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(3.44 MB 4550x3516 Patreon post image-9.png)
NecroFeline Thread Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 05:13:54 Id:44c83f No. 18588
I found the old pics, after shutting down on Patreon https://www.dropbox.com/sh/34v6zq3w39frkb2/AACD6jcOVb2tqAzZs9FEDe2va?dl=0
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People actually paid for this circle tool shit? Good lord, standards are at an all time low here on /alt.
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Does anyone have new pics on Patreon?
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>>18588 Do you have a download option other than dropbox?
Guys, i have a bad news The FurAffinity account has been deactivated or deleted i think
Does anyone have NecroFeline's arts on FurAffinity?
>>21941 Because she deactivated or deleted her account
>>21941 You could probably find some of their stuff from Furarchiver. Don't know how much of it will be there though.
Necrofeline started a gofundme and she needs help. Here is the link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mentallywounded-artist-making-things-right?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer
>>23068 >>21943 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/497981 >>19936 https://furarchiver.net/zip/96a5df0da4daf9d4027f/necrofeline.zip
Good news everyone! NecroFeline's FA is back!
(2.22 MB 2016x1600 isaberry_drive_pt04.png)
Anyone know why furarchiver hasn't been working for awhile?
>>24330 She's gonna be naked soon~
>>24130 Yay! I'm so glad to see the return!
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That's everything from the Berried Up pack.
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>one of the few artists to draw MLP >one of the fewest artists to draw both FiM and EqG Losing her is too much. Pic unrelated but what I'd love to see with an eqgirl or humanized pony.
>>24808 Wait, that's not NecroFeline's arts
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>>24821 >Pic unrelated but what I'd love to see with an eqgirl or humanized pony. If you ask me that's clear English.
>>24651 Yes~ Yes! YES!
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That's everything from the dessert girls and maid pack.
(3.69 MB 2316x1660 isaberry_drive_10.png)
>>24988 It's almost done~
Does Anyone Have The Rest Of The MLP--Tit-ular Prank?
(3.94 MB 2488x1864 isaberry_drive_11.png)
>>25171 Damn, that's hot~
We need more Equestria Girls!
>>26500 Yeah! We Need More!!!
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>>26500 Love me some human skin colors.
(297.85 KB 534x898 Feels good mare.png)
Do you think there are more MLP FiM/EqG artists like her?
Is she dead?
Can you find and post these sequences please?
>>32132 Source?
(520.73 KB 2340x1080 Image.jpg)
Can someone find and post these sequences please?
Why do all of you think this artist makes only MLP/EG art?
>>33365 >Why do all of you think this artist makes only MLP/EG art? Because it's the lowest supply.
Her patreon stuff are all gone
>>33471 Why else?
>>33471 Anybody else?
Bad News Guys… Necrofeline Left For Good… https://www.furaffinity.net/user/necrofeline
>>34939 Where is she now?
You sure? Because it said you need to log in or make an account to look at her stuff.
>>34944 I Don’t Know…
Does anyone have more NecroFeline's pics?
Don't let this thread dies.
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I found this pic on Kemono.party
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Will she be back?
Anyone able to obtain more from her patreon? I thought I remembered she had art of Toriel there.
Does anyone have the sketches and drafts of the berry pajama party comic? If so can you post them here?
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>>43044 Your wish has been granted
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>>44904 All of this was given to me as I am the original commissioner. If anyone knows of a good artist who might be open to making a sequel comic, I'd be interested to know so I can reach out and work with them commission wise
>>44907 Thanks for the commission. > If anyone knows of a good artist I know a ton but I'm not sure if the willing ones are active.
>>44911 Frankly, I'm just happy for any leads, please feel free to share. You have my gratitude
(1.38 MB 4688x10313 1552412.png)
>>44907 Ask >>>/inf/7637 I'm personally a huge fan of Worstsousaphonehorse a/k/a Besttubahorse.
>>44954 I'm over there as well, being >>>/inf/82156 , but it can't hurt to ask. Thank you for your suggestion, I may see if they're up to it when I have the financial resources
Thank you to whoever posted the sketches and drafts.
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>>44985 Gladly, happy to ensure more people are able to see the behind-the-scenes bits of the comic as it was made. Have a few of my own sketches as well
>>44991 Nice.
>>44893 >>44894 >>44895 >>44896 >>44897 >>44898 >>44901 >>44902 >>44903 >>44904 >>44907 While this was a cute and fun and who am I kidding HOT sequence... I felt uneasy at the inclusion of Twilight's mother. Maybe I'm just dumb.
>>45137 I know it's not to everyone's taste, so I appreciate your feedback on it. For me, it was a little of compensating for a commission I had wanted to make but wasn't able to get and a little of setting up some Beauregarde parallels. If Velvet could be removed for you, how would you continue the sequence?
>>45156 I have a completely different sequence in mind. Don't feel bad! I've gotten into a lot of things, crotchboobs included,... just not the parents. You can make Sci-Twi "inherit" this deviancy from her mother or father, with past and present sequences, young Twilight Velvet with Night Light, and Sci-Twi with eqg Comet Tail.
>>45189 I see. Thank you for your perspective, though I do agree we are going for very different end goals in terms of character building and relations. Still, I sincerely appreciate your point about inheritance and can agree that Twi picked up a good few naughty tricks from Velvet. Best of luck to you with your ship combo
>>45210 I had this idea from an old pic of pony Twi Velvet filling up and I thought: >What if she passed it on? And Twi Sparkle happened to inherit it via magic genetics. >Best of luck to you with your ship combo Th-thanks.
>>44991 have you commissioned others? >>45189 >requesting others to commission for you bold are we.
>>45474 As noted above, the Pajama Berry Comic was something I commissioned (hence all the prototype images), but I have commissioned other things from time to time (but only was able to get one complete commission from NecroFeline)
>>45476 to be honest I have been thinking about commissions. how do you do it? also, post your other comm's.
For the next part of the berry pajama comic, I was thinking rarity and fluttershy try out new pajama's rarity made and then their mother's bring the gum which they all try.
>>45481 Commissions are usually a case of knowing what you want and finding a person who's willing to fulfill it (to a point, there is need for compromise). Best thing to do is come up with an idea, loosely make a concept image or a paragraph that explains your idea. Then find someone who has comms open and DM them. >>45523 If that's what you want to explore, that sounds like a fine idea, but I will be honest and say that's not my vision for any future continuations I have planned. If given the chance, I'm going to venture deeper into seeing just how far a three-course dessert and blueberrification can go.
Thought it might have been a good idea. So what kind of ideas do you have so far for the continuation?
>>45571 To directly quote myself from a note I sent someone some time back "For a basic Synopsis: Things start where the last comic left off, focusing on Twilight and her gushing over just how much better the next course of blueberry pie is. The others watch as she slowly turns a darker blue, her skin mottling and her mind focusing more on her form becoming ripe. Sunset soon follows, relishing as the changes sweep over her and amplify her love for the experience. And Velvet holds up the rear, giggling that someone as mature as she is can still ripen. The trio end up far larger than anticipated (likely leaving Twi's room in tatters from outgrowing it) before ending off with Twilight's revelation of the third and final course incoming~ Based on the reading, it looks like I was leaning into a more transformation-esque effect of the gum on the girls, causing them to become more and more blueberry-like with each additional course. I seem to think I had brainstormed the idea that the 3rd and final course would have required Celly Wonka to have stepped in and she would try to have them juiced before the third course completed. Granted, she'd only succeed in getting Velvet down to size while Twilight and Sunset became permaberries under her care. It'd also be the time to reveal that Celly and Velvet had dated some time ago and were trying to get back together. " Granted, this particular idea is being still being slightly tweaked, so it's more a general roadmap
>>45564 how do you not reveal yourself when not paying? also where can I see you when BBWchan is kill?
>>45807 You don't, it's a trust thing. There is no way to commission someone completely privately without some reveal of your information, that's just the way things are. So please don't be a git about it If you reverse search the image, you'll know who commissioned it and where to find me.
>>45826 I'm talking about r.l. information. your d.a. is a cute. do you know nightmaredragon?
>>45842 My point still generally stands, your real identity is going to be pretty much impossible to not give some part of due to payment methods. Unless you can find someone crazed enough to accept some kind of anonymous crypto nonsense as payment. I have not met this nightmaredragon and in checking their dA page, I do not have any desire to do so either at this time.
>>45844 we have a thread on /inf/ and we discussed how one can commission without doxx. >meet I'm only asking, is all. There are few regular big pony&eqgirl commissioners out there. you. him.
>>45847 I'm over in the MLP thread over in Inf. And fair enough I suppose, but I can't say I'm aware of them outside of you bringing them into my attention
>>45826 >they exchange real names Do commission artists really...?
(2.54 MB 6600x5400 EGfun01.png)
>>47282 Yes, usually through the process of working via PayPal. I've had invoices sent with the person's real name and they've seen mine due to how PayPal is connected to my email and payment form. It's more common than you may believe
>>47327 There's no way to not get roped to this? Asking for a friend in and, more importantly, with money.
(1.48 MB 3168x1488 3037822030595235014.png)
>>47502 I'm not sure why it's like talking to a brick wall with so many people, but no, there is no out. You can try paying in something more insular, like a Steam code or something, but most artists don't accept that. They want cash, and the payment processor is going to need to know the real details of people in order to correctly and legally bill/credit the right people.
>>47506 Do you take Steam codes? Asking for a friend.
(3.01 MB 6000x4500 sonataberry2FS.png)
>>47507 No, I do not personally. I don't do commissions, so that may be a factor
>>47545 Do you take gift cards and relay commissions to artists? Asking for a friend looking for a long term business arrangement.
(3.28 MB 6000x5400 berrysunsetEGfs.png)
>>47575 No, I will not act as a liaison and I would not accept gift cards either. We both know "asking for a friend" means you're covering for yourself, it's very thinly veiled and always has been.
>>47577 You're smart. Think about it. You know artists. I don't.
>>47625 It sounds more like you're trying to use someone like a shield for what could be bad commission takes and run their reputation under the bus instead of taking it on the chin yourself. And frankly, that's kind of cowardly. Also, maybe go out there and rub some elbows like a normal person? If you want a comm, write down what you want and format it nicely as a message. Ask an artist if their comms are open and if they are, check if they'd be willing to hear you out. The worst you will ever be told is "No, I don't want to/ won't do something like that". Stop being so damn afraid of a little harmless rejection. Not everyone shares your vision, so all the better to find someone who gets it. Do the work and reap the proper reward for your efforts. AKA - Don't be a weenie and go do it yourself.
>>47667 I had hoped for another response, or a less surprising one. We're on the same page, you and I. You're smart to notice my ruse. The thing is, I work for people who wouldn't understand. The image you posted? I want more of that. Others? They couldn't imagine we exist. The worst I can come up with is NecroFeline's Octavia/Vinyl blueberry sequence EqG-ified - a comic ending in a pop. There was a very popular female author of inflation smut who deleted her entire 10+ years old DeviantArt account because her employment's HR found it. It was never about rejection and frankly I'm surprised how you pulled that out of your hat. My offer stands. You get gift codes. I get big round MLP humans.
(9.28 MB 7200x4800 patreonreq184fullsize.png)
>>47669 If you wanted something, then I suppose you should keep hoping, for I owe no loyalty to you and you owe nothing to me. It's not hard to see through something so paper-thin that the light of the matter shines through like a stained-glass window. So what if we both want what something of this nature? Do you not see the many others who have also voiced such thoughts in this board? What drives you to think I would be so foolhardy as to leap into the unknown for the sake of a few dollars tied into a closed-loop system? Do you think of me as a mere mercenary for hire, a cheap hand to commit one's work? Your stories are told time after time, the loss of much is a perpetual cycle and one we live through over and over in the nature of our world and our business. We mourn its losses, but cannot restore that which is dead and must remain buried. In the places I've been and for the people who have sobbed the same story as you, fear of exposure has been the common theme. And that exposure lies in the root of rejection, be it from those around you immediately to those more beyond your reach. We live in a world that may not understand us, but we make that choice to be removed from understanding for it is part of our safety. Letting others in has been shown too often to be a risk. So if you are truly as brave or as foolish as you think yourself to be, then you know where I walk and where to bother me. Be not surprised when you are told no over and over, for your coins mean nothing to me.
>>47673 You continue to surprise. Loyalty? Owe? Srs bsns. What I propose is as old as time itself. I'm a "mercenary" and I fail to see the problem. Finally we differ in one aspect: I'm not a fan of fruit transformations. My offer still stands. I give you my commission, you relay them, you give them money, I give you codes and a tip. Because I have lots of ideas, there'll lots for the big pony community. We both win. Pic related is you.
(1.11 MB 2048x1297 countyfairFS.png)
>>47694 My needs are fulfilled, I have no need for such deals as yours. Find another, for I have my people and my ways to contend with. There are bigger kettles of fish to fry with what I may be able to accomplish
(7.80 MB 1656x3264 BeFunky-collage.png)
SWELL: Prologue 1-6
>>48101 Speaking of which....
>>48102 What ever happened to that? It would of been neat to see Carmalita, Krystal, and Judy in her style.
(999.83 KB 2874x1386 patreonreq44.png)
>>48149 Wouldn't count on anything from it. Far as we know, everything future-wise from her is dead: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/10507392/
>>>/inf/101381 post you art here >>32419 and show us what you got.
>>48291 Seconding.
>>48287 For now, that is.
>>44954 where is this artist?
>>48291 It will be done.
(53.22 KB 768x768 FlutterPopFinal05.png)
>>49795 Aren't we feeling confident? Having followed her for a good few years, this seems pretty much deadset. >>50019 https://www.tumblr.com/worstsousaphonehorse >>50072 Please don't speak for me. I'll get to it as soon as I have some time. Don't worry too much, I'll have a fun surprise soon
>>50196 can I request more?
(2.55 MB 500x500 FlutterPopFinalTest01.gif)
>>50441 Here's a gif from a breakdown of the original flash
>>50466 I like bursts and I cannot lie.
>>50597 Nobody can deny if it's fatal or not.
>>50466 Eww, popping/bursting is gross!
(111.72 KB 500x500 Rumbleshy.gif)
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>>50727 How about rumbling berries?
(584.33 KB 500x500 ezgif-7-5a4dfab7b0.gif)
>>50750 That's better, thanks
>>50751 You're welcome.
>>50758 You read something somewhere or friend told you to work out to impress your ex. You need to be millionaire. Sorry hard truth.
>>50727 I think it's cute.
>>47673 yeah no. if he is whomst've I think he is he's from the big pony general on /trash/ and this one's feeding some real good ideas.
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>>51924 Would you care to elaborate with some examples? I'm not inclined to play nice with him
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Found these ones
>>44907 And so, the arc begins anew with a brand new artist who has proven themselves the perfect fit for such
>>52016 maybe well get lucky with them at least finishing the bootytrap series
>>52031 Not unless you're planning to comm them yourself
Can anyone remake this in NecroFeline's art style?
>>52016 And hot off the presses, here is page 2
>>52031 The man himself, FangTime here. I did the legwork just to know what the deal with that series was given its length. I found the original commissioner on dA, along with a comment or two saying he wasn't going to continue it because Necro was no longer around. Unless he were willing to divulge the exact story he had in mind, I doubt I could "continue" it in the same fashion I've been been able to continue Pajama Berry Party thanks to the original commissioner of that getting in touch. That said, I'm open to breast/ass expansion based work.
>>54286 Tell me how to pay without giving out personal information and you win a regular customer.
>>54351 Mr. Pink Reservoir Dogs mindset; I don't want to know your name. There's only 2 things you want to know in regards to PayPal.. 1. I need the e-mail you used to Sign Up and create your PayPal account in order to send Payment Requests. 2. This will show the first & last name you PROVIDED when making the account.
>>53536 Page 3 is ready with some expansive Milf action
>>18588 Can you tell us which are requests and commissions, and which are her passion projects?
>>55104 And now we reach the end of the second course. Rest assured, the third course is in the oven
>>45137 This. >>45564 >>52016 >>53536 >>55104 >>56660 >mother/daughter What a shame.
>>57646 And ultimately, I get that. It's not for everyone and that's fine. More than anything, I appreciate people like you being forth-right but also courteous about not liking stuff of this nature. It doesn't mean I'll stop commissioning it, but at least I know. If it makes you feel any better about it, the third course will add a new character for Velvet that should neutralize some of this perception for you. That, and the artist is open for comms if you want something for yourself like it
>>57646 It be " your " own family. What a shame.
>>57812 Sound like a bank teller
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>>57814 I'm going to take that as a compliment, so thank you
>>57834 Post more commissions but less mothers, please.
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>>59057 Can't promise that Chief, will continue to post my comms from FangTime as they come.
>>59129 Hey Anon, I'll be real, thanks for doing these commissions in the first place. It's a whole lot to even be on here, and it's a whole other thing to also post your coms as well and being candid about it. So, thanks anon, you're a favor to us all for continuing the sequence lol Also just as a total side note, it's hot as fuck, please keep doing this, and make them as big as they can go lol
>>59129 Can you request/commission more Shadowbolts please ?
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>>59178 Thank you in kind for your show of kindness genuine Anon, you do equal good in your show of good faith. But please, Anon was my father's name. You should probably call me Glacia, I don't think it's any secret I've been the one posting my comms from Fang here. And gladly, happy to finally have my only comm from Ms. Necro be continued. Rest assured, they'll be getting a bit bigger before this all wraps up. You may even get a choice in how things come to a close. We'll just have to see. >>59180 No promises, but I'll consider it. Shadowbolts are underappreciated. If I find any more from the ole Necrofeline Archive, I'll give them a post for you
>>59225 Good. Long over due lol dont scare me with a good time I let go easily just dont talk to anybody
>>59225 Hey an- I mean, Glacia! It really is something I would like to take pride in, at least something I can do to help make this whole system function just a bit better than before lol But yeah, honestly, Glacia, I would love nothing more to talk about where this could go! Even if it never happens, I'd just find it REALLY enjoyable lol But keep up the posting, honestly it does suck that Necro-feline just nuked their gallery, so keep up with the posting! They're all quite the sight to see~
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>>59233 And blessings back to you, Anon of Good Faith. You have a good sense with your pride, I have no doubt it will take you far. I'll play my part in this as well, so together our efforts can be strengthened. I'm game as well. We can either do so here or we can arrange a means for DMs somewhere if you want. Happy to discuss the project as it currently stands. In checking, most of her stuff is still up on FA under the Scraps section, but a full archive of her Patreon is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/34v6zq3w39frkb2/AACD6jcOVb2tqAzZs9FEDe2va?dl=0 You can also get everything from her FA using Furarchiver
>>59252 Well, Glacia, I honestly just like to have fun with this sort of thing, and it does suck that this sort of stuff doesn't get much respect, or, well, kindness thrown it's way. And I know it's a bit of an odd thing to feel that way with, but I feel like it's something that I think deserves a whole lot of care thrown it's way. Among some other personal reasons ~w~ But, Glacia, I'm honestly happy that I get to talk to you! I'm always happy to talk with people who commission work from artists, especially in a mass scale! They always seem so cool and full of ideas, and just what they do really keeps things going for everyone around! I know it may just be some wank stuff for some, even for me, but there's a lot of weight given it could be the difference between someone being able to make a living or not! Though thank you so much for posting a link to her patreon, honestly probably just need to get to saving everything she's done. She has a whole lot of sequences that are my absolue favorite... The Tismatty ones, the CMC one, Brandy, and even your own!!! But I honestly wouldn't mind just sticking around in here if that would be okay. Things have been a bit rough on my end, and just wanna take a break from running head first into it all lol But anywho, I honestly hope to see some more stuff from yourself, or whatever else in here!!!
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>>59320 Let it be said that I also greatly appreciate this opportunity to chat with you as well, as it is indeed rare to find someone of such good spirit and appreciation for the process a commission takes. While I'm not able to commission on a large scale, I am happy to help out those who I can work with and achieve some good fun for mutual benefit. A little coin can go a long way with the right people. Especially once you have a working relationship with said artists, learning the ins and outs to make more refined commissions. Happy to have provided such links. I've got most all of it backed up as well, so we have a working archive in a sense. No worries and condolences things have been rough on you. If I can lend a shoulder to help lighten the yoke a bit, I'm here for you. Things are indeed in the works, even if a little on the WIP side, so I'll post as they become ready. Still, very curious on your thoughts / ideas for the PCB? It's always useful to have extra perspectives
>>59330 Well I'll be honest Glacia, it has been a bit hard lol It's not like I'm a major person of interest within this whole entire thing, and sometimes I do honestly get a bit burnt out trying to do "the right thing". And it's not like people are easily swayed with kindness lol Ontop of that, it's not like I don't meet people who drive me up a wall with how they can be... But I guess that's just life in general! If you can't keep being yourself, then you'll just wanna die! :3 But yeah, if you would like to get into some personal DMs or something anytime here soon, I'd love to help you out if I got to know you better! And it's not like you haven't done a whole lot of good with all these coms you've gotten...Man these are just utterly divine.. I know people would call us degenerates for liking these characters in these situations, but I'll be honest, anyone who can't realize the times they've indulged in characters like this, are just as bad as the people they call out lol Though anywho, for the PCB! I'd honestly love to just see the ladies try their best to rub each other around, or just realize they've got "faulty"/"expired" gum, only to have the flavors get more and more potent. Maybe getting so massive that they're easily visable from space...Maybe gushing out from any place they could. That's all I've got so far, if you want me to break some ground, it'd take a bit! LoL Though anywho, I did have another idea, but given that it involves a whole different line of fetish, then it probably wouldn't fit at all lol Honestly, the best way I find to make things better is to mash two different fetishes together that you enjoy. But that's just me, I've been thinking about this stuff for a while lmao But anywho!!! Glacia, again, it is so very wonderful talking to yourself! Maybe here soon we should try and meet up in some DMs! If you do have any sort of ideas, then lemmie know! But just know that I am a person of a high word count when I'm a good mood, and I'm certainly having a good time with this so far ~w~ But, have a wonderful day and take care!
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>>59363 Preach it well, dear Anon of Good Faith. So much of trawling through spaces and people turns up individuals that make the earnest approach far more complicated than needed. And agreed, being true to oneself is much preferable over being a corpse in the ground, hard to have fun that way. I'd gladly be interested in getting to know you better as well. I would have to imagine our thoughts combined could yield some interesting results. Worry not about length, I'm quite used to working in high-count parameters. People may say what they like, but we should embrace what we enjoy and have good fun with it. So long as we aren't harming others, we ought to be fine with a little fantasy. To the PCB, I very much like your line of thinking so far, and bits of it should pop up in what has currently been outlined for the upcoming third course. Though a size that large would put us into the GoodNotGreat tier of scaling, something that could be interesting if explored. Color me curious what all else could come of it. I'm sure further conversation will yield something fruitful~ An expansion on the present material if you will. If you do want to DM somewhere for an at-length conversation, consider me onboard, it's been a pleasure doing so thus far. Be at peace and well wishes to you
>>59380 Well, Glacia, I honestly think DMing you would be great! I have an alt I don't use much any more, so yeah, if you wanna meet up from there, and don't mind a bit of a wait time for me to get back to you, then here it is! runningtowards90s All on discord, of course!
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>>59386 A request has been sent, looking forward to speaking with you more.
Does anyone have an art where sunset shimmer has a pin trying to pop someone?
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>>60245 This what you are looking for?
With a blueberry alt
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>>60248 Next time, say so upfront
But is there a seventh part of the "Booty trap" comic?
>>60246 >>60283 Did she ever draw K-Lo?
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>>61944 No, this comic was not continued after the 6th entry due to her retirement. >>61949 Sadly not, though it would have been nice to have seen as a complement to her bandmate here.
>>61965 If you could commission the artist FantasyBlade one thing, that'd be swell.
And then who uploads Necrofeline works to Twibooru?
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>>61985 Not particularly interested, but I'd encourage you to make said commission yourself. I'm sure you'd have a valuable experience in trying. >>62371 Most of those are imports from Derpibooru, so best to check the uploader from there. Seems like most of them are also anons
>>56660 So it's been a hot minute, but the third course has started and we've got some fun planned
>>63109 I like fun. Let’s see how this goes.
Not gonna lie I wish we could do it like the mainstream inflationfriends and request a commissioner to commission something in our stead.
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>>63393 But why? Why would you want to rely on someone else to do that and then run the risk of that vision getting screwed up? It's genuinely not that hard to do it yourself and get what you want far more precisely. As it is, no one wants to be thrown under the bus for a lot of internet strangers and then risk their own rapport with the person they commission.
>>63400 Dunno, it's what we've been doing since forever.
And then someone can take up the continuation of the necrofeline "Booty trap" comic?
>>63109 Page two of the Third Course is here, seems like Twilight's gotten a bit too full from such a tasty treat. Whatever will happen to her?
I have a feeling that they will burst in the end.
Page 3 is being worked on at this time, thank you all for your patience
And how many more pages will there be?
>>67541 Once page 3 is done, there should be about 5 more pages to be done. Though, I'd keep my eyes peeled on page 6. Something fun may happen there
>>67472 Is the owner of the OC still around?
>>65509 Page Three has arrived and Sunset is being packed up and ready to seal for her fate. That just leaves Velvet and what all may come of her in her expanding moments here
And what happens after this comic ends?
>>68191 At this time, I don't have any immediate follow-up plans for post-comic content related to the comic. I'd probably do a different franchise and concept, be it a single image or anything more. If you all want something, FangTime's the guy to approach. You would certainly have my permission if you wanted to spin something off of this, be it the other gals getting blown up or an alternate ending to this story or whatever. Hell, don't limit yourself to just what you've seen from me. If you have a vision, you should pursue it. Do what tickles your fancy because that's what you want to see. The only person that should be in the middle of you and a commission should be the artist you are working with.
Then, if it's not difficult for you, can we continue the comic "booty trap"? I would like to know what will happen next from your point of view. Author: necrofeline.
>>68195 Hey, I've seen you a few times about this. Let me help shut this down as plainly as I can: 1. FangTime was in the thread earlier and already said that unless someone got permission from the original commissioner (which is not me by the way) or could convince the original commissioner to make the comms, it's not going to happen. 2. Indeed, doing that would be difficult for me. I'm not sure you're aware, but getting these comic pages can be expensive. Some of the upcoming pages are going to be £185 done for just the flats. I'm not made of money and I'm not funding a project that I have no stakes in. 3. Speaking of, I don't really care if the Booty Trap continues. It was fine ending where it did. I have no ideas nor plans for it. Genuinely, if that's something you want, you need to speak with FangTime and commission him yourself. I'm not going to do it for you. Do not ask again.
>>68203 What about any of the projects you envisioned?
>>67733 And like clockwork, Page 4 has come to be. Velvet's seeing herself out on this long night of berry fun. But the party won't necessarily stop just because everyone's feeling fruity fine.
>>68216 You know, I've got maybe a few ideas, but most of them are much smaller scale. As it is, I'm sure FangTime would appreciate a break from having to deal with Velvet and the gang after all these months of blowing them up. Though, something with Rarity could be pretty hot...
