see someone redraw this, but she's even bigger and triple her age. Wanna know how old said subject is? Well, here ya go. >>62650 This subject is 8, something that goes against online guidelines concerning the depiction of minors in fetish situations, and I was wondering if someone can fix that by aging her up to 24 years of age.
Would like to see you redraw this art
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I would like of the first pic, but with this two characters replacing them. Mattie at the front, Oriette at the back
>>62999 Well, I will spread the word.
>>63007 No offense but this looks like a downgrade.
>>61333 I went ahead saved this and the other Marianne remakes you made if that fine with you.
I would like these two redone in your style, please.
I would also like to see this redone in your style, please.
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Could someone redraw this but with the more correct designs from Marvel Rising
>>51673 Nicely done. You going to return here soon.
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>>52480 Done,yo! (and i think this would be my final redraw for now at least mostly because mental issues and shit)
>>63844 Thanks man this is perfect and get well soon.
>>45730 Would it possible to redraw her head into an accurate triple chin blob?
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>>56914 >>61333 Glorious work dude! Could you try to edit the girl in the manga references into this Rias drawing by Miramiraclerun?
>>62652 My guy wants to "fix" someone else's OC because he can't fap to it in good conscious lmao
Hey would anyone be willing to remake this Ahsoka panty fart inflation by DaFuze pic please? It’s a neat little sequence
>>64963 this isn't the thread for that
>>64964 then which one is it, if you're so smart?
>>64977 This thread is for artists to draw pictures again and them their own spin like these 2 posts >>56339 >>61884 the thread you're looking for (editing) is >>51392
>>64978 aight thanks
Can I have a remake of the first photo with Leonie replaced with Komi also Tadano appears to see if Marianne wants to be friends with Komi in which she says yes to her.
>>60839 Nicely done.
>>63844 Nice art I was hoping too see your art again but can't due to mental issues I wish you best of luck on recovering.
I guess a redraw of this pic but like while keeping the overall shape and size?
A redraw of this please Would especially be nice if someone were to make Robin a bit on the chubby side, please...
Can somebody this pic of bridge bunnies from Episode 49 of Gundam SEED made by Yasmotryanime, please?
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>>66603 yo what's the deal with robot001 and those big ass sandwiches? its some kind of american joke or something?
Can someone redraw this Fat Minh (King of the Hill) from Robot001?
>>66642 Nicely done and welcome back.
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>>66642 Nice and are you going to make another Marianne remake soon.
>>63496 Please?
>>46233 This is nice and an excellent start for your art.
Anyone willing to redraw one of Robot001's things?
can someone redo this gali picture a friend did
I think we have no one doing remakes I asked the person who did most of the requests and said " I highly doubt it yo. ” I believe.
>>67904 So it finally happened I guess my other Marianne remakes will go in vain. Sorry but had too.
>>67972 Ha. Cry all want because that artist isn't coming back for you and anyone else he made art for.
