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AaronFly 06/08/2024 (Sat) 22:06:16 Id:902995 No. 60991
Drawings by AaronFly98
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>>60991 that andrea's great, where did you download it?
(1.43 MB 3241x4156 116255623_p1.png)
(4.75 MB 4380x3916 116255623_p2.png)
>>60998 It's on devianart, pixiv and Twitter/X
>>61001 are you sure? I just checked and it wasn't there
>>61002 >>60991 If you are referring to this drawing of Andrea's, I found it on a discord server
(6.12 MB 4312x4288 116255623_p0.png)
>>61003 any more discord pictures you saved? such a shame when they're hidden like this
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I don't remember Aaronfly having a Pixiv. Link?
>>61163 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/83877385
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I’d love to see Aaron make more art of these Lovely ladies.
>>61160 Can some edit jaiden to look older like her mom
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>>62657 Page link?
https://discord.com/invite/9vtCfYMu There you will find the drawing >>62669
>>62673 What’s the server about?
>>61890 contributing my own but also I didn't know they made a fat Mac, saved
>>62673 It's saying it's invalid or expired
You forgot the classics
(3.16 MB 4748x1157 Superheroines.png)
>>63370 Love how huge and messy they ended up getting <3 So skinny before, turned into mindless pigs, eating unhealthy slop
>>62673 Could you send a new link?
>>63438 Hey, it looks like I found a discord server and aaron is on that server
>>63667 discord has a feature to let you search messages with images in them, do you mind using it to post some of his hidden artwork?
>>63668 It doesn't appear, I still show you where the server link is >>63664
There's no link
>>63727 It seems that they have deleted the channel, luckily I took a screenshot so I could copy the invitation link https://discord.gg/T8hFgNZfRu
so did everyone else get hit with a "i should rewatch sgt frog" phase this year
>>63768 God I hope he ends up drawing a morbidly obese Melody Honey at some point.
>>63728 >This group is exclusively for people who can speak Spanish, so if you are not fluent or do not want to use a translator... I think this is not the right group for you. Fuck
>>63768 It could be the band's definitive plan, not only increasing its weight, but also its size, bigger than many buildings and then destroying everything there, the end of Pokopen
>>63772 I just wish he would speak in English, it's so fucking easy
>>63779 Or you could learn spanish, pendejo
(430.37 KB 4096x2393 F2Col0fWEAAs3On.jpg)
>>65050 Peak, absolute peak. I always wanted to see the first pic in this post continued >>60999
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>>66430 Post the full pictures you fucking idiot
>>66450 Those are the full pictures you braindead retard
(9.15 MB 7772x3173 122084844_p0.png)
