/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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Fat homestuck, duh Chubstuck Three: The Return 07/13/2024 (Sat) 16:22:38 Id:0c88bf No. 63445 [Reply] [Last]
So the last thread's about to get bump locked after four or so years, which is sad, but we must persist, we are probably some of the only people who keep this subkink in this niche fandom alive, so all we can do is make another thread, it's like journey says, the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
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>>79295 I remembered Hussie joking a lot about Vriska being obese in some q&a sections bc someone asked if Feferi was canonically chubby so there's that.
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(Slob) Canon accurate vriska
>>79580 i hate it but thank you for spoilering.
>>79647 also jane is def up there for fat, terezi too she can easily be a glutton i think

Owl House Thread 2 Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 15:15:06 Id:92deb7 No. 60650 [Reply] [Last]
Last One got filled up, so here's a brand new one. Have at it ^^
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>>78549 Why does the redesigns people give these characters, always look more and more horrid with every iteration?
Recent Pic Featuring Odalia by Grimphantom
Nude Alt (Alongside Hair Bun versions)
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Azumanga Daioh thread 02/02/2023 (Thu) 21:07:07 Id:80a056 No. 31617 [Reply] [Last]
Well, you get the picture.
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For those who are interested!!! I have created this Discord group for people with the same tastes who can meet and share what they like with others, a place for fat lolis or cartoon girls. everyone is welcome.
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I would love to join Anon but the discord link has expired!
may we have another link?

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Equestria Girls Thread Equestria Girls Thread 02/22/2023 (Wed) 00:08:13 Id:531555 No. 32419 [Reply] [Last]
the's a lot of tyhem
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Apparently, there's a new Piece by Codykins123/CK-Draws-Stuff on their Patreon featuring Sunset Shimmer..... Shame their Kemono.su page hasn't updated yet..
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Here is Preview of said pic by Codykins123/CK-Draws-Stuff
>>78615 And a better one since the original sucks.
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Ck-Draws-Stuff just dropped their Sunset Shimmer piece on Twitter! (One with Pants and Full Nude Alt!)

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Minecraft thread Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 22:14:46 Id:c73676 No. 31107 [Reply] [Last]
idk what happened to the old thread
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Dudes. We got another one on bluesky!https://bsky.app/profile/rujissecretaccount.bsky.social/post/3lfcwmw7qgs27
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The world needs more Jenny mod fats
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>>78953 Mojang can never kill off Jenny mod

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Fatties, Fucking Fatties, Fucking 06/07/2021 (Mon) 01:10:11 Id:be62ca No. 10710 [Reply] [Last]
The "Mutual Fatties Fucking" thread is gone, and there really isn't any other threads dedicated to straight-up sex. Hopefully with a broader subject it will last longer.
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>>72777 The dude who fucked up the translation. Lol. Really needs to k*** himself. Lol. Why would u do that. Lol.
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Anyone have an Archive of ONNAZUMO’s art, they locked their twitter account after a recent hack so if anyone has any of their art (pic provided are examples) please drop a link or provide their art on here for preservation sake.

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BBW Burping/belching Thread Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 03:02:26 Id:0edda4 No. 70630 [Reply]
Post burping videos. Here's a few compilations to kickstart this thread. https://gofile.io/d/vRrtlr Contains cakedupkayyla, Tiana, and Muffint0pbelly
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>>79224 Having trouble opening up some of the comps, just takes me to a white page.
>>79224 The audios are muted for most of the links is there a way you can fix that please ?
https://gofile.io/d/PoIxkt put all comps in one folder with new ones and revisions. i would love to see a ultimate edenn comp or curvybaby
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Here's a few comps I made of random stuffers a while back. IDK who the third girl is but the first two are Asianbellygirl and Cherry Greenlaw. Not much but hope you enjoy https://gofile.io/d/RyklnD I'm also looking for this one burping vid of a chubby brown-skinned girl if anyone has it
>>79532 Is there a way you could repload with the audio?

Type Moon alt thread Anonymous 05/26/2022 (Thu) 23:05:25 Id:56092f No. 20544 [Reply] [Last]
There are a lot of girls from fate, tsukihime, canan, etc.
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>>79825 Source?

Konosuba thread Anonymous 01/30/2020 (Thu) 05:23:58 Id:b3a239 No. 351 [Reply] [Last]
The old one was gone but this new one is here
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Tifa lockhart thread Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 22:26:46 Id:cc0ab2 No. 222 [Reply] [Last]
Since the thread keepa being deleted It might as well be placed here
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>>72782 Fuck off back to your own board, furry.
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When They Fat Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 20:32:23 Id:ad4924 No. 75902 [Reply]
Post and share Higurashi/Umineko When They Cry fat art or fanfics
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>>78569 Same.
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>>79830 you have the slob art?
>>79836 *alt

Alabama style Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 00:20:01 Id:e4f8b6 No. 79424 [Reply]
Incest, extra large edition
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JuacoProductions thread Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 10:28:29 Id:3c093c No. 78713 [Reply]
Does anyone have any artwork and animations from Juaco?
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I want Leia (princesas do mar) get inflated like a gigantic balloon

Transformers Thread (again) Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 00:10:09 Id:578990 No. 50874 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure if the old one disappeared or if I can’t find it
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>>78432 Oh, is it really a continuation? That'd be cool if that's the case.
>>78595 Anode trying to figure out if she can cross that instead of just transforming is definitely something I'd expect from one of Roberts' characters
>>78815 To be fair, does it look like she can transform with that barrel gut she's got at the moment?
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