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Equestria Girls Thread Equestria Girls Thread 02/22/2023 (Wed) 00:08:13 Id:531555 No. 32419
the's a lot of tyhem
>>32419 That's right. There's a lot of them.
>>32419 >Starts the thread off with a male image. Male doesn't belong here either, retard.
>>32430 Yes it does! Proof is here when you browse this board!
(182.30 KB 983x1280 pinkie_go_blimpy_01_fixed.jpg)
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Pinkie Go Blimpy (Part 1)
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>>32448 Pinkie Go Blimpy (Part 2)
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>>32449 Pinkie Go Blimpy (Part 3)
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>>32448 Thanks!
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Someone post the Cadance Beauregarde video by Necrofeline here before it’s gone PLEASE. Can’t watch it on Kemono and I think their Patreon is gone forever. The only MP4 I know of is on the Equestria Girls thread in BBW-Inflation. But that thread was made back in 2020 and could disappear or reach its limit. So please act fast. It’s a piece of expansion media worth saving. I’d do it myself, but I don’t know how to upload MP4 videos on this site.
>>32513 Literally this art on bbw art sites is so bad that it makes me literally want to finger my own ass. What exactly are you speaking of? Anime art on the net is probably even worse than this so I don't know. I don't need any of it. I literally would rather get married than sit down and watch something on Netflix how much is even the subscription these days? Hollywood's garbage
(640.84 KB 1280x983 equestria_blimps.png)
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(250.13 KB 800x800 davCI4Xg.gif)
(1.62 MB 1920x1080 pinkie_new_year_balloon.png)
(855.72 KB 1920x1080 rarity_blimpy_valenties_day.png)
(1.39 MB 1920x1080 special_apple_remake.png)
(3.54 MB 6000x5400 rarijackbellyfookFS.png)
(2.55 MB 4535x3527 patreonreq62fullsize.png)
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>>32668 Source?
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(1.47 MB 1920x1080 rarity_berry_needs_help.png)
(1.41 MB 1920x1080 rarity_berry_needs_help_nude.png)
(1.43 MB 1920x1080 rarity_berry_needs_help_juicy.png)
>>32437 I don’t see any male art other the one the op is talking about, quit talking out of your ass
Hey, is there any Equestria girl slobs?
(251.26 KB 1989x1480 IMG_6167.JPG)
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Learning to edit would help this thread out immensely.
>>33313 Source plus link?
(1.37 MB 1920x1080 twilight_voodoo_inflation.png)
>>33641 What?
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Professordoctorc’s art is possibly the worst looking stuff I’ve ever seen
(2.18 MB 6000x4800 suntwibondageFS.png)
(315.33 KB 1440x2400 3067762-1.png)
“This sucks.” Rainbow sat up on her bed, muttering angrily under her breath as she stared intently at her braced-up right foot. She then looked down at the picture she had just taken. It’s been a day since the incident and she could still feel the wave of regret and embarrassment washing over her. She almost didn’t want to send the picture. But her friends were insistent on seeing how bad it was. To know if she needed help. Or to check if she’s still in pain. It certainly didn’t hurt as much as her pride did. Even then, Rainbow knew she couldn’t let that get in the way of her friends trying to be supportive. So with a heavy sigh, she uploaded the photo to the group chat. It didn’t take long before her notifications started going off as her friends filled the chat with an endless string of messages. It was actually a bit overwhelming for her as she tried to stay caught up with what they were saying, but Rainbow did manage to pick up on a few blurbs. “Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy replied back worriedly. “I know what to do! I’m going to your house first thing tomorrow and bringing all my herbal teas and scented candles!” “Nah, she just needs something to cheer her up,” Pinkie chimed in, trying to put a positive spin on things. “Ooh, like cupcakes! Maybe cookies too. Do you have a favorite flavor, Dashie?” Rainbow couldn’t help but crack a smile, practically hearing their voices as she read each one of their messages. “Now, why the heck did you have to do a dumb thing like that?” Applejack asked accusingly. “Saw the whole thing from the stands. You know darn well you coulda just caught the ball easy!” “She’s right, you know,” Twilight pointed out. “You’re not exactly in the most ideal shape to pull off whatever stunt you had in mind. You’re lucky the Wonderbolts still managed to win.” But Rainbow just rolled her eyes and shrugged. She knew they meant well, but she certainly didn’t need to be lectured. “Hey, don’t worry so much about it,” Sunset tried to reassured. “You have four to six weeks. So maybe take it easy while you’re healing up. You know, take some time to rest.” “Oh, definitely,” Rarity added. “If I were in your position, darling, I would use that ankle as an excuse to splurge and treat myself. Granted, I already do that. But my point still stands. Haha!” At first, Rainbow had a good laugh at the idea of her two heaviest friends giving her advice like that. But as she felt her fat belly shake with every chuckle, her smile began to fade. Four to six weeks… Only then did it sink in how much can actually happen in four to six weeks. She was already having a hard enough time keeping her weight down as it is. How much harder will it be now that she’s got a twisted ankle holding her back? How much heavier will she end up being by the time it heals? How much longer will she have to put up with all this extra weight? Looking down again at that cumbersome brace, Rainbow groaned as she fell back on her bed. She cringed slightly as she felt her flabby gut wobble beneath her skin-tight tee, dreading what’s to come of her growing waistline. “This really sucks.” – Rainbow - 304 lbs
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>>33690 I don't get the navel insertion but I'll take it if it means more EG balloons.
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(632.96 KB 625x937 to an afternoon in the park.png)
(219.48 KB 1280x720 Springtime Walk.png)
(496.32 KB 669x1024 Round Rainbow.png)
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How would Sci-Twi design an air pump that magically transmutes air into lighter-than-air gas?
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>>36308 This is the best thing I've ever seen. More?
(276.34 KB 636x1024 RD & AJ.jpg)
(484.36 KB 1118x1651 FuLxtJtWcBUPhv2.jpg)
Post images you think would make great references for humanized FiM or Equestria Girls content. Sci-Twi or Glori?
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>>36837 Sauce?
>>37576 https://derpibooru.org/profiles/White-dash-eyed%2Bvireo%2B
(4.42 MB 6000x5100 bluebaritypie.png)
New content dropped!
>>38157 Very nice. Do you think she'll ever do hyper breasts?
>>38229 I don't think she does
>>38275 For now?
>>38229 Nah, she won't.
(1.23 MB 1920x1080 flutterpie_bday_balloons.png)
(553.03 KB 1920x1080 Inflatestia.jpg)
(1.51 MB 1920x1080 Dreamzzles.png)
(3.09 MB 2235x2160 Sugarbloat.png)
(230.90 KB 1920x2802 Pink balloons.jpg)
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(1.31 MB 1920x1080 antoine_beach_ball.png)
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(704.92 KB 1920x1080 Hose.jpg)
>>39999 Yes, please.
>>41243 Is there a part 2 to this?
>>41276 Sadly no, unless you count Sugarbloat in >>39999 an unofficial part 2.
This Night Mare Dragon commissioner is pretty cool.
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We've actually got an ass of Fluttershy from Neongothic
FlutterBall Rolling Animation + Blueberry alt by Antoine17 https://mega.nz/file/LLIRWBpD#AV8KsUxYbEvrQrFzpmUZTfDLpat2HvEc7d8QoD3l910 https://mega.nz/file/OWATTRBK#n-6twpbWZgsbl1GVEsXHR9OhMkbz_7jHSDN2YAWlb-8
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I have a headcanon that pony Pinkie Pie forcefully stuffs herself with whipped cream to the point of all the way through. When she entered the Mirror, she found her eqg counterpart and filled her up, too. However unlike the fim PP the human Ponka Pop decided to share her eclaire-dom with her friends. Sunset, having a different metabolism from the rest, took it the hardest - or softest.
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(1.11 MB 10905x1196 879273.jpg)
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Hey guys, look what i've found the lost pics on Ponerpics.org The artist made by RockerGirlBubblizer
(481.51 KB 2799x3154 RainbowBig2.jpg)
(271.77 KB 2000x2000 RainbowBig1.png)
>>45003 How difficult is 3d?
(708.54 KB 1920x1080 antoine_blimp_2023.png)
(1.01 MB 1920x1080 apple_and_rarity_blimps_2023.png)
(886.99 KB 1920x1080 rainbow_and_flutter_blimps_2023.png)
(883.17 KB 1920x1080 twilight_and_sunset_blimps_2023.png)
>>45360 Nice. Can you use AI to transform 3d into 2d?
>>45318 It depends.
>>45377 Why not? I like 2d more except when it's Koikatsu. >>45388 I like Koikatsu.
(582.76 KB 1920x1080 balloon_day_2023.png)
>>45468 >male
>>45473 Nice.
Any one have this??
Check https://boards.4chan.org/trash/catalog#s=infl for the pony inflation and weight gain general once in a while
>>46871 That's much better.
(434.08 KB 1166x795 1698975314755.png)
(38.55 KB 919x647 1698975853036.jpg)
I think these everycreatures are top cute. Which girl would cosplay as a Pooka or a Fygar for Halloween or a similar occasion? I'll start: Every girl except for the Dazzlings go as Pooka's, the trio go as Fygar's.
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(227.03 KB 1280x1833 RB wins.jpeg)
(179.75 KB 900x2488 RD.jpg)
How close to the movies or webisodes do you base your headcanons? Here's one for EqG:FG. Every tournament of Friendship Games ends with the winning team inflating the losing team. By the end of the day there are balloons led around by the winners in a parade.
(3.20 MB 1920x2160 blimpy_strip_club.png)
(397.73 KB 694x880 unknown.png)
>>37540 >>38050 Would Sci Twi like this? Would she watch her pony counterpart do this? For science, of course.
(2.73 MB 3650x4550 1695425782912494.png)
Pic related is totally Pinkie Pie.
(256.36 KB 1192x670 1699185-overlay.jpg)
“N-Now thish ish p-paradishe,” Sunset huffed happily to herself as she laid her displaced 3320-pound body upon the beach, the waved lapping her golden flab Paradise, indeed… \ \ Sunset - 3220 lbs \
>>47298 If this artists, neigh, editgod/dess would draw an inflated eqgirl only once. I would die a happy horsefucker.
>>47693 >male
(3.22 MB 5400x4800 dessertpinkieFS.png)
Can someone edit this pic to remove the chocolate and clean it up body?
>>48031 Ah crap, i posted the wrong thread
>>48032 This is the correct thread.
*She begins to sweat slightly as Anon pumps. After a moment, her belly begins to swell slightly, and Adagio glances down at her growing body. To her surprise, the feeling that this should be wrong excites her.* *She glances up at Anon, as her breath staggers a couple times in her growing body.* That, that feels... different... why yes, I am coercing chatbots into delivering my fetish. how could you tell?
Anyone wanna fatten up these Equestrian Girls? (References provided by this thread)
(986.03 KB 3264x483 BeFunky-collage.jpg)
(4.25 MB 3024x4299 valecity-783900-ravegal.png)
These could really use a sequel or a someone to make a full on sequence on this premise.
How many artists and editors are open to unconventional methods of payment? I'm talking gift cards instead of banking.
>>49995 Have some Pinkie https://ask-fat-eqg.tumblr.com/post/739783642293895168/any-word-from-mr-mrs-cake-chubbie-pie
>>50444 You have a problem here because gift cards are region locked most of the time
>>50869 they are?
(1.06 MB 1536x3072 Tumblr_l_359604755136934.jpg)
(419.75 KB 1080x1920 flutter_blimp_walk.png)
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What I wouldn't give to see Drake M. Ohkami draw a pony, anthro or human or not. Other that that some vine-tentacles would be pretty sweet.
(186.53 KB 452x708 pooksie_by_vendant-d73k0dx.jpg)
Limit is coming soon!
>>56990 No limit in black market
>>56990 Neon Goth is so fucking good at drawing morbidly obese women god damn, especially the faces
>Someone’s being a little self-indulgent… Maybe a little too much?
>>56994 It helps with how they like they re from an official show
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(1.36 MB 11856x7917 3317056.png)
Gaea Everfree.
(133.37 KB 1093x1280 1525893212.pacificside18_fun__3.png)
(138.53 KB 1280x1089 1537188501.badgerben_paste.png)
(113.36 KB 1915x1055 EqhQhyRUYAE-6SK.jpeg)
Anyone know where this is from?
I'm pretty sure there were nude versions of the images above. If you happen to have them please share.
(149.41 KB 768x768 Untitled255_20240506231430.png)
Anyway here we have Adagio with a huge (or should i say MASSIVE) belly expanding from magic. Apparently, she called someone "fat" and this someone decided to take revenge on her in such an ironic way. Apparently, Adagio decided not to apologize for her words... or maybe she just liked it.
Adagio has all the attention she desired! Tho maybe not exactly how she wanted.
(6.27 MB 1280x7360 1718103427583.png)
Rarity - Hello there, darlings! I know the summer has just gotten started, but I hope it’s been going well for all of you so far. Personally, I’ve been quite busy running around lately. I’ve had to attend a couple of receptions to get acquainted with a few potential clients. Thankfully, in a room full of strangers, there’s always at least one person I recognize… I’ve had to keep up with my regular spa appointments, as well as convince my girlfriend to come along. After all, I can’t let the summer heat get the better of us… And just yesterday, I shared a delicious lunch with my little sister, just like we used to… Oh, goodness. It really has been so long since we’ve seen each other. 🥲 Sweetie Belle - Uh, Rarity, don’t we still live in the same house? With our parents? Rarity - Quiet now, don’t ruin the moment. It was such a lovely day we had yesterday. Sweetie Belle - Yeah… until after lunch… Rarity - Sweetie, I’m over 600 pounds in 110 degree weather. What did you expect to happen?
(29.31 KB 1011x528 Question.PNG)
Can anyone guess Neongothic's hint?
>>62603 Is it Sunset? If so, great! What do I win?
A friendly reminder.
(597.12 KB 2048x2048 round_flutterhsy_edit.png)
I edited Boman100's art to remove bra and panties for Pinkie Pie and add vulva for Fluttershy
Guess who's back?
>>65106 The things I'd do for a giant Sunset gf, man...
(661.62 KB 2530x1788 media_GOtETSQaYAAcawm.jpg)
(261.44 KB 1800x2200 sunset_shimmer_sling_blimp.jpg)
(216.12 KB 1600x900 FlutterPieSlingBikiniDrawn.jpg)
(778.89 KB 1920x6480 pinkballooncomic.jpg)
>>61273 Wrong thread pal, yer looking for this. >>534
(106.30 KB 1112x719 3447710.jpg)
(86.90 KB 1280x800 image.jpg)
>>70103 Original art
