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Western Animated Lolis 10 Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 10:14:25 Id:0b6ccc No. 79232
Post fat lolis of western origin
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Gonna post the NEW link to the MEGA file with the Peach Creek sumo edits (and Glass of Warm Ed edits) here. https://mega.nz/folder/A1M2mRJL#pS1jr8MvgH3-jvUDtAh1Jw
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Saved these, I hope there'll be more in the future
Last night, I had a dream where Gruftine and Batoria were in a ice cream wonderland eating a lot of ice cream together. Having a lot of fun as they stuff themselves with different kind of ice cream flavors such as strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Both progressively becoming fatter as they play and eat together.
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>>80151 Can you post the rest of their work? They really don’t disappoint in the lolli department. But that’s probably why they aren’t on DA or Twitter who like to shut that shit down hard
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Happy 20 Years of Just Desserts (2/16/05). The episode that fucked-up so many of our developing autistic brains just as bad as Passion Patties and Sonic the Hedgehog.
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any more vanellope
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>>80204 Amazing
>>80151 Who made this?
>>80204 This episode ingrained itself so hard in my developing mind
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>>80316 no problem, say does anyone have the discord invite from the last thread? it's already expired
>>80300 huh didnt know he did loli, guess its on the dl
>>79263 Wish School for Vampires had more fat art. Its so rare compared to Gruftine's companion characters like Creepy Susie or Phantasma, let alone the other characters like Batoria or Nefertini.
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>>79263 Gruftine even stuffs herself regularly in the show. Not only with that ice cream scene but with vampire cereal.
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Forgot the frames she ate a lot in.
>>80300 Who’s the artist?
>>80358 Do you have a server?
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>>80351 >>80352 Don't forget she ate a lot of sweets and candy that one time. Its like she wants to go for the whole just desserts lifestyle.
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From /trash/
>>81141 Also try to find an age weight gain sequence art of Penny from Bolt on the same board Remember, it has to have age numbers on it, and is drawn in sketch
Does anyone have the discord?
if anyone wants to chat on discord or help find the server then my name is dio120
I sent you a request
>>81237 I sent you a friend request, and we talked but not if you blocked me?
Oh it says that we have to be in the same server or be friends?
And yes, we did talk before just something happened and now I can dm you?
>>81277 I'm Sam
Is your profile picture a horse? mines an axolotl
>>81281 Samuel L Jackson?
>>81283 No My username is sammyx32
>>81287 >sammyx32 Ohhhhh I sent you one lol mb
Has anyone been able to send the link to the server yet here?
Anyone got any ppg?
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source is Hooliganfreak
>>81319 source?
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>>81336 You shouldn't have posted the private pic now they know
>>81336 fuck you
>>81363 fr im not in the discord but isnt that the whole point of being on a discord server
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>>81336 You dense motherfucker, do you realuze THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVATE??
this is a pirating site, fucktard
This is shit
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Hey guys beet j stag here
blueberry alt :)
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hooliganfreak's loli oc :))
i am enjoying the discord (you banned the wrong guy ;) )
Bro..., We were having such a good time on the server, why are you doing this?
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>>81374 Kill yourself retard
>>81374 Definitely didn't. If you want i can make the ban stick this time
well, the new server is good
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you people have less developed brains than the 6 year olds you get off to. post cunny or rope immediately
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Let’s get back on topic.
>>81380 Did they nuke the previous one?
>>81389 Yeah, they sperged out over nothing and deleted it
invite to the discord server?
>>79232 Hey anybody apart of tiny fatties discord server? Logged into discord and i dont seem to be apart of it/ not a showing up?
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>>81386 Its always a pleasure to see Lucy Loud fat.
>>81415 Same for Andrea
I think I have an idea.... what if a girl's huge gut is being lifted/supported/felt from the bottom by a huge cock (maybe from a huge dicked boy)? Just throwing that out there
>>81363 >>81365 >>81368 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>81442 based
>>81442 Cringe
>>81442 bange
Well uuuuh Discord server here discord server there Someone pls add me so i can be on this thing too my discord is: noir0903
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Anyone got more Mandy?
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Anything of Dee Dee from Dexter’s Lab?
Has anyone saved woahdangman/joeclosemoe's DA stash?
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>>81681 >>81683 Spy x Family and Pokemon are Japanese anime, not Western animation
>>81681 >>81683 >Posting Mistystuffer unironically Kill youself.
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So does anyone have Mintrimo's pic of Ollie? I swear they drew her, back in the day.
